CKAKX.CXTX:: 'M'KSDAY, OrTOr.F,I{ 9, 181>7. p'7» A rorrfsponrlpnt, “in one of (he uppfi’counties,” whose communication jp Journal of the IIth ulf. was so vnpalatablc to the combination editors ir iMs stntr, writes us aijaiti, nndpr date of C)rt. I. that he has just rctjirncd IVom the n>()untains, and is more fully convinced of tli(* correctness of his former opinion. X?ic district in which he lives, sends members to the General Assem bly; and scfen of them, he informs us, are decidedly for Adams. Our corres pondent is a “respectable politician;” his acquaintance is necessarily extensive; he lias “mingled much with the mass of thf people and his statement may be implicitly relied on. The “scrap” which he has sent us, will be used hereafter, should circum stances render it necessary. Large JVnfermelon.—A watermelon was rais.'d on the plantation of Maj. M. Thurmond, of Wilkes coutity, this sea son, which measured and weifjhed as fol- Jq^vs :—Its girth was 37i inches; its length 19 ; and it weipfhed 51.J lbs. Beat tills who can! As to its quality,” ;>avs ourrorrespondent, “ I only wish you had brco there to try it. The remembrance alone makes my mouth water.” Admimairation Ticket in N. Cnrnlinn.— T editor of the Fayetteville Observer jsks, if we “will say that an Adminis- traiion Ticket wilt be run?” This, we think, is asking rather too much of us. Wc will, however, assure him, that as far as our information extends, it is the vhh and intention of the friends of the Administration to run a ticket in this state. As to its being “ t/se/m” to run such a ticket, it is a mere matter of opin ion, which may or may not be correct ; and we are desirous to test its correci- ness by a fair irial of strer^'l’* ^uch a trial, under the system of misrepresen tation adopted by the combination pa pers, can be had. To ihis Ccn. Jack son’s friends, certainly, ought not to ob ject ; lor if their numbers arc as over whelming as they would lain make the public l)clieve, tliey ought to rejoice at at' opportunity of displaying them ; and sucii an opportunity, we doubt not, they ^ill. at the proper time, be favored with. The last Star contains the rejected cow- niunication of Gen. Saunders. We are inclined to think it will add nothing to the General’s fame, but, on the contrary, 4hat its style anc! temper will operate a- ^ainst him. His unjustifiable attack on the presses in favor of tlie Administra tion is certainly impolitic, as they have it in their power to retaliate with a se verity which he w'ouUl feel most sensibly ; but they will probahlv regard it more in piiy than in anger, believing, with the Orneral, that if, a3 he pi-escnts. Gov. K(nt owes so much lo his office, he is Dot “ the first man who is indebted to his station for a little brief ronsequnicc.” As specimens of the (Jt-nrrars style -anil temper, we give she following :— “ 1 he signal proof of daring and deter- xnint-d servility evidenced by this “ex tract,” ilie bold and unhlushitu::ftkchood it avows as to my conduct and language, shews his “Excellency” a worthy I'avnr- Ue of his master; and the readiness with "hich it is copied into certain prints e- 'ince their greedy subservi»-ncy to his 'ViJl.” Again; “ The afiirrnative charge J’ests upon the ipne dlrlt of this pliant Governor alone. I meet it, therefore, •as it ought to be met, icith the lif. direct.” may be said, in reply to tliis dignifiei' •lenial, that it rests on the ipsedixil of the •'’orihy (ieneral alone : aiul it will remain *or the public to decide between them. ^Ve have no idea that cither Ciov. Knit •r (ien. Saunders would utter a deliher- ^te lalseliood : there must be some inis- ■ake, or misapprehenbion, on one side or the other ; and we think it extremely un- 'Ourii'ous and repreUciiilble in theljtter S‘‘''ilf‘man, to meet the statement of the ^fi'ernor of Maryland “ the me di- It certainly will not prejudice the pijblic in his favor—it is talculutc 1 to “ivc a cor.'