VOL. III.] a* CILmLOTTE, «V. a TUESDAY, MAY S2, 18S7. [AO (31. rrnusHEn weekly By LKMUEL BINGHAM, Threo Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted ut the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, fere qxqiu-sted to note on the margin the number of j'lisertioiiH, or they will be continued until forbid, and cliurged accordingly. Wi\tc\\cs & 3e^e\Very. THOMAS THOTTER & CO. Takes this method to in form the public, tliiit they have opened a shop in ClKirlotte, in the house lately I occupied by Doct. Samuel * Henderson, on the north bide • of the (jourt-Mouse, where \ they are well prepared to re- pair all kinds of £iafntnif!!^ K Clorfess, at the shortest notice. They hop«, by a con- staijt atjtetilion to business, to merit the public patronage. They have on hand and for sale, the following articles Gentlemen's gold patent lever Watches; I/adies’ do. do. do. Silver lever and plain do. Chains, Seals and Keys, Slides and Rings; Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and Ear Kings; fc'ilvcr 'r’able and Tea Spoons ; Soup l.adles and Sugar Tongs; Siher Spectaclos, grotn and white, to suit all ages ; Military Ikittons, I.ace and Epauletts; I adies’ Work Boxes and lieticules ; Baps at\d Clasps; Thimbles, &c. &c. SiC. 17* Wowse of EuteYtaVuwuLUt, A KD Stage House, at the sign of the Eagle in Charlotte, Noilh-Carolina, bv lalo6 KOUERT WATSON. TubUc 'Ei\tei*ta\n«vent. The bubscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi ed by Ur. Henderson, and is now prepared to entertain travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- jfreeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which tlie country aflbrds ; his bar with the best of liquots ; ajul his stables with J)lenty of provender, and careful servants will le in constant attendance. UOHERT I. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 182!'. *80 manA\\s o^n Mv\Uy. The subscriber hriving purchased the right for Bcnbow’s Patent Horizontal (Irist Mill, for the counties of Mc ckknJiurg and (Cabarrus, •tvill have thorn constanth on hand, finished in a neat and durable manner, to operate by hand rr horse power. I'liose wishing to purchase, will ilo well to call and examine this Mill. The pri)])riclor wdl also sell single rights for making and using the above Mills. HENJ \>1IN F. ALEXANDER. Mecklenburg, March, 18.27.—6t30 The above Mill may t’e seen at the Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Courts. Stale lA' Xoirt\\-'>aTo\inft, IMcvklcnhurg Count}/, Feh'y. Semom, 1827 Vincent Rccd, ^g'^RKilNAL Attachment, I'S > *-f levied on three Stage Thomas. Davis, j Horses. It is ordered by Court, that publication be Tiiadc six weeks in the Catawba .loiirnal, for the defendant to apjjcar at the next May term, 1827. to be held for this county, and replevy ■siul i)ka.d, or judgment will be untered against him. ‘i. ALEXANDER, C'.iVi. 0. 6toO.—pr. adv. $2. oi' XovtU-V'avoWua, Meikienbura; Countijy Fc/f\i/. Sessions^ 1827. Lawson II. Alexander,! 1^\UIGINAL Attach- Vf. r nient, l'vi'd in Heibt rt S. Kimble. Jtlie haiuls of William f inith, and him summoned as Garnishee. Ordered b) Court, that publication bo made Six weeks in the Catawba Journal, for the de- fcM'lant to appear at II.1P next .May term, to be held for this ( ounty. and titere r« pi,vy and plead er dcnmr, otherwise judgment by default will be entered aguinst bim. I. ALEXANDER, C.-V. C, f'toO.—pr. adv. ^\a\v XovUvl!avi)\vm\, sMcrkluihur^ i'ovnty^ I'th'y. iScsnionSy 18»7. ^Viiliam Smith, p I .Tohn Cole, 5 Oniiinal JUtachment. OUDKUF.I) by Court, that pnMicntion he made six weeks in llie Catav.bu .loiirnal, for the di'fendaiit to appear at the next .M:.y term, 1KJ7, to he liel.I for tfli^ connty, and tlu l e copK vyand ])lcad, or jiulgnient pro eonfossj >vill be taken ag:iinsv him. !. ALEXANDER, C. M. V. f>t4.n—pr adv. f J. Kntrv 'rukcF.s’ Wurraikts, For s;i!e. ai tli,'. ( Mlic I'fd' ole ai Oilic'.*, T\\e WiWcesboTo’ \\otc\ Is now open and amply porvid- ed for tiie accomodation of vis iters. Its local situation on tlie I , I valley of the Yadkin, nearlv cen tral between the Blue Ridge and the lirnshv Mountain, is picturesque, healthfvd and inviting-. Add to this, a pure, and salubrious atmosplicre, excellent water, the agreeable society of a |)lca- sant village, spacious and commodious room?, a well supplied Ice-House, and but little would seem wanting to insure the traveller a few weeks repose and enjo} metit among the Moun tains. 