VOL. III.] CHARLOTTE, X, C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1827. PUnLlSHKD WEEKLY By LEMUEL BINGHAM, At Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advcrtisenicnts will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertiseinents, are r-eqi’estcd to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. liots for Sale. ■n>Y virtue of a decree from the Court of E- 3 I quity to me directed, on Monday, the 27th a;iy of August next, being the Monday of onr l^ounty Court, 1 shall expose to-public s.ile, at ihe Court-House in Charlotte, five Lots, lying on the north side of Tryon street, formerly the' property of A. Frew, dcc’d. viz : No. 33, 34, 41, 42 and 43. A credit of one and two years will be given, the purchaser paying interest from the date and giving bond and security, ne gotiable at the Bank of Newbern, Charlotte Branch. As the above lots, with their ijnprovements, fire valuable and well situated for business of any kind, all who wish to secure a bargain would 'Jo well to attcr.d between the hours «f 10 k 4. 1). It. UUNLAP, C. M. £. Mecklenburg County, N. C. } July 10, 182r. S Ct.4-1—pr. adv. $2. 3\vst And for sale at this office, Latin Frosodt/for the use of iichooLs, by Wm. Hooper, i‘ro- Vcssor of Uhetoric ami Logic in the University of N. Carolina. This prosody will be found to contain far more copious rules for penultimate and middle syllables than are to be met with in other school sybttms, at the same time that it is more compendious. It is used in the Univer sity, and it will be an advantage to those de signed for that Institution, to make wse^of it in t'leir preparatory course. J\ezv Medical & Bru^ Store, E. WnXEY & CO. Are now receiving and opening, in Salisbu ry, a very general supply of MEDICINE, DKUGS, &c. which they oflerfor sale, whole sale and Jctail, on terms accommodating to the times. Arrangements being made at the North, they will be constantly receiving all articles in their line, of the latest importations. E. WILLEY, having devoted fifteen years to the Practice of Physic, flatters himself that he shall be enabled, by paying strict personal at tention to the Jlpothecary Business, and particut larly to the chemical and compound prepara tions, to please all those who may wish to pur chase. Country Physicians, Merchants, and other in dividuals, are respectfully invited to call and supply themselves ; or, by sending their orders, they shall be as faithfully dealt with as by per sonal application. Salisbury, June 1,1327.—6t43 Watc\\es & Tliomas Trotter Co. RESPECTFULLYinforms . the public that they have received and offer for sale a few gold and silver patent le ver Watches, (gentlemen and ladies) a few good plain Watches, warranted; gentle men and ladies’ gold Chaiiis, Seals and Keys ; some hand- i^me Br^sr'Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, &c. &c. ; all or any part of which we will sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repuired at the shortest notice, and warranted to perform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. B. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated Goods, 8tc. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—30 5t42 lor Stammeriwg. The Rev. Thomas P. Hunt informs the citi zen* of Nortli-Carolina that, by authority of Mrs. Leigh, he has apjiointed John B., Cottrell and Dr. U. R. Dunbp, of Charlotte, N. Carolina, Agents for correcting impediments of spcech. The above named agents having received full instruction and authority, give notice to the community in general, that they are prepared to receive Stammerers of every grade at the residence of Dr. D. R. Dunlap, in Charlotte, where he or Mr. Cottrell may at all times be found. They do not hesitate to warrant a cure (on condition of their attention to instruction) to all who may come w’ell recommended for in tegrity and honesty; and no others need apply. Children, above three years of age, of respect able parents, will be received. From this it may be understood, that all adults must bring ■certificates of their standing in society. Adults may be cured in from one to ten days ; children require longer time. I’rices are regulated by circumstances, and will l>c made known on ap plication. Board can be had on reasonable terms. „ N. B. Mr. J. B. Cottrell was a stammerer ot the worst kind, and has been cured on Mrs, Leigh’s system. Cnarlotte, June 27, 1827.