mm ^i!^i^^^ i'..^i'‘‘i( ’• pn'lit ;iiil ilclii:!it. J :wm_lil:ick\ Miigaziin'. ,, 'v.v- ::.ihii'i(i ii.t'i r ()•'ir, '■'... . '!i“^( ;il)!iut a liiot t!i)\vn liis back. 'Phis s;iMn_;c’ Ciiru'atuir «>1 the Ji'iman I Un Mi was (Ircs^nl in a loui; inilitni'V i \\illi nil rj)aiilcttc on I'ai li I (Ic!-. Onliis lu'ail he wore a i mca'(!- hat, surnuninteil l>y a %vli‘V.) Ic;iilicr r j,r!\- ti ni l.r (>\ In;-' •vlf.; ;.l. nui n;r. :inv ri^k ol liis- liiuirc ;fls in liic .same fur {!)-^ sal-,«‘of a (juaricl. He tlioreicrc wiM'ly ; ockctiMi Ihe al- tVont, an«l ^acriru’cd his own iirlings to a sense orpcn^unol ] in jtiv uncle 1 found lhat, he COLONEI- ()’shai’«;!im:s';v. I was tu'o-an«l-t’ven!y years of ai;e | ootiple of A-el hi'^li. I lis l(v.v»>i'li’.nh-^, hcfore I made up !iiv mind ps to v. hal | were eased in iiiiiueriMJ 1 li.'NsIan boots , ^ life. Mv 'reaihiop; a!>ove th: knee, and ii-},t ■ ],is bn.ther olhe.MS. It n;ay be\vfUHlered bud ^kin Miiaii fcclclhe- while a «’.vord, how .Mich e..posite feelinp eould eMbt l.aa ro;r.c npon tip ?ooncr v.*c c\- pecled, and we curse.l tiieir unmantu-i- Iv iiitrusion from the botti.m of o«i souh. We did not rnind to be taken awav from our wine was more than could be easily endured— and we swoie sundry deadly oaths to be rcnmrnt. i Im.n,. xu:r. 1»'I'I rovcnxed upon ^ ! nt, ,n,l love,I a„J n-.,« ctcl, l.y shealhed in a steel ea^v, aiul hilted with silve r and slia2:reen, d:Mi;:;I*‘d ni his^i({(^ Si’ch \\ as'the exlei iur 11 ( ol. U'Shau;rh- husiness I should follow lor lather wished me to pursue his callinf; (if a lawyer, hut I hated law. JMy ;no- ther ]iroposeil bringinc; me up to the (.hurch : this I dibfiked aUo. U was then suggested, l^ut with no better sue- nessy. ress, that 1 should study ])!tysic. 1 i,ad nlwoy? been a favourite wilh was loo sedentary for niy disposition. 1 j this military reh’tive. 1 was called al- could not think of it without brinL;ing j ter him, and, duriiii; my boyhood, he to laind n!ust3' paj>ers, equivocations, j showed me many mark-s ol kunlness. their impertmenee , cu my uncle lor beinc; ofl hi;> guard ; i^he was so, so was every one with re;rard to (-n(> man ; hut so it was. 'I’licy all likefl him for his i;;ood na ture : they lau;i!i'd at him for his oddi ties ; aiKresleemed liim for his courr.i^-e ■ind inte^nty. l^y tiie men he was called the Sijuintin;; Colonel ; but this was doni; from sheer ii;ood hunu-ur, and i.ot, ns is too often the case, from malice and endless chicanery. 1 had imbibed j I rememb( r the ve?}- day on which he { or s|)leen. J^ly )wy -‘'I the common and absurd notion lhat all i K ft us tv.elve years befoie — I v/as then | to indul;:e m wine r.t mess (.inncis , lawyers ^\ere roj;ut-. 1 rernemhiMed | ;.;n~he lilled my pockets with i)ence, ] ijiit he placed !ue alon:;-suie o umv i , the sharp, mea';ie, ;:al!ow lii;ur('s who because 1 had beaten a boy hip'^cr than I and Idled my j^lass fiom ins own jo i t. tnvM.-ir. lie sv/oie it was what he had The only f.iult_ which he had was hat (hme when of that a«>;e. 'fo him 1 com-1 of shootin;; with the lon;^ how. munlcated the awkwaid sliur.tion in I-after day he re;j:aled us with storp ut which 1 was placed, and bej;ned his ad-ihis ('X[)loils in India, and ( l;>eu nere.^ yio(._ ' ' j'i'he mess-t;.Me was kej)t jn ‘•So they tironose/’ said he, “ t*^' make a pr.ison oi'you i)oy No, MimxI and wound‘d, tliat will iK ’.’er i'r>. e \iavc got jjleaty ol them in t!ie aviu}'. ^ As tor a (’if)ctor, every ie-rimei,t Itas aj-- h.' nose :.'ul i l.nvi p;)rnai'!ie.i t like M'.t c:ni.