VO L fi nLisiir.T) wr.Kra v \)v i.KMUKi, «i\r,irA:\r, '/; Thy c Dollars a year^ jiuid in advance. Vo puiicr v. i!l he (liscoiitinueJ, iidIcks ut (he r.iicretion of the cdit^or, until nil arrearages are Advrrliscmrjits will be inserted ut the iisuhI I’orsoiis seii(ii?ip in uclvertiseinent'--, are n’q'!fs»u(l to note on the niarffin the number of ' P-s^’rli'Mic, orl'iey will be contini:o'! iintil forbid* :i;)d chur;red acconlin«-lv. CIMRLOTTE, X. C. TL'KSIKir, JVAE so. J827. 'Vnc \VV\kesl)ovo’ \Vott\ i'S now open and itnnnlv norvid- ^ ■ ed for the accomodiition of via- , iters. Its loral situation on the It y ot the Yadkin, nearly cen- T-:i! .H'tw i‘t II tlie nine Kiilgr and tlie ll!'U!s!iv /Titaio, is picturesque, Iiealthfu! and Iiivitiiii,^. Ai.!>! tliis. a pure and salu!>rlons atn’-osphr-re, t xrelU'nt w ater, the affrreuble soritty of a jjVm- ■ utt \ ill.ti;e, •^pacfdus and Cfmnioditius roomn, :■ V. ell yuf)j)lied Icf-llouse, and but little would - 'tir. uantinfT to insure tiie traveller a few i clcs rtj)ose ;md enjovment among' the -Moun- Tlie ‘•uhsrribe’* has been arcustnmrd to this 1 nc (>f business in one of our northern cities; •did lie assiiri's those disposed lo favor him with r, fdl, that no exertion shall be wanting-, on his to VL'Ji'ler them comlbrtable. '1 I'c lines of friun Salem to I’noxvilh,-, I'lid tr',’!!! Clieraw to Uilkesboro', stop at tin; iot' 1, ;.!ro;dlnj';- an ra?:y arees.s to the above es- M’ lisliincnt. I'are, live fents per iiii'i.'—\\ av ; ..-iacni^'cr.s and a (jnartcr ecnts. V. MASREV. ’lVii;rshor:/, r. April —ST.J. V>' i\Ve \U's & VA\ t>'. iiTo:\iAS 'j'lKm r.ii cV (*o. TAKF'S tir.s method Id i-i- Ibrm till- public, tha? they hav- rpc lu il a shop in Charlotii', in the liouic latfly )ccupied b}- Docl, Sanuid « / ^'^ortli hide ‘V / of the Coiu't-Houiie, where they arc well prepared to rc- rea'izUt^ $c CIccUs-, at the ,!hortost notiee. Tliey hop'-, by a con- st int at*onti(>n t( buslntps, to n t the nublio |':i:ronag-e. 'rhi y liave on liarid aud icr sale, tin- fulhnvinf;* artleh-s : — Ci iitli »:h'Ii’s ),'o1 i patent ;ever V/.iti-'ies; i.ii'iii;’ iln. dL>. do. ‘m1v( r lever and ;)lain ";o. ‘ bains. St alh ami Key®, Slides anil l%in_c«; l!i is* J’iiis, ringer King's, and IlarHir.^s; *^ilv v I'able and 'I'ea Spoons ; ■-^ouo Lai'.lc'; :ind Sugar Ton.^s; I ;• Spef.atl'js, green and white, to suit ■d! a>;-es; M;ii*ar\ Hnfto'w, l/>re and rpi.Mlctt'^; l adies' \\'ork l>o\es ;oid Mi.'llcules ; • J‘.at^^■ and Cla^'j.’s ; 'I’liinddcb, Ivc. ke. ftc. V\(u\sv, Ya\v\iv\)\c P\v\u\a\iou Ff)U SALK. fjlMr. snbserlber, removal to another state, 5f.3C^aE3i oflors for sale the farhii whereon he now re.sides, 3 miles from iht \il- lage of Charlotte, anil containing about ‘.KKi acres, equal in lertility of soil, ti» anv body of land within the countv. On the above tract there is a two s,tory dwelling-house, and other improvements ; a suihciencv of land open for the employment of between jo aiul oO han.ls, a great proj)ortion of which land bus been clear- eil within a few jiurs. 1 ernis will b* accotnmodafing, and made known by applicatiun to the subscriber. MM. ,1. I’Or.K. ^l^lcnburg Co. May 1?'