VOL. III.] . CILmiOTTE, X. a TUESDAY, MAT 15, 1827. [KO. 130. Frn iISIIED WEKKLY llv LEMUF:L BIJVGIIAM, Ji Three Dollars a year, paid in advance. ^'o paper will bo (lisrontinued, unless at the d.scrction of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Adverllscmcnls will be inserted at the usual rntes. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to notc'on the margin the number of in'fcrtions, or they will be continued until forbid, sn>l charged accordingly. Wate\\es & 3eA\cWeT\ . THOMAS^'ROT J ER & CO. Takes this method to in form the p\iblic, that they have opened a shop in Charlotte, in the house lately occupied by Doct. Samuel Henderson, on the nortli side of the Court-House, where they are well prepared to re- pair all kinds of fx- eiortts, '.t the shortest notice. They hope, by a con stant attention to business, to merit the public patronage. They have on hand and for sale, ’he following articles :— Gentlemen’s gold patent lever ^Vatches; Ladies’ do. do. do. .Silver lever and plain do. Chains, Seals and Keys, Slides and Kings; Rrcasl l‘ins, Finger Uings, and Ear Huigs , silver Table and Tea Spoons ; Soup I.adlcs and ijugnr Tongs ; Silver Spectacles, green and. white, to suit nil uges; Miiitury Buttons, Lace and Epauletts; f.adics’ Work Boxes and Reticules ; JJaKS and Clasps ; Thimbles, &c. Ike. &.C. __ir* Vv\\>V\c. ¥jnieTta\iftrtvent. The subscriber mforms his friends and the public, that he hai> purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi- ♦•d by Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to rntertain travellers and others, who may please call on him ; and no exertions will be spared *0 render them comfortai)le, and their stay a^ jyreeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which the countrj.' affords; his bar with the best of liquor* ; and his stables with plenty of provender, and careful servants will i-.s in constant attendance. ROBERT I. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. • 80 T\ie \VUkcs\)OT0’ WotcA IS now open and amply porvid- ed for tiie accomodation of vis iters. Its local situation on the Viilli-y of the Vadkin, nearly cen tral between .the Blue Ridge and the Brusliy Mountain, is picturesque, healthful and inviting. Add to this, a pure and salubrious atmosphen-, excellent water, the agreeable society of a plea sant virkige, spacious and commodious rooms, a well sHp])lieJ Ire-Housc, and but little would seem wanting to insure the traveller a few weeksr-.posc and enjoyuieiit among the Moun tains. The subsciMier has been .'iccustomed to this line of business in one of our northern cities; and lit assures those disposed to favor bun wilh a call, that no exertion shall be wanting, on his part, to render them comfortable. Tlie lines of Stages from Salem to Knoxville, and from Chcraw to Wilkesboro’, stop at the Hotel, aflording an easy access to the above es tablishment. Fare, five cents per mile—Way passengers six and a quarter cents. G. V. MASSEY. Wilkesboro’, N. C. April 22, 1827.—8t.‘i5, Uov\se From the Democratic Press. date, himself of course excMtccf. And no doubt this sentiment would have re- nnaincd in full forces were it not now con venient to throw an imputation upon the purity of Mr. Adams for the sake of ele vating Gen. .Tackson. this letter may ho viewed. If Genejjftl Jackson really did make this statement to the hi[^hly respectable Virj^inian,” wlio wrote the letter, it shows that Cincinna- tus has not retired to his ploug;h wilh all his ambitions aspiratiojis and pas- Ijiit that while he tells Extract to the Editor, dated Washington, 18th A]>nl, Ib^r. Dfar Sir : A friend the other day put into my hands the Washington Tele graph, a paj)er I schlom see unless tluis cosualy shown me, in which there was the following extract of a letter from the “Fayetteville Observer,” and said to be written by “a highly respectable Hrgin inn,’* at ])resenton » visit to Tennessee. Tennessee, nl NnshvUk, 8th March, 1827. i . j i i “I have just returned from ten. „ i- . I found a crowd of company witli him . seven j '* before all his company, of the victo- Virginians were of the nuinljciv He gave me rie*i In’ has won, and oi the mat)y sufTer- most friendly reception, and urged me to stay ■ he itas utulergonc for the good of .some days longer witli him. He told me tiu.s I cuunti v, he cati condescend to calum- morning, i/.