\(>r. III.] CJLUUsOTTE, J\". C. Tli:SVAY, OVTOliEll S3, 1827. [NO. 53. PI nMSHKI) V KKKI.Y liv LI:MU1:L liLMIIIAM, -Jit Thne Dollars a yeur, pmd in udrurut. No papt-’r will bt diiicoiitinued, xiiikps at tlu discretion ol the editor, until all arrcaraj^es are paiti- Advcrlisenients will be iiisfvted at tlu- iiBiial r^iles. 1*1 rsoiis sending- in adviTtisi-mcnts, arc rci]uested to note on th( n argin tin- nuinher of yiiHiTtlons, or they will be coiitiniied until I'cr'-id Mi.l cliavf^ed accordingly. I TA\oi\mvs Tvi>t\eT ) ApMii I’l^r YfJm c-'' Mclnfi/rc fov ; ;»ttt, .uuiwill nccivc .11 onii rs iiire( t th Ml .'uv 'I'ickets and aharcs in l.ottc.ries V pii!)lic, r. 1H27.-50 VubVvt' V.w\iV.eiU. r ;i'.f')riu.> liis fr'cnds and tlu' _1 p\ibli’M ^biit lu; ii;is p- r-ltiiscd tiiat wi'll (.■slabh'liniel'.t, bitcly o\\n d and oc iipi- ed ij l>r. llcjul. rH(jn, anl is now ]ir«.])ar d to eni-MlVn. lra\rlli r;i and oUicrs, who ii.a} jilcasi to .'..ri (.11 hint ; and no .'x. rtKHis will be spared ti) i\ iulcr tbei' ('omtnrt j)-;- ,.j de. iiis ta' and tlieir de, will l*e fnrnlshid witli ev- or wliiclitlic ((niiitry alloi'ds; bis bar ^■11 1 tii best of liquors; aiul bis s'ablcs wi!b n . lit) of provender, and carcbi! servant m- in constant attendaiirt. KOlU'iiT 1. DINKINS. rbarloUe, A]>nl 20, 18'2o. ‘30 riioiTiHs 'IVottcr tS* Co. T> KSPF.CTFl'I,T,Yinforii,s J • the public tliat they ha\. rcct'ivcil and ofl'er for sale :> few g’cdd an! silver patent k • ver Uatchcs, (^-entiinun and ladies) a few pood |)laii> ^'atchts, warranted; pentk- incn and ladies’ gold Chuiii^, Seals and Keys; some han-!- Sij.iiv Urcast I’ins, I'infcer lin(rs, Kar Hint’s, Pi arl ai!il I'iiigree, and Paste in setts, 8tc. &.c. ; all or any purl ol \\hii. h i\ e will sell low for cash, (Mocks and VVnlclu-s repaired at the shortest notice, and uarrai.tfd to iJtrl'orm. Cash jjiven tor ^,"old and siU it. N. 1$. \Vc eijxct to roceix’c in .i short time soiiic; elef;an1 Militar\ ai'.d platcrl Cwjods, 8tc. Charlotte, May 14,’ 1K27.—oU ilenrij's iloinmvnlary on the Jiiblc. niOPOKALS Kor pubiishinp by subscription, by Towar k I'ofjan, PookselKrs, No. '235, Market street, Ptiiladelphia, AN KXPOSITION (IJ- Tim l\owse> & for Having a desire to remove l«> my farm, 1 ofli r for sale iny valuable House and Lot, in the town of Charlotte, where I now It IS the most pleasant situation in the vil- '.ap:e for a ])viv.‘ite fantilj’; and being'in the most lUMuess scelion of the town, ii an excellent '.tand for !i T.awyer, Mcrcliant, or Mechanic, as tiu rc is H pool store limisc on the lot, which '•an be made to suit eUher. I will g'ivc a barg lin, for cash, or I will give a credit of three years, vi ith interest from the t.nie I g-ive possission, which will be between now and the 1st day of .lannary next. l‘rirr of the property will be made known to any person wishing to pui'cliase, on aj)])ruation to me. SAM'L. iMeCOMlJ. Sept. 2.5, \S27.~C\55 STEJMa BOAT OLD & .NKW '1 i;sTA.V,KXT. U-V Wh. rein cacli chapter is snrrnied up in it.-j, Iloat is in coni]>lete or.'