.rary cn’cci. _ 1 liC sc«_o:iiI Monday I * Si.'jjlc::ilc)' \Va3 'lie djy fixed upun for the assemblage of Doct. Cooper’s Southern t'onvcntian. Will the Doctor ?iovv inform tiie public why his Convention was not held r To some, we presume, this infcirmution w>ill i)e acceptable; but it will not, it is sup nosed, be so agreeable to the Doctor to communicate it. Ilis failure in this dar ing project, which has found none out of tiis own circle to advocate it, will teach him a salutary lesson, and enable him to form a juster estimate of the intelligence and patriotism of ihc Southern people, as well as of the confidence which they repose iii him. Iiri'inia.—This state seems disposed to free itself from the shackles of the Richmond Junta. The proposition foi' a Convention, to be held at Richmond, for the purpose of forming an Electoral Ticket favorable to the re-election of Mr. Adams, seems to be in unison with the wishes of the people ; and meetings,have already been called in various coui.ties, to choose Delegates to t!»e Convention. The Caucus f that was a weight which pulled Mr. Crawford down in this state, and gave its vote to Jackson ; yet Gen. Jackson’s friends, with what consistency, we shall not say, will resort to it in Vir ginia : but it will sink them, judging from the present “ signs of the times,” and with them will go down the influence of the Richmond Aristocracy. Thepeo- [)Ie, we have little doubt, will triumph in V’^irginia, as they did in tliis state. Pcra, Slid ptii liCiJiar;y tii tlc a treaty exists for j)Iacing obstacles in the way of the Turkisli fleet.’* To thcj'.ditor of tlie I’altiniorc I’atriot— SiH—It may have a tendency to lessen vain boasting on one hand,—and prevent any thing like despondency on the other. —to publish the following ‘stima»e ol the probable result of the next election lor President. This estiniatc is made up after much inquiry on the subject, and alihough there may be a variation of a few votes on either side, I think the IViends of the Administration may re nose with entire confidence on the re- election of Mr. Adams. lUTTENIlOrSE. The pul)lic ought to know the name of the irdiviilual, who wrote to the editors of the Intelligencer, that “ the gallotvs would be too lenient a pu’iishment” for them for su[)porting the present Admin istration ; “ iM>Ai.iN'c. or the facioot should be employed!” His letter was postmarked at Salem, in this state, and it is therefore to be presumed he is a cit izen of Stokes county. If the daily de velopments of the s[)irit of the opposition do not open the eyes of the people to the (IdTiger which threatens lliem, wc know !:ot what will. Freedom of opinion am? conduct, in this free country, is to be punished^ not with that is too “ LEM TNI I”—but with “ iMPAHN'O or tlie FACC.oi I” Will the people submit to this? ^ Poverty.—Tl.c KngHsIi papers state that Mr. Canning di';d poor; his prop erty amounting to soin'.'thing less than £25,000. In parts of this coutitry, a man possessing such a properly, would be called rich. Si.'