\iMrcti !” 'I'l'is w js pr«.’iio\ific *'(1 In I)- •* a result f;.7-’i«7///y irrutilVmi'. ” II \v;is li>c cot '■tiininatiun of liopo, anf the cli max orf'clicily. **'l'he ScTialv,” says tlic bartte a: lick', “Ijccorues /'iC conl/ol/ina poiver of the Clovtrni'nctit.” A prMi\ sort of Republicanism, or Dcmorrary, truly, is coming into vo,que utulrr tin- influciico of the “ coiicerili aiion” {M titlf- men, who exult at the ch«.ict‘ of I'edf-ral benators, and rejoice that ilie SK.sArE is \o control the two Popular hi antlies ol Uii Government ! This is patent and ‘‘un proved” Kepuhlicanism. I’his from tin ILnquirer ? Why, it is the very ei rorcf the moon: and we need not wonder at ihf singular votes of the late Legislature of ihul State, by which the exisience of a General Government is made aquesiion- ?bfe afl'air, w hen we find its oracle so be- '?ide itself. It is high time that the intelligenre of Virginia should throw off its vassalage io the Enquirer, whose false doctrine and jiolitical lieresics, innocent in their con ception, but fraught with danger in iheir maturity, are plunging the State, d( epor and deeper, into the most inextiitable coniradictions. It is fortunate that, by the natural operation of such inronsis- K’Dcies, the opinions of the Virginia Legislature have lost much of their >veight with her Sister States: for we say it with the most entire conviction of the truth ofwhat we say, that the predomitj- ance of the Virginia dociine among the Slates would be the overthrow of this Union. For, we ask, what son of inter est can tlie People of ll.c transmontane Sta es and Territories feel in the dura tion of this (iovernment, if they are to liave no knowledge of its existence but through the medium of tax-gatherers, traversing their lands, numbering and regiblering their horses and their oxen, their farming utensils, and their house- liold ifl'ecis, and exhausting ingenuity for sources of revenue, and objects of taxation} How long would such op pression be borne by an indignant Peo ple? To this,undoubteilly, wem«.v/comc, if the Enquirer doctiines prevail : for, if the duties oo imports be repealed or ina- tei lally reduced, direct taxes necessarily follow—and, if the Government have no license to expend money on the improve ment of our internal communications, by land or water, or upon any other object whatever in the interior, there is no way in w hich any portion of the pul)lic money can i)e expended for the benefii of those from w hom, in fact, the bulk of it is col lected. I'hc “Signs of the Times” continue to be full of interest. The organs of ihe Opposi'ion continue to bo.isi of the “or ganization” of their Party : ihey siiil hold the language of menace and intimi dation to those who do not choose to lie harnessed in with ■.hem, to drag a half dozen aspiring Politicians initj power. But there are also signs of a re-act ion among the People—tlie voice of reason, heard in whispers at first,gathers strength as it floats upon lhe gale—already it is distinctly heard, and ere long will pro nounce in a voice of tliunder the sentence of condemnation against the league es tablished here durini; the Winter for the purpose of imjjfovini' the condition of the Press, and giving a direction to the public suffiage Uy the force of political organization and parly combination. If one half of the vile trash which every day IS pul in circulation by the opposition pressfs, respecting the President and his Cabinet, be believed by the people of Eu rope, they must think that the American ration is the most corrupt, upon eurih. r Government is constantly held up as composed cl fools, knaves and traitors ; and if there is any honesty left among lhe people, it is confined to those sjioiless libellers, who are so busily employed in ■^jrnpagating their dirty slanders. Ought not the j)eople to take the matter in their own hands, anti pui down these distnr bers of the peace, and detractors of tlie National ciiararier Messrs. Adams S; Clay have, however, this consolation left, "besides the consciousness of their own patriotism and integrity.