Wi.Lii -rr.cAc ib\-'of tVose c^tprc.- tions, youkiieu, froin the (U-batt's in Sc i*> 'VI'ncii i'tc StMiritr U) ui'ncti you tflrr, Itial tl»r 7'i.itcd St.i’es enleiiainetl nai only the ho|>e, l)iit the expectution of coming to r\ mutually acceptable arniii^t'nient on the subject. You knew that the only liilTtTCtiCe of opinion existing Frcfc the M; liilcl • u -i. \va.s. astotbc mof/c of ctfcctinp;an object, ihe Stair which all admitted to be desirable, and believed to be attainable. You ha(l been jnfornned, by Mr. Gallatin, that be was the bearer of instructions, “autbonz- inp; the hope that their result would be .satisfactory.” This intimation from Mr. Gallatin being made with a perfect knowledge of the whole matter ; of all the difficulties and ob.-,lacles which had >ver existed, on the part of either Gov ernments, must have been understood hy you, as it w’as intended to be, a ilistinct assurance, that, in consideration of the important concessions of the act of.Tulv 182j, the United States w'ould ■^raive*the only remaining point of scri- yu«: difTerence. Yet you allow yourself to talk of the f^xistence of some “known subject of ineurabledifTerenceof opinion,’’between (Irnat Britain and the United State.s, on this question. Your incurable diflcrence of opinion 29 as ima^ir ai>, as your unalterable determination” to adhere to the Tol- onial System was transitory. That unalterable determination, on your part, on which you say the nef^otiation was SU‘5prndcd, on the 28th July, 18i31, was revoked by your act of July 5, 1S25. You had every reason of probability, in jiH lifion to the lan;uap;e of debate in tV. Senate of the United States, and of l\tr. Gallatin’s assurance, to believe and tn know, that the incurable diiTcrence of ouinion had followed the fate of the ’jnalterable determination to an early gravp. The position of your argument on all tbo e points is rendered still more en»- sins: by the fact, that long after the ci’tc cl your act of July, 18‘J5, long af- te- *he period, when, as you now say, y j'il.il resolved lo substitute legisla tion ff^r negotiation, you had furnished Mr. Vaughan with instructions, to rc- Tiiiv tfj' Jicgotiation, on the contingen- fv f the repeal of our discriminating iiu I' OS. One supposition, and one alone, ex plains all those inconsistencies and con tradictions ; all these forced and uufoim- ded statements ; all the?e after thoughts. Y'ou were, in the spring of 182G, borne down by tlie clamours raised by your shipping interest, against the change in vour Colonial System. Eager fur some pretext, on W’hicb to abandon the policy of the act of 1S25, you seizeil on that of nicking a quarrel with the Arneiican tjiovernmcnt, of which you are now trying to lay the blame on our shoul ders. In one more letter, sir, the last with T^’hich I shall trouble you on the occa sion, I shall state more distinctly the grounds of this supposition, and recapi tulate the facts of the whole case. Meantime, I pray you to accept, the assurances, &c. AN AMF.UICAN Cl I IZKN". Jin InfaUabk Jte'nedij for the Tooth Jlcfie. —A lady of this town lias favored us ■vfiih the folUnving: Receipt, which she says has never failed to produce the de sired f ficcts, ahhoufjh tried in innumera ble instances. Make a solution of Cani- pbur and (>ulvprised Capnne pepper dip therein a small quaniiiy of raw cot ton and apply it to the an'ccted tooih, and it will giv instant relief. To prevent the composition’s getiin^j to the throat lay a bit of rn{f ever the tooih for a few moment*. IVLmingto'i Herald. SILK. In the counties of Windhanr) and Tol- latul, in this stale, silk has, for many yeais, been a staple article of produce. 