UPww- r-r' • of a ktl'r Iirt rrrf :!"i7, (7..,VJ '*. S'. aJ.ljj Il'hs/ ifi, Jim ■Inneiru, F(0. ~, lb,r. ;\!t!x"ij;'> tliis c' lisi is i!u* tluatrc ul' V, ;r, it ‘ l))iuiiial. \\ ant of activity of both parties, is very surprising:—th»‘y do iiothiii;^' l)ul stare at tacM other, h is sairl, however, that hotii sidfs put their arniit's iti nio- Tion, somethin!^ lccis»ive \vi!l or( ur shortly, reace, it istSought. will be il.c j.psiilt, if a battle takrs place, as the funds of both j):irties liave run out. The pco- plo arp '•■ry n>uch dissatisfied with llu* war. and anxious to see it ended. The I)locka(’.e is carried on now accord- ]„rr to the principle uniformly asserted ,|c—a vessel is warned ofl' before she js cf ptiii’fd; this order has been lately is sued to the Admiral comn)andin,^; the iiHval force in the IJiver Plate. The sciiooners lh.>mer and Armstrong were tak'.ii while I was at the river last, bat vtre released immediately. I'ormerly tool; every thing entering the river. Coiiiinodore Biddle is there at present, and i: expected hereby the 1st of March. Tin' Cyane is on her way home. We fliall sail in a day or two for Bahia and I’eiiuimbuco, and return to this place, ’i’lie Kinperor has, since the deatu of his xviie, changed his ministry. Should any of importance occur, 1 will lose no r.nie in acquainting you. The scjuadron is very hcaltny, and all are anxious to return totlieii- native land. iV. J’. Times. 3'«)r CHAj£lI,OTTB; h'lmpfioTi al .Ogra.—The following in set iljti-'n is vvi itien in large characters uvcr ih'- principal gate ofthcCity of Agra, in Hiiidostun. “In the first year of KingJulef, 2,000 couple were divorced I)V till' magistrates, by mutual consent. The I'mperor learning this, was so in- di.Miunt, that he a )olish**d divorce* The ioliwwing year the nu:nb( r of inarnagi sat dimitiished 3,00u—the number of ad'ilK'iies increased 7.00(J—300 women v’f' i* l)Kr-nt for jjoisc'ning tlu ir husbands — 7'i nn'n wore burnt foi- killing their v ivi h—and the value of the furniture !ir>-ki II and destroyed was three millions of Kiijx es. The K'npcror re-estaijlished the law of divorce. India Jon.ninL (irccJ: Supplies.—Cargo, purchased by t’.ie Philadelphia Clreek Comuiittee, for the brig Tontine, which sailed for (ireece cn the 23d of March. FS8 barrels Piour, 2 bxs doniestic goods, It t I'alf barrels do. 100 dozen shirts, b.ii reU corn meal, 4t)oxes vermicelli, 7 J J i>arreis navy bread, 2 barrels tapioca, 4') iicrces of rice, 1 barrel salts, CO barrels beef, 1 do ass’d medicines, ! Iiail barrel do. 2 kegs glauber s.ilts, 8 barrels pork, 1 box surgical instru- 100 bunels niackcrel, • ments. Amounting, with freight, insurance. See, to 1 1-,0G0 dollars 75 cents. NKW-VOUK, APRII. 10. Cross-Indiclmcnis. — In tin- Court of Ses- siot's yesterday, a young woman wasindict- cii fur stealing a surlout cunt and a pair of virxprvssihics^ and a strapping wh.ite fel- I ''V lur stealing a chemisc and pair of w- scts. They were jrraigned at^ the same time, and lookeil comical enough while standing in the pi isonerr^’ boxes, on op posite sides of the foot of the bar. hnporfanl Deciision.—It is stated in the Maine Argu*), that at “the late session I'f the Suprf'mr Court of the United •Slates, the (ju«‘stion which flivided tin (io\ernn»unt oftne Union and the Gov ernors of Massachusetts and Connecti cut dining the late wi.r, 'vas linalK dis posed of. It Was the unnnitiioiis o\)W\u\i t)f ibe seven judges, that the I'resident of 'till' United Stales is the sole atui exclu sive judge whether any of the exigencies, (such us invasion, insurrection, kc.)e- iv.inierated in ihe Constitution, lia\e oc curred, in which be is aulhorized to call out the militia of ibe several States.