\0L. nr.] ciLiiiLorrE, jv: a rmsDJir, avtxIL 3,1827. [>0. 125. prnLISHKT) WEKKLY By LKMI el 15JN(iHAM, fj, Three 'Dollars a- year, paid in aUvance. No paper will he discontinued, unless ut the discretion of tlie editor, until all arrearages are p:iul. Advertisements will be Inserted at the usual Tate-'. Persons sending' in advertisements are rcH'i’.e.tcd to iiote on the niarpin tlie number of ins( ri .Diis, or they will he continued until forbid, and cliarpfed accordingly. \Vute\\es & . 'r T TII031AS rito rrEIl Al CO. HAKP.S this method to in- they have opened a siiop in Cluirloue, ill the house lately occupied by Doct. Panmel ll'-nderson, on the nortli t>itle ■f the Ctjiirt-llouse, where they are well prepared to re pair all kinds of ;.;e Cloctis, pt Ihc si.orlest notice. They hope, by a con st; nt uttontioii to business, to merit tiie pul)lic jlutKiuag'e. ’I'luy have on liand and for sale, till' l.illuwing’ articles ;— (; .il.'v-men’sg'old patent lever Watches; ■ r. ..les’ do. do. do. Sil .vr lever and pl.tin do, T'li IIS, Seals and Keys, Slides and Riuf^s; i..t j’lns, I'in.u-i r Iflnj^-s, and Ear Kings; ^i v.-r I'lilde and 'I'ea .Spoons ; Liulles ami Sii,o;ar'I'onf^’s ; b:Ht r Speetaclcs, green and white, to suit iui :ii,''es ; Militaiy lUittons, T-ace nnd l-pauletts; T.udii. i’ Wolk lioxesand lli tieiiles ; and (Clasps; 'rhlmblts, kc. !kc. SiC. 17^ DU. .JOIIX M. IIAPFOLDT rpAKKS this method of inforniini;- those who \S comm?nced riir.n- int^ betwe en this plure - C;uni(lcn, S. ('. onrc a —distance HO mih •;. It leaves (.harlottti. every Wedne'-diiy at 5 o’ clock, P. M. and arrives at Camdi n on rvid;i\', at () o’clock, I’.M.; leaves Caindi n on Satur day, ut 2 o’clock, P. ;m. and arriv.es in Chur- lotte on Monday at o’doel.-, p. M. hlf.NS Or' 'I liK TIMKS. I'roiii the National Intellir'enccr. In the lollowiny; letter, which reachcd IIS by the last mail from Harrisburg, from a source (‘ntitlcd to full crcdit, our to ('amdcn, S5. or 6^ ror.tsi ceadcrs will find ollior “signs of the limes,” not less striking; tliun any we have yet spread before lliem. per nnle. I'or seats, apply at the tliiierci.l Post-Oflices. Persons wishing to travel on tliis I’ne, mi'v expect to meet with gooil aeci n.r.iodatuiiis, and on as cheap teriiis as any other line in tiic southern country. '1 here 'is uou a di-( ft sta^e line from Charleston, S.C. to Knowille. Tenn. which passes throun’h this place ; and besides, stapes leave here every wee!., iir ddi'erent di rections, thus allordiiig' facilities of eoninuiui- cation with every section of the country. I'llOMAb UOVl). Charlotte, Feb, 24, 1827.—4t2?' iiAHHisr.fnr;, y,\:\cn lu, —Tlic “Signs of tlie Tiities” ar;.', indeed, omi nous of an unprincipled conibinafioii of aspiring men, who are deteriiiiried to I raise ihemselves into ofiice, and tint j by any means, and at any jii ice—even the destriiction of the very eienu pts oi oiir excellent Governmet)t. You are r.or- yui;;- iritri]jre;iaii'n of Mr. \',in i’liiren’s threat in the Seriate: for a part I ol the •• con)binaijon” iiuvc been ijrie. i with purse in one liatid and a cltil) in the other. One of them- (who, by tlie way, TVKKNupaiid committed to t'le | furgotteti his pi udence,) slated to jail of this county, on the 24th ol i me that they bad in their hands S-.'