‘ki5S—aiul liij 1 '.vas ilnv.’n up Into a ^rim liaunted our lejjjal courts ;it Didilin, and if 1 saw a man unusually crafty, or ex pert at ON erreachinu; his neiiilihour, I ?ct him straightway down as a iavvyor. it was straiije lhat I should hueh notions, for my f.iiher \,as one of the hoiiesiest men in l\i.''tenc>', and one of the i’attest. Tiie church. 'I’liis was .somel.hin^- better, but it woi'.Id not do. Vaisf)ns ■were associated in my mind with fat paunches, anrl unmeaning indolence. 'Phe life of a parish priest, confined to one spot on larth, and havini'; no asso ciates but country bum])kin>« and old maids, w;;s iiitolcrable. 1 knew sever al cleni;} nieii, anti they were fat, pious, lieavy-hf’aded fellows. 'I'he jiarson oi our palish, moreover, was a blockhead —at least, so 1, in rny wisdom, tliought ]iroper to consider him. This knocked on the head all hopes of turning my at tention (o the church. Phy.-iic. I loathed the idea. Surge ons, physicians, apothecaries, mcn-mid- Tvues, were my dislike. Pills, potions, and pectorals, miglit be very ivell in th( of them patience was at an end. “Tom,” said he, “ you are now a man, and it is high i kui^bter wiiii IMS r :-.!rav;);:>anc ! r.'Oi,’. .il'.vavs a I'l i loi’ ■ tir!;e:i irrt ^^istihly »'f'!'.iii' j -ii n. TI'C S'/'Uin; "i' !■:■■ ! }i.5 nose :.'ul i l.nvi p] a roar o: else. The l')uke ()f Wellit^gton was quadrilling it at a ball, and the Colonel was amusing his friends with wine and mirth at his own supper-table. ' ^Ve were marchcd to aterloo. 1 must candidly confess, my sensations were far from being of a pleasant kind, an*l I believe those of iny comrades were not much more agreeable. Wc knew titat a doubtful battle had been fought at (^nartre l^ras, and were assured that the Prussians had sustained a signal de feat at J.igny. The knowledge did not contribute much to raise our spirits; and when we observed the remnants of the railant Scotch regiments, which were , ;t annihilated at the former place, tiie number of woundeu brought in, a'.ir.o :,ddlc-, w.u at : wc became convinced that we had our ■ in its er.pri s-) work cut out for us, and that the r rench were not easily beaten as we expected. Iiowcver, no one nad taid a brace oftlmn ; then' is no iiC'.'d lrry(;i: to add to unn,A la'Ayei ilo they talk of mal;i!.;.!i; you — h re ir.y iiJ'- clo squinted horri!)iy, .'’ntl gr:isj;t.'d t’l.; handle of his sword — “ 1 tell yon, 1 i.i ;. if you become a hnvyer. neplie\v of nine. 'J'uuud illOl. I M I.: ii ')' !.f (ieiii’nt. ile told tl’.c sune di.'-/ens of times over, and evei>- it was rrnlVrcnt. The humour, h- y(;n are :iu | ( r. rcvcr (\ :!por::ted : it was alway * and li'zhl-iand rarv; ar..!, when he had cone- t.aid a word. Kach moved on in dubious silence, re solved to do I'.is hi St; but inwardly curs ing the ill luck which brought him there and wishing himself at Dan or Leershe- ba. We were placed, as ill luck would li-'vo jt, in tlie very iront ol the battle. •di nai r;':cita].- I, ! Our rogiuK nt v. as known to be a good one, and the steel to the baek- at:V Ot iii'j whole v.'.fs.s ruhl'ed Tin'ir I’ands, ‘‘Kxoelicnt I—!}evi]i--;h "ood, (,'( h n resounded from one end of the | qualities, tm’we were drawn oi) opno- Ite to a loriridablc artiiler}’, hacU( u 1 hone ; and in Muth, wo needed all our el ?