— Conse(]uently, neither the (aovernor of the Stale, tior any of its ofIie(‘rs or citi- ’/ens, ran refuse to obey the re«iuisition of the President when communicated to them in the regular mode.” Among the causes tried by the last county r(jui t at Montpelier, \’i. was one ior a Ijrearh of tiie iiruriage promise, ihe gay Lothario was a Mr. David ll.iu h. 'I'hewas cicarlv proved, i;nd tli('jiii’y oi'clfird it to be lueiuled by Jiwaiditiir 111, I’jj;- s])inster who wasplaiu- ^d1, SS'’))3 •! 1 \\ ilh costs. 1 h- Porcelain Manufartnry rerently ^'Stalilisbrd by Mr. W in. 'I’uckcr in tins ^ity, (Pliiludelphia.) IS now, wenruler- -'tijud, “in liie full iid* of hucc essful ex- pi’riMient,” and bids fair to leali/.c tlu- inosi sangninr t xpretalinus of i!ie foiit!- d* r iji(| bis 11 ien(|s. iM:’. liit hc! has been ^bii to turn his know It dgr o| i^.' -( 'ciiee e)icmistry to a prac'if ai acciMni!: and baving 1 iscov'.Mi'il iri il\i- m i;;lilHM l.t.unl ol cny ill, al)ijrMlai,l Mipjilv uf tile VriiK ipal inatfi'ials for poict'lain nuuii: f;'ciui,e, be can ])ioc" d wilb nion io;i- udence 'ban is usual in iw iindir.uk- It is a sin,t,ular fa. i, that thou:;o l^i^r artisans can j)ruduf f j)o ctdani of a h'l'- descripii(jn, none of ibriu ran tnuk« a common wbire p!aie for e\. :y day tisc." i^liiny lia\e mad'- t!_^‘ at'e'iipl, but no; f fd iiic:n sccin j l ave hi; o’l r ,■ 0-- ili-j j'.ruM-;. tnodi (,i M Miii- i.. /V,, tuksoav, Ar’KiF, :i., 18.37. 'J.'ie Mails.—Xorthcrn papers anti let ters liave been received very irregularly lor some time past ; indeed we may say Since the new contract has gone into op- eration. ^\ e attach, however, no l)!ame to the contractor; on the contrary, his regularity in the delivery of the mails, his fine teams and excellent drivers, en title him to utKjualified praise. The cause of this irregularity is supposed to be ow ing to a wrong direction given to pack ets at (treens!>orough—thev being sent by way of Salem, instead of the direct line by Salisbury ; if this be the case, we hope the Postmaster at CJreens!)orough will in future send a!l packets fur this place on the direct line via Salisbury. From t!ie NiAtion;il Iiittdlijjcnrcr. a ir(;l\ia rioxs. James Trey.var.t, Uurwi ll P,assets and William ISrCoy, ba\e no opposiiion in their respective districts as we prr..!\c I)y a return from one coumy in ’ar!i (»! them, and may therefore be set down as re-elected Kepresentatives to Congress. The only other district, in this State, not heretoiore noticed, IVom which we have any ri'turn, is the Winclies'.er dis trict, represented in the last Coiigi essby Mr. Pow^'l. Mr. P’s re-election ha^ been warmly opposed by two gcntlemi n, .Mr. S. Kercheval, and Mr. 11. Allen, 'i'he election came on for the county of Frederick on Monday last, atid continu ed three days. I'.ach of the candidates addressed the People from the Hustings, according to the good old custom of this Commonwealth, in which candidates for ilie suffrages of the People avow their c''rMmcr.ts cn public topics,defend their opinions, explain or justify their public career. Sec. On closing the polls, at the end of the third day, it was fouiid that the votes stood— Tor Alfred H. Powell Samuel Kercheval 8 t Robert Allen 55 The populous county of Shcnantloah, the residence of Mr. Allen, has yet to vote. On the result of the election in Fred erick, the Winchester Uei>ul)lican makes the following remarks, which nothing but a regard for the feelings of the edilors of the Richmond Enfjuirer prevent our copying with unmixed pleasure : “ Frederick ElecHa'n.