tlu- prc'VisicMis v-1' llif ;u I to find thc'ii vrn\ to ;ciicr:il Unowlcii^e lliruui;ii tlic ahn:)nol> of coiDnurcial iiit’ormation.” It is ccrlainly iriic lliat the act of is in terms indcjinite. It applic.a to all nations ; but it by no means fol lows, as you state, that if the act IkuI been communicated to one, it must be communicated to all. Here aj^ain you are misled by the continued delusion a- i)Out the complaint. But, seriously inhiu5cucr, Kxtnict of .1 letter from an ofiiccr of tlic Mexi- cun sqiiatlrori, puljliblied in the National Ga zette, Outcd “ i.iHEiiTAiap, April 20, lfl27. “ li is roally amusinj; to read the va- lious i.iewspapei- accounts ol' the opera- ii(3ns of our hcjuaflron. People a thousand iiiilcb uiV uttfrnpt lo know atid explain every thing. The luCl is, that we on . , , N . *11 Ijourd only know that ;.n order lias been •what can be more prepo:>terous than the . i i . i i . i - r r _ ) Issued when that older lias been execu- .sug^estion, that Ilussia, and Prussia, and Holland, for instance, would have taken it in dudgeon, had you communicated .to the American Government an n. l Avhich bore on the subject niaUer of an existing negotiation with that jj;overn- .’nent, althou|j;h you did not at the same time communicate it to them and othor i^overnments, with whom ycu had no tfrecu u hy and i i.»»- drrlakcn llit iii\ a>iu!i of Spiihi. ’I I'.e death of Alexander uiVorded the country considerable relief; and the small stales have begun to assume a tone of indepen dence in conducting their own concerns, which they will ere long carry with them into the federal congress. In the jirinci- palilies of Bavaria and VVurtemi)urgh, the people are strongly united wiih iheir Whatmorenaluralauilobviouscroiind . , , , •• 4* 111 I* 1*1 I I S I > ii t (_ I » (' (1 to V t* • Oi c iscnmination CDiiid be desired, than \ . , , ^ ’ ,, I Irutn . dri; will, tjiat ol romniuniL'atirm; the aels to alii , . , , V* , , , , called . ' ./ . ;.^overn:iieiils willi whieh vou had pend- I , led. Vou may be satisfu'd that v\ e have not been idle, v. hen 1 inform \ou that noiwitbsiunding the blockade of Lu!>r)icle we have sent out small cruizers at pleas ure, and could wlicnever we pleated, go oul ourselves. 'I'lie prizes we have r.ap- ttired and destroyed ainount in iiuinber to iVicn'v one, soaic of :h\.ui very valua- l)le. ' . A brig worth I V),000 was captured j who have hereteloi'e supported hini ; and b\ the iJravo a lew days since, and lias i ihe I'reach . > ie has been retained by the f;OI Ll.CiU At B'>vvloin College, in the blate ol Maine, the students have lately shown themselves somewhat refractory lo the discipline of the pla.te. One of their number was suspended eighi or ten days for some oiVence, and his class fioding the sentence not to agree with their views ol the justice of llie case, resolved to do ^ ^ ^ something really worthy of punishment. govenit'nenis, and are therefore the more j Their first demonstration ot a riotous secure agaiiis: the influence of Austria, disposition was nnade by procuring a bar- Chaiiges are proposed by their adminis- j rel of tar, to which they set fire in the trations, for ibe purpose of reducing the i night near the college buddings, and public expenses J and, as they are sub-1 danced round it jelling like savages, iiiittt'd to the coii.iTiunes, they are of j After this ceremony, which seems to course adopted. Measures for the bene-1 have been intended as a kind of declara- lit of commerce are willingly atlvocated tion of war, they proceeded to actual hos- by the chamhers ; and the interests of the lilities. A (juantity ot powder was placed people are more cofisnlted. under the tutor’s chair with a train lead- M. ,M,-..crnich, vith his doctiines of in^Mo and »hile he »as hearing th«r l!„: , iBh-..i i.r aOsoluie powers, is losing lessons, Ihe tra.i. was set oi. hre, and the I'lLiUi l’.«c C0l.u:« ilCU*. ricssrs. Goodwin and Co.^T roujjl ground vi-iih the Prussian government, C.i iiz. bh (kIs me; on the sul'jecl matter of the acts, and not conimuiiicating them tw> any others? Without pretending to accuratc infor mation on this subject, I much doubt vvhtther the United States were not the only power with which you had a ne gotiation 'jiending on this subject, at this time.