^^ovU-. i/■(,;// H 'l.ll'd l.iitnjry iuitXi.rnr. iin: viNioNAiiV. BV llOHAv f. SMITH. ^‘Oh do not w ith co!‘.i sneers rnlhrall, Nor cirnnnsrnlie wltli niU spti'.uiitir, *lhfisc‘ fliftlits ol’suui tliat worlfliiif'S cull, Wiltl, visionary, un.l roiiKintii,-;— 3’or yciirniii^satur liiddcn tiiiiijjs, lti)agmali\e aspirutii>n!i, V^-ml ilini, fantastic t,li;ul(>rings Of siipcrliuinuu rcvclutions,— And comnmnlngs with nature, till * Tin- iviiiul is lost in dreams sera.pliic,— Thouglv they unfit it to fulfil Tlic sordid (Inidjjcrics of traffic, ■]'hr soul Iroin all debastincnt clear of Vice’s dross or earthly leaven, And if they tempt it from its sphere, At least solicit it to Heaven. Tlappyl who can the fcnce o’crvault H\ which thissccne of care is hounded; .\.’id when he feels his courage halt, His mind perijlcxed, his spirit wounded. Can ciinjiire pu a world more fair, Uy intellectual necromancy, LuMiriatc in V’Jysiunis rare, And taste tlie I’aradisc of Fancy!” ; Mi\in},'- tog-ftlicr' profit and ilelij^ht. iollowL'd as weallliy, } \ I’rom tiic Moinlily Mi.^'uzine and A. Weview.] 7V(f Trittl and ( imf^ciniuitnni of Thefonnalionof abstract >ul)stan lives, or names ol prupcriies, tiy .''.11.1 iiig Hu is ver)' roniiDOii in our laii^uai.:;!;, ami la- mihaily kiiovvti : to luni llf '-c afi;aiii in to aujoctives, uctiotin;»; p()sst•s^i(Jl) or nbunclaiico, two modus are one by atldin" simply y hcaltiiy, worlliy, atm jjorliaps some ■vvhicli 1 do not reoollect. 'J'o ail such suh>tantives, liowevcr, usage has not nernulled this addition. No one is al lowed to say, before him, youtliy, breathy, mirlhy, aiul the like. Do yovj ask why custom has not sanc tioned it inall cases,asin the tliii'eabove nieutioiied ? 1 can only answer you, that such is certainly the law, whencc- socver it proceeds. The second mode of makinp; adjt'c- tlves of this kind, is hy adopting a cani- jioitnd, and by uniting the substantive full; and hence come wrathful, (!eath- ful, mirthful, youthful, and the like. In general, the English language ad mits of compounds only on solemn and sodist woulil , r,... wora /.V,. . Svcoi;;’-! !v, ill llu'Si; v\ 1 () ii'-i.-it, I'li.i’orni sliicl- i '.' I'j tl.eir I'vvii cundil ions, and bi‘ surf; !i» write iKithinc; but w-bat Americans o/t/yarc 'o i ead. If | writ(, it i^to |^»!ense and ip.siruct iny readers; and it I desire or iiiti'.ud tbi^t my work shall be reail only on this side the '(’.‘an, I may ti.-'C a langii;\'::;(j which, though elsewhere recktujed barbarous and spurious, is legitimnle ber(’. llt^ who writes for all the readers of English, u iieresocver and whensoever they live, will take care to adhere to standards uni vet sally admitted. He w ill not fori^et tiiat, though there arc dialects reoeivod only in j)articular dis tricts, there islikewisea language com mon to the wliole; and tliough, by the use of lengthy, he will be understood by a part, • jet he will, by omitting it, please ecerif class. l>y drawing only iVom the fountains of English books, be will be (ptafjcd on the banks of the (langes and tlie llousatoriuc, with as much jilcasurc as on the banks (>f the 'I'hames. No one will eail tlie cuj) be oficrs, insii)il or crude, il it be filled fioni the reservoirs ol Pope and Aildi- son, whose bcviT.ige equally suits the palate of Irlsli, nrrtrah.’se, and Caroli nian. 'rbiv, by 111'- way, is an insu]jer- abie obstriK’linn to the scluMoe ol an A- ni rican laiiLuag'*; for vviio ii'ill or j might to adoj.t a la' iruage which will make him unintelligiole to ih^fori-ifrn readers of English, or which w ill less^-n bis elegance or persidcuity in tboir eyes." especially as there is a language by the use of w liiob he will be in danger of olFending nohudy. No longer to disouss the legitimacy of U‘.n^tli>/, let us, I'or a moment, lift our ‘Ji alcs, and see what its sigtiificance or weight will jirove, compared w'itb li'iat of similar words. Lengthy is only I.ud r*.ru. listcn---d with a replied thus to I a -, ■nee .. id di ai of li, pifjns admonisher : liuw exliavagant is it in the p;ii)e, to ‘.’"ive aw’ay so libT;jllv' that which doth not belong to him.!! He is inferior, you o\'.'n, to (lotl tiie I'allH’.r, (^od the :v'l.K', v.