mm Sottriml. CIZARI.OT1X:: lUESDAY, JULY 31, 18S We publish this week. Mr. Clay’s ap peal to the public, on Gen. Jackson’s ac cusation. His denial of the charge is prompt and unequivocal. The partit s are now fairly at issue ; and it remains ior his accuser or accusers to sustain their charge of corruption against this dis- tin£?uishcd statesman—if they can. If they cannot, “ what ought to be the judg ment of the American Public,” Mr. Clay and his friends “cheerfully submit to their wiijdom and justice.” At a recent meeting held at Columbia, S. C. to remonstrate against the Wool lens Bill, Dr. Cooper was the principal .speaker, and addressed the meeting in a long speech against the protection of American Industry. He drew up, too, tlie resolutions adopted by the meeting. His speech abounds in epithets, and fac tious declamation about the North and ISouth; and towards the close of it he uses the following language:—“Sir, I have frequently heard phrases of what is called orthodox theology, so much'ap proaching to my conception of blasphe my, that I have shuddered when they met my ear. Something of this kind of feel ing afFects me, when I hear the manufac ture’s phrase of Jlmerican System.” Dr. Cooper is an Englishman j and it is there fore no great wonder the phrase Ameri can System” sounds so disagreeable in his cars. The Eiiglish System, doubtless, is much more pleasant to him, and more in unison tvith his partialities. But this is nothing to what follows in the conclusion of his speech. “I have said,” says he, “ that we shall ere long he compelled to calculate the value of our Knion ; and to inquire of vehat use to us js this most unequal alliance ? by which the south has always been the loser, and the north always the gainer ? Is it worth our while to continue this union of states, •nhere the north demand to be our mas ters and we are required to be their trib utaries ? Who, with the most insulting mockery, call the yoke they put on our necks the Jlmcrican System P The ques tion, however, is fast approaching to the alternative of submission or separation.” It is bad enough to see a native Amer ican, so destitute of principle, so steeped in faction, as to speak with complacency of so deplorable an event as a separation of the Union; but In a foreigner, wheth er naturalized or not, it is insufferable. Dr. Cooper has found an asylum in this country ; but if he is now dissatisfied, if lie dislikes our laws or government, let him go where they are better : let him not slay here to preach up sedition and treason. His talk about “submission,” about the “unequal alliance,” about the “north always being the gainer and the ?i0uth always the loser” by the union, is the mere slang of faction, and is unfoun ded in fact, as every man of common ^cnse knows. The south, to say the least, J3”as much benefitted by the union as any other quarter of the country, and, on sev eral accounts, would be the greater loser by a separation. The people neither feel themselves oppressed nor borne down ; and any man who attempts to poison their rninds and weaken their attachment to the union, by representing it as burdensome and oppi cssive, and telling them they can do better without it, deserves the deepest execration ; deserves to l)c branded as a traitor—and more especially if he be a foreigner, who has here received shelter, protection and encouragement. In such a one it is base ingratitude! On this subject, let Washington’ speak —he, who is in truth styled the l uiher of his Country, who doubtless knew the val ue of our Lnion at least as well as Dr. Cooper, and who was as much attached to our republican institutions as Dr. Coo per or any other foreigner possibly can be. In his Farewell Address Washington speaks as follows, and may his words >ink deep into every heart :— “T he unity of li^'ovcrnmcnt w h.'. ii ri)u^titiics you one pfople, is also dear to _\ nu. It is justly ; for it is a muiii pillar in the ciiilici. '>t >our fcril iiKlrpcndciicc, the support of jour f^luillity at lioiiic, your piace aliroad , o \oiir ; of your pvospcrity ; ot lli:>t v( r_v //it;'/// ^vllic'h you hi^'lily i)ri/c. 15ut it is ra'.y to Ton ser, that from dificrrnt causes luiTl from (lit- '’•-T'.'!/. r.iuch nuihs t/U.1 be taker, m uiy t'ri'ipiwvrd, to in vo'Jr riirifls t^ic coii\ictif.n of this truth ; as ///w is the point in your political fortress uf^ainst which the batte ries of internal and external enemies will be ii.(jHt constantly and actively (thou{?h often cov. crtly and //(.W/wf/y) directed, it is of infinite innmenf that you should properly estimate the immense value of your naiiunal union, to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual and immova ble attachment to it; accuatonung^ yourselves to think and speak of it as of the palladium of your politicil safety and prosperity; watching^ for Its preservation with jealous anxiety; rfw- conntenancjng whatever may suggest evtn a kus- pician that it can, in urjy event, be ahandoned j and tndif'nantlfi frnwnitif' up( i the first dawn ing of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sucnd tici which now link together the various parts.” How unlike is this language to. that of Dr. Cooper! The language of Washing ton is the language of a friend, of a wise counsellor, of a patriot; the language of Dr. Cooper is that of a but we forbear: it is not the language of friendship. It is such language as no American, who val ues his character, who loves his country, should ever permit himself to use ; and such as no foreigner should be counten anced in using. GUEKCE. By an arrival at New-York, London d.'ites to the 8th of June have been received. The news from England is of no great moment; but the following intelligence from Greece is very in teresting and import.-int. It is from the London Courier of the evening of June 8 ;— “ The Allgemine Zeitung of the 2d of June, states that the Hritish Ambassador at Constan tinople had sent ofT a despatch, announcing the entire defeat of the Turks before Athens, on the 29th of April, loss said to be 10,000 men. Hatesbon letters of the ?9tl> of May, confirm the above, and state that the Turks were sue- cessively driven from all their entrenchments, and forced to abondon all their artillery and baggug’e. The I.ord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, on the 5th of May, despatched a Courier from Corfu to I.ondon, wilii another confirmation of the above.” It is likewise stated under the date of Angs- bnrgh. May 31, that the British Ambnssador at Constantinople liad sent ofT a despatch announ cing the same grateful intelligence. It is rIso stated that a great European power has addressed a circular to its allies, in which it is intimated that in consequence of the latest declaration of the Porte, there remained scarce ly any hope that it would ever listen to the dic tates of justice and moderation, unless coercive measures were adopted,' and proposed that a certain time be peremptorily fixed, within which the Porte must declare itself, and which period was fixed for the middle of June. The Paris Etoile of the 7th, contains an arti cle commenting on one in the London Times, respecting the interference of the great ]>owers in the affairs of Greece. The observations of the Etoile correspond with those of the Times, anil it is therefore inferred by the London Sun, that the question respecting (irccian indepen dence will be soon set at rest. MR. CLAY’S REPLY TO GEN. JACKSON. We hasten to lay before our leaders the following address from Mr. Clay in reply to his accuser, Gen. Jackson. It is full and complete, without the least reser vation or equivocation whatever, as we never doubted for a moment it would be. So stronly fortified is Mr. Clay in his own innocence, that he receives and treats even the insinuations of General Jackson as though they were direct charges, and is ready to meet them, come in what shape they may. To the whole charge, in every form and shape, Mr. Clay “ opposes a direct, unqualified and indignatjt denial.” Mr. Cluy and General Jackson “ are now fair ly at issue,” and Mr. Clay '‘'‘rejoices that a specific accusation is made by a respon sible accuser.'