*rc a///i/,vrom/>«m/. inre^ imputations question I nut to bun concernniir the i k ciuii, , i i »• i • r i of J. Q. Ad.ms to the Presidene). th.-a m, ' np iii the nio>l distinguished ol h’.s lel- Clay’s friends made a ])roposition to liiN fi iendi., 1 citiZLMi S, lor the sr.Ke oi crt ating a that if they would |.romlse for him, «oMo p'.u j w uiTnet svni^idl'iy in his fuYOr. ^-jurs, Mr. Adams in the seat of Secretary of Stule, Clay and his friends would, in out' hoiir, ni.ike him, .Tackson, the I’re.sident Hi- iiii»st in lij;- nantly rejected the proposition, he uonKl ik>! comprouiit himself; and unhcs*. most “pmli/ au i fairly made the President l.y Ojnjjress, he would never receive it. He declarod ihnt he i said to them, he would se; the whole earlb sink under him, before be would Oari'uoi or in trigue for it.” After reading this cxti aordinary de claration of Gen. Jackson all his ^ I I called on Mf. Cluy, and iti-j [((Uiied if he knew any tM.'ig it. i I He replied without hesital'.oti finJ with his accustomed franki:e'.j, the n)r years acquainted, told me, that ha had a man in his employment, 50 year# of age, who had been addicted to in'em- perance many years, wlio expressed a willingness to take any thing but poison I to cure him. Mr. W. procured soint* of BuUhere is still anctherllght% which the medicine and administered it a few* BOOK SZNDZNG, The subscriber respectfully informs the cit izens of Salisbury, and tlie surrounding country, that he has established a Book Bin- nEUTin said town, on Main Street, a few doors south of the C. House; where he will he thank ful to receive any kind of work in his line of business. From a number of years experience in Europe and America, he feels confident of being abl$ to give entire satisfaction to ;dlthose who may favor him witii any desrnplion of Binjuno. Blaxk Boons made to order, after any p;it- tern furni.shcd, on short notice, and at prices which no one eun complain of , . , ■ r ■ , , , ■ . Ladies’ FA.Nct Wokk Buxls made to or-i lUr. 1 a proposition as the Itittr LiesciibrR, lo I'ivni thr iNew-England C»*laxy, ’luk'.n^ham.—In your Galaxy, dated .bj'y 14, 1826, you bring forward Uiany c .;erit arguments to prove that rtijnjyr.ten, cf whatever denomination, oui^iit not to be chosen to represent the sovereign people, in the legislature. I wish not to iutruilo on your ground, as editor, but I lio bCj.' Ifave lo offer a few reasons, >vhy uicii, oi ;ouie other sions or ^,a!h!li'', oir.-ht i« :.iay at ia.uic, „!id n'iiii'l thtii’ own revei'.);d I’cntle- Oli) Books Rzhoc.vd, either plain or orna-j the friends of Geii. Jackson, was mental, on the most moderate terms. All or dcrs from a distance, faithfully attended to.— The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited, by tlieir obedient servant, J. H, I)E CARTERET. Sali.sbury, April 28th, 182f.—4t,32. Notice. As the subscriber has removed to the state of Georgi.i, he informs those who are in debted to the firm of A. & A. Hoyl, that their notes are in the hands of Andrew Hoyl, who wishes them paid immediately. ^ The subscriber having appointed Eli Hoyl his agent to transact his business, informs those who are indebted tp him individually, that theii’ notes are in the hands of the .said Eli Hoyl, to whom payment can be made until lie first day of December next; after which time, those tiiat are due and unsettled, will be placed in tlie hands of an ofhcer for collection. ADAM HOVL. Lincoln County, March 21, 18?7.