TroTii I’u: liicti’.riOr.'J Ki-.q\;ircr, >.1;*}’ 11. • • \\\' coril'css, \\itli a due sc'tisi; uf iiu- ’ iuili!y. lhal wf liave ncvoi- scoi) liu- Pre.-r-, .• Ij’ this country niore pollutcil by mis- ropt t'scniatiuns and faisclioods, i!ian ii - is at ll'is inoiiJt nt. Asscrtiutis are bo!d- . ly wliich have no louii('.aiion in •‘I'act, in order to excite the suspicions, ••and dcceivc the underslandiiigs of tin; I ” .'-)CopIe. Uemnrk.—Do the editors of the ICn* Oi;irt*r forget the abominable caluninics aVcl downright t'ahehoods they have pub lished relative to the furnishing ihe I>ast' Tjorn of the President’s iiouse, the expo- iiire of 'vhich covered them with so much | tj!;rubion and shaniC, to say nolhiiit' of tlieir ‘‘ polluted” stream of invective a- hout the billiard-table and thousands ol‘ otiicrs of equal maj^nitude “ which have Tiu fouiulation in fact?” It may with eartH'stness he asked, has not the once icspeciable Enquirer “become a real inanufactory of fabrications r” The Ed- jiurs, “with a due sense of humility,” riuit tat their own trords as quoted above, and call upon the abused for forgiveness :.nd to rover them in mercy with the inantle of charity. Before the Enquii er tdiiors talk about the degraded state of *• il>e Press,” they must “ improve” their own, to use the signilicant phrase uf Mr. ^'an liuren.—BiiH. Pa!. We never had a doubt upon oni TTiinds but that the Opposition lias gi-own from a distempered imagination, but we did not tliink that this would be avowt-d so readily as it has been by the Hmdtcster Vtr^inian. We make the following ex tract from that paper, in proof of tl.eir creed—which is, that all evils, natunil, inor.i dnd political, flovv from the elevation cf Mr. Adams to the Presidency ; “ The Hessian Fly.—We arc sorry to loai-n It ut owing' to the ravag-cs conimltted by this ji>-lnK'1ive insect, tlie wheat crop, wliich until Kti l}, promised to rcnmncrate tlic farmers for the dtticicncy of tlie last tw o ycar.v, hcR-iiis to T tar a sic kly aspect, nnd that a g-eneral failure ot' it ill tiiis quarter is to be apprehended. I've- Tii thinsx mtiris fo on wrong .since the birth of l)ie /iriiC/it .‘fdtniiiinfration. ('oiitoITiporaiifous vitli that event, (if we recollect rlg-ht,) the 1 aiin'of 181,’1 htg-aii to operate, ami tiie maile its appearance; both of wiiich have tiiice been at work to the no small amioyancc ci'tlic favmer.” 'I'his reminds ns of Sterne’s Smelfun- gus. v.lio, on his travels complained of ioath, inns, osUers, climate, and of eve- T\ ihing. Even under the bright skies of 1 a v-notcoiiscious that the cau e ol'allthe c Isaasinhisowndiseascd mindandslKii- ie"’d nerxes. Well, we will grant that the hud cj/ects ol the tarijf, the ap/icarnnrc cf l-iv u'etril, and all the cold weatluM, if >ou please, and the grea' freshes on the eastern rivers are caused by the Admin- b'li ation. This is fair; the connection is ::itiinate ; but at the satne time, by the rulf, it should be conceded that the increase of our manufacturin^ establish ments, the disposition for internal im- provernents. the success of our com merce, the nourishing state of our schools, the peace which we enjoy with all na tions, the general health and prosperity of our country—ail are connected with ihe Admiiii‘itratinn bv the s.une laws. This is ijiviftg, to be sure, the President cf the United States a trilling more re sponsibility than the framers of the Con stitution ever thought of; that, luwever, is of no importance—t’ ey were short- aif'hted mortals, and they never had the aflvantage of the speculations of the Win chester Virginian, and of his enlightened CO-pat riots. Ant. Juumal. ei n politicians count too conlidcutly upon Pennsylvania.