>.,u iu;. lit ;i I' -Ur !n>ni an offr t r uu boavti tli: I', s, I'lvr'.’f l^r.iiulywiiu', tlitti at Kio d(' Jiiiiitni, to liis friend ni tins cltv, daltd ’.Tlli mbt r 18 J(’. * , ‘•With the cxcopticn of dinhitj at Mr. a?ul spi-nditii; un cvi uiiig ul tin- i3i iiish Charjje dts All'uirs, 1 have iioihiiiij of the society ol'the place; jiuh; ing. liuwcver- from whut Mr. iias loui me, 1 should suy that it vus by no nicuus a very desirablt.* place to reside ai. He intornis me, that neither he nor his I'amily have, since residiiij,^ here, vis ited a sir,gle Brazilian f’arnilv; that itie socii ly is made up ennrely of f'Jreigners, that there is no ifitercoui su whatever, *jiid lh*4t a person might be here .‘0 years, nithout ge!ting; over the sill of a native’s hou.se. In lact, tliere is no social visiting nmoiig thrmselves; they are very susj)i- cious and jealous, and the slate of tnontls very low—no sucli word is to be found in ineir vocabulary. The harbor of Uio Ts really very imposing and beautiful; the city, at the distance we lay, (a mile and a hall.) is really so, but when nearer aj)- prouched, is like all JSpanish or Poriu- guese towns, very dirty undjlilihy. Tiie population is from 180,000 to 200,00ff in- littbitants, and i?o.t more ihan one sevtmh of which are free whin s' '1 he blacks are employed iti many ofhces of siaie, and are aliogether very much res;>ecicd by :l'.c government. It is not uncommon lo see a black walking arm in arm with a peibon of distinction, or to sec them ri^;;^^- #d DUi with diamonds or other jewen y, at least of several thousands ol dollars ralue. 1 suppose you have, long before you receive this, heard of the many captures by the Brazilian forces of our luerch.uit- mrn, -'1 tlie ireatment met with by uui- couiitr>men, conhning them on Oourd of prison ships, and almost starving them todeatl). X hojje these things will noi be passively boi ne wilh. Th« y have no respect for us, at-least thow iione, from the circumstance of our not havui|; long bel'ore tliis, taken a staj^d against ihrir outrageous cncroachmenis on our righis. It is almost beyond credibility, but the faci is so, that they in many cu-'cs, have out vied (jreut Britain, in iier treatment. I'hey were a good deal alarmed by the ariival of so great a force, not knowini; to what circumstance to attribute our be ing ht‘re, unless to take redress for their unjusiifiable cojuluc towards us. In the course of the first ten duys here, the Cy- »ne, Bostoti. and Macedonian, each ar riving: at diirerent times, rathc'r threw them into a panic, from which they have r.ot even yet entirely recovered. There is a rumour of an embargo having been laid for ten days: (this will not prevent our sailing to-morrow ;) the i'.mperor sails within that time, for Hio Grande, io In/ to. quell an insurrection among his troops. It IS to prevent any information of this intention, reaching Brown, that this embargo is laid. 1 have seeti him (the Kmperor)once while riding; he is a verv good-looking man, of about 2H years ofi»ge: his wife is daughter of the Em peror of Austria. and sister to Maria Lou isa; is by no nieatis handsome; is said, however, to be a fine woman, of consider able information : She is, poor woman, almost broken-hearted, in consetpience of the prrferencp shown by her husband tt> her first maid of honor. His conduct has be'Mi very cruel anJ very exceptiona ble. He takes every opportunity of in juring the feelinijs of his wife. She is since dead. 1 am hcariily tiled of illo, and care not how soon we h*ave it.” jXnt. Journal. Through the )'olitenoss of.C’apt. \Vm. B. Bowers, who left San Bias on ihe 1st of March last, and came through the in tenor ofM xico to Vera Ciuz, ihe I'di- tors of th‘e I\'ew-Vork Comnu rcial Ad- vfMiser have the following communica tion giving late information from the U. S. sloo]) of wa!' I’eacock, and lato and pratifjiiig intrllig^ n’c from the Sand- V ich Islandj. I'lom \'era Cru/, C!apt. Bowers t aiiie passi figrr in the ijrig Ell- ra, ai'ived al Ncw-'ioik on .Saturday morning fr«’m tlsat port. , Capt. Bowers lett al San Blab the U- TiiU'd States’ sloop of wai Fcacock, Tliomatj A p. C. bj'iec. lu sail for i/inut abf)ut the eih of ?.Ijrrb. 