—ltJ2. slucly business, as ’.ve!] ;*.5 tht ill a IT aforesaid- ibt. Lawyers ou.jlii rit'ver t j I)e cmploy- as he knew cr believed, deatiiutc i iM.ikiiig laws. i is theii appro 0ff0L,n(htim;tl.ul In ccnlou .il bdiive that Ge,i. Jack,o„ lu.i miulc a.;v '"''y such slat«M..t; but llial, „o in.lt.r v,i.h ' s ..ftlin prolMsu,.,, a» I *11 -.11 I- II , ! more daiitrerous, than those oi the cieri whom It had originated, he was luliy per-t u , suaded it was a gros.s fabrication, of the sanie calumnious cl»aracter with the Krcnier story, put forth for the double purpose of injuring his public characUT and propping ihc cause of Genera! Jack sonj and that for himself 'and Jur his f/iind^iy he ijki iKu the su!)biantiaUon of the chaige befoifc any fair tribunal whatev er.” Althcugh this statement carries on its face its own refutation, I have thought it cal, as they are much more respected and feared by the community, and are niuch more numerous in our legislature. 2nd. Physicians ought of all men lo be ready to wait on iheir patients, at a mo ment's warning, especially in obstetric caots, instead of being one, two or three hundud miles off, and proving ihfcni- selves, pM’haps, greater quacks, in the si.ichce of law, than in that of medicine. :?d. iMerchants ought to be excluded. And Stage House, at the sign of the Eagle in Charlotte, North-Carolina, by l.il3(5 UOBEilT W .VTSON. \\vv\u\\’\s ^WWct. The .subscriber having purchased the right for Benbow’s Patent H«irizont;tl Grist Mill ibr 'he counties of Mi eklenburg and Cabarrus, will have them constantly on hand, finished in a n. at and durable manner, to operate by hand or liorsc power. Those wishing to purchase, will do W’ell to call and examine this Mill. The proj)rietor will also sell single rights lor making and usinir the above Mills. BENJAMIN F. AI.EXANDER. Mecklenburg, March, 1827.—6loO The above Mill may be seen at the Cabarru and Mecklenburg Courts. Mecklenburg Counij/, Fch'y. Sessions. 182 Vincent Reed, ^^kRI(«IN.\L Attachment, rs V 1 f levied on tliree St;ige Thomas D.avis. j Hor.ses. It is ordered by Co\irt, that publication be nade six weeks in the C.atawba .lonrnal, tor the defendant to appear at tlie next May term, 1827, to be held for this county, and replevy ?md plead, or judgment will be entered against him. I. ALEXANDER, r.J/. C. 6to0.—pr. adv. !^2. Stale ivt ^r^v\\\-V'avu\Vua, ^lecklcnhurg Covnti/, I'eh'ij. Sessions, IP27. Law'son H. Alexander,^ d \!{!t.lN.\L Aitadi- iip. V " “ iiieiit, levied i Herberts. Kimble. 3 the hands ol \\ilHani i^mith, and him suminoned as C;.rnl‘.hee. Ordered b> Court, that public.iti(,n lie ni.-ide 'ix weeks in tlie vvba .louricd, for thi de- iendiint to appear at ti'.e in .vt term, ♦o > i' held tor this oiinty. and ihre replevy und pleal or dernur, otlu rv. i'o judgnieJiL by tiehuilt will be'entered a^ain^t Imn 1. AI.EXANDEJt, C.-V. C. 6t30.—pr. r.dv. J.2. ^ta\v.‘. ivt .Vov\\\-V^avo\’u\a, i^tex'klaihurf' ('ountyi Fcb'ij. tii^novs, 1827. 'Viiliam Smith, rs. [. Orifiinnl JUtachmcnt John Cole, j ORDERED by Court, that publication bo made six weeks in the Cutawba .lonncil. Tor the defendant to appear at the next May ♦erm, 1827, to be held t>r lliii, county, uikI there Tfplevy and plead, or judgment pro tonfesbo Will be taken again.st him. 1. ALEXANDER, C. M. C. f)t40—pr. adv. f.?. Doct. V. C. Caldwell, I due to ll.eoccas.on ro rut you .n | As .1 is their |.rofcsseJ object to buy a.ul : positive coniradii The statement is, that “ Clay an session or ,his Iht r,nt! positive cuntradic-; Sf "> ■», B''''.';* ‘ V and • speculating on the liberties ol l!iTfrien(ic’7>7»h'ici7\he Vlc.,''iw ■" veyed that all, or at least a majority of his friends in the