^ns (f the Titues.—A party of gentle men, fil’teen in numl er, accidentally din ed together, a few days sincc in this County and tlie subject of the Presidency being under ciiscus.-iion, it appeareil that 14 out of the fifteen were friendly to the Administration. lSu\vef;o. Of all men in the world, Gen. Jackson has reason to exelaini, “ Save nu: liom my friends, and I will pi otec t myself a- gainst my enemies.” One of his pai’ti- Zi\\\s in this State, in'an an.inyminis let ter, to the editors of tlie National Intelli gencer, tells them, that for supportinir the Administration. ///,’ (iAi.Lows ^rould t)C too lenient a jnnmhinenl. Imi’.m.ino oi- I he Faggot should be employed!!! Jlfgisttr. The Gener?.! Assembly of I’ennessee met at Nashville on ?doinlay last. 'I'iu session is likely to be one ul great impor tance. Among the subjects o' lieepesi interest to the st.jie, likely to be broughi I poll the t:’.pi‘'. tlr.s session, tliosc ot iti(.‘ Judicial y ai.d IV-nitcuiiary ^^;!’, peihaps. occupv tlie fit si place, l.aj'y in tlie ses sion, the Goveinor elect, Cien. ilouston. will be inaiiinit aU'd, and a Sec retary ot Slate will have to be clio-^en. The I'rankfoi t Commentator proves, by the ai know ledged returns of tl.e lale Congressional I'JeiMion in Kentuel’.y, that ;heri‘ wc're t/ij/i/ i!,uuii(t',id fiix himdi'i'd. und fig/di/ senn mort' \otes i>iven to tlie .Ad ministration catulillates than U> those v h( avowed iheniseixt s for J.ickson. i here can be no mistaUe in the calculation. Every candid a:e on each side of tl.e ques tion IS named, anti every vole given to each is computed. 1 he returns lue un disputed, and. ‘how tl.e majority for the Administratifjn to be 8,CS( ! 1 he Ad ministration majority in tlie Stale Leg- islatute is entab.islied at safwi, or 77 to 61 : and yet pieople are to be found so j iri( jTi.1)1v s’upid” as to assert that (ien- jeral Jackson u ill p-et ihe voles of Ken- ! tuckv.—.■ilcxcndr:n (Jazetlc. The 6 New-Enghand States wc will set down entire for Mr. Adams, 51 Hav-York is in part claimed by the opposition, hut reci-ut informa tion g-oea to shew that Gen. .Jack- son will not obtain more than 2 or 3 votes. We will, however, to prevent cavil, set down 6 votes for him in this slate, Z6 New-Jersey will uncpiestionably give lu r vote for Mr. Adams, 8 Pennsylvania is claimcul l>y the op position, but hlie may bo consid ered .1 doubtl'ul state—should tha people continue to change as ra pidly for the next year as they have for tlie last six month.s, the vote of this great state will bf j* iv- en in favor if the “ American System.” We will, however, for the present, set down her vote for lien. Jackson, 28 Delaware—There will be a struggle in this state, but recent informa tion enables us to say her vote will be given for Mr. Adams, ‘ o Marylttnd—In this state the Admin- i.stration is povverful, and if she voted by general ticket the entire vote would be foi Mr. Adams ; as it is, therf will probably not be more than one district for Gen. Ja'-kson, Vir^irua—ft is admitted by Gov. I vK r. Gov. Kandolph, and Mr. Kitchic, that at the last cUction, aft jr Mr. Crawford, the choice of this state was Mr. Adams—but Mr. Uitchie has since turned round to the (jciu ral, & he sup poses the state has turned with iiim. It is, however, the opinion of some of the best informed pol iticians in the state that in no e- vent H ill the vote of the “.