1‘ r li... Hi ' ilit'b I'or I.id as \ ' • i>’ ost» ulii Ml tjl ilic sludy 111 j 'ontpni alive ;iiKit(jin\, 1 l unnni say that (n uliai itK'v, whirh this process prc- >eiii:, jnay not Mistily )he opinion, it is a^^ ;l|)on of ilfl'rncc. These peculi- ofwl.irli, us 1 it, \(>u''.i'. “\i iir honor huiu-vtv t.co:. nil.i.'trhft!,” I)\ lltc ol’tho l{rll>, •oiif el the onicors ol ''le ifnlm.) That I I'clirve, riMs on :\ i«-solutiou of Sir Francis i^ur- »h.’tt, liu.lJiii:; to a modljkation of thv LiV' ill regard to the C’athulir.'*. Sc,p- jn.vi* Mr, Clay shouUi, next yc‘'»f, in n’liiiiij::; an oilicial note to the’ liritish IvJ )ister at \Vashinp^ton, transfer th« sc( !’.e of that debate to the House ^ L' yds, and conrei tthc jjrojjot;ilion fron ;i !;i“asure of Legislative temlency a rc solution to urge the Kinj; to sonie stej) of executive discretion. | aniincd it, fi-oni otlicr hont-s, and insti'ad ^V^>u]d not such a misstattinent have fill- bci'i;;; of the cl >se compact texture \vc Lu>ri; i :uf. .Tr.r.. : 1 r'j f.- l,.A> «1 »*Ci ■ Hi' niotmii IP. ar- a lawyt r who rest ol iiicifjnitnt itij tin'll called a rr.an a “ p'-ijured scoundrel,” in his specch to a jury, was argued at the nrescnt sittini^of the Supreme Court, by ariiics are U \\, and 1 shall briefly state Mr. Oakly, irj favor, and General Tall- ihein. '1 lie process is of trian^jular and | n»adire ai^ainst the nioliot). (JeneralT. pyramidal sh.ape, witii iis base attachct! t«i the main bone, and lia\»ni; its ful sur faces i^ttjoved iis whole length, li pro jects fioni ihc bone, about one fool from j the foramen above mentioned, forniin^^ \eiy acute anisic, and runninj;; perfectly r.ound said he rciuired that an opportunity had at Icnijth occurred of brintjiriij this sub ject belbre the C'ourt, and aiFixin^j some limits to the licentiousness of counsel. Tor his pari he considered th'is action ironi i ill the same direction with the tapeiinj; ; j>;ua}^e cf the declare into j extremity of the inai:i bone. Itsstruc- maliciously” calls ai take j lure does not tliflcr, so far as I have ex- scoundrel,”ard brrai rd you itl» disdain ? Your own is jireciscly of the same quality, with this diirerence against you, that instead of beinj; (as the Catholic question is to us,) an indilferent matter, on which we are not concerned to be rninutely informed, your mi.sstatemcnt refers to the subject matter of a very important nc«;otiation, a matter whose progress tilroui'll Congress you express ly undertake to descrihc. in my next letter 1 shall take you in to the Senate of the United States, and when I have submitted to you the con trast ol what really there took place witli your account ef it, I 'hould not be surprised if you camc to the resolution that your letter of January 27, should not he merely ‘*tlie last word” in this deeussion, but your last word forever on this subject. Be pleased, meantime, to accept, 5{-c. AN AMKlUt'AN CiTIZFN. rUOM THE CUARLtSTO.N COUnD.It. F,.\tr:ict of a letter from a Meiiiciil (ientleinan in Nv.‘W-brlcans, to liis friend in this city. new-oiii.i;an8, 4tlt APfiir., 1H27. - The bones at present txhibiiing in this city, I cannot but consider, in common ■with every one who has seen them, as one of the g^rcutest curiosities in Natural His tory. They evidently once belonijcd to an animal, or rather I should say, a mon- S'cr, whose 5^)ecies, like that of the Mam moth, has long since become extinct, ll the creature \vlio once wielded them be not ol antediluvian age, we can scarcely conceive how the tradition of its exis tence has not been preserved ; but the tale, however, may once have been told, and mijjht have even now been familiar 10 us, but for the ignorance, and rapacity of the original Spanish settlers. These bones were di«(Covered by accident, in one of the cxtensi\e prairies near the mouth of the Mississippi, and contain the following portions, to wit :—fifteen or twenty veriebtce ; two ribs, and a part of a third ; one thigh bone ; two or three bones of the leg ; and several large mas ses of cancellated structure. To what description of animal these once belonged, remains yet to be deter mined, and liniil more of the skeleton be discovered, any opinion o.n thrs point can be but idle conjecture. Although it is evident these could have composed but a stnali part of the animal, yei still, they are sufficient to assure ys (as will appear in the description I shall attempt to give cf them) that the monster of which they foimcd a part, must have been of enor mous dimensions; of a size indeed, which to tb.osc who have not secnjthe specimens before us, would border on the fabulous. 