>00, n.'ceniber h-st. a negro nnn, about | fo- ti,e purpose of establishing a Press — ^'Ih^ere, muI if the IMitors of ti e ' Pennsyl will R-ive the above four ins( rlions in hi jjeT. and forw;ird his account for payment fe.t stout and well made, has losrt some of his teeth, one of which is a i front tootli in the lower jaw ; is of ra ther black complexion, calls bir.i'eif (jVUL'S, and says he belongs to C'.iiarles .M'Cullocb, near Hocky Monnt, Soutli-Carolina, whom he left iri the nionth of .lune lust. AI.I.KN liAI.DWIN, Juilur. Charlotte, Feb. 21, 1827.-20* SKLJ.IN(; OFF At t'osts a\u\ t'Aiivvgcs. rjjlllE subscrilier, intending to close his bnsi- vania inieliigencer wotild turn into the p.ack, and beilnw lustily in favor of (ien. Jiitkson, and t!ie disorganizers who mitkf'*lii^ gallant ‘•ervices a cloak to hid“ their dishonest purposes, their j)atronage r.honUl be inrreas«’d to double its fster.t; if not, that the S2.000 should be npj'died to establishing a Press to answer those purposes, and crush them. Such is the course these nu'n adopt: but as tlicir schemes bec«;me kfiown,-! feel a'lsured that the good sense of this .State will ui- ness in this jilace witli the hast possible; timately put down such unboly conibina- deby, offers his remaining stock of goods at ■ tions. Whatever the opinie-n of this unusually low prices for casm. A hbc ral dis-' State mav be in relation to tb.ene:^t Pres- count also will be allowed to those who liur-' • i ,• i .t • , • i , . rh-iseinlots . ulcntlal Llectlot), this IS certaifi; that I.'.e mav leel disi)osed to lioiun’him With their;''iiase ui lots, i • r,i n i i i piitronage, that he has remt.ved to ti.r late resi- Tho.se persons who are ind. bted to him, j.re ' /'"at majon i y o. l.ie I eon.e here sre tl’- di-iice ot .Mr. .\bner Houston, IkTv' he may be | requested to call and settle ‘Jirir accounts i i i-; cidocdy luvoi imn* to li;c y pi.i ;iUi-n fl; ii.d and consulted at any time, except when dier by note or otiierwir.c) iiiimedi;i‘ely ; aiidi hy tiie presi-nt Administration. Its pol- eiigitged in his professional iivocations abroad, those who can neg'cet tins irieiidiy wanui.g, | y j j 11^,. saive whi^’bbas ahvr.VS l)C IK wouki also return his thanks to the inhabi- tnits of Providence aiul its vitlhitN, for their l.jcral patronage duiing the past year ; he fur- lliern'ore solicits a continuance of the same, .nnd will endeav(>r, by his assiduity and attention to business, to givi general sutishictioii. Con-' »i.it rmg the scarcity of money, and the ]>res-■ s.iK- of the limes, bV promises that id., charges j Mi.xandtr, d. Ci;.s. d, Attempts have been made, we are well assured, to purchase two other presses, that are now^ estal)lished, or to employ, their Kditors in slatidering the Adminis tration, ttnde:' the j)ronuses of lai ge sup plies and liberal su|)port; but happily wtthoul eflect; the Ivlitors of those pa- [)eis being loo high minded, to be thus Itougbt up. It is thus that the leaders of the Opposition (not the People) are detertnitied tocoiUrol puldic o])inion, iitul corruplly elevate themselves to olace, o- ver the ruins of those who nuw jireside over t!u! Nation.” It is a most sinister state of things w bicli this paragraph describes—.so mon- •>trous, indeed, that we do not yield to it in easy I'aifh, If the fact can be proved which is alluded to in the above, and of which faint i umors have before reached u*-', we shall see where the epithets uf C>)alition, corruption, &c. projjcrli/ be long. Lei us not be supposed to ciiarge these i!)ings on the body of tlie friends of (Jen. Jackson. Most nf them are >oo honest and direct in their political purposes to resort to such n»eans as th»‘se to sustain tiie claims of tlu-ir candidate. It is only veterr.ti traders in politics who could touiiive such a plan for subsidizing the presb, V iiere it is venal, and Ijreaking it down v.’'iere it cannot be seduced. We o.istak'’ ‘'I'le signs of the times,” if ibe oiigitial friends of (Jen. Jackson do n(jt in limi’ fiml thal they have sullei'ed Jben)- se'.vos to be the spoi l of thesuj>erior tact and dexterity of the more accomplished Icadei s” ill whose service they arc at •jirtsenl !)iindly enlisted. I'.'om the llaltimorc Patriot. 'rm: colomai. 'ikadk. It will be se.'u that the President has issued his proclamation in , coid’urmity -viih the act of the 1st of March, 182;'. i)y I be r>th section of tlie above mi-ntion- ed act it i., enacted, that the same shall contiiiue in force so long: as certain (miu- _> I icy i.j ;ne saire win'-ii has al\vr.ys ijcen i . , . i n i i ,i ne. d not expect any further indn’- 'nre, | ^ for by tbe ]{cpul)!;e:/n Part'- ' ^PCUed to the ves fore the last. Well; what preveniedt Congress from legislating then ? It is au extraordinafy r’proai luo make the to Ex ecutive, lhat Congress did not perform its duly, supposing it to be its dutyjio leg islate. On this point, we recur’ to ihc speeches of two gentlemen who look thtt lead on ojjposite sides oi’ tlie ciuesiion, ia (he deba'e in the Senate at its last ses sion,^arul wliich have been pulilisiied in l).m)|)blet form, and which we prujjosc; to publish ui crlmso shortly.—(le:ieral Smith says, in his speech, sjji aking of the proceeiliiigs at the session i)retediiifj (he last, “I lo(jk my own cour.-ie, and moved ihal the nporloflhe Coniniiltett on Commerce should be recommitted* with inst! uctiori:,, aim 1 succoeded l>y a Lu ge majority of the St'naie. It was sent to the Comniitiee on riii.mce, and 1 re ported a bi!l wliich would have passed out lor tnnnl of lime.—It was not n jecied, us Mr. Caiiiiiiig has staled.” Aga:n,lhu venerable ^ienator sa>s : “Tiie terms ullered were li!)eral. We all admitted thal they were so ; that we were perfectly sa islied uiih them ? And u liy then did we not accept them. I have already answered iliai (luestion: because Con gress had not titni' to act.” And again, speaking of the bill of tlie session [)efore I he last, he says : Tliat a majority of the Senate was in its favor, 1 do know, and thal it would have passeil ij vx had had hod time." 'I'hus, according lo ihc high evidence ol il.e Senator I'rom Mary land, three timesileliveretl, it was nol i.he President, but v'lint of time that prevent ed the passage of the bill at the session prior to the last—a raiber strange cause, by the way, wlien we recollect that the session was of about six inonilis dura tion. This evidence of (Jen. Smitli ought to be deemed conclusive, as lus speech appeals to be so deemed by the .najoiuy ol the Senate, ol'whoni uc was one. Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, in his speed!, says. At the “last session, a ino- mui ial, pi aying ilie removal oi liie tlis- JONA IIIA.N IIAKKIS. Charbtte, X. C. March 1.S27.—4t25 ri'^IlK undersigned havii.g (pialilied ss F,x*^cu- JL tors to the last w .11 und It stament of Wil 'd’ tbi.s Stale: and ii’the ('onibitiatlon pu"- sue that indiscrimiiuite up'U)’-itif.t,, a re action v\i!l b-.