It CHA»iOSSJi5; ti r.sDAV, oc'ror.KiJ ir., n-r. j;iie}Vptrnncc.— \y will h.- fi om' in 'his wrck’s fl, a 51,1'plv'»*' Chamh» rs’ jusUv ci ijrui'fl .Mrfluii;f“, fur the ri;i c of '.eiMK'.t', vccfivtd l)v Dr. M'Ki'ii'* cojinty, and is now : jiTi 1 fur s;ilc III Iht* N* u-YorU piic«s. Tht i.un'iM oiiS and well .'lutlicmiratt'd in bUiik t’s of llie sui 1)1 ITirary of t'ii*. rs t i.ii iric, in the cur e of drunlM'nrirss, littif rooif) to doubt its virtues; a:id it 1!' to !)(' hoped u fair trial of i; wil! 2;,\v [>t’ r.iadr in quarlrr, and that addicted lo the vit e of int( n'prranri-, 'All! Iiavt’ th»‘ resolutioti to alitni^t n n/rc. If t!u‘V do this, wc fl fl coiifidrnt tlu‘\ v.r.l uccird, and ilius escape the mtlan- f’v'iv iVu witich olherwisc awaits ihcrn. \\ f (‘Xpert to hav«‘ a few doses d« pobit- us for sale-- of which due notice V) ili 1)1* i^i' t*i). 2unryland.—The elections in this sta'e sriiniiibars ioth Le^'islalure ha\e tf^r- initiaieil, utul the friends of ti\e Adminia- vii'icn iiav( triuii;pheil. 'i'he House (J JJi’L^aU's w ill fonsist of 50 Adniinistra- noii nicn and JO Ja( ksonians. “'I'his is a ijif it triumph,” the N. lional lu.e!- VgcDcer, “obtained in I'avcr of li'ierai {riricijjli s and republican },;ovi rnniciii, ;;nii u (Msasirous lieleat of all lin' Rn^'ied ho[ns and bdT’guine ( alculations oflliose iTlu) difl*T in opini; n >vith us on that •oii't. I’roni n«> dlsn spet t to tiu-ni, hut ;';:r till if own s>>kes, we r« joice in it.’* Diutrvare.—Tlie combination lui' o ca!- uLi'.t (I on Dt laware as ct'j tain ; but ’.lu y jrc at;;;in (loomed lo di^appf'':>-!i.( nt. Tt.f Nationai Intellifjenccr, ol October J’i', —‘*'l'he election of a Reprrsen- Utivp to Coii^reaS has taken place in the .Sta'e jfDelaujre. We have as yel nt> dfci.Vivi' M turns; hut we are inl'ormed iliai Kj;x3r.Y Johns (IViendh to il'.r Ad- luiiiisiration) IS electcd. This, L;gaii;, is wcli.” Hen. Saunders says in his piiblicatior, that the vote of N('w-York depended tip- on (kn. Van Rensselaer, v. iio liad assert ed most positively that tie would nut vote for Mr. Adams; but that "M;. CLi\ U'ldspercd some of liis ilatterni;.; unc- Uon('J into his ear," and tie j^ave his Votv for Mr. Adams. A Geneiul Sfew- srt, a Jackson candidate I'or tin Lvi';isla- ^ure of MaryUnd, has iinpro\ed upon t’lis «torv :—lie does not say that Mr. Clay '‘ H'hispertd" • ‘ unction" iti to (!11 . V’ .i11 Ki'iiNselar’s enr C but 'hat Mr. Cuv iiuliued him to vote for Mr. Adams, “by l.tiiiling out the idea that •dmob fmtii lial- liniore would come to \\’asijiii;^tijii to inHueiice their deliiiei ations.” I'l’.e edi- 'or ot the lialtimore Fu i i(t, in bis pa per of Sept. 27b, sa) s lie is cuthci Izcd to state, that the wl'iole of this story “ is eii- *irily utifoundt d in fact. Mi’, ('lay ntro- iiuvinjrsaul a irord. directly or indirei 'l), 10 (irti. Van licnssi laer, lo induce hio. U> vote lor Mr. Adams.” So much for this {gratuitous slander, 'liicii will now recoil up^n its authors. l'n;;Iishtnan” has np;ain enlit^l'l- cni'i( columns of the i'eopie’s Advo '^ti', ill an uddreNs extendirjv tlirou,L;!i '■ii'iic pa;’;es. liui we see no'iiini; in ii retjuires an aiiswei’. It is a poni- p!.'iis piece of declamatio!)