* Now let General Jackson “substantiate his charges by the exhibi tion of satisfactory evidence,” or prepare himself at once to take his'stand by the side of the Kremers, the Inghams, and other calumniators of the day. He must hang upon one or the other horn of this dilemma—there is no chance of escapc ! Balt. Pat. end to tiic Prcsidcniial ciiilcst in cuc hour ; and 2flly. That the above [)roposal was male to (ien. Jackson, t'nruugh a distin guished member of Congiess, of high standing, v'ith mj/privitj and consent. To the latter charge, I oppose a direct unqualified and indignant denial. I neither made, nor authorized, njr knewof any pro- position whateverto either ofthethreecan- didates who were returned to the House of Uepresentativcs at the last ii’residential e- lection, or to the friends of either of them, for the purpose of influencing the result of the election, or for any other purpose. And all allegations, intimations and in- uendoes that my vote, on that occasion, was ofTered to be given, or was in fact given, in consideration of any stipula tion or understanding, txpress or im plied, direct or indirect, wiiiu n or ver bal, that I was, or that an\ othei person was not, to be appointed Secretary of Siatc, ihat 1 was, in any other man ner, to be personally benetitied, are de void of truth, and desti®te of anv foundation whatever. And 1 firmly and solemnly believe, that the first of t|,e two above mentioned charges is alike untrue and groundBut it (contrary to my full belief) »'y fi i‘-nds or any of them made any such proposition or ofier, as is asserted in fi>‘st charge, it was with out my knowledge and without my au thority. The letter of Gen. Jackson insinuates, rather than directly makes, the further charge, that an arrangement was propos ed and made between Mr. Adams’friends and mine, by which, in the event of his election, I was to be appointed Secretary of State. I pronounce that charge also, as far as I know or believe, to be untrue und without the least foundation. Gen. Jackson having at last voluntari ly placed himself in the attitude of mv jiublic accuser, we arc now fairly at issue. I rejoice that a specific accusation by a responsible accuser, has at length ap peared, though at the distance of near two and a half years since the charge was first put forth, through Mr. George Kremer. It will he universally admitted, that the accusation is of the most serious nature. Hardly any more atrocious could be preferred against a representa tive of the people in his official charac ter. The charge in substance is, that delil)erate “propositions of bargain” were made bv my Congressional friends col- lectivel through an authorized and dis tinguished member of Congress, to Gen. Jackson ; that their object was, by these “means of bargain and corruption,” to exclude Mr. Adams from the Depart ment of Slate, or to secure my promo tion to office; and that I was privy and assented to those propositions and to the employment of those means. Such being the accusation and the pro secutor, and the issue between us, I have now a right to xpect that he will sub stantiate his charges by the exhibition of satisfactory evidence. In that event, there is no punishment which would ex ceed the measure of my oflcnce. In the opposite event, what ought to he the judgment of the American public, is clit^erfully submitted to their w isdom and justice. H. CLAY. Lexington, 29th June. 1327. tVAilllW'.TOV, JUI.V 11 .^[•fOi.itfr.fnt vy the President. — I’homas Ratiddll. of Florida, to be Judge of tlu* United States for the Middle District of Florida, in place of Augustus B. Wood ward, deceased. The Board of Commissioners under the Convention with (Jreat Britain for the adjustment ofthe article of the Trea ty of (Ghent, respecting indemnification for deponed slaves, met in this city yes terday, to carry into eflect the objects of their appointment. These Commission ers, our readers will recollect, are Lang- don Cheves, of Pennsylvania, James Pleasants, of Virginia, and Henry Sea- well, of North Carolina. The Clerk of the Commission is Aaron Ogden of New Jersey. Governor Barbour, the Secretary at War, and his lady, are now a*. Bedford Springs, P. I'he 4th was celebrated there by a j)ublic dinner, at which Mr Barbour was present. The Brdfon! Ga zette, a Jackson paper, says “ he is the right kind of a man—plain and sensible,” and adds, his “ extempore .remarks, in reply to a toast in which he was named, were received with universal applause.” Bank Dividends.