—Washington was denounced as a traitor Ijv the iiire- ling assassins of that day : 'i he sliufis ol malignity when directed M Mr. JtfT.-r soil’s reputation, ft 11 harinltss to ilie .ground—and even in the St nate of the Vj/iiied States, a metuber of that bi>dy had the audacity to declare that tin- \ir- tuous Madison deserved a lialter. I'.very one recollt'cts how the pauioi Montoe brought upon himself the whole ki’iiricl of venal scribblers. Vet all these nieti biill siirvi\e the base attem{)ts lo ilcstroy liiein, and will continue to live in the gra'.ilude and aflection of a free proj)lo. Bic.'imond il'hig. A report Iiavirg found its way in’o ^♦*veral pajjers, that an an agemeni of ilie lifrertfnce on tl;e Colonial (,ueslion with Great Britain had been made by Mr. 'Gallatin, w e have taket! some pains to in quire into tl'.e truth of it. ^V\' 'earn that there is no ground whatevei for th.e re port; but that, oil the contrary, (ircat Britain pei'severes in altogether refusing to treat on that (|uestior,. 'I'here is, there- f>re, no prospect v» hatever of any adjust rieiit of it by convention. It js now mote than ever a matter of legiei, iitai CiJiij^iess slioald have ad- io.*iUcd any new law. I ^ lii'.i V.hifl. 'Acs s'lu.ultanrcu^l) re- , !jitrd by the ('onimitt* es of the tw> !ioii-i's specified ’.he condititjns on whieh tins (iovmintrnt was v\iilingto j^lace the trade. '1 ht y were ieast>nable and mod erate', and contained the smallest amount of piivileee with which ihis country, with any reu;ard to its interests, could be satisfied. Hatl that bill passed, it would- have snhstantially met tin- terms of,il;e Hiitish act of Parliann nt of 132J, and b» t n a legislative proposition to the british Gtnerninetii,which could not Niave he* I, declined wiihnut its beani^ manifes ted to tlie whole world that Great I’li- tain is unwilling to j)lacc tlie trade with this country on the same footing as she has put it with all other nations. It may l>e asked, w hy cannot the sauu* conditions l)e thrown into the for in of a C onvenuonr 'I'he answer is, htcause (.ireal Itiitain U'ill not treat I'he Senate, hy puttiiij.^ a- side the l>ill of its own (^oinmitter, and substituting that of (ieii. Siipiih, md then refusing an anieiKiinent of thr llousi. which was necessary to give effect k- his l)ill, and called for by the honour and character of thiii country, has left tfii' (|ueslion in a most t'tnharrassing state. Nothing can be done now until tlie Congress, at the next session, shall sup ply the defect of legislation at the last. The consefjuence is that of;e year, if not more, is lost by the course whieh the Senate r>ursued. ?>at. Jovrnal. Prtnct Edirnrd Mt elinp;! '—The En- |uirer pomptjusly sets forth in one ol its front columns, the “ Resolutions of the Citizens of Prince Edward, assembled at Israel Hill, on Saturday, the I7th inst. for the purpose of taking into considera tion the most « fl'ectual means of securing the election of (ien. And rev/ Jackson, as President of the United States, in prefer ence to John Quincy Adams, the present incuml)enf.” Mr. Christopher Strong was called to the Chair, and Mr. William I'^llis was appointed Secretary. C'harles Carter, Esquire, and I)(»clor Burwell Moss delivered poiverful and doqueut ap peals^ in favor of Gen. Jackson, and a Committee, composed of sundry Gentle- men, Joseph liarilett, Samuel White, 8ic. was appointed to draft sundry Resolu tions, which were forthwith reported, and unanimously adopted. I’he