■ppnfi ffmm I roiii I'ouliOii's AiIwM’tibi I'. “ M. I i'i.s X : ilt-wi‘vtr averse i- tlip thv pfii ill piilnicj! itiK, the old spirit «.1’’76 Ailliiol allow me Kj roniaiu silent. 3t aj)[)i.-ar> lhv4i ill ihe tit) of i’liiladelphia, on ihc irih anti 20ili of August, 18‘J7, j>iTsorf. callinj; Ilictiiselvcs cilizeus ot I’hil^dclphia and il^ vicinity, and Uepuh- hfld mfclini:;H. I'or what pui- U r.-i :i str-i. of ill. T.V l.ttfv, ii.iin.CJi u> l!.f U!its oT I'.lvr I(jrrolu'idlts liis tlfchualion lliut lif did not r»ill OK lifiK rui Jac ksciu ub the ajjClit ot uii} ottici' person. LATLST V'KOM 1,1 VKUl’OOL. .\r.\v-\OKK, skit:;mi!l; vM. liy Iho sill]) L'lilted States, Capi. Wil- futf (A' Mr. Claiit.inu-. 'I'lio puldic Miiiid waskfptiri a state ol'aliei nute hupr and iVariluriiijj tlic wludeofWedtiesday. On Thursday afternoon, tlsu melancholy rorel)odin|;s oi' tlie public were sealized l>y tlie arri\al of thi* London stagc-coach* es, brinj'inij’ropics of the secotid editions I of the liioniiti?^ papers, which contained tljt: sad lid mg'* of ihe death of t'.ie yrea- j»ose ?"\Vhy, to prevent the cili.retjs ofj^i’J'* whicli arrived last cveniin;, havnit.j. titutei.nian of modem time’s. The I’liiiadelpdiia, (if they saw fit,) froni giv- I.ivei pool ou t!ie l.’ili ulmuo, '''t | i;,iclligeiicc spread with ra- a dimior to Henry Clay, should he ' ' * "* \is:t our City. A larj^c coniniiitee was iippoinied to carry the wishes of the iTii trting into efi'ect. This is new licpuh- havi." i c( civfd -oiidon papers to llite\en- j pidity throuf^hout the town, ii injjol tliC ILili, arid Liverpool pujjers to j liveliest rt;*r»'t among all jnd excited all classes of ilie l.)ih ini.lusivc. ^ ^ i inhabitants, 'l la* niaiTwas surround- Mr. CanniM^ died ut Chis^*'ic.. on the I y,| prcictlirij^ evenin2;, and the liciii.ism. Have our citizens j;ol so far Sth ol August. Ilis diso/dei-.'.vas luilaui-j s 11,0,.Q,owded than on de'jased in their Republican jjrinciples, niatioti f t the inie.stiiies and gauyrene, ^„y occasion within our remembrance. ‘-i.w> %.-.i11_ atti’ibutcd principany tuinteuse aiteniiun We tiow lay before our reaclers a nar rative of the illnebs and death of Mr. Canninij^, which we liave compded froni tiie accounts that have appeared in the London journals. as lo hold raeetini^s aiic} choose coinmil- tces, to violate the first piinciples of civilization—to set common decency at tiefiance—and pass lesol’.itions that would jnake the g;reatest tyrant on earth blush, if one idea of civil liberty had ever been permitted to enter hi.s mind ? We cliallcnj^e the Committee to pro-j'iH>re intense^ in diice an act of any I'yrant whatever— ‘he illness oI ?>lr. more 'ryraunical ; rnore Aristocraticul, or more decidedly hosiile to the Liberties oi’ rhe People, than th»J proceediiip"; >f these tv.'o meetinfi;*. Ilajjpy would it h ve been for the honor and character of tif OitV'jf Piiilailelpliia, if these nifet- iri^ ^ na'l never taken place. lJut the Kt ,ju.')liran meetit>;rH '.vere held—the lie-joIii"o?is pas:;ed, and promuii^atrd to hio o^kud duties. Intense interest was exci'ed by the ill ness oi Mr. Canning, 'i he l.ondon cor- lespondeni ot the Livfrpoul C:ourier, un der date ol‘ the Glii Aiij;. sayi—No e- vent within oui- recollecuon has excited a iiti rest in the city tliai. Cinniii;^-. The anxiety to leain the latest iiiiellijjence fruin Chii;- wick was