-li’n t'liC gcr.rif'us' lucu ol i.i.i iiig moMfy :Mii]ifii;iit t() li'.n;rate this lo’.- e*.l 1 ^Lilioii from coidmemcnt. Cnast of c7y>m/.—'I’hc CNpedilion sent out by (Idvernnu^nt to survey tiie co;-«tof Africa, and that of the island has dosed its labors. It ,;r.d tru=t t.-i bir. iricrHs 'vlio, as the;; ;;idge, with scrutinizing eye beholds the hiilden thiiigs of darkriess as clearly (s in iheliglit, and weighs all their mo tives, and rewards every one accordin:; to tl'.eir deeds. Sucli are the people of God. They who walk in humility and faith, who Son, and to God the I July additions to ; mni'tify the body, who seek IIis face are all > our god.s, and the go( .s i ^ . | • ■ ' , j j ii„owlcdge, ami fur- j with [lenitenee and prayer, “ who keep d,spo.e ol kingdoms. 1 ' U e eans o4 corrccting the ex- themselves unspotted from the world,- bo uh .end to the king o Spam, j ^^rts^^^ varl.ly of instances. - bold the faith without wavering,- has Millicientiy ‘1‘spluyed his power b> | i .ln.„ eb^^ ...,i ,.,-..n,nnin-UvnlL- in the light which shines from love towards but no oppolunily ol doing lull justice to the adventiwers, the extent oi theii' laboUiS, and the suUerings from the mor tality to which tl'.ey were exi)Osed .-u,ncuM.u>oisp,uy . . . . li which shines fron V l/Si. fro.-, ,i,nc l.. ,:u,c, ,h. ,.ro.!l,cavenlhraugl> tl,e Go,pol,wl,o lev, , ,„1 movial nrinaV 1 k„«.v u.'.he llorra^nla .ml : Goa and sem but butc to no mor.lal [ superior on earth. 'I'he religion ol my ancestors I venerate: and to renounce it would be erpially absurd and impious until you have convinced me it is lalse, and that yours, which you would have me embrace, is ti ue. You adore a god who died upon a gibbet; i worship the sun, that never dies.’ ‘ \ enfreanee !’—cried ^ alverce, turn ing towards the Spaniaril ; ‘vengeance! my friends; kill these h)gs, who de.^pise the religion of the ci’oss !!’ The word of command Was given; the artillery played; tlie musketry lired; the cavali’}’ sp."i;ad coniusion and terror; wliile J’i/.arro advanced, at the bead ol life has been very considerable, not fewer than a hundred and thirty-five all men.—These are the people of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a “still small voice” of comfort and consolation to the troubled soul. The afllicted and whiie performing tlie’ni. The loss of soul-!istressed believer looks to this a- lone, and holds it last as the source ol' all hope, and the repository for all com- deaths having taken place since the i fort; for there arc none genuine which shijis left J^nglaud. But this exj)cnse of human life has not been incurre{l for a trilling good, 'rwenty-four thou.«and miles of roast, but imperfectly known lu'fore, have been carefully viewed. Many parts of it had been very errone ously indicated in the majjs ; and some ! tliem were not less than two hundred ."0 miles out of j)lace in lat. & longi a cliosen band, and seized the l)or>on ol | labour inseparable from the completion of such a survey of that in hospitable coast was neces-'ariiy vey se vere, but the result is correspondingly gratifying. From the service perform ed by the Bcm'-.xoutd and Lerrn^ fu ture navigators will sail in those parts with comjiarative sntely. The vast ex tent of coast which w'e have mentioned, is now ])erfectly known. ]‘'very har bour, every l>ay, every navigable river, has been (liligently explored, and cor rectly laid dow'u in the.charts which arc the results of this unostentatious but the Inca. 