.cr, nnd will i contents; the sacred text insert-d at hirgr, in j -D eoninunce runnirg to (Hi orijctown and V ill j tiistinct paraerapiis; each iiavaf'.rapli reduced j Cliarkston on the brst ot (Jtlo i r, andwdlcar- ‘ to its proper iieails ; the sfnse given, and large- ' " • • - • - ' ly illustrated, with ’praetie.al remarks and ob- srvatlcns. tntfntrtl *mpro»jftnfHt. IlROAl the s\djscrib( stable in T.inrovd, 1 ( ;ibarnis count\, N C. on tbi'night of tin j ;Otii iMst. two gray i!OUsr,S, on;' of tlu in tiiK dark mane and tad, 7 _\ears (dd, and a scar | Ol liis right, hind |)astt*rn joiut, occas'.nr.rd b_\ ai •, , ilic otlu r iiorsi is li) (,!■ 11 y ars mt!, r:-- f!. !i ti''' 1 ban ’be other; boti. ii' g"'>d rdi r ' -'lull '■'! le, wb.en stulen. 1 »ic_\ a"" ' i '!>*' , 0( ri! '’I* size, I)ut b( av« ' udt- m:in, ubo oi.n ' s nu’iiie VV i' ifii Di'an, is sii.-p^'Cte I to bet', tiirt'. l)(.a!i was missing i tinn-i fcl).' i ui 't-s . '-re. lie is ul)ouT 5 ft e* ~ oi S m- : t I ij;h, ! ''(i:! across the lorclii. i, ''Ut iiis fao t -s VA'-ar !s the chin, wi'i. a verj larj^c UK *li; r-tbcr stncj, shouUlc’-id, unpb :>s.‘nt iisincc, ind d>wi, >o( V , ■ i.auts iiiui.b of |i - . n.(Mi ! .’id is O' J i.t I'.inii' i'ill;; tl’.e l)uteh i’t,i I , ant i' ganil.l. ;-r, .uni s he is a ear- p ■ :>y traii'. '. >» a ;)lu> '. ii th coatee v. ith e' '--.I ct c!/i I', gray c.'sli.i t p inta'c'.jiis, ar ■.:a''k bat wit'i a bnv 1 ;pi n il iri\vi and br!,,dri!ii. r fty iloliar rcnard uilMu r.iven ft'. I - p;;i bi.i’.sion unii r^.r rn’t niei't .ii -mj J'a I, or 111'' ’iv> rv to im in ‘ i iKorii, to- '' cl'w itb both or cl’her ( \ tl’i m'lscs. •\ny I5y 'N’. nTHiw IlnNnr, lati Minhici^of ifit Gofj'il. i netr Edition ,• nilfnl l.ij the Jirv (hi\ nnd thr Ju r. Jasij.li a /jife nf the Jutlwr, lif iun J’III/Iter, (ifC'!S Jhir- . M: I'lti, licv. Si. Ill 11(1 I'HO.'U TDK ItALFIOII HEOISTtR. NO. V. Tlio town of Newliern lias been proposed a.s a starting point for a Rail road dircctly to the city of Ralu’p;h. ^'a^Kl ica.sons arc to besliown lor 5uch a nieasjre. A wise peoplo will j)rocecd to act upon a plan, only when it is shown snlisfactorily that the public wcllaiv will he the ronspqucnco. Newbcrn is anioni; such of our towns as are best situated for commerrc by sea. It is centrally placed in our lower country between the northern and south ern limits of that part of our stale. Its op])ortunitiesal the present timearetc be very dilTerently esliniated from w’.iat they nnce were, connccted as it now is by the Ilarlow Canal w'ilh Beaufort, the best soa])ort of the Slate. Were Ocra- coke the only outlet of commerce frtmi Newborn, little could he hoped from it. From the r(?ports ofFulton, our late encineer, tlie dejith rf water for vessels \.ias>;ine; thruu)j;h the inlet up to Newbern is ill the utmost but ei^ht or nine feet. The Inlet itself, on accoimtof the shoals is not favourable for en- Tbf cbarnctfr of this valu-.dde and hlgldv useful F.xposition of the S;. led rit 'i;;s. r wrll known to !i j/.ous p lu rally of . jl d-- nominations - ;.i’d it now ci-naii ly stiinds in no nt ed of a i)ubbsbcr’» n eoninu lab'ticr.. ('(lUfliliiiii,".—'I'be woi k will !'c pviidii>!ii-I in S'\ lar.L,'' super royal ''clavo \f>!iiriu>', c‘ ab ‘ ry i> oiluce at eustoinaiy mtes. 'I'be subscri- b'Ts will spare no eviition to expedite tltf , . „ * f' tran.sport!tll(M» of ])roli!( e and goods to i'udj**^ llOIlt Ol it from cithi-rol the abo\i- placi^H. I'idH boat has trance from tlie soa. Thoiij>;h Ocracoke inudc a trip iVoui ( barleston, v. ith aiull freight, | ppnl)ablv be always used by coast- lii U sstban f.ve d iys. i ino; vess:|p, w.'-re this our onl V prospect We ba\c a ].(dr beat now nn tlie stock.s, i •*' ’ » * \\liich Mil! bf I .MiH'hed ai o-it the first of No-i we ;-hotild have litllc reason to hope that vi nd).r, e lcidat( ii to e:in \ five buin'i.-di i>;des j \Vashii)j{;ton, Kd(?nton, Plymouth, of cotton, and of so light a dr.dt of wat( r, as, i^f.v/hcrn, and othcr fowns arotmd Albe marle or Pamlico' souiids could ever to be I'tiabled to go at all sea ions. 'I bis bout, in coiijunetifni with the stiain wdl enburo . - . the ecrtalnty of up and down fr'.i-l.iy, without become of much conscquencc in a foreign d.elay. {trado. 11 is the prospect from Xf‘Wbem The s.d.seribers will receive cotton orreightj^^, Ilfcar.fort, that attracts and fixes the on modi rate tenns, and make no elen'ii^i' lor I , . • /• r i i .trn-agc, if shipped by then. ..o' ts. 't hey will ^f^'icc upon the former ot tlicsc places, : !^o rec'.'ivc iind forwaril g'ooiis, on n.astiiiable j as the pcjiiit fi'(7m v.'hich it is expedient lO (’(^.'Virijcncf' a .Kiiilroad directly for the c.‘i|)ilal, ::nl tlicri to proceed westward ti.rou;^h the midu'le of the State, till it lli i.n W. Conner, ti.e agn-nt in Ch.ni'h s ,11 :itt(,-i'd to the reeeivini; and forwarding' -iin; oil sfiu ;i, V di i)' tlir. Coi.ro;\l. N. C. Jt; rer' n .IN (I, V .^5, 18- MAI A) AN. the.san.l pai^(so:.eb, compviMm;'nl.oii i-n.- ! '“J'"'!? commodmus stores and ^vare-bou- .birrl more matt.-r than i. eontai.u:,] in Scotl'-. i ^ Commi ntary, and (bdivcred to sunscribtrs ir. j ^ vcbiints. at three dollars a.'id hfv cents per ' .... . . i- . , i i .i • velnm.. v.. 11 doi.e up in strong ! oaVd.s ; or four ' K; od.s o this or anv inU vn.e.hate plae.s on readies the mnmlains, d( llsr^ pi r volume, bani'.soa,. Iv ami sir. i,;J) | •■voen e and atlcnd , j, .jj -,pj,f.r,r rClYiarlvahle that 1 I II .1 ^ ^ ,A' .a I onkrs respecting; cotton that niav be sfiit;i iii i i |.,.y;l.lo on t„. ,t 1,^^ subtcnlRT, Uuir.. sli.);.l(lh!.vcr.livay!c0ii. niot.lhs. I - ,11 idlowance will be m;ule of one copy for rv fivt' subscrib'-rs ; and to those who ol> Lf't us advert to the woid.s of the en- jiiiuer, and would that they might [ t'orcver return upon our ear with their IHOSE indi btid to Cams Henderson, by ' rcnniniatiii”; soiinds. In rpj^ard to the ! fe'uAt*' ^'A' 'v\', tiWuu, iiLCkll C'iiinty. , ; !'i tit;nn for ^ ;)ai'litliyii of’ 3 '.n.!:;. iiibli. .'.tion Itp Bobevt lion5toi\ h iiaiy 1 !'