—And what gorernment w’ould be so idle and umbrageous as to cavil at your sending us an act, w hich ">.vasto stand in lieu (and a singular sub stitute) of the redemption of your pledge to renew the negotiation ? But I go farther. You say, in the next paragraph, that some other govern ments have availed themselves of the act of 1825. Reasoning upon ordinary principles of political probability and the natural course of. proceeding in such a case, I have not the least doubt that in every instance in which a foreign government has accepted the provisions of these acts, those provisions have been the subject of diplomatic communica tion fronni your Ministers and Charge d^Aft'airs to such foreign governments. Is it possible that the Secretaries of State at Mexico and at Bogota have un ravelled those acts of Parliament, with iheir unaided knowledge of the English laviguage and the forms of English le gislation ? Do you not know that Mr. Peel, (one of the most intelligent of your late col leagues, and whose retirement is the ieaat agreable concomitant circum- ttance of your elevation,) has said even of the penal statutes of England, that, by the time he read through the first •'icction of one them, he got bewildered in the interminable maze of repetitions and legal verbiage, andlostits meanin ‘ And do you tell us gravely that Dr. Gual and Senor Alaman can take up your new navigation act, and read it trippingly, and pass a law corresponding with its provisions ? Believe me, sir, ?»1r. Ward at Mexico, and your Charge d’Affairsat Bogota, construed and j)ars ed it for these Spanish Minister.', every 'Tord. If you insist on my believing to the contrary, I can do il on no other ground* than that of the worthy man of old, “ because it is impossible.” Bdt ). find the matter gvowlnj; under r«iy hand, and 1 must take another occa sion to treat it farther. Occupied hith- '.ito in correctiiig your preliminary mis- r •ateir.eiit'S, 1 have ficarcely touelied uji- »'n what I v.ould gladly have alone been ailed to consi'der, in addressing a per son so pre-eminent as yourself—I mean the merits of the question. Meantijiie be pleased to accept, &c. AN AMliUlCAN Ci llZF'.N. bet n J)i ;;i gi-eeled wi., proljulion on Kiiine, in spile of the cxer- ,;,iiiistry for ils destruction. ■ iih this, ihose stales have stand for u more equal rep- !i tlie gMvcrnment; and the jniver.sal suiVrige, so alarm- •. coiiutVy, has been proposed ! even up to Berlin. The “ siau-s of tiie Rhine has u; c! ; but the members were . KXprt;s->ioiis of public ap- heir way to their homes. [A’^ Jhiily Adv. aveiy I'a-.'. ■ r.-r i '200 pnsoiu'i s. i re.iM i't i-j v.v ti) *.! v | ■ have not !>eeri able to iiegotia'e t >. ! chatige, aiiu liujn. ;'(/i e huve !)(mn (iii'.lt i i the neresi'ity of si-ticlni;; inaiiv oi'tlur.e | .'■ we Ifave taken lo \'era (^ruz, Vive:. !m:. acted with \ei y liltle. n’gurci to liie iritet - ests of llie Isl.itid, as many of the pri-jon- ers are cajjiains of e.oasiini;; vessels, and their placescaiiiKJt be easii\ fdled. I'hev have taken a Iieuletiaiu and aiidsiiiprnan j Trom tar- CiiRiiiiiati, ((Jluu) licgister. May 14_ of ours, with a boai’b cr'-v,- of ten rncn. j iVeat —We stated, sometime They wererisetiu})on hythe prisonersiiu-) siiu e, thai tlie steam boat Tecumseh had taken in nuinbci', diul amoiig . ujjjd,. tpjp Orleans to Louis- them six captains,) and taken to .Havana,, viile, in n’.ae davs and four hours. This where they are ti faied w’ell. \\ «■ carry | vvas a perfornjaiice never erjualled up lo on a most annoying system of warfare | ihai time. 'I'he Lady Washington arri- we enter their rivers anri harbours, burn I vod iVcitii Louisville on Saturday evening their vessels at their anchnra'>e, land, j J;.si, anrl brings intelligence lhat ihesteam march into the country, and play thtm j h.j^i IIutiireKS had just arrived in eight all sorts ol pranks. | utid eleven hours, from port lo pori! The Spaniards do not know what tl.ei w'l.