*Tv ui'.clc w'as one low my profession?'^ 1 begged to be to my uncle: he squinted at me a lookof'scLs, and enioyed for a time the luxuries time you should think of doing some thing*for yourself. Suppose you fol profession 1 begg excused. “ Su])pose you become a parson }” “Never. J’arsons arc fat, stupid, and gormandizing.” “ Or a jihysician ning, (lid I nf)t once lose a huaun u ])Gu:ids by a rascally attorney ! I tell you, 'J'om, there is no sucli cf.mniission in tlic service as that of a Ia\v) ('i'. No, genius!’Vm!m.S‘cn^^ ule !u-mr’'i'‘^^ I of the" ery 'iV^w houncir^ u^om I hav. | by a strong body IS 101-l;(.-ver known to lie, »t bottom, j fhi'fsugKc'li'on' .miTKp^rssal'm'v^ w.l- j Aliout n yc„- nfier I joinoci tlio rof.i-1 yon lin^ness to follow his advice. In truth, , ment, we were ordered to tne contirei.t. ^ ni, s ..ndpdlv uncomfor- had broke loore from i:il)a. I t'fg^'n lo leel contoundedly uncomloi tahle. The battle, a considerable time b;fore tliis, had commenced in various parts .if the line : the rest wa^ joining in lingness leir'way, but to me, the very thought I had always a pvnchan! towards a mil i llonaparle hr ['them was abomination. r>lv father’s ' itary life, wasglad to adopt any schcnie i and was organi",ing his .Mniies lo try which promised to rid me of tlio detes-jonco mon; the fate .d v/ar Vvnh thiM on- tableprofesslons forwhich I was de.stined i gr.-gated powei 'i of I^urope. Our voy- by iny paifiits. lJut would they accedeagf' affords nothirg worth relating, to my wish ? I expresned my doubts i St:liice it to say, we marched to i^rus- anger, as mucii as to sny, “So you i and amusements of that pleasant city. (jue:'tion my inlluencc with your fath-1 My undo had here occasion to ligl.l n er a:'.d mother ?” In a trice he was ] duel with a French ollicer. who th.ought I closicled wilh the former, and laid the ; lit to cast some practical jr.kcs on the' proposal before him—no more antici-1 obliquity d’ his vision. The i’n'ncli- “ Worse than ail.” My father could paling a ri.fusul, than to be disobeyed j man insi-ted on lijrhting v. iih the contain liimself no longer. His plump 1 by his own corporal on parade. I le j sword, and the Coloi el gratiiied his de- for he was very choleric, was did not know the old lawyer, who »)oih‘t-; sire, 'i'he result was siniiular enough. ,-n • . ..,,1 . ' ' ' 1 know lost an eye,-Ids a-lvor:.iry’s 'ii'op, ^^omo killed oulr;-ht, and some ] toil liaving ])enetrated nearly an incli | >'‘'jerately wounded. lace, lor he was very llushed to a deep crimson. “'I'om, I | blank objected to the scheme, hall give, you two days to consider of not how my uncle looked on this occa- her I sion : I have no iloubt It was very grim. High word tween them It rajji'.ii’, : and it now became our turn to take par*, rs the enemy opposite was advancing his'irori Iront to the attack. At last his artillery, succeeded by show ers of musqiictry, opened upon us. We relumed these compliments in the same sl.\ le. and (loiibtlcss with good cfTect. 