unabateil tin uuj^liuut ll'e day, a:.d the innuiries were >o numerous and incessatit mat 11 fiiemed as if tl'.v nier- MU. CANNING’S LAST M0MKXT5. The di!i'erent Lomloii papers (^i\-- dif ferent and coiiCictiiig arcouiits of the last moments of ihi^ illustrious statesman ; i'.ccounts w hich we have collected lor the iiiformalion of cur readers, placing' th»- authority on which the statement rests chants had abanf'onetl iheir usual oceu-| at the end of each paragraph : j,itions lor lli'J purpcs': of maUiiij; tliL-m. j 'Lbc f-verish e/.citement which pre- i’lu* exciiaii;;e v.us near!) as miu li ihronij- I vailed in tlie immediule tsci;^hhoi hood of with much Dictatoiial irKiecenr y, and Jiawe.one forth to tlie world, a iKemento lie si*i iit iti of'b.” f'dly and incf>nsistenry of some of tlu- Cl-:zens of IMiiladelphia, who call llieniselvt s Re}>ublieans. W'l' th'tik 'he whole proceedinfjs of the inet*'in‘.• uere inedccent, and come fairly wir! .11 he purview of the old ada^e— w itii of decency is want of sense.” 'I’his (■d (Uiriii';- Use day as it is during t'ae hours ol ir,!:!i.acii:iji; bustue.’!.. ve.-y marked en\.ci was produced on the pu'.)- C;iiswi.:k lor sonu days j>asi, has ter- miiiateil in the tiiorla! career of tlio cc!e- f;r;'.t!.;d inilivid.uai, wiiuse unfortunate ( oriditiun v/as the ori;>-ir) of it. The sit- 'I'he I.ctulon C'ouiicr ut Auj^u^t ’0th, j u.ilioii of Mrs. Canning' ioli'utdy pitiable, says of ministerial arraii}M'm*.-''.ts-—“ L 1 It seem.sjthat a slio; ! lime belVM’e Ihede- vould not ouiy be i)iet^iatuie, but idle, cease u!’her iiusbund, she was conversing to talk of whai may be the :.;tii!iatJ mm- ( with him, at.d lie then sijuLe with per- isierial an an jem jiits. Lord Goderich • i'^zx calmness and comjiosure. the havini-- receiveil lit.i Maie-jty's c jiiu’tands con vei'5ariu:i advuticed, however, she ob to form a cabinet, or, lo speai; i;li mui e is II,onlv ap(d.og-y or excuse that can be. precision, to '.iUppl^' the \ucanc.es o'c..- aumtitl’d for sucii transactions. If Gen-Uiuticd by thv^ la:ne:r.ed death oi' Mr. eral Jackson niusL adopt 3ucl> measures * ('anniia;, the noble viscouM is of tiaurse wtu-n he becomes PresideifI of thV United Stat's, to I'le; sc ;,is Frientis, the Death \\’arra>it of'he Liberty and Independence of •\iiuria will be signed the day he takeh the oath of office. A \WIIG OF ’76. Mr. Niles, in his IVtehUj lie^'h-ter, speak ing of the di eadfui denunciations coniain- ed it the resolutioiis of smie of the south ern unti-tardV meetings, very justly re in. ’ k^ : \V hile thus denouncing the tariff, wl>y doesnoi soinf' ingenious person tell us 11; •whai resprct it has injured any one, hoiu it lias efiected tiie price of articles or in- terfcr* d with the revenue—bring these thir’i's Inio fi^'-ures and show tlie evils com plained of.' No one has been oppressed li*cauK»‘ of protection alTorded by the tar- jlV—no article has advanced in price in cons‘.(piettce, but ull protrcled artich's have declined in Iheif selling value ow to lie iegi*rdc I us the iiidivi lu il who will be at the hei*‘J of his majcsty’ii govern ment. lieyond this, t'.o ;:U'p has yot Leen taketi ; but one thing we b-.liovc ii cer tain, t!)erc '.vii! be no change in the prin- cii)lfs upoti vvhicii Mr. Canntng’s %‘ov- ernment was esiubliiihed. A Cnbinet Council was held at tl'-e Foreiyti Oftkc last night, which sat from o’clock till half past 11, at v.