in.] CIUWLOTTE, X. C. Tl ESIKir, OVTOV.KK 30. 1827. P KlJ UKTKLY «v ti ihil'ars n tj'rnr .aid in advunce. No " hmU"s.s ;it thf «i3crc‘tioi» of till* ediU)!', ur.til all um;;irH(ri“s arc paiii. ) yi^.lvcrti.'finionts, will he ‘ui.HcrtL'd :it tl!»* {.jtes. l*‘ st iulinj- ill udv. rtlsciiK ii' j,j.q,iested to I'otc tin ttc‘ n\:ivir'ii ih. n.i . iu-r (» insertions, ortlu-y will bf (■ontiuiitd uni.l {'ot-’Jii ait.l cliur*« il iit-H onliiif^v. M lanvivs^ ’rY\>WoY Ai;i.!i’ tur & Mr hit irn; for 4 Ch ivl iVi, ami will rt ccivr all orcU i-s iiiri'rt- f(i to til' 1'' wiiti bliiii'i s ii'i l.ciUries btlon IK*: \Vtt\e\\es & 3ewx\\ev^'. riionins 'I'rotter 6? Co.*Kr/m;i i.Yinfom.s tlif public that t’icy h:ivc received and oHi.-r for'salt- a tVu- gold and silver ,)atent le- v( r Watclic '-, ({.■ (.-iitk nun and laities) a few jjood jdaia atflits, warrantf(i; ^iMitle- nu II and ladies’ g-old Cliains, Seals and Ke_\ s ; sonic liand- isl l^ns, Finffer Uihjc«, Kar |{iiijs, iind I ilij^ree, and I’asle in setts, kr. &r. ; ail or uii) part of wliich we will sell low for casti. Clocks and VVatclies re])aired at the shortest notice, and warranted to pertbri'.i. ( ash given fur i>'old and silnT. Is. 1$. We txpej t to rcceivo In a short lime some ile'^aiit Militarv and plated i;oous, o.e. Chiirlotte, May 14, KSv’7.—30 BOAT rrrnr Vu\)\nuVv‘v1 w\v.iwojtl rjiiii: s" IVieluis and the ased that \\(.ll ;ic!*ii)cr luibrns ! I puhlif, kncu n t'tab'i^’.mtfMt, !;tei> iisvited and occupi- b\ Dr. Il’-iulersoii, and’is iiow i^repari:»l to fiiicrt liii tT.iYclliTS n d ('t)ievs, mIio niay picas,' Vi cjdlon bi] n ; unii i'» exertions will be spared to r ndt r tl e:Ti rii at-rtaide, a-id tli, ir a- .j|,lc. tIij; table v\ ill l.e I'uni'Mied w-tfi ev- yn \anetv \ iiicbtlu' >. c.utWr) alibrds ; I'.is bar Iieury'{i Comiiuntarij oil I he Jiiblