'mm ,irNs 01 tij:: i wrr.s. I : .n t’le (!o1tys_\ Lur;y O’cmi.; Sinl' i /l. .If/nm'! ,aml Jarkson.— llie last \pril Court, a Icu’ of l)ic I’lit iicls (.f tiu* ,\>'!(i»iiiislralion ussen»!)li.'(l, und af^roed to I ’lll a mceti!it>:of tliose in lavor ol the if- fleclioii of Juhn Qitinri/ Jidcnns. 'I'licy Jixcd on ’I'uesday, z.'2d ol May iiisiant, f.»r Midi meeting, and ^ave noticc act;(jiditif;- Iv. I'he IViends o‘i ,/I/iu'rew Jac/:son, hnv- liig a'^ccrtaincd ll»e day on which ihe Ad- pnis inectinpj was to he held, lixrd tlie sann* f'ay tlicir nicciinf;. CotjiuU-iii of their strcnt^lh, tin y were amljiiious lo array their forces or. Ihc same day, for the sake of coDiparison. 'l’h«*y rode tin* townships, and iiseci every exerliou to hiin;;oui their forces. I'he day arrived; both parties assembled; Sc the Jacksuniics did not amoiint to more than one third of i!ie niujiher of the friends of the Adinin- jstration. 'I’he Adams mcolint> was the most »iu- ;>i''rons political meeting ever held iti tills ConiitVi nolwilhstatidinc;: it rained Tuatly the whole day. 11' tliese thinj^^s are any sipi of Ihe fi/ncs, Pennsylvania will :jrcatly disappoint the lioj>es of the ()p- rusition. Orcnt ,fif1ministrution l\Iecting in Uullimore ■''nHnty.—We learti from several t'enilc- jncn who attended the Meeiin.t^on Saiur- f!ay on the Voi k. l^oad, l-l- miles from the city, that it was untisually rmiiierous, and one of th.e most respectable ever held in ilie connty—the ai^ed and the patriotic of the revoiutionary stamp catne in from .ill parts of the countv, some rifling CO, and -10 miles, manil’esting a detcrinina- lion to put tiown the present unprinci- jilt'd Opposition lo fJovernment. 'i he ,;if( ting was held at CVif|;ey b 'ravern,:he •■ainc pla' C where tl'ic Jafl-.son men !•( r.cn'- iv a'lSeinhled, anti t’le Adams nun oui- ijrnhered them inf)rc th.iri seven to one. file mcctirirj v/.is iiddrcbscd !)y Col. Llt- •,!(*. our lU'presentativr in ('c-ngress, in hu h iic portr'jyeil in its tnie c)iors the lianeini efiects the conduct of the Oppo- '.iiion has upon our (Jovirnnient and »'o«n’ii-y, and a^isurrd his fci'ow citi’ens 'Iiat he was entirely satisfied fiom prr- •'iiiallvnowlrdgc, the Adniiniitrution was } ursiiin,; a just and ('(piiial'lc cour.'ie aiui iun!, as eviticed hy its measures, the ti'iie Interest and gl.)vy of the Country at heart, .iad was thus eniiilcd to the support uiul ' orifidence of a free puople. John Kelso, rsq. was called to the Ciiair, and JaiiiCs McC!uIloh, e^(i. late Speaker of the House of Delegates, appointed Secretary, assisted hy Df. Marsh and Henry Car roll, ts(]. Resolutions and an Jiddiess v.fii* in'rodiiced hy Henry V. Sun'iiner- .ille, es(j. t>reathiiig a s|)i!'it uoi thy of llie times, which were adopted wit’i the greatest unanimity, am! orflered to be puMislied—and, among other proceed- iii^s, a full Pelcgation v/as appointed ro the State Conventif)n to he held in Balti- iiiore city on the 23d ol‘ July nex». Dai:, Patnut. The Ailtnhnstralion Ma'tlmj in Freder ick, Md. is tlius Tioiiccil in tiic I’ollilcal I.xaminer : “The meeting on Saturday la'st, rx- M'jitcd a strength as to numbers and re spectability, truly giatifying to the friends ol the administration. We never wit nessed any political meeting in Frederick numerously attended by gentlemen l.onj the country, souu* of u iiom had to '"onic 9 distance of Jiear forty miles.