1 shall never forget my feelings on the r.rst disciiarge of the French guns. In t very (juarter of our line an opening was made, ami a number ol men to give liis observations va:\ie, la.s gj*', l!eman has, furthci, tiie hap[/y talciHoi' conveying them to his readers wilh such clearness, that the most ignorant nurse can have no difiiculty in com prehending liim, -and this, as iho work especially tends to the instruc- tioTi ofthose who undertake that lowly, but not unimportant oflice, constitutes no slight recommendation in its favour. We cannot follow him through his de tails. A useful hint or two, by way of specimen, will sufiiee, to sliev/ the val ue of Mr. North’s observations. “Many nurses and mothers arc in the haliit of suddenly rousing children from their sleep, and carrying them from a room comparatively dark into a glare of light. Such a custom is decid- edly improper. A child should !h> gradually and gently awakened. Mccii momentary excitement is produced even in the adult by being roused suddenly from sleep; and there can be no doubt, that children become in consequence ef such imprudence, more liable to con vulsive aftections. Montaigne, we arc told, always contrived to break thy slumbers of his infant son by the grac!- ual sotmd of a soft musical instrument. The idea was happy, although its gen oral adojition would be-attendcd with some dilViculty.” The imi)ortance of temperance in a nurse he strongly insists upon. “ A predisposition to convulsive ai'- fections in children may be originally produced in consequcnce of their being suckled by a nurse addicted to the fre quent use of spirituous liquors. In sev eral instances I have known childrcti rapidly recover their health when the nurse was changed, who had cxi ibitcd most of the premonitory symptimis oi* convulsions, whilcthey weresuckled by a woman who indulged in the common vice of gin-drinking. “ Violent emotions of mind, or ex cessive bodily fatigue, should be avoid ed by nurses. ^Ir. Gilbert relates the case of a child, w ho died of convulsions after having sucked a nurse, who had been exposed to hard labotir under a burning sun, Boerhaavc knew some instances in which epilepsy was pro duced in children, in consequence oi their nurses having had violent fits oi passion. Beasumcs remarks, that he w'as informed by one of his prolessinnal brethren, that his child died sLuldcnly of convulsions after having been suck- leil by a woman who had been violenlU' exasperated. London Courier. seen to it. \ ou have hefooleil your mol her and me long enough. What the ilevil, bir ! do you mean to ilo nothing for yourself in Ibis life? Jletore 1 uas a year older lhanyt)ii, I was married, and in the receijit of two huiidiod a-year. If you are not prcjiured to give me a decisive answer l-y the day after to morrow, by the lieauwis, 1 will ” very grim. ; into tl'.al. valiiabh it is certain, ensued be-1 with his usual philosojihy, imputed tliej'^*'' . The Colonel's notions ofi whole as a punishment Irom Heaven up- military di.'-f.ipline were too strict to j on his prosumpt;ious enemy, for in:sult- enable him to digest any or,j)ositiofi lo i ing tlie oj)tlcs of !ii'^ n( i;:libi)r. 'I'his pleasant life could not last for ever. 'i'he storm was gathering around US', am! we daily expected to commence “war’s bloody game.” However, we , The gaps were oruan. My uncle, instantly liildl by oUiers, who st('pped • * I 1 * ‘ * forwaril Irum li.e* rear (d’niv battles The Phrase of “ /?/?