'I'he subscriber has been accustomed to this line ot business in one of our northern eities; and he assures those disposed to favor him with a call, that no exertion shall be wanting, on his part, to render them comfortable. 'I’he lines of Stages from Salem to Knoxville, and from Cheraw to Wilkesboro’, stop at the Hotel, affordingan easy access to the above es tablishment. Fare, five cents per mile—Way passengers six and a quarter cents. G. V. MASSEY. Wilkesboro’, N. C. April 22, 1827.—iSt.'jo. Lnvv.—A French l.uly of quality, that was well marnV'J, and livpl 111 plenty, iicarinp; tiiat her husband’s hrn- Ihcr had married a very handsome lady with a great fortune, was nii:;htily out of humour ; insomuch that she pcrf(;ctly liated all that spoke in commcndatioM of her new sister in law. And lieariutc A sf)ciety has been proposed in lioston, aiid has a prospect of success, to be enti tled the ‘Typographical Association, or S(jciety for the promotion of Literature and the Fine Arts.’ The design is to obtain a charter for the Society, with a caj)ita! of 100,000 dollars, in shares of 100 dollars each. Its objects are to be the purchase of the copy rijjlits of ex tensive oricrinal works from American Doct. F. C. Cahhcell, 1NF01JMS his friends and the public, that he has taken the shop recent ly occupied by Dr. D. T. CaldM ell, where he can at all times be found, except when professionally engaged. As he will devote his time solely to his profession, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. April 28, 1827.--5tr,2. m CTO US Tii(^s. I. Johnson & Thos. Harris, Having associated in the practice of MED ICINE, respectfully tender their servi;;e', in the several departments of their profession, to the citizens of Charlotte and its contiguous country- They c.an at all times be found, at their newly established shop, on the lot form erly occupied by Dr. Thomas Henderson, two hundred yards south of the Court-House, ex cept when professionally engaged. They are in daily ex])cctation of a fresh and getiuine as sortment of Mcdicine from Philadelphia aiul New-York. 23* BOOK SZNDXNG. The subscriber respectfully informs the cit izens of Salisbury, and the surrounding country, that he has established a Boos Bin- DEiiv in said town, on Main Street, a few doors soutli of the C. House; where he will be thank ful to receive any kind of work in his line of businesi. From a number of years experience, in Europe and America, he feels confident of being able to give entire satisfaction ti ullthose who may favor him with any descriptiori of Bindino. Blank Books mad? to order, after any j :a- tern furnished, on short notice, and at ].xices which no one can complain of Ladies’ pANcy Wouk Boxes mauc to or der. Old Books Rebou.’sd, citlitr plain or orna mental, on the most moderate terms. All or ders from a distance, ftithfully attended to — I’he patronage of the public is respectfully ko- licited, by their obedient servant, J. H. DE CARTERET. Salisbury, April 2«th, 182f.—4t32. her husuandalsocommcnd hcrasuvc-iauUiors, iti order to encourage men of ry beautjlul woman, sire bribed a ser vant in that lady’s family to poison her; but he discovered the design, and the lady being: reproachcd for it by her husband, she poisoned herself and died. Knvy’s the worst of fiend.s, procurer of sad events. And only good when she herself torments. Plutarch compares envious persons to cuppinj; glasses, which ever draw the worst humours of the body to them. Like flies, they resort only to the raw and corrupt parts of the body ; or if they lijrht on a sound part, never leave blowing upon it till they have disposed it to putrefaction. When Momus could find no fault with the face in tlie picturc of Venus, he picked a quarrel with her slippers. And so malevolent persons, when they cannot blame the substance, will yet represent tiic circumstance of men’s best actions with prejudice. The black shadow is still observed to wait upon those who have been the most il lustrious for virtue, or remarkable for some perfection ; and to exult in either has been an unpardonable crime. The man who envies, must behold with pain Another’s joys, and sicken at his gain. The man unable to control his ire. Shall wish undone what hate and wrath inspire. Anger’s a short frenzy ; then subdue Your pasoions, er your passions conquer jou; Unlesb your reason holds the guiding reins, And bends the tyrant in coercive chains, talents to devote their time to the pur suits of iitr-rature—to reprint in a hand some manner, all the standard English works—to have an extensive establish ment, at which all the work of the asso ciation shall be performed, and all this work to be disposed of to booksellers on ly, so that the society will in,no way in terfere with the trade. Other ol)jects of the plan are to engage and encoiirage Atnerican Artists, in prepurint.^ the em bellishments of the works to be printed— to ensure the utmost correctness in the publications of the society, and to reduce the price of standard Aitierican anil for eign works to a moderate rate. It is re marked that a person desirous of formin|j a library in this country, at the present moment, must, in most instances^ pur chase, at high j)rices, Eiujlish editions^ of some of the best works in the language, | because the .\mericun editions are both 1 slovenly, and, in many instances, incur-; rect. Thus foreign labor and skill rc-i ceive that I’cwartl which might have! been dispensed at home, yielding ut once j support to labor, and encouragement to j imi»rovement. Tlie Typo^^raphical So-1 ciety have in view to obviate-this condi-{ tion of things—and every friend of A- merican literature must wish success to the design. Nat. Inielli^'cncer. Cochin China.— The women are, in general, handsome, stout and well made, are intelligent, laborious, and follow all sorts of occupations. In the Bazars, and in the large cities, there are 50 women to I man J and it is remarkable, that in When Aristides, so remarkable for general, there are born five times tnore his inviolable attachment to justice, was | girls than boys in Cochin China. They tried by the people of Athens, and con- ] have the same characters as the Chinese dcmned to banishment, a peasant unac-; their language is entirely dif- quaintcd with the person of Aristides, 1 Icrent, and'a great deal more lifticult to applied to him to vote a2.ain.st Aristides:' ^ singhr word has oiten se- ‘Has lie !one yuu any wrons-,’ saiJ 1'*>'>1 for m- .\n5tiies, -that vou are for puuiihins f ‘‘T’^ T ’ - .. ther. the chin, the sea. a rroat. the f evil. K otice. AS the subscriber has removed to the state of Georgia, he informs those who are in debted to the firm of A. St A. Hovi, that their notes are in the bunds of Andrew Hoy!, who wishes them paid immediately. The subscriber having appointed Eli Hoyl his agent to transact his business, informs those who are indebted to him individually, that their notes are in the hands'ol'the said Eli Hoyl, to wliom payment can be made until the first day of December next; after w’hich time, tho^e that are due and unaettled, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. ADA.VI HOYL. Lincoln County, March 21, 1827.—4t32. him in this manner?’—‘No,’ replied the countryman, ‘ I don’t even kno.v him ; but I a:n tired and aiTgry with hearing every one call him The Just.^ . thcr, the chin, the sea, a goat, the devil, a spirit, fccc. Corruption reigns in all classes, fion> the lowest to the highest, not excepting the Kinr; himself. Law suits, notwitlistanding appearances, are Miitius, a citizen of Rome, wa.s noted ' Jienerally decided in layor ol those who to be of such an envious and m.'devulent i^^ke the greatest presents. Capital .lisnosition, that P:il,]ius one dav ..I.- trimc is punish, d.hy dccapilalion. !l is scrviiiirliimlobcverysail, sail, Vitlior o >serve, will, what indif- some Ircat evil has happened to Muti- r'"" ' 1 . , , thev commonly smoke their segar, as if us, or some great jiood to another.’ ,hcy „er. tjoinjj to a parly of pkasure— Canibysscs, king of 1 ersia, srein^ his Criminal women of high rank, are tram- brother dra\v a stronger bow than any : pied under foot by elephants. A GREEABLY to the provisions to a Deed of Trust from ^^’illiahl Kudisill, to secure the jjayment of a debt due the bank of Newbern, the undersigned will sell, at I’ublic Sale, in Clua lotte, to the highest biilder, on Monday, the 2HUi of M.ay next, (being .Monday of Court,) the lots .and improvemenis in said tov. n, at pre sent occupied by .saiii lJudisill. 'I'he improve ments are a two story irame dweiiing-house; all necessary out buildings; a wi ll of excellent water in the yard; all oi' which are in coniftirta- ble neat repair, and handsomely sitna’.eil. 'I'he ])urchaser ern have the bank accommodation^, by giving bond and a|'])r(iieil security. JONAS KUDISII.L, sen. W .M. DAMDSON. April 10, 1827.