—Tliis election, which many circuinsiances contributed to make the most interesting witnessed here for many years, is happily over, and we may congratulaie the county on the result. Frederick has done nobly. The voice of the People has l)een heard, and ()rinciples have ‘riuniphed. The opin ions of Washington, Jellerson, Madison, and Monroe, om tli(‘ great (piestion of the powers ol tin* (i» nei al Ciovernment in re lation to Internal Improvement, have in ibis election been brought rlirectiy l)efore the i^riiple, and have tccei\ed an over whelming su[)pori. Lvery meml)erelect is a decided sup[)orti;r oft.be uniformlv dem ocratic principles of Virginiuf»n this sub ject—from the time w hen she firs', gave her assent to the making of the Cumber land Hoad.” The attempt of the opposition to get an “ expression of public opinion” (as it is termed) in Penns)lv!lnia, by means of a legislative'caucus, has met with' a sig nal failure. After postponing the caucus iwicq, in the hope of getting a full meet ing, it was at last lield ; and only 35 members of the legislature, out of 132, attended! Does not this look like a re action in public opinion The *‘o])po- sition” have presumed too much on the gii!Ia!jility of the people and the force of “ combinations,'’ as tb.e sefjuel will show. The lale session of Congress has open ed the eyes of t!ie peoj)le,—tin y now see that principh s have been saci iilced to [)ar- ty—that great liiuitjnul interests, which have been fostered and 'n on raged by successive adn'.ii,i->traiions, from the a- doption ol llu* (.onsl/ulioti to the [)r'scnt t.iine, have In i n aijandoned to subsi rve a party puri)Ose, aiKl tiie ambitious jjro- jects of a I'l-w itnli'idual>—that in aeon troversy with t!ie I n.dis!) government, VI liose conduct w;.; palpubly w rong atuI insulting', our owti guvi rnnient has been condemiifd and that (.f I'tigluiid (b fend- i'd and eulogised : arul .1 loeas'ire, wbicli a pt'.per reg^urd for tbf na'ifiiial cb.irac- ter impei'i(>iislv ( ulb d for, u a-. defi atfd, in c,f(;>‘r lo einltji rass tl.r adii.inis'i a'.ioii and render it unpopi.lar ; tlu se lliin.-s liave (Xcitcd tl.e s« i iuii'^ a!! iiiioii oi l!.t p-'i'pic, to whom it is (.f |jt:lc iiu, w'ho I (.11 !lif ri iiiv of I■ t , nnient, so that i’ M Ij'l .'d ’i.-. .-c the rc-actlon in Tennsylvatu , w re t’lc cur rent ol j^nblic sentimi’ut is setting strong ly against the “comlMnation and this is but the beginning of sorrow to the ‘‘leaders,” who expected to ride rougii- shod over the administration, a,nd sntg- ly seat'themselves in their places. DufF Green says, that tJ;e rhnrnrtrr of his pnper, [the Te!egra;)!i"'i is iutnd/lid ii'ilh that of the 1. S. S/>nalf; atu! tliat it I)ecomes him, therefore, to be rircinn.yjvrf^ dif^rrijled, and resper.tful ' It will indeed be astonishing, should the U. S. 'J’ele- graph become di^ni/lcd reajieeffil; but of the probability of such a me?amor|)bo sis we entertain strong doubts. The most curious part of Dufl’s declaration is, that the character of his paper is identified with the cJ.nrrtrlrr of the U.S. Srnrtfe. If this be true, “how are tiie mighty falleni” The chararter of a pa per, notorious for its slander and utter d.isregard of tri’th, ide; tifictl with the character of such a dignified body as the Senate has beeni “!fso,” says the llicijmond Whig, “tliat august ho^iy f.as 'alien even lower than we expec'ed. lint DuiT, it sc’ems, elated atu! somewhat pu rified by bis new connection, is determin ed hereaiicr to be* more of a gentleman. Ileiirelurtli, he has announre(!, he will be more circumspect, dignified and re spectful.