— ”'i'ie cour'.-house v/as crowded to excess, yet the wiicile proceedings were conduct 'd with the utmost harmony. It gave us :;reat ])leastire to oliserve among the at- ■endants mat.y ag''d gentlemen, v. ho sel- 'lom particifjate.in the active scenes of i)olitical strife. Ii afforded a stiontr evi dence of the deep iti'erest they lake iti the issue of the approaching presidentiRl ( on- V st, and a sure presage of uict css to the iriends of tlie auministratioii. 'i'he pre- .Tmhle and resolutions at e couched in tem- IHTate language, and we are happy to state, that the whcle proceedings were of ‘he same character. Whett thi- mee'ing V.as oi garuzed, Henry II. Warfield, J^s(p i-'ose and went itito an elaborate exami- i.ation of the mca'tM-es of t!i; adminis- ’•rution. I)uri!:g his address, (wliich has icIJoin !>een r.urpassecl eitlier in t 'M'argument,} he recci\ed the repeated j'lutidils of the aiulienee. lie occupieil ii'-M'ly two hours, arid when lie ci)ficluded 'lu re was a gener;>l l.'.ns! of applause. 'Ir. John Hughes folioued him witli a i'-U' ob'-.ervations, and was hucrcedtd by •■ohu H. M’iJIresh, Ksq. v/iiu‘,e address Was chaste, classical, artd impressive.— 't did him great honoi’, and was rn.eived l>y the audience with great applause.” t Ilf u httiT iVuiii one ot tl:^* r.nst Intclli- 'rM)t :oid r. spttlabic citi.itiis in I'liiludeipiii:., to Ills > .lend in Baltimore, dated .lune 9, ■^‘Tiic. cause of the Admiiiisti ation :o('s on belter and better every day in ■'is state. Pennsylvania will certainly ' I'e her vote to Sir. Adani':. 'i he op- •'''S’.tion of ((cneral Jai k».oi!’s friends to ''■e Taii'Tativl Internal Improvement has -iiied his cause in this slatf-. y;-/.7. Patriot. f or a erp.sideralile ]Kirt ol' tl;e life of late Mr. Phillips, of .Massuehuselts, '-haii'.ic'. aif f-iir.iuted have a- CHAaiOTTiJ 'I’» KSDAV, .U'NK 1827. A Cil r.HY. Mr. JJir)ghc7n ■ As tlicre ap- pi'iii'.s to be s(-nic doubts in tlic uiiui.!s of some nt the vutwrs in this part of the congressinii ii district composed of' the counties of Mccklpn- I.incolii Mid Cabalrus, wlictlur their late incinlier, the lion. II. \V. (:;»x\>.n, is in f.»vor or aj^ainst the present A(biilni.straticn, you will jjleuse ])ubhbh tiiis in your vahiahlt Journal, in order tliat the people may he sure on wliat ground they staiul—if t'le hoiK ruble g'entleniaii will coiulescend lo notice the Lii.t.s of an ln;ui- Concord, June 18, l.SCT. In the address of the Jackson Conven tion ff Maryland, this acknowledgment is made “ The Press in Maryland, v, iih a very liiiiited exc(»ption, where it has taken a pai t, is> dciidtdly oypostd to us." We know not what inference others may draw from this fact; but fur our own part, we watit no better e\idenre of the strength of the adniiuistralioii iu tliat stale. Mr. W EBSTKW has been elected hy the legislature of Massachusetis, Senator in Congress for six years from the 4ih (d' March last, in the place of Mr. E. II. Mills, who declined a re-electicn in con sequence of ill health. The rejection of the Woollens liill in j the last Congre?-, by tlie casting vote of ' the V'icf Presidi r:t, has excited an in- ] tense feeling in Pennsylvania, as well as !in t!:e otlic'r wool growing and manufac- j luring- states. Mr. Calhoun’s shifting course, his abandonment (.f political principUs. of which lie had for along I time been a piomlnent advocate, have sealed his fate as a pul)lic man—lie can never hope to ri>Ne to a higher station than that which he now occuj)ics. He has lost the confidence of his friends, j those who were able, and who were wil- ! ling, at the proper lime, to elevate him to jthe highest nfiice, and has thrown him- j self into the arms of his enemies—with ! them he must sink. ! Lord Cochrane has been received in j CJreece with great enthusiasm. lie doubtless has it in his power to render impoitant service to that ill-fated coun try, if not to seriire its independence: and our present impression is, that the Turks will find a foe in him more to he dreaded than any which they have yet encountered. rHOVIDKNCt:. u. I. oiT and ir-avricA (o n-c* c*Vil,i'>TvI i.ercct!'. cd his inrormatlon. Ills lufor- to ihe will of her father. Simon Rouse, I m. rs know theirs. Thus the jnoposer.s If ncjglibour, wa,s supposed^ liy Creech to | of tins intrigue cau be ascertained. Thev have been an accomplice in the elope-1 camiot be ascertained by Mr. Clav’s de ment, and (,n their meeting the next day, | nials. IJesidcs, can any man of sense a dispute^ ensued, which ended in the suppoie that Mr Clav wilU-jiter into dis- death of ilouse. The murder w^s per- putes with auonynjous letter writers, by peti ated by Ci eech’s difjcharging the con tents of a loaded gun tliioiij;h the left breast of the deceased.-—i ln* Jury of In- (| u t s i g u V {• a V e rd i c t o f “ /1 HJvl J iu rdtr. ’ ’ Crccch is yet at large. Kknli/icl. a pul)licatiijii over his own jiroper sigjia ture f i'lii; p'l oj'Dsitioii is absurd, and i must be restored to, it> esca|)c further explaiiutiuii. li IJrri. Jackson remains sill nt, the iii{i“r« Ik e mu-st he tliat lie 'iflj the l.tn.;i;age iuiputctl to him. If • n il- the inference iv J ubljc Jinr.d i.s to he g’-vpn to Mr. ' mu'.t be ih.it hr J.;>v n,. r-speciable i,cr- Cl.ay on his arrival at Pittsbur,:, Pa un i son to name. L\acu„mti Mvertisvr. his way to the West. The btaieimati | Counteifeit notes on the Bank of New- bern, of the denomination of SlO, l.ave recently been detected in X’ew-Yoi-k — They are nuule pay aide at the Piincip.aj Bank at Neicbens, (instead of Xnvhcrn) to S. Walkins. The “ editor (f a neighboring news paper” may be al>U* to make an \tious" diseast! hered'faryhe may he I an adept “ in marveilous anil astf)unding j recitals” of pigs born ready ‘‘ marked on j the left ear, with a swallow fork and un der scollop —but he can never be Ji'/'/.t'. ’Tis not thy vocation, Hal. says—“t'le preparations for his ri:ce[)- tion are worthy of him, and of t Iw-city i>y whiv h tlicy arc making. Betwe. ti lom a!id five liundred citizvns ! ;t’-e alreadv determined lo give him a pi...Ur. dineer. As Peiuisyivanians, v.e cannot but icjoice at this (lemonstrati'.!) ot nspeci lot. iun! gratitude trj one ot Uic ;;rea:t .i bcneiUc- lot s of our State. ” ■I hr I'iIUa./Ill,'- I, a (li .S'1 iptioii of a harn luiilt Jk Mi.ikirs, 111 the town of Haiicofk, Vi\v Avcut, .