^hich Vie may ’^resume those general cousideratjon» only were discubsed, which would necessarily pre cede any specific measures. A messen ger was despatched this morning to the King, commiinirating the result.” The Sun of the 1 Uh, states that the ap pointment of ..oid Cioderich as lirsi l.Iinister, had given great and gerierai satisfaction. Ml'. Huskisson is spoken of for tht olHce of (^l:;*tiv;ell()r of the }-'.xeiie)uer. liy the aid of'i'eh'g. apl.'c c'Miiinuni- cation. Ah. Cai:i. ,i;r’a death w aii known account of the protection ahbrdcd by the \i\ I’uris ten hours after it had take.i plsi'e. Ml-. Cauning’s funeral was to take place on the l^ili Aii;.;u‘t, and was to be claination arid political excitement may j interred in Westminster Al;!)ey. tariff. These are buld assertions, we kt;ow tl ?y can be siiatained. people will tliitik of these things. but The De- pass CHrrent fur a while, but truih vviil vot k Jt’sway, and silently obtaiu victory over the jjrejudices of persons.” An txpress h The fund: arrived IVorn Paris, h'd siightiy improved on 'i'liursday. 'i'he c'caih of Mr. C:\nuin;; hail excited avioLi!. sensation iti J’aris, There is a calculation running through ;i,ul great ;.ol:rit!»Je is cipi essed in the letters v/ii’> reg.ir! to t'le c!lec; that event the Opposition j)apers, which niukes out that Gen. Jackson will have about 130 adv()raies in the ni'Xt House of Repre.sen- ia’.v -,and that the Administratioi) may, hav( i\ e rest. The absui'dity, on}>''uated in the T''!egraph will, dfXibt- less, be eopii'(’ into the Richniond Lt)fjai- jcr, and wiil thus exhibit a S'.rikir.;-- coiii- menta'y on the reccmmetuiaUoj o.** “ truth and fairness,” v. ith which that paper has lately favored us. Many a man has been ru'ned by calculations: and no doubt ma.'.v a party also, which re’i' d on ca'culutiun ;itk1 iorgot prirrijjlc. A ve> \ few weeks mote will be sufikient to show what an (X'juislte mathemalician ih*" author of this calculalion has pro.ei,! himseir to bo. IL- will be found as geeat and or iginal a follower of Cocker, as the wivei'cre v. l.o und; i too!: lo pro\e tl a’ one atid 0111; wo'Jid make l/inc, o'.i the following p.iin ipl.—ti-is iuo-’if, and ti)i.t fU'O^ a!sd (tjt liicl o.it will iviak»- Itiru ! • Ku/. Journal. was likely to have «;.i tht' policy of our Cabinet. A larg^' j.ariy in i^^ris would rc;oic2 at ccviug the :o; ie:! again in pow er- ; b;it the ] e()j;le gi'tieraliy look '.o a liberal systtin in *-jvdaiid aii their Lv st pruiectiun. From the I/.vci-pot/l Albioii, of Aug'ust 2 j. J/!ncs'! ana’ J.ka/h of M/. Cannini;. ■\Ve had, lati week, tlie pair fui ou y to state, that this distin'julshed states man had been t.ei?ed with an alarming illness, which threatened the most latal v.onse(juencts. i'he melancholy intelli- {^e.ice j)roJ.'JCcd a great sensiiion tlvroiigli- oui tiK town, and it was evvry wheie re ceived with feeli:)};s of ])rol'ound regie' The sl;-*.te ofthe right lionoraijle ;;er!,K- man’s healtii was the general topic ol conversation during the day. A hope was ii’dulged, however, tiiat his iife v\a'„ not in such imwuHenl danger as' rejjic- senie»i in the letter of our piivate corrco- [VJudeiit. The arrival of the Loiidori iSm-OntaM, August 22.