/*? Slncking." —Many of the orders whose hjsjonrs nil the pages of works on knighthood ha^ e no claimsto their j)laces, without c;- rear ranks. It was ther royal or pontifical authority, ana _ s, and I felt, in spite j wearing :h> badge or cross except in thft of all my eilurls, ti.e trepidation and j imagination of the writer. The socicty his v.’ishej. I was in the next room ticnibling for the result, and 1 heard him be-iov/ the appellations of ass- block head—ninny, ver}’ prol’usely^ Ujx^n my I f. ^lier, \\ ho retorted, bv ibreateninc; tliought of it as little as po'-sible, »»nd He did not finish ihe senteiK'e ; so much . . . , , . the woise. It was his arirf r which ]»ic-' him w ilh an action at law tor an assuuit. j dr>ink* the rich wines of rj* !gium, and vented him, and 1 knew t'hu;. sumelhing i'l'hcreafler Ihe door opened, then was} i.img merry catches, u ilh as much ap- serious was iti the wind. " I dashed fiercely to by son'ieone who jjass-1 |,;u'ent unconcern as If we had been in 1 did not slet-p well iIijI nM:;!i*. How led out. It was my uncle. I heard his | (juarfers .-it home. I believe there v.-as '',ould 1 ? Thii.Us ut'io C(Uiie\o a bear- U'vord. rattling, and I'.is hf^ivy Hessians | not a mess like ours, fer humour and ing. I kni w my i v.lioitemper too . trampling loudly as he descended the ;\ell to ti’.ii.k t'.iut he would wait any longer. 3Jy one means ami another I i!ad procartinotetl and pul oil I'or more than a tweKemonlh, and a greater de lay it was iir.j)o«si!jle to e\i)oct. Next day 1 was uosually dull, ami so were mv father and mother. J saw thal I )uul oUended them, but in what manner to recover their good graces, without doing injustice to my o\vn imdinations, 1 wns at a loss to peiceive. Lawyi^r— jiarsoM—doctor, floated alternately like jnotes through my brain. I must be one of the thr! ■; ; so my worthy jtarents )iad determined. Never, in the course of my life, did 1 make so many wry fa- ees : the more I consiih'red tlni maiti r, ihe more intolerable did it seem. stair. He betook himself straightway to my iiiolher, with whom he had an inte£vicw of half an hour, ^Vilelhcr his elo'quonce prev.'^iled more wiiii her than V.ith her liusliand, is unknown. Certain it is, that he left the hou'-e in liigh dudgeon. 1 saw his tall saunt form, surmounl('d i)y his gigantic Icat'n- er, pass out at the fioni door. His ser vant carried I/in iravelling-!;ag, boot jack, and porLu:ani!’au' behind him— 1 remember the particular time when all tills gay scene was changed into hus tle and lamentation. 3Iy uncle had invited ihe oli’icersto supper, and placed before them the firstlings of a large .suj>- ply of capital \’olnay and cliainpaign, \sliicb he had purchased from r French indrchcn! dr ri/t. Ne\(‘rditl I beliohi him in lietter spirits, lb* relatC(.i, wilh j infinite humour, his exploits m India I against serpents, tigt;rs, aiul Pindarees; and hesojourned to tin! next inn, tlure, [ami varied tlie tales, which he had of- anxii lyofanovii iate. The noise, smoke, confusion, and destruction, were horri- “ Kcei)sleady, my brave boys— lire away,” was licanl on all sides from tlie oincersencouraging their men: they fought like lions. Not a man thouglitof llitiching: the same indiunitable liritish sjiirit ariimated them all. During the whole of-this time I stood in the heart of the light, the Ki.'iLc's colours waving over my head. The men were dropping fast around me. I heard the balls whizzing like hall past my ears, lii a little longer I was .so stu- piiicd that I hardly knew’ what I did, or where 1 was. At last I lieard the voice of my uncle calling out, “Well de la Calri [of the stocking] was iorn: ed at Vcni.:c in the year 1-100, totlic honor of t!ie inauguration of the Doge, Michcle Stcno. 