* produred. l':'i;i iples can- erinii.iaiiny; duly, was, relerreci Uj the sels ofllie L’niled States, but that if the | “Commiilee oi V.omineice, who o.ado iT, .I;im:ary sions of Cabarrus C(iirt, hi vi by rKjiM.si al sons indebted to said tieeeasid, bv not.', viticec will 11 e ver\ nuxU r.tte. ridi'lih )in, Mcdclenljur^ cintiili/, JS'.C. 1 J tlmiary 1, IS27. 18tt 5 j account rr ,therwise, to make iiayn.i nt; and K. H. Fan ily Medicines kept on hand for sale, j all those having elainn aff'ainst said estate, are ^ — — j hereby rc(juired to present them for j)ayment, I ' ’“-''C! within the time pre>cribed by law, or this no-i ‘I'i I n»)t. be Ifst si.q'.U of in ovr mi;.; i!'l of nu'j'. It is iiMTiftied tli.'it {)o'! f.T ihe ;.\s-;pbi!i IS i'l oijpote liie r-,.!ti.‘ .\i.Mn;i.isi. a- I)er-|tioti, and ovorilirovt' it too, un’;'';s it will l ook-: (filter inlo tl.eir \ieu;-.. 'i bis, I am ron- I intercourse belwern the United States and ' ;;!1 (,r r.tiv oi’ the said ports, shall at atiy i I tinic bo prohil)i!ed l)V Ar I /f Parliament, j j or '':ilerin CotJiu il, tIn p, jr I'rom the ; i ; :n,e w ’.n ii tlie sa^J.c rori.i‘, prui:laination liie - vciininistr, 0 tice will be plead in bar. ,^nd beware of the Swindler. j ai.piionso ai.kxaxdku, 7 ,^ .... XE Thomas Hadley, (and, I am ashamed to j ALr.XANDh.H, 5 acknow ledgi, a kinsman ol my ow n ) eanie tn iny house in November last, anil was treated j vith kindi'css and respect, .\bout the middle of December he bargained w ith me for a valua- X bic stud-horse, at the [jrice ef ^150; said he then ■ rod- a borrowed creature, the owner of which cujjied by Mrs. M. Wishert, deei ased, fur tlic >1* lee. OFFKIl for rent, the w ell know n lioase and ! :ion of this State 'rhey vill lake such be d.’i ided u-p.>u ijy iie [ IJepubliran Party ol’tne State, an-.l none other. (.iuvenit.T Snub--!' has jir l bren iinanimoi.sly re-elected by tlie I.)eniocra,- tic Party, aufl. bv l.is prtidence, haS se cured a giealer dr,iee ui’ public balioti than Cit'.y m.un w bo b.ts e\i r held lots in the tow n of (,'harlofte, f(irmerlv - ^ oiiice. ll!i Iiiui (^ocs liie DemuCia- lived about one milt from Concord ; borrow ed term of one jear. Any person w ishing ti-rent, , of me a valuable mare, with a saddle aiul bridle, can have the opportunity of so doi'ig, by aji- j 00 and started in the morning, to be back in the , plving^i the subscriber, or to Samuel .\P(;omb , evening, with the f 150 te pa\ for the stud, but in the town ol Charlotte. ■ M ILUAM M'COMI Feb. 27, 1827.—3t25 ic Party. “ 'I’hcrc can ,c no doubt that niessen- iii ver returned. Saiil Hadley is about 23 years old, middle si/e, sandy compl\ xicni, and a down lo('k : the mare is black, a w bite face, four vhite K •gs, and is branded with \V, II. Any person w ho will give me information of said J’.is.'al, ar.d dirert to the post-ofHce in Concord, f'a> :irrus eountv, X- shall be generouslv re named. ■ W.M. HAlUilS. I', binary 17, 1827.—3t25r (Ij The Courier, Augusta, Ga. will insert the above three times, and forward his account to Concorvl, (Jaharrus countv, N- ('■ nr subscriber ofl'ers a vt ry vabi-.Mc t’-act of land at pr.vate sale, containing about Any person wishhi^ tcX buy my T 250 acres, haxe been depalche! lj eveiy Slate i.e I'niou Wilii ll;e ini)t.ivi.