\1 i. 't't, lius;;ir' • luii'fi is i)ui!t on ground inclin- ifif;- w.i! (liy, in a i)erfecl circh-, ;;iid is \\) liet in diameter, or across it from sm'k; to side. The walls are stone, C.' feel ,4 ror.vcnioiit Iionsp, on mainstritt iii tlx; foun of S C 01' * 'I'lu; a!'ovi‘ irtt nlion d build- flUi&w'i'g !• partiruiarl) adafjtfd and cal- u-, laU’d tor tlic .Mercantile Musiness, an*l from its Cfiitral situation uill be uncjucstioiiably amuii£^ the best stands in the plar.c. For puiticuLr;:, inquire- of JO*\A rilAN IIAnniS. 4t."9 D. H. Dunlap 6i Aljin. F. Alexander AVI.N(; associated in ttif pr.ictice VlF.n/CIN’K, n-rpertfiilly t. ndt-r theii* M r\it;es to their friends and feilov\-oitizenH, ia the stv( ral departintnts of their prof ssion.— 'I'lie latter will he found at all times at the res idence of Mrs. ,lan«' II. Ali xander, three mdi-it f-a'.t fit Ciiarlotte. No extra charge uill be re- (jmrrd t-;r consultation. ;u.>8 II ^^d'7ms Afidin^; ini ui'/mia.—'I’Im- fViemU | m- o( ihe present Administration in I’atii-. k countv, \ i;.^iijia, lu-hl a meeting- on the 17ili ii.:. 1 iu \ p! e^,s tlie following o- pinUfi'i vwiicli wt; ItiXi? (iu (loul)t of I'le tiuUi c! : “/» c t' jididemiv lielieve, that a V dov.M. pnio; >d pu i!jc sentimen! in n hcigi.i. of suitable thicknes-, and laid I ^1^''Hiver .vcademy is re n lime, or well pdnted on each sale — | * 't>l ssic » iiw. K...... . .1 • -I scieiuilic siinUiits. It IS snpermft IU ed li . .und the barn, on the iii.;er sole, are | and tan;jbl im.uediau h i.v hi vivCfU ssical iiif{ nded bv tliti ng'.il iniiueiliat* l\ l.y liis son, ui:!>‘ t;fr 1 w lio has latelv fmislicd a ri gular colh gi ite. williin, afid suitable plat es over it to 1''onrsr. Hoiriling ran he had ni resprctubh* Ihvow 1 lie hay or I’eerl down.—'I'lie sa-1 '"chiding tvcry append' ble and m in,'er oc( udv about IJ fet*^l, d)les formin.g a circle, the upy ind are 8 feel high : tne stables open to !id from seve-al difli ri nt bai-n vai iK, in order to make as many and such ilivi-*ioiis this q-'u-,St.uiiiern Stales, would j (,f their stock as they have tliou^dit prv> evince iii.it il.e present .Administraiiui. is entitled lo a popularity much exceed ing the estimate now generally formed of its claims uj..on t!io southcin support.” per, 'I'ht- (jvering of tlie stabfes foi nis the barn floor, which also extends round the l)arn. Tiiere is but one lurt>e door way for entrance with teams and loads; this is from tin- northern side, from an (dl'set or causeway, eiv-ht fc(‘t above the base, and of Cf)urse f >'.irteen feet below the I aves. The cart o;' wagon that enters with a loafl, makes tin* whole circuit (d‘ the floor, and alter unloading comes out at tiie same door; thus 8 or 10 teams can occupy the floor at oi.e lime in unfoading and not hinder each other. Within this circle of the stables and barn n »or, is an area or bay, as it is usually calle.!, which I is filled with hay, £sc. and must be over sixty feet in diameter. 