l.ONUON LMUCS. 7"ie Lees and the Laxcstms. If \ou cull on the Lee^ north of Bloonisbury- squ;xrc, 1 hoy welcoine yju blan'lly, they profTi.r a cbair, Dccorously mild and well bred ; T'ltent on their music, their bocks, or their pen, ■bimployincnt absorbs their attention, and me>i Scenn totally out of their head. tl you call on the I^awsons, in Bloomsbury- placp, Ko fabric of order you seem to dcface, No sober an'ang'emcnt tn break ; I’hey lounge on the sofa, their manners arc odd, Men drop in at hincheon, and give them a.nod, Then run to the Sherry and cake. rlie house of the Lees has an orderly air, Jt sets to its brethren of brick, in the square, A model from attic to basement; 't’he knocker is polish’d, the name is japann’d, 'I'lie step, unpolluted, is sprinkled with sand. White blinds veil the drawing’-room casement. 'I he house of the Lawsons is tunte autre chosr. It certainly proflers no air of repose, For one of the girls always lingers Athwart the veranda, alert as an ape To note to her sisters the forthcoming gape, 13e it monkeys, or Savoyard singers. 'Whenever the Lees to the theatre stray, The singers who sing, and the players who play, Attentive, untalkative, find ’em : With sound to allure tlvem, or sense to attract, They rarely turn round, till the end of the act, To t tlk with the party behind ’em. The I.awsons are bent on a ditTer^'nt thing: Miss T’at'iu may r. avble. Miss A\’cii iv.'Ay s’.ng, o lis'oners tier above tier : They hccd not song, chnractcr, pal'.o% nr plo*, !ftut tuin the 11' heads buck, to converse a knot or Dandies ’.vho lounge in the rcir. Vii life’s or.warJ path it has happen’d to rr.e V. ith many a Lawson, and many a Lee, In^)arties to mix and to mingle ; And someho’v, in spite of manoeuvres and plans. I've found that the Lees get united in banns, While most of the Lawsons keep single. Coy Hymen is like the black maker of rum— •' De more masse call me de more 1 vont come,” Me flies from the froward and bold : He gives to the coy what he keeps from the kind; The maidens w'ho seek him, the maiclens who find. Are cast in an opposite mould. The greatest freedom I know in being thought a wit by the world is, that it gives one the greater advantage of play ing the fool. ^luny men have been capable of doitig ,1 wise thing, more a cunning thing, but >ery few a generous thing. 2?ar(rt9. Mixing together profit and delight. [From Flint’s Valley of the Mississippi.] nnother opening. -TA %/Irkansas, its Grapes and Cypress Swamps. We continued to float on throup;li t'liis deep and inundated forest, when at right angles with our course we discovered It was the Arkansas, with a majestic current of waters of the color of arnotto die.— This is, next to the Missouri, the lar gest and most interesting tributary of Iht Mississippi, and from its inoulh by its meanderh to the mountains, is com monly comjHJted about 2000 miles.— Its course has been traced in these moun tains at least five hundKed miles, ami it believed that the source of the Ar- jvan^as has not yet been explored by our ]^eople. One si’.igularity distinguishes ihis river from any oilier of the U. Slates. AVhere it winds alon^ among the moun tains, all agree that it is a bro:u! and deep 1 Ivcr, carrics a groat volimie of water. JLJul 110 sooner does it emerge iVom the shelter of u oods and mounlains into a boundless and arid jjlain, tunij)o:ied to a ”ieat dejjth of quicksauti", than it be gins to disapfiear : and in a hundred miles liorii iln; very elevated inouiitaiu, neiir wljith it enUrs upim the ]>lain, il ji Ibfdable during Um; .summei'. Still lower (lusvn il i.s a stream, according to tlie well IviKnvn jilirase of the cuunlry, •‘sui;I: in iIk; sanJ that is, il trickles jimidst li.t; banks of sand ;uil pebbles, .■••0 as in in:nty places to rxliibil a diy j Li.'. 