'I'lie slaugliter was dreadful, and the pillage immense. The blow was final J\mu ceased to bean einj)ire.— 1'he descendants of the sun, who united in their persons both t!ie r( gal aiul pon- tilic^al dignity, sunk under a set of ban ditti that knew not thrir liiith. Alter draining Atahauljia of his treastire, un der pretenc(? of a ransom for his liberty, Pizarro condemned him to be burnt a- live,as an obstinate idolatrh. Hut thougor the medration of Father Valherde. h/cs.s- vif Into'ccssor! the Inca’s sentence w’as changed into strangling, ea condition applied to a series of words, whether | )ic died a christi: written or spoken: sometimes we have read a/r/?i»-////y performanceofhiswriting. Neiw, if we choose to dvell on the of a writing or discourse, why not ?imj)ly say that it was long? A Imii' speech, or a long poem, are proper and legitimate phrases. If w-c won hi 1'he conrpiest (»f iNIrxlco and Peru put the Spaniardsat oncein possession of more specie than all the other nations are not there, none steadfast which are not thei-e ; there are comforts which “ the world can neither give nor take away,” com^'orts when at bonne, com forts when abroad, comfort in richev, and comfort in poverty, conifurt in youth, manhood, and in old age ; com fort in life, in sickness and in death : they who are Christ’s, hold this as their jieculiar treasure, and their intalliblo guide and conductor to eternal bliss. THK l)i:i,UGK. The tradition of a deluge has bro:\ preserved by the Sandwich Islands. The story told is this :—That a certain man, many thousand moons ago, was fisliing in the sea, and by some curious fatality, caught the spirit of the waters upon his hook, ami dragged him, to hi-,- great astonishment, out of tl.e briny cl ement. TliO consequences of this rash act were dcstruc.ive to the country, the teresfin.r service. The h.istory of the I declared in bis angeV tha', expedition is look' d for v.ith consider- would cause u general deluge—yet able anxiety. Some of the proceedings | I*'®. connected with it will be read with great avidity, merely as matter of enteriain- of Europe. ^\et Spain from that • eraj^ and the lovers of science generally, they will ofcoursc have a still higher value. has continued to decline. It has declined in ])o])ulation, industryjeC vigourr The vices attendant upon riches have corrupt insinuate that it was notonl}’ long, but j ^|[ ranks of men, and encrv'ated the tedious, why not simply say, that it was i spirit. From being the first j)i'nl\xJ Length intermarrying W'ith j kingdom in Euroj)e, it is become one of fetHousnrs.s, gives birth to prnlixiljj.— j the less considerable. Portugal has ex- Tiie oiigin of lengthy, however, is ; perienced a like fate, since the discovery easily traced. The iinagination delights j i^^iia by the Cape of in in distinction.s of great nicety. 1'hus jr,,pe^ and the settlement of when a billet of wood, anri a jioem, , and from the same cause, at too haveequally the j)roperty of iieingsbort, | great and too sudden influx of riches, we are averse to denominat-.' this by the |Boston Sjicctulor same name in both c;is('s, '1'he stick is' a ft/tori, stick, but we prefer to call the A HKJiOINi:. From Proughtoii’s letters written in poetical occasions, and a pn st risk the imputation of stilVness and at-j j)oem A/v^y'cr toy>(V.sr. fectation, who should lavish them on 1 'riius on the other hand, a stick dis-1 the bjllovv everything. There are some, howev-1 ilnriiishable for its length, is termed, I a noble excejition amid the vil er, so often used as to beeonu) allovva-j without scruple, a long stick; but the j Me on all occasions; thus, in addition to { podUj in like circunistances, is neces-1 the last mentioned, we say, slothful ami ' ruthful. The ordinary use of full-, is to be justified by necessity, aiul therefoe is not permitted, excei)t on high and po etical occasions, in cases where tlie ter- mi: cition y is customary.