?, 1KJ7.—4t56 \V‘atel\es5 & Tlioinns I'rottor cS* Co. RF.SPKCri l’VI.IA’ informs the public that ■ tlicy have ffceived atid ofiVr for sale a lew gold and silver pat-nt lev., r V. atches, (gentle men and ladies) a few gool plain w'atchts, warranted; gentlemen and ladi«-s’ gf>ld Chains, Seals and Keys ; some handsome lircast Pins, Finger Kings, F.ar Kings, Pearl and Filigree, and J’aste in setts, Ike. kc. ; all or aiiv part of which we will si II low for cash. Clocks Pod Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to i^crform. Cash givfii for gold and silver. ’ Is'. 15. \Vc expect to reccl'.o in a short time soiTif e’eirant >Jilitai-\ and jdated (ioods, 8tc. Charlotte, May U,'1«27.—JO V’vviw. Tllf. mihscribers hav- entered into ropart hcr-bip under the firm of Smith it riuy buve just received a fresh slock of Dn/ (rtma',^, Ci'roccn'c.'', Ifanitvdre, Also, an extensive a^ifortment ofge.-nilMe DUUGS ^ MEDICIVES fRO.M THK IIDSTO.A .MA.'50MC .MlltliOU. MASONIC PHOCrSSlON. I saw a hand of brothers move, With slow and solemn tread ; Their hearts were join’d by ties of lovc‘, In charity were wed ; And types of light’s illumin’d ray Shone on the path they trod ; And in thfe midst wide open lay The gospel of our God. I ask’d a man of four scorc years, AVhy after them he ran, lie said—and melted into tears— “ They fed the ]>oor old man lie .'■•aid—“ I once was sick and sad, My limbs were racked with pain. They came—they con.forted—and clad— The old man rose again.’’ f ask’d a weeping widow, wliy She followed those befor»'; She said—and wiped her weeping eve— “They came tnito iny door; Tliey came when all the wori.l be,side Had turned from me and fled. They came my wants and woes to hide. They gave my chililren ’urcad.” And su' h, f said, is Masonry ; Virtue and love are twins; Aiul that bless’d grace of charity, liitl' S multitudes of sins; rreemasonrv, liVe woman’s love, Is taught by private rides ; So deep, that shouM it jiiiolic pro’.e, It woidd be s])ort fcir fool-' [From the Dostuii Patriot.] Liri'l KK IV. To the Right IIoiu)ra!)le Cleor^c Cnnm77g, First Lord of the Trca iury, £ic: Sir : III niy last Letter I jiromisiul a comparison of what really took place in the Senate, in the session of 1825-6, with your account of it. JBefore, how ever, I do thi.*’, I must notice the manner, alike ungracious and unfair, in which you introduce the suhject. You do it in the ^ollo\^ing words : you here repeat from ymu' letter of i llli Noveml)er, that Mr. (iallatin, in his desj)atches, favours you u’ilh his owit opinions, as well as those iif his ;:;overn“ menf, for which you say you “arc great ly indebted to him.”’ VVfiat sort of a dorunifint could you have expectefi, to establish the umler- standitip; which the American Kxecii- live put on your act, if j’ou do not think a letter of Uie Secretary of Stale a jicr- tiiu’iit one for that purpo.se ? It a lott( r of the Secretary of Slate, communioatcil to the American Minis- “'I'o one piece of evidence, which proves the perfect understanding in A-{abroad, and by him, inuier instruc- merica, not only of tiie purport and pro visions of the act of Parliament of but of the conditions which it would be requisite for the American Le;islature to perform, in order to entitle the l.'ni- ted Stales to the benelit of that act, the tmdersi^iied mi}:;ht have scru])kul to re fer, (as not beinp; of the nature of a di plomatic document,) if Mr. Gallatin had not encouraged him to bring forward any docmnent tending to throw light on the matter in dispute, by citing, in sup port of his own view of that matter, a private letter from Mr. Clay to a mem- l)er of Congress.” What demon of contradiction coidi! possess you thus to foHow uj) your at tempt to prove there w’as “a perf3Ct im- tions, furnished to you, is a “ private letter,'’ “ a rlocument not of a diploma tic character,’^ what, I would humbly inf[uire, does constitute, i’l your judg ment, a flocument of a diplomatic char acter ? And here I cannot but turn aside, for a moment, to remark on the curious fa tality which attended your comnmnica- tion to Parliament, and to the world, oi this your note of January 27th, in which you permit yourself to sneer at Mr. Gallatin^s use of a “ jtri’^ate letter.’’ Kither on the day wn(;n you laid this correspondence on the (’ieik's table in the house of commons, ' r cci tainl}Mvith~ in a f«.‘w days before or after, you feU into that sinjirular altercation with a vlis- derstanding” on the part of the Ameri-! tinguished judicial oiriciM-, with wliom tormei ly tell you they did not and could not ui)lrr>iand, 1 will not presume to say. liul 1 nutice hf*re, first, a s[>eci- for House, at the sign of tiie t.igle i>V Kor.i'.irr w\ rso\. \X1) ^ in Charlotte, ISortli (jaro!ii::i VwV)\VI* Yi\^\cvtuiw ft\;' . stibscnher inlorn'.s li's friends I'i lthc IL ptdilic, that he has purchu.'iv d ’.h. it well i-tnown cstablisinnent, late'y ov.'n d. and ■•I'icipi- ed l.y Dr. iltiidt rson, and is now prepurf'd ''•'tcrtain travellers and otltcrs. Mho may please ■') call on bun ; and no exertiui'.s v, dl !.e rpaved *o v.mitT them condoitaMc, ai.'l tii ’ir -tiiva- jca!j|'-. Jlis table will be fu!iii .in d \\;ih ev- «Tv \arit.'y w liich the cc untr. aiU.vd.s: his !>,ir with the liest of liijiiors; anl bis v.iili I'lcnty of -provender, mkI carei'al si r\ an's w ill l»t in constant uttenda’ice. KoKF/.iT I. Di\:;i\s. (Charlotte, A])til 20, IH'Jo. ' IV Kiito7;.rtn. kat'ion»rr.a«Vt... f"' *«'/i , . „ . in C il'l" G-„. 1>, h.u- l-a,'or-. s.,-,:, .v»--s sud, examples, ,n j tonjo you l,y S,r R. O.iro — ‘‘Let rn one hprcafier represt'ni or! diplomatic correspondrncc with cor.sider Wushington merely as aniilita-, America, as were then ascribcd to the ry pcrsofiago : he w.is a prnctioal Stales-' petuhuice of an highly praised, clever man li^Tore he hecanv Prf'sident. ditccMy : young man.—'J'hat the fit should have (jualiiied ’oy his'hahits of thought, rom-' returned upon you, at this time of life, ■w 4 -V* position, r.iid arrangenx'tr, for the husi- is matter of wonder, and will lead to ness of the ('abinct. When his coi res- ACi\lX request all who stand indebted to ! pondeic e shall he pijl)iish('d. it iW he me for Goods pnrrliased, to come forward ' more and morv. manifest Chal “ the rl.oicr of :uul pay up. It ts utt. i ly out of the qucsHon , tor me to tjive any lon.u-er indulgence, twilinot . give it. ' ‘j. i). i;0YiJ', > mt to he nten an un exaw;)’,^ to in.slify^ m May 25, 1827.