—A gerit!cman w!,o. airiwd >esLenU) fjom a r,rough the countiy assures us that i„ Nt-ry parish,, throujgh winch he passed Me found a majority of the inhabnatus disposed in favor of the adminibtiation. In several pai ishes the people were uet-i ting up meetings, to choose delegates tv a general convention, to be held at Bato-» Rouge, on the 1st November. A mievrni^ was to be held, at Opeloussas,on the 20ih^ here is to be one also at Baton Rouye 'he 25th J in the first of these two pat. ishes, the vote will be unanimous for Mj-" Adams, and in the second, nine-tenths ai e for him. In the small town of Baton Rouge, out of one hundred and iwmtv voters, thei’e are about one hundred anil ten decidediy and warmly in favor of ii (. re-election of our present worthy (!ent. In the jiarishes of St. Manit,,St Mary, Point Coupee, Kast and \\ est haion Rouge, Iberville, Ascension, As sumption, Lafourche Interior, St. Jac. [{[ues, St. John the Baptist, and St. Charles, we may calculate with certainty upon three to one. They may work, and talk and crv, thb Louisianians are determined to prove, tliat ih«y judge men by their actions and not fiom the noisy reports of a disorp-an- iiung faction: they pnd'er that an holes: upright statesman should hold the r'eins The Jt: fialnC CuLta’u,*. ihC following account ol Lord I ocbtaite s na- V4I opeiutioiis befoiL Alexandria : Alkxani-kia, June 10.—In the after noon ofthe 5th Anmiral Cochrane, witii 23 vessels, appeared beiore Alexandrra. A 'i'urkish brig which was cruising be fore the port, attempted to enter preci pitately, but ran aground. A fire ship, whicli was sent against U having luileil, it was soon buint by a second tin ship. On the 17th, in the morning, the Pacha put to sea with 13 ships, deter mined to br ing on a decisive action, bui the Greeks went out of sight. The Pa cha, who did not go more than a league or two, retuineil into port ; and soon al ter the Cireeks again appeared at some distance. Several ol the Pacha’s frigates and corvettes which could not yet sail out on the 17th, had got ready to sail on the lath in the niorning. Twenty-three Ships left the port to approach the Greek scjuadron, which has disappeared. 1 lie Pacha has returned ; his lleet lias orderh lo pursue the enemy as tar as iihodes. VjKNW, Ji'i.v 28.—[Extract of u pri vate li tter. Letters from Constantinople annoiiiice, that intelligence ot the dele> ticn ofthe I’achu of I'.gypt has reached tiie Porte. A Tartar iu.s been sent to Redsctiid Pacha, with despatches, di- rectins; the Sera^'kier to observe any jf government, and not a fiery soldier- moveuients which iiirahim Puciuv might j let every one keep in his pi’oper place. * ^^rgns. served hi-i voice gra(iually t;ie'.v weaker, an ! tiig signs ol ai-proat.hing dissolution in his cotiiitenarice ularmed her to such a degre.“, the.t she fjuddeiily filnte;l,and in this sitUiLion was carrii d ou‘. of tlie room I)y the att ’ndants. Wiien sl.e tecoveied, which was not for sevetal !M>urs, slie ea gerly inci'uirei! respecting the state of Mr. Canning. She fratiticly itiijilored of those around her to let her know tlie wor^t. It had, however, been previously agreed, by the ad\ice ofth * physicians, that she should not be suddenly ituormed of what had happetied, and she was, therefore, a Spanish tcjuadron a? Al!',esiras. of one prevented iVom proceeriing into the r oom make, in conseiiuence of orders which he may have recciverl fiom liis lath.er, the Viceroy of F.gypt. I'hey expect at Constantinople the pul>licatidii of a Fir man which, in declaring Mehmet All a rebel to the Porte, wiil set a jjrice upon his head, and command the Pachas in his neighbijrhood to make war upon lum. From Gihrdilnr.