'The soil of W indham county, is> we be lieve, Kentrally hard and rocky-^ltss here j valuable lor tillage than many purls oi 5:ntclHfrrncr. The Mulberry tree, \»hich fteds the silkworm, requires bui u small portion ol spjce, and the insects a)C attended, gen- trally, by boys and girL, so that little or no time is rccjuired, which would other wise be devoted to agricultural or manu- fttCturing pursuits. During the year ISCr*. ttie value of silk raised in tho rr-nii- ty of Windham, was estimated at 000. Thr value of the silk manufacture of Great Britain is reckoned at g45,000,- 000, and gives support to 300,OuO souls —Yet she imports all the raw material, anti her manufacturers have hitherto been ol)ligced to pay a duty of one dollar per pound on that raw material, 'i'he me chanical skill nece::sary for the silk man ufacture, is soon attainable by our enter- prizing countrymrn ; and \vhen we consi der that wp ran produce the raw material to an indefinite amount, wc arc at once impelled to the conclusion that the sub ject assumes the air of national impor tance. We have been informed, by a very in telligent »entl(*man, who has paid much attention to the sufiject, that silk tan be afiordiMi by the pound, at a much less rate in Conneciicut or any of the States, than the average price in France or Italy—ow ing, partly, to the rent of land being low er among us ; the climate subjecting the worm to fewer diseases; and the tree affording more leaves for feeding them. Should this prove lo be tjur, on more experience, it would afford us rm advan- taja* in commencing the manufacture of so important an article, insuring, as it would, our first attempt against foreign comp«‘tition, and preventing the necea- sity of protection from government. \V-e here take the liberty of saying, that Mr. Samuel Spalding, of tbis town, has grown this year, some hundred thousands of the silkworm. nh>:k;o. By private advices, we learn that tiie Congress of ilic-se hu'es aojoiirnrd on the 21sl May. Few acts oT j;tnerul in terest were pubsed during its long session. The most siriking 'was that depriving European Spuniarcis of the oPwces they held under the Federal (io\ernnicnt, but AvALA^cHn.—A Montpelier (Ver mont) paper describes the sliding of u large quantity of earth and rocks from a mountain in Lincoln, Addison county, on ihe 27ih ult. The slide commenced from near the summit of the mountain. “ In its course it swept every thing in its way ; overturning trees by their roots : divesting them of roots, branches, and I)uik, often breaking them in short j)ie- Cfs, A number of the rocks were moved some distance, judged to weigh from fif teen to twnity tons. From, where it entered mill brook, its course was a tiorili easterly direction, 280 rods, the natural course of the brook which was very small, but ihe channel, cut by ihis freshet, ia now from two to ten rods in width ; and on either side are large qantities of flood wood, piled up in many places very high ; and fioni fifteen to twenty rods of the lower part is blocked up across the chan nel iti every direction. Some of the trees are standing on their tops, and generally stripped of roots, branches and bark, and broken in many pieces. The pile in some places is ten feet higli. Much of the timber is apparently buried several feel in sand and mud. One large birch tree was broken ofl' square, measuring tluee feet and nine inches where it was broken. One black ash was literally pounded into a broom, whose brush is seven feet long. The whole distance of these, ravages is a mile and a half, ar.d the quantity of huid thus suddenly meta morphosed into a barren waste, is l^k^nty five acres. The force of waiermust have been very great, at which we can/ujt wonder, when we consider the probable depth of the water. In some places, from appearanres, it must have been 30 feet high. Some of the trees on the sides of the cl.anncl were barked 30 or 10 feet high, and mud on them at that height. V Bu/;s —The spirit of Tar is so power ful j poison lo tiiese ni"htlv visiters, that as s )on as it comes in contact with one it instantly difs. It should be applied by mcdiis of a STTiall painting brush to the joints iiTid crevic' S f>r cracl.K in tl'.e bed- continuing to them tbe payment ol their salaMts. The l*i!l of Public Credit was not taken up, and the New 'i ariH was left unfinisherl. A (It cree wos pai,5'’d, enact ing funeral fuinors to tho l)uke of iork, whicli are, afipomted lo take place^ on