—a plain acknow Icdgment, one would tliink, that Dulf has been hitherto deficient in tiiese qualities. It may be, that mii acles w ill never cease ; and that the Cienera! will really fulfil these prom ises of amendment.” rou THK C:AT\W»A JOL K>Ar„ ^ ii-iil stiiih'l the IhtZin d ff thr dir .■ J fliiiilt Ifiirf III six ]{t('hnKiiiils in (In- Jitld; J''irc liiiri- I shtin tn-dmj — Ji home ! a fiorsc ! mtj Itini^ilotn J'or a hrivsc ! KiMi id I M AItll ill. The proclamation of Mr. \’an Xess, (juondam governor ol Vermont, is spread before the American public, and will no doubt be seized upon by the Comhinnlinn as a document of great value. 'I’his great man is no dout)t one of the understrap pers of Martin Van liuren, and has sound ed the locsin at the northern extremity of the Union, to be conveyed with fire and fury to the South and West, to prostrate the present administration. But, unfor- tuna'.ely for the opposition, this procla mation has been nipped in the bud, by Mr. Slade, who positively aflirms that the assertions connected with hirrself are destitute of trnth ; and hence it ma* be inferred that Mr. \'an Xess has ei reil in every other instance. lie wishfs the people to thifik tSiat he is a great man, and by his inlluence the present Chief Magistrate is 10 be imrnoiated on ilie al tar of ambition ; or that ilie disappoint- erl in every pari, of the Union will rally' round the standard of rebellion, whicii he himself, a lisap[o;nted Political .luggler, has raised in the north-east! His vanity is already excited at the idea of having the opposition presses singing the hymii of “ J,nus Jac/i'sonis" to the iiUt rmost etuis of the earth. He will no doubt exclaim, in Shaks[)erean language, 'J'hv Half iIiiL's anil a!}, V’/v/y, ithnwhv (inil Stcettiicnr!, ‘ScI, Ih' ij In’rA Hi ///('. Xot\v ithstanding all this sound and fu ry of governor \'an Xess, ibere is iio da’i gfM- (o be apprehended IVom it. The ac- minisfra.tion has too strung a hold on thi* afiections of the people to be turned fro.n their [jrudent . f)urse. The motives and schemes of the C.ombinaiion aie loo well undersiood !)V the mass of the people, to cause any serious alarm in its Iriends# ll IS tiutorio'asiy known, that they do not pretend to avlvance the public g-ood ; their oppoi,iito?i is perscjiial and mail cii.'us, i.iid Cannot s'iCf( (•(!. It may i)C salely adii’ined, that there never was in this couniiy an op|)osiiion lo ihe govi inimril 0!’ the smnr cbarac.ler t)f that wliuli iifjw exists. Ilereiof jre thete w.'ff ct-rtain reascjns upon which an o|)posiuon grounded its hop'-s of su( - ( fss ; but in tin* present, iliere are none Iff any weight whatever. Let Uie p'-opie relit ct Si-i Kjiisly upon this ma'ter—lei them \ifw the ads of llie Adininisira- tion, ami ihuse of its etiemies, and tueir ilecision w ill be just. Pui.mcs IS PiANivi.N \M V.