—’52 " frfniunfc the prr/ftruce of a raUUftry charac ter for I.',nf office.’.' a short profit, for C.t:;h S,MIT If ft KOYD. N. 1^. They have 'dsr on hand a euiisidcrablc quantity of PAINTS ..May 25, 1827.—’.iJ I TIiof 11 I. DOCTOR'S Johnson Thos. Harris, F:\im the Nations The can rmvei-ninent of that which they j as the son of an Amenean citizfi, 1 may feel symj)athy in his sharp cunten- tion that day with you, thongli i feoF none with his cause or argument. Li th! course of that debate, you quo-- a letter w i it - Gifford and Sir J. S. Copley, as law otjicers ofthc! crown. The Master of the Rolls (Sir J, S. Copley) is said to havo accused you, in his j)!ace, of “a breach of official sc.crc- sy,” in thus quoting in public, what, no, it seems, chose to consider a docuinent not intendetl for such a use. You tiini- ed upon him, and, in a tone which ono of the most resj'iCclablo /..ondon journals calls “detiiledly hostile,” said “yoti thought it most extraordinary, when you, as Secretary of State, had, on n rpiestion afVecting the discharge of your public duty, rctjtiired the oj)inion of the lavv OiTicers ot the crown, that anv' objection should be made to its prodiic • lion.” Mostc.xli.iordinary indeed! and what is it when Mr. (.’lay, the Ainorlcan Sc- unfavoraI)le conclusions as to our tem per and leelings. l?ut what is it that you sneer at ? It is Mr. Ciallatin’s reference to what you art; pleased to call “a private letter of I Mr. Clay to a member of Congress.” I Now, this “ jirivate letter” was written ■n.d. I !fcV tlie Secrclary of State to Mr. Cam- AVINc; in ll,c practirc of MI’. I)- »>" IHOOlL-rof Congros,. CXpWSS- ICINK, respectfully tender their services, isceins 1(t he tha* tlu ywnl ly (or tl.e ])Urpose o( inlomiing Mr. ill the several departments of their profe-.s;oii, I stuijboi fily persist in going' t i.^iit. So C:inibrel«“ng and his constituents, and to the. citizens of Charlotte and its contiguous ^ popular is llif-ir i)o;iry, so ronsistent atul coinmci Ciai nublic at lar»‘e tlirO’J'Tb country. They can at all times be found, at! ,o («on.sonant to the public interests, so 1 . ; ..-lint w'kj i bn iindor>.*.m«l';n.r«?w. their uewly establisi.ed shop, on the lot form-1 .omn’ctclv in •drcr,rd- nee with the \ icws i ‘ V‘" ^'"'icrs.mdmg ol the - c ' • erlv occupied by Dr.'rhomas nciuhison, two ' . American Lxecutive, in regard to the I cretarv ot Stale, to convince vou ol ill-1 huiulrediards south of the Court-tlous;, ev- tn.prejucliced mnuis. U,at tne-e i. was ' umlerstanding of a ceVtain point, directs r-iit whin profession;..!!v en;r:'!;ed. 'Ibev are I'oUonr^ to justdy opposition. 