-'riius, wealtb- j'ul and w^ortliful, are impertinent nov- cltus in prose ; yet there is one excep tion lo this rule in health, wliich iuL;y be la'iithful or healthy. The poet may soar without this burthen on bis pinions, ano lobody objects to Pope when he talks of “ lountiul Ir.a,” (U’ “lorceful ppear,” or to Milton, wlien ho cull.s the hills of Palestine a “ milkful land,’’ and the plains of Ar.d)ia a “fountaink ss i!e- .seit.” though the mere ])rosai;^t must holti his hand I’rom such licences, . 'I'o say truth, 1 know of no instance where a" good poet has added full lo ab- sarily, but reluctantly called a Inui; poem. As long in the first instance is correlative brief or concise: and such an one we should, (ioul)tless, have bor row'd! fiom the Latin, had there been any Eat in word for long, but Inngns.— I do not know iiow the term can be di versified, if it must divtu’sitied, by turn inginto /■;////;/. Usage will not permit us to find this variation in leng thy. And now, having discussed the tnerits of this impoi tant word, I dismiss mysdf with hoping that, as tediousness, though commonly allied to length, is sometimes associated with brevity, this essav may not be fjuoted as a specimen of the latter union. ” Jitracl substantives ending in th, w iierc j c ts, w lio were sMjij usa;j;e has not likewise sanctioned the ! ccndants of thr ■np, ('0\Qui',s r or pkut'. Peru bad long' been i(>vernei! by a race of einjierm.s under tlie n.tine of In- :'l! to lie tht' (!('- ’^I'iie name uf t iie ordinal v use of it.—M’hus no bard has | Sjianish ii'VadtM’u a baiii, groirthfII!, dvorthjnl, hn'uthjnl. It is remarkable ol wurds i.enc ing riimeneion, that Ih^'y are all dh\trartcd into names by subjoinii'.g th, as length, “ It W’as in one of those battalions that an interesting young girl was discover ed, about a twelvemonth ago, who had served w’itb it for two or tliree years as a Sijiahee; in which capacity she had accpiired the favor of her superiors, and t!ic regard of her comrades, by her (jui- et and inoffensive behaviour, and regu lar attention to the duties (d' her station. It was observed that she alwaystlressed her own ilinner, and ate it, and j)cr- formed her ablutions by licrself; but not the slightest suspicion of her sex was entertained, till about tlie time I men tioned, when it was iliseovered by the curio.sity of a young Sipabee, who I'ol- lowed her v\ hen siie went to l)alhe. 'Af ter this she continued to serve for some montiis, resnhilely declining the pat ronage of the Ibu e, who [iroposei) to re ceive her into her ow'n family, as well as t!ie oilers of the Muha Raj lo pro- •.';ote her in the corps she bidonged to. I.ireadth, width, ami iet>ti that the Spa.iiirds tlionp;lit not but (d' w ir. The Inca, it i^ said, wa'j nnt more sincere in his j)ro- I'es.^ions. He came lu the place ol'nu'ct- iiig can ied upon a tbi viiK' of gold ami at'.endcd by upwards f»f 10,0i)0 men; ♦.hese are net ordinarily alhiweii tn iu> ndjeclificd by adding either y ov J'uU. On extraordinary occasions, and in pje- (ry, this change is no inexpialdc offence, but then tiie change must be al'.jcted by addiiig./'?/// ar.d not y. 'i’hus we a:e iiot stiocked by Irngthf itJ, (hpthfal, j CO.OOO mon; ari' reported to lia\ e w ait- V;hereas that ear mu-t be vilely pro\ in- ed his signal; but to tiiis report, or tli' cial which can tolerate lengthy or dcp-' in^-incerity of the Inca, there .^cems ti /////. ha\(‘ hef'ii no leun!ation in fact. .Ml It must be fr;antcd th.it analogy i-i t!\e I’l nivians were richly drM-i'd and not invi(dable : tfiat is tluj cnlv law in j liii-ir-arms glittered w'ith gold and pre- force; and that it would jiuz/.ie ;;ry man j cions stones.