'I'o begin with the vertebrjc ; these arc regularly formed, and in a tolerable state of preservation.—They have a body, and oblique, trans/er.se, and Sj)inous process. The mean diameter of the bodies of the verier!)iCE measure sixteen inched, :ind they ai-e tutl*e inches in drpth. 'I'hc passage of the spinal marrow j-. ) by inches; the spinous piocesses stand o!V. ‘^(arkv.aida and downwards, fotirtcdi niches in the dorsal, and soj’vewhat less in the lumbac vertebra:, three of wliicli latte-rare entire j the bodies stili letain their annular tip of hard bont, and luue the general aspect of those of o'.otr ai.i inals, but of gigantic proporliL’ii. .. 2d.— The cranial bone wliicli is ;.tiion!; lif collectioi;, meaiuie*--, i.i i'j I'raiic^.f twenty feet and b(.nic ii.clas. and ’•iiec :>r lour IVet in its extreme width, *aj)(‘rin,^ to a point, and ol thf eti'iinious ■^v(•irht f)^!‘.velve hu:idr d pounds! From i's 'ihape and general appearance, I should tall i'. the tempoial bone, aiul ''’li?t coTi^irms mein this bt lit f i>,a laigi pr'.f ' ss :-,'anding out in an obli'-jne dncr. Mon Irom i‘i- doi'siMO, hrai'ing a sirt.n;- ’ cs'-mblan-'.e 'o the /.y.^omali'- jn ocfss in man. arifj other animals ii'-hind t!ii> pro(.ess, say about one fo(;l, indeed 1 njav *ay at i*s iooi,is a large foramen pa^snit; tiiioni'-h the bone, and opening in wai u!\, would look for. w»*re this process a wea pon of defence, it is cnticellated witli n\erely an external coveringuf hard bone. The internal surface or costa of this bone is smooth, and has several furrows form ed by the ramifications ol' what I suppose to have been the meningeal artery. The squamous suture is very distinct, and tiieie i.s evidently a petrous portion. This bone has, towards its pointed extremity, a hard external and compara tively thin viticous internai table, with the intermediate Diploe. .Tcl. The ribs a: u well formed, and in a perfect stale of preservation, measur ing nine feet along ihe curve, and about three inches in thickness. 4th. The thigli l.oite it short, being no longer than one fool six inches, but very thick, 'i'he head of this bone is fully as large as that of an iiifant 6 months of ag«'. .'5th. The bones of the leg are as long, though not as thick as that of the thigh. I should not omit to mention that three of the teeth are also exhibited, which are of the canine shape, six inches in len^jth. Of the nalure or species of this mon ster, we are yet to learn. It has been coiiiectured that ii was amphibious, per haps of Crocodile species, and in tliis o- pinion I certainly concur, inasmuch as the great length and llatness of the head, | A person, in the lan- ation, “wilfully and another a “perjured use he does it under the character of counsel, he is to be protected, and the slander is allowed to g(j abroad in the world. It is, we think, high time that limils should be prescrib ed I'or Counsel. Their prii i.!sge is too olten abused. V>''e have witnessed on many occasions, abuses of the most wan ton and unprovoked character. Stealing a Duck.—A person was con victed at the last term of the criminal court ol sloaling a du ,k. On the prison er’s being bioaght to the bar to leceive his sentence, the Recorder stated, that he thoM'jiit it defective, as he did no: charge it to be a (had dnck: for it might have been a w ild duck fj rac nafnraej the taking which would not be a crime. The Kecorder stated, that some years since, dnrin;]^ tiie time he was Dis trict Attorney, he indicted a man for stealing a duck out of the mai kel, but did not charge it to be dead: the indictment was., declar»'d defective, by the presidinjr Judges, and the prisonei’ discharged" '1 he prisoner not understanding the tech nical defect in the indictment, i;upposed