1 oose, .... . . J ’ thcrei’orc, \v!io are determitid lo oripose therefore, in its object, as purely official | the Am(;rican minister to communirato rigl.t or wronc,', are reduced to tlie most'which it is in the power e,f|to you a letter originally written on in dally expectation of afresh anil genuine as sortin'i;t of Medicine from Philadelphia and New \ork. idespei rde expedients. itnetiiijn nnir,IP^-' l‘^rin. Atthat point by Mr. (May, Scnet'iiv ol “ I submit to hciivv taxation V) supply the tlie time it u!l.^ written, it was commu-j State, and you throw it hack oo AL*. ! d( liciency in I'aft. 'rhiriPs must appear, nic;;ted U» Mr. Vaughan, the Jiritish , (lallatin, with a go(jd-nature*l ^neer, Vviv TTT»' i^The soil is well adapted tojg^^;, the common |iroducts of the country. rii(.ie i having be( ii thrown awav by the ignor WILL sell on a credit of 12 (xr 18 months, tlie "* jj j plantation on which 1 live. not as tliev are, but as these Opposition-, M ini-.ler, and ‘‘is underst(iod” (s.tys ' “ a private letter, not of a di|;lomalic ists wouhi de.sire them to lie. 'I'he ('o-j ^Mr. Clay, in his (h^spatch to Mr. (Ld-i nature.” 1 lonial 'I'rade therefore is represented as * ApYYV'nVu’i*.^ at this llfi( !'> y( '’vntinjV I.e. :trs ol :itess. ^t u i> he.ys, ; 5 | t^'e, a.-i ApiirLiitice.'^ to the is a coinff>rtaide d\» elling-house, with the ne- ce.s'^aiy out houses. For more particular teiiii.«, a])[)ly to the suftscriber. I)K, CVia).S A. AI.KXANDF.K. ^■^l.’OM the subscriber, somr- tin.c in the latti r [;art of A[)ri! a . rii.all sorri 1 tlorve ; ni; pmticu-* lar mark i-. rt colh cted oti l.im — Any person liikiit;.', u;i (•aid horse, and giviiig me information of the .s-.i:n , Aid rccei\ tne tnanks Ilf the ow u^. r, ;uid all i ( a.-s’in:iii!f t \|x s p.tid. •KiM.l’K !M(I I ( I1.\K1). ’liai'lotte, V, 1K.T.--jt !•.' n ai’ce or weakness of the Administration, wiieri a pmper examination of the sob jeei istration h.is i)ur-;ur(;(| consistently the ^ rm,H.Mv!,ich r!,,,-an-l u.n .. . I I''""‘Pr. Mr. (.allatin, poititi.'fl out, ri inii in!;' only an efjuitjblej it' ]irivilegp^., ru'.(5 defen'iin latin of lltii NovembiT, 1820) “toi I agr(‘c with } on (a.» far as voiir rj: have been traiisniitted by him to his representation can he friistetlyiri government.” j protesting pgain^t Sir John Copley’s ob- 'I'liis lutler you arc pleased to call a jeetion as very extraordinary. His at'- :er iprocity manner in which ^our letter fd’the 11th otjr Jiavigation interests agnnst the I’e-1 Si'plember slioiihl he answei'Ml, i\lr. stiictive pfdirv of Citea*. liiitain. 'I'he I (M.iy traiisniitted a copy of this letter to ^ Vv'otdlen niil is desci" to r(‘s!rain one bi'ati ci ihed as an attempt be eommunicated to you. In pur: rh of industry for the oflliis instruetioii, it was conunur fecting to regard liis hitter m ;i c»,d'i- denti.il one, gave you a |>recious advan- -ov one bound, to f.pring fo his throat, and drag liini down to lie- dust. Itinav be said, howevf'r, with plausi- suance j hllity, that the person who writes ,• adyntitage of another, and to impose a j partial taxation, v. lien,'in point of fjct. iis sole object is to secii’M* to tlx* manu-| rs*i>\v.'v lott' ^^’^ILL In' sold, at tiie r.-'Uri-tloiisc in (.-oiicord, on the .'d Moi.rl.u \n Jul\ iiey.', by ni'd'r ef the 'Jo’H of !Me:is and ’■,''!,\rier Se^sif.'Ds, o;i'> n'-jM’o !n;in mnii'd j.