'i’he i\ acoi k lefi Lima in Muv, cn a cruise u- mong tin' .South Sea l .lund iii lh* C(juiseol sb‘ visitrfl Marqiies.i:)' riiou;)e,Ol:'heitf,.iiMl o lu r of tin Socie ty Islands, tii* Saiulwich, and some o- ther Islanils of minor in)jjor lance in the INorth and South l^aeifir .U;cans. 'I he IVacoik left W’oa'ioo on the Ci!i of Jan. last, wlien^ she li:>,i j)aCM.-d ihe 7hree pievious iDoir.i)'-,, jone?., and the OfBcc-rs of,t!)i' I'ear.j-r.. speak iri high tei-nis of t!ie peacei'ul acd fiiend!'; deportment of the iiatioiis of ti;e lilaiuis visited hv '.hem, and mure particularly tlioseifthe Sandwich IsLr.ders, wlsose ad\ar,ci d Eiiite of civi!l/.ali'»:j ricutly ex ceeded thi i;' expt c'.ation;:, Capt. b u!.>,o s'.ule*-. il.e mis sionary ttl'ous e-.uer t!ie saj;;inien- dence i T the Kcv. ij. Bihj^huiii, at Wua- }ioo, have succeeJit. f.si- ti.e t-st hope of the li.cs! s.-.ij{^u;ne l iauitilhro- pii’ — inar.y cl'iht i/u'.i'jns hww Ix uig a- blc lo V./lie, c;f>d MiOo '>! ihein i-,.n tv ud *!iC 1'iVi; I'li. na;iia)'\ i .'i j !;y llit Aiiieii- . lU mi-isiDU.ii iiin tlu irou n language. I'lu's do we see tiuit in less than seven years suici' the first messengers of Chris tianity i'rrivet! the Sandwich Islands, the whole_ po;)ulation h:ive not only em- bi a^ed it, but tliey have e’ inced an earn est in tl etr profession by dcHtroying tlu:ir idol.", and abolishing nil their lormer heathenish ceremonies ! t'a])t. Jones fas effected Eonne friendly arrangements with the Kings and Chiefs i»r Otaheiti^and of the Sandwich Islands, wliereby m^y of the evils complained of ! I)y our counti ynien engagerl in the whale fishe.ry and commerce of the South Sea, are r;-mo\ed, and };uaried against for tin* future. The -'/lirurs and crew of the I I'eacocl^ v.eie all in good health and { spirits, highly gi utided with the service ' they had bfi«*n engaged in, and expccted j to iind their »•( lie f al Callao, a!ul to re turn to the I 'uiled States eaily in the en- ,suing autumn. I'atriot. fd tlu* ’.’uiic by ti.tlr c’.v;i , al hist slu.v, and with a solemn sort ol ;numi)fu»g; but, hen the acct'leratit.rt gathers tj a luad. it is as fearfi.1 as it is t)eautiful. They are the popular mode (jf communication luire. Cireat Britain will soon be covered with them. We could not liavfc constructed a goo.d .one withtjut coming over to exanune the defects cf the existing ones, here, for it is only the/jer/'tc/io/js appear in the pub lic works on railways.” Bait, Patriot. Wo extract the lull»v/ing article on a hig'.ily interesting subject, from the Xer York American : Grct/c.—I'he intclligenre furnished by the last I’aris jj ip.('r.s 11' the determina tion of the Poiic to resist all overtures from tnc Cluistian Powers Ibr the paci fication ol’Cireeee i«, if aiitht-niic—as,. I'rorn the blind fan:;tici-,m of tla: Turks we presuHie i? lo he—ofhigli impoiiance .uu!, we would faiii lif)pe, oi'goud augu);. for the real and nnqiialiiii-d indepei.di nee »if (ireece. 'I'Ik- mediation oi iia- Ea- I'opean Courts was uiu'ers'cod to aim onl^’ at ol)taining for t!ie CJreeks a degree of mitigated depetidence. i hey; wrte still to be subjects of the i^Jrtt•, owing it allegiance atid paying it tr'buie. 