—The Bank of New born has declared a dividend for the last 6 months of three and a half per cent. I'hc Bank of Cape-Fear has declared for the same period a dividend of ihreo per cent. The Franklin Insurance company of Boston has deelared a dividend of eight per cent, for the last 6 months. Neiv Corn Meal.—The Petersburg Tn- te'ligenrer of the 17th inst. says ^^Ncw Corn, perfectly ripe, a part of the crop of Mr. Elisha Peebles, of Dinwiddic, was brought to town on Friday last, for the purpose of being ground into meal. This instance is the earliest within our recol lection.” M.i: nil'll), •III this county, on the 12th ult. by Hugh J. MTain, Esq. Mr. James I.. Ilarton, son of Har dy Hartou, of Anson county, to Miss Rebecca M’Cain, daughter of John M’Cain. In this county, on the Ifith instant, Marthtit infant daughter of James and Martha Gibson, aged 10 months. Vrecnnous AT.T, those that are lulehtt dto the estate of John Gilmer, F.sq. by noti-, are requested to come forwarrl and renew their n >tes ami give security between this an«l the \)i"iist rou''t, or they mav expert to find ‘hem in the hur'ds of an oflicer, DAN ALEXANUEH, Moi'r _July 2-t, j_82_r._-^t43 VoWrc. TDO liereby forbid Jill persons from paying- Mr. Hugh Harris, of Provi lence Settle- merit, anv money on my account, after this il.ite , as bis nVi'ipt \iil! not be considered as adip- chare,e of the d.cbt. JOHN M. HAPPOI.DT. Providcnce, N. C. Ju'y 'U, \H'27,—."t+S SUv\e ivV Nov\\\-VS\TiA\ua. Merklcnhurs:' (^ounti/ Srsaions, nUEF.. The Providcnce (U. 1.) Jimeriran of July 1.1, says that a (hiel was fought in Pawtucket on Wednesday, “ between a French gentleman of high respectability, who aets in an ofFirial capa city under the French government, and u I’o- lonese, formerly a general in the Trench army during the revolution—the names of the imh- viduals we cannot learn. It seems they came with their seconds and surgeons from Boston to Pawtucket on Tuesday evening; selected their g»*ound upon the new turnpike, a short distance from the village, and at 4 o’clock in the morning, and at the first fire, the rreiichman was shot through the fleshy part of both his thighs. His antagonist, who was nninjnred, saw him conveyed to Blake’s tavern, when cordial forgivenesses were exchanged, and then took and abrupt leave of the state, having de parted, it is said, in the New York steani-boat.’ TO THE PUBLIC. On my arrival at Wheeling, on the 23d instant, I was informed that Mr. Carter Beverley, then at that place, had received the preceding night by mail, a letter from General Jackson, which he had ex hibited to several persons, and left with my friend Col. Noah Zane, for my peru sal, and which I was told formed a subject of general conversation, and had produc ed much excitement in the town. I'he captain ofthe Reindeer having kindly de tained his steamboat for my accommo dation, and as I was unwilling longer to delay his departure, I had only lime to ol)- tain a hasty hut I believe a correct copy of the letter, and I now seize the first mo ment after my arrival at home, to present it to the public, together with a copy of another letter addressed by Mr. Beverley to Col. Zane. I purposely forbear, at this time, to make several comments which these documents authorise, and confine mysell to a notice ofthe chaiges which General Jackson has brought forward in his lei- /I’hese charges are, 1st. That my friends in Congress, early in January, 1825, pro- p(ised to him that if he would say, or per mit any of his confidential friends to say, 'hat, in rase he was elected President, Mr. Adams should not he continued Se- i riarv of State, by a complrii* uninn ol myself and my fiiJndj, '.vr- would put an FIIOM THE NATIONAL JOVIIN'AL. The followinii: cenifirate of the Regis ter of the Treasury, which we copy from the Louisville Public .'