-n it is considered that the distance deuce to make of .it, and are getting ex-j is i yjo miles, and thai the cnrrent of the ceedingly alarmed; they, know not where it will end. I am told that greui dissat isfaction exists with regard to Laborde, who has actually done nothing but re main oft'this harbour with a forte so ve ry superior that it would have been folly in us in the extreme to have hazarded an action. Besides, it does not accord vviih the views of Government or our own to do so at present, except with considerable advantage. The Mexican Government is highly pleased with all our operations, and our Commodore has received compliments and assurances without number,and whai is more, whatever funds he may think proper to draw or send for, and uiilimii- ed power over all the .elements of the Na vy.” Bolivar as n Financier.—A letter lies be fore us written by an American at Porto Cabello, dated ihe'J Uh ult. which furniih- (“s the following information as lo the Liberator’s noiion of raising the ways and means to meet il».- del)t of the coun try. The extract is given literally. “Lately bolivar has laid an Aleavalla duty on all produce, say 5 per cent, on the valuation, which ii> taken from tlie current sales. IJc has also laid a tax of g-100 on all merchants transacting com mission busitiesh—on all retail dry good stores one of 150—and on smaller esiub- lishments, one of Irom RbO lo SlOO per annuii). , “These taxes will produce a revenue of from three to g Kooo.ono. IJc has dis charged all military oHLcers oiV duly, giving them a preference in civil employ ments, when they have capacity to lill them—/:(• has reduced the present pay one half—uliolished the reception of Government paper for a season in the cusiom houses—and, in fact, has made such alterations as will in nine months pay the interest, if noi part of the princ.- pal of ihe naiiutial debt. More lliaii two hundred di.>*ariected persons have M:;,si.ssippi is a vei y rapid on«v this voy age must be viewed as one of the most rtinarkable exhibiuons of speed ever re corded. A passenger on board the Huntress, just arrived in the Lady Washington, stales to us that the Huntress lost ten hours by fog. The Lady Wa'shington ieft Cincinnati on Saturday eveniiig, tak- int_; on some of the passengers from Or leans, who will by this means reach Pitts- burj; in about thirieen days from the cap ital of Louisiana. For the information of our Atlantic friends, we state the fact iliat before the introduction of steam l)oats, or u'ithin turlie ijiars, a good boat required at least six weeks to dcscmd[rom Piltsburg to New Orleans, and 4 months lo gel back. A friend of ours, an enter- l)ribing steam boat captain, says he has pledged himself to clo.'sp. the season by performing the trip in eig/ii days. It can be done by ihrce or four boats now run- ning. .d singular J'rrdirf.—An action of libel was recently li ied in 'i'helford, Kngland, in which the plainiifu a Miss Wood, prosecuted the defendant, Uelf, for pub lishing a handbill, charging her with fraud and riishontsty : there was also an allegation for sjiecial damage. After many hours s*f)ent in the iiivestigalion, nnd an able charge from the judge, the jiiiy consulted for about a quarter of an hour, and returned ihe following singular terdicl : — We find the plainliir ttj, u!)d we find the damages for her one hundred and JiJtij pouiids !” [This jury verm to have ojjt ned their mouths for the r>ame pui fjose that the Irishman in lios- ton opened his cidlar window, to let the darkness oul.^ Sir John Co|)ley, wbo has risen to such disiinction in Kngland, and is now Lord Chancellor, is a native of Boston, Sc is the i.(in of our justly celebrated painter, the Julc JoliQ bingletga Copley, H. A. -V. It. i'/ircmcle. Jin Extract.—If of iwo fruits one was to be aniiihi+uted, which would you be most vvilliiii^ to spate, the Orange or A|)ple t —of two minerals, Gold or Iron.^—of two Slones, the Dramond or Mm-slone of • \To Li(;ui(^'?, Wi"^ or ^ I f Quincy Hail Rond.