• r.v. Alsti ii ‘■ipr'; tt h f. i/a’th bis a d\ 1'!’ is ordi red liy (oi'r*. 'bat m.tof .si.vw WL t ks ill tlie Cutav .Join'nal, for the .i fM.ilants to apjjear a' m \t t ourt of I'l'"-, iiKi (i'larter Ses-ion'', !■) I-', hi !»l for t'u cou,’.i\ of Alecklenbiirg, on th' 'i'b Mi;nda\ ot Ivov. iiiber next, anij aiis icr to tho pivtition; othn'wiso judguicnt. vlH be l.iken procotu^s- «o agiinst them. 1. AI.!,X.\Nl)i:i{, C. M. C. 6tS7.—pr. adv. . the 28th Dei'cui er. tain but two subscrilnrs, a reasonable idlow a nee u di i'l n>ade. \sthe pTiCi (it the !to«)lc is put vrry lov.', the publishers txper.t that remitt.inces will be pr^ nt tly nv.ie m the receipt of each volume. rbi' [)ublis!u rs rccjnt'st th('He wh(j have sul>- scrlptmn ])ajnTS. to inform them a!i\ time prior 1(1 the first da\ e)f Novt-mbi r tiext. nf the num ber they have got or ha\e a prosijef t cf ('b- tainiiig. I 1{ IX OMr,M) A TI ON?. Fri.m Dr. E. S. Eh/. En.'-lnr (>f (.'•( Tlnrd Pra^ btjlcriav I '/iinrli, I'hiiiidi Ijihia. Ctt-ntlemi n,—Your ])r')i>osi (l republiratirn of the Kev. M iUbew llenr> s “ K\]'osition of the Old and New 'restanient, v ith Practical He- mark and Obscrv;uior,s,” deserves encniragt- mcnt from all the friends (;f t-vangelienl religion in our oiintry. lionbl 1 not otherwise oiUain a cop\ of this’ valuabb' work, 1 would give you, III ex.'iiai'ge for it, all the Coimr.cntarli s of Or- ! ton, 1/oddridK'C, t.iil, Can-.jiliell, M'Knight, i Heott, ar.d ( laik ; and while 1 uo'.iUl nt ifbt r I discard nor dispar.-.ge M.ese, Imnstsaj , that 1 Hi nrv lias a- niucb g(od sense, as n.ucb pr.o ti- power, for the ii.teresi (,f those who may in;' consignments to them. .1. .1. H. TOWNKS {'heraw, S. C. Sept. 24, ItiJ?.—8tjK Uidcred l.rr fonditio:i no desperate ns she li:i.s ever deemed if, while such a I harbour as ik.Tulort.vvas upon her coast. r|' .1 note will find tbcir notes in tlif bands of J {;n UiW Oaiial he suv^, “ I am of oj.iiiion the snbsrriher. Tlx y arc recjui st. d to make ^1,^, t!;e benefils rcsultinc; from the oncn- iiiinii-( n:4i nK'iil as fill'tluT niilnb!'ence can-. _ ■- . • . immediate p'a^ment, as fiiilher itululgence can not well be granted. J. P. nr.Nnr.KsoN Oehh'T 10, 182r.—2t5.'^. •?i V VewW v\ V tv\ Js* V)\ \ e e c^il p’i»'v, and as ibnrough aeijuaintance with ON the 28th Dei'cm er, on the premises «id jjublicly sold, a lifitime estati' in tlie lai.ds of I'ri i.erick Uinkins, doceaM-ii. On j the part now offi retl, is a very b'rgc anr! rou i Venieiit dwi 'ling'-liousi-, a fra . e, and latfl_\ fin- ished ; a barn, and all other ot.tbousi s eininnon ! wild neccss.r} to a firm of its ji/e. Tlie land, i j,^. {'ouiul in llen’v's Ibidi-. infVrior to none on Migar Creek, is in a good j ’i ,, .,.,y minisUr ol’ thr Cospt i, or pr.vatc fctate i f repair and cultivation. I'bls I'onsi, 9 j v lu n.l;''lit n g r l iii>opinion, I u ould miles irom t barlolte, 0.1 the main I tiding roaa 11' yeu baM- ail otlii r ( (nni)i nlarn s, i.r i ,’n purciiase but one, Ijl sure to I n_\ Mattl,i '»v K/H.