'I'iic emjdoymeal ol the members was conversation arul fe^ tivily;andso si)!etidid were tlieeiitci- tainments of music and dancing, that th'' gay spirit of otiier jiarts of Italy anx iously solicited the honor of seats iutlic society. Aii tlu ir statutes regarded on ly tiic ccremonios of the hall an 1 thca- tre; and the mrmijers being resolved in. the religious performance, took an oath in a church to that tendency. They had banners and seal like an author;.^' ed order of knighthood. Their drc'S was as splendid and elegant as Vencti.m done, Tom—that's a brave boy. 'I'ake ; luxury and tas»e could fashion it; aiui, care of your colour^, and stand” conslstentiy wil h the singular custom o His wol-tis roused me, and I looked up, marking; aca.lemirs and other intcllcrt IS he said, to taki' up liis quarters diirinii; the remainder of his stay in the city. In a short time a mih’lttry genllemar. walk'd uj)oii my father, w ith a challenge lioni tlie (,'idonel. 'I he worthy lawyer I got alarmed,—so did my mother,—so How things might have ended itisjii|(i ]. I was even more than alarmed; d.iilicull to suy, when my mother's cddest bri'tlier. Colonel 0‘Sliaughness\, ar rive*' at our hou.>e. He had iu.jt leaci:- cil lln^land, from liulia, wilh his reu;i- nient, after an absence of ten years, j^erhaps the whole army could ikjI fiir- i.ish such an t.ilmirable Illustration of I was irritated against my unc.Ie, whom, notu ilhslanding all his well-intended kiiuIne'S, I cfjuld not but (ieepiy ceiis'ii*’ for such an outrage ou my nwii lle>h and bhiod.— ,No danger iio\ve\cr ensu ed. My father could light any man j wilh a law-ji.ipor, i)Vit he had a moita! tfie ludicrous, bjth in ])erson and man-j ( i sion to powder and si i't. 'The Con ner. In stature he rose to six feet two j seij'ieiici' v>as, that iie ma'.Ie a humldc inches, and was without exception, the I :,j)()lo':y to his iirotlter-in-law—jiromis- thinnest man, to he in good lualth, I j ed to let me h:n (* n \ own way—and fcvc-r saw. His legs were like spindle- j l)egged of the Colonel' to return to his fshaidis, and his long lank arms dangled j house. 'I’he iio!(' business u as from his shoulders, as if stm k there ar- | wilhin :>n hour. .My uncle came back lificially, instead of being i.atnral mem- \ to dinner and shook liands w ith his re- hers. His nose and chin w t re both In-i lation. cnngratulaling me at the same cudinately ])eaked: his moutii was large, jtime upon my apjironchiii^; chanc:e of ftnd his(dieeks hollow’, and maiked w;lh j Hie, 1 ha\e leason In h». Iieve that a re- Ktronglines. In additionInHiI -. hesfiinn-' foneiliation wi'uld not have ensued so ted oddly with both t yes. 11 i.i v umple.v-! easily, hut lo!’ I he cii cumstance of the ionw.iS ofahrownish yelh(W. Thelore j Colontl havini^upwardsofei'jht lhous;uid and lateral parts of his head weii', cpiite ! poiimls in the stocks. My talher knew en told helo»-e, with s^oh consummate and saw him in the act of leading on Iris men to a charge. At this moment the ensign who bore the I colours tell deati rd'out ten yards from ! my side, 'J'he stainiard was raised by aserieanl, who \vas almost Ins'antlv kill- 1 Ingenuity, tliat they no lonti'i r seemed Ihe same^hing>. The whole mess was jencourag^.'meiit, ” thought coi.vulsed with laughtii. His wine, 11' “ 1'^-'“'^ ^ I urn which they laid in in proper si\lc, th.ev I "’HI be next.” I now began to reflect pronounced to bt' “devilish* good ;‘‘j how much better I should have been at l)uf his stories were “a !