the 1st, I’d, and anti r>«l ot July. i his measure we iniglit bel disposed to criti cise, as ir.consisteni oti the part of Ke- |)ublics lo rnoui'u the dcuth of IMlntes who have not been bttKl'aciors to man kind; bui time will devdopc to our nelgh- hours its inconvenience, also, il^ they mean to mourn in future, as in justice they mtist, after this piecedent, ihe de- I niise of European Princes. We do not remember that our friends, the Mexicans, paid any ptiblic tribute, as did the Co- lornbians, to the memory of Adams and Jf fl’ersofi. ^Ve would fain ask why this dUtinction ? A most extraordinary and dangerous measure has been adopted bv the Legis- luture of Vera Cruz af;ainst Mr. Esteva, late Secretary of the Treasury. Appoin ted, it appears, by the President, Com missary General of the Customs at V'era Crux, he had just arrived to enter upon the duties of hisofBce. when he was com pelled, by an order of the legislature, “to leave the State, without any excuse or pretext wliatever, within the lerm of sev- eniy-iwo Imurs Irom the date of the or der at Jalapa; his departure being neces sary, in order to preserve tranquility.” Party spirit and individual hale appear lo have provoked this outrageous viola tion of personal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution, and ofihe rights of an oHicer of the General Government. It is with deep regret that we notice these dissensions in the new Republic—a stain upon their reputation abroad, and so pre- judical 'c themselves at home. Dates to the I7ih May have been receiv ed in Mexico from Guatemala. There were hopes that the disturbances would sooti terminate, but President Acre bad not yet entered San Salvador. This is represented as a strong place, and, if re sistance be resolved upon, the struggle may belong. The President ntoved his quarters, on the 7th, fr®m Nejapa to A- popa, where he remained on the lOtb ; a rkirmish having taken place two days before. Mexico is charged with taking advan- \ tage of the disorders of (iautcmala to se duce the province of Peten to join the Mexican Iecleration, in like manner as she poiscssed htrsclf of Ghiaiias. I\'at Intd. fl'.tra ; i' .• tij ’. ailv..- isj York Courier, dale.d Siralo^;;! Spriin-sj, 1S‘J7. ■ '■ '•* The Ex-King of Spain, and the sons.of •“ hup, ol the tnow-v/hiie plunu- ’* are here. The young l.lurat i;i av.Ty handsome man, and to tbe aitonithm n* of the upstarts, is a very unassuming and courtcoub genileman. They cunticl understand bow a prince, a Kind’s should not. swell and swagger, and lak* ^ . airs upon himself. They do not unde: Lotidon before Lord 1 enderdon, stand the secret, that young Murat Uie English Judges, which deserves to be sense, and gocd fcelit us vvboie our hurt v.s certainly do not mean to iu-'inuale that it was aimed a^. us individually, but we think it will be some time before we a- gain trust our persons in a Canadian As- semhlv, where conviction proceeds from 1 logs of wood, and the accents of persua- 'nun are wafted by the whistling of dt> stiu*.tive missiles.” rase of slander was lately tried in recorded for the use of some of those whom it may fit.' A victualler and a liv ery-stable keeper resided near each other. A dispute arose between them which em bittered their feelings. The victualler told a person with whom ihe keeper of the stable traded for corn, that “he had better mind what he did in that quar ter.” In consequence of this and similar inuendoes, the irade of the latter was in jured, 30 that from keeping about thirty horses, his stock was re ’uced to two.. He. brought an action against the victual ler for slander, and recuvereU i-liO Notional -Certainly the mon strous absurdities which we believed ot France during the war, were only etjual- led by the absurdities the French believed concerning us; our attacks were only mulched by their reprisals. Alone time we attemp'ed to starve a country con taining thirtv millions of acres more than the United Kingdom, as if it bad been the rock of Gibraltar. Then we cut off the Jesuit’s bark, that the poor devils might die