—This first work of the kind in the Union is now in the full tide of successful operation, and is daily visited by many persons, both from the city and abroad. The road from Boston leading through Dorchester and Milton to Quincy, passes directly across the rail road, and so great bus been the number Slopping to survey il.e enterprize, who sought lor refreshment, that a citizen liv ing near the point of intersection has been induced lo convert his little dwell ing into a house of entertainment. Four carriages in a train, loaded with the weight of lifty tons, are drawn by two horses, and with much more ease than they return empty. Immense quantities of stone are now conveyed to the landing on NepoHsei river, and must soon be in creased, as several new carriages are gentleman, suddenly enveloped in fiames and smoke, fled for his life. Soon afier the chapel bell, which had so long an noyed ihese young worthies by its impor tunate summons to prayers Sc recitations, was taken down and it is suppufcd thrown into the river. A a variety oi other pranks was played, but vigilant inqui ries being set on foot to discover the ringleaders in these disturbances, three of them have been sent away, and the re mainder are beginning lo be satisfied. llcsolntion.—A lad who carries the mail between Vergennes and Poultney, in Ver mont, coming to one of the rivers where ihe bridge had been swept away, and where the iorrent was still of a fearful depth, secured the mail to his body, plunged his horse in, and swam througti. On being as.ked why he had ventured up on so hazardous an experiment, he re plied with genuine yankee sang fi-oid— Why, there is a fine if we don’t deliver the mail in season, and I guess they don’t get their fifty dollars out of me, and be darn’d to them. Dreadful Accidciit.—On Saturday night last, while two little boys of the lown were at some play or other, one of them expected to frighten liis companion by snapping (what he thought} an empty pistol at him—but, most melancholy to relate, the pistol was loaded and the con tents lodged in the bosom of his compan ion, of which he exjiired in about tlirce hours. It was Albert A. Leckie, son of Kobt. G. Leckie, Esq. of this place. 11 was an amiable and sprightly boy, just attaining maturity—he was near 15 years of age, wc believe.—Baton Rouge pa^er. THE ALBANY MUUDKR. But little doubt appears to be enter tained, that the wife of Whipple was ac cessory to his murder. The Rochester Telegraph says, **it was, we recollect, an ill-sorted marriage, but we never an ticipated such appalling fruits as these from it. Mrs. Wliipple was the orphan grand-daughter and ward of an illiberal miserly old churl, by whom she was denied ihe advanta^TC of society and edu cation to which her fortune entitled her Her property, it is fair to presume, at tracted suitors, from all whom, howev er, it was understood, her guardian sc- cluded her. She grew impatient of re Ktraint, and an union was hastily arrang ed between her and Mr. W’hippie, by i female friend, and ihe parties eloped to Vermont aivd were married* If our con jectures should prove to be correct, and we fear they are but too well founded, the niggard guardian of Mrs. W. will have a fearful responsibility resting upon him. Had she been properly educated, all these horrors would have been avert ed, for she was naturally mild and amia ble. Mr. Whipple way about 25 and Mrs. ^V, about 15 when they were mar ried, iu 1817.’ the medium of your widely circulatinp: paper, 1 offer the lollowing facts for Ui^ good of all whom it may concern. I have been troubled by Intemperance for a number of years, on a large scale and after my best elVorts to reform ha(i failed, I deterinined to visit the justly celebrated Doctor Chambers, at the Uuf, gers Medical College, Duanc-streei, New York. I made my case known to the Doctor, and manifesied-my doubis of a cure being effected,- which he said |,o could remove ; he did so—and in five short days, declajcd me cured of the dis , Before leaving, 1 express»*d to him my fears and dread of a relapse; to whicl! he replied, that he thought there was nr> danger of it. The result thus far, I find be, that all desire for ardent spirits is entirely removed, as if I had never seen or tasted of any, and my health inucii improved. The expence of obtaiuinir this cure has not been as much as that of regular tipler in three month.s, ora ger.