— ib. Mr. \ an Buren ai>d Mr. Cambreleng, “the two dis’inguished travellers,”.left Baltimore lor New-York yesterday after noon, not very well satisfied with the “signs oi the times,” if any thing is to be judged by the aspect of their coun tenances. , Balt. Pat. 1 he New-York Evening Post has been aUvays remarkable for its consistency It has always been federal of the bUic light 'btamp—always oi)posed to the govern ment, “ right or w-rong”—always took the British side of the question previous to and during the late war, and so it does now on the Colonial trade bill. Such an advocate cannot but be regarded by his Majesty as a most faithful and loyal sulj- jcct, and worthy of a place at his feet. Baltimore. Patriot. CHAliLOTTI!: TUtlSUAY, MAY 29, 181Y. The semi-annual examination of ilie Students oi the Charlotte Academy, will he held or. the 5th aiui Cih of June. Pa rents and Guardians, and all who fetl an interest in the prosperity of the Institu tion, arc requested to aticnd, and judge ior themselves of its claims to continued patronage. We learn Ironi the Creenshorough Patriot, that Jlr 'luUtld 1). Mur^ihy, Esq. is a candidate for Congress in Oi’ange District—the other candidate is Daniel L. Barringer, Esq. member of the last Congress. In Uowan District it is probable there will be no opposition to Mr. Longj as John Giles, Esq. whose name has been for some titne before the public, has, as we arc informed, declined. Pennsylvnnin is in favor of supporting Domestic Industry—So is the Adminis tration. Pennsylvania is in favor of a liberal system of Internal Improvement— oo is the Administration. Petinsvivunia ts in favor of cherishing good feelings, 2'mI preserving a good utuh'rstanding, I ' ith Mexico and the Southern Republics |---‘^o is the Administratiorj. Pennsylva- .ffiia is in favor of ieducing the public i^debt—so is the Administration. ^ Villai^e Record. I Why did the opposition in the Senate to i^ass the bill for an exchange of •ftock ? \Vould not ota* per lent. on .six- |iecn minions have been a pretty saving.^ i^ye, but it would ha\e made .Sir. Hush ^Tind tho Achninistration ])opulai'I—ih. “If I must,” said a disilng’iishcci Pcnr- ^ilviuiian, “abandon iny iia.vor j;ive lip iny man, a sense of duty will not! pcinut me to hesitat' for a :ncinii.:ii—' .tiie coui se is jjlain.”—ib. |5 In Pennsylvania, the political eletiK'nts , ; file all in rofniiiotio!). It is n jt to be ti'iiied, nor concealed—grrai clungts :i\c been, atul are taking place in l'a\ur . IjI ihe Administration. \Ve spea': iiot ^ . I'l the werit or tlie north, from w hencc I ihe nujst heart-cheering neus borne on fvcry favorii:g breci'-e—we sijtak nM of 'laces at a distatice—we speak of o:»r 'vn neighliorhooci—d' honM*. We ex- ii’ess it as our dt'liberale opinion, from lie best lights we can obtain, that in ht'ster county, where at the late Presi- '.ftiiial election, ihete were more than two ’'>ti‘s to one for (Jen. Jackson—there wiil •- a handsome majority for Mr. .\dams. lid we a-iscrt, boldl), wiihont fear ofj _ ^^*i!lrudifiion, by any one who i'.as taken ?#/’ mui h |Kiins to gain correct infornra- tioii, ihjt if (jtht r coiintics in the state. Pi'i ''(■nt at the [)olis great a change as .ClTF’stcr county wil! do, the Ac-LiiiitUoii i'lec’.crc'.l wi'I ri’irc-.--:! I"' \>'r. A Virginia editor accuses Mr. Adams of “blighting the wheat crop and turning ihe W’eevil loose among the farmers!” Droughts, inundations, frosts, agues and levers, we suppose will next be attribu ted to the malignant influence of the Pre sident. But when the incorrupt and in corruptible patriots of the ‘‘combina tion” get into power,—should an event so improbable ever happen,—the weevil will no doubt be driven from the land; no blighting mildew will blast the hopes ot the farmers; drought, inundations, disease and misfortunes, will be known only 5s things that weie ; and a political niillennium will crown the blessings of tl.eir reign. Surely, with ihvglrjom which hangs over them, under the present ad- ministratioji, and the bright hopes in pros- pect'on the success of the “ combination,” the people cannot hesitate in their choice —on the one hand they see nothing but weevils and blights ; on the other, a rich harvest of bles&ings, and the return of the golden age. It may be well to mention, that the wfitat crops in this part of the country arc quite promising—Mr. Adams not having yet seen fit to blight them. Perhaps this newly