-fn'nrd, w!;o u.is ( oniin!'.!'. '! lo tin; jail ol the coi.nty twel'-e lUii’itiis ai^^o, atul .aid he belolt;,e'l to ot.e Jol.i :•!). a track':' it la neri.o(>s. • S:',id IVllov.’ i". of inifldicj;i •^taiurc, t)'M'aIdy st lut buii!, a'ld H^^liti* t'olor, and, is I;.) Le i-.olfl cordii to ^ ^ Cl ol oi'iiV, to ti“-e (1 t!u; cu-.Mly iit'.il -lati-rriclii-n of ja;l I'-.'s. l-.c, W. liAMlLTi’N, '■-.'7, ; ' 1 r>, .’iit'l J A V .\ W \\ from tlic siibscs ibt r’s ; plaiiV.'ti'iii. 1 w >' I'liit •; ( b If- j , a n gvo Cl. I! n:i!>n d ti\NM- \ ho in T'.t li;d''l ot'cliaiig iig '5» ■) b- . r.aTiie r'-il l!ir- I'.i'iii II' ,d)OuJ ti\ fei t liiL'-b, oi -- I . 0 biis!i_» li 11.. scars ef a iilile tie- oiit^'.d'-rlni ! ‘ i .i'.', a sear on his ciiet:k b'/iK', oocasioueil ' ’ 'i l ullet sbut at biui iiei.r !ones!)Oron/h, i e-si e ; a large '-car ni n the miilillc of I: ai.d many on bis (lack !ud tbii.'bs. }l(- li.is V. ry L.ige iLet, and tin toes lo;i),« r an.! nii'i- ’ laini.iiit iit than the I ;■.•>*. ■rb>- ati.'.'v.' riw.trd, ai.d r.ore, if n ccs- I s ii \, \.ill !)'■ pa d '.‘I person u ho will di bv- I (.T li!'n to tie: -.•ibsi'i'iijt.r or ll;u )\ersi i.;' at tlic i abo\e niuiiVioned pl.ice. i ADAM A. Sl’IUNflS. ! iof) conuMunicatcd l ter is the best judge of the d,ar'ieter m to you, by Mr. (iailatin. j which ho intenils it to Le reccivet I. 'I’hr; And yet yon make if a matter of sar-J .Master of the Padls is a lawyer ;mki :i . . , easin, that a letter tlius v/nlleiii'antl thiiti ! goti'ilcni.-in, a'lhough on tile wroiiT siflo larti.tiT'.;^ and .,111111! i.)t tests t lat a j communicatfil to voii, sliouKl j (d the catholic (juesliun ; ao'l if ho 'le- tiifniut (d protet lion which was nomin.il-1 , 1 1 ‘ 1 1 m n ' / .1 , ' Iv a,T„r,U-.! I.v tho !..>■,li or IS >!,ut «hirl, | o-1 yo.i (as llie r.^poi'l.T mi.i.Tsloo.l lias I.. I M .IcK-a'i-.: !>y llu^ ai iillr.-. of tl..' i iMi.I.Tslaii.lin- whirli ; hini l» .accii.c yo'.^ "I « liroaclj ol '01 forngn niaTuii'aciiiier and liis a.^'ent, | iv.a.stei’. irk II ul- r.plevi'ii!, a lillic cros.s-eyi‘tl, ',u'. 111.;i.-t I OM.UM'aiu ; lia-i ibe , ;xd x atice ! hf ii Ii ca’ .lit near the niiddh' of j [,.y . ^ jj' oo aV Vv\;,s. JC 'T lM'!51.ibIir.i), and for sai • t!, fi.-, IMMJl.iblir.i), and for sai .Sti 'ctures on a bu('k, cni.iili.i'., ‘ Apoi,.;,v f’l'i' t!ie Hook, of i‘.- Ims, by t«i!ii M j.M r.’ '!' ) whic!i 'i\- a .d, O') AU I 11, ■It-II , M. .lid. l]il, •r UM, lioo',; '1. V. ,l : a-.tor of Kockv Ihver tri W.AU Ann ft's tiie su!)scril)er, .\jjril last, I'l'V n; i; 'I'luMe is not a '-ten in relation to citlierj r f these measure';, taken hy tiie .\iltni!i- i strati on, or li'eii I'rietn’s, u hirli d;oes not real pro^pi i ity i>!' i!ie eoun- tiie latiguage of the Opriosi- d the catholic (juesliun ; ao'l ifhc' amoiic: o- ^ . _ . J. il 11 a mere point of ollieial docorum and N f)u say eoiiti.-mjduously, tliat you j hono?', however inl’erior his ir :iao.„ |,j.? j the Atnei ican l'!.