It was not theft to take any duck: and the next morning he went ui'to the market and actually stole a large baket of dtad ducks. When arrai^'iied at the bar, he insisted that it was nu crime, as he said the court had already decided upon his loriner trial, hut to his surprise and (judging from the specimen of Cranial | ^^^''''ishment, he was convicted by the ju- lione,) and shortness of the feet, would ' >> sentenced to the penitentiary by the court. He complained most bitterly, L...I I 1 1_*. * > • justify si:ch an idea. It has been stated as the calcidation of a professor of Tran sylvania University, that the animal when alive, coulf! no^ have m;;asured less than 25 feet around the body, and 130 feet in length. that the court had led him into such a N. F. Tima:. SntrUijtrncr. IhnziL—The arrival of M. Olivira, from Brazil, announced in ihe intelligence received at Norfolk, will probably enable the lirazilian functionaries here to make j the surface, the latter havinl: the right the proper explanations to our govern-1 Ic? of ilie former in his mouth, and the Govgins-—The most justifiable act of this kind of which we have heard is the following : A Kentuckian belonging to a surveying party, under an officer of U. S. Engineers, swimming in St. John’s Riv er, was seized by a large alligator and taken under the water. In a short time the Kentuckian and the alligator rose to mem, relative to the insults and wrongs said to have been offered to our country men, and particularly to the represcnta- live of our country, Mr. Kaguet, at Kio Janeiro. We have not published the various Etatements in relation to the outrages committed on the brig Spark, written, as they evidently were, under a stinging sense of injury, and therefore, possibly exaggerated—and, moreover, because Brazil is hardly a power to provoke any vehement ebullitiop of re.sentment from this nation. W^'are, relatively speak ing, powerful enough to alVord to be quite calm in a question of national honor or rights, with Iliazil. It is not towards such a fee!)Ie adversary, that it ran be expedient to louse the feelings of this people. iV. J' /Jmt'tican. former having hi.s thumbs in the eyes ol his antagonist: Theodicer immediately gave orders to his party, who were in a boat a few yards from the combatants, to go to the relief of their comrade, but the Kentuckian peremptorily forbade any interference, saying, “ give the fellow fair play.” It is needless to add that the We are gratitVd to learn .that intelli gence has been received lu re by the brig Hyperion, from (Jibrallar, that Mr. Ev erett, our Mitiister at the court of Spain, had (djtained and i'orwarded lo I\lr, ilfii- ry, C. S. Counsul at Clibraltar, an oflicial Older for the immeciiale release of the .•\iiieri( an citirens confined in the Span- iiiii d;in;.;cons ol (_\‘fjta. I lu y are about thirty in and compvise the siir- \ ivo:s of tiic ('jlon!bl,an j)riva:eer, Sonbleile, v. hirli vessel, our rearleTs may recollt ( t, was driven ashore on the (Joast ol’ Spain some months ago, in a violent Ijd/f. Jlmcr, A letter from Havaiia, dated H)th inst. states, that ('ominodoi e I’okiku's flag- •^bip, ti.e l.ihntnd, is still at Key We-,t. but t!iat liie commodore hatl sailed alxail iIm; icih, ill the sitjo]) o\>ncd in I hat plaec, for \’era I’m/,. Tlur objf et of his visit is nut hfiou n. Thr Spaniards sprak verv sei unislv cd Ids ()n:ig peimii !rd to send his eriiiycis out IVimh a jtoM ol the I nited h'.aie'-, to annoy tlieir eoni- Cu(ts. i'oiiiKr. gouger obtained a complete victory. Ha- vingtaken out one of the eyes of his ad versary, the latter, in order to save bis other eye, relinquished his hold upon the Kentuckian’s leg, who returned to the shore in triumph. xV. V. Cour. The opiivon of a Spectator.—It is a re mark of Addison, that “standersby will often see errors, which escape the obser vation of those who are in the game.” Perhaps our readers will think this re- .mark receives a new proof in the following short extract from the Colonial Advocate, printed at Fork, Upper Canada: Ihe United States have a union, but it is badly cemented—their chief ruler is elective, and utilikc the monarch of 13rit- ain, is blamed lor every mirdortune which happens to his country ; the Lnglisb lan guage is ransacked for terms of^abuse to heap on the head of the .