1/1 ui pruiiiil^ , v OVCi ;:.g l..'J Mipeilluous irrowth and folinge, inllict- ing no wounds, and ailbrding a most ad mirable method of i ij)ening the clusters ' in the highest perfection by the reilcc- tion of the sun from the sand. In the expedition of iMaj. Long, the extreme sweetness of these grapes is recorded, and other travellers have ijorne the same testimony. They speak of vast tracts rovered with these rich clusters. I shall have occasion elsewhere to speak of these classes of this naliv*> grape, which are so much extolled in the internal provinces of Spain. They are common through the pine woods of Louisiana, and known by the name of the pine woods grape.. This grape ripens in .Tune. It would probably be an admirable grape to cul tivate. There are also varieties of au tumnal grapes, and wonderful accoimts arc given of the immense quantities of grapes that ripen on the saml [>lains at the sources of the Red river. The hunt ers assert that they are rii her than any cultivated grape. At a distance of a mile or two from the river, there are first thick cane brakes, then a series of lakes, cxaclly resembling the river in their points anti bends, and in the color of their waters. Tliese lakes are covered with the large leaves, and in the j)roper season, the flowers of the “ nymphea nelumbo,” the largest and most splendid flower that 1 have ever .seen. 1 have seen them of the size of the crown of a hat; the ex ternal leaves of the most brilliant wliite and the internal of a beautifid yellow. These lakes arc so entirely covered with the large conical leaves, nearly of the size of a parasol, and a >unaller class of aquatic plant, of the same form of leaves, hut with a yellow lUnvrr, that a bird might walk from shore to shore, with out dijtping its feet in water ; and these plants rise from all depths of water, up to ten feet. Beyond thp^o lakes there are immense swamps of cypress, wliieh swamps con stitute a vast portion of tlie inundated lands of the Mississippi and its waters. No prospect on earth can be more gloo my. The pactic Styx or Acheron had not a greater union of disnial circum stances. AVell may the cypress have been esteemed a funeral and lugubrious tree. When the tree has shed its leaves, for it is decitiuous, a cypress swamp, with its countless interlaced branches, of a hoary grey, has an aspect of deso lation and death, th.at often as I have been imprcjssed with it, I cannot de scribe. In summer its tine, short, and deep green leaves invest these hoary branches with a drapery of crape. The water in which they grow is a vast dead level, two or three feet deep, still leav ing the innumerable cyprcss knees as they are called, resembling circular bee hives, throwing their points above the waters. This water is coverod with a thick coat of green matter, resembling green bulT velvet. The musquitoes s^warm above the water in countless millions. A very frequent adjunct to this horrible scenery, is the moccason snake with his huge scaly body lying in folds upon the side of a cyjiress knee ; and if you approach too near, lazy and reckless as he is, he throw's the upper jaw of his huge mouth almost back to his neck, giving you ample warning of his ability and will to defend himself, i travelled forty miles along this river swainj), and a considerable part of the way in the edge of it ; in which the horse sunk at every step half up to his in (Irv and hiiiy wood>, lai from j was now verging toward December.—- streams and - ^v .ters, it almost | My friend soon alter my arrival called wholly disap:.'i:iri , it in the pine cordially, and the next evening, a darky woods it reappL-arrs as you approach hot- thrust into my hand a carcT, directed in toms, .stream.