—C^iplain de lu P.nche. of the schuoner Fox, arrived las; e\enitig in 30 days from (iihraliiir, furnislics the following : Spain appeared very far from tranqui' internally, and otdy a f.'w days before sailing an oriler had been received a> Algeuiras to have a number of persons there and in the neigh!)orhood, imme diately tried for an allegc-d revolutionary movement. It was also reported that there was a strong band of patriots in the mountains near .Malaira.—There was in which the corjise of her husband lay. 'i’he body of Mr. Canning is frigbtfKliy attenuated. Mis is 50 greatly chariged, that iht^se who were most intiina.eiy ac- ({uainted with his pjrson would not now iecoj;nise it. \_Thim. it is stated that Mr. Canning, iti one of self to th nc;ir hi:n, expressed a f.M'vent hoj)e th Ills Majesty, v/ould adhere to the line of policy now adopted, ;.ntl which has been tound s J adva.itr.ge'His and honoralde to the country. Nofiiing auiheiitic has ti an-n- jiirt'd c:i the subject, buf ihe statement IS believed ; Li.d it is added, that sj)ecial Dtessrngers were Sent to the King at Windsor, to commuiiicate the wi d.es d‘ Ills noble-mi.’jded and talented minister. — iii'obe. Mi.’s I s '1' K lij A I. A ] u AG KM i:\rs. [i'l’o’n t!ie (joMvier of Friday.] 'Ihe i.rst step tal'.en by ins IvIajcGty, alter trr- death of ?.Ir. Caauuig, may be regarded as emine.-.t for its kindness to the memQryof the (ieceasod. We allude io ,his sendipg fer J.,ord Godericli and Mr. Sturges Jjourne, with a view to tiie new arrangement of t!ie r:;inislry the fovir.or of them, tlrat colleague whom Mr. Canning had placed next to hinrself, as leader in the llouse (f ] rds ; the lat ter*, the oldest personal friend oi‘ Mr. Cantiing in the-Cubir.et. It wotiid not only be premature, how ever, but idle, to talk as yet of what may lie the Ultimate mitiisterial arrar-gemcnt. Lord (ioderich having received his Majesty’s comnuinds to form a Cabinet, or, to sneak with nioie precision, to sup ply the vacancies occasioned by the la mented death of Mr. Canning, the noble Viscount is, of course, to be regarded as the individual who will be at the head of his Majesty’s Governuunl. iJeyoml this, no stej) has yet bten taken ; but one thing, wo believe, is r.ciiain—the.e will be ru)chan;;ein the pfinciplis upon whic h .Mr. Cannin.t^’s govci iifv.eiil was est.ddi di- lishfd. A c.ibinet couai'il was heli! at the l otoigu Odicp last nitji', uhicii hat from nine o’clock till l.alf par.t eleven, at v.hicl), we may pwei.unvj, those gen eral cottsideratiJUS tu-.ly 'Vcre discussed, \v!i‘.ch would iJece^sali!y i/iecerit* any specific measure.^. A p.iesserii^rr as de- r,;',atched this iiiorniiit; by Lord Godericli, lo the King, commiitiicaiing the j-esult. The high rank v*!iich (Ireat liritain at the prest ni in.dtitains, among the na- which some mischievous individual laust i tiotis oi' the e.ai ih, and tiie :-es|>ect and ' liave invented to deceive t!io jjchia', oi)- awe in vvhici) bet chaiac ter is universally j tained general i>elief. 