\merican Pres ident for the time being, and to stran gers, i^ would appear that, as the King ' can do no v^ iong, tl>e P.rebideni can do nothing that is right.” AcrtiiKN-T.—A little chih] of Mr. Alfred Hi'ks’, ol Orange county ill this slate, lau ly came to its death by ?, means which, we tliink, should !)e a eantifjii to iiarents. While running a!)..ut witti an open knife in its hand, it fell on the point of the Idade, uhich passed tl.roiigii the send, immediately a'>u\r tin; Ijaii, uito l!u' brain. '1 he child survncd but a short :i!nc. Mill on (luzdlc. It :ippear;i by uiemoranda kept at W’ind- 1 he Fublishrr of the ]5( !Ieronte Patriot say*^, that the whole aiiifinnt, incliidinjj Cash and articles of every desci iption, l e- . , reived for subsi i iptiun to that paper (111- ■•1 tlrjt l!.c process uh„vr,„i.„„oncd, >v,s ,l,„ I MS thou,; , a i.lau.iUe co.,i.:cu„t, 1 ca.,- | William Man and hvo otIuTs ” no. subs I il.c u>. inaiii.uch as thuo are ) |,is san.i' William Man is «„, tliv of hi. V. hirb p!;b;>il;ly may have been for the of some large tierve, or the pa;:s;.j;e j ^f.',,' u' ter\-. It is the ODin.ion of sor, \ t. tiiat nine f,it dx L’iC.tts o( snow on the dorsum of v-hai I woubl call th .".quainous jxu tiop, or ala. a number of lui.'(E f.'i- i'nn-j'As, wnich were evidentlv toriucd by tho utta^iinient (d' muscles ; and as ihese lurro./s ail radiate towards 'his i>ici,css, I cannot but rci^ard it in the li.a;.utr I have e:*pr»-ssi(l aijove. .Still, } o'is'v* I , cand'.-ui cuMti')ns n^e not to in- "’st or. V but I have t.dd to the con*.::',rv, name, and the Patriot contrives to edge into his editorial tnoinx'y a very hatul- somp commendatory t:otice of his skill in makit.g edge tools. Support-voiir sup- JSa/!. Pat. A .Mr. Snorcr was recently married t(. .'I Mi'.s Sl( I. p. A puiibler said, •’ v, hut a iVjfh of yo’inj will beTToducea.’* ft I! in that place, during the jnontb.s of December, Jaiuiar>, Feb. an i March. /'Ji'i'niut K 11 in January. So much snow led in New Ipswich and viciniiy on 1 U(‘sday, 1st May, ihal the drifis m Uie road were several feet deep. Mr. Cooper, t!ie author of t!u-.‘''pv, the Prairie, he. is expected to publish, in the ensuing tall, auoilitr novel entiiled the Ked Ho\er of the Sea. We are not iidbrmed wheiiier he lakes for his hero the outlaw whose '■•name was Captain Kidd, as he sailed,” but a talc ot deep inter(st migiti be wrou|,ht out ol ihe ad- vtn.uus uiiieh popular 'raditic:. hat U3- !.tm i T'\r f.'oloutal Trac/t: has been ' a b'l l*lc } •)Ubject of discussion among the political i partisans of the jjresidenlial candidates. A great deal of ignorance, scurrility and nonsense has been thrown around this question. The subj«‘ct,in our apprehen sion, is not yet ripe for definite opinions. The results of the various movements ol the English cabinet and the United Slates government will require some time ere they can show themselves distinctly. Without, therefore, entering into the controversy how far the House of Hepre- sentaiives, the Senate, or the Cabinet, may have been the principal means of producing the present stale of that busi ness, there is one point on which every re publican and American will make up ills mind, on even a cursory perusal of the diplomatic conespondence between this country and England. The sameprin- cipks and the same Jfelinqs which produced the lu6l tvar between this country and Great Britain are at the bottom of the polinj of the London cahi.iit and the diplomacy of Mr. Cannin!'