House of Hepresenta- i lives, made the proposal. If the s'ati must be .suscen'ible as most cssenlially to endanger them •1th, Mechanics and Manufacturers, of al! descriptions, are improper persons to ^j !be employed as legislators, as they are NFOIIMS bit; friends and the that he ha> taKen the shop n-rent- j V"" nriu f r-i-' 'vorking wonders, in their several trades, ly-oceupied by Dr. D. T. Caldwell, proo ; and il piooi ca. be to preclude the neces- where he can at all times be fuund. why baS its exhibition been so loTig de-1 ^ workshops in except when professionally engaged. ! layed r hy is the .sUiicinetit at this .ate ] ^ • ,, , f»nr mnnrv 'icross As lie Will devote bis time sulely made to lag behind ail the inie’’e.st-M'^P"> ^ ^ ^ his profes.sion, he hopes to rccs ive u siiarc public patronage. April 28, 1827.—5t32. nocTOiis Tlios. I. Johnson & Thos. Harris, U.WING associated in the practice of MED ICINE, resi)ectfully tender tlu ir services, ir.g incidents of the two last years whic h hT.ve followed the Piesidental election ? ' ihe Aiiantic to pay our workmeni i .^ith, farmers. On them we depend, ' under divine Providence, for daily bread. , r .11 • ,' They cannot he si)ared from the labors •■"wh Is‘n!!;,:.'"to"',ss,^' fi-,"'.- f . , I ' .1 r : I labors of eirislation; especially as they throucch the mouth of a rn.;n w iio, more * ** ^ ,, , i. » iu, , 111 r • - I I ‘ must nitlura y be supposed to be wholly than a 1 otheis iving, is u/U^r,'>ha u» ere-, "V i i- i t ^ . 5 j un-^ualified lor the latter employment.— “ were to ating and cu’culating it Mr. C lay and hi« friends make ti.e (>enei-a! I’residcnt “ in one hour. ” T he proposal therefore must i'o make a couplet of doggerel verse, lie Her stay and raise ]>otatoes. ’I’h'in meet and act as legislators. have’ been tr^adf on ike da» of the clcrt'on | '‘lb. And lastly. Deputy sheriffs and in the House. Now it was well known .iail-heepers, ought lo assist in excuting. Ve. some such in tlic several dcpartmuits of tln ir profession, to the citizens of Charlotte and ils onlignous country. They can at all times be l^und, at their newly established shop, on the lot form erly occupied by Dr. TboOias lli.-nderaon, two hundred\ards south of tliC Court-House, ex cept uhui i)rofessionall) engaged. Thej .arc - V • W ^ ^,, rcc>l-1 not in l.iaking the laws, m dudv expectatK.n of afresh and gemune as- m a.>.nng on jor sexciai lui.s ^ t.ee | k,. nno- tn .,i r r.resent lerisla- st>rtn.e'nt of Medicine froiti I'iulaUelphia and ^ ing that event, that the Iriends ot .xlr. , chct act(. s belong to oi.r pi estnt -^isla Nt w-^York. 23* Ciav would vole Ibr M r. Adams in pro-j u body. ‘ , , ^ t,., ferencc to Gen.. Jackson. Their inicn-l ^vbat is to be done. Who tion was no secret. It was the knoukdi-c j -Uidl rr,;:ei«uf the sovereign peop.e, and of it that induced the friends of JaLl.s-^n ’ tnal.e tli. i; laws.” 1 answer. In every fn make the ellbrt, tbrou!:h their tud,'i'y and town, there may be found one deter Mr. GlayVroin ins pur-! or nure chai aclers, similar to your hum- pose. 11 me proposition was not ii.ad.- ! ble servant, who have no other eniploy- on the day oi’ the election, it is ui an Ho s', from its terms, that it eoulu Ik.v'' been made at all, as othetwijt; niore l.i .:i “an hour” would have Itei; re quired t^o consummate the bargaiji IJut that no such projiosilion was ever! - made, is evident from ai.other consider- j r fnhm/jiranr.c.—’I'iie lacts stated ;ition. i’he votes ot Mr. Ciay an:! his j will far to convitice those who friends could not have made Gen. .lack-t,.^^ „ l,ithTto incredulous, if any son the l*resident. Mr. Adams had, witlu ul Mr. ('lay’s inlluence, tlie votes of States ; Mr. Crawford lirul /ofo — making thirteen, a majoity of the whole .XoWee. 