‘s that biour/iit liu.se •aru! j. is right thal the People should ktujw it." This Letter, repeat, is f'rom a source in which we repose inii^lici' (’aitli. It shev.s the extent aud ramiikations ol’j “ a repurl deeliinn;^ legisla jon, bee.uusa “ 11 ^ as a pro])ei sul)ji“;..i lor nei^nuaiioii. “A iJiii lor tliai puipusi oo>ve\er, *• Mill ouuced, but was nol acieo upon lor ball l>egin to be in ! “'i/ heu the gintlemau to that tired being' Aiaryland applied to tiie Presi- 'madeby the President, the act, so far as ^ “ili nt anil .'^cei etai )- ol Slate, tliey botli it eoti.'ertis the inti rcourse between ihej “said il mij^ht oe rei)ealeilj liiey made United Stales and the said poris in Bril-1objecuon; iney did nut dissuadii isb vei sels, shali reuse lo oper ate in their “ 'bej both lold him tiicre was no favour, and the acts of the 18th of April, “longer any d.iricuiiy in ilie adjustment 1 .1'^ and ] jih ol'-’Mav 1S20, shali be re-1 “of the a»air with (Jrcat liniam; iliat vi\. d. 'i be proclamation of the Presi- “ Uie negotiations were about .0 oe rc- dent l.o es this pi ohil/ition to have la-! newed. li was a mere que.uon, whc- keti iJ..i >: by ihe a t of parliament of the the not if.tVigue'-. v.hii ’i are on foot, know V. h(j lompose the \V( Mi',' me. 1 will sell low. Feb. 2f., ir>27.—2!?5 JACOM P.AKKU; I i NT) Stage llon'ie, at the sign of the Fugle, . in Charlotte, iNortb-CaroIina, !)v V ubWc i\\ c V\ w\ luv* i\\. ^^111', subscrilx-r informs his friends and the »- public, that he Jias |;un h;iS( d that well ’••novMi e.->t;iblisV.'iic nt, lati'ly ow tied and oeeiipi- 0(1 1>\ Dr. Ilenderhon, and is now prepart il to •'lit' rtain travellers and otlu rs, w ho m;i_\ please | (,1,1 1 .ill on him ; and no i xertions will be spared \\ I 'i> r’ iider them comfortalile, and their sta\ a- ei a'de. Jlis table wdl i'urnished with ev- ’'P' vani ty w bicb Ibe eountry allor-ls; his !)ar '* i'b the best of li([uors; and his staul v.itii ri. iiiy of jjrovender, aini carefld servants W ill Ue in constant attendanre UOUKUT I. DINKINS. 'ii:irlotte. \pril 20, 1 h26. *80 ijT'.Vvilke. \I.I, ])crsons bolding rec( ipis against And’w. Claik, as ('on^f.ible, for thv l.e^t year, ai-e I reijiiosted to coiiic’ loruard and ht'l Their p>- ■ |)«rs Iriiin tl;e tnuler .lj,‘;niil, as :1k t..iin 1 i.- lice of the said Clark has i xpiri il. W. ‘li. \l-l.i',.\l!V. II. l!)0\F.!f, .lOSKIMI Iti.ACKW (H)D. Feb. 26, 1827.—.it2.'5i- N. H Mot of the paper-, are in the hands oi \V. II. .M'I.eary. J OS’I’or 11.1 l.ud, a I’n* k> I Mo(d;, ei)iit..in:n;c li twenty ibdlais. 'Ibe ])t>eket L'ouk wasan and bad been injiind by bi ing bnrnt, r may ha\e l'oui,d said pocki't book, 1 say, that tl;ey have exceeded their cotn- ’TiM-.sion, ll'tiiey have mafb* the snppor' j (;f (jen. Jackson a ;une iput nfui with tl e ! Harrisburg Intelligencer. If the.y bat! i understood tb»'ir instl uctions, thev would prulj.ii>ly iia\e t e( ofi.oieiuied, in ..ili'i lOii M " vniiivil'l’r 1 o; iHi'-ilii ti to tbep-^- leiii AiMiiiiiistratioii, tii.a .by all tuej.iv i the Int( )ii:'eiicer shoidd avoid “ pii-ma- I lure comriiittals” a‘i lo the 'successors lo , the Presidential and \’ic ’ Cbair.s, l?ec;iuse, it is well that, in the pro‘.[>ect of th j the nev.ly /.e;l jir.rtv, v. bt I t inu iil” hu 1 l^een *• ci!u eiit r ! \\'a''d’.iiiglon rvrvjulw a cantlid Pres'.den',!.,! UTidcrstood, success o!' i nO • * •• I I - to be delei miiied on bv the jrs- W lie. VvvviVuev’s ^SVvvclvives. I' PCni.lSIIl'D, a!id Ibr -,a!i‘ at this of fice, “ Strietnns on a book, eiititled, ‘An Apology for the Mook of I’sahns, by liilbui McMaster.’ Tu which are added, Ifi marsk on f booK, [by A!e\iiider tionhm] rntitled ‘'I'he 'ij^n and Uie of tiie Dook of Ps.ibns.’” ]{y rU.vnv |{rFKM.u, A. M. \\ ith an Appendix, >y .I.HiN .Ni. W'n.su.v, pastor (>t' lloekv Uiver and l^bilad. Iphia. KlUrv TnkiMbs’ Warrants, For s.ile, at this Oflice. W hoe\ and will Iravi- it, willi its eontents, al ll iice, shall be snii.ibb n v. ardeii. nikis roi'jir.c rr.\ r.-N.-;. March .I, IHJr. —2'. J6 snliscribei’s I. mc r uniineneed !)n‘;ine''S JL t\\ ()door'> ea-'t ot tl ■. I’l. iek Store, on f'liur !• Strert, u here they u ili .-.lipijly tl.o.-.e uh(»niay wish to Cidl on till 111, u ilh MAitiii.i', 'ro.Mi! sroM;?', Titl)!cls and MoniiineiUs, at tlie shor'i-st notiee, .'ind tlir wurk wdl be tx- ecutol in tlie IK ,.t( st iiiiiiincr. All orders from ibe c i.nliy will be ]jr mipt- ly aitc 4ided to. The S' !,is ribrr-i vvill fnriiish Mai! le or I re ( Stoni', l*H- SI’. p>, nnderpiiiiiin!',-, duor'and ed ’ af e is yet p i' f y f'.r orii ^ of tl'.ose chairs—and yws.sv'/'.y I‘or r.oiii. Jlut, however the enibis^y to Ilarris- I)tirg may ba\e been instructed, the lai > above disclosed is really appalbi.g. \\ ha' i ate v.-e come t'. wlien this sort (>f “ im- ' ■■ oi' tlie pres-, coniiiniK.iog jlb of July, H25, and by an Order iti ('tiuncil ot'the 27tb of July, 1820, wbicb wentinlo etfect on lhe2nfl of Decembi r last; a.;d the conlin^ericy contemplated having aiisen, and nolificaiion of it be ing now given’by the proc lamation, the aMs of Apiil, 1818, and May, 1820, ate conse()uently revived. By the first of tltese it is enacted, that no liritisb Vesst l sliall come to this country from such Hi itish Colon! d ports as are s!iut to our vessels. The second, vibi'h is suj)ple- no.nt;!ry to the lit-it, CHttnirrules liiese pMis, and both subject Ifj conlisi atifjii the \ess(ds ard cargoes violating the sami'. Neither of these acts touches tlu ini( r- (ourse with Canada.- As ihe interdicK c! vessels must comt; by sea, the lake navi gation reii .nns u)iuO’' Cterl. 'I'liis proclamaiioii, sa\s i'»e A»nf ricun ( from wbii b v,v ropy the present article,) .1 •■e.jiii -ed b; the act of March IKJ J ; aiid Con j,; 11'.'s iia'i’ig left that law unre* i.eah .1, tio )l!n,.r^c(;ui se remained to the r ;eeiitivr. f I'vatne bas In en tlirown on the admin- i-;rati(jii, because no legislation on lbi> s.j!)ject tool; place in the s( ssion /f 1HJ‘) —•~'u a cirentiisianee attributed to a de- ■ li •' in the Cabitiet t(; liniib tlie mailer !.\ II. :'oii i’ion. \\'e have before lemarl.ed, n h‘tl 1 ' .ikini' on this subject, tliat tbis Mt!'ecen -(^ was Tiatiir.d for sj^veral rca- s!)us. Negiiliii'i'in wus a more deiitiile, (01,1 Itisive aiid perni..neiit mode of ai- lan^eintnt. It has already “iherii was better to giv: iinin iiiis “in advance, or hoid it in our iiaod.i un- “ til the negotiaiion. • Bui they leL mm “entirely at lioeriy, and he bo btaicu, lu “Ills .spetich of last year.” Thus 11 appears that it was not the Ad- raiidsiration, but ilie want ot lime, ihal prevented the passage of the bill.' I'hc President and Seci clary ot SluI'', *v iicu applied lo. It ujjpeais, Irarikiy ga\e oeir opinion. They ihouglit 11 best o el- leci the ooject by negou lUon, the m ans in which Doth (io\crriim ni-> up iO iliat lime, bad confided; but ihev did not at tempt to control llie action of ihe Senate, vvbicli was left free to parsue lU own cour.se, and whivh itaj)pear'» wouui oavo passed a bill if it could nave Juuni lha lirac. After all, neither the Adiiuinsti-atiori