—Tliu Dcin- ocralic Pu ss of the 5lh in^laiit, furnishes ih(* lollowiiig acrounl of a Legislative Caucus recently held at the Seat of Oov- ei'iiment of ihe State uf Penn .yl \ atiia : “ On ^Vednesdav. ?lie 2Tlh Marcli, we ir.i’Ti.ioned that liie Jacksori ( aucas w liicli w ..s to have been beha at Ilairis- biirg the Monrlu} ]jiecedir g. Wus posi- puiii'd i'or a lew da}", but w uuld ct ita'iily be lu'ld befi'i i' t!ie :-d journinetit. '1 In- of the post pciMMiu Ml w as lo e>,sui e a lull attendance, ‘to i i wnicli all Mbit' pains were •' 1 lie C aucus h ii been Iw ld : il iiv t on Tuesd y f\( nifig las', : 1. and !o; d-- i'.Ji riat'oii. 'i'S'.jt v ,c ’I ii!!l I'\ I » * r rr-eml.ers pre'3cnt The I.egisla- lurc ol Pen? ■s\ l\ atd.i consists of 1 32 inein- b»-rs ; and afier drillin'^ a whole sessiuf, and posiponm.;: ihe Claueus twice, to get it well filled, but TIHirrV FIVK niem- liers tould be found to attend ; very little OiOre than one foHrlh of the mem!)e? s : yet w-e ar»* confidently told that I’etinsyl- vania will vof«- for (Jeiib-ral Jackson. It is Tiot so. Months ago we said Pennsyl vania \V()ii!d vote for tlie present Admin istration ; every dav conlirnis the sound ness of lhai opinion. ” 1 rom tl'.e most mupiestionaI>le aulhor- iiy, we are prepared to say, hat the Ad ministration party are r.i|)idly j,>aining ground in Jhicks county. Pa., even in the township wh''re Mr. Ingham resides. Many ch;utgi-s have taken placr uithin a short distance of his residene.e ; and all his talents and exertions will not be able to arres; the march of f)oliiical rectitude v'hich is there lakin^r place. The caus.- ol the afl ministration is the cause of truth, ol j)o|)t.lar rii^hts, and inieresis ; it is tliecaust that hupports the prosper ity of the ccmn'ry, and ihe good sense ol the peoj)le will make il iiltimalely tri umphant over all op{)Ositinn, yVi Ttui' .t,iii rictnt. I be Xationai .'\dvocati’, of Kew-York, has discovered a n.-w prin. ijde in |)olilics, to be ydderl to that simple code which it has recently promulgated, whose nlji/ia -lud oiiKi'it tie, that no niari, (and espe cially no l.ditur; has a riijbl o have an opinirj?! ol bis ow n. The princijile, Abich it now putslorth, i'., ihai no com mentary can, wiih propriety, be madi upon speeches made in Legislative Bod ies! In the language of the Advocate, it is a “dangerous [irinciple,” (to which we are culj)able of having given uttei'- ance) to “arr:iign” a Hepi esentative in a Legislalivf body, for a speech or vote, in his pul.Me capacity. This out-hcrods Herod. Il beats the ai istocratic somer set of the ivicbir.ond r.nrpiii c!-, all to no thing. e see, by tliese samjjles, what is to be expected from the success of the ellorts toerect anew party upon the ruins ol the established principles and settled policy of the (iovernment. The most deluded advocate of the old Sedition Law never dreamt of so revolting a doctrine, as that the conduct of public men is not lo be investigated at all. A pretty pass we are coming to! The Enrpiirer boasts that the Senate has become riiK contkoi,- I'owK.ti in the (ioTernoteiit, and in. Advocate cotisiders it a “ dangerous pnti- cij)l(‘,” and a violation of piuvii.KCiK, to ( riticise (he vote or speech A any mem ber of that ctMilrolling ])ower! W luil arisKn racy—r.av, what despotism can be moif odious lhan the combination ol those ])iinciples! '1 lius it is, that in the fury of parlij .yjiri/, on the* one hand, and the obse- (juiousness to pnr/i/ diseijdine on the other, all ihe old lines ol prinriplc are oblitera ted and disregarded.—Aat. Inlet. Gov. Clinton has returned the N"w- York Lottery bill lo the 1 .egislaturt; wiUi his o!)jections against signing it. The o!)jections were ordered to be printed. ’Pbe bill, therefore, cannot becomc a law unless two thitds of the members of the legislature vole for it. The Chjvernor’s principal ol)jection is, that the bill inter feres with ve-.led rights, aud is coiise- (pientlv uiicoiisiituiional. I'xKei’riON.