'I’iiey we;c to be in iiu“ coiidition that Walla- fhla and .MolUavia now are—Hcondiiion, it ii. true, when eomriaied with tlte mer- I ri!t ,s and rapacious doininalion undei’ whi'di they had been fio long suilering, of 1 comparative i'reedom and hapjiiness. j iiut this meditutijn I)eing- refused, it may the hoj)cI—nay, if i.nfutmation derived (Voiti reliable soui\:e5 do not mislead us, it may be .^tated with certainty—that (Ireat Britain, ami perhaps l''rance, will uniu* in saying to ibrahim Pacha, tiie main supj>oi ter of t!ie war, that he hiust go home, and leave the Turks to settle their matters as they may with the Cireeks. It is from Egypt, by tlie treas ures of Ali Pacha, by his granaries, with his troops and flei is, that the war of the two last campaigns has been sustained, I Without these Cjcire would, ere tins, ' liave di'iven the i'uik from her bosom; ; l-iut when a British lleet siiall intimate t(j j llirahim, as probaljly will be done, t hat he j must go h'me with his ships, or they will be captured, he will not hesitate long ; for th(; war has been one of great expense and hardship to him, without any return, except Creek heads and cars, and with him will depart the hopes of the Crescent. Against all the powers of Constantinople, the Greeks cun protect themselves. We are therefore disposed rather to rejoice at than regret the failuie, if so It .shall turn out to be, of the j)r.)f- fered mediuticn of the Christian Powers. National Inldligcncer. T'liEE TIUDH. Certain peisons in Enjjland, for ship ping machinery to France, were lately ar rested and dealt with “according to law;” and measui’es were taken to render the laws relating thereto more ceilain se vere than they are I Su much for “ Fiii.i: iHAi'E.” But Britain may as well at tempt to arrest t.he courses of the |ilan«-ts, as to stop the spread of scicntijic pvucr^ unless by {)lui;ging natiorib m war, ami so diverting persons and capital from aetiuiring it. ' It will rest where aiibsin- lenre is the chea,oes;t, if property issecme, thou!;h supported in lliiiain by luws the most rigid, and pri\.ilions the most ter rible. And, if the I'leiich cannot make machinerv i'or lliem..elves, iei iht ui ap ply to “ l.^rother Jonathan’s vvurk-shops, ” li’om which they will be glad’y furnish- «'d, with the most unproved niui.hines, and some too, of great lai)or saving pow er;, whieh •‘Jolin Bull” has not, bein;; ol •• ))ri)i her Jitiiat ban’s” on n “ new con trivance.” We particularly allude to Bi'ewster’s wool-^pmning machine ami speedet, and the power loom lor wea\- mg wide elotlis. Jiut J^iitain enieilv |Supj)oris licr siipienia> y, at presenl, in maiiulacture.;, by the ■'iii/rfuion of hei' operatives. A7/Vi’ II. lui^isler. Iuiiltrai/i:.~-]\\U ac\ of a letter from a gent!eii...ii travelhiii^^ in Engl.ind, dated j I 'Uh 1 e(). 1HJ7 : 'J'lie engineer and fny- j self having coinj)h'ied, to our saiisfac- tion. an investig..tion of the Railway.s oi 1 till) kiiigdtjin, he [)ai is irc,m me this dav j \'i I'i'.iljai k 111 one (d ilie lirst paelK'ts for I'o-u 'i (ji k. i\!inuugh I hav(‘ l;een for I tv.o m(vnths e.\amiiiin;; railways, I L.m in ' a (.'!».at> r Mate of udihiiatioii tlian ever juinjui them. As lo tlie pheiiomeita of I '.he Iletton railw ay, )v>u i uu scarc'iy be- j lieve them true when :n ihe midst of I tiicm—it w ill luok tu ycni like J{lu)do- I mr^i.tade to spt-ak of twenty-four empty [ V. ugori:;, v/eigbiiii; titore than tluriy , tons, bf.iiig lorced up I,ill, ail the way by ! steam, at the i j.te of mik's an I hour, and iie.s uinjn a plane a imle and a h.dl h'lig. 1 caii.edownthe same plane, standi^';' U[m.I' a knee of the hindn»osi ■a„g(i!i ol .'-I lu.idi'd iMie;,,j^t.,Jelling aii i- gcthcr cr.f huijdted itii^; ihcv dcJcend- ITEM.S FROM KNGLISIi PAPERS. J1 rich Jeu'eller.— It has been said that Mr. llundelU who has recently died worth nearly two millions of money, received 40,MOO/, for the loan of jewels and plate, at the last coronatio!!, to the King and lo several of the Nobility. VVhen the Em perors and the Prince Hegent were enter tained at Oxfoi 'l, in 1814, with a dinner in the UadcliHe Library, Mr. Rundell then supplied the plate, for the loan of which lie received about 6,000/. He amassed his vast fortune by extreme frugality ; he was m'ver muri ied, and never kept an fsfjhli'-hment. Mr. Hun- dell has left lo tne ciiildren of Mr. Bigge, Jus lapid.'rv')‘J.),000/. each. Many years ago iie beeline niiunate with the fanijly of yiv. -J. ’'an:;ester. the comedian, and al tua’ exceUent pei l'jrtiier's residence in (vver-'-treet, he, to use hts o'v;i txpres- sio I, ‘ pa,-sed I’K.iiV hapjjy hou.' s.’ \Vhen oae if the sr,ri>, (an aitieled clerk to ^Villiani'^ and '’rtiuks. of Lincoln’s Inn) was out ol’his time, .Mr. Rundell culled al the cf!’ice, and i!ivited him to breakfast on the fcdlowing dav : ihe young man went, and .\lr. R. al’tei- putting many in- terrugatoi'ies as lo his inteiuled pursuits in lil'v , dismiised him, first putting inio his haiul a jiiece of paper, and charging hill) not to examine it nil Ik- got home— it \\-js at)ank note for 10,Oj'),/. 'I'he gen tleman to w liom he has left 400,000/is said to be a near relative. By a paper just laivl before Parlia-, metil liiere is the following account of the arniv, navy, ordnance, £vC. in the \ear IH26, viz : Army, X8 ^:97,3C1 Ordiiaace, l,t^69,607 Na\y, 4,.'i4J,CvM Miscellaneous Scrvlcc'J £19,344,187 'I’he following snows the salaries paid to the English anil .\mercan Ambassa- dor-i al l!ie principal (Courts of Europe ; rnfjibh .Jmluiits{hfrs. .‘IiiKriatn Jmljassadors. To ] mice, 'I'o I'rar.rc, X1,»00 | Spain, 1'3,-OUO S|j;uii, 1,800 | llol'.uiul, I'J.OOl) IIoM.411,1 tKK) Ausfriii, 1 J,0UU Aii^ti'ia, 1J,00'J l.'iissi;!. Otlumu/i F'lrti, l.OOi) Oltumun rorte, United btutChi, (5,0UU ling'limd, 1,80U 'I'lie Sut.day Times .says, cn this sub ject, we cannot ior the liie of us see why our ivhnisiers at Foreign Courts shouid be allowed six times the amount of sala ry which tlie American Ambassadors re ceive Irom their Government. rr«in a lute l.oiidon Paper Ftitnl Tuiitrili’.—,\ few evenings since, the following dreadlul occurrence took place : At the Star inn. in Bedmin.ster, w.iu a caifavan of wdd (leasts, and the keeper being in want of ati atieudaUt, a person wlio had from his infancy been ac. ustomed to the business, oH'ered his servii.ts, and was acc*-pted. He was, however, cautioned ntjt to go wiihin the rea !i ol any pi the beasts : this caution be unhappily neglectetl. .\ |)arty came to see the animals, and as the lion v/as a- sleep, £,did not appear v\ illing to rise, the man im|)ruAlently went into his den. The l>easi suddenly awakened, aiul probably hungry, anl alarmed at (he presence of li.e ^iraiiger, daited forward one of his paws, w nil which lie seired the sliOvV- man by the shoulder, and at the same moment with the other he very lireauful- iv lact rated Ihe face. The ^uiserable iiiaii cried piteously, and strui|;gled to get l')ose. I)ut his ell.ji'is were in vain, and I lie lion, now inlurialed, seizei! him by Ihe ihi(jal With his inoiuh, and held him 111 that situ.ition until dcaiii put a jiei iod lo the too horrible sullerings of tlie vic- t;nu A fventlenian liappening to pass ho lived in ilu* iiei;;!iborhoo(i, immedi ately broiiglii his jjisiols, aiitl another person railed to a Idacksmith, who had a piece of iron reil-hot, to ail'ord assistance; ijiit it was taenly minutes before the an imal would fjuit his prey, although l.is mouth was much burneil ; at length the head of the unhappy man fell from his jaws, a spectacle loo horrible for descrip- ion, when the body was drawn from the cage. We unde: stand that, under or dinary cireiimstanoes, the animal was ex- ceedin.