—Thf' ava: i(;e of thi; Span- to fiml rc'asons why I, an Americ.an, ! iard.. was iiiflainetl. Pi/arro ilisposed 1 F' /ai'i ii, and that i 'I'he affair soon became the general sub- ni liie Inca in posst .'sion of the crown, j jcet of conversation in the camp; and was Al:diaiilpa. Alai tned at tl;e rava- | I having exprcs.^ed a strong w’ish to see ges of liu: Spaniard.", lln^ i.>rince agrec'd I Jer,u;>alem of Sini^ib, the name by which to an inter\ i-:W' >Mlh tlieir general in j fh'e Indian iJ’Eon went, one of our order to s(.‘tt!e the coiul!iiuir-of a peace. | Sipahees, who was acquainted witliher, brougi'.t her to 112) tent. She aj)j>earcd to bi'about twenty two years ofagi', was very fair, and tlioiigh not hand,sonie, 'I’liougii’ of |)eace Extrno'dinary Pine Tree.—In No. XI. of Dr. I^rewster’s Journal of Sci ence, just published, there is an account of one of the most extraordinary species of pine trees yet known. It is contain ed in a letter to Dr. Hooker from I\!r. Douglass, the botanist, — “ I rejoice to t(dl you of a new sp'^cies of Pi nits, the most princely of the genus, and proba bly the finest specimen of the American vegetation. It attains the enormous size of 170 to 200 feet in height, and 20 to 50 in circumference. The cones arc from 12 to IS inches long. I have one which is IfiA inches in length, and which measures 10 inches round the thickest part. The trunk is remarkably straight, and destitute of branches till within a short space of the top, which forms a perfect unibell. The wood is of line (juality, and yields a large ]>or- tion of rosin. Growing trees of this specie, that have been partly burned by t!ie natives, to save the trouble of cutt ing fuel, (a custom to which they are generally adtiicted,) produces a sub stance which I iim almost assured in s.aying is sugar; but as some of it, with with the cones, w'ill soon reach Eng land, its real nature can be easily and correctly ascertained. The tree grows abundantly two degrees south of St. Colundii, in the country inhabited by the IJmptfpin tribe of Indians. The seeils arc gathered by the natives in au tumn, pounded and baked into a sort of cake, which is considered a luxury. The saccharine substance is used in seasoning dishes, in the same manner as sugar is in civilized countries. 1 shall bring home such an assemblage of specimens ol this Pinus., as will admit of a very correct figure being-made, and also a bag of its seed. ’’ [I'rom the “ I’ulpit.”] thould not u.-^c, in talkiiig or writn.g to Americans, a word in comn.on use a- Jiiong my countrymen ; but beforr* we admit the inference, let two things be considered. And first, be it known to the advocates ol'h ngtby, that it is,even in relation touur>elves, aj.iriH ineidlistn. There aic men wiio have p.a-scd their lives in t4ie metropolis (d' these states, and 'Il Ihe neighboring country, who novcr beard, cxcepL Iruin uorlh-eastcrn of his I’oilowers, who did not excced 2(100,in the most advantageous manner, while V icenti \'alherde, a Dominican friar, advanc'd towaids Atahaulpa with a crucifix in one hand .ind a breviary in I he other. Hi.' adilresx^d the Inca, by tlie help of an ii.ternreter, in a long dis- CMiirse, unfolding tlie |)rinciples of the Christian faith, and pres'.ing him to em- lirace fh.it religion, and submit himsi-lf tu the king of .Sjiaii); to w lioui tht. Pope ])o^st's^,L•d a v('ry interestin:; counte- nanct*. Slie sptike fri'cly of her I'Tr'- fession and iinmediati' situation; but i.c- trayed neither tiie affected basln'uhiess tior foi'ward boldness w'iiirli ^ucli a sit- I nation was likely to have {M fxhiced; and i ci. pts ' let it he recorded to the honor of ei'cry ' party concerned, that from the n,o- ment when her st.'X was discDVeiLd, slie met only with increase.1 respect an.d ai- (enlion from her comiadcs; notan ir.di- vid:ial ]ite.