—On Friday !as% negro AV(/, convicti-d of the murder if his mas ter, underwent the dreadful sentence of the law. 'I'he cotn ourse of persons who aitended to witness a iVlicw-beini^ launch ed into cteinity, was immense. Tin wretc.lied > riininal, « aoie from the Jail habited in a lorur black shroud, and was escoited to the jdiite (>f executlOT), by bui V(d'.i'ite( r OJ'ps of Inlan'i y. We learn IVom the lievei'en ! »'’lergy (who wen most assiduous in their al'teniions,) that aftt r seiite/ice of death be i:;unifested no t,om|)unctit>ti ''or past gMjilt, tliouj;li blood was upoii bis soul—no sensibility ol'pres ent danger, tliough I.is \ery ri'oments w»'re mimbei erl, and no fearof fu'ure re- iri'oution, tbougli to him there was but the tirop of a ..■■allow'i between this world ai'd the next. Uiuler the galhnvs, he ex bii/itetl great C(iiiposure, bi>rder ing (ui indi r.'iciice. Though urged b\ ibe l!e- vercnd gentlemen, who w( ce wiib iiini, to make a cotd'ession (if guilt, we are told, he persisted to the Iasi moment in decUr- iiig his iiKiocetice, yet more tbau jmcc, loin the surrouiuhtig criwc! to lake warn- iiii; by his fate, lie wasted mosi of his liim; undiT the fatal three, iu im[)eaching the u*sfinii)riy of s tine (.f 'h* wifricsses. a'’-'.unM iiim, and whil' i thus ei'iphjjed, the final moni ? i ap]iro;icInd—-ibe can drove aw ay and in an instant the wretch- eil mall was inmiersed in darkness as re- Sjjecls the thiiii;) of tliis world. V\ e ha . e iii:i Lhaii once, expressed our sentimM)'.-., as to the woise lhan use- l.-ss:i» 1 public executions, and li.e rece'il ever*! is an(;l!icr iiielan h(j|y |)ro(>l of I.OW lltlll' mofl.l i il'ecl, tin se leg.d rx- eunuip.ti. es ilio *nos( awful. When we a(' I. that were iriflividua!s, in sucli a tieasily ^s .te (jf intoxication, that nol e'en this b'Miid «speciaele C(jnld .soljci' them, we woviM ask any dispassionate man, \vlu\t good is done by public execu tions li/tirigh lie^'isler. Jin imposilion.—Wo have jtist been shown by a Okjcct the heads of a lierc*^ ol rice, made of yellow pine, which weighed 32 dis., and measured in ihc thickest part 1 * inches, at.d are wt ll as sured that iht staves ate nearly of j+io same thickness, i he tierce weighed 720 ll)s. and allow ing ten per cent, tare, w hit li IS the custom, there ought lo be (S.V) lbs. of rice, bur, ihere was no such thing. The tart* marked on (he head and allowed, was 75 lbs, when in faci the barrel after it w as emptied, weigbi'd upwards 100 l!)s. —It was marked R. 1$. and shipped from Savannah. QiU'rj—How much does the purchaser lose JS'. r, E. Post. .An Astronomical C'orrcspondent in- h)rms us, that there is now \isil)le n.'’ir the (entre ol the Sun’s disl;, twenty-six pots, which may be di-,iinctly counted vilb the aid ol a telescope, the powci «)f 'hieh is sixiy. With a power cf twen ty they might be mistaken f'or 'I rei; ' rge Spots. Ct,o% Courier. ew\ Urn AYri\\i‘v\sts \ niK oiembers of (he iMfni/etle .Irtil''- ri/ (’oinpan'i are recpiired to pararic in front of the Coiirt-Ilouse, oti 'I'uesday, the 1st of May next, al 10 o’clock, .