—iitid lake a ''’ay its epii!iets, expletives, anil "luluit- :'-:bi'rliou‘:, and liUle is left. hjve shown, that ibr fi.inuTS ' I ccnslituiion, wl'.o oui^^ht lo know, ''least as well as Dr. ^'oopt r, the mian- ‘■■'.'v ol i!',ut ini>tiument, believed it c(j!i- -'‘'iitiiiiiul to i)rotect Airieiicati mi'.'uir.u- tuM ;,—In liiii, .t ’•'.ntjrish.-iiaii” has no! '•'^'tnle have shown, ^;5Ut C.otiiM-css ha'. atVuided protef tion t^ • SouihiMti cotion plut'.ler, to'jaeco »' Utiler, atid sii;^.u’ planter, as well as to •“C .■•(jrtheni iiiariui’.ictdre:’—but this ha*' * i>‘d the ntjiu e cjf No i ji;’-!u>timan. ” ' iiuve av.ked 'nini to joinl out_a sin- Ilf!(', n,a;;iil\u tuvoi! iiiihe U. S. atiC i-X'ecied under tin* i e\( iim-laws, whirli 'iH'u in pi ice—this he has not done, J:2' '*'cn atlcini^terl to do. Ilin we havt ", 'h'i' ilu^p-'V.i.'::i )r. to nr- icDH iviauuf ictiiro, has u> , i,e irouU Ii oii, , 5 to ptT rt III ill;, a'iiniilefl it. \\ Of im se.'n/id 2vlcwM u? a\ oiIcc. ’ini '''t) that I have to Mr. Saundr i s—I Tp” I”*'"’*'''"** "‘'lt)e awarded bv '. ' ’ lor I have none-that has induced me t- I „* Ajrriruiturul sorict.s ut '• I y I -1' ’ , . . » 11iL*i 1* A n 111 i rV \l *»r11; Ir iti ^ if • #\ 1^/ f* 1 W It IS tiol ,f 1 i..fn iiiy persi'tidl I make this statement : I am a ciiizi n ol North Carolina, and l’ro:n one of the coun lies tiiui c;mp()se Tvlr. Sauriders's Dis-j inct. Another oi his constituetits is j old with me, in I’altimoie, and is willing to i •' testify In i!k- tr uth of the statement. 'IVul/i tiiirr irai Indchled ie a Lie. (ieor‘,'i;t. as a candidate for re-(decticn lo tlie oirici- «)f Vice Presidt tit of the Uiiited Stales. 'This early imaiithorized move- Tneiit, may, perha^^s, interlere with arran- t,’-en»ents said to be makiiij^ by the master ‘Spirits elsewhere, ll is dan;;erous for wheel horses to run away with tlieir lea ders. Hye and bye “ we shall see what we slinll ;.ce, and know what we don’t know.” X j: C'cM. 'hli\ • cr «. ll t hi ! r (.os d i'.e has t,. rn, has he dune iU- has eulo-izc. 's patron, mid liIjor.iily i.u-stovtcd liis •visive epithets on those w ho lu»vc had e independence and pairloiisui to cen- Mie, K. \frely, wc Dr. Cooper’s 'I'emp* > a'>e arid disorganizint^ proceed- " >. is what he has done ; and ii (7//he has dut e. 11 is empty declama- ■'.n, therefoie, needs no reply. Wc have ■ o disposition to “baiidy epithets, vul- t;ar and disresj^ertCul,” with him he i as shown himself more exj)ert in the use ol them than we can ever hope to be ; jnd we are w illinf^ he should enjfjy, with out a rival, the lame thus to be acijuirtd. The f(;!!o\\ Iny is the “ scrap,” from n torres- poiidert, alluded to in oiir laat. It ni:iv, pcr- luiljS, be consiiun (I too f'av(>ral)ie a notice ol OHf, (if any notice at all shoiili: L.- tid;eii oi i:ini,) who lias so ( ['ten atiikin.Ljly c xi mpliilcd, ill hioisi If, tlu' ti'iilh of the pO' tN remark, that “ Want ol' (Ucmcif is want of .'.t.vsi''.’’ Ml’.. Binciham :—Ian>sorryto finfi,tlnt the renow nei Majoi', who fnarshals th(> invincible columns of the C.\rolinirtn, is working!;: hinv.clf of ia'e into a most Wiirliki passion v.iili t'|,f Journal. 11 he will sun'er me. however, 1 reuiind iiiin, that a f:,(;od ((Hicrr v.ii) »,-ver ketp liimseir coc! in action, iii.d tl.a* ir is no every aia' , lius'. titticii so"'-i,ror a soKIuf and ta' iiciai- lie ini^bl !)e. tlial uoiiid liave tnei iIk- same Cuiiuno with C’haileN Xil. al iM'iidcr. If the littit hero coni ir lies h i-^! I e'>)en:inns cannonade upon i_he Jouriiiil, vou riiusl '.lect batter ies and M'ive liiin nov. fii'ul then a sho! in siteer d( fence ol yeui jjoil, notwithstand-r.'''*"'’ Haitt. Ivcj. appointed ii'! Ills many anathemas, cou hetj in u>( |Sicreiai\ : .Mr. Jant#s R. Neely, Janr's \}.'u!i!i'- u!id r/ri.s,';/V terms with whicli he so M^^‘ ^^^‘‘tt. and iaa.iiuel li. Knox, w re ; vv. 11 kt ovv> how lo dignily them ; and ' a committee lo diafi r* so!u- i t;olw iihsiandit.t^ he should, iti imitation j^ i^onimitlee, alier retii in',i; a | 1 mi'.-.m*'"' miuutes, returned and ofii it d the' tliclr AnnlvtTsary .\iectiasj in Octobt r, 18. I 1. For tlie hi st hoi'.ic Colt, inuliT om- vf :ir j old, a preptiiini of ^.s, 2. I’er the bc»t mare Colt, umUr one vt-ar For tlie best Midc Coir, unilcr nnc vtar M c c k! t n 1) 11 r Li; (; () J n t y. t ln'jriist .SVv.',’o;/. 1^27. Robert Hotiston 'i Mary lus witV, ^ I’-tition fot* C .-..ftitifiti oi:’ Al'^tnii Sp’’:\tt Sc’t'! liiiwifc. j Lands. I r is ordered by cotirt, that pubb it • n b« niwlc sis \vo ks iii tbi (hitavvba .loiiriiul, for ttie ill f ndan's anpeiir at our n-*\t Court ot* 4. For the best sow and boar I’lg-, under oiu- , I'leas and qu.trter Scu-ions, to l.r ludl fur the year ol(’, caeli. j rouiity if Merk!eii!>nrjr, on tl-.i -Ub N!o:u!:iv of I or tlic best 10 )arJs ot mixed Ifoiiit’spun ' Novf inbt r m xl:, .ukI answer to tbi* p' tition s *Mr. Lalhoun has .been nominated in I doth. ^C, iu. oilu-rwi-e jud^ wiill>o taken pro co,»tcsr I'or the best 10 yards of t'arpettinj,'’, JrT j(J. I so ajjalnst ttiein. r. lor the best lU {;^;dlons of Malt Mct-r, 5^3.1 I. AI-F.XANDLI,*, C. M. C. 5. Fur tlu irreatest quantity of Corn, ^row n on j (it.'j7.—pr. arlv. 5>J. three aerL-s of laml, tiu premium to (e auardt-d 'or a less fjuantity than 5U bushels pi r ‘lere. | •*** It'l* • ^ 1 J 50. ' rou THK I'ATAWHA joriiNir. Mr. Bincwiam:—You will plcnse in sert iti vour next i>aper, t!)at at our Rei;- imental Court Martial, bcdil yesterdav, Cap’. Joitv Si.oAN, Sherin’ of MeckUu- !:uri.!; County, was duly elected I.ieuU’n- ant Colonel of tb.e 68tn liec^iment ol North-Carolina Militia. L. Oc/okr 12, 1827. 9. A premium offl2 30 for the Kreafest nuan-' I ‘ ti»v of Wheat, ^rovvn on tbr.. acrrs of l.iul- V,"',' b. •|.iildielv sold .a |,t. iiine estat.- in Tioprrmiumforii less cn,antitv thuu 20 boshcis .’ r.-der.i k l»,„k.ns decea rd [)er acre. * ' l' “‘ '* "'" vy I r^e am 1C. A'pren.ium of -',forthe £-re.^te=it quant;. ' dw. llioK-hoMse, iVan.e, auo Lite tyof liarlev .r,ovvn on one iu iv of land-iio :«ul a I otn. r ...ithousi-s eo pren.iuiii for a less (luantitvthan 4u bushes i..-r i v !n''-m of j'l) r>r the f;-"e 'lf' r (pinn- , }^'i'iA\'ii on I I) :u'i ( s I ! laud —no prenuuiii acre. 11. A |i tit\ of Rv premimii lor a Lt>s (piaiiiity tli.m 12 bnslitI.-> per aero. 12. A ])?eiiiium of ijlO for the best 10 g'll Ions of \\ me. 'I’be. a!)o\e pr. ininnu, from No. T> to 12, in- IMIIWI1—riPmrwuii [COM MUMCAT;t>.\.] The Steel Ci t ek Troop d' Cavalry be- ins^ I his day Convened for the purpose d' • ‘Ujster; and takin^^ into cotisideration the UTifxpecterl :ind muc b r i^M t'ed death ‘d Javks II. Nr.m., late one of our mem- bfi s ; fe I it a duty tu ofwr some tribute ol irspect to the memory of the deceased I) rot hr I'. ('ol. W. N. Parks heinf^ called to the I of the “ madman Swed-,” u !x;n', 1 pr • i . — j snmi*, he hds iak n lor bis .72;,ViV//-?y inodel. I which wore unaniiuously a- ! >. ml one of his boots to awe v on into siib- i *’d • Jicsoh'cd, 'rbateacli DHIcer atul dragoon nil one of his boots lo awe you into stil)- I :nission. , •\ft. r all, what could have rotised tl„. j 'fto wear cr.,p. wonderful iie ol tlu' mai'naniinfjiis liiile on the lef' arm abovt the idbow jVirtwen- .Major.? IIa\e you not ai’kiiowledgfd !iisl'>’ company nms- litle to his military bom rs ? atuj youmavj’’’’' Kv-.'^olved, that ( api. William now, iti ariiici j)atioti, bv these piest n‘s ^ (iteer request Mr. l(in}jbarn. the efi- ;-cktiouledire his l’i.ll and absolute rischl. jJournal, to -ive th- title, and inierest in and to all and siit^;u-j aiul iesi.j»utlon u jiubli lar the hun-fds he may curn, when it shall j jdi\is«- !ii\)i '» h up .l.e hill and tlien- .M. •man li down a' ion. (A/.'iO, 1827. ag., ei'TOATfl BOAT The triitii is, you have not yet acknow led[;ed hi.s title to me ctiar.u.ter of a yr;7 j — thete lies the rub. H^id you done this 111 time and with due submission. In' would not have shaken liis ambrosial i iirls and frow ncr! ho tei ribly upon \oii. Althotiirb you ( jiitva bri'u- Miur mindc, ut piesent, to make tt>is arkiiow h'd;;- ii.tni, without ‘ome t ( .‘.r\aiion ; \ft. in liopi’S that it i.iav in a t'lea'^iire depveca’i' . . In, v.ralli, vou a.lnin, ;T"'^ .'tr r. »i..l v..ll . • ■’ w . 1 I » ni( nee runien^' lo In >r;Tt(>w u ;»iid f at It ne i-. not a »/•// lum>ell,lie bas b. ei. (,,,,,,i,.^tnu onihef>rst of (kto er.‘a.,d ill e .r- known more tbotl onci* to be ?(.;,/(/, i-. j.y ir-o lurr at eustomarv r.ttes. 'I he s'ii)sei'i- i I)( rs r. i 1 spare ho ->ertioii to x; I traiisportatiim ( f j) AVi \v \ .wuUiV.xa. aiwavs the ' i.itse of wit in others. luu'li s\!l. when absent from lii.'ikii; thvvart^d in ‘^onu f;.\nien'tMri. (iiti tin- Odui e and i^'oods tu aiul (jve place.>i. I'l.i.s I'oat bus 1 l)>t, swi'r. tuft 1.'.' vioiiM -^en.! ti, ! his Ijoots, wiiicii siiould I Tv rici-. I Ln!r Fiom — fee sliip C.i'i;da has aMlVt'd .-‘t Nf’.v-Vo’k, froni LiVf rpocl, w‘'.fii'"'' the saih'd on tin Hr i Si pt. Ml-. liiiskisson has hi ' ivrd in I'i.Ldaiid, but ti e new Hriiish ni:nisti-y bad ?ioi l.'ei n I’ltiailv an an;j/d. 'I'be news from (ireere is oC a most ci.cei in,.; chai- ai ter. — V’ulo'iy has Miiiiyd upot5 li\e * iViirts of^ tlu.l ;,;;aHa!i' peoide. Ibr.i- him l\iC ba h.iv iiu;; I.ecu st’.erely bentep in ilie viciiiitv oi Vo,--iitz:!. iii the I’tdc- ponnesus. I. ’td (,'o( br.itie had ids( struck a *)lo\\, atif! surreeilec! in cap'ui- injj a 'I'utkisb ,>'*1 iMin rriiL'‘alc nnd asrhoo- ner, aid-r a contest. '1 lure \v;is a rumour, 'iuit the I’ritisb lorct s were to be w itb- diawn from Portui^al in a short time, but it was not rridit' d, Spain coiitiir.u d fils'railed !>y i ^’n.motifuis. 1i •> not known hat i ITi ! ti '' tri'aty i >r itic n.c dit lit !"n of (i'ci.-e his (lad on ihe lo:i\ I fruiii ish' r (>f ll liis ma'b a ti ll-fVnm (;liarlcston, with a lull trriji jit, ojir rf in h ss tiia:i live d .ys, their cuiiciii- h;ui- a pull iioat now on t!io sWicksJ vh.rh will hi laimclif.l about flie first dt’ No- V.- iibcr, e.ik-td i»eil to e irr\ fi\i- bun rid Iiales of rottuii, ami of so iif.;lil a lir.iit nf v.a'’ r, as On on- auo lately fin* eoinii.oii land, ii rtcr t) none on '^ucar r,'nel., is in i jrood state of i\ jiMir a.nd eultivaflon. I'hi.s liousf, !> miks iVuni i lotte, on the main K adin;. roatl tiuin sn:l!i to i,oitli, via Cliesti-rvillc, old Na tion Fo'i!, on the Catawba, f'tiarlolte, SrIisbu- rv, ll IS been ailvrmtasi'efm^ly oceupl d ,.s a stioii! tor F-ntertainini nt for the IjsI tlnrfy . iirsj H'’.d friiiii iis distance from Cliar'otte, aiul its eo!ivei'.lcnre in evn-y n sjitI t, wdi idways con- X hi“'.\e, v\ dl he ai\ arded .it October meeting', j lijnn- t„ I,c the beL.t and most profitable stand on tliis route. A of f5 wdl ne an ard.«d -.t the .sl,„u!d it not be s;dd to tlie satisfaction of tho lU Nt aniiu'd mei ti.'ijj', IS..''.^, tor tlie best ^rass | prc«cnt owner, it will, o»i that day, be ofi- reit lot, of nut less than oiH hilt .n-re of up land. I to has* fora tern) of years. I he .Mi'cKieiit)!!!'};- A^'Tii'idtui .il Six ietv' will j pfi-sdti wi-.liinj;' to iiiiv or lease, can IrT- m. et at the roiirt-non^c in harlotte, on the i W . Urandon, \Vadeshr,„\ oi- last -iaturdav 11, Oc tober; the nieii.bin, anl j seott, s.a!isl.ur\, or .la.m s D.ukms, (.'tilers friend.y to the caii-e, w ill pleasi.- to ,.t-j ,. ,j,, premises, Meckh ubure, bv lct^» tend at an early hotir. i*.v onh r of tlie ere- i ti p or ^'*1111. ^fcf. -Stc. I 'I'ernis maile easy to t lie purcliasi r, and w iU N. 1?. All persons boldini; i.ooss ludiuij.^’iiig' | be pu'dished on the day of sale or h .'lie. to the society, are requested to return tlient ,.t I S \KAI1 iJl.\Kl.\'S the abo\e meetinj,". J. .S. 'I'lic llcfrruf, I\uu)un Co. A'. T. ji55 Oct. 7, 18'2r.—2t3.3. fj3M»()S'l'A(iK Al COl N'I’S 'Fhosi indehted to the Po^t-Onice, foi- jiost* aici (»n I' tti rs, ii' wspapers, or naj;azine-i, ar& \ eidi'i^' at niy houie j ri cjui'sted to e.all and settle the sam*', without; del, \ . 'I'lie quarter ended the last of Septem ber, an.! the draft from the (icneriii I’ost-Ofiico must i.>e paid on sight. I' who fail to at tend to this reipiest, niust exjieet, iti future, t* comply w ith the ins'.nictions from the ImuTul I’ e, which allow no credit, exetpl i(t the risk ot the I’ostmaster. riist-Djfirr, ('harlotlt\ X.C.} IHoljer 1, 1827. S, ON tiie Statesville, h (iUV, which the owner can have and pay-n^' I’ur tins adverliseiiient. ic M. .MOUUISOX Ovlnbcr 12, lr{27. — 1 v^•. V>1*. I \A.sV Wvlevs IJKMAlMNd in the IV st-OfTice at Charlotte* 11 N. ('., Oct. 1, 1827. Iti'.mcAhj for Intemperance. fl'^HF. Suhscriber, on the decease of tlie late .1 Doet. \\ 111. Chainhers, tO(>k into his ps- se-.>ion the ])er>,oiial estate of the deceaseil, and toiiud pi' pared a br;^c quantity of Doctor ( I. ni!)« rs’ n me iy for liitcin|»eraiice. lie hereiiy informs the public, that he has dlspo",> d of d! the Medicine so IVjuiuI, to Dr. .las. II. Il.irt, and .Mr. Andrew .^1. Fa'ininy, of I tins city. j Dr. M. W. Ale'^ander, Jolin Allen, Icaac III niakinp thiB disposit'on, the subscriber has I *‘-'^‘“*der, Kbai .Mexander, Menj.imiii K. Alex- bee I ai t'lated by a Mue n ^:ird to tlie interest “nder, .losiah Alexander, Thomas .-Veock, Su« of the Ik irs of the Intestate, as well as from :i ‘‘•o tedi Alexander, Calvin U. Ales inli r, .lerc wish lo i> lve ti,e iro--t extensive use to the vir-II' l’aueis .M. Ale xaiiiier, Saral^ tiu's of the disrovery, \vliate\er they may be—i Alexander, and III can birtlier ad 1 with conlidei.ce, that t!ie i>( iitlemen .viio will hereafter he I he veil- Hrmkcp, .lames llrown, Giles llrown* d rs of the remedy for IntiiiipeiMiice, as |jre- AHen Ualilwin, Samuel lilair. ;),irc'l by the Inventor, h.i^ e hi i ;i intiiiiatidv j eu.ini (.‘i’d with Doctor ( h'uiiljers in his lil'e j I'avid F. (^aldwedl, rhonms Carter, D. fl. 'iiii'‘—iia ve been his ;u,;’e nt s 111 com poiindin 1 h(! ^rtinip, Sanuied Conner, William 1'. Co an, Iiie.lie-inc, and ar>' ac.ijii.ilnted witli ifs compo.-.i- ' II. Claik, I’uw. 1 Coo>n, .lane (Jarson, .Im!> lion. .SVi,\A.\i;s Nill.I.Tdt, ' (Nation, Cooper & Metiinn, \V. Si .1. Cook, Will* J't:L. JcJrninistralur, &c. 1 C', 1 homas Crawford, Wdliain — Cerraj.;an. Xj’ The Medii ine is prepared oniy bv the 1 . siil)seri').'!-s, who alone are in pos.s-ssion of the I fJobert Davidson, .John Davidson, jr. .lohft urip:inal U- cipe of the invi-ntor, at the ofliee of' Duckworth, .\aiiey Davis, Will- 'he I'ate Dr. . in the ha^eim lit btory ol Hut- iOarnall, Daniel Dulili, Sugar Dubn, Dun- Jeers’ .\K die;d Colieg-i , in street, east 1 'Daniels 2, Elizubt'th A. Daniel, James Da- side ot IJroadu.i', aini ,it the .Medical store of Dr. Mart, (orm r of Ilroadway and Chamber -treit, 3 dooiji from \\asbington Hall, New- York. [Fron the f’^en, out (itizctje.] “ We have Uie pleasure to aniii.iinee that Doctor Cluinher.-.’ Medicine tor inti inpi runce has l)eeii ;tibninistf;r'd tu t>, elTi- j)er.-.otis m t'lis vic nity, and that in cvirif inxl.iriri ,1 hus hud!hr i/es.rnl tj/'icf of pTuiliirlinj; mi nit rt dusirlts/t fir ■//nil .yiints. It ha.i ruh i/uc/ t^ifin (Ills rnlv., am/ nsion:il I;,cm to ihiin- K. Charles F.Ims. Mrs. .lane Emerson. F. F.lizabeth Flannifjau. Simon Fraser, W'. Flails n:(jan, Daviil Flanikin, Win. Fhnii, Jas. Fyght, \\ illiam Flannigan, Uachel A. Ford. (). Mary (ilespey, Samuel (iiviiigs, .Mason OiW, .John tioodnian, 11b (iriflith, James C. liriflith. II. Hacliel llend'Tson, .\itdrew Ilcnder.son, Hei*- to be i na'.li ll to jjo :it :iii si asors. '1‘tiis huut, , in coiijiiiu'tion itli till' stea’ii h'i.i', wil! i 'i:,mi-l- j "J tlie eert.iuity of iii) and lUj.sii frei^'hts, without J'".'''' hi.,. ... ■ , j .''//■.V, rilti'tv n, intii Jnr>iff.t~-(i, hcitit/i, to indiiA- ' John Dipp, hleader Hood, .lames M. Tlie suh,scriben will receive cotton oiVelirl-t |''i'. and to thdr pr( per slat inns iu |]“V.Alexander on inoiK late ti vniv, ;.i.d Mi.ike no e'i:ir;;'i i'or | .itorn^e, if sbippi'it liv their oats, 'liny udi also reei'i' i ioul rurwi'T'd ;;oods, nn ri asonalde 1 . ''i MT'!»‘iTVii i. !—The ahnoNt ill'r ,1- t- rins, liavinj.^ e iiiinodii.iis s^'in i aiul v ai\ -!i(>u- '’'•''c* ' s w uirh Dr. ( h:irnh r-’ :iii dicine has r,i s, lor the security of j^ood I of interii|jeraiiee-, ho.s jro’l .Mr Henry W . Coni.ei, t' -• l:i ( irt’i. K- i “> '-‘'‘duleiit iiu.tatiuns of this vidti i- Subliii)' I’ot te. i III- tTiai 11)1' A mei- li all ()t oduCC COillitlUl ii V ('V. Ur;. From thi' Ihdtini' re I’atriot. In tiicri’pU 111 It. Siiundei’i, rf S.i!