at once of looseness and emp tiness. W’e foretold their ruin by their assignats, they our ruin through our bank notes. The great spoiled child of victory assailed us by taking dandelion roots in stead of coffee ; he aimed a latal blow at us by sweetening it with bad sugar, but we parried the'stroke by drinking bad wine. In the end, however, be did not die of his beet root, nor did we sink under our sloe juice. We ha\e resumed our cash payments, and the financ's of France, notwithstanding the great burthens im posed on her since the peace, are in a most flourishing condition. London Magazine. tig, well bred, and consequently unassuuHn}>. possessing real claims to notice, and roi) sequently not compelled to twagtnr. You will always find this (.^btinction\^.. iween the real gentleman and the upstiii-;- ihe real gentleman is habiluaily and ihe upstart by siarta ; the real gciitli.' man is alwa>s so, whether in ^oo(] or bud humor, ihe upstart lets :l.t ‘ ta' out of the bag,” whenever he it[ argument or disputation. 1 cannot withhold a few words al'ou: Joseph Bonaparte. For several s-.rctb- sive bumuiers, it has b»'en my cha>ue to meet him in society, an/l a more amuhle digniiied and courteous mm, i ne\er suw! He is not much of a talker, but when lie does fcpeak, it is to the point. We know cot whether the following Is, a houx or not. If it is literally correct, wc hope the Frenchman will be abl-' to get his balloon oft' with more expediilDn than is us:uai in xrial ascents ; or he mav go dowH instead of up.—A”. F. Novel S/)Cctaclc.—The tavern keepers at, the Falls intend enhancing the pleasuie of the visilerj by a spcc.acle alike gr.tno and novel. They bavo purcliused a ves sel of .'00 hundred tt-";. burthen .; which with ail her car,va'is spread r.nd decorat ed bei'UtifuHy, will !>>* piloit-d by a I'rench man into the Rnplcis aljove the Horse Si'()i*,wlirrethf' pilot ascemls trom thedeck in a !)allf)ot:, and leaves tlje vessel to her own course in crossinf> the mighty caiut act. Tbe proprietors will unuoulufdiy have a rich liarvest from the crowds tltiif wili throng to ihe sight, which takes jjluce in the latter part of Seiiteuiber. r.’si/''r.9 to yiiv^ura FnHf.—'I’he York (U, ; Observer of the 9th inst. gives the following des?ription of visiters then resilient r.t Hrown’s spacious and elegant hotel, who had come lo view the Niagara i I'alh. ;—a Swiss Colotiel, three Consuls, PENSACOLA, JULY 13.—Com. PortcT ar rived in this City yesderday in a Pilot lioat, acconipanied by LJmond Law and Edw’d Gritien, Esqr’s. his Secretaries, .and bis son. Midshipman Thos. Porter ; in good health, last from Key West, where it was (juite healthy. Left Commodore Laborde’s squadron of two frigates and a brig, cruizing off the harbor. The Mexican Privateer Moiestador arrived just at their departure, with a prize in company ; bad a few days before captur ed and destroyed several sail of Spanish Drogers olF Muriel witliin gun shot of the Battery, which was firing at her at the time. The prisoners are now on board the Libertad. Gazette. The Chevalier Don Francisco Tacon was presented on Tbusday last, to the President, by Mr. Daniel IJrent, of the Department of State, as Minister Regent from Spain, and was received by the Pre sident in that charactcr. I'utt. Intd. Steamboat Exphni/ja.—A jury in En gland has returned a verdict of man slaughter aj^ainst the Engineer of a Steamboat, for the bursting of the boiler, by which a person goi scalucd lo death. Btiitt-essiiig Ovcurr€7i('c.—\w inquest was held in Hicltniond on Monday, over the body of a negro boy named Charles, about I'J or 14 years old, the property of Capt. Carter. The verdict of tbe Jury is in these words : That the said Charles came to h.is death in the following man ner.—He was put into the smoke-house in the yard by order of his master, placed upon a chair, and u rope tied loose about his neck for the purpose of alarming him, and deterring him from the commission of some ads disagreeable to his master ; and that the boy was found off the chair, and the rope not being long enough to allow his feet lo rcach the floor, he strang led lo death. The Jury say this happen ed at about 11 o’clock this day ; and that he came to his death in this way aud not otherwise.” 