\iirietit Dominion” be given for Gen. ,JacI:«on—we will Uierefure set it down as doubtful, 24 Korth-Carnlina There will be a contest in this state—but we uill give- her vote t() (ien. Jai k.ion, Suuth-i arolina—WiW probably give her vote to the General, Georgia—'I'he same, .Jliibuma—'I'he same, — The same, 'J\nnessee—The same, Lvuisiana—'I'his state is decidedly favorai)le to the Administration, and will give her vote to Mr. Ad ams, Mifnovri—Thvrc is a majority in this state favorable to the Aiiministni- tion, but as she votes by districts wt will divide, Illinois is decidedly in favor of the Administration, and will give her entire vote for Mr. Adants, Imhana may be set down with con* iidence for Mr. Adams Ohio is admitted on all hands by men of intelligence to bo in favor of the Administration, Kaitucky will jjrobably ((ive lier en tire \ote ur the Administration ; but as the opposition eliiiiu one distriel, we will divide, 51 00 30 6 GO 28 3 00 11 10 1 CO CO IIKAIJ QU \|{ l r,WS, / ('hi,/tulic, iV. r. 5 ^^OTH’K is licrcby given, that on Kriilay, thf 12lli of ()ctol)«.r next, a Court Martia! will be held at tlie (^ourt-llouse in Charlotte, by meml>ers detailed from the oflicers of the Kej^iment if Cavalry belonf^iiip to the llth Mrigade of the 4th Division of N. C. Militia; when and where all that arc concerned can at tend and they w ill be hi ard. Uv order of the Col (Jom’dt. DAMKI, COLKMAN, Judgt Adv. Sept. 18, 1827.—Iw STTSiLDZ BOA^ 15 00 15 11 00 11 9 O'J 9 ' 5 uo 5 ! O 00 3 11 00 11 5 1 5 00 - 1 .> 3 00 iji 5 00 16 16 00 M. 9 5 2C1 1-12 05 Adani':, - - J.icksoi), - • Vii. doubtful. • 142 - 95 - 24—2C)1 M.UilUED, In this county, on Tuesday evening, the S.'lth ult. by lU-njaiiiin Morrow, Ksq. Mr. .I»)lin linut- ri,^ht, to Miss Aliigail Manson, all (if this county. DZ2SB, In this county, on Sunday night, the lfth ult. of a .sh(/rt illness (>f foui days, .fmms M. McCtiln, son of Andrew McCain, aged 21 yt ars. In the dchtb of thi.s v.'ortliy )ounf>; man. his rel.itivis have bustahied an irrt-jjaraidi- loss and society has In en deprived of one, who jjionii.'^ed to bt an uselul and resi)cetal)le member. { Thv. ut Copstaniinople is I reported to iaid to a Europe..n di- ■ “ Woe. to ih"_Franks ol ON tl)e 28th Deccmbi r, on t!ip premises, will be publicly sold, a lifetime estate in the lands ot I'rederick Dinkins, deccasrd. On the part n'»w ofhrcd, is a \ery l;irt;c iind fciii vcnicnt dwi lling-liousf, a franie, and lately fin- ishi d ; a barn, and all otlicr (Hitbouses connrKju and neccssuty to a farm of it-, si/i-. 'i'he land, infc rior to none on Si par Creek, is in a jjood st.ite of n ]iair and cultivation. I'his house, 9 miles from Charlotte, on the main K adini; road from bouth to north, via Ches'erville, (jld Na tion Ford, on the Ca*awi)a, Charlottf, S^iisbu- rv, Ue. has been ailvaiitiigeonsly occnpieil as a btanl for Kntertainment lor the last tli-i"t\ yt-itvs-, and from its distiinee Iroiii *,harlottc, and its convenience in evciy re*-peet, will alA:i\s con tinue to be tlic be:)t and most, pruiitabie stand on this route. SboiiKl it not be sold to the satisfaction nf the present owner, it \viil, on tl...t da_\, be oli'creil to lease for a term of \enrs. Any jx-rson wl.