discovered power of his, which can blast or bless, at his pleasure, has only been exf?rcised in Virginia, “ the seat of the vitality of our j)6litical body”—and we are more inclined to believe this to be ■the case, from the circumstance that no complaint of the kind has been heard iioia any other (juarter. Our farmers, iiowcNcr, shoulil not calculate uith too much coniKieriCC on escaping—fur the President, m tlie i)lentitiule of his pow er, may yet scii'l ilie \\ee\il and the blight aiiiong them, like destroying angels, to e.;t om their tubstance and blust their expectations. Tr.e [ate scxcrc frost*--, wc unrlerFtand, did a good de..l of ila!uay;c to t!;e cotton crop in Rowan, as uell a-, injurttl the fruit, it is conjeciatcil that it was sent by Mr. Adunis, to puTiish that ccunty foi bcinj iu dccidccily .lacksjtiiati. Abottt sixty sail ol’ vessels arrived at Boston on the C'J; atul rth insiain. Some of them Mere t'rom furetgn piorts. and othfjrs i’rom ilic 'l'!:c latter bro’t a large quantity ofy//: /—say Ijctween twelve and thirteen ‘.housand barrels.— I'his ilour is to the norihern manu facturers. is it ii'-.t better policy, then, to encourage them, who tht:s purchase utir brcad-stulla, ra'.iier tl^rrti the English’;'vl/j vi!l ’’i.* :.riftiv?ice of our f!aur, or a gill of oiir waistc}*, or scarcely any thing else which we raise, except cotton—and not even that, if he can get it elsewhere } However much politicians may attempt to blind the peo ple, they will yet see, that it is the true interest of the country to foster and en courage native industry, talent and en terprise, thus rendering us emphatically independent, and enabling us to compete with any nation in the commerce of the world. U’on^ acv:;r.ccd 1 o per vl.listj Brazil and East India arc rather lower. I Tlie sales on Satuiday, and yesterday, ' amoiinted to 6500 bags, chilelly .America.i to the trade, at the full prices of tlie for mer part of last week. LiUest from the La Plata.—The ship Moss, J''eniK*l, has rrrived in the Dela ware, in a passju’e of 5 1. days from Mon tevideo, whence she sailed on the 23d M.irch. Amoii!!; the passengers is Capt. Odom, (late of the schooner Beauty, sold at Buenos Ayres,) who landed at New Castle and reached Baltimore yesterday morning. To Caj*t. l)dom the editors of the American are indebted for the following interesting information :—Ad- TIIR IMCUMOM) ARISTOCRACY. The licnius of I.ilHTty, arcspect;iiJ)k- Kcpuh- iican ])aper printei! at l.eesUurj.;, \ irijfinia, tlius ! nural Brown had succecded in capturing notices iIk-uristocr.itic .lunt.i which iias so long 4 whole of the Brazilian squadron in Lvugua,-. ae ,i.«, dcsccndca “anin.adverts up,>„ liie article re. enllv niii.-i ^ Buenos Ayres, and '■he article rei'cnlly piii) lislioil in tile \ational Inlellii'.eiicer, iiiKler tlie head Virginia Vvnarnx'.’' ■I'h. Kmpiirer f harj^e.s the Intelligencer with busi motives in ils i)iil)hcation, and accuses tiie . tlilors of cir-'isscrtions known to them to i'. nlt. rlv jintrue. The leailing exceiition that appears tl) be taken to the aitiele in (juestion, is Ilie wri ter’s .loctrine of an nristocialic junta, who k’ov- « rn tile stale, aiirl (Jciioiince tin'measuves nt tiie iodcral I'overnin.-nt, whilst pt>,ptc, nroi), riv speaking, hu\e little tir n.-itiilng lo s;iy in the ' matter. Now, tliout;-h wo m >sIi nut to iiitorlere with the sqiiab:;K .s ofou!- neighbors, we tlo nut lu sitateto declare, publicly ami solemnlv, that 30 far as our opportunities HlVnr.l an csiiin.ite of ]niuhc scniiniciit in this section of Virp,im;i, the we beHcve would he biistairied ,.y ac- cK.niation, that an aristocratic junta control the (ie.-,tin,es of the state ; and that, if the vo^ce of tiie people were heard, it would be in direct opposiUon to that e.