23d July, 1827. s.eao^»iKU!«oi:.j,r,,lac.5,>l i,Honor, the wuinscotnr uull. Sonoiious is the | (jcylon, Si.lncv, (N. s.n.ll ol .he spuit tu ihcsc vTnniM, thal ^ Ihitidi, S,«m,h a.i.l llayiion Jh,-y dcser: l..c- b.d where i; „a!. b;-ui us- lamily Vroin ^ I Coiistaiiiiiiople, gentlemen from licrliii, ^ ■* i .Moscow, Madtid, Madeira and Malta, A commercial traveller lately Iri’t nr; I five f;-o:ii the dear land, three from the n.-tic.le belonging to his wardrobe at an | land o’c..l.es, and four from England—all inn, an^l wr(;ie to the chambermaid to 1 highly plea:.ed wit’i t!>e splendid enter- I'oiwurd it to him f>y coaofi, in answ •^hirb he received the jolluwing : Murder.—Inquisition taken at tbe house of Wm. Grace, in the county of Henrico, Va. on the 18ih July, 18:27, be- bore J. Keessee, Coroner for said county, copied from the Jiic/iimnd Coinpi/er.— “ Upon viewin.g the body of the deceased, Isaac Reed, a free man of color, and up on the oaths of a jury, summoned lo in quire in what manner the said Isaac Reed came to his death ; state, after having carefully examined the body of the de ceased, and finding thereupon stripes made by a lash of a cowhide, or lash of some kind ; and also, that the deceased having a rope tied about his arms, a part of which extended across the throat to the lobe of each ear, leaving a strong inipression on the neck, and causing the tongue lo extend beyond the leelh, and considerably swollen ; and also that they have examined several witnesses, whose tetimony gje» to prove that WilTmni Grace, Samuol II. W'hipple and David Henderson, of the said county, couiniit ted the above i ccited acts of \iolence oi the IGth and 17lh ins-tants, at the house ♦ ot the said Wm. (irace. 'i'he Jurors LRX1^G^0^, (kY.) Jl'LY 18.—Mr. Cl.A\, fiera short vuit, sat oul from this ijiacc on his journey to Washington, on Mon day last, and dined that day N' i’li (lie ci tizens of Bourbon coun»y,al Paris, wi.eie a sumptuous ente 'Jinruent !i.:d l.'fen |iri- pared, and an imiu».ni!e concc..r e sembled to uclcouu and lioii >r , m. W'c arc informed by sevi u! pcisoi.s ulv., wer» present, that the number at t!iu dinner could not have been less tiiati Lt- iween 4 or 5000. About 700 ladits at tended, for whom suitable arraiigcrrK ii: had been made by the manaj^ers. Atn^ period of Mr. Clay’s life has a more i‘i»- thusiastic attachment to him been mani festcd by bis friends. The pul)lic gen':: ally have united in acts of kindtu ss to wards him, and in expression.s of confi dence and esteem. His principles am' the measures he has advocated, have rv- peatedly heretofore been- assaiJeil by ;1k. party now opposed to bi.n, but always in vain. The combined efforts now maklr\;- by the same parly lo put him down, atui their attempts to destroy his char:^ctei. will also fail. These attacks do but stin', ulate his friends to uphold him at.d to shield him from the poisoned arrows i i his calumniators. Iteportcr. I I'.ope, dear f.lr, yor.’il not tVt;! hur’-> I’ll Iranis IV teil you all abnut it • •, e nitiiie u ''.liit't of your old sliirt, And you ir.usl make a sluf’t v/ithot.* i*.' '.Vhile it lasts, notl.ing in tfie whole •; nr? of met.til poison c tcJcs like par- it st-eriis by soiiie dcmcniacal to change our very being; ii.- lliiii- s U'e very iife-t)!ood u .elf, and pen- rh#* 'vholf^sonie system of itie ]Kt- ti'f-'. wH' Ktio '-s nr*. while un ' /I i'T. ler.' f j tainments aflbrded l)y tbe enterprising • proprietor of the Ontario Hou'je. In the grand piazzas may be seen at limes, exiled Monarchs, iJi-publican Generals, jl.iiropean Ambassadors, Whi^s, Tories, Kadicdh and lloyalistb, and Naval and Military Ofncers of almost every i?ation in Eurojie, who come to view the mighty and indeocribubie works of the God of nature ditplaytd at the Fall: were unanimonly of opinion, tliat the de ceased came to his death by the hands of the said Wm. Grace, S. II. Wliippl*.