^, and swamps, I have re- a fine crow-quiii hand to ‘ Ichabod marked too, tii'it where it so complete- Singleton, Ksq. ’' t!ic contents ot which ly envelopes the cypress, as to show | were as follows:— nothing but the festoons of the d.yk grey moss, other trees arc wholly tree from it. It seems less inclined to attach itself to the cotton wood trees llian to any other. This moss is a plant of the parasitical species, being propagated by seed, which forms in a capsule that is preceded by a very minute but beautiful purple flower. Although when the trees that have cast j their leaves are covered with it, they j look as if they were dead, yet the moss I will not live long on a dead tree. It is well known that this mo> s, when man aged by a process like that of preparing hemp or flax, separates from its bark, and the black fibre that remains is not unlike horse hair, elastic, incorruptible, and an admirable and cheap article for inattiesses, of which are formed most of the beds of tlie southern people of this reiiion. From the IJoston I.yeeiim. A IJACHKLOU’S DISSIPATION. I lo not deny that at sixteen I was a poet, a fashionable, a belle scholar, an adept in tlie solids of science’, anu wore a tall plume among my compeers in the literature of that day. Neither do I positively contradict tliat, at the very blushing of my power of hope, I was goose enough to fall in love, was laugh- t;d at, and resigned society and the hon ors conseciuent upon a degree and a dis- tinc;uished part in the ceremonies of a commencement, for “Sylvan shades,” and the solitudes of study. But the “ whirling of Tinie’^ went round, and the duties of a profession, pursued with a single eye to fame, brought profession al j)ractlce ; the w'orld of business was opened to nie, and in the drudgery of its details i lost sight, and even memo ry, of the blissful bowers of the polite world, whose sweets were once so en chanting. Tw'enty years trudged along, like horses in a bark mill, and twenty additional years found me, something like a bachelor ; for this term, added to ^VWWlVWWWVWVVVWfcVVX J Miss iSiipliToiila Si/llabulji J J AT UO.'JL—'VVednestliiy evening, ^ ^ Feb.—ut 8 o’clock. J ^ VWIW\^ I rccognized the daughter of my friend, in the address, but its singulari ty brought out the ungallant phrase, “'I'he d—1 she is.” My landUdy ex plained, (as the blackamoor w’as olT in an instant,) that it intended an invitation to a dance, and nothing of doubtful mo rality. Heavily passed the hour, till the moment arrived which was to re suscitate me as a fashionable. The in termediate space was occupied by the common avocations of existence, to which was supei’added the amusement of gazing from the window upon trav ellers ?s they slipped, hobble(l or trip ped along the tlironged streets. But the all-in>portant hour approached, anti S o’clock found me at my iViemi’s, who ushered me into a brilliant lightt'd sa loon, w'here were the young and fair, impatiently v/aiting for the commence ment of the dance. The half-suppres sed flourish of the clarionet, and the demi-semiquaver squeak of the fiddle, proclaimed that all was on the eve of readiness. When I entered, I felt the lue weight of character appended to my blue coat, long Marseilles vest, stooki- nett pantaloons, pow’dered hair, and black ribbon queue. The youngest turned the bright eye of admiration to wards me, and all smiled an overvvhelm- ing welcome. Happy was I to see, that twenty years had worn off the crust of reserve in the fair sex, and that I was to receive a portion of its benefits. “Allow me,” quoth mine host, “to introduce you, &c. ” This sounded ra ther strange, but did not ap|)ear more singular tlian that there had been a won derful transformation in ,the ladies' waists. I'ormerly, they lesembledthe foretopsail of a man of war, clewed up upon her arrival in port, but now they had become transformed to hour glasses, and each body was squeezed into two A.mong the gentlemen sixteen, (the age of my abjuration of the lair,) serves to bring something like