—d ti«;;d het- j ^'ome, fcdlowing after some pacific pro- ler.” I'ity that such delightful mo-!^^hinding here to be pinked ments, sh.ould he i)rd\en in upon — Init 1 rascally Frenchman who fanci- so it was. Ill the midst of mie of hisj^'^1 h r a shut. Honour is a v(’ry most interesting adventures 1k‘ stopp/cd i pretty thing lo talk ol on the peacii cs- sli'U-t, as if sometliing caught his car.! but during war it isonoof He listened, and heard tiie dist.Mit re-1 ugliest things in the w^orld : and so bald, but th»' haii\ w!.;i. !i_b‘.11 !." • ; t.nis; a!;d like a li ue p!ii!(>;:«)j)hLr. th'.'jghi little of ii soldier am I, that 1 would ra- llier, any day, die like a Christian on my bed, than be killetl In battle in any manner, however honourable. iUit tin's is a digression. {('vuc'inlcd ncrt!;. ) I'lort (d’lirin:;. In a moment after, the i)iigles were sounded t hrouu:h the streets, callings to arms. “ (ienilcmen,” said he, “ we n>usl move ;—the enemy is at hand. — I will finish my story at some other time.” Alas ! we never all met ttled i too;( ther ai;aln. ?»Iany gallant fellow who that evcMiIng laughed at the eccen- MiKSi'.iiV DISKASIIS trlcities of their worthy Colonel, werr' “ l.Ujy.rraHth'ia nn the in a few hours stretched out cidd and i rf Injmits hij John :orlh, Mnnhrr of ihe lilVdess ep.oii Ihe fudd of honour. j Coynl ('(jlh'-t of Sar.nons, V.r." I shall not attempt to describe iheap- i Wc do not very often review Medi- pearance winch Ihussels pres. nled on , cal Works, hut Air. Ncrth’s I'.ook is this memoralde night. All was deafen- | one of such obvious utility, ttiat we can mg noi.M* and conliision. \\l'Wi'|(> la- htliK) hesitation in recommending it ken unawares :-the I’a nch, v\ .ih their i Im _i;,.,u'ral peiusal. Possessing; all that '• K.i tCteiiitic Lron'/ - -j .niv U ;'■r:‘,.nlh',e !.n;w which ii :'‘qui:d!'' ual associatian-' 'oy external signs ol lol ly, the members, when they met in !if rary discussion, were dislinguishcl I'V the colors of ilieir stockings.—The cc lors were son'.etimes fantastically bl' nil ed, and at other times or.e prevailei-'- 'I'he Sociely do la Calza lasted till th" year 1 TjOO,‘when t!i(‘ fo-ppery of It.ih:i ‘ lileratiire took some other symhi .- 'I’he rejected title then crossed the .VI;'"" and f(;!::ul a eopgenial soil in the lV|' pancy and literary trifling of society, and particularly branded IcnM*^ pedantry as Strongest feature in t!h:('h:u' acter of J'’rench ])iett‘nsion. It divcrf: ed from France to I'higland, and while mai’ked the vanity of the sir.:!/ advance in literature of our femah' c.'- t.'rie.i, Ihit the propriety of i!s npH' cation Is now gradually ceasing: f’l' see in e.ery circle tint attaininent' literature can Ix' accomplished with;'' loss of womanly niodesty. It is in h'-’ country,ahoveall o!Iiers, thatknnwd' -;-'' asserts her right of gi'iuTal domini^''*’ or contends if she be the sustainin': '■ii!;y of one sc/x, sIk; forms the li.^'l't*-’ ciiarmi, the graceful drapery of the o th('r. ^ uMi/l's Chii-'dri/. Mr-, f;. li, Mil^, Wiitcr-st. N^"' Vofk. advertises a kind of smin’calk;*! yhierican (lentlcninn. Her mori''an ticnian, she says, has hccome tlie r^puhu P'l'if-'i:; ‘‘.tr t niO'J

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