—3mt49 OjrThe editor of the Pioneer, Yorkvillc, and of the Carolinian, Salisbury, will publish the Rbove three times, and forward their bills lor payment. Stolen, ROM the subscriber’s stable in Concord, Cabarrus county, N. C. on the night of the 20th inst. two gray HOUSES, one of them hav ing a dark mane and tail, 7 years old, and a scar on his right hind pastern joint, occasioned by a rope ; the other horse is 10 or 11 years old, ra ther whiter than the other; both in good order and shod before, when stolen. They arc of the common size, but heavy built. A man, who calls his name William Dean, is suspected to be the thief. Dean was missing the same time the horses were. He is about 5 feet 7 or 8 in ches high, broad across the forehead, but his in either house of Congress : but 1 let colonial produce shpuld be withdrawn that pass. | by the United States,^’then, Mr. Vau- cnes nign, oroac. across u.c .ureuc.u, uu., It is not c(frtain wh'ether you now re-1 ghan was instructed to promise that your face tapers towards the chin, with a very larg(* i fpp to Mr. Camhreleng’s resolution, to j discriininating duties should be repeal- mouth; rather stoop shouldered, unpleasant i Flovd’s report, or Gen. Saiith’s, ed. I ">ight insist tl,at you refer to I Now, among these ‘re.trictions,” (in a former hismanhoodandisfondofmimickingthe Dutch.--- - n _ . ^ ^ ' vmi rpnrpspnt I brogue, and of gambling, and s.iys he is a car-1 the last, bt cause that is the only one of >ou expressly represent, j penter by trade. Had a blue cloth coatee with ; wiijd) the vvoi d “rejection,” ; letter to Air. (.lallatin) that the restric- a black velvet collar, 8>ay casinet pantaloons j^ that bill was tion on the circuitous voyage is the and black hat with a low tapered crown and] i . Ar^r-il lOth iT»n«t nfTfiikivf^ nnd iniiirioiifi ; althoiifrh broad rim. Fifty dollars reward will be given ; reported as late as April 19th DOCTOHS Thos. L Johnson & Thos. Harris, HAVINC; associated in the practice of MED ICINE, respectfully tender their services, rn the several departments of their profession, to the citizens of Charlotte and its contiguous country. They can at all times be found, at thfiir newly established shop, on tl»c lot form •■.•rly occupied by Dr. Thomas Ilcmlerson, twt iiundred yards south of tike Court-House, ex t ept when professionally engaged. 1 hey are in daily expectation of alresh and genuine as sortment of Medic,inc from I’hiladel]|>hia and IJew^York. 23' VuViVic l^utevtaittftveut. frinE subscriber informs his friends and the J. public, Uiat he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi .‘d by Dr. Henders^on, and is now prepared t« entertain travellers and others, who may please ?r) call o!i him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them conitortable, and iheir stay giveable. His table will l>e furnished with ev crv vanetv which the country atlbrds ; his bai with the best of liqnors ; .ind his staliles w iUi plenty of provender, and caretul servunts will be in constant attendance. UOIU'KT I. DINKJINS. Charlotte, April CU, \ '626. [From the Boston Patriot.] LETTER X. To the Right Honorable George Conning^ First Lord of the Treasury, &c: Sir : You observed in your letter to Mr. Gallatin, that, “ The only effect of this suspension (viz. the omission of all the British Colonial authorities to apply the act of Parliament to ihe commerce of the United States) was the continuance of the benefits of the then existing state of things to the United States for nearly a twelvemonth longer than they would otherwise have enjoy ed it.” I have shown you in my last letter, that this remark was altogether irrele vant to the matter in hand. The ques tion is not whether the continuance of this state of things was beneficial or not to the United States; but whether they were not fully authorized to infer from the fact, that none of the British colon ial authorities understood the act of Ju ly 1825 to apply to the United States, that it really was not intended to apply to them. You very judiciously evade the task of showing that this was not a fair in ference. Instead of doing this, you say “ That continuance was permitted by the Britiih Governiiient, mainly in consideration of the then pendency in the Legislatnre of the U- nited States, of the resolution hereinbefore mentioned, (or conforming to the conditions of the act of 1825.” 