inverted cones, crow’s feet around a bright eye, and transformations were apparent, leads one to think with undue eompb-!unmentionable under dress of the cency, upon the comforts of flannels, j was adopted for pantaloons, be- and. the advantage of being unnoticed. I neath which sticks or legs might have But my mentor, and 'i’abillia, who had ^^^n concealed—bob minor coat tails regulated my whole domestic course, I in vogue, and when a gentlfman from a sock to a shirt collar, told me m Cassandric projthecy, that it was neces sary to marry ; previous to which an excursion among modern fashionables, was a paramount duty, in order to make a due selection. With something of a cold chill, I consented ; which icy feel ing w'as somewiiat soltened by a recol- leclion of the pupj)y tvclusion, and this contem[)lated /.’iclusion of a bachelor tax, wnich lunig in fcrrorem over my unyoked body. My wardrobe (the sin ew of war in such cases) was inspected, which was'found to have sufll'ered from the inroad of mulhs. When I had, 20 years since, left the bowers of the fair, I packed in an old chest, with due cau tion, a superfine coat, stockings and pan taloons, a thick substantial watch, with its accompanying key of massy silver v/orkmarjshi{), and on this grand occa sion, when fashion was to play the ga knees. 1 was enveloj)ed for the whole to age, that the defects of time distance with a cloud of musquitoes.— I concealed by the curtain of Like the ancient Avernus, I do not re- it was, of all things, essential member to have seen a single bird in the w’hole distance, except the blue jay.— Nothing interrupted the deathlike si lence, but the hum of musfjuitoes. There cannot be well imagined anoth that the “outward man” should be set oil to the beat advantage.. I would here digress to describe my coat. It was built in those days when the coat describes the man, and ne\er tr feature to the gloom of these vast and j ^ bridegroom survey with more de- dismal forests, to finish this kind of. the charms of his lady lov«, than landscape, mure in keejiing with thc'‘^‘‘* I contemjilato myself in the glass, rest, than the long moss, or S])anish ' ' beard : anil this luneral ilra|)erv attach es itselt t:j llie (■', ji' t.ss in prelei ence to bright yellow Inittoiis extending any r -j-. ‘I'ne;* is not, t.hat 1 i Jver tiie shunldcrs like two epaiil(;tt(.'s, kii'r.N, ;ii, c. L.l nature, which produ-1 claiming; acfjuaiiiiance with two on nes a r of srjjulclual im.igcs i within kis>in' di:,taiice ; and as the VM.w * i ine cvpress forests, "all plien the indelinite tail ajipeiided tluue- shu|^_getl, daiJ^ and eiivelope'd in the jlioyal origin—oh! sir, a view huiigitig festoons of iiios'i. if you would ;c(jmelin.:ss went to my heart, and iiispii'. .il! ii:l.abitanl uC Ninv-lhiL’;l.iiul, i tlie recollection ot whilome victories in |)osjess.\i of ihe ccsioinary j»urlion ofl^'’*- conquest, ^purred me on tu wiili liie dei;iee ol' lionie-sick-i ;' hievenients. 1 could have made I when first its budding In'aulies adoi iuu! my youthful shoulders ; its rolling col- vast Hero on these v.hioh wil! for ages be th( neric.i, t!ie hoiiu* of t-livs .liainud of burnitig sand iioin L.nik lo!iu.';s \vhlch woiiid stiike to tl.c heart, iblank veise to Diana herself— h-iuk. transfer him instaiiliy from the lull and ! tender sayings came from their ceils of dale, the bracing air and varied scenerv ' in which the'y had been long of the'noiih, to ihe cypress swamps of | ‘‘‘Unured, and were ready to attack the tiiC soulii, ?;.:;t are covered wiili the long i ^^'talice of female hearts ; twice ditl I mu'S. ! tragically stride across the room heedless 'i'iiis c'.:j’io!is .'ippendage to tl.c trees is ' whose tail siiflered trom m\' ‘ anxiety to observe that of my coat, w liich became horizontttl from jjai taking of my s])eed and ecstacy. But to return. ' I arrived at the me- tropolxs^ and was seUhnvn at my fpmn- d'sii hr.disJv’i' bhc wasfci- s.u'.tiv jita.ii^, Syrtes of A- 01(1 l»uf];ilot'S, ;ire the wild fields oftli.iM- !..;h na’ive gr:q)CS, th;;t all t:a\’il'-r- in these le- gitjiis have sjjoheii nl in sui'h terms oi j in si\ isible in tiie r\'press swamps at admiraiion. '^I'hcy aic 'aid t.