-\, M. precisely, completely ctjuijiped in Suni- intM- I’niform. By order of the 1st Lieutenant, r. f’lKlMI'SUN, Ord'h/ XUVUM',. F DO hereby forewarn any person frota ■ trading lor a note (d haiul which I i^'.ive to Martin Zimmerman, dated .April 7, IK27, in tlii^ place, for the sum of Sl'.’O 00, as I am determined never to pay one l ent of said note, because I never re ceived one cent of value for it, and it was not given according lo law. CUIMS'I'IAN KARNKY Linriihtliii}, Jlpril 14, 1SJ7. 3/2'J 'I^ILL be sold, at the ('ourt-House ia ^ * C(mcord, on the 3d Monday in Jtil)' ti. xt, by order of the Court of Pleas am! (■Quarter Sessions, one negro man nameil Kthrard^ who was committ#'d to the jail of the county iwelve months ai^o, and saifl he belonged to one Johnson, a trader in negroes. , Said fellow is of .iniddk stature, toleraljly stout built, and light color, and is now lo be sold ac ording to act of Assembly, to use of the county and satisfaction of jml |V(‘s, See. W. IIA.MILI'OX, ShrrIJf. Cnnrnid, .Ipril 16, 1K27. 3nit 10 LIST or £ETTi:nS KMAININMJ in tin: I'ost-Ofliee in lancoln* ton, Nt)rth-(Jarolin:i, April 1, 1HJ7. R l)uni(d l.ult.s, 1):ivi(l or .1, l.ockinan, Suiiiuel I.auiitii, John [a)it>(‘, Klizahetli l.nts'. M. Samii'-I Murlin, Itev. .lerc-niiah Monduv, VVdlis Miithi 'vs, 'I’hoiiias M( iijaniiii MdU r, Kev. Joseph Moorp, Ahrani Marlin, William Martin, llniry Abeniatliy, I'lisha Rridjfcs, 'I’liomaK Heaty, rh»mas llleckly, .lolii) Kradly, (Jeorj^e Rrem, Sarali Macksit, hunes Hytinni, Mathias Harringcr Ceorge IJrolherlori Francis IJeuty. C. Daniel F. Olirisanbury, .lolni.Manny, A:iroii Cook, llujjh M’l.ain \V iili:ini (^jjcswcll, F.leazt r ;ox, (.eorge (’anslcT, .lolin (!arpenler, David Clippard, lli nry F. Conner, Daniel Callis. D. Arch, Diningham, 'riiouias Duckwortli. K. Moses Kvans, .l.isi [)!i Ksp\. r. Maiyafi t Fnd.iy, rii.)aias I'l rgisoij. .Ion: itli :4II ii dlick, Martin ii(M n, Andrew t,,in liner. H. Mtirrcl Hill, Kdniond Mnrry, AU'X. M’( orkie, 2, Sam. Monli'iiintr'.. N. John Newton. (1. I5cnj. Orm.iiiil. I*. Patrick Parker, Jlussd I'eck. U. Cl. oi;.ce lOiit.ige, II iiry Ko >. ri (t. .iinsy, John Uanis nr, 2. s. sin rif!' ot I.inriiln, W ni. siiiitII, Mich,II I !siMiiini*i‘ow,! Jf)hll -'laliiv, I).iV id I'liCdrd, 1 ..i\v s->11 s.ii 1(1. rs. Mr-,. Mb/ihetli Molly, S •inuel S.ok1 is. I lunn.i', Il.tiik-- \lii li.u l I'liMon, .•SU-..1I! 11-\ I, D;i\i 1 .i .r. s. Il.irt. J. Marg in, t J nki ns. K. Andnw K.li.an, .lolin K. !1\, J.u;i^lj l\e. -.iT. I . Joiin I.ul.Iel!, 2, D. \!rs, hai ill X ai horo. I . K;e!i;ii',| radiant, W illi:iM I r..v lor, I ii.inijixni I r.i\ lur. W . (it ')I'l^l V\ lllollg, ls;.;n- Will., W in. W hit. \vorth, 2, 'I hunias \\ ard, Loui'.ii \V;itei-s, 1.1 w is 11. W ,i!.. HK?Mi \i{i)', /’. ^r. bibitioti- of (!’':i*b a’e W e w ere Miik k- (,d lo s. ■■ nuineions [)ariies iA jiiiiubs, dr.'SS(d 111 iheir b si vilttre, r. 1 uniini' ll om the M'a'^ic scene tbev had tieeii nil- ties'-lii;^.! an lulling ami s iiui 'ecMii'-. : t. l.'ss- i !y ah'u •, p. rleclly une.i'is. i-ju . lU.a ti.e, li.. 1 a !i'W nionieiils h' l ne !ie n [,r s n , V, !i' 11 a Stj'.il bad bi-i II N.uleiiliy i^ep ii a ed I: ■ •. •!: ' . • ^Mnidhilutirs Vult nl (irist ,MUl, ri’^lil, si.h.scriljer, hemg lt;;Mlly apiXMHl. ! a- B u' ui f«.r tiie county uf M . kl iiuiiri;', oi'- I. : - lor sdc p .t. ht> tor niikiiig and umi,;.; the il.oMt pat. nt Mills, tu all su. ll a.. lii:i\ :i|)jil\. J\MI,S l)f\KINS. loth March, 1HJ7 —f.t’27. • \V\>VVW\*U*VS. it t hi>> Uiliee, t \\ o 1 ) op * * 1 t) ) Cal'-. 01 I’ruiiii’.j^ UiiMiii'ss. u» A,)|)rt. iiUn.r. to llivj M\\sVuV^ \V‘’s \Vuvvv\Vs^ I'cr sale, at tbis »'.ii' c.

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