\ S-IYI.J.S I.'k r.i nd >J th>- Spini, as are maiiifesled b}’ any j oi' ill., sncei SHU * The l.'tc l>i. l.iving>^’oii w or on the r! bgious i >. ju r:-. i t!iat I have ever bi ari ; and in-w laivcU f'toni i!'c ii. in^ of so important a communication with one of the beet Inlets on the coast, w’ill much more than compensate fur the amount of the estimate. A very , ,, ; ereat Bermuda and Northern trade is TH" ; -..Tie.i onN,.vi.or„, wi,ici, must ” their Anniversary Mi etinir in October, IH'iz. i Without the Canal, “ pass through the 1. For the best horse Colt, under one > etir | Ocracoke Inlet. Vessels drawing a old, a premliMii of j ni nlerate quantity nf water can take in 2. Tor the best mare_Colt, under one }'ear pmlial loaling. un‘il they get "'d. For the best Mule Col*, un.ler one ycariover th,'Swashc> ; they then complete i their rat iro from liirhters.— I he pjs'^age 4. I'or the best sow and boar Pig, under one | f(,)- Ijirlilors fl'oni Newh(;rn to tiie Swash- [yeiirold, , . , ,, ‘1 es is long, and sometimes flangerfius ; I j. fur the best 10 yards of inned IlonK'spun, ’ c \ • i i the anchorage lor the sinppiiig i« by no G. For the liest 10 y:irds of r'arpetting, ^7.50.1 mcans a saf(! one. The CItibfoot Creek 7. lor the 111 St lu gallo s ot Malt lU't r, f.li. j ,>jii|)t,jcs itself iiilo ttie Neiise hefon' that IS'he best nrc'tch-1 i**^' ''V*'! I rivei' is of sufTicierit exteiit to cause any i for a less qm.ntitx than 5U bushels per re. ! »’!sk irom the conveyance by !t is th»1 ' li treasures wliicb from south to OiU'th, vi;', Clu ster\ ,lii', Ol i Na tin.i l' ,’"d, unUii Catawi.a, CharloUi , SalihOu- iv’ !i.? !r. I n .I'lvantag. o .dy oci.upicd as a fitaii'; ii.T >■ I.' rt,i;,.uii ijt tor ii.i last tliii'iy ' mI's; ii'al iV I'.-i H- (. from C'.ai'b'lU , a:id Us Cohvi , !•. Tu.' Ill v(sjii'c*, w-ill al.' .iys con tinue t) be tin bt.t a:.! ‘iiost proiitabL st.md *511 tins Shouliv 1 l ot 1)'' so’.d 1(1 tb' (-at >•{ I tion ol t ,i 2>rese!it owo' r, ii wiil, o'l tbit da'., I't oKvicii to h asi- tor a Ic.-ni t \ i -\ny person i-..•.n.;'' t '>uy or '■ c 'n iii- flpiirv of' ('ol. A. • llriiiil'iu, :iiicri.' i■ > , or Or. .ii.liii Scott, S'li.sSur.. or .l.ii;n « IrokI'l*'., T^Sii. ic r tlic preniis. s, .Mfi kb i.iuo j.,, by iel- t'er or otlu r? isc. Ti.rin>, made i tsy to t!i pure liasi r, and will inubslK-ilon the dav oi'sai" cr b-a^c. S,\b \il Di.sklNS. 77jf Jiitreaf, !hru':!n Ca. ('■ 6t.‘)j g:/ POS'j ACK At (Ol >: I S. Those inilcb'ed to Ibc Post-Oilio -, for post age on b tters, iiew>pa[)ers, or .I'agaz nian *''cpi( st(-d Id (.i!l;iiid settle the saiii'', sutbon! del.i). Th. (jii.'irter emlcd till last 1 M pi> in ker, a!i'. t'lc .irati fVom the -.eneral 1‘nst OlVu ' >r.usl 1)1' ] ...1 rill sight. 'I luise wb>i tail to >'» tend to tills rcipiest, iiiust expect, in lutnri, to ‘omply With tin; ins.ructions iVoin the Oeiierai JiVii'e, which .il'ow no creiiit, t xeej)t at tile risk ot th' P(^st aster. Vuxt-(I'fn:rl^lf, X. } i>dd»r 1, 1827. S \:atthew llenr\’s I’.x- Um i;r(. tiiaii ]J l-ii.iln l.s lo 1 •r liiei >:v views ( -r *.ic 1 pns Mon of tile Ol.l and New i . stan.i ni, a- cin! v^;:!i il,(se who havi'-vccr:ni.inded ^'’,ot j, „ vabiabb' pr.iciiea! oi: i.HO'.:..'