4 r.KEEABLY to the provif-.ions to a Deed of 'I'rust from William f^udisill, to secure the jiaynient of a debt due the bank ofNewbeni, | to ( tlie undersigned will sell, at I’ublic Sale, in iftl.f Charlotte, tu the highe.st bidder, on Monday, • the .'H;h of .May next, ( being Monday of Court,) the lots and improveuicnts in said town, at jire- sent oceu|/u (1 b_\ s:iid IJndisill. The improve ments are atu o ;,tor\ fr;ime dwellin;.;-bouse; all nceess.iry tait buiKiin;.’'?: a well ot excellent watc'r in thejaVtl; all of whicli are in comforta ble neat repair, and handsomely sitnateil. Ihe purchaser crn have tlie bunk acconiir.odatlonfi, bv giving bond and appi'oved securit\ ' JONAS HL’DISl) 1 . sen. A\ M. DAViDStlN. April 10,13:7.—_____ Entry Tukers’ Wnrrants, For sale, at thir. OfTif'c. Dccdif. for 5^alc al this (Uri'c. W XoVVce. ^IIJ- be sold, al the Court-House in Concord, on the :kl Monday in .luly next, by order of ilie Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, one negro man naniod Udicard, who was committed to the jail of the county twelve months ago, and said be l>eIonged to one Johnson, a trader in negroes. Said ieliow is of mitldle stature, tolerably stout built, and light color, and is now to be sold according to act of Assembly, to Uie of the county and sati;daction of j.iil lees, kc. .1, W.’HAMILTON, !htrijf. Corifi'} d, .Opril 10, 13'j7. 3int'iO ment, than to watch over the rlgliis and i.ueresls cf the p(“opie, and stuily, wril^ and spout in their favor. Aiul who so suitable t>> make their laws, with judg ment ard iinparlialiiyoiiosc's. number, 'i- be utiited sii eiiglh then ol ton ,'\\vY>Ye,i\ticcs. m ■’'aN I'KD, at this Office, two boys, 15 or >T IG \iar-,of ;>gc, a» Apprentices to the f’rliiiing ItUMiu'^.s. F'.r -yie, it ti*’.? Oftlc'’ Mr. Clay and the (General couUt have been no more than tlti'cn States, i’ut suppose IVli’. Clay and his (rietids to have commanded the votes of live Slat's, as h;i the I fleet the General. And t was nolor-- oushere, that liie States which voted for Mr. ('rawfurd wo'ild ultimately have voted fur .Mr. Adams, if the contest had been protracted before tiie House. Again, if such a proposition had been niatle, 13 it credible that Gen. Jackson would have congratulated Mr. Adams ^ in the markeil maimer that he did on his j ^ I election.^ Ilwas wel!':;iov.n also thatr’i'^^’ such there be, of the efficacy oi the rem edy lately employed to cure inveterate halntsol intoxicalion. 'I'lie statement is made in a letter 10 the ediltjrsof the lios- timesrin consequence of which the old man has lost all thirst for spirituous li quors, and appears like another man. He says, it cost him fifty dollars a year to get driuiiM and now he does n»t love strong drink, and therefore he infers ihat he may yet rise in the world. 'I’his case is of two or three weeks continuance on - •y* Mr. S. a respectable mechanic, welf known here and highly esteemed by ma ny of our acquaintance, says that he has a young friend who was subject lo fits of intoxication, once in two or three weeks. He took, the medicine 6 or,7 weeks ago, and l.as lost all hankering for spirituous liquors. Mr S. an old man, whom I saw, says i he was ten years addicted to intemper ance. He took the medicine 5 or 6 weeks smce, in cons* quence of which he has lost all hankering for spirituous liquors. —His employer, a gentleman of respec- t ibility, conliruiS this statement, and say? ! be dismissed this man from his scrvicc? I)efbre he look this medicine and has re* sioied him since. I saw both the indi viduals here spoken of. Mr K. an industrious mechanic, whon« I saw, says liis brother-in-law, a youth of 19 years, had become a curse to hiinselC and his friends, and had become so sot tish, as to make it necessary to take hint to the hospital. The physicians at the hospital, said he could not have Jived a fortnigbt, in the continuance of such ex~ cess. This young