^ly c-uiet ami docile; so much so, j Indeed, that two w omen aiul two children had actually been in the cage with him the preceding day. 1 roni the Ncw-York Morning Cl.ronlcle. Mr. liroui^ham, the distingnisiied ad vocate of liberal principles in the i'.ng- lish [parliament, has been involvetl in an allair with a Mr Raikes, which u e are glad has been terminated by the inter- posi'ion td’the auihoriiies. llaike'^, who ajipears to be (jiic of Mhe knt>wing ones’ —(Jill- ol the ' notn'diiix rirhcs,' t'lok occa- sio:. to J4i\e lii^M'll u little !jy nisultin;; a man inuncastir.'.bly his sui^ riut. Ti.e aPiuir ai'OTrom^ somc^pun-f gent and caustic oliservations made l.'y *\lr. Brou;iham, as counsel in acauae in which Raikefi w a"? plamtiii, who not lik ing the dose which the satirical advocate administered, j)ui’sued the plan which many of our pohtidans have adopted, viz : that of demanding that it should be set tled in the manner ^customanj amonggcn- tleriien.' We are happy that it has result- edas it has,-for tho’ it was but the arm of a pigmy against a giu.nt, still the chan ces as to the issue were equal. POR.r GIBSO.V, MISSISSIPPI, MAllCH 31. A tragical event happened in Greenville, Jeflerson county, on last week, which displays a horrid insunce of moral tur pitude, to w'hich a young man, just t'n- tering into life with every promise, fell a melancholy victim. We shall give the l)articulara as we have heard them, and in doing so shall mention names. The fear of wounding the feelings ol her rela- tive.s would withhold us from the disclo sure, did we not feel it a duty to expose vice when it appears in sucli a horrilile shape, and had we not sunicient kno w- ledge of matikind to know that the er- rings of individuals taini not, in the esti mation of society, the character of tiieir relations. A Ml.s. Cable, who has for some lime kept a taxein in Greenville, recehed in to lier h’ouse, as a boarder, Mr. James Giay, vvho had lately taken up his abode in the place, and hud opened a store and was appointed Post-Mas’er. He was a \oung man of an amia!)le disposition, and of modest and leliring de;)orni enl—jtist such a character as is most likely to bt decoyed from virtue by the designing.— .Mrs. C. freijuently made advances, which he could not i>ut understand, and finally yielded to. He continijed an illi cit connection, till the adnioniiions of bis friends induced Inm to break it »df and change his biiarding. She had fre([uent ly ui v,;ed him to marry her, v, hich he re fused to do; and this fast conduct of his raisi d her jealousy to the highest pitch, and she tleclared to her servant girl, that if he did not yield to her wishes, she would kill him tlie first opportunity.— Accordingly on his return froniNew- Orleans, vvliither he had been on busi ness, she sent for him, and, with this direful intent, prevailed on him to stay al! night. 