} np.m the Saen d | Sc'.'ltitiires, aiul lu'iiu-'i.ni, s- nn' ot tbc niii-.i j pvf m’riin of ;',U for tlu- impoitant aids to .i c/.rn ct know .Vdue of them. ; L. S. I'v J'diirnj i pixmiiiii.-, from N'> Churrfi, J.(jncwfir. | cbis:ve, w ill be awarded :'t 0(. i-d — I r.-c:n fir. P>V. fJ'. T E^rvth;. of ■[ ^.7 vdl ho av .-c.' I'lmt fiajdi,'! Cl,vn/i, lin- , | n \t annu d me^tlnL^ 1 lor tin Mes,«.is. I ou ar Si I lov, an: lie ])iet\ ami g'lOd (.j‘ jioi b* s t ban onibali a re ol up land. sense of all f'bvistiaii eon.n uiiitii s, le.ve c on-j 'i j^. M.- k i nlMirir \}.',i icu.ini:d S-;. icty ' curred 111 aw rdii'tfHenry’s t.un.n.i ntar_\ a I ii,,. House in i'liarbittc, on 11n iistiuguisbed plaei among tin. iVir.danl Wi-rks j SatuniaN in (n ti l.er; the. meiniieis, aiv " tnat fi-i( lully to the cause, will pi rivei' IS ol the conveyance by lighter.'^. 12 .)().' 7'/ie u'dlvr nn the. /urr artd in I he hur- 9. A premium of ^ 12 aO for the greatest fjnan- }]c(niforf /.v 'if (t suffirirnt depth tit\ of \\ beat, uriixui on tb’.'c acres (if land— 1 * j ,,r rs ( I , t I, ii.'.ii o(, I „sii. U' olhnr of vvi^seh from 200 to .‘jOO III) prcmuini lor u li »s (juai.tit\ tlian -iu i iisiu is i pj.,. I tons ftxirlnvn C7ih:rin^. I he (iiirnnragc li . A jin n.iiim of j'(; (ortlie gre atest c;'ianti-i/y /)y irr.H l(tn(llficl:c(i.^^ ty ef l!i,rU>.glar...n on oi,. aci( of .aiut-no I stntcnifnt wliicli deservoS i.i't la.iiiii f( r a K :v, (iiiunt.'i llian‘i I l/iKiiies pel . -i ,• >ri ‘ j f'lir most attentive consideration. J! -\ pri-m.uri or't’.r tbe ;;re:'.ti'st f[unn-1 I in rhor and the depth 11 oh U'. o. Hcre:, Ilf h.li'i— Jioj 1 ff)rt, i V i Og (‘H t ra !.'( aci''-. i 11. I t';t\ of (if uater and rooiii in „t the same kind. For ni\self, 1 r.m say 1 hav found it one of the . st lu ll's to a )U.st :uid practical acpiainlaoci' with tin sacred vol- Mis skill as an intorpr.tcr is entit.i d to „nHh respect; lie. int.. K^nty in adli-ring to tb-^ sense of ^icrli tv.e, T..itiiont tie cd(niiij,s of ^ is lii;rbl\ ecnnnieiid ibl t( nd at an tai'}. N. P-. Ail per-ons 1 to tIlf sneii t\, are re to at- iiour. P.v orHi r of tlie S( cie- .lo.'sMilil, ihc.. Stc. i-.Iintc liooks belongii'.g' to relurii t Ik m at ve.s^'ols os high il) freight ;is ."00 tons, best 10 gal-! tcgf'ther witli the Ilarhiw Canal, throvv ojien pr»sj)» c{«; of ituhf:iiite jirosperity to t!ie State by its comniercial oppoi- tniiiiK-s. 'I'lu* Mihjert is ^\ortliy of .".ttycl’iiiig upon it (lur faithful examina- liofi !!i all its diversity of rch’ronce, ami ils future consf tiuenres. 'i'lie channel Tiid liarhotir at Heatifort are not liable to ciianae hy th'* noetuations eotnmon ufion uflu r p.M Is ofoiir coast. \\’inihle*s map exhibits it as a f’li;) ch'tuiM-i in d at the i',t gras.s will ,rtv tecl'lig. l)e CMS, ('fit (•("s for sale at thi' N\vvviwkts^ and tb( i'l . , , .. ovo'.e unction ulueb rnnsthrongb t!ie'whole of Ills Mor';, must renibr it an a(ctptabl to the ile\otions of tlie. piou n.uion. Non bav.' my ... i. of the proiccted jiubbeation of thib work \N lib Cbri-^tian n si>ec* 1 the abo\: (hi. 7, .