man took the mcdi- cine eight weeks ago, in consequence oC which he has lost all ihirst for spirituous liquor, and cannot be tempted to touclii it. His appearance is changed to that o£ u temperate and healthy youth. Hisr broiher-in-Iawcan use no language strong enough to express his confidence in th® efficacy and value of this remedy. Mr. I), a mechanic in the same neigh borhood, took this medicine about one week since, having been previously, as we learnt from himself and wife very in- teiiiperate, and now he has no relish for spirituous liquors. There were great indications of joy and gratitude in the countenancc and expression of these peo ple. P. K. took the medicine about the same time with D. lie had been in the habit of drinking 15 or 16 glasses per day, and in his last fit of intoxication, he was drunk ftve days. His' cups v/ere the first thing in the morning and the last at night— and for the last 4 or 3 years, he has been very much abandoned. His dreadful thirst for spirituous liquors is quenched, and he says he is willing to protlaim to the world the benefit he has received from Dr. Chalmers. Mr. A. a young man thirty years of age, has been dreadfully intemperatt* 13 years. His father, who is now dead, was the same, and brought up his son in his own habits. This young man, has. been twice a lunatic; three times brought ‘to the gates of death by fits 3 ten times committerl to the watch house ; and re peatedly brought home drunk to his mo ther who is a widow, all in consequences of intemperance. He took the medicine seven weeks ago last Friday, and contin* ued to take it till the Tuesday following- and he has had no desire of spirituous li- (juors since. The facts in this case V9-e coiled from his mother, his employer and himself. I have seldom seen a more grateful and happy woman than his mo- iber. (Jur societies for suppressing in’empon* ance, in our humble opinion, w )ul(l do more good, l)y purchsaing this medicine, and administering ilgi-atis lothe proper subjects, than they can ever ehect by puWishing tracts or newspapers, or by bolding public meetings. Their Tr.ictJi and Newspapers are. noi read, and fbeir I meetings are not attended by drunkards. Ik'nton Courif'r. Rc'-ordei', iiom Mi. Louis Dwight whose characler lor verac I: unlirin;; :>er;vjrve:-aacc in the cause iropliy and good morals is m ell Mcchfinicol Iuf'jnutiy.~~\ distinguished mechanic of this place has made a very ele;;ant and curious door lock. It has | j two bolts and two keys, which, lo a com- . ii.,-.!.' - * 1 mon observer, exactly resem.ble each las been sonu-iimes ! phl’.an'bropliy and good morals is well I ^1,^,,^ One of the keys commands but e won t. ia\e een uue uai. knov-n in B'jston, and puts to silence all, one bolt, the other commands both; to suspi.ion I,i' tlio ».:,,uracy ut ihe lact,.. ! the holt coron.anUert by the master key ‘ . . I is connected an alarm bell, which makes He ‘pent a day and a nail visiUng in-1 ^ whenever the boll is Is and families in dift’ere'.il parts III) man in the United Siat'.s iboiM'bi more favourably _of Mi-. Adams tlian Jackson diti ; and tiial b* p'^eferred I len. dividua of r'le city of New York, for ihe soh: pur pose of aaceri.iining the truth of p; -viuui statemtnis, and i - willing to t.ihe i’..e re- loili’y of furnishing t! o cvidcn'-^e hich has been presented. T. 0. ^V. a gentleman ol' great re = - " I >1 ••'luni 1 ' .!vc acet> m'’- thrown back. There is but one key-ho!e to the lock : and tlie owner might safely t;ive the lock, which cost several months latiou!-, to a stranger, who could lock and unlock both bolls in ten hours time, by the aifl of boih key:;. It is at the s.:r.'ie tim»- very simple, and a person may in a few minuies be insi!U'‘te(! in the eil* tiri O' C5 it K- -.Iniktj licnortc*.

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