\pressed by the ('.eiu ral As- semhly on very many important occasions. We ieel confident of the correctness of these re- m:n ks, and shall rest satisfied with having- dis- ch.irged a ihity incumbent on us, w.thout as- scri!)iii}i- iini)roper motives to the KiHpiirer, or the assertions of that print to an at tempt to sustain the Rich,noinl purty,” in its overwhelming measures, and unciuahlicd denun ciations of the federal executive.’' In the States of Pennslyvania and Ma ryland, the Opposition is in the lust stage of atrophy. There is nothing to be fouled to support its existence. It has pined and withered, and grown cmaciated ; delirium has siiown itself; and when the powerful excitement of fever shad have passcfl aw’ay, the last agonies will come on. They who desire to bccume acquain ted with the melancholy conse(|uences of a career of political wickedness, will do well to mark the anguish wliich accom panies Its close. Nat. Jour?irl. The friends of the Administration are gaining ground raj)idly in Maryland. We are informed by a geritleinan who spent a week in Baltimore, that the meas ures which have been adopted by the (ieneral Ciovernment are, in general, so very popular, as almost entirely to have disarmed oi)j)osition.—:Tbis is the natu ral course of’things. ib. immediately male an attack upon the Brazilian blockading stpiadron in the (.^uter Jioads, which he lorced to retire and seek jiroteciion from one of the fri- g.ites, lyifig .some distance below. A I Bi aziliaii brig, ol ! J guns, *vas blown up, 1 -ind every soul on ()oard i),crislied. The iate>t dates Irotn Buenos .\yres were to tlie l5th March, at which time Brown was engaged in fitting out his vessels with the greatest activity, with the inten tion, it was generally believed, of making an attack ()ii the blockading squadron. The general battle which took place in the Province of Rio Grande, in IVbtua- I V, between the Buenos Ayrean and Bra zilian armies, resulted in th- achievement of a complete victory over the latter. Xinr Brazilian standards had been trans- miited to Buenos Ayres by General Al- vears, as the tropfiies of his victory—a la' genumber of prisoners were taken, and twelve hundred of the Brazilian army were ieit dead on the field. In the course of the action the Buenos Ayrean Cavalry made two ineflectual charges tipon the Brazilian Infantry ; but being haranged bv their commander, an oflicer of great gallantry, they succeeded at the third charge in penetrating the Imperial line, and decided the fata of the dav. It was said the Buenos Ayrean General was pushing his success so vigorously, as lo induce the belief that the entir.* Province of Rio (it ande would soon be in hispossos- sion.—It wa,s further reported, among the most intelligent t:i«.sscs at Buenos Ayres, that that governlTTfent continued lo offer to the Emperor ihe same terms to elT'ect a peace which hail been presented before the battle. The Brazilian ofikers with whom Capt.O. conversed at Montevideo, all ack'iowled the defeat of the Imjicrial arms in this battle. Bull. Patriot. XKW-YOKX, MAV I ('). One day later from hhtgland.—London papers of the Iflth nil. and Liverpool of the 17ih, were last evening reccivcc! by the Florida, Capl. Tinkham. Nothing certain was known in regard to the foiination of a new ministry, but the Times of the 16th, states that the fol lowing arratigements are in contempla tion :— Sir .lohn Copely to be Lord Chancellor. Lord Oranville, Toreigii Secretary. Mr. Robinson, (with a Peerage,) Colonial Se cretary. Mr. Iluskisson, Kome Secretary, (this not certain.) J.ords Dudley and Ward, Privy Seal. I.ord (Jarlisle, l.ord l.ieutenaiit of Ireland. Duke of Devonshire, Lord Chanihcrlaiii, (not certain.) Marquis of AngUsiaj M.istcr of the Ordiu'ncc. L'ji'd Bexley is allowed to come back to tiu* Cabinet. 1 he new ti'.le of Mr. Robinson, is Lord Stralhearn. 