-liing to buy or Icusc, can in- fjuire of Col. A. . llrandon, \\ adesboro’, c/r Dr. .lohn ! idisbury. iiv Janu s Duikins, r,?q. ne:.r tl.e ].! ’.nnses, .Mcekienburg, by let ter tr c*^'ier’.Mst;. i Terms made ea‘-y to the pMrclia'^cr, and will i be published on tli- day ot ,‘iiile or lr:i«e. i SAK’All DliNKINS. The liftreat, Ihnran (\\ A'. ('. By permisiion of James II. Witherspoon, Ks(j. Ordinary of l.ancastcr District, will he sold, at the late residence of Churcluwll .\nderson, deceased, on the 25th, 26th and 27th days of October, the remaining balance of the personal estate of said deceased; consistinj'- of one tract of Indian I.and, lying on the north side of Twelve Mile creek, adjoining the lands of Hobt. Stinson, Jesse Sledge and others, con taining six hundred and forty acres. This is supposed to be e(jual to any land on said creek ; seven likely Negroes, among them is an excel lent wagoner and a first rate house wench.— Morses, Hogs, Cattle, household and kitchen I'urniture, a lour wheel Carriage of pleasure ; a wa;^on and harness; a large j,»iantity of corn, fodder and oats, and a numner of other articles too tedious to mention. Terms will be made known on the day of .sale. iiUUT. WAI.Kl'I*,7 A. II. INGRAM, Twelve Mile Creek, LancuMer Srpt. 24, 1827—2t52 lilsl liViWera rUF.MAlNlNt; in the Post-OfTicc at Charlotte, 1; N. C. Oct. 1, 1827. A. Dr. M. W. Alexander, John Allen, Isaac A- lexander, Klias Alexander, lienjamin F. Alex ander, Jo.siah Alexander, Thomas Acock, Su sannah Alexander, Calvin G. Alexmdir, Jere miah Alderson, J'raiicis M. Alexander*, Sarah .\lexander. n. John Honker, James Hrown, Giles Brown, Allen lialJwin, Samuel Itlair. C. David r. Caldwell, Thomas Carter, D. H. Crump, Sanniel Conner, William K. (,’oAan, Jesse If. ('lark, I’owi 1 Cook, Jane Carson, Job Canon, Cooper Sc McGinn, W. & J. Cook, Will iam Culveiliouse, Thomas (irawford, William Cerragan. I). Robert Davidson, John Davidson, jr. John Dow 2, George Duckworth, Nancy Davis, Will iam D.irnall, Daniel Dulin, Suy^ar Dulin, Dun- kin Daniels 2, Kli/.abeth A. Daniel, James Da- \is, r. Charles I'.hns. Mrs. Jane F.mcrson. F. Elizabeth Flaniiigan, Simon Fraser, W. Flan- nigan, David I'lanikin, Wm. Minn, Jub. I’yght, William Flannigan, Kaehel A. Ford. (l. Mary Glespey, Samuel Givings, Mason Giles, John Goodman, Lli (jriflitii, James (;. Griflith. II. Wachel Henderson, Andrew llemlerson, Hen ry Heuer, John Hipp, Fknder Hood, James M. ^ I Hutchison 2, Ann Henderson, Alexander Hodge, James F. Henderson, Maj. John Hart- grove. J....Jesse 15. Johnson. K. Mari tis T. C. Kennedy, 'William Koughan, Moses Kerr, liobert Kirkpatrick. L. W'illiam Lucky 3, Henry Lewis, Elias Lewis, John Little, John L( es. M. Daniel McF.aughlin, Hugh McDowell 2, John MeQuay, Doct. McKejizie, John .McCulloch, jr. I{ev. .Malcom McFherson, Andrew McNeely, Wm. H. McLeary, Col. Wm. .Moore, Henry Marks, On. McLearv 3, John Morris, (Charles M ason 2, Wm. 1.. Monteith, John McDowell 2, Janies .Martin, I’hilemon Morris, John Matins. N. James Naiitia, Thomas Norton 2, Herman S. Noble. John N. Orr. P. Col. Wm. Purter, David Parks, Col. W. 11. Pfii-ter, Maj. John S. Porter 2, John Polk, Charley Polk, AVilliani Polk, Hannah Peoples, 111. Porter. K. Susan Hra, Andrew l?yhurn, John Uodgers, Louisa Ueed, John Heid, Debrou}>li Uol-H rison SaiiiUfd Ituddoek, lJufus llcid, James Iteed. S. Henry Stith, N;»ncy Sloun, Mary II. Smith, John Sti wart, Asa Stepheiis, J.din S. Shepard, Nsucy Strong', Murdoeli Steward, David \\ . Stcnys, Sherd!' of Mecklenburg or Waller and James MilLr, I honius Searcy, Catiiurine Shinn, Hubert Steu a! t. T. James (i. 