330C tnj. LINES. The Son of Clod is fe-onc to war, A kindly crown to gain ; His bloGd-red banner stream# tfar! Who follows in his tniin ? IV’bo bvst can drink his cup of wo, Triumphant ovrr pain f 5Vho boldest bears his cross below ? He follows in bis train ! The martyr first, whose eagle eye Could picrcc beyond the prave, Who saw his Master in the sky, And called on him to save ; Like Him, with pardon on his tong'uc In midst of mortal pain, lie prayed for tbem ttiat did the wrong’. Who follows in his tniin f glorious band, the choscn few On whom the Spirit came, Twelve valiant saints, the tnitli they knew, ' And bnivcd the cross and flame ; They nu*t the tyrant’s brandish’d steel, The lion’s gory mane. They bow’d their necks the death to feci. Who follows in their train i* “ A noble army, men and boys, 'I'he matron and the maid. Around their Saviour’s throne rejoice. In robes of light arrayed. They climbed the dizzy steep of heaven, Throug-h peril, toi», and pain— Ob, God ! to us may gr.ace be given To follow in their train !'* ®arfet5. Mixing together profit and delight. LITERAHY LADIES. Catherine Sedgtvick—Author of two rery popular novels, the “ New-Eng- lantl Tale,” and “Redwood,” is the daughter of Judge Sedgwick, and was born at Stockbridge, Mass. in 1798 She is deservedly ranked among the most elegant prose writers of the day and is understood to be now engaged in the preparation of a series of Talcs, founded on scenes in New-England. Maria Edgeworth—Is the daughter of Richard Lovel Edgeworth, Esq. of Eilgeworthtown, Ireland, a gentleman distinguished in the literary world, for his talents and writings. The daughter is said to excel her parent in talents ; she has devoted herself to literary pur suits with zeal and ardor. One of her objects has been to perfect the system of female education, in which she has in part succeeded. As a novel writer, she janks among the most eminent ; and the Irish character has never been drawn with equal truth and spirit by any other ■writer. Her publications, which are numerous, have been well received on both sides of the Atlantic. Mrs. Opic.—This lady was born in 1771. She is the daughter of Dr. Al- derson, an eminent physician of Nor wich. She early evinced superior tal ents, by composing poems and descrip live pieces, at an age when young la dies have not usually finished their ed ucation. In 1798 she married Mr. Opie, a celebrated painter ; and soon af ter his death, in 1808, she published a memoir of his life, prefixed to the lec tures he had read at the Royal Academy. By this and other publications, she has acquired considerable reputation, both as a prose and poetical writer. Mrs. Siddons—Is the daughter of Mr. R. Kemble. She was born about the year 1749. This lady commenced her career as a singer, but she soon re linquished that employment, and at tempted tragedy. On her appearance at Drury-Lane Theatre, in 1782, her success was complete ; the public were astonished at her powers, and she was acknowledged to be the first tragic ac tress of the age. For more than 20 years she retained her high rank as an Gctress, and continued, during that pe riod, to enchant the lovers of the drama. She also possesses considerable merit as n sculptor. Mrs. Siddons has accun)u- iated an ample property, with which she has retired from the stage to the quiet of domestic life. •/ane o?id Jinn Maria Porter. These ladies aie sisters, and daughters of Sir Robert Porter. I’hey have long held a high rank among ffie female nov el writers of the day. Tiie foniior has written “Thaddeu^ of Warsaw,” “The Scoitish Chiefs,” other wor ki, wiiich have been well rcoeivcd by the public, and very extensively read. 'I’iu' youn ger sister lias published ‘•Thcllwngu- ri:»n Brothers,” “The Recluse of Nor way,” and, more recently, the “ Fast of St, Magdalen.” Unt^l the appear ance of that splenflid series of works, th’ Waverly novels, these sisters had piiricd a great degree of popularity.— Ti.py have, liowever, wilhotliers, been ol)liged to yi»‘1(l to tlii' uni ivnllcd merits ^of the “GreatUnknown — ^nnd Lti'iilc »a- ly is the dau-ihter tf the Rev. John Ai ken, an r.nglish dissenting clergyman, and wife of the Rev. R. Barbauld, mas ter of a schoM in Norfolk. She was born in the year 1784, and was early instructed in the Latin and Greek lan guages by her father. She is distin- ‘^uished for her numerous writings, vvliiplj have gained her great celebrity. She is now far advanced in life, and yet rc tair.s great vigor, both of intellect and of body. As a writer of prose, she has surpassed almost every femah; of her time, and is equalled, for cleganec of diction, and soundness of sense, by few of the other sex. Mu dame ^Inghcia Catalina—Is, probably, the most distinguished female singer of the age. She was born near Rome, in 1782, and educated in a con vent. Her father, who was a silver smith, becoming embarrassed in his pe cuniary affairs, his daughter became a public singer at Milan, at the age of I.