* Iliei ting. lrtJ7.—2lj 1. A. S. e\try denoini- :irn'.'st viihc,qfV.r tbe surccss \Vv\iTwv‘v \s :^\v\r\\AYes. 1. nUANTLV S I l‘l IH ISII I'.l), lice, “ Strictnres O'l I A polog'v for the i'lOol; ! M MasU'iTo w bicli : ■ ( •oiiloiy eli1i'l'.'>l Hook of Psaliii'i. ’ " I lli.M'.T llin-'st.H, A. 'I. W itli an Apptm 'iv/si.n »t,itcs its depth of water k iu 17 I S precisely the is ;,t 1 lie vit't s, nl day. ’ The \f:'scls rec-ular I’.iekets 1 hcUv«: i) New-^'ork and ( Li vet pdo’. or any «,tli('r |iort in ViUrope, .ue main nl'tiiciii hetwi ( n Ion’S in a;i-l 1 'lill I'altl ifT h same ;'s i! niC'i .''haiit whicii h. j a book, [by A lex .n b r'l siini att«l U'-e ol t lu nd for ^'ile at this ot b>(d;, I ntltlr'd, * An , ^ I Painis, l,y ill!>ert 1 htii lien .— v'esscls of ‘J.'O toii> ;ire well f :id led, K. itiarks on j |;tled tor carryin,; ;in trade to anv port ]:ik Man-!i, iptli'ii-s for the above valu- i>\ .lon.'c M. ;.ast(.r erf liock} iti\er wt^'k i-e.'. ived at . ni;e.__ ■1 In' i 1 1 1 II,■ 1 • sf 'rcT sc** I hiladi 11 til l. 1 o:i the other .si(U ni'tlio Atlantic, or the Indies, or South Atnei ica. Il'we huik at otir map oi' tlie Nt-.non.st at r i\ \ V uv* V. W. C w\ S V* i)Uv\s FSp-w?'', ”»t trurrfftl. ;iufoi t, and (’onneet vvilh ilsnirectiuiis • Src “ Report ol' ImproM'nient.” for n, Ako for t^'Jl .,j>. iv tV the circumstance that a vessel south o£ Cape Lookout comes at once from an open sea into harbour, without long and winding channels to consult, we shall fin«l that fcv/ harbors along the whole extent of our coast are V-otter lor en* trance. Any wind between the South KastandSouth West jioints carries a ves sel directly into Beaufort. A wind be tween the North Kast anH North West, sends one immediately out to sea, aa object always desirable to mariners next to going into port. 'Fhese arc ciri’um- stanccs which constitute the very best privileges of good harbour, for such ves sels as its depth of water is fitted to re ceive.—Nor ought we wholly to forget that Ihough in time of peace it adds to tlio value of a harbour to have a deep and easy entrance; when war oc- ciir.s, the seaport town within, if it be not strongly and expensively foitified, invites upon it all the power and fury ofi the enemy. Beaufort has all the advantages of im mediately fronting on the sea. In con- .scquence of this its healthiness is un questionable, and this acct)rds with ils past history and the constant experienco of its inhabitants, it is better situated on this account than JNorfoik, and as it) cannot be surpassed in this respect b)’’ Coarlcston or any place to the south, its latitude must give it greatly the superi ority in ? comparison with any port in that direction. Let the expense of transportation from the whole back country, he o ouc- ed by means of a Railway to little or nothing, and as a comm'ercial city it mu.st advance with instant and nfpid jirogrcss to prosperity and a numerous population. Many of ns perhaps are but little awaru of the effects of trad© when its facilities are oncc created. At the site of the present town ofRtichesteP onth('[western Can.