- and D. Henderson, and not otherwise.” W understand that the above named persons have been coiumilled lo Jail. Thtmder.—Mr. T.ussell, in his “Tour, in Ciermany,” mentions that thunder storms are very fixMpient and destructive in some parts of Silesia. It sometimes thunders daily for JO days together. Tl'.ere is scarcely a vi!la;;e or church which has not been set on fire by light ning, and some of littrn more than once. So certain is it held that lightning v ill bold st,md again.st Innmperance.-^The produce a conllagratiot), that the momctii ^ Presbyterian Cimrch in the storm commences, per.'>ons who have j have recently formed themselves charge of fire-engines repair to thdr!» Temjierance Society, and unani posts, and are in readiness to act. A [j^'^^sly resolved that they will not n»anu " ■ ■ ’ the uors to be wh»n tbe ceiling of liie church, set his wig ou ) p''»-scribed by a physician, or in’cases of sickness. They iiave also resolved unani- posis, and are in readiness to act. A resoneci mat tiiey will not nu clergyman oi' Hirbchfield was killed ju ! lecture cr stll, or be engaged in bis pulpit, while he was preacli'tig. 'i'he i ^'^t^iif'tciurc or sale ol spirituous liqu lightning descende.i along the iron cliain i sufier any intoMicating liquor ii by vviiieii tbe piilpii was i.uspeuded fVom j their ianiilies, except fire, and killed him iasiaiitly. Tbe editor of tlie Montreal Gazette, in giving an account of the proceedings hey have also resolved unani inously, that tliey will make it an dispensable prerequisite to admission ■ nto their pale, that the candidate or of a pretty tumultuous meeting in thal candidates shall agree not to become Zcvrth Colburn, the m'athem&tical gen ius, whose wonderful power ofcompulitig numljiiLs astonished the literati of Eu rope, is now minister ofthe gospel ir. the '^lethodist cotmexior in -city, for tbe purpose of nominating a member of the Legislature, says, he, bitnself. was knocked down by a' billet of wood, thrown by bome one of the crowd. He adds— “ So compreUiai.iive an hint was notjous fur. to b? negl‘j'-.ted, aucl ouv f’-i!.*::U?= r?"ve>e .' I r.. Cotton Manufactori/.-^Wc Icarn tha: stock has be»‘ji subscribed, and a Com pany formed, for establishing a Cotton .Manufactory at Petersburg. A lease is obtained of Osborne’s Mill-Seat fur tin: purpose. It is lo contain fronv 2000 lu .2500 spindles, a«d is expected to inukf' 1000 yards of cloth daily, a maikct !or which will be found on the spo*. wish it success, and should be glad to v s others established. There are many itllt hands in the country, w ho might !;i‘ thu* usefully employed. MiTVJj; gait vith hay.—An Lnhli^"- ap;ricuUuralist has gi\tn some, iniero;'.i')' information lo farmers, on the mixing salt with hay. He says that 1 has been in the habit of seasoning' i' - hay, wbicU he (jave his post and sta,'; ' horses,for thirty years, lli^ usual p'- tice is to mix about a peck to a i '-‘ keeping a boy spriuLling whilst uniUJi^ Mr. Wood adds, that he has one spread ten bushels per acre on .soine 1j>'“ sown with barley, froin which he enced the most beneficial eiT'Cts. making use of salt, hay of au (lualiiy may be rendered almost ' that of a superior kind withoL.t it. farmers have been in tbe praclicf emplo)iny this article in seasoninf,’ hay fot many years ; but we should that it might be used moie r:?terSiVt-' and with ilie most happy results. engaged in the sale or inanufacfiie of spirituous liqttors, nor to drink such b- (juors for tlie reasons above mentioav:d- ~l'nis is strong ground, it is true: but it is taken against a ttrong and daMgei Sjiirrcb.—In consequence of city of beech rmts in the woods t.l * ‘ Ilamprhii e, these quadrupeds have -' sallied forlfi ti> tbe forn fields ol thct-i *’ eis, and Cwmmitied extensive lions. A party of men tuii>» d out tl'.eir guns ou the .Mb ult. and bruui;-' home no less than 174i. Oil the I'-'- * the same paity resumed their * V’ e of (Jod and ! produced a total of yj5C. V .. > •. •' ’

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