'i'he first sensa-| held i>y the States of the (jld as well as 1 of t!ie new uorld, are mainly owing to j the wlodom and jirudence of the sume coui%e id' policy which Uiaiked Mr. Can- ; niii^^’s oHicial career. Mr. Caniiing h.as died in the */erith of his faiiie. liis rion. will be handef! down to (uture generatu/iis ; and remote posteiity will regard him as one of the most tallied statesmen and most brilliant oratcrs ul the p-rescr'* ‘•Tlujevil th:it nuMi do l:\o«i Mftcr them, 'J'l.f g-.K'i.' is oil ihU'n eci 'vitii tlicir lK.-iiCb.’* - ) Ic^ it nc! He with Mv. i large corvette, tv.o brigs, two herm. brigs and 'wo large schrs who occasKJi. all* {JO ot’.t fora few days, and made ou* not long ago to capture three valuable smugj.;;iing vessels. A small patriot pii- vateer of one gun, had '>een decoyed un der the guns of th** Spanish ship Diana, >-f 2‘2 guns, from IlaVi.na, by her hoisting ilie intervals when jiain was less acute, j calms, and had been captured .jid he cculd address ’.ii.iself to those into Cadiz ; which hud gam- J j i-d the Span^ Captain great credii for his extraord^ary bravery I ou rn:ds (d' .Mond w on Tuesday evCnipg, wii!i the 1 iiiletin which had l)cen issuc.l by tiu' [iiiysicians on Sund.'.y niglit, de stroyed me lond hopes which the friends of Mr. Canning had indulged of his u!n- mate leeovi-i-y to health, and of l:is val uable lit’e beif.g spureil to benei'.t his co-jiitry and mankind. Abou' noon, on that cit y, a rcp.oi t wa^ very ( urreiit, that had reached the ('untotii- T'roni the Vurk (i’a.) li( cor.U r. riern.\'.A-, ' — I'lie s’ip])ortcrs oT Cen .la'. kso.i uvi cndt;;i'.orm;^ 1i> jflu. h p;iit of J^li. ll I h'.ini.ij’.s .1 eop'i'.Mictifui iiiiL‘!u! .;il tl) 't II', for u inicf :•'ifice luni:i.i', ilieu-cl..ni- O'lr dhout rorrv.p'- jii. 'I Ih-v an .ct t'l believe |c t .V’r, It. a:lft undtrihi.' p^rji ;t.-i:>’i jv at -lilt ; {■ Mr. ’Cuvkli.) ; iiiul tliRt i f ^ \vi sia leuldy I'l:- I>e. ri r of a ton'iijit ov. itin-e, 1 li'.- It't.j iKi'. the vit tn I)^' .'i\v:ire of it. | '1 ! is, '>) *1'' .'.’.i:-'-', s I) t \( ry coii.|;!in -.iriiii'y tu i til'- " .i.f,..ly di';!iii;’'iii? lu't.*’{''cnth a .11 N “ iiitij i., ' .ict init from liis irieiul,-., ui.d '.e- • .X])ti s ^ ii').'' I. ..io in aiil cr the “ giv;it exertion.'it'.viil house, bringing an account tnat the rire- "^xjbr'Idv not he (-(/tiiphoiieil i}’.—'I lil t tlie j mier had actually exjiircd at the hour o;is roctioii thu. ;'i\f •! to Mv. Utielianui;'-. letier , id’five on M'JiidaV morning. ’Tliis s'.oi y, ii l'or' (I, Uuist b. t ". idi'Mi. to every i caikM'; ler M:‘. K. ( \j)!e-i.'-ie ()e lures—1 c.ilh'l i!|)(ni Itcnt' ii .i.icksoii on ttie o«’ca.'>ifjii I li'i^e men- tioii !, ■•'lu'eit/hi.'J fiuii'l, iifjol ii/iuil Tc.'-p'tufiibtliif/ 11 AN r i Ti; if Ml'. IJueliah o; he (‘'.'.oiind n.iiiJ, it must lie j tij sprr ulate ai lo vv ho svould be Mr. a-'kiiow it.‘i;i|-;’‘d to he ir directl) iiijuiiHt the due- (^'m,f,iii"-’s succes'ioi' in the ministrv. I. l.-,.-u;h.ldo>tiM ••Co.h.n:U:on^ In j d iscov el ed, how^ ver, that tl.e »ot.lirniat on t Mr. 15 s. ;it.(iii tliut iiu ; /■ 1 • . ■ ut.,1 01, hi. own iM(liv.d.!alrespon.>;i;iiity, ru,d | i-'>'' lcrUion ; and the h t as tiie M};-ei.t f,r “any other pr?mi,” u k j arrival of tiie ev etiin;;-papers broUK-ht 1 he jii. V ,ti»ie iiK*t wr* have f;'.ru»'tl a letter from ] lotelligetice, that he was .slill alive, Init Ml t. ih.ru lit i-itiz n Of J'enn.-j) 1 vuiia to a »-.;ntle-1 vvithout_ aiiv chance of recoverv. 'I'he n . , ;ia, to-Mi. n; _wlii.il tli.