1 iiave become weary of charging you with the direct misstatement of impor tant facts. I beg to repeat, that I as cribe it merely to the haste in which your despatch must have been written, and to a sort of proud and genteel dis dain of patient investigation. You say the British Government sanc tioned the conduct of the colonial gov ernments in permitting the trade to re main open, on accoimt of “ the pen dency of the resolution hereinbefore mentioned.” I have shown you that no such reso lution as you describe was ever moved So subtly is this web of argumenta tion woven, that nothing but the closest attention will suffice to unfold it. The reader, who will but yield me this in tention, will not, I trust, regret it. On hearing that there w’as a bill be fore the Senate to repeal the discrimin ating duty, (for that is what you refer to, though you confound it with a reso lution which w’as moved in the House three months before) the British Gov ernment (it seems) came to the belief that Congress would not separate with out passing that bill. “ In that case,” you go on, “an instruction was sent out to Mr. Vaughan,” to do what? To ad mit us in general terms to the privile ges of the act of 1825 } No. To give us the right conceded of trading from the colonies to all other places (the mother country excepted)? No such thing. Mr. Vaughan w’as simply instructed to say, “in that case,” “ that the discrim inating duties imposed upon American ships and their cargoes in the West In dies should'imme^liately cease.” I beg your c?reful attention to this, because your partisan presses in En gland, and ours in America, have ve hemently maintained that the passage of Gen. Smith’s bill would have doue no such thing. But this is not all. Even the withdraw- ing of your discriminating duties w;is not to be bought simply by the repeal of ours You demanded much more, even for that concession. I earnestly beg the attention of my countrymen to this fact, that if Gen. Smith’s bill had passed, it would not even have procured the re moval of your discrimating duties. What is your language ? “ In that ca.se,” (viz. that Congress had passed the bill for the repeal of the discriminating duties,) and, upon re ceiving an assurance from the American Government that the restrictions and charges on British shipping and British ' What then was the meaning of these new special instructions to Mr. Vau ghan? This is the meaning : that when you stint them, t>ie idea had not yet occurred to you, that the act of July, 1825, waS to break up the negotiation with this country. This was an after thought^ dexterously caught up by you, to sootho the clamors of your shipping interest. So far from brf'aking up the negotia-^ tion, so far from trking the matter, oa* supposing it taken, out of the subsisting’ (though suspended) negotiation, you in structed Mr. Vaughan to resume that negotiation. You toll us what those in structions were. You say, in case ivo repealed the discriminating duties, Mr. Vaughan was to write tlte Secretary of State a note, telling him tha^- if the Gov ernment of the United Staterfw’ould far ther assure you, that the other restric* tions should be removed, that then your discriminating duties should cease. And yet a few lines farther on, you fin'd the countenance to say, you are “ At a loss to understand on what ground it? was assumed at Washington, that there would be, at alltimt s, an unabated disposition, on tho part of the British Government, to ^i&ke th» trade of its West India colonieg the Jibject of a iliplomatic arrangement.” W'hy, sir, you must have written thitf sentence with the same penful of ink with which you wrote thesentence alittlo preceding this, telling us that you your self, at this very stage of the controver sy, gave Mr. Vaughan new instructions “ for a diplomatic arrangement” of the trade,! 6c pleased to acccpt, the assurances, &c. AN AMERICAN CITIZEX. most fa- most olffcnsive and injurious ; although in 1824 you acquicsced in it, in the ne- gether with both or either of the horses. Any information sent me to the Post-Office in this place, will be thankfully received. JNO. E. MAHAN. Concord, N. C. July 23, 1827.—40 for his apprehension and confinement in any I I will adopt the supposition, • - • u Vi r» u 'ru- jail, or his delivery to me in Concord, C. to-' vvhen you speak of i gotlation With Mr. Kush. — Ihis, there the resolution rejected,” you refer to ^ tore, was, of course, among the rfestric- Mr. Cambreleng’s, which, however, I tions, the removal of which (m addi- was not rejected, but adopted without' to the repeal of our discriminating opposition. His resolution was not duties) was to procure us, not the ben- nloved till January 25th. You could j efils of the act of July 1825, Aw/ , not well have heard of it till February | the repeal of your discriminating du- The subscriber, in contempla- ' . your orders, in consequence, I to / tion of lus removal vo the u i a *\\\ West, oilers for sale his plantation could not have reached America till lying seven miles north-west from March 25th, and in allowing but sixty h^tte, on the road leading