- teel tipler in one. liENJ. BOLLE^. Hartford, Mav !S, iSC7. A St. Louis (Missouri) paper says, it was but the early part of last winter noticed the discovery,on the Osage river of an immense quantity of Burr MilUiune* pronounced by the best judges to Ijc e- qual lo those of France ; and a few days since we were presented w'ith two pieces of the genuine Gypsum, or Plaster oi' Paris, found on the Femme Osage creek in St. Charles county, about fifty mdth west of this plcc. A man was killed lately in Alleghany township, while engaged in the danger ous attempt to act as mediator between a husband and wife when quarrelling. Counterfek half dollars of different nearly completed, and will be put on the circulation in x\ew York road in a few days. It has been suppos- extreme left point of the sprig held ed by many that the B. H. M. Association . 'vas supplied Irom these quarries shot in Cuuuitia and Apure, and j by this new means of conveyance ; but Gen. Paez has carried all before him u? executing Bolivar’s decrees, lie is des perate, and strict to every order of ihe I^iberator. 'I'he writer of the above, is a plain, fair man—a‘nd his statement is remarkalile on several accounts.—l irst, as commuicat- •whe blocks conveyed to Hunker Hill, tho’ i in abundant supplies, form but a small part of the weight transported on the rail road. Much of the stone, we are in- I'ormed, is used in this city and transport ed to other and distant places, at a hand- , some profit to ih>- company concerned, ing, as v\e believe, the hrst intelligence ol i Several accidents have happened, such as the very decisive steps o Bolivar, in.x-| n^e loss of horses and injury of machin- acting-lor so it must be ealled-sup-1 n-y, all of which may bererfu-r be pre vented as the jjersons engaged actjuire experience iu constructing and managing the carriages.—Ihnton J'niViHcr. lies. Secondly, as shov\ing, by ilie natural reference to B-olivar, and to him alone, as the author of all measures, thai he is the only power in Colombia ; and, thirdly, as jus.tifying liy the fact of the execution, by iwi hundreds, of the disaf fected—a word of large import—the cau lion to which v,e have i>efore referred, of our correspondents a». Laguayra, in wiih- holiling their names from iheir leiters. Altogether, ihe slate of Colombia is far from satisfactory. .X J*. Jimeriean. Gcrmmy.—Wc remarked last w eek, on ihe authority of a late Paris paper, that the poliiical face of things in Germatiy had begun to appear mure favorable, or rather more promising. Several facts are slated to give countenance to this idea. The system ot the Holy Alliance is considered as haviiij;; j)ressed most hejrrily on Germany in tLe year ISCJ, when ih? of Ii;t!v had been American /Irtints.—A paragraph in the in the claw of the Eagle, terminates, in ihe genuine coin, in two leaves, partly upon each other ; in the counterfeit it bears the appearance of a single leaf with a notch in the end. In New York city there arc !2 daily newsj)apers, eight of which are issued in tho morning and four in the eve- ning. The whole continent of Europe, with a populatian of ICO millions, does not suppori half the number of public journals as are issued in tha U. Slates. 'I'he annual aniount of ardent spirits consumed in the U. States, is not less than 45,000,000 gallons, which, suppos ing the drinking population to be a mill ion persons, would give them an allow- lasi Mumber ol Niles’ llti^nsier sidles, mat | ance of a pint of ardent spirits per day an elegant br(jad cloth power loom, of — New-\ o! k manufacture, was shipped last month lor England for one of the Leeds lactories. Some machinery, made by Mr. (iilbert Brewster, which has been Lamentable Occurrence.