Resolu tions are charged with unusual hitierness against all coalilions—denounce without mercy, Adams, Clay, and Tyler ; and as usual, shower extravagant praises upon Cien. Jackson, and John Randolph of Roanoke. Now it turns out upon unquestionable authority, this formidable gathering of the Gentlemen Citizens of Prince Ed ward, v.'as entirely composed of fiu:k ni> CU01.S and ml'Latiots, 8c that Enquirer, one of the most distinguished ‘organs’ of the ‘ corn!)inati(ii),’ has been most ter ribly hoaxed ! ‘We sinci-rely sympathise with the Editors for the disastrous plight into which they are till own by these sa ble patriots of “ Israel Hill,” and we re commend to them in future, to be more cautious how they admit into their col-' umns, marvellous and exaggerated ac counts of “numerous I’ublic Meetings ” got up for the purpose of producing ef fect at a distance ; and in nine cases out of ten, are composed of a few lounp;crs and grog drinkers, who are loo lazy and worthless lo atiend to '.heir own ailairs. liidnnond W/iig. It will ho recollected that at the last session of ('ongresj, a bill was rejiorted !)y the Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Jie|)resentalives to author ize an exchange of sixteen millions of stock, bi-aring au interest of six per cent, for an eejjal amount bearing a reduced interest of five [)er cent. I heoi^jecl of this excliange was two fold. In thf first jxluce, it was to redeem a certaiti portion of public debt now becoming due, by ex changing that amount of stock, for a siinil.ir amount redeemable at a more re mote period, and thus protracting tlu* liquidalion of so much of ttiedebt. 'I’liej second object way U> efl'ect a savini' oil one per cent, on this sixteen millions, amounting to 160,0(;0 dollars aimualh. In the event of the failure ul tliis arrange ment a loan as aullu)rized. It was, how ever, the opiiiifin of the l)e^t iiiform- ed niiaiiciers, that tin* e\el).inge could be readily (iVecKc!. '1 his hill passed the llcn^cof Pveptt'/.eiiw;tives ; but, in con- se(j’ience of the determination of the Opposition in the Senate—as eXj.i.unded t(j us by Mr. Uitchie—to thwart all the leading measures of the Government, j iliis t)ill was sulVered to remain in that body unacted on. Thus the nation has sustaint'd, during the present year,a pos it ivt- loss of l()0,000 dollars, in conse- (juetice of this patriotic resolution on the pan of the Senate. If by this plan of d( I'oaliiig >;reat pul)lic measures, (dium can l>e cast oii lhe I'xecutive—as has a!- leady been atleni])lid on the subject (jf lhe Colonial Trade liill—and lhe corifi- deiue of the people can thus be with- drawn from the Executive, the Opposi tion will derive all the aid from this le- vulsion of public conlidence, which ihe\ desire or need. It is only iiecessary, l)0^^ ever, for the people lo be I infot ined of the facl5. They will be at no loss where lo apj>ly lhe censure. Xational Jonrntil. — The amoubt of donations to the Pliila- cl'Jpliia Uretk fuutl, is Sir/CO The following extract of a letter Irom Mr. Cai*ti:k, one of the Editors of the New-York Statesman, for some time trav- eilitig in Europe, though of an old date (Paris, the !6th January,) is still inleres- ling, as it contains the opinions of one, loo intelligeni to he easily deceived him self, and loo honest wilfully lo impose upon others : at tV.is time, areas foliowj.life i !i 1 had an execution in his hand against ihe M’Coys, and, by virtue of ihal exeeulion, had gone to their tan-yard and was pro ceeding to sell the Leather in the vats f.wing to the unwillingness, or the ina bility of the purchasers, lo pay the mo ney, he was obliged to sell it a second time. The last purchaser demanded the delivery of the leather. Kendriek commenced throwing it out ol ihe vats, when M’Kinny M’Coy came up and be gan to throw it back again. Upon this, quarri'l ensued between them, in which on otners : j a ipiai n i v,... ...v..., “ The crisis here Is rather interesting; I were exchanged. John M - t ,,!! »ill L-all,er ll.