1 he Marquis of I.ondonderry resign ed his Embassy to \'ienna on hearing of .Mr. Canning’s appointment. It is ru mored that the Maripiis has written an insolent letter to the king. tHher resig- naiions have taken jdacc—aiiioiig tiieiii, it is reported, the At'.orney (Icneral. Orie [lapcr says ii is believed tiie Duke of Cam!)rii!ge wiil be aiipointed Com- iiiaiid*-r-in-Chuf. Another states tliat tlw Marqiiis ol Anglesea has been oiier- ed the post. It is said that hr; Majesty received the resignation of the secedcrs v.ith a tone and manner so decisive, that more than one r«-j)ciited he had not doubttd befoie temlei uigso fatal an (jlVer. Loid Bexley is said lo have recalled liis, and Mr. Peel, it was rumored, would probably be open lo €.rp!an(!tiua. I'lie King, accordinir to our best advi ces, ar>peai's to have liecn jasMv ituliiniatil j . Very^ large cfl/x»--“The ship Washing ton, ol New \ ork, Capt. OjfTin, wliich cleared this day for Liverpool, has a car go on board ot 'J,2ro round bales of cot ton, uncompressed, and 42 square bales under deck, Making bales, weighing 7S?y,Q^^ lb.s. On deck, 100 bales do. o2,lHl 785,22y lb.s Being in all, 241.'; bales of cotton, none of which is compressed, and among it but 15 square bales. The value of this cargo, at the present low price of cotton, is about J570,G70. We believe this is the largest cargo ever shipped from the U. States. The Washington will sail in the course of the present w-eek. Savannah liep. Kit)a, \Qthind. Lehigh County., fJ*enn.)—\Vc do not believe that there is u single county in this commonwealth, where there are less crimes committed than in our small, but populous county, (^ur prison has had no tenant's for nearly nine months—'With the exception of a few poor debtors and the jailor. All the doors and locks, are ready to admit visiters and open f jr their departure, whenever they choose to come or go. For several terms past, there has -not been a single jiiry trial for any crimi nal ca.^e—and ; t t!;e approaching term, we have heard but of one single case (d assault and battery, that is t» be tri'd, and that will probably Ije settled befor- .the trial comes on. Iiuleedtiie iiihaljit- ants (>]■ lliis county have reason to be pruufl of ihese facts, which we consider coni|)lrlcly deinf»nslrative of llieir virtue, honesty and intelligence. [Lvuig/i Herald. It is met)?.ioncd in s(jmc of the jiaprrs, that the health ol Mr. C'rawiord, late Secretary lifthe 'I'reasury, is nearly re stored ; and that (ieorgia will invite him to tep.-'eseiii her in the Senate of tiie Uniietl Slates. V/i,cn iier cast^ was made kno’.va to Government of this State, heV full v/age» were paid, and a considerable bounty ad ded. Congress allowed her a pension, which she has regularly rcceivcd. Soon after she resumed the sphere of her own sex, she was married to Mr. Gannett, au industrious respectable farmer. She has borne and reared with him a reputable family of children ; and, to the close of life, she h.:s merited the character of aa amiable wife, alender mother, a kind and exemplary neighbor, and friend of her country. Mr. II. Mann, of Dedham, published a memoir of her life some lime since, of wliich the whole edition, 1500 copies, has been entirely sold. Another edition may be soon expected, enlarged ami improv- ed, which will probably meet u rapiU sale. at the moral ctjiis[)irai y anio* trusted, ami lo have resolu’clv rc'-oUrd that nodifliculty sliouUl make him again .7 Fimnlc Veteran.—’I'lic Dedham Reg ti5,j":’,. j,,. I states tliat .Mrs. Deliorah (Janneit. take to Ills coididence nien v.i. [icrsonul hate lu a higlily :;iftr( ua!, coult! talie steps by wiiK li he crnintry, Iiitns », frorn iiidivid- lie gov- atul his ' wife of Mr. Benjamin (iannett, of Slia- ron, Mas. died on the l‘,)th ult. She en listed ,as a vfjluiiteer in the .American Ar my of the IvevoUiiion, in the Massachu setts ( (ii ps, havini; the dress and ap[)car- anc.e of a soMier. Siie continued m the s\vuv etidrariass’i‘’‘‘''''^‘= e kingdom ihrown ' sustaining an unsullied chai'adei, as ref'arrls tiie I prrf...rming the duties of a soldier ernment of really steadfast servant ed, and the’airs of ih into confusion, l aiiln'r, list of .Mr. Cunning, noiliMigis r. known; :!'-y ah-!lnessand but the public min'dis (!■(.idodlv in favor | having been imce dangerously OI the measures ad.qued by lb.; sovcrei.'n. pi cM-rved 1,m sex — , _ undiscovered. At Uie disljaiidui};-(>f liie Liverpool^ .'jpi d \7.-~\ \u: I,\ Ojt- Army she received un honorable dis- ton lasl W(.'ek, up tu Satnrday , arnouiiled j cliarge, and returned to her relatives irr ^ i:;ri de.