\ecutive h:ul of the act , secresy in (ji:o»ing his h tfer, jx rliao rd' Pai liat'icnt ol 1 tK^n vveie worthy of ciedit, there is not a step V. lii-:!! does not partake of a la'tn; grade cl;aru( ter. Il is loitunate lor tr> that o:ti' {ioveriiinert is fouiicied on rea son: and that I.ietwttn the Adiniais' rati(jn and t lu ir opJ'OIK Tits there is an iirtdligent •.i ',!iiinal, conipos(\l ol tlie people tb.em- std'.rs, by whom the de. 1-ion will be muue. ■.Lnr.it ft 11 /r!p( It ! 'itled ‘ I') n Append.! -., : tl L' K'' ited by ■\ col n sporid* nt of the Hostoti Ret order son,c time III 'I’,‘l. gi-aph, that sueh i-. the ud\atice- bo\ > \'I, ,|t oi'tempet anre in the town ot l.ee, :\v lAii 1B and -0 > t ;i ■ of a;-., '’|,|| ^ ‘'where a '''•»•(■.’ I'C iu:n u as sold 8 ‘.r J incM.s b..'"ii, dark coiii]ili .\- )OI ti\ I considt \n-> pi i'siui and V,' bit- ‘V. V \V‘.wvuiU I .b l:\er liMli to III ,1 (ii’(.)berv. i-a‘, ai>d a.ui. me ii.tiirii alio: j 1'iic;\ (>l, ^!>alLi'e T( i, •.vrrt.ltil, and a! 1 nuce.:>.'>a!y e.\[iei.h,LS ‘ I ! I ,'Ai' a^o, theia; is not now u t * I »/ I * liri ;ist.— I ifhiu I. I .7 Pr'.uhj' n J-!.iI'ji>N ii''s. — The IMrrcer } ‘Wes'eiii I’.il'i” >a\s, ‘‘'b*' 1‘rintcr •vanl s (1 r,ii11. i 'oi k, 1 .dlow. ^ \', li u- i .1 V .—/..hifi;. M.. ’’ •' ■ 'I a''’- ’jiu-r' “slio!i!d liave scriipied lo refer” to tho j ;.uthority is as good as vour- Daliiniojc .M( nioi lal, as being adoen-j IVj that as it may ; in what an au k- nn 111 “ not of a dij)lomatic naluia-,” had j ward predicam?nt aro not von pliecl ; not “ .Mr. C.illatin encouraged you to ! one day drag2;Iiig from its ob-eui if\ ” tiling forwanl A.v V document,” liy eit-{ (as you politely tenn it) a lettor i'ffnu ing in. viipport of/v/.v oirn view a prirah' | one of yotir associafesin t':ie'’;o*. ernniont, leiler from J\ir. (-^lay to a ineinber ol [ niHler the \ehcinerit p!■0Le^tatl0li^ oi its Congres-,. jauiiior, against lliC bn'aeh of idiieial se- 1 li ive-l'.own that the letter, ofwliieh | erosy, and the next day trinmphin;; in yon 111,ike so .inbeconiing and iiisi.ilt ing I your own cleverness, in ha vin“h ul t})0 ,iese, w.is .a K ttor- \\ i itti;n by M r. ( ia\-, i last word” with the Amei ican Mini'.ter, Soeielary ot Slate; communicateil t(j , and having condemned, asa prival'-! t- .Mr. V jiighao at till- llnii', and und. r-j ter of no dijiloniatic character, a noto stc,.i| to liave h"en i>y him sent homo to ; oflici.illy e(;nimunic;ileil to you from tho his goveinmeui ; sniiseijuently f urni.di-; A moriein Si-erotary ofSt.ite. ed oilieially to Mi. Ciall.itin, to be Ijy j All this li;o for the purpose (.'f “prov- hMil employed in nf.goti.itnr^ w ith y(n, i iiir tti,- poi fict niiderstandiim-,” on tho and actually siMit by Mr. Ct,d!.ilin to you, j part oi' the American (id.vei nment, of under those iii.sti lu.dions. | that whicii they repeated ly and eainest- 'i'liis you call jn ivafe h-ltor of .Mr. j ly as'»ure \ on riioy did not understand. c. Cl:iy,’;.i;/n/ I po''t of his ! I ml':;ld. ' "’..-Ii ti.dl.tti.i, in bup- by Ml oirn r.'i ir. j Iwoil (hut I foilie.ir to do it) : :ii;r ;:!• ■!i’Kil;on hi''n I' U IIJ \\ ! 111 t i and have not havo n: Tweiitv s.iow yi)ii, befoK; 1 i: sul.ject, lliey COuid dofctuOu'. V'-ars, «ir. and more, hav