( csp..cti,ril,.- lin,« ‘ “y c™)' ."!> I" ti.e assfslatirc ol . s a- but you Will gather the aspect v-i iiiv w...VO I . - . i Irom ,h. )J^,,>;lisl, .,,1 IfK-nd, ^ f.;lv th;„, 1 l,avn Ivis.rc to »rhr.. Tl,.- in tl„- IVninsula ; ^ 'fork, and struck Kendrick a seveie blow 'on the head, which brought him upon his knees, and cut a large gash in his head. After this fatiil blow, w hich was I'iven on Tuitaday about 2 o’clock, he I rode halfa mile t^ a friend’s house, here sHualioi: of the all a I r« of (iie»-e.e, in con- s (juence of the negociations of Russia, I'.nglanfl, and I'rance ; the deatii of the Duke of York, and oilier intelligence of the day, will reach you from loi.L' before my letter is received. Y'-u , , i ■ -i i vMil see lhat the French papers are filled ^^on s^unk into a stupid and insensible .vi,l.iisc,.s,ionsa„,l ,„.-,nonals on llu- “"1 ■•’‘I'"''-' 'V.-cl,„ s,lay n.or,.. s„l,j, c: ..111,.. r..M,iclio.,s .1,. "•-» ‘“''J «!»" h's «- or, „.p,.ss. Tl,.-s.-,.sau;,n a|.|K-a,s . J)'- and Ih.-y .u.nnrd a VTrdic. ll.a. b.s r,.acl, Cl,.' i„tiu,sl ,Tce«,.50f wci,-ly, & i.,-! “'I', "as r.,usi-cl by lhe blow infliclcd stiiulions w hich have hitherto kepi aloof JunnilCov. • Iron, i.-.lmt.. ami co„lin. J ih.-ir pur,u,’,. Ai.sluin.n,; from all remarks upon tlie >„ a!,'.tra,.t princlpl.'*, a,e con,ins: |„r. ' nloKimatc. |,.',-scns now in the cuMo,ly « ar.i ,r, tl,c ^rtal cau;,.' of IVecdom. \"I I-*- vnllsc- that a of the Natio.,al at the unexpected death ing IM me i-«aiiuiiaij Institute is to be held. My own opinion IS, that should the projecl of the law in (piesiion be adopted, it will go far to wards creating another Revolution, for wliich many of the peopi.e are ripe. The impolicy and rashness of the royal party in regard to tliis bold measure surprise me. It is calculated to awaken all the angry passions. At any period, the ex periment w'ould be dangerous- at pr* s- ent, it looks like madness His Majesiy is like a man seated upon an Avalanche, which a breath may loosen and brinj^: down ruin. Under such circumstances, wisdom prompts him ard his Parisians to hold their breaths aiul keep perfectly still. But lhe Jesuits are clamorous, and with all their characteristic cutming, appear to have but a moderate share of an en lightened prudence. The military are supposed to be divided, to as greai a de gree as are the chamber of Deputies, and all of them at present seem to be lying on their oars, for the purpose of watching lhe development of popular sentiment. In a word, whether the project is ado|)i- ed or not the aspect of political uifairs in France looks squally, if tlie law passes, it may only serve to arouse instead ot smothering popular opinion—if ii should of poor Kendrick. His heart was warm and kind, and he was growing in the es teem of his friends—but the grave now conceals all his frailties and his virtues. ^ Jldvocaie. LITTLE TALLS, N. V. MAHCH21. The practice of rolling of^' timber Irom the mountain fronting this villac:e on liu- South side of the river, has Seen carriei! f)U for some time past. On Saturday, tl.e 17th instant, a pair of valuable horses, belonging to Messrs. Crocker and Bad ger, lhe proprietors of the Grocery Boat at the Basin, being employed in draw ing wood to the brow of the hill for thai ,,ur|»ose, had just been released from a load, were lurning to go after another, when, one of them happening to stumble, in his fall the sleigh swung round and pulled both the poor animals down wiih it, the whole length of ihe steep declivity, a distance of about four hundred feet. It