'I’his is pitched in and from any side or place ipf)st con venient or w fie re wanted.—Tbe roof comes to a point at tlie centre and sht'ds off the rain all arntind, something similar New York, than ( f his being called lo I umbrella. It is supported from the preside over the Ottoman empiVe. Should ' ^ >*(.of the electors be cho-en by districts, ('.en. i **oards are laid up aiid down, which hy a J. may by possibility receive six. or eight I sauitig of ihe lot';, were all [I’rom the Xe\v-()rlcans .\dvocatc.] Lxtriict ot a kttcr from the lion. Mdvvard Liv- inj^bton, dated Ncw-Vurk, Aj ril JO. “ Lvery thing goes on hei e as the warm est friend lo Jackson could wish ; unless some unaccountable and liighly improba ble cliange tukes place, he will luive the whole state of Nevv-Yo:k, and of course will be elccted.” On tlie above letter the Cornmercial \\ e regret to see a ge ntleman of Mr. I ivingslon’s character anil statiding coin- milting himsfdf, or rather his judgment, in this way. '1 lien* is no mot e chance of fJener il Jack'oti’s receivinij; the vote of brought to a point, and then shingled round in ihe usual mode.” Uit rr. Sur^erj/.—Some wags of a votes—no more, liul should they be chosen hy a general ticket, as mos‘. as suredly they ought to be while N'irgin- ia and Pennsylvania concentrate their , . . strength in this way. the whcde vote vvill, 'own i-eturning a few nights as certainly go for .Mr. Afiams as the e- ' It’tiin a (-onvivial me ting,stole from lee im ctmics round There is no mis-i ^ shoj) a sign-btiard, on which j were inscribed the words “Funerals, j furnished r>n the most reasona!)Ie terms,” •• Wo ar,. i„r.,rm,-,l ..po,, «.■ ,1.-n, verv i ""j:"’'' '' i"'tllO(lblcl>- Uli.lor (hr laor resi)ectahte authoritv, tlial of Uu- friend's; !-''i'-geon who had recently met of .Mr. Crawford in .\lar\l oi !, hav( d. elan d in j " >*> several unfortunate “sli|)s.” f:.\'cr of .lackson—and that thi‘ Admini.itralion .-.=2rrr=:.r=;_-— ^—:■; . . arc loi iiij'- griAiiid in thnt “ Stati li.lJhltOnd lake upon this point. Itl'AlAllK. This will make the good tL'NT G. I Prosrres.t of Mmivfticlurct:.—e a few j days since saw, at the uianu'acturing es tablishment d tlie Providence l)\eiri!>-, j I lih-aching ami Culcndcritig Ciompatij, a I ! spectacle which we would not have be- j lieved, had it hecii most soleoinly swoin, I lo.—It was the opcrati.)n of .v.'/,one I of the most exti aordinarv, jet simjdeop- icratiot'.s we ever heaid id'.—'1 i,e pK^eess is carrierl into execu'i'.!i to pr( pare a jrcrtiiin description of domeslic fabrics j for the calico stani[>iiig business, and is j simply this:—'I'-.u* or three pieces ol'i I cotton chjth are Vv outul on a cylinder of I wood, from \N hich they are again laken, I and 1 un over tiie surface ( ! a “ red hot” I it on cylindi-r, wiihout injuring tla-m in Uhe least. Tlie ii(;n c>Iinder is placed ion the top of a “fiery furnare,” which is 'kept as hot as possinle, and )et no dam- I age is done to tlie cloth as it passes thro’ ! the oi-deal ! 'I'his operation we are told j is common in Kngland. I A new ])aper is about to appear in Lan caster, Peiin.; it will be frnndiy to the ^ presefit adniinisM at iun of the geneial i government — Cyius S. Jacobs, ( si;. 