—On Thursday a Mr. Dobbins, aged 62, was mat ried to a Mrs. Hickman, a widow la dy, blessed with an entailed property of sent, by order, to Prussia, has been so ten children. No cause was assigned for much approved of tliat he has received! Iresh orders tor the supply of a number of his own machines, and oiher machin ery tor the manulaciure of cottun and wool. The mail bag in the W'estern part of New ork, lately toi)k tire. Tife driver succeecl^jj^i cx'i!’jTT-;v}M,,jr it, bA-.t'iing it will) vufe;- the rash acticn. iV. i: l^uper. Boring.-^ I \\^y are boring lor Coal in South Hadley, (Mass.) Should tjie boie wliich they are using prove to bo too short, the New-\ork (Courier rcrom- mends that they take ctie of tiie C ongres- sional Speeches_of last winter; it would be long enough to. scir/.cl: I;-..!- of he u:iri''C'de.'. "1_ FROM TIIK lllLtlCU IlEfilSTEU. Messrs. Editors:—As the Presidential canvass of IH-S begins to create consid erable excitement throughout the Uni ted Slates, and especially as the friends of Gen. Jackson ticem to be indefatigable in their exertions to secure his election, we think it would well comport with the standing and the respectability of iht friends of the existing Administration, tu call a meeting or meetings for the pur pose of adopting such measues as may be deemed nececessary in ))romoting a re- electicnof our present Chief Magistra.e. Manv, no doubt, will decry such a pre position as vain and visionary, un'’ rihe impression that the friends of Mr. Ad ams arc not sufhciently numerous tuj'i;- tify such a procedure; but I prulVss, Messrs. Editors, to know somethinr di' the popular sentiment in regard to il.e approaching important election, in sev eral sections of Norlh-Carolina, and I hazard nothing in saying, that the frier,Js of Mr. Adams are suflicient in nuinUr lo justify such a measure, and that if they display that zeal and activity in pro moting his views which the oppositiou forces here have long exhibited for Geii. Jackson, we may reasonably hope tint the Administration will' yet triumph ia North-Carolina. At any rale, we feel dis posed to try our strength, let the contcst eventuate as it iiiay. We will therefore, at all events, form a ticket in this state for Mr. Adams, for the purpose of giving him an equal chance with his coinpe:i* tor; as we believe that the actije and zealous exertions of his friends will make him the successful candidate in North- Carolina. Mr. Adams has influential I'riends in every section of the state, and nothing bat their influence is now want ing to secure success.—Nothwithstatid- ing tl^e constant exertions of the opposi tion party for their favorite, strong indi cations of discontent and dislike, poliu- cally speaking, are perceptible even iri the neighborhood where General Jack son’s friends are most numerous. Hid’- erto, the friends of Mr. Adams have not made that stand for him in this Stale which we had a right to expect, yei w confidently hope that the lime is iioidii^ lant, when they will be aroused lron» their lethargy, and-set seriously to v.or.. in tl'.e cause of that great man who directs the f'esiiny of our common try IJut notwithstanditig the haCi. wardness of Mr. Adams’s friends Jt North Carolina, we speak coniulti'''" when we say, that they are rcspec,ia^t^>'' point of nuiiiliers. I none districtin State, in which we are ;\cqtjairi‘.td, " know that .Mr. Adams has a jority. It is highly piobalde that il't." are other districts in tlie State lu ' he has majorities.— \\’e ask iiothin?; the zealous exertions of his friends j'’ -’'- cure him the vote of the Slate—atid . aid we ask, bccause we feel well asiu“^‘ that it will be given. The wi^lom a')|i uniform I'.rmncss with which M'"; ' ams has discharged his duty while n> Presidi-iitial C’hair, alone, aniee to him the support of the for a l e-clection. P/ut an oi gaiii'i^d, ai we say, an unpriii' ipled opposition, _ existed against Mr. Adanis ever sui his election bv the House ot lives. We chll it unprincipled, becau it is devoid of reason ov princij) le. It i.-) lie V U ill | _ • , I •() would seem that a wliole lile seem mui. a •••- -- ^ the service of his cotaitry, is ‘ cient to shield him from the aspersions of the opposition, a his i'hev li') ' i'^ , salvo-b-y sayiug, that lis administration of llie Geueia V.- - ’

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