from Charlotte ' exchange of intelligence, , Beattie’s Ford. On the above tract there is i involving a deliberation For Sale. to Beatti a two stor\ dwelling-house and other necessary ^ i outbuildings. l*liave not given the particulars, oi your government upoil it, 1 certainly as I presume no one will purchase without. rnake an allowance nfost liberal towards viewing the premises. GEO. HENRY. Mecklenburg Co. July 20,1827-—3t42 you. ■ Now, on the 23d of January, in oth er words, more than two months before orders could possibly have come from I England, founded on Mr. Cambreleng’s 1 resolution, two days before, that reso- Charlotte, July 19, 1S27. PHILO WHITE, ESQ. 1 observed a notification in your paper, dated „ „ 14th inst. forliidding all honest persons, or for-, mOVed ut lVashington^i\^^ r.uncaat lUlimx, on me represent,,- you wish to know—you have it above. Mr. Kinder is noi worthy of my attention. Mr. White, you must prove these wilful and mali cious lies pubhshtd in yjur paper against the author of this. 3t42 AlIAZ FllENCH. % r ■J: 1 ,U i \A\>, By Walker Brown, and enured on the Stray Book of Mecklenbiirg county, a roan Horse, about IJ bands high, mij.posed to be 5 years old, and no pcrceivaljii’ i)rands. 11LOil J. M'CAIN, Hanger. July 2, 1827. -^t42 ^\y\\Ytutices. ANTED, at this Otlice, two bnys, 15 or W f 16 years of nge, as Apprentices to the l*rinting Business, T5tY\ctWYi'S. JUST PUBLISHED, aud for sale at this of- hce, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘ An Apologv for tlie Book ot Psalms, by Gilbert ilcMuster.’ To w hich are atlded, Kemarsk (n a book, [by AleX:tnder Gordon] entithd ‘The design and use of tlu- l$ook ot Psiilins.’” lU lit.Mir A.M. NN itli an A|)peiuli\, by .loiiN M. \Vi;soN, pastor ot Kocky UivcT and J'UliJf.lplU'A, _ _ i __ Andreu Hoyl vs. fetate oIl XoY\\\-V'aYoUua, Lincoln County. iSupcri^r Court of Lau', April Term, A. D. 1327. 'I Petition for division of the The heirs of Mason y real estate of said Mason Huson, dec’d. and [ Huson, deceased, others. J I T having been nuide to appear to ihe Court, that Solomon Stowe and Parnilla his wife, and John Triddle, who arc defendants in tins suit, live without tlie limits of this State: It is therefore onlered by Court, timt publication b»- made six weeks in tiie ('..‘awba Journal, giving notice to tlie said Solom.n Stowe and Parnilla his wife, and to John Friddlc, that they appear before the Judge of our next Supeiior Court ot Law, to be Ik Id for Lincoln county, at the Court-House in Lincolnton, on the 4th Monday after the 4t!i Monday of September next, men and ther^ to answer t>r demur to the s:tid peti tion, otherwise it will be Xaktu pro cuiiftssu, and adjudged accordiii^^ly. Witness, Law'son Henderson, Clerk of said Court, ut Lincolnton, the 4tU Moiulay after the ■Uh Monday of March, A. D. IbJr, and in the Slbt year of ;he Independence of the Liutcd 1-ANNSUN ilKNDLUSON. 6t46—pr. adv. bJJ Even this poor “ boon” was not to accrue to us as a matter of course ; an other proof that you did not yourself in tend to apply to the United States the law of July 1825. No, Mr. Vaughan was, by special instructions^ to inform the Secret;^ry of State, that these dis- scriminating duties would cease. It is scarcely credible (though plain matter of fact) that you should through two-thirds of a long letter have argued, that the act of Parliament of 1825 oifer- ed, on certain conditions, to the United Slates, the repeal of all discriminating duties in your colonies, and u trade from those colonies to all the rest of the world ; that you should maintain that those conditions were so understood by Congress ; that you should speak of aa omission to puss Gen. Smith’s bill (proposing only a repeal of our duties) Public opinion is rapidly developing it self. From the East—from the VVes® and from the North, the news is most cheering. The violent hostility of tho leaders of the opposition to Domestic Industry as protected bv the Woolen Bill the defeat of the hundred and sixti/ thousand doUarSf Intereht saving bill—tho violent indiscriminate opposition to the Administration, right or wrong, and the bitter peraonal denunciation of the members of the Government, w^ho have grown old in the faithful performance ofpublic service are combined, producin^y strong reaction, and the People are ral lying with a firm and cheerful spirit iu defence of their country. Village Record, The editor of the New York Evening Post, who has recently enlisted as a com mon soldier in the ranks of the Oppo«i- tion, is at a loss how to comprehend th« conduct of Mr. Senator Van Buren who advocated the “ American system” at