1^ lo j be the Kdilor. Mur{hr. — ,\ nmifler \\ris rommi^ied in | 1 I.enoir County. onlhe 2S'h ult. the [>;u j i lit iil.i! '. of V hich, as reiati d to us. ure as lliilow s ; _ ( )ri I ,!«• e V ( I I!!- Ill'' he ClUJt, a 1 lia’i'btcr ol'i'--'.^l ' Peo»)!e of Maryland ri,^/d uvt ! 'I'he frietids of Mr, Crawford in Maryland have al ways been v-ry lew in nundier. Wedonot stop to iiKi'iire to which side they incline, but there is not the least iloubt a majot ity of lliem are on the side of the Adminis tration. Our estimable fel!o'.v ^'iti'/ien, Luke Tieinan. was the Crawford elector | in this Disti'ict at the last (dection—he huh manfully come forward in support cd the Administration and presided al tlie great Administration meeting at llie F.x- chang(‘, a!!(l we personally know many who went w ith him there and joinefl in the pr«)ce«‘dings. Ami siiice, boili Crawford and Jackson men a;e found active among lliel’ii'-nds of'the Administration at the ward meetin.!’:'s. As lo the assertion that “ the Adinini'aration are losing i^round in tlie Slate,” it is all stull', a mere fnn- farunadt\ as Mr. Randolph would say— everyone t!ie least accjuainted with the “signs of the time^,” kiiuws lull well, there is a powerful acces-.ion of strength to the Administiatiofi throughout the State, particuh.rly in t!ie I’altimore dis- irict, and conid l!ie election take place lo-morrovv, the Administi a'ion would he signally triumphant, 'i'he Jackson mil itary fever has given way—reason is tak-, mg the plac e (-1 passion—and the people yrc delermiiK d nol u> op|)o:,e the (iovern- ment “right (jr wrong.” We cmition llie Enquirer nol to calcuhi'e upon Mary land, if he does, he will“ rcckon wiihout his host.” It is shrewdly suspertcd by some who are familiar with \'irginia politics, /ind who ate natives of t!ie State, thiit f'nn f’:c Kiyjnii'ir will turn another sotnorsel ;ind desei t Oen. Ja( ks;n bel'ore the day of trial 1 II 'his should he ihe case, the I'.i (;uiier will De in the inajori»y for once und thus wil/i the State af Ma- rylund. JJaU. Patriot. M.titnilH), In (Jhestcrr.elil District, S. C. on the I'Jlh in.^t. hy the Kev. I'liafi I'owers, Dr. Ahrnt. F. Alexaiuk-r, of this coun\v, to Miss Caroline K. daughter of the late Allen Chapman. J. M. AMLso:: .Iiine 7th, 5827. — Ct^i) i)o( l oiis ! S. Vi. Walsou, J J .VA’lNt. .isseciatrd in (he prictici'! I I t'f Medicine, respoctfully tende- iheir sen ices, in the several dep^.rt- iiient.^ of their prolession, to the citi- .’,ens of (Jbarl')lte and its c; nli_i;-tioi;.^ e.)iintry. I’ht y |)roinisj ])uiKMiialil\- and fuitI.fulness, in every ap|dieati »n ; ;ind thei’* (^hargt s w ill he made to correspond vvitii tlje liardiie.ss (if the limes. Ch.irlotto, .liine 1j, 1 S77.—r>5 ;Vakei\ I^UrsM Mr. i)iniins’ tavern, probably 1 v ml--- take, a Cartridge I’lox and Helt, belo'lP^lng to t!ic subscriber, with his nain- on ihem. I liu person who may have them, will ue so go ■ a.si to return tlu m to the subscriber, orleav lir.m with (’apt. Kendrick. I.SAAC S. ALr.X.WUKK. June M, 13J7.