\dveriiser of June 30th, speaks for itself. It establishes all that we have heretofore said on the sub ject, and places in a proper point of view the dishonorable efforts of the getters up of the Billiard Table story, to deceive the people. Will those who have been most active in propagating the slander now aid in circulating the truth ? \V shall see : I hereby certify, that on the settlement of the furniture account of the present President of the United States, there is not any charge made by him, nor puvment made by the United States, for a Billiard 1'a' le. Cues, Balls, or any appurtenance in relation thereto, neither has there beon any charge or payment made for backgammon boards, dice or any appurtenanc in relation thereto, nor for any chess boards or chessmen, or any appurtenance in relatio thereto. Trcfomrrj Department, Iifc;infrr'.i 0(ficr, June 2d, 1827. JOSEPH NOUkSE, iiigiU.r. Virginia vs. Penvsijtonnin.—Niles states that \'irginia, by adhering to her doc triries, has advanced the number of hei people 160,000 in 30 years, from 1790 to 1820 ; and that Pennslyvania, by adhcr ing to her practices^ has increased her peo pie 62 5,000 in the same time, or niore than all V'irginia contains; and the wealth of the latter proporiionably advanced Thus— 1790 1820 IH.IO People Peopk Calcylnfcd. Virginia 442,117 602.974 690,000 Pennsylvania 429099 1,094,398 1,340,000 The first period, he adds, shews a dii fence in favor of Virgina of 13,000—th second in favor of Pennsylvania of 447, 000 ; an ) the next census will increase this balance to 650,000, or more,—and the people of the United Stales, h^cated in Pennsylvania, will be more than twice as numerous as those who shall be locat- eil in Virgina—vet the latter has fifty per cent more territory, anrl a much larger cjuantity of good lai.d than the former, and i^in every respect as well filted by Providence for the coir.forlaSie suljsis- tence of a rlen-.e population Cu ind ;slri- oQi e.i.d ’ A passengep on board the steamboat Trenton jumped javerboard on Tuesday, hen opposite “the Bake House,” but was rescued by the exertions of Captain Jenkins. The gentleman, who was drunk, did not seem much obliged to Captain Jenkins for his kindness. When the small boat was let down, he made away om it. The harder the men rowed, the faster he swam : but he was finally caught, tied, and brought in safety to Philadelphia. Jlurbra. Fatal effects of Lif^htninq.—On Monday last, a son of Mr. Philip Duifenl)acher, of Derry township, was instantaneously killed by lightning. The deceased and his brother, as we understand, were hauling in hay, when observing the approaching storm, the unfortunate young man de scended from the waggon, and hurried on to let down a pair of bars, and while in the act of doing so, the fatal fluid deprived him of existence: He was seen to fall, and approached as speedily as possible, but alas, too late for any assistance. The vital spark had iled forever. It is stated that his hair uas on fire, when hisfriends got up to the body. Delaware Watchman. Levied on a nrgro man iu med Jonas. James Sinimons" r.T. Edward Greer. . It is onUretl by Court, that publication lo made in the Catawba Journal six weeks, fo;‘ defciulant to make his personal appearance at our Court of Pl*-as and Quarter Sessions in Au gust next, and there replevy and plead, or judgment will be entered against him. I. ALEXANDEH, C. .V. C. _£)t.l6.^r^nd^. $2._ of .VovU\-i3aYuV\v\a, I\kvkh‘nhnr^ Countij. ...Mai/ Sessions^ 1827. Robert Query Kxecuted, and John M'- rs. V I.arty, George M’Larty, AlexanderJiPI^irty. % Hugii I’arks, Andreu' Park^Ki7h^-t Hood. .Uines Morris, Daniel H Walker, an«l Philander Alexander, summoned as (Jarnishees. It is ordered by Court, that publication bn made six weeks in the Catawha Journal, for defe^'diint to m;ike his personal appearan-e at our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in Au gust next, aiul there to plead and replevy, oth erwise judgment will bf rendered aga.nst hiio. L ALEXANDER, C. M. C, 614^. —pr. adv. $?. civile XoYUx-^olYiAvVYa, Lirooln Coiinty'. Superior Court (f Law, .Upril Term, A. D. 18C7- Andrew Hoyl r.t. I Petition for division of tho The heirs of Mason y real estate of said Mason Huson, dec’d. and { lluson, deccase !. others. J r r having been made to appear to the r >nr^, that Solomon Stowe and Parnilla his wife, and John Friddle, who are defendants in this suit, live without the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by Cnirt, that publication btf made six weeks in the Catawba Journal, giving notice to the said Solomon Stowe and Parnilla. his wife, and to John Friddle, that they appear t)efore the Judge of our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for Lincoln county, at the*. Court-House in Lincolnton, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, then and there to answer or demur to the said peti tion, otherwise it will be taken pro eonfe.sso, and adjudged accordingly. Witness, Lawson Henderson, Clerk of said Court, at Lincolnton, the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A; 1). 