- isburv. N. C. 'o ( loi .Kel t, of t ne State ot .Ma''vl.iiii'. p'rdishi ; in the Jai kson pres-.l e!v Ne Ml. ^ itindei s I, l.^u.c;e; ••Ini' 1 •• tl.e ! -t i'll r.' j •• teriiii’iutii'i , 1 ' and I'.pi'cssid prefifeU( e lor I'-l'-'^viti^ l:.n I , , ! I e ( wMinil'll! eniCtu o' j |, ,.f , ,'!( ir ’,.1 ( iiii'.cst. to i' j I"., s, i,i! ’H’l'cd, but o!ie I'l el in','. i 1 u' (Mil ore iarn;i;aj,u'. \\ il!;:;t,i H. Cra%\ 1‘ ton, will atlciiii To the reeen oil,'- !'il f^Dods '(I this (,r MU ii.ti rnn till- Fee l)''i. ruei', .n«d wlil ri n i’xc ami atieiul | to all orih rs resp! (tliijy '-otlon ’h d may be >-eiit to ill* eare. I he Ml!. s( ilhii s p!' d;;e ’him. S’d\i'S to Use all dili^;en ’ and ittt i.tion in tii it powi r, for the iijlercst i,l tiiosi s\ iio m,iy luake eun-ii/^'iiUU Ills to them. .1, !!. •1'.'' M-:S. Chir iw , S. C. Sept. 2 1, M-7.— M'.i i •N t) \ I • j 5 5 V pernll^»lon ut' .la'ie s II. \’t llher'poun, | I# Km;. I>filir.r\ of i lue.isli r I ii'.ii u n ill | i>; si/Im, it tin; iaie I'l ->l'ii ui c (it ' lull'' n". ' ll ^ A in I (I'M II, d''i'r ‘I Ol, t iu )l I j, jr.t !i Mill 1 ft ll I (!■ •. s ( ! I' lo ' r, ; lie r m,'>u ni;’ li i i.ri' >■ ii tlie j lia 1 > .-I : t e ul id i ii cetin . 1 ; i vdi , '.tia^' ol j one tnirt I i !u- nil l.uiid, ly i i’; >'i die nortli j Hide ( t I ’.Vi I ve M Ie i I'l ; ! , •> .]'' i.iu;,'' i he l.iiids it I'nbt. ^t iiisoii, ,U s-,- >1'. i';,’-!' aii'i'itlK r>, ( on- huiii!."’ d .iiifl tii'U ai Ti -;. '1 Ills is supiiosecj to lie efiui.i to ai y !,i,'l ■ii s.,.d cl'^i k ; , a.’Mii.i^ I iiiMii i . an . seel- t;l( r-me(.\. lo Mcctire the piil./lii; ajfaoist iiu- 'lii'i I ■ luii-. aceoiiip.i"\ iiij; the i^'rii- id toP'^v al'(lii.jf i ■.tt I'laei (.1 I I''''’**t'‘^ . .- r. • . (• ami atieiul 1 ''y int'-nilH ranee an- :,l-ui d in tiie ''‘ttle t mav !,e«-eiit ; 'f the suoscriijcrs, witliout which none are* g'eiiuiue. In Ti) I , iiH'OIJS. llod^'ii Janus I*. Henderi-on, .Maj. John llarV* ^rove. J leSEe !>. Johnson. K. Mai’i us T. r. Kennedy, William Ko'ijjlun, Moses I\err, i{o!)ert Kirkpatrick. I.. William !.m ky .1, Henry Lewis, F.lias I.ewig, uhn l.t e;. M. D iiiel McT,uu>r|dln, H'i^h McDen" 11 '2, .lolin M tiiia)', Doet. \Ji K■■ ./i ■, Joint MeCulhiCh, jr. ii-\. Maha.iii Mcl*l,i-rs(in, ,\nilrew McN.- .v. oi'ihrthat the I Ibc.icj. of |)r. rim'.brrs’ 1 " ii’ iiicdy liir I lit, iiiperai.i I ui..y ( thurou!; ld\ te.sted, Kd.tors ot' ii w-p.ijx v,, tliroii^hoiil tiie eouiitry, l.d a ;|1 inr,. it i;r .ulvi r'l^eiiient and .ll. 1 t'lin ..rij/!t to :t, and m i il iii a eup,- uf ihc p.ipi r eout:i:ii,i, ; jl, sii.ill n ecve fro'ii ii'j \ I'l (.* mail, a (jiiant iy nt to curt oe.i- 'Iri.ii afd, wiiiili ill y .iili i/f leijiKsled to aO- i.'liood, in till ir iiei, d ;’hl!Mi'.!,ri.;.V itu ii i.iluly ill,till s'l dl le I i\i tin •oe.e- I I r' a 111' ! ) O s 1 I I \ e busulitv to Join. ^i^uiK r aihi liiL;-, C’v re, ( imir ,, \v .1 I n :.n 1 I.:.rill I'oi'iler ai. 1 'I'lt-., ,ii to •..'(llOll > to |!ll ' Iviiov. n on l.i*' da'. 1,-^’ r;a .1 a t i' 111. ■,t' ^ ■ ie !; ine -.1 1 'I w W 1 M C H. — ll II jd' a-i(l'e ; y I I I orn, r '.I'.iclis '.le made n, a l.e Iv vpc per>u!is. u V AOS. ,,'.e\er r;i:i'. I’...’