Albany last week, and thus appeared “ia favor of the project which he so strpngly opposed at Washington last winter,” This system of tactics is perfectly consistent with the whole scope of Mr. V. B’s po litical life, and before Mr. Coleman cau become expert in wheeling to the right and left and to the right about, and march under his new commander, he mutit take s few lessons more from the drill aerg«ant. Balt. Pat. tion of the lirilish Insj)Cvtor General revoked the order excluding our com merce from that port And yet you leave it to be inferred tiiat this revocation took place in conse- qtienceof the pendency of the resolution! Here ; must make a long extract from . . . youHeU,M-,bulmyco.nme..tsonitshall reject,un of those cou,l.l.uns; and i .• 11. i yet say, in the*sanie letter, that if we V;(n\s\A\>\v'A WvvvvttVils, i-, ihisC'ffia. be proportionably short: “ Immediately upon tbe receipt of authentic intelligence of these proceedings at Waslung- tion, an instruttion w as sent out to Mr. \ uughan, grounded on the belief of the British Govern ment, that Congress would not separate, with out adoining the resolution then under their consideration. In that case, and upon receiv ing an assurance from the American Govern ment that the restrictions and charges on Bri- tich shipping and on British colonial pro duce, would be withdrawn by tbe United Sl.ttPS, Mr. Vaiighan was authorized to deliver a note’to the American Secretary of Slate, de claring—that tbe discriminating duties imposed upon American ships anti their cargoes in the Uost Indies should inimet'.iatly cease. Mr Vaughan was actually in possession of this in struction, when the resolution, on the assumed adoption of which the iiislructitiii to Mr. Vaii- i^han hail been founded, wvs rejected. It was no part of .Mr. Vaughan’s duty to make make anv connnunic.ttion upon the sub ject to 'the Aineriian go\crnnieiit, be- tore the result of the discussion w .s ascertain- ed. After tbe result (whwlly unexpected in this country) any surh communication would h4\e Ih'cii not only iiieless, but niiglil perhaps h:i'e bfeii i fin^in'erLi! .is an in.jiioper appeal a- •gainst the foriiuU AtQtnwQ J-Cg- had passed that bill, and if, besides thisy we had promised to admit the circuitous voyage, then IMr. Vaughan would liave delivered a iioto to Mr. Clay, informing him that we should be, not entitled to the benelits of the act of 1825, but ad- iiccidents on the 4/A—Many distressing^ accidents occurred in different parts of the Union, in celebrating the Anniversary of our National Independence. In Ba’th in Steuben County, N. Y. a young man by the name of Morgan, had both of his arms shot ofl’, and his h^dy mangled in » shocking manner. An artillery comjiany, to which he belonged, was firing a six pounder, and he rushed before the gun to ram down nuM-e wadding, at the moment the match was applied to the piiining. IIc was intoxirattd at the time. No hopes were entertained of his recovery. The same day, at CJlen’sFalls, in New-York, three men were injured for life by a premature discharge of a field piece. One man had both his arms torn off, and subsequently died; one of the 1 II • • L I • -.1 J arms of another was shot off; and the man mitted into the liritish colonies withoiiti .^,^ attended at the vent hnd all i!i« discriminating duties. | f,hirers of his hand torn off. At Schagh- For what earthly purpose did you m- ncoke, New-York, on the satne lav. struct Mr. V'aughan to deliver iuch a note ? It could not have been by way of com- owin2 to a similar accuier.t, f)tie man !;ad a pari of his breast blown off wiifi ij'tle proi-pect of rer.overv; and another mdi- municaling to our government the provi-j vidual received a sei ious injury. At the sioiisofyouractof Juiy,1825,on theful- celebiation at Germantown on the fourth filmenlof the conditions on which they ^ li^iddey lost his hand. This were teniiereil, because (vou know) “ it understand, wa^ occasioned ut5 to : bre oft a cannon a nu- is not the habit of the twugovernniei coniiiiunicate to each other acts of their respective Legislatures and because (you know also) “tlie simplest course her of timeb in quick succession, u hereby the piece became so heated that the niau who hafl his finger on the touch-hole was obliged to remove it. The explosion was to allow the provisions ol the act to j pj^jce as soon as the atmospheric lind their way to general knowledge tiirou«ih the usual ehanu;lii of cunimer- ciui infurmiilioiv'* came in contact wiih the heated jjowder. —Two men iost iheir lives at Wihnin^iai) (Del.) by ol’caauoa.

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