must have been painful to behold the hap less crea'ures, struggling for life, in a sit uation where it was beyond the reach of human power to give them aid. The sleigh was shivered in pieces before it reached the bottom—both horses wert shockingly bruised and iheir bones bro- not pass, its defeat will he ascribed to ken by liie fall—one died in a few min- fear, and the press will become more | utes al'ier being got out from among the bold and clamorous than ever. Such are (l"gs and rubbish where they lodged, and the two horns of the dilemma, from tlu* other was relieved from linljt-ring which the government are to choose. | distress, by being pul lo death soon uf- Public opinion and the influence of the ter. press have become so omnipotent in France, that the king cannot play with censorships, establishing and revoking them at pleasure. But I have no time for speculations,” LATE FROM ENGl;AND. BALTiMoitK, AiMiiL 3.—To tlic poHtencss of (Japt. (iruham of the ship lU rald, in days from l-ivcrpool, vve are indebted for files of I.oiidon and Liverpool papers, the former to tlie 19th and the latter to the 20th rebriiary, iii- cl.isivc. Lord Liverpool, it will be seen, has bnen ])ri).stn»ted by apoplexv, and tlie Cilobe of the latest date, has an article of some length on his succcssor, as it seems to ho agreud that he can never again attend to pui)lie Imuiness. Mr. (;ani>ing, the Karl of llairowby, Mr. J*eel and tliL- Duke of U cHinglon, tlie two latter on the part of the hii>;h Tory part), are talked of. Mr. Canninf^’ contiimcd to improve in health. The House of Coniinons had voted, as a fur ther provision hir the Duke and Duteiiess of ( 'laivnce, £,iUOO to the former aiul X6U00 to the latter, piranimm, diiriiiLr life. A eomnK iriul letter of tiie 20th says, though arrivals have been ft \v, the Cotton Market is hcitvy, rather tending to a dceline. 'I'lie Lnndeu iIolie ol' rtl)nirary 19 says, “ We hxiked for the h'tti rs [iy the mail Irom .>paiii this mdrnii'j,'- with some impatienc* Providential Dclii'ernj-icc.—About time /clock on the morning of the 22nd inst. the jail in St. Alban’s, (t'l.) was discov ered to be on fire, and so rapid was the flames, that it was found to be impossible to save the building. It was found, up on inquiry, that the prisoners were not all out ; tlu-re being still one in the up- j)er or debtors' room of the prison, and no way of liberating him with safety excepl by breaking through from the outside. Ladder? were immediately raised to the double barred window, and exertions commenced, with axes and crowbars, to force the bars from their places ; but ef- foris to this effect were fruitless. The flames were soon communicated to the roof of the prison, and exertions were ceased at the window to extinguish the flames. The roof was mounted by a few resolute hands, who in a short time had the timbers all thrown olT. A hole, suffi ciently large to admit the body of a man was then made into the cell, and the pris(uier rescued. He was so choked wiih the smoke and soot, that afler he Was released, his life w as dispail'ed of; ’I.ey last week eon.munieateti the fact of ti.e le-1 |,ut he is since hapiJilv resiored lo health bcis In 111”' ill Ioitl- in l’ortii;'uI, which i.us miicc ! ,|^,i j)ii)vel coiTcct, , '■ '■ were iiici time to put little n , We li:tve this nior; cotiinmnications W'liii I. t ; cess of the force of ' u j)o!to, !)iit they repttrl h', n pi r.son, that he is in . ilitfirei.t coiintvy, spreaMinfC di.safftet'on aiiu n); -,1 r- tiignese, and imlucing the Sp.iiii:,i’ils i , ihici, !,> his btaiid.ird, for the prefers ation (4'Mieir coun try and their religimi from the tom li of the heretics. 