'I'orrcnce, Wiley Trexler, John A. To.ld. V....J(jhn H. Vi.rner. W. Thomas Wilson, Satuutl Wilson, l^ev. Jo'in Williamson, .lidm .\i. John Williams, W 111. \\ bitt , .lohn G. W inter. Y. John Yarbrough, William VandU*. WM. SMIm, p. M. Vi. v\-v flUlIS Hoat is in complete order, and will X con mence vunninjj to Georgel wn and ’harleston on the first of Octo ter, ami will car ry pi-oduce at customary rates. The subscn- bers vill spare no exirtioii to t▼jjeOite tiu; transportation of produce and f;(iods t(» nd from either of the above ))laces. 'I is t out I as made atrip frtmi Charleston, with a full freight, 111 less than live days. We have a pole boat now on the stocks, which will be launcJied about the first of No vember, calculated to carry five hunilred bales of cotton, ami of so lij(ht a draft of water, as to be enabled to go at all seasons. Tliis.hoat, ill conjunction with the steam, uill ensure tlif certainty of up and down freights, without delay. Tlie subscribers will receive cotton to freight on moderate terms, and make no charpe foi^ storage, if shipped by their noats. They will also receive and forward j^oods, on reasonatilw term.s, having commodious stores and warc-hou- ses, for the si. curity of floods. •Mr, Henry W. Conner, the agent in Charles ton, will attend to the receiving and forwarding [ill fifoods to this or any intermediati plaetsoii the Pee Dee ri\er, and will receive and attend to all orders respecting cotton that may be sent to his care. I'he subscribers pledge them selves to use all dilif^ence and attention in tlieii^ power, for the interest of those who may niak& consigiim'eats to them. J. & J. II. TOWNES. Cheraw, S. C. Sept. 24, 1827.-Ht58 TYuuwua Tvutter Is appointed Agent for YntesU .\fcTntyre Ch;irlott.‘, and will receive all orders oirect-* ed to them for Tickets and bharcs in Lotlerica before th‘ public. Sept. 29, 1827.—50 VVouse & \*ol l^r nAVlNti a desire to remove to my farm, 1 offer f;r sale my valuable House and Lot, in th«> town of Charlotte, where I iiow live. It is the most pleasant situation in the vil lage for a private family , and being in the most business sei tion of the town, is an c xcellent; stand for a Lawyer, Merchant, or Mechanic, as there is a gool store house on the lot, whicU can be made to suit cither. 1 will give a barg in, for cash, or I will (^ivo a crcdit of three years, w ith intenst from the tunc I give possession, which will be between now aiul the 1st day of Jaiiuar} next. Pricis of the property will be made known to any pcr.'^oii wishing to purchase, on application to me. SAM’L. McCOMB. Sept. 25, 1827.—6t55 (P^l'OS'l'AGK A( ( Ol N'rs. rii(;se indebted to the Post-Ollire, f(,r jiost- af^c on letters, newspapers, or ina^^aziues, ai“c K quested to call and settle the same, v. ithout delny. The (jiiart r ended the last ijf Septeiii- lier, and the tiraftfroni the (,eneral Post-OfKee must be paid on sight. I hose u ho t'ail to at tend to this rc(juest, iiiust «-a|h ct, in luture, to comply vith the ins'.nietions fnjin the tieiieral Post-)ihee, '.vbich allow no credit, cxeept at tiie risk ol the Pontn aster. Post-l)Jfin\ ( h(irlilttc, ^ (Jclohtr 1, 1H27. S Dr. i'Yittiwliei's’ licmcdy for Intemperance. The Subscriber, on the decease of the lato Doct. Wm. Chambers, took into his pos- session the personal estate of the lecea.sel, and found prepared a 1 .rge quantity of Doctor* Chambers’ remedy for Intemperance. He hereby informs the