—3t JO of the soldiers in his army was able to do, was so iiillanied with envy against him that he cnusetl him to bo slain. Xuticc. ViriLL be sold, at the Court-Hoine in Concord, on ihe [Id Monday in July next, by order of the Court of IMeas- unr! Quarter Sessions, one negro man namt'd Jidn-ard, who was committed t(j the jail of the county twelve months ago, and said be belonged to otie Jol'.nsor, a iraclcr in ncgioes. Said fellow is of ruiddle stature, tolerably stout built, and light color, and is now to be sold accordir.g to act of Assembly, to use of the county and salibfaction of jail tecs, I.e. ,1. \V. HAMlI.Ti^N. Shr.-jJ-. Ccno,.-J, Jpril Iv. K; 7. '.i.i'O Vi'ANTLI), at i!ns iuTice, tuo b,\-, : V or TT 16 \fario;' age, a^ Apjivci/Jces tu llu- J'riiiiUiir l!usiiie>s. — \:DUA\u\)\e’s \Vvivr«LiUs, i’‘jr a‘w t;hiS Jourii. (Jen. of Ftancc. Jl safe bet for both Two hlooda recently entered a tavern in this city, where they had fretjuently resorted, and, calling for a supper and two bottles of champaigne, iid'ormed their host that they had laid a wager of such a repastas they had ordered, but as it was not yet decided, they hoped he would wait for his pay until the decision, and then charge ^he amount to the loser. 'I’he lamllord assented, and they sat down to a hearty supper. When they had finish ed, Tnim host had the curiosity to ask what was the nature of the bet, and he was not a little chagrined when lie reoeiveil for answer that it orijfinated in a dispute as to the direction the brick meeiing steeple would iak(.-, siKJuld it ever fall. 'I’he one bet it would fall and the othei- iirnt. A’, y. Moni. Chron. DEATH. The annexed paragraph is an elegant delineation of what all can feel, but what few can so faithfully describe. It is from the novel entitled “ Marriage”—a woi k written with uncommon power and abil ity. New-Eni'land (Julctry. There is, perhaps, no feeling of our nature so vague, so comjjlicated, so my sterious, as that with which we look up on the cold remains of our fellovv-moi- tals. 'I'he dignity wiUi which death in vests even the meanef-t of its victims, in- sjiires us with an awe no living thitig can create. The monarch on his throne is less av.ful than the beggar in his shroud. 'I'lie marble I'eatures—the pow erless hand-the stiffened limbs-oh ! who can contemplate these with feelings that can be defined .' These are the mockery of all our hopes and fears, our fondest love, our feikst hate. Can it be, that we now shrink with hoiror iVorn the touch of that hand, which but yesterday was fotidly clasped in our own ? Is that longue wliose accents even niiwdv.ell in our ear, fore\cr chained in the silence of dealli i' 'i'he:.e black and heuvy eye-lids, are they forev;;r to seal up the eyes wisosc no c. jCould i'(v:!ralnAnd tho ! wlwcli ; anima'ed the e!ay, where is it tit -.v 1^ ■ boast of the of either of my prede- cessois, but I have relurntd to the ov\n- ers two unibicllas that they had left at my house.” I’ll hear no more,” cried the arllter, “ this is the very ne plus ul tra of iioresty and unheard 'jf ch eds ; it 1-. ^n act ()f\ iitue uf which I never knew any pt 'ion capuMc. The [n i/e is yuurs.'* Ij":i(Ljn Lituaiy (Juscttc. AV jilus idlra of honesty.—At a parly the other evenitig, several gentlemen contest ed the honor of having done the most extraordinai’y thing. A reveretul I). 1). was ajjpointerl to be the sole judge of their respective pretensions. One pro cured his tailor’s bill with a receipt at tached to it ; a buz went through the room that this would not be outdone, when a se>.ond pr(;veil that he had arres- larkne^s 1 ted the tailor for nioney lent him. I he y [)ower ; palm is his, was the uuiversrl cry, when a third o’j'.erved, “(lentlemen, I cannot j it wrapped in bliss, or c!isr>o!ved in woe r 1 Does it witness our grief, and slui.'e our j sorm’vs Or is tlie mystf'rious type thi:t link,:’. ;t with rr.ortality io.'-evcr bro- ■: ken ? and tlie remembrance ot eur^lily I scene", r.ro 'I'.f.y indecd.to ttie c:ifVanohiL- 1 eti spii'lt as t!.e mornin; jdo'.v upon the early ilov. t: ‘iich as I’le e naturally bi'east. Their iiifiue:!' e Jieir imijei't c:'.:!UOt alwavs be “u. '11'.e princ!j)le is tl jt ni'O' 'I;*’'';" ir-C' ream. or tiie IleP- i^e ii’ every tdt, ’ liuii be .press- •me. !■' r.vever Orieof the nestnonds of Ireland being mfjrtallv woundev,, was taken prisoner Ijv liis invf.