1 owards morning, and when he was asleep, she appears to have got up, laid her burjal dress, previously prc- j)a;ed, on the table, took one pistol and shot him in the back of the head, and then deliberately laying down in the bed by him, placed another to her forehead and blew ofl the whole of the upper part Ol her head. They were found in this condition the next morning, by the neigh bours, who had to creep through the window to get into the room. Here was the working of jealousy on a vindictive, h( llish disposition. Here is an instance of vice, risen to its acme in its influence over human action: and should warn us to be extremely cautious how we indulge the evil tendencies of our nature. We cannot look through the vista of years to the end (if life, but we can conjecture to what end such an indulgence may lead; if it were jiossible, it mi^ht be even worse than hers. She may once have been vir tuous, amiable, loving anil beloved; and she finally became so changed and call ous as to be regardless '-ven of sell, and sacri,(iced hci sclf to eflect his dcstruc- ticn. CiiARLOTrsvii.LE,-APiui. 21.—A shock ing murder was committed several days ago on the body of a free woman of color, whoresided in this county. We under stand that some person forcibly entered the house in tiie ni.qht, dragged her a- cross the floor, and finally despatched her Ijy several blows on the head wi‘.h an axe. The house was then plundered and set on fire, and consumed, with all the body except a part of the head. It is conjectured that the murderer was tempt ed to commit this foal deed under the expectation of getting some seventy or eighty dollars, iupposed to have been in possession of this woman. Circumstan ces which have transpired since the com mission of the murder, have caused sus picion to alight on a negro man belong ing lo Mr. Sowell of this county. The supposed murderer has been apprehend ed and committed lur Central Gaz. roirn.wn, rMF,.) Arnii. 17. S.':oc/,\ng /Jcciihnt,—On the IJihinst. Mr. Eiioch Hailier, ol \\ e.sibrook, in at- temping to blast a rock, received a se vere wound in the head.—The frontal bone wa.s shatteied and depressed to the extetit ol three inches in diameter—sev eral 'pieces were lemoved—the mem branes that invest the brain, were ruj)- lured, so that some portions of this or gan issued through the apertures. He was sliglitly injured in both arms. The accident oc( urr»'d in attempt to reprime loo soon, 'i'he priming had blown out without filing the cliarije, and while he was pouring in the powiler from a fargo born, containing a pound, it took fi:'c, and it was suj)posed that he received the wound from a plank, which laid over the roek. Al first he was appaienily dead, Ijui soon manifested life at;d r.'turiv^ig sense; and foi the must (d’the time since,' lias retailed his mental laciiltics. We ■inderstandr-however, there i^ but very li'ih; pi'i;';pcet of bi‘; rei. )’ ■ K'asn'asliiu, Jlpril 1—'i'iit berated Propliei, brother of tlic no loss celebrated 'I'ecumseh, is nov/ at colonel Menard’s, with a number of Shawntes on their way to select their country wci't of the Mississippi. This Prophet was the master-spirit faat regulated atid call- ed into action the energies of the Indiai.>, in the last war; who, riot w iihsiandin'' has since been taken into the favor arid lived under the protection of our goveri,- ment. He has yet great influence over the minds of his tribe, and though he has promised to behave himself and be true to his government, it may be apprehended in the new theatre on which he is now to be placed, with all his faculties yet an- parently unimpaired, and feeling, as l,e must, the same hostility to us he former ly entertained, that with the material;, there placed to his hand, he will wurl* out something by the assistance of which he can obtain his former unbounded in fluence, and, when opportunity may oticr to give it the same direction. ' As one of the watchmen was going his rounds about 5 o’clock yesterday mor- ning, he discovered a man robbing the dry goods store of .Mr. E. Seeley, a' tha corner of Arch anil Fifih streets, anduiio- iher man busily engaged in jiacking away I he plunder in a dearborn. The watchuiuu sprung his rattle, at ihe noise of v.hicii tiie horse started wiuh the dearborn, hu‘ was soon slopped by some building niate- terials in the street. 