public, that he has lisposed of all the Medicine so found, to Dr. Jas. II. Hart, and Mr. Andrew M. Fanning, of this city. In making this disposition, the subscriber has been actuated by a «lue regani to the interest of the heirs of the Intestate, hh w ell as from a wish to give the most extensive use to tin. vir tues of tlie discovery, whatever they may lie— and he can further add with confiilence, that the gentlemen who will hereafter be the ven ders of the remedy for Intemperance, as pre pared by the Inventor, have been intimately connected with Doctor ('hambers in his life time—have been his agt nts in compounding tho medicine, and are ac«jiiainted with its c(nipobi> tion. SYLVANUS MILLER, J’vb. .idmiuislratur, Ue. 0:;^The Mcdicinc is preparcil only by tho subscribers, who alone are in possession of tho original Uetipe of t!ie inventor, at the ofliee of the late Dr. C. in the basement story of llut- ifers’ Medical (Jollege, in Duane street, east side of Uroadway, and at the Medical store of Dr. Hart, corm r of Broadway and Chamber street, 3 doois from Washington Hall, New- York. {Frorathe Vcrtnnnl Gazttte.'] “ We have the pleasure to aiinnunce that Doctor ('hambers’ Medicine for intemperance has been ailministen d to twelve persons in tiii vicinity, and that in (vrry insianre it has had th: dtHlrfd cjftrt of fin,during uu nitire disrilit'h for Iht line tf ardent .spirii.f. It has rcdrenud llitiit frnni ohvions ruin, anil rettored ( lo Hum- Kilvrit, rdnliv'H, iinil fritnds—Id health, to i:idu.\~ try, t(j unjulnefs, and to tluir proper stulijus i.i .socuty." Btw vTiK OF iMi'osTrub !—The nlniost incred ible success which Dr. hatnbers’ mcdielre ha;i met with in tlie cure of intemperance, hai bro’t Icjrth nianj fraudulent imitations of this v.d.'.a- ble remeily. To secure the pubhe, aj;:‘inst im- |)osition, tlie directions acconipan} in^- tl.e gen uine remedy for intemjierance are ii^ned in tha hand wrltin^^ of the subscribers, Hitliout v. hicli none are genuiiu;. frt' r!*" iv *' Iii'' I•, TflE (^stli Hi );imeMt of N. Carolina Militia is 111 reby eonunaiKied to appear in (jharlotte, ■ n Wt'dne^duy, the lOih of Oetoiier next, at the Innirof 9 o’eicjck, A. .M. armed ;ind e(jUij>- ped as the la^v directs, for inspection, rc\i'w anil exereiae. All the con nii^sioiud e.fTicers of tjic Hegl- 'i.erit, and I'l and 2d Si rj;e:iiits of (Dinpairn...-*, ■ ire n quin d to attend the drill ibo day preceii- .ng tlic re'.' ■ TT DAVn>‘-(i\’ Cc' Ti) KDrroHS, In ord r that ttu- etiicacy of Dr. Chamber-,* Hi inedy for IntiniperHiice may e thorcjuj^hlv tested, I'liitoia of ii w.sjiapers, throuj;,hoiit the? country, who will inst rt our advi rtisen.ent and add this article to it, and send us a copy of the [lajier cont},inin^,^ it, shall rec-ive fi om us ' y retiiiu of iiiuil, a (piantit) sutlicient to cure on« lirimkaul, which they a ill lu' reipu sted to ad- minislir \u some patient in their iieighborhooU, and [)ubli>h the result. Public lii-titutioi.H and Philanthropic Socie ties, by making application (duly autheiitica- teil) lo the Sui'set ibers, sh.ill receive tlie ined- ii ine at a \' ry n diiced ])rice. On enclosing to us the usual price, postaj^e paid, the niedi- eine can be sent in a lctt* r ny mail. 'I o those wlio are unable to pay, on prrsonul upplicuiii.n ot the individual to our ofhee, the ninucinc will be administered f,^ratis. JAMES H. IlAUr, M. D. A. M. FANNING, v^ 'e Su;ecssora tv >V. i'hcnnlxr's. _