-'ei a'.e eriemy, one of the But- t, v.hy li'^'eTv iriurrnhuctly on his shoulders, and tauntingly askerl him* “Where arc you now, Desmond Tho brave biit expiring^ chief exultingly re- plied, “Where I ought to be*—on the neck of my enemy.” Very Important frotn Penmylvania. Extract of a letter to the editor of the Haiti - mf)r«; Patriot, from a gentleman in I’ennsyl. vania, dated May 1, who has the very best means of obtaining correct information. E.rtrnrt. * * * Our accounts from the various parts of this stale are as good as v/e couhl wisji—they fully answer my most sanguine expectations ; and you know how sanguine I am in the decided! belief that Pennsylvania will give her F.lectoral Vote for the re-election of .lOIIN QUINCY ADAMS. Judge , of Lu/.erne, a very strong man on thd Democratic side, writes most encourag ingly that all the Northern and North western counties are for the Adniinistra^ tration—to these add as certain Bucks, Ingram’s county—Montgomery, Jona than Roberts’ county—Chester, (.’harles Mercer’s county—the city and county ot* Philaflelphia—Delaware—Miffliri—Cen tre—Lebanon—Adams—Beaver and Al legany. 'I'his may be relied upon—and the changes in favor of the Administra tion are every day more and more appa rent. The great leading policy of tlio Administration is the policy of Pennsy]- vaiiia. W( are for home industry, roads, canals, agriculture, maTiufacturcs and commerce, £% have n" constitutional sciui pies, real or affected, about the promotion anrl encouragement of Internal Improve ment. The policy avowed by the Op* position we are averse to as repugnant to our feelings and interest, and will in no way be sanctioned by this state. We arc for principles not men. And I cati assure you that the determination as de# dared and thus far acted up to, to put down the present Administration, “right or wrong,” is taking deep root in th® minds of all serious and disinterested people who have only their country’s good at heart, and they arc determined to rise up and resist such an alarming; doctrine. That Mr. Adams will be re elected is as certain in my mind as any event can be that has not already takeii place. Mr. W. W. Seaton, one of the editoifli of the National Intelligencer, has pub lished, in the Washington Telegraph, th^ following account of a casual dialogue be tween him and Colonel Richard M. John- son. Senator in Congress, from Kentuc ky. “Some time in the session of 1S25-/J as I was passing through the Setiato chamber to the secretary’s table, after th» Senate had adjourned, I was hailed by Col. Johnson (sitting near one of the firo places under the gallery, with one otiict* member standing or walking near him) who, in his familiar manner of speaking, said, “ How goes it, old friend : Well, when are you coming out.'” “ AVt/or—On what subject, Colonel.^ “Co/. J.—^Vhy, on the Presidential question. Are you not coming out u- gainst the Administration? Editor.—I can’t tell. 'I’he Adminis-* tration has hardly commenced its career yet, and .1 don’t soe aiV; thing, so far, to condcmn. “CW. J.—What of that? Has no*? Clay taken away the laws from your pa per ^ Editor.—True; but that would be making a private grievance, a motive fot’ public conduct; and that we cannot do., iiowever sore we may feel about it. A.h for Mr. f'lay, I know he is no friend ol‘ ours; we opposed him, and I understand that he has always b-jen hostile to us and our (japer; but the Administration ma/ pur.,ue a polidy that we have apjjroved in. other Administrations, and if they do so, how tan we with any consistency oppose them t '■^Col. Johnson., (with vehemence, and, T think, with an oath)—1 would not care for tl’.at. If any body injure;! mo, I wouhl give them as good as they sent', and, as for this Administration, we will turn ihen\ out, as sure a^ there's u God 1 in Heaven. I Editor. — But, Colonei, how caii you Uay so, before you see what course the j Administration will adopt? Suppose j they consult the public interest, atul pur sue a course that you think right } “Co/. ./.—I don’t care: (rai.^ing bin arm, and sj)caking with warmth.; for, by the Eternal, if they act as pure as the .An gels that stand at the right hand of the Throne of God, we’ll put tl.em down. “'I'o this 1 made no reply, luit P.ft the t.olonel, to pursue the errand that carried nie to the Sniate chamber. From the N. E. Galaxy.—‘^ieneral Saunders, a member of Congress, iT^-i retn eci io dis^s^.-—Mucyal.’!