*), and was highly apj)lauded by the Italian and French critics and journals. On her first appearance in England, in ISOG, she was found superior to all the continental panegyrics, and has never ceased to be greatly admired. Her voice is singularly powerful, and equal ly melodious in the high and low tones, ffcr figure is finely formed, and her de portment majestic. She is still heard with delight, both in Great Britain and on the continent. Maria Louisa—Late Empress of France, is daughter of Francis II. of Austria, and was horn in 17‘JI. The yotmger branches of the imperial fami ly had been taught to think of Napole on with so much horror, that ti»e prin cess fainted at the first suggestion of her marriage to him ; but at length she yielded to the entreaties of her father, and to state policy, and afterwards be came sincerely attached to him. They were married in 1810. During the ab sence of Bonaparte in the campaigns of 1812 and 1813, she was placed by him at the head of the French Government, as Empress-Regent, and in that capaci ty she went in state to the Senate, and demanded a levy of 100,000 men. On rcbidtL', 3U.C0 tliO ciOutik of hci husiaiiu, in Ena;l;uid. Mrs. Scott.—Talents, luckily for the world, do not pass like estates, by he reditary descent. There are, however, some instances in which the son has inherited the genius of the parent. Sir Walter Scott affords one ol these in stances. His mother was a woman of elegant taste, and of very superior intel lect. She was the daughter of David Rutherford, Esq. a counsellor ot Edin burgh, whose country residence was an ancient mansion in that neighbor hood, and called Hermission Hall.— Miss Rutherford was born in the Scot tish capital, in 1729. At an early age she was taught the Latin anti French languages, and became a proficient in many branches of tlio Belles Lettres. Her predilection for poetry was mani fested almost from the dawn ol her exis tence. Allan Ramsay was her first guide in her poetical studies, and some of her verses were^ written when she was only in her 11th year. Among the number of her correspondents was Blacklock, the blind bard, who always spoke of I’.er as a woman of superior powers. At a later time she was also the friend and corresjjondent of Burns. Her mental endowments were rivalled by her personal attractions. But nei ther powers nor beauty could prevent her youth from being overcast by the gloom of sorrow.—The object of her first affection is said to have been an Irish gentleman of distinction, with whom she had consented to pass the re mainder of her days ; but he was un fortunately drowned in his passage from Edinburgh to Ireland. This was a source of bitter anguish to her, and it was long before she recovered her tran quility. At rather an advanced period, she married Mr. Walter Scott, a gen tleman of considerable property in the vicinity of the Scottish metropolis. She died in the year 17S9, in the 60th year of her.age. rnOM TUE TJ!«ITEI) STATK9 OAZETTK. setting out for the army, in 1814, Bo naparte took, as it afterwards proved to be, his final farewell of her. The offi cers of the national guard of Paris, 800 in number, were summoned to the great saloon of the Thuilleries, to receive the solemn deposit which Napoleon entrust ed to their honor, in the persons of his wife and child. “ I confide,” said he, and he spoke it in a tremulous accent, “my wife and child to my faith!ul citi zens of Paris, thus giving them the dearest mark of confidcnce which I have in my power to bestow.” On the 29th of March, the day before the battle of Paris, ‘the Empress fled to Blois, and in May, went to Vienna. The princi pality of Parma had, in the mean time, been secured to her by treaty, and, in 1817, she took possession of this as prin cess of Parma, but. ber court is neither numerous nor splendid. Her son was separated from her in 1815, and has not since been under her care. Letitia Romelina Bonaparte.—^lo ther to the late Emperor of France, was born at Ajaccio, in Corsica, in the year 1750, and in 1767 married an assessor to the tribunal of that island. On the death of her husband, she was left with a numerous family, and without a for tune. She, however, succeeded in gain ing powerful friends and protectors, to some of whom she was indebted for the elevation of her family. On the inva sion of Corsica by the English, she re moved to Marseilles, and from thence to Paris, where she resided until the downfall of- the Emperor.—During the greater part of that period, she lived in all the splendor and luxury of a court and rjeceived from the French j)cople that homage which was due to the mo ther of their sovereign. But the elo gance which surrounded this lady had no charms for her ; and it was said that she was constantly advising Napoleon to recollect, that the day of trial might come when the dazzling glory wiiich en circled him, might pass away. Since the abdication of the Emperor, Madam Bonaparte l.as resided in the states of the church, with her sons Lucien and ].#ouis. JMadam d\Qrh!ay—Betterknown by her maiden name of Miss Frances Bur ney. This lady has deservedly attrac ted public attention, and gained a high rej)Uiation fur herself, by her writings. She unquestionably ranks among the fust female novel writers of the age. Her fifbt M’ork was Evelina, published in 1777. To this succeeded Cecilia and Camilla ; she has also written a tragedy, which has be(‘n performed on the Etr- glish stage, and recently a novel, called ihe Waiuiemr, or Female Difiicullies. Madam d’Arbby is now z widow, and CULTURE OF SILK. The successful experiments in th« cul ture of silk, in different parts of North America, before the war of the Revolu tion, and those which have since been made, and are now making in Connecti cut and Philadelphia, leave not a doubt that the nurture of the silk worm may be advantageously prosecuted in the United States. The Philadelphia Society for Pro- moling Agriculture, therefore, think it their duty