-ilof N. Y. there wore in 1S13, three houses only. That ))laco is now swelled to the dimensions of ten thousand ir.hal)itant9. it is precisely two hundred and se'' vonty niile? west of Albany, and from the latter place to New '^’’ork is a liun- dred and forty-five miles more ; yet it ij in this city that Rochester and the coun try around it, through the distaree of 115 miles, fln»^ a market for tlxMr^rain, and the productions of their industry. It is from the same town of Uochestef and .still more distant places that Hour i» brought to thi.s very Newbern of ours,, and sold at five and a ti ilf to six dolinrs a barrel. And can it, t^ust -i. w i it hethal we, the inhabitats of N. (’arolina, shall think the payment of one diili.tr ;t!id eighty five cents from each taxable poll in five years, by annual itist^luii«,i of .37 cents a year, is too great a sum when this is all that is neces>.ary for cfl'f cling so great a change, for niaking this now “ solitary wilderness to bh)ssom as the ro«c I” Suiely such eani.ot be ourf**el- ings. We shaM not consent to continue under such depressing disadvantages, if we really can !isengage ourselves from their fatal eiTects with so much ease anti certainty. Dors it not appear then, that this is the place on which Noi th-(,'aro!ina may, will) the soundest policy, i-nd the mosft comprelicnsive wisdom, direct her evo as offering most ir.dubitalde and animal- iiig jirospec'ts of national rt;Iief! If w& me convinced that at this plaee is a j valunhle harbour for her conuniMce ori tin; ocean, it may become no less a haven of it ftige from tluit sea of uncer tainty and despondencj', on wliich she has been tossed. May vve not indulge the pleasing thought, willu tit the charge of exfravagance, that in I'er town of iJeaii- fort she does possess a gr>n), whicii ;i5 if shall he her diligeiue and e:tre to hav{* it polished and eneliascd, iJ! shine \viil» increa.si hr-auty. It is an^ easy m;,lter, hy widening tho {Harlow ('anal a few h.'( t, and i!eopi.j,,,ig 1 it two or three, to throw it open to tho free pa>»sygcrijr st('ornl)oat.-t, uid llu'i'. tho whole commerce oI'iIk; AIheniarle an(i Pamlico waters. Would hy the t asiost, proni|iiest,and sjiVst pav igation {lovsible, lie coneenti'ated al IJciufort. If ii he apfireheiii'ed hy any, that tiie waters nf th''sft sounds are too dangerous for the steamboat, though it can scarcely ho t}iat anv will tliink so, h. 1 it he rerr'em- hc'i'cd )hat lilt'(. he.'i.ipt'ake prosents fiillv as great exposnre, and \ut this is eon- tinii.illy travor'ed h) h.'ats- t»f this de- scj’ijif ion. N ivMi. i-ol h sss (lijiicnit ls,‘ f I’p and down the Mi5siss;:_^, be «^aid ts ?warm wUh them, './r

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