. Whatever colour that skilful minister may give to the last few years’ negotia tions, it is certain that his great object has been to crij)ple the navigation of the United States by every method in his power. The brilliant deeds achieved by our gallant navy during the last war haunt the ininds of the English Ministry, and every effort will be made to cramp Sc break down that growing arm of our strength. If this country submitted to receive the dictations of any English minister, it wotild be one of the most powerful evi dences that the spirit of that traitorous assemblage, calle i ibo ^;^rlfo'■d Conven tion, had it;^aia reuvtd,and had become prevalent in our national councils. What did the ''!;»porters of that convention dor Thy advocated the policy cf England— they defended tl.e conduct of England— theylaiided the forbearance of our great rival on the ocean. In several of the newspapers of late we have seen symptoms of the like spiiit— the like feeling of admiration for England, and the like hostilityto their own country. We have seen the insulting conduct of the British government lauded lo the skies, and the views of Mr. Canning a- pologized for and defended by American politicians. This is Hartford Conven- tionism lo the back bone. THE WOOLLEN MANUFACTUPE. In our opinion, every class of society in the United States is deeply concerned in the prosperity of this business—espe cially the farmers, as w-as shewn in a late article in this paper. Superajljled to the manifest advantages attendant upon the establishment of this manufacture, there is nothing more clear to our mind than this—that our woollen factories have al ready caused a large reduction in the cost of goods to consumers ; and that, if they are protected as the cotton niaoufaclures are, the same efTecis will follow in a few years—say 4 or 5. That is, that woollen goods will be thirty, forty, or fifty per cent, cheaper than their former regular prices j and the home market for wool will circulate among the farmers, at the end of the period stated, not less than thirty miifions of dollars a year. Shall the creatwn of this mighty value be lost, on account of local considerations, party combinations, or visionary fears ? Tears which, whenever tested’ by experience, have always been instantly dissipated. Nay, we are prepared to go further and say that, with righiful encouragement, wool V'iU become to our farmers what cotton is to our planters. Why should it not ? Wh.j' should such a result be re sisted ? The low price of laud in the United States, with the moderutc taxes upon it, and the cheapness of subsistence for shepherds aiul others attending on the .Tacks, naturally poini out our coun try as the greatest wool markrI m the world. Why siiould we neglect or refuse this splendid source of wealth and prospi“ri-- ly. which is so completely within our re;.ch } Chantry’s statue of Washington, will, to judt^e from the engraving imule from it, urid which is lor sale in owr [irint siioj)S, fulfil the utmost expectations of the ciL- izens ol liO.iton, and of the other country. It is W ashington—not in military cos tume not deck'‘doui wii!i plumed helm, nor surrounded with warlike irojthics, br.t with uncovered b.ead, wrapptnl ifi a mantle, wliich most happily rt call; tlic dignity and classic grace ol the Ivonian loi;a, without depariin!; loo much from! the modern cosinnie : and w ith the calm, sedate, and majestic pori and expression that hetii the iounder of a nation—ihe Iriend of freedom—-the lawgiver—the sage. 'I’bere is ihe greatest simplicilv' (the accompaniment of all real excellence in ' seulpiure} in the whole form and altitude ol Washington. \o ornaments, no ac cessories of any ;.«irt to lidraci from Uic interest of the main figure. It is there a- lone—-as is, and will be, to the end of lime, like its immfU'tal origin—great, calm, and free. 'I'here is a defect in the engra ving, (and W'e hojie i4-is in the eluM'avuif only) in tlie left leg, which fron'i Tas h seems to us) incorrect shadowing,' ap pears crooked and awkward in its posi tion. \\ e r(‘joice that our counti v possesses 5ol:ne a staLio:, j\’ ] _ i-. 1,. ■ . i*,., P.T'O, j Sig/hi of the times in / ^ • letter from llafl'.in[.''iu ('nnuty\ wru^.^r' a gentleman who l;as the best opp(,.|.