- writer | ,„ai! w a"s surrounde.i on its arrival, bv “M'.M 'ill \ I havi* jiiHl f^'cii, .‘-ml hi , , ,• • , I , ,, ; ,1 . perions eaj^er to ajcertain the new s : 0!i( "la" tlr 11') 1’.'. '•♦10 lb \r> Mill liaiiull ; tiial. tl.e 1 " > '■ ine ftuui hhn llJiioli-.nui.j m Uli lhej_)t!hlic ruonis were throng^'tl with r.i'sJ/.” ’ilil»ct.a^ies witMitt tiuc reaJii.;; ‘ j;entleiiie;i ; vj Si'-./. \>,4S th-.i-Hi'.t;:'t;il ^ ■iu/k: a- *'if 0‘^r.)t of Mr, ('!uy, j i''H t**' •'{’I'fJi'tftl melanehu- ..t J*; i!Kf).N.*’ *1mi^ is positive ; and, j ly event havi.ig subsirieu, j>ci's(.ns be- Balt. Pat. Attempt to Poiaon. An attempt has l";tely heen made (as we learn from the Spr'ingheld R-publican) to poison a family oi Shakers, consisting of 60 per sons, belonging to the Society of Fi.field, CtKin. 'I’his w as done by putting a large Cjuanlity of araen'c into tiie pump, from which water is obtained for the use of the lamily; one of tlie members of which ■bavinff gone out early in the morn'ng and diank about a pint of the water, was pretty soon taken v\iih distressing symp toms of poioon. On examination, the water Wi-.s lound to be of a milky appear ance, and a number of pailfiils were thrown on the ground, each containing iriore than a tea-s|i/x>rdul (jf the undis- Svilved poison. A jihysiciaii who was call ed on me occasion, pronounced it, from what he considered “ urierring tests,” to be pure arsenic, and says th^re w-as doubtless enough in the pump to have destroyed a thousand [ler ;ons. Ber/ii/iifc American. AcrJdcnt'—We noticed an accident a few days ag;., by which a young man had h leg taken ufT. He was on ooard of a sloop, near the wiiulhiss, while she was nearing the wnarf, and his leg was caught bctw.-u. the windlass and the bite of the i'0|)c, and took it clean t,fT belovv the knee. 'I'he ihitiir was done in an instant, and the man was so astonished, that he ncitiiev spoke i.or groaued, nor moved a muscle of his face. A physi cian made an anilkiid tourniquet with rope and splinter, snd h-jwas plac ed un- complaining in a c arriage. A [lerson ran rdier the carriage heat ing the fraciureil liml), which h(> handed ihruugh tiie v. in- fiow to the sulVerercle.;-, botii and panta loon, and h placed it on his lap verv cool!\. It was altoiretiiera rare exhibitiori of stoical inddl'erence under such a shock ing calamity. We learn he is doing well.—y. r Enquirer. Chnmher.^hurj;, (Pa,.) Avgust 28.—A hii^ldy iiiteresung trial has just terminat ed, in which James DufTielJ, ofthis coun ty, vvas iTidicied for the crime of seduc tion attendi d v\ithmany highly aggrava ting circumstances.—y\n upri^hlJury, of fathers and brothers, expressed iheir (Titimation ol the delcrulant’s guilt, by amcrring him in gl200 damages; re stricted by the law on the one hand, and by his means on the other, they could n )t iiiflicl a heavier punishment ; or h«“, nodoul)'., would have felt still more kcer.- ly, what imn can do, to avrjig-: the viulat- ! c4-digni?y cflhtir specie::. ye have tears to shed, prepare to shed 'I'hat the State of Delaware will jvhe her vote for Mr. Adams i;i no longei* doubtful, _ Afier a trial of str-eogth in tho eh'ction of Delegates, by both parties, in everv distnctin the State, the Democra tic .\ominis ration men, and Federal .-Vtlmiiii.^traiion men, were found to be a majority in both conlerences, and the/ iu.\e eacti of them nominated an adminis- tration man us their candidate for Con- [^Democratic Prem. Ddav'are.