^ he coii;' ! ;tbout degi( :,'., and is seen thence to eal ill shape, hut.'-, oi' a Iteautjful bhie, jtheguif. il is the constant accomjiani- dnvii.g sands | ment of ti,e trees in deep bottoms and I. * d:i-:it’: n nl '■> f'l ^ .It triuisi>ai ent '1 iie ij>e tuund tlie stem, that advances still ainjiy lands, and seenis to be_an in- abuxc the iiand liiuj £and_p.tjfuiins dieal’. a ofhur.:;1^ty in bowed to you, he resembled Taurus in the Almanack, or a frozen pitch mop. Young ladies wore caps, and older ones went without; jirobably there had been a fever amongst the younger class—but I was so busy in peering into bright eyes around me, and expending my stock of small talk, that I did not materially criticise the outward man or woman \vho came in contact w’ith me. Anon, the fiddle struck up, a signal wasgiven and dancing commenced. My friend urged me to join, which I declin ed tdl my apologies would no longer be received, and I was introduced to some seven or eight ladies, who all were eith er engaged or had the headache, and I then thought, that I was fairly excused; but my friend introduced me at last to a jolly, roguish eyed girl, who consented, with almost an eager readiness. I made her a bow of ninety degrees, which rather incommoded my nearest neighbor, (it was what they called a jam) and W'as leading hei- to take a iilac'e for a contra-daiiee, when she informed me that a cotillion was the figure ; and sure enough there we were, eight of us in a circle like a boxing-ring. 1 apologis ed h)r not understanding any thing aljout this mana;uvre, hut she assured me that the negro ritldler wouhl tell us all about it, and 1 consented to run the guantlet of trial. ‘We were stationed at the bot tom of the octagon, when the negro hauled out, “forward anti hncl; too.” How is that possible, tliouglit 1 But a young n\ mph carnij sliiling, ii ontin^^ and bweejiing uj> to me, in a most conde scending manlier, wherefore 1 could do no loss than to make her one of my pret tiest hows. “ Ojtpusite gentleman the same,” (juoth Culf. At this, my part- tier told nu^ I liuist dance ; w hereujion, nothing loath, I commenced a double sluiflle on my post, which I defy' any man of my age to excel. I aiwav's prided myself on my activity in this particular, and had just commenced the operation with my' eyes to the ceiling, when I felt my feet entangleil, and looking down, found I hatl disarrayed my partner of lots of roses, and two yards of flounces or flummediddlis, wl'iich skirted the hnver part of hei dress. On this, I turned swiftly to a- p(dogize, and the sujierfluily of t^at iWUHLj l!i Oppeiil'j di-I'Cijliijii lik';' the MiUjipCi' Ui a Vt ii 1 J/' 111V.c v.iy .in,o I he eye ^ of a ctiild of my friend's wife. 1 scarcely anticijiated a woril of apoloo-y in iVont, before the cry'of distress artrse in the rear, and turning rapidly, aoaln, to ascertain the cause of outcry, and finding that the diabolical flounces and my legs w’cre again in chancery, 1 ed head-foremost into the hread-baskci of a sputtering Frenchman; and he, myself, am! those old boon companions' ti:e sliovci and tongs, to say nothing ot the iirc-fender, were packed like a bai' rel of herrings in the chimney-corner The Fi-enchman laid hold of my qucu'. to assist him in rising and before I had fairly goi the better of my neighborlv grievances, and regained a perpendicu lar, he began a mongrel dialect of swear ing and vituperancu at and concernii);- my coat, “rnit de tail, and le bare, wliL no comprehendre le cotiliio;;.'’ I ^bus- ed him in good set French, and threat ened to puke him up the.chimney fo- laying profane hands ujjun my queue, apologized to my fair partner for the discomfiture of the flounce, kissed ti,i- chilli, wiped my (former) white vest, which had suftered from an intiinacv with the superincumbent tongs, aiiii forswore dancing. It would have driv en Socrates made to have witnessed iho half-concealed grins and titillations of mirth whi:h had bes’ct the whole prc«- ent community cf human bipeds. My friend, by way of corn.‘'ort, look me a- side and auvised me to throw aside my idolized coat, abjure queue and powder, and go to a tailor's, assuring me that with my good sense and literary ac quirements, I probably might obtain the admiration of boti) sexes. I thank- ed him, but assured him I had seen e- nough of fashio.iable life. He urged me to stay to supper, which I did : wliat was it ? blanch mange, smoked bonny chibher; masses of corruption, called jelly ; raw bacon, cut into thin slices, holy wafer cakes, washed down with that villanous compound of all liquors, t .illed noyeau. I tasted of all, weir., home and took an emetic. INlisfortunes, like wild geese, come i;i flocks. iSIiss sent me a note of sorrow, (1 hope without her father’s knowleitge) that I should have so insulted her parly by my dress ; and the ape ol a French man forwarded a challenge, lor calling him a baboon. To the foi inei I exprc^- sed my regret, that I was thus ignorant, of modern etiquette, and .promised u> release her from further anxiety on ihi'i head, and to the latter, sent a reply llia: I would beat him into a quail trap, Icr meddling w ith my queue. Sitting as 1 do now, by the fire-place at the side of my spectacled aunt, anti reflecting upon my adventures as ihey dance over the magic lantern of memo ry, there is much forsjjeculative musing The inconsistencies of fashion and ci existence ; of Philosophy and of French men, of bachelors, lire-fenders, pretU girls and pokers, leave lesson? for grave, instruction and sober aj)plication. Cj;^- tom, like the night mare, rides us to weariness, and none have enough of independence to shake oil' the elf. Fash ion holds the scale of oj)inion, and a man is as much imlebted to his tailor as to his classics, for honest fame and- moilerate share of a literary reputalioii And yet fashion is inconsistent with it self. A Proteus ifi metamor])hosis, to day, is frightened with its imaginarj elegance of yesterday. Oh thou ill* fated well bottomed, narrow’ backed, interminable coat which once win ked thy graceful ajipendage, wit I so much of pride in the assemblies of other days ! how* hast thou boat eu down those ;erial castles betoken ing consequence and renown amon; the rosy domains of bright eyes aui* llattering hearts ? 7\'/iij/urn /ur, t'l /i06 7Jiu/cnrtiir Ulis—the int'^'- pretalion of which is, ** Ichahoil, di' glory of thy house has ileparted. iciiAiJcr 117,VC srfi;i/i/:s nf —Fine sciisr, aii exalted sense, are not half so wsi'lid .i • common sense. There arc foitj’ nu'i of wit fur one man of sense ; and lic will r;iiry noiliini; about him li'it f;'’!'-'- will he e\ciy day at a loss for wai*’- readier chaii;c. A man should never be ashamed to o^'I' he lu‘i been in the wron;.^ : which is sa\iii[.;, in oiher words, tliat he is io-i!ay thiji be wa'; v'cs’a’xlay. 'I'o 1a- iiii!;ry is to revenge the faults* olfiors iij)on ourselves. 'I’o relieve ihe oppresi;ed is the nio' ^^lorious acl a man is eapaide ol ; it ‘‘1 some measure, doing the business ol and Providence. ^Vhc^ we are younij, we a.-e slavisid' employed in (u’ocuring^ sonicU»ing w lu’H l)y we may live comfortably whin " t;ro\v old ; luid when we aic old wc p‘^ ccive il is too hile to live as we proposal' ’I’iie world is a thiiuj we nuisti r.essity, either laui^h ai or be aiisp’)’ if we hiui'li w';’*. ;r. '!' ‘v >■'. v