|j ties of ascertait.ing the state of piJ'j ic 0. pinion in that county, assures us tlif' has been a revolution there in relaiiui, the election for President, that is perrcc* ly astonishing. The people see thai\^^ “ combinaiion” are without printini,. and that their policy is not the* poliey r i Pennsylvania. “ I passsed through litiford, (savs ■ friend in a letui) to us, dated May and had a conversation with one of n'. members of Assembly for that couii- He said that the ciiatiges within the ia^ few months in favor the Adininisiratio' are very great indtv^:. ‘o gri al as to prise him. The tov.' sbip in which ”i- lives is large and der/.ocratic, and thf , are not to be found ten Jackson i-nn-i mong all the voters.” ^^li'estmoreland County," tht san letter writer, “ ih undergoirig a JiniV change. The German Innkee; vr at who' house I put up in (ireenburg* is wcah;. much respected and generally kno'.i' IJrtold me that a few weeks ago he L. no idea that Mr. Adams hal aliy chair* in that county or in the btate'; but T great have been the changes in Uia- time, that he said, he was pre|)ared v. bet any reasonable sum—say a few imr hundred dollar.s, that Mr. Adams wi! have a majority in that county and in t! Pen7wjlL'ama.—\\\ accounts continw- lo represent the changes in this State progressive, and of the most decisii, character. The interests of Pennsvlv: nia so clearly lead her to support tlu- Administration, that it is almost doubt ing the good sense of the State to douL her ultimate vote. It is the great mi" fortune of Virginia, tha' events-have tr ken such a turn ihat she and Pennsylvl- nir\ can no longer act together. The Jackson papers look- on the prc posed Woollen Convention at Harrisbure. with much jealousy. They think, or pre’ tend to think, that It hides a skilful po litical manvTuvre. Whether there was a poliiical object in it, we know not; but it must be atteniled by greai consequen ces. All Pennsylvania seems alive witli the determination of using every exertion to protect the Woollen interests more el ficiently. '1 his feeling when roused, wil naturally support that party which rc cenlly aided its interests, and turn its ir dignaiion against the party which ihwar' ed them. The Woollens Bill was oppr, sed by the Jackson Mem/>ei s from Penn sylvania, and supported bv his opponent' [nVW;- Mr. Rilchicsays, “The Maryland H publican, an Administration print, niaki' out that the Jackson meetings in ninci . the counties (which it has heard IVou " were but thinly attended.” “ This, (cot. linucs Mr. H.) is a set-off to the statciner. (we presume in a Jackson paptr) of Administration meeting the other c'/ in Chester county, m Pennsylvatiia, whc:-. sixteen attended—-and yet it did not war, trumpeters to proclaim iis importance.’ By way of a set off to this again, v subjoin an cxtract from the Centcrvil'^; Times : .5 Pennsylvanlz Jackson Mecti^!:.—]v the course of remark a few days since, a gentleman observed in this place, tlur. the citizens of one section of the country must not take the flaming accounts o) Jackson Meetings, given in the Opposi lion Prints, as indications of hostility t» the present Administration. One in stance he would state to them—a Jacksci Meeting was called in Pennsyhania ; w.” man attended ; he called to order, elected Azwwf-/'Presirlt-nt; also Vice Pri sident ; made latmelf a speech ; brough!; in a siring of resolutions himstfi unatii mously approved of them hitnscf; aiu' published to the world hunsef llainin! account of a Jackson .Meeting, w here tli'' said resolutions were unanimously adop' ed. In the Bristol district, in Massacn • settsj where two ineflectual attemp’s i eboose a rfj)resentaiive in Congress lu" t)cen made, the opposition thought it • good opportunity to try and run in iIk'i man. Accordingly, Mr. Baylies. wii was in the lust Congress, but decliiH' ihe hazard of a re-election, and who t’li joys the envialile di>itinction of being Jackson man, as he before 'vas a Cra" lord man, was put in nomination, aiK with the most happy etVecr. I’or. as i'^ certain clu'mrcal admix ures, the desiiC' result can only be brought about !ty throw ■ lllL ingin some foreign ingredient, so in contest referred to, the re|)ijlsive tender, cies were insiantlv overcome* by tl'' bringing forward of Mr. fiaylie.s. antagonist, ^>Ir. Hodges, received votes and he 265. ‘iVlr. lipdges, U is needless to atld, is a decided friend ol the gener.'l administration. We c ' ' ‘ 'Mtli the Post, on thft-defeat of Mi lies, ol whom it ^!ci ms so well. _ A’, r. .‘hucrir.a Hr nidol 11a V I ho new Penitential v erecting a: Sin:;- “iing. New Vork,' ate ce’l:f_- :.or\ta'