1827, and in tho .51st year of the Independence of the United States. LAWSON HENDERSON. 6t4fi—pr. adv. $‘J 62J From the Bedford Pa. Gazette, a J.ickson paper. In to-day’s Gazette we have given the Hon. Henry Clay’s Speech al the Pitts burg dinner. It is smooth and pretty enough. Mr. Clay has always been a favorite of ours : We cotisider him a truly great man, and would have been delighted with him, had he given his vole to (Jen. Jackson instead of Mr. Ad ams. liut Mr. Clay preferred Mr. Ad ams, and we are not going to desert or fluarrel with an old friend lor exercising a right secured to him, in common with the humldest citizen, by our cxccIlcnt constitution. From Somernt Connty.-Wt received this morning an account of the [>roceedini;;s u{ an Administration meeting held la^>t week at Princess .Ann, on ilu; Eastern Shore of Maryland. Our correspondent inOjrins that the meeting was considc-red the mjst numerous and respectable assem blage ofcitizens ever convened iu Somer set upon any similar occasion. A full delegation was elected to the Baltimore Convention, which is to assemble on the 2Jd instant, and olher important business ‘.ransaclecl. Every city and county in the .Slate, with the single exception of Alh*- ghaiiy, have now been heard from, and will be represented :D ihe ^ lieat Baltimore (Jonvcn’.i' r: Ba(t. Pat. T^ROM the subscriber’s stable in Concord, Cabarrus county, N. fl. on the night of thes 20th inst. two, gray HORSES, one of them hav ing a dark mane and tail, 7 years old, and a scar f)U his right hind pastern joiHt, occasioned by u, rope ; the otlicr horse is 10 or 11 years old, ra ther whiter than the other; both in gool order and «-hod before, when stolen. They are of the common size, but heavy built. A man, who calls his name William Dean, is suspecte.l to be the thief. Dean was missing the same time tVie horses were. He is about 5 feet 7 or 8 in ches high, broad the forehe.i'I, but hi3 face tapers towards the chin, with a very lurge mouth; rather stoop shouldered, UMple:i!»atit countenanc'e, an«l down look ; boasts much ot' his manhood and is fond of mimicking the Dutch brogue, and of gambling, and says he is a car penter by trade. Hal a blue cloth coatee with a blnrk velvet collar, gray casinet pantaloons, ami i)lack hnt with a low tapered erown and broal rim. Fifty dollars rcvard will be given for his apprehension and confinement in any jail, or his delivery to me in (Joncorl, N. C. to- getlu r with lu)th or cither of the horses. Any inr*innation sent me to the Pobt-Olfice in thi» place, will be thankfully received. JNO. E. MAHAN. f;oncord, N. C. July 2.3, JS:7.~40 ri^ifE sidiscriher, in crmtimpla- 1 tinn of In'; removal o the West, ofi'ers for sale his plaiitatioit lying seven miles nortli-west from Charlotte, on the road lending from Cbrirlotto to IJeattie’s Ford. On the aliove tract there is a two story dwelling-house and fither necessary out buil lings. I have not given the ]>artic'ilars» as I pn sunic no one will purchase uithout viewing the premises. (;fo. henry. Mecklenburg Co. Julv 20, 1827.—Jt42 ('harlottc, July If), 1S27. PHIF.O Willl'K, ESQ. I observed a notification in your paper, duteci 14th iiisl. for!)idding all honest persons, or for- warning ail hmest persons, against h:.vinr- anv thing to ilo with me. M\ plaer of resu'u nco you wish to know—you have it ribov.-. Mr. KWider is not worthy of my attention. Mr. WliiU-, ^)u mtist prove these wilful and mali cious he-; published in yjur paper aeainst tko autlior of this. ..t42 AIIAZ rRKNCIL l)t* :ds, lor .alc at thiB Olllcc. IV cr.

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