to recommend the extensive cultiva tion of the white mulberry tree, the leaves of which, it is generally known, are the best food for this invaluable insect. The trees may be propagated either from seeds or cuttings. The ripe fruit may be sown in drills in rich earth, and if slightly covered, they will quickly vege tate. Plants produced In this way last autumn, bore the severe cold of the past winter, and when transplanted in the spring,have grown vigorously. Cuttings may be set out in the spring. It may be useful to mention to those who are unac quainted with the proper mode of pro cedure, that the ground should be dug or ploughed deep and late in the autumn, left rough all winter, and after being har rowed or raked smooth in the spring, the cuttings shou Id be put in at least eight in ches deep, and at such distances, as will permit the intervals to be easy kept clean. Those who possess white mulberry trees will find their profit in preparing their seeds for sale. This may be done by ru^i- bing them out from the ripe fruit between the hands in w'atcr, and after the seeds have settled, pouring off the water, and drying them in the shade. Owners of vacant lots on the ground plot of the city ur vicinity, and farmers, may add to their revenue by establishing nurseries of the trees ; for there is every reason to believt>, that the demand for tliem will annually increase. The value of the sewing silk made in three counties of Connecticut, in the year 1310, was S2S,.>03 according to the estin^ate of the United Stales Mar shals, and as the business has l)cen great ly extended every year, since that lime it is reasonable to presume tliut the pres ent amount of this articlc is double this sum. It would be mucii increased if the value of the home-mado stockinjj-., mitts .md garments made of silk and mixtures of cotton, wool and silk, wiih which al most every house in part of Windham county abounds, be taken into considera tion. The serious addition to the u,ual income of the farmci s, derived from the much clca? gain, for, from persoiiai in quires made on the spot by a member of this society, it was ascertained, that it did not interfere with the regular crops, and. it was even acknowledged by some that they received more money from the sale of their silk, than they did from the pro duce of their farms. It is presumed that no greater inducement need be offered to farmers in others states to attend to this profitable branch of business. By order of the Society, RICHARD PETERS, President. W. S. Wakder, Secretary. Important Invention. letter to the Editor, from a fri»nd in Massachusetts, dated 27th ult. states that a neighbor of his bad just completed a Machine fo Cleaning Sea Island Cotton^ and that they will be offered for sale in this city, in all the month of October next. The follow ing is given as a description of it:— Charleston Courier. “The Machine is of a very compact nature, not easy to be put out of qrder and is capable of being worked, either by hand, water or horse power. One man with one Machine, can cleanse about two hundred weight per day. The Cot ton passes but once through the Machine, and the seeds drop almost entirely clear of the Cotton, so much so, that the quan lity that adheres to the seed is n>uch less than one per cent. When we take into view thf difference between the quantity cleansed by the present mode, and the quantity by this Machine, the effect it may have upon one of your staples must be very great, and may rank next in ad vantage to the invention of the Saw Gin. These Machines have been thoroughly tested by practical men, and pronounced perfect in all their parts. Some Seed Cotton has been received here, and I have seen the Machine in operation—the Cotton comes out in little bunches in the same manner as when cleaned by hand, and it does not in thu least injure the staple. “The in(?enious Mechanic, who in vented this, has had it in hand about five years. About two years since, he thought he had perfected them, and made some for sale ; but before they were offered, he discovered an objection, which he has now obviated; and after the strictest scrutiny,I see no fault whatever in them.” ary worll.Ics, parliouljiiy to sue* as were then j)reseiit; but ina'snuirlj this is a beaten track, the speaker ( scd himself for not long continuintr nn it. The burden of the add ress was not so much by way of retrospect, as of ^ prospective kind. 'I’hat which was deemed necessary to the maintenance of the glory and independence of out happy country, was somewhat fully ad. verted to. This jjart of the address wa. introduced by reading a part of thefaje well address of the immortal Was)iiu(r ton, when he retired from the Presidei’. tial chair. The part is as follows : * “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, re ligion and morality are Indispensablti supports. In vain would that manclairu the tribute of patriotism, who would iL bor to subvert these great pillars of hu man happiness, these firmest projis of the duties of man and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the man, ought to rcspect and to cheris’^ them. A volume could not trace their connexions with private and pub lic felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of re. liglous obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation ia our courts of justicc ? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without re ligion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of a peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prcvailjin ex clusion of religious principle. “It is substantially true, that virtue or morality is a nccessary spring of pop ular government. The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to eve ry species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric ?” The speaker declared, that his own views were altogether co-ineideni with those stated above ; and that he felt himself emboldened, supported by such high authority, when he advocated the cause of his country. But he suppori- ed his doctrine, that religion and mo rality are essential to the permanent prosperity of any people, not only by the induction of great names, but by an appeal to the pages of history, both an cient and modern. A flood of light wai> I poured on the subjcct by an appial to I the histories of Greece and Rome, in From the New York Enquirer. One of the m.ost distinguished of good society in this city was once a very poor man : quite a common occurrence. Dining in early life in company with ancient times, and of France in modem several liberal clever fellows, he said If I could corn- very emphatically, mand twelve hundred dollars, I feel confident that I could go into a line of business which would lead to a fortune.” “And what security,” said one of the most liberal of the party, “ could you give for the repayment of that loan ?” “ The word of a man of honor.” “You shall have it.” With this twelve hun dred the adventurer commfinced a pro fitable .business and repaid the loan. The generous friend, however, by a routine of misfortune, fell into want, and meeting with the man he had made rich, he said to him in his own words, “If I had twelve hundred dollars, I could regain what I have lost.” ‘ W^hat security can you give ?’ * The word of man of honor.’—“No money can be raised on such security,”said the grate ful and wealthy cit—so, stepping into his carriage, drawn by spotted ponies, he rode off, leaving his early friend and patron in utter despair. (DrifiCnal. cultuii; cf silk, may be go FOB TUE CATAW'BA JOVIIML. Mr. BingIIAM : Please give the fol lowing a place in your paper. The late anniversary of American In dependence was celebrated at Rocky River jVIeeting-House. Notification having been given to that effect, a gen eral convention of the congregation took place ; also, a certain number of friends from neighboring places attended.— From 10 to 12 o’clock, the convention was entertained with sacred music. At 12, the business of the day was more formally introduced by singing the 7Gth psalm. Solemn prayer and supplication were made to Alinighty God by the Pastor of the congregation. Here the doctrine of divine providence was duly adverted to : it was duly recognized, that “we were Pharaoh’s bondmen in Eg3'pt, but the Lord God had brought us forth with a high hand and an out stretched arm ;” that at every period, omniscience had been our counsellor, and omnipotence our defence. The Declaration of Independence was then read by Mr. R. Pharr. J\Ir. John Pin- fer, merchant, then addressed the con gregation for the space of about half an hour, in an interesting mawicr. At an early^ period of the address, a handsome corjpliincnt v-au ^ai'4 to ci:r i rvcli.'-b.-:- times. The speaker saw France acting a part that no nation ever acted before, viz :—abjuring all religion and embark ing in the catise of downright and opet* atheism. He saw the most dreadful consequences follow. He saw the guil lotine and every engine of death play ing incessantly, and piles of human bones rising mountain high, and their bays and rivers glutted with human bo dies. After civil history, he summon ed the attention of his hearers to sa cred history, that book from which there is no appeal, in support of the same doctrine. Here the oracle was found tc be of no doubtful kind. The annun ciation was, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is the reproach of any people.” Here it was found pourtray- ed, in the historic page, of a nation whose history is recorded for the spacc of 1500 years, that while they walked in the way of righteousness, there was no enchantment could prevail against them, but they were set on high among the nations of the earth ; but as soon as they turned aside from the ways of pie ty and virtue, clouds and darkness ini mediately began to hover over thonr,. The speaker believes, and every n)an that bows to the authority of divine rev- elation, will believe with him, thattheso things were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of tlie world havo come. After again joining in prai:ic and prayer, the business of the day wascnl- ed. It is believed that this mode of cci cbrating the independence of our couD- try gave general satKsl'action. One that was present Full Measure.—A quaker aligluint,' Irom the Bristol coach, on entering the inn. culled for some beer, and observing tli'; pint deficient in quantity, thus addressee ihe landlord : “ Pray, friend, how butts of beer dost thou draw in a mon'.hr •• repliedjlioniface. “ Andtliou wouldst like to draw eleven,” rejoinfo Ebencjer ! “ /atVi/y, ” rxclaimt'd the smiling landlord. “Then 1 will how, friend,” added the quaker— i.hi/ msasvrc^. ” —Colonel Uowdens, who wa? very fat, being accosted by a man to w bom he owed money, with a how-dO'y*^' do ? “ Pi'city well, thank you ; you I hold tnjfou'.i." “Yes, (rejoined the *.y,ar.'i ioo) lo fny sorrow.”

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