—St.37 Wsl, By the suhscri!)fr, on Friday, the 3th inst. a c.alf-skin I’oe.ki I JJook, eitb' r at h -ijar Creek nu eting-honsr, or on the r ad betv%.en tiicre anti Mr. \\ in. b. Alexander’s, conia fiinjf tvv() ten dollar bills, Soulh-Caroliiia ; oin ten and a five of North-Carolina, and two small notes, amounting to f 1-50. Any person find ing tlie same and leaving it at tlie office of thft Caiawba .lournal, or restoring it to the owner, shall be thankfully rewarded. .lOMN AFK.'IIKK. Meckh nburg', .lunc 11, 1827.—408 In Kutherford rotmfy, N. C. on Monday, tiic Cl.st of May last, M;-,. A^xks Alkxandkh, aged 74 y-;irs and two inonth.s, widow and odiet of C(i’. Flias Alexander, formerly of Mecklf.-nhiii-g j county, h aving a lari;e oli.spring, togetlu r with a la!-ge circle of iiieiuis and acquaintances to mourn her deuth. Hy the death of this most exceller,t matron, and imlustriou old la«l\, it may well he said, that one of the ni(»i!icr. of the l’c-voii!tioii h.is gone hence; for die was v\ell acrpiainted witli the toil, the (! u’l'-er and troubles «f that event, ',v!ii-!) v;:i\o iile rtv to tlie Auierlc.in peojde. o m m i .mc.i rr.ii. Departed th.slire, in (!ie ]8th Instant, Mr?. S\n\ii MKitAirrv, in l!.^ 97th year of her age, (daughter (f .lolin Fliarr) laUdy niunied l,o Joseph .Mthafley. She has hdt a husband and many relatives and accjuaii.tances to moiiin her death ; but not an •-.rirvivors vvho n.cnni hu- de parted friends v^ ithoiit hope. S!ie early pro- fessed her attachme nt to her l.or.l, und l;\ed a consi'tent life. I'rienl, do likevvi.-,e, idr it may be, at an hour vilien ou know^not, “the .Master may coiae a;id cull {>r yf' i.” Jl —'I'he \’w'pnian, whose 'I’en- ncssee letter asserts that Oen. Jjckson himself charged the friends fit'Mr. Clay w ith olVi'ring him lln‘ Pre.'ider.cy, iipin certain terms, has puididiei! an ailiciein t'lC l.'M.isvillc Public .\d VI Miser, decrm- in,^ I'lT hii)i:,cl;', and fjr (General Jackr-on and his friends, a'ly lesj ouse, uidess Mr. Ch.v shall oxer his own si'-./Kd'ire, j^ive rilllK Annlvi T'.ary ol the J-'-.urth nf Jn'/ n»-\t, .1. v\ili lie (.lb !>; ,ilci! ut tin- Inai C (,| ( I.. I’, binds* y, Ol, the Cat:iwi;a K;ver (far Tiii- Ir. !.il’s Ferry , l.iii'-oli. r(iii,ty, N. (;. 'i In* In c. ! iratioi) of I nd-iirMi('eiu >• will be r«-:n! al K; o’clock, A. M. An iii-ation v.iil l.e iklivcrt-d at 11 o’clock, by iIi" Kev. .Mr. Sj).iiii. At 1 o’clocl.;, L't ro'., lids ( aitriig( s uill be (hs- eb.ir^-i.-d fn ni u Camu :i ; a:,d al J k, liiii- ner will tie '• r\ d i. June 14, lrtJ7. ‘ l-.v To all u'Jiojn ll isicy conct^n/. T.\Ki: Mrm r, by viro.i oi :ni (ii-,hr t’lc f'e;r' .f; 111’y, for e k h|i)i)iii'.'' I ',.1 •, t V, to un t^j) I II )l,'. , O'. ‘M'.; M-.-.: V T d;:l. T1 u I osnne I'M'k;n:.:'Jiif“ ll' t'le >,d- doi s nol follow t h/.t‘ M r r, dov.i: e. as mu' f;iav was 111 AT ot I dirc(tc(l, I ('iiirt-ll!/ii-.e I'l Aut,--ist I,r^^ : (n;.'y ( mi; ' l' Slid • r.v, ,1 I • ■| ’ 'i on s'.n - t. I a:iil oM. r-, all A. a.„ ' 1 !>'. ,i;t; ^ i| • . ■ >tivy_|_ ■ _ '-.oil. ‘ • I e\l, • I J.; , I '-' r’ I N.;, J: I-', at t!iu III 11 n oi i, \t lot knn\, 11 on tlie |d,t j on tie- soot ll -..de ot ! !'