^Oix 'rucsday last, the Dem ocratic R.-u-./'dii'an cotif.-rees of Delaware nominated Dr. Arnold Nauclain, as a representative for congres)> Dr. Xau- dain is a warm friend of in- .dmitiistra- '*on- [L' ^S. Gazctts. Philadelphia seems to be a populat’ place for disposing of chilri:cn who are ''O unfortunate as to find their way into ihiscold hearted world without a father or mother. .\n amusing case occurrcd a few weeks since, which wc will stale, without, however, ;.^i,ing names. A Ciiild was found nicely done up in a bas ket, upon the siej)3 of a geiiiieman’s door, in the good city of bro.lierly love, and, being a str anger, was of couise taken in, and the basket put away. As tnere werc sevtral children, however, already and of rifjlit on the premises, the little found ling’s presence was rather uiuveIconic. But lor several days no clue could I)e dii- covered by which the child could be trac ed to Ibose who had a more ltf:itiinale claim to it. At length ii was recoih ctcd that there were some |)apers in th. bot tom of the ‘‘fruit basket,” placed t.icro to preserve the clotlies I'l'om being soil ed. On examining these, the name of t distinguished lawyer in the neiglibonng State of New Jersey, was four^d upon one of the manuscripts, and was of course regarded as a precious discovery. A messenger, with the basket, the child, and the manuscrijit, was forthwith de* spatched to the re.sidence ofthe banister* who vvas no less stii; ris«;d than chagrin* ed at the sudden clai.n of the little stran ger to his tender sympathies, and » ndear- ing attentions as a fa^lu i’. He strongly protested his innocence, and was, in fact, innoccnt. But this is a wicked worici. and upon the circumstantial testimony of the manuscript, the more earnestly .he asse- vtia'.ed that the child was no kin of his, the more strongly it was believed that it was. :\i length, after much rumination and cogitation, the counsellor bethouglit him self that the fatal manuscript was some cdnsidernble time back, sent to tlieprin- 'er’s as a legal advertisement. 'I'he ro- n.iniscence was a fortunate one for him. iiui alas, for our brother chip I It was likely to prove as a great plague to him, as certain political reminiscences uve to our well hi loved neighbors of tlu- P')Sb ihe I'lKiuiter, and th.e Albany Aij'iS. One bit of evidence rapidly led to atiollic’.’ — an iv,valid latiy who butl the higlust: regard for the IkHtor’s talents, hud sud denly become much better—the o\'tier-, ship ofthe luo.ket vvas fixed—a carriaj^'O had been hired lor an evening I'ide to Philadelphia—and finally the diivef was found who performed the journey, and knew all about it. 'i'he* result wa? that the ctiild was removed from the p labs c>f the bar, to the purlieus of a pi'i^" ting oHke. We commiserate the cliangi^ ill the fortiine.s of the little sufferer, the pinmoiiey of the (.'ounsel!or’s estab lishment v.’oLild probably have been woriH niore than the heirship of tlif estate editorial. N. Y. Com. Adv. The New-Orleans Mercantile .\dvcr* tiseriif the 2lstu!t. says:— A bout forty persorii have l>eer. buri ed in thi;i city wiihiti tlie last seven days? a mortality which is nearlj. double th^J general aver..gc aisioag this popula-* tion. ” A very larg(* pronortion of ihese aype?.f to be of ^ y-ir-v*.

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