nt^r ihi Opposilioii to the Adniiuistra- tii>:i, IS lo blame on account ol the pre,- senl stale of ibis fi!ie''tion. (Jrea lirit- lan alone is ehargealjle with the existing; >onditionof the controversy. Had she notifn'd the Amei iean (Jovernmenl, ill .viarch,' 182'"), tbatsiie w((Uid /lo/ nego- iiale, insu-ad of inviting il lo renew iho 1 ni-gotjation, the fjuestion mtgbl hava J ijeen aaiislacior.Iy settled at the session ol Co.’ii'.'resh nieuous tij the labt. l)i'()veine!it in the core of t! • 10 in^^ir.uate itselt an ii.fiuential pri (iovrtutiet is made wbere\er tbi 1 e xisls s w Iiirb bas tif)t alrea- dv been subdiietl ,- At ihe m l y moment of making tl-.is rffierli'ii, ue have met v\i'.ii the follow it -, in ibe '1 len'on 'i rue Af.'fi'iian (.1 Satui'iiay l ist: “In tidditif.n. to bat b;.s nlrrady been .Iisi lover! on li'.i. snljp-rt, we v.er-i iiloiii'iil by at. (jjip'/'Mi ;on }',eni leuiuM, .1 sbort Mnie sifirt, w !io pi . l. nd' ! to l\i;u\' . bat \\h(j roiild tio', it opp-ea!;, ki ep the sei lets (,!’ bis [lartv, that tin v w •- has already been resf^rti d to. and was in Ic.f.l slill pending; and tin lel'usu! of (Jreat Pritain to n' g ):iate. riiid still more the declai aiiori of Mi. l^atiiiing. 'bat he did not ( onsidc'- it a mutter ijf a iiegotiat ;oo, ga. e sur- 1)1 !se to some Iei,isl;lion, as an i il', fri', I lie prei'i 1 ence le'.'‘".! bv 'he Ca' of tiie well as l(-r 1, Inet. ; iid\ocates (.1 the ( .ibine. ■M' groiitid-. loi 1 ’ o 11 u! 1 J' 1 m a f 11 a :e .i!- > irealed 1- i ‘Attd V»hm\s - For sale, it Oificc uf the=4^iirn3l. dow .slll.i f’b( ra-.v li()!5l',U I ‘ .Ian. 2,\ U.J, uildi SV\ Ki: 1 l.AM). — rii,'. as they n 0 V> SI vv\>\* S \V VIV V uu\ s, I — For al ‘bis Oilice. they inteiid pies^es in w ei e lo be > Adniinislr.i! , ’ I, . a mi.tl oL^ ■) I ' to cm; loy in 1 in I d:!o: ':.l artici" in tbe |d S.i;I V. \'i e ’.vo:;!,; 1U( I s a'■et’M'-n. bo-.s rvi-r. more ..iriv ;o t!.„i p,u t ot’ 1 be ai tic i i govs to s'lo.v that t!.e i'.'.i! M" t.' I ,ii > . i. it h'oiu tlie illt.■r[^ j ,\n iniiii'U'a.ioii. !)ut IVom lime. I U ilU ll I'olisloti:: t he te'. , lal SntfS, W li!' li oi,.'!('ye,! in wri'ii'.g dowi.’ii- | “ 1,1 r'>r has b.: cn itM ibi;t( (l to 1 lie inn, and ;,t gi.efl Irotn tbr-., j ministr.i'.on, bec^se Coi,g' (Ss flnl gv ' \'t on t'.v a i;y I’lir. pur..',ii)K.\r iM' tiik cmi eJ) .“s 1 I r,.s. VnOduiMATIOX. W'lii itr.As by ibe si".tii section of at\ a'-.' ol (^)tigress entitled “ An act lo reg- i.iaie tlie commercial intoi’Coiise !)etwee i i!.e Cnited States and certain I'ritisli col- oni;.l ports,” wiiicli 'vus approved on the lirst day of M ua.',^ in the year our Lord it is enacted “that this act, unless lopealed, altered or amended by Con- :" ss, shall be and continue iti foice so ixug as the atjove enumerated. Pjrr.isii ' oh iiial poi Is si'.all be open t'l the ad- 'ii., iionof the vesstds of tbe U. Sl iles. the M a- (.oidoi lOubly to the provisi'>ns of the uartieu- llri-isli ;;rt of Parliam'Mit, of the 2i'h lU. ol June last, bemg the forly-fourtli cbap- islati ter ot tbt Acts of the third year of (.eoige Ibe I'ouilh : TJut if at anv ime t.be tt ade atul iitlt rcr.nrse iiet weeii tl e U. Stales atid all ar any of the above en imi. \d rat'-d hiitish ndonial poits,_auihorizoe !',o: b) li>e said act of Parliamen', should L ‘•Sion b'-- pt-'jbibi'ed by .i J.’ri»i-di Order in Cet’t ,,ton ol tin li.e Want oi

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