'I'he man jumped from the wagon and maile liis escape. TIr' fellow ihui was in the store alsoflid, leaving the iiorse, dearborn, and goods in posseisjon of ihe w atch. The I'lorse was taken to a livery stable in the neighljoriiood, l)’il as tie happened to lie very rest!-ss, it was determined to attach ; long i pe lo his neck, and suffer him to take such course as he himself might select. After wandering up :md luwn several streets, ihe animal wt n^ in to a yard in the N. Li!>erties. The man of the house, on being awaked, derlired t!ie horse was his,and that he had hired it the preceding dav, to two men w.uise residence he pointed out. The ^-ejnie- men wc-re not* at home when tlie watch man called at their lwelling, bui as their names and persons are known, they must have as much sagacity as the horse they employed, if they elude the ministers of justice. P/iilad. Gazette. A child at Danbury (Conn.) named Hanford, has accused its mother Sc bro ther of murdering another brother, by cutting his thr.oat. 'i’he accused have been imprisoned. Tlw.* reported mur dered person has been missing fur some time. Beware, of Counterfeits,—’I’en Dollar Bills of the NVwbern Bank, Letter D. pay able to S. Watkins, date 5th July, 18|o. are in circulation. The execution is such as might deceive the most experienced-~ the plate is nearly a fac simile, and the filling up uncommonly well done, though the ink perhaps is not so dark a> that us ed in the genuine Notes. As these Bilb constitute our principal currency, .he public will of course be on their guard. Fet. Int. The Philadelphia Gazette says, that the whole expences of the poor in Bostoa are 1,000; S 10,000 of which are paid by ihe slate, and 820,000 by the citv.— In Balt imore, H.e total expenditure on ihis account is gl8,000. In i\ev\.Yoil, for criminals and paupers, gS0,000 are ex pended annually. \Vithin the bouiuh of the poor corporation of Philadelphiu, in cluding about four fifths of the whole population of the city and county, the a- mount levied in 1822, 2.3, 24 atid 25, av eraged Si20,000 a year. , It has receull/ been reduced lo g80,000. Munificent donations of the late Uloses Brown, Esq. a merchant of Newburyport, Mass. At ihc four.ding of the Andover L'.st’ tu'.ion he gave 10,000 dollars; subst- quently he gave 25,000 dollars more. He gave 1000 dollars lo the American Edit- cation Society; 600 dollars to the Amen- can Society for the Promotion of Tem perance ; .^)00 dollars to Greenville C-o! k'ge, ir. Tennessee ; 1 jO'J dollars to tlv.‘- tow 11 of New buryjio! t, when visited by a. destructive lire ; dollars to the How ard Benevolent Society; and 60G)dTl lars, to be l.ept as an increasing f i i i it bhoiihl he adecjuato to the p'*rpet lal s'ipp'ortcf a grammar school ia Xcwb'i f}'pori. Cold Coi/ifuri.—The Oran"2 Cour.*;' ^ .) Pairiot jiubli'.dies an account cl the convirtions which icjok jilac.* at t'l'- Court ol Oyer and Tei niiner he! 1 m tb.'r county l.iit week, Ijuutl iite-iiding. mong tlRm w,.s a rogtu', by th(‘ name o; illiam Roijinson, convicteci ol stealn'',.’ a (ierrnan Hutr. \Vhen he \v.is senici'.c etl to be imprisoned t* tnonlhs, atid t‘ live on bread and iratcr, be ajipearcd very utu’asv, and told the Judge In.' coulJ uo’. live o{\ bread and wule'.'. and that Iv? 5huuld certainty die. The Jud^ro re plied, “ tlicn yo.i matidic.'’ A woann in New-Yoik who had beei' beaten b\ her liusb.'iid, llnding him fiv-" tAiileej), sewed l.jni up in iho bed clothe^ and in '.hut ‘■itiui^.u u\civih"'\ hUn '