'I'he Spanish force on the I'liies of I’ortii^al to the southwanl are n preseiited to lie etihsiili raLle in nmnb« rs, but Itnsani.i iIic north ynall, and unable to di'-*rm the rt liels rly. Drun/.'cn Cani' -On the opening ol i'.ht p/,i!ce. .1 ti'.’.i,, 1) 'iQiiixotte. kind of • j b lio'v, sici:ked )-■ • viii, with a spen- ' ; l ei on. but Tio Hume diunables. He stood I on iltt stand iii a i uoi and delicate con- d'iion, uitd stated, thal that while drunk, lui > iiii; iiis“lo(l^ingson the cold ground,” 1 I leichei street, some varlet of a thief had stolen his hat, cravat, and was di vesting him gently of his pantaloons, when he awoke, called the watch, but the when they enter Spam, ev.ii if thspost d to do thief got off, and he “dropped in” to the so. The se letters say OjKii tb huil fallen-, tliey \\ ate h 11 olise, lo spend the rest of the also mention the coiitiimaiiee of i.in.ii ,.sant | ,-v eninir. 'I'he thief Was not discovered ; evening aiul D(j aeknow leilge distinctly the eonstitntion of f’or- | culottc, making a, respectiul bow to tugal. W have seen lettirs from t'ailiz to the j nuigistrates, and having but a spare notes betvs ceil Mr. J.amh and the S[)auisii .\lm ' , „ (\ , . i r. .i i, .• rsn- ' i.ters, an.l the coiUiiuied refusal of liu: K.vn to ' 3mh. and froii, dill'ereiit jiarT.s of the south of inodictim of linen lo shield him froin the Spain til tile same date; thi lattt, r iiffbr.i no po- litieal inteil'igeiice. 'J'lie aecoiiiits from (..!)- r;iltar are to the .Vtn of .l.iniiar\, one of tin se letters says the soutli of Sp tin is n ailv tor a re volt, iftlure wm tlie lea.sl apjiean.ii'ce of the country being involved in v\ar w.th I’ortugal. Mliwi )Kll “peltuigs of the j)itiless storm.” JV. J'. Enquirer. Piety, Mnralify, kc.—Religion to all classesof the community isessential to the C(jmlort and happiness of all, but it must be supported from its intrinsic worth— s. yohkvilt.f, .s. c. >i'iuK 11.—On Wed-j from its inherent and positive ad vantage nesday night last John and M’Kinney j and not from speculation or worldly pro- M Coy, were commuted lo Jail in tins | lit. We are constantly at war wiih those place, charged with lhe murder of Uich-j who make religion a trade. On Salur- aid Ki ndrick, a (Jonslai)le ol this Dis-j day a man was placed at the Bar to re- Mici^ lilt cii c unis'aiict s, as near as j ceivt* sentence for cheating another out t cat teal II iheiii from report, and a , | ol glO't, by fuiiging and altering a niii.i- we would IjQ authoriH-d to .Mate then J her uti a loi;e-v ticket. He was a ‘■utic- looking iiiar: ci.i tLe /ircoiil(. staled, lhat sevcr;d highly lespectabK residents liad petitioned the Court in his* behalf, insisting that be "as-not a pro. per subject for disgraceful |)unishnieni lu as much as he was a pious man, steady i|, his devotions, and constantly atiendin^ prayer meeting. The Court very prj*. periy differed with the pttitioriers, ami considered that from that very cauie his punishment shonid be made the heavier as an example to those who violate ih'* laws of God and man, w hile profession to obey and resj)ect both. i'.’boA. Travelling in the. Mr.—This is a star', ling idea to those quiet personages who perfer terra firma to any aerial elevatiot;; but certain it is that some bolder spirits are bent upon diverting from this earth all w ho travel either for pleasure or up. on the hurried errands of business. have had occasion to notice several timcj heretofore, the work of Mr. Genet upo^ the upward forces of fluids, io which thi author presents a plan for navigating the atmosphere with a vessel combining thp forms offlshes and birds, and which shaP have a surplus levity of many ihousane pounds for the transportation of mei . chaiidise, passengers, and other freight. The time has passed by when the incre dulous could sneer at the suggestion of overcoming by scientific aid those bar riers which seemed prescribed by nature to human exertion and motion. Thi successful application of steam naviga tion is alone sufficient to give dignity uiuj consetjuence to those suggesiions of scientific men which are the result ol’ long study and reflection, and withoatex- pressing a conviction that t!ie schema projjost d is j)rat.licable, we are inclined to treai il wiih respect, since it is thcc- reticatly possible, '.jc the practical obsta- . les wiial they may. Mr. Genet, as aj)pears from a paper now befoie us, proposes in connexiou with Mr. Eugene Roberson, will known for his ascensi>ns from this city, ac.-J elsewhere, to ascertain by actual experi ment the praciicability of navigating the air by the means proposed, and to ac* complish thi.s a subscription is to be o- pened to defray the expenses. Accom panying the subscription paper is the report of a select commiltee (consisting; of Messrs. S. L. Mitchill,\V. J. Maolie- ven, and J. Morton) of the New-York Literary and Philosophical Society, to whom the memoir of Mr. Genet had referred. In concluding their report, iliese genllemen remark, thal “Th^re is •lothing alarming in the opinion that aerostation, notwithstandmj> all that ha^ been done, is still in its infancy; of Cftursf it may he expected that valuable discove ries remain to be made. The friends lu all manner of improvements in the wot- thy arts, therefore, wish thal furtherci periments may be made. 'Fhc author is perhaps, better acquainted with the hi' tory of balloons, than any individuals mong us. To science he adds ingenui*; and zeal. He is now with us; and i*; ready and willing to direct or superin tend the execution of the plan he has displayed. It would be a matter of seri ous regret, that the offer he makes shouW be rejected, and opportunity lost. Un fortunately, the funds of the Society arc wholly insufficient to defray the expense. of the trial. Yet it is hoped, for the honour ofthe age, and the benefit of the country, the citiKena of New-York, ant? of the world at large may be induced* by a subscription, with their accustonicH spirt and liberality, to provide the sum of ten thousand dollars, in the further ance of an object which promises so much to socicty.” N. I”. Times. Canada.—Buflalo paper of the 12t!i instant says: ‘For several days pas , there have been alarming reports in ci; dilation of commotion in our neighbci- ing province of Cpper Canada. A nutr. ber of the inhabitants of the province will come within the operations of thf'. alien law. It wotihl appear that they arc resolved not to submit to it; and it is rt: ported thal iiberfy poles, on which wcr: displayed the American flag, have beeu raised in several places. In York, a li‘ erly pole was raised, and the Americar. flag waved on it, within a few rod:ioft)u capitol, but was pulled down. A larc;r force was then collected from tlie neic;’* * boring country, and the pole and lia;‘ were again raised. I'hese maybe aggevated reports; bui we think there i* son.ething to make them out of.” Jl Forward Infant.—rase, of scilu tion was tried in the Coutt of Cotnmo; Pleas of New-York, in which Miss helmina Cooj)er recovered a verdict fo' the sum of 600 dollars, against her bo- trayer. Master Gulian Ruian, an infi’U' The counsel for the del'jiidanf, says the Commercial, made an earnest appeal bfchalf of his client, fur a mitigation ci damages, on account of his tender years- Htit Mr. Price insisted that though infant, he was nevertheless old enough to be the father of an infant, and shoulf* therefore be made to smart for his juve nile perfidy. ib- PhUoh^y. — A mendi'’r of o’tr preseit Congress, Spells J /; if the orator;* f>l this great body would "be as short, i^ proportion, w4th their vpecches, as h'- IS wiih his wife, we sh'">uld be dulv than*, ful- ,V. r. Oironic'”-