. C I-i • n Ail'. Saiiu- )i id'e'-.M- r.s. pre’et'M''iis, oi- j)i( let I,-) (iov. Ken!, i.) the I'.di- , or to iitiy o- (iflcr hi'.' If It I'li' niFlo sa\ : im’, l.rfn,r llic Jeitioii I'lr Frt sidciit toidf. jda. i . nlcn .Mr S. nt ders u a*; \u lore the Pen- rde as .. . t'o du’c !'t C'on,';) e l:e tUd iiis coir ■'orr V. iu ibe ca-e If Killed old;nUi Mr. CruM ford, b-=.'^r-t cbab.e, ih \\ »• I dt'i s’ J I e!u !f‘ i tor'i ( l’ w iioio t her p' rsoi. (O’ ' Dist rn is iii;t 1! i 11 i , A, i:. I'vthr Mi.'c ('rtky J.’. 21-, is.r- W A! I’, / \\v))VuV:v I os !'j_ i nd( l,t( d '() ('Hrn-i rirTidcrson, by net'- Will fiiiil ill ‘r iin'i s in the hands of 'ht'^nl)•.( riljer. I hey ar; re^^U's'l d to iuai.'( lUili.i ib.ltl pa\ uielit, i'.r, iul ibl 1' 11 .eb ll." e ir C.i.'l- ui t ',Vi !i In .nt^il. .' ;• !i r^piiir-ov, OJcbrr lu, Hu27 ~ 7* -3 nIIue-'( r to •joiiie p'ftll and pui il 'b tli( r.’ ^Mlt i’u )|||' I li'.t it ut ir...-, tie'., 1j\ Mi'll-: Oi;.; l -j)l ' 1.'.. ; tlie .Sll Ml ■ 11 II..; ;.t .( V( ry redm ■ : j i ,i . . (!n , m los.ii- to u-ithe n',, prici , piwrev- p.mi, the lia .!i (,n:‘ eaii be m ut iu ‘i I' M' r i»y mad. I o iliose wl Cl .vi'e uie'.ld'' 1(1. |ja;.. i.u (ifijilii'ntmu I i liie iiidii I'iu I '.o ii'ii' oiiii e, the iiu ill.'i ne '.v ill !)e adiiiiiiisteri,! j.,; i*■ . J ^ n. 11 \ u I', \i, D. A .M. l'iN'.;\t., ‘'■id .Sii; .-.i fo it'. Chmiit'ier.i. II. Mel.cain, Cdl. Wni. \0)(,re, |!i'r' 'a!'4^ , i.i-ii. Mei.eury 1, .loha Muri'.i, ('h,,r,rt M.i.i(>n 2, \\ m. I,. Montf itb, .!(j!in Mei)c>\i ell 2, James ,M;irliii, Morns, John ,M.itius. N. James Nanta, I lujma^i Norton 2, Herman Notile. O. .John N. Or.’. I'oif. Wrn. I'o-'t. r, Duvld P.-rk*;, fNd. W TT. M.. j. .1 )!ui S. I’orti r 2, .lulin \. I'oiiv, ■y Folk, ilbain Fol:;, H.inii„h Feopk '.'v III. I'orter. I Sii'^.an Her. I l.oui,*.a U- I u. '^.it’iUi 1 li'iddo' k, Itidius I S. II' Miy S' t ll, N I u- \ Slo . n ,l'ihu,Str u ll i, ,\'a S ( pliei.^:, .lulm S. S! \ . i| i; w ir; 11. i; li o -o; . .11 h'- l,:id I' ll'. eU ol ttie s r, ('uv."ir., II, I It u i|, :m ,; 1 t. ll ! L'. lusel V( s ot .genuine ; a.s t ill pi.Sed 1 11 ' '.ill III '■ I ill'' ’, 0,7. .5, 1M..1 iiii'Vc Mi(!,''i;ie ha.*' i)i-en M. D. .V. ,S. M. i . , Uii;e, U) the SU./bcriix r, " ''' !i Ol C'i,i”l()it()f ,(f lOr.i 11 t lb*.* ,t w-\(;rk pi'tei ?4, A fi.*i\ . I'ue are depoMti il 's I'.ii \\ id.a.n lilt, Sl'ite-vdle. ' |i' '■ tii. t 111!,.--' v.ho aVe ll «'i()M'd tu b'{;lil\ eeiel.r.itid llieijii'rm , uill av i, o[ portiiiuty uf pn.ciii-,i,jr i io'i-, .niitat luiis ,1 .! Ul'l' ■OIUII. i: it. V. llll'll .11 ■' 111 llhi J. M’KM l r. ■S’llr-'.^ liyburn, Jidn ;.’od;,^er*, I'lhi; It'll!, Debi'oiij^li U(;l.r It-01 , Id, .J.aiie,0 K ed ^la^\ ! I. Su db. ril, N.iiu y Stroi.jr. 'leruiu ii |»,i\n'. "lorvs, ‘'ie rid' oi' \'..o Jen nii-y; i,r Waller and .laiiu ! ,'tider, I'ho.naa .“si are}, Catharine bhinn, i!ol.. rt .'leu .rt. r. James (.. I'orrence, Wiley Trexler, Jol'.n A. ! t '* I 1. N — J oliii 11. '\'arm i’, W. ’I'll 'mat W dsou, S.imuel Vi iko'\ Rex. Jc!;>» Vi .Hi.imsou, I,,1111 M. V\,|.„-,,| J, .!u:iii V» dham? ^V III. \'. iiiie, jolm i., W iMttr. ’ John Y.irL)rou;,di, \\ lliarn V ir l!e. M. SMI I 1! P. ?>T. ‘-.Tif* !(t Uiis Oliirf V'v\\Av’’.s \\ rov Ctt