■ illiam I’llti I'soii 1 ■' .M- M,1 ! j.,:- lii-'ir -'Ai' i.ii until t!ic fTjl- If X\vi»ancA‘. TIIF, Hoard of Conunissioners fnr the town of Charlotte havt passed the following t)i\linanee, of vvliich all persons interested arc hereby ihdy notified. An Ordinance conrcrr/ing N'liisanccs in the town of Charldtte. Tie It ordalr.ed, hy the Hoard of Commibsion-* ers for the town of Charlotte, and it is herebv orilained by the authoiity of the same, that cv - e**y thing in said town calculated to injure* tho health »)f the village, shall be consi'di red a Nuisance, vi/filthy liog.pens, stagnated « ter in cellars, sewers, ilirty btaldc yards, slop from kitchens, &.C. And vn hen any thing ex ists ill said town, considered a r.uisanec, the person or prrscms f>n who.se lot the saim* rnav be located, shall have notice from the ('ouimis- sioiKTs to remove said nuisance ; and when an/ person or persons sliall refuse or neglect to re move HU''h nuisanre within twenty-four hour;» after notice, such juTSon or persons sfiall pay a, line jf live d(/llars, for the n.se of said tou ii, and a fnilher line of fiv- tlollars for ever' teij i days said nuisance ^haIl remain after nofiiC. He it f.irlher oidained, that no person shall be i)‘. rinitted, during the sunimer rninillis, to throw any deatl carcass on :tny [jart of tl.e t,wii l-ind, under a penalty or fine of five iolla;-s. .Ml dead ca'ica.ss( s must eitb« r be l)iirii-d a suf . iicieiit lenth in the ’•round to prevetit hi u nuisance, or be removed beyond the hrnit.i of the town land. 15'“ it further ordained, that if any uiumd shall die in town, or on tfie tow n land,' tlie per son or persf)iis tf» w fiom tfie .>.iine may belong, shall have notice to miiovt; Ihe carc.is-i i,nn>c- ♦liately ; and in c.ise «>f n luVal (»r neglect, shall pay a fine of two doll.'tr^. All fliK s incurred unh r the foregoing Ordi- nance shall be collected and uccountei lor in tlie saiiii' manner us fine!> Imve been colhctej hei-' lofo; c. ItntifK d and co:,firmed h\ the H',;ird of Coir, inisMioi.ers fur the town ol Charlotte, this I Ith ■lay of June, A. D i:;;7 ; a» the same t.me re l)i-..tiiig al! or hiiaiicc-.s iu reloforc p'lised on tlic ;auie s'lbjcct. l!y order of tlie Flonrd, W -M DAVID.SO.V, C. n. C. r. «.a Kf \ !( K, ('In ’:. Z\'~.0 1^(1 If }ip ijour I'n.x'cr, for is4’(3. \l f. persons liable to ]i;iy' a 'l ow n Tax f*:’ the ye;>r I'-'JO, -ire rifiuestcd to e:,ll on th(. siihscrilx r and distdiarge the sniiie witliout de ity. ?«honM any fad to pay the .tnniunt dut* i.-om ll.eui. hy die lOlh day of .1ul\, \vair.oil-: '•f di-tr. ss i'l be iinined.atf !y issil, d. ag.iiiist 'hun, t'ioi,.t r “Dect to per .KM'.F,\ IsK.VMUH K, '/)>„■,i ’I'r,,r. i:rtr. ( l.':irU/tie, .Itine l->', l.S.,'7.—JtJii '\\\w u\a \1‘0\n;wh\. GJ IJ A.N aU \\ Irom the snl-.'-’-'iiher, /Tw\ k (.lin., f. J,' t ra wi !n:i!i will Unown i)v A ‘ ukev,”) :.,.tv.,.('n and !'j y';:.;s ol :i|.. , aii.i fi...iv \utii * '* iidi‘. dd. She u-as b(M. .u to m ■ Ijv tl.e Ci.tii.lv Court at N;;v.-m!jcr 'Uru', iK ’i-. untd the „C jj . a'.d ail p. ."SOT -, a-e f ,rt id i.-r. i- ..-ii,,; i’^, p, as'tl.e la -. \. :il 1,. p-jMtneiy . id...cea a-..inst an\ one V, i, V, r Hil. u‘u.u I. . t.ti,: bii„ ^ litu r, r. . I .• ..\n;d. — . , _ 'M > V » rr

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