^.crip-j ji, re^imctUvih. roil Tlli; ( ATAWili JOeUNAL. rnpulafitni of ,’itu'icnt JVationy. Mu. BiNc.fUM : If you think the fol lowing statement would be acceptublc to the readers of your useful paper, you may give it an insertion. cato. Athcp.s, acfordinfT to Athcnatus, container! 21,IJ()0 citi'/.cns, 10,000 strangers, and •Wi^OOO slaves, total, 431,000 Sparta, accorclinp to IMutarch, contain ed 9000 citizens, and 30,000 in the roiintry, Chios, says Thucydiucs, contained, slaves, Rhodes contained, inhabitants 'I’hebes, do. do. .Matinea, says Diodorus, contained Aetolia contained soldiers, Kpinis contained iiihahitanfs. Koine, in the time of AugUKtus, Alexandria, sa\ s Diodorus Siculus, con tained free citi/en.s, 300,0C|0 Sehicia, the seat of the (Jreek Empire in the East, says Tliiiy, contained in habitants, 600,000 Carthage, says Strabo, contained 700,000 The country of (;aul contained 200,UOO The ancient lielvetii, do. 360,000 39,00^ W09 t'),OUO 6,000 .",000 tO,0(iO 150.000 200.000 Grand total, 5,083,000 Fivrn. The STib.scribers have entered into copaj't-* nership under the firm of Smith Sc Uo\b, They have just received a fresh slock of 0/y Goods, GroccrieSy Hurd ware, S,'C. Also, an extensive assortment of genuine DRUGS & MKDICINKS, suitable for I’liysiclans, and family purposoi j all of which articles are now olVercd Ajr sale, al* a ihort profit, for Cash. SMITH & BOYD. N. 1^. They have also on hand a conBidcrabld quantity of PAIN’I'S. May 2‘i, 1HJ7.—’32 Police. [AG.MN request all who stand indebted to me for (ioods purchased, to ctnne forwarcl and pay up. It is utterly out of the question for me to give any longer indulgence. I will not give it. J. 1). I50VD. May 25, 1827.-■•32 Mmhdftlra tor's J>Toticc, I HOLD a number of notes payable to Cowau f Vail, v/l;ieh came into my hands as ad. ministrator of .John Vail, deceased. Notice i;» now given to the makers of those notes, that unless they come forward and renew them with good security, on or before the 20th day of June next, they will be put in suit. If renew ed,>le indulgence may be expected^ us the heirs arc young. JOIIX HIVVLV, Jidm'r. Charlotte, May 2.5, 18J7.—3t31 STRAYED or stolen from my wagon, on Sunday night, tiu 2bth in.stant, near (;.iniden, S. C. a light sorrd IIOi;.-*!;, si.\ year.-* old, 15 hands high or upwanls bull fac*, shows tlie white of bis ryes very mncl!, a halter eoliar and chain round his net k, both bind feet white, his sides marked witii tlie traces, and rougU slioil all round. Any pers.on v ho will slop the said hor:,e, umI s. nd me itilormation tint I may get iiini again,;; in Jvov an r luuty, .N'. (j, sli.ill receive the ab-ne rc'vard, all r^ijorjr able charges jiaid. WIIJ.fAM .\TAKCH, inn. May 23. is:r.-3t.^;[,• 1. liooks and Acco'int'; of Allen HalJ* X w.n li:iving been assigned over to me, I have placed them in the, of Mr. W llh in» Lueky for Sf-ttleinent. T!io,e ir.debted are re- ijui’steil to c 111 on him aii.I jeltlc tlieir aijiountj eitlu r by ca:.i' (»r note. Al 0, a si.ppiy of I.EATIIER, from Mr, Ealilv !'i’; Tai.ncry, will be k( pt ut Mr. Smith’d store hjC :,;ilc. L'OHEUT McKR.NZIE. M:.y 10, f ANH’S T;oIHSC)N'’, has lost or mislaid two not's, the one u;i Nathan Orr, of out hundred (lulbrs, with a eredit of about ^10 on said rut,-. Uk- „iher r.n Ah vender Parks, of innet\-live dollars. All persons are hereby fore warned from tratbi.g f(u- said notes; and should :iny p( rsoh tmd the abovi d« tineil notes, it will be acknowl. ge.l as a fuvor, if they be returned to me, James itobison, St-n. JVMES UOBISOX, sen. Mav 1.7, I-v.??— 1;^^UO\I the subscriber, on the 12th inst. ahay M A in., about 6 years old, both innd f.-.'i vvbite niid u star in her face. Al -o weui o|]' with her a bay colt, aboui 10 months f>ld. 1 •. |)> ct lln'iii to in.i!:e on to Lincoln Ceiunty. An [iCiMJii lhat Will lake thctn up a’ul e'>n\i v lu- rM-ni..ti.,u 10 thu olli e, shall be realoiiublv rc- V»urded. ABNEU M’(:.L\TV. Miy M, 1827.~3t')3. _ __ _ tAW dvUmeiiU uiu\ Uvnu\a saTc, :\1. iJvc of tl;c ,