-nmed K) ulier a wordi tliat luight insult her, or breathing a doubt that could atlect her refutation. At length her tn;tivc-; tor i nli.sting and re maining iii th'.service dis'coverod. v.’a WHO AKK TMK I'KOPLE Ol’ COT). Tlie peojile of Ciod arc; such as wor- s!iip Him in sjiirit and in truth, who how not do'.vn thems»dves to the iiluls of this world, r.'ho mortify their pas- and ei.fleavour to keep his pre- iwi'h ail iheir heart, and mind, ai.d soul, and strength.” 'i'iiey arc such as keep his faith, who shew an anxiety for his hr>nor; with eyes oeholding his l.icc a-. God in Christ, whos^ lei t gladly waik in his ways, who joy in In.. iionignant smiles, and shudder at his frowns. Such fear and honour h:s person, keep his laws, i'es|-ject bis ministry, reconcile the wav{;ring, resi^t the re An onK- brc.ilier wa-; confined for debt; bellious, and with devotion of heart and •It I'opal,^ and^ t;iis interesting young | h.and, labour to promote the interests of lit r- his kingdom, and add to-his glory. i lu; p(‘op!e ol (iod ascribe Io t!ie Sx- Viour the ti'hole merit of their deliver- .'iPiCe, i!;ey his atC'tieniejit^ reature ha.i tlie counge to enrol sell as a common soldier, and after wards persi-iit'd in ex;>osi;ig hi'r [lersnn to Uie daii^ero and diill^uU?ei of a iniii- misfortune, lie allowed him ’o escape with his w-ifeto tl'.c summit ot' Mounaii Roah, the mountain in Owhyhee, where he remained till after the deluge ha:i subsided, and was thus preserved. things transient hut God.— Standing, as we are, amid the ruins of time and the wrecks of mortality, where every thing about us is createil and dependent, proceeding from noth ing, and hastening to destruction, wc, rejoice that something is presented t > our view' vvhiih has stood from everlas ting and willremain forever. When w^i have looked on the pleasures of life a:^d they have vanished away, when wc have looked on Ihc works of nature, and perceived they were changing, on thr> monuments of art, and seen that they would not stand ; on our friends, ana they have fled wliile we were gazing; on eurselvse, and felt that wc arc as fleet ing as they ; when we have looked on every object to which we could turn our anxious eyes, and they have all told us that they could give us no suppor', because they were too fe(;ule themselves, we can look to the throne of God ; change and decay have never moved it. the waves of eternity have been rushiiip; past it, but it has remained unshaken ; the waves of another eternity arc mov ing towards it, but it is fixed, and caii never be disturbed. Giu-:i:xwoc:).' KF.KLKCTIONS AND MAXFMS. He that understands not liis employ ment, w'hatever else be knows, must Ixi unfit for it ; and the public suilers froi:i his inexj)crtness. Content not thyself that thou art vir tuous in general ; for one link being wanting, tlie chain is defective. Do what good thou canst unknown , and be not vain of what ought rather tii be felt than seen. Jealousy is a kind of civil war in thf soul, where judgment and imaginatio!i are at perpetual jars. He cannot be a true servant, who htiys dear, that he may share the profile with the seller. Sense shines with the greatest bcau'y W’hrn it is set in hnmilitv. If you think twice before you sp^ril: once, you will sjjtak twice tha better for it. Eoss judgment than wit, is more sa.l than bailast. T!ie best friendship is to prevenli rr- ^'piest, and lu'ver put a man to the co;)- lusion of asking. 'I'o ask, is a wor.1 that lies heavily on the tongue, ami can not well he uttered but with a dciertel countenance. We should, therefore, strive to meet our friend ii; iiis wi.'ihi-'-"* il wo cannot j)revent him. • ini/ll d tonjrprihf.—X corrospopilcnt ci the Daily Advci’tiser says: “'llicri* now at (irccnwilrh vilhif^c, toivM ilorse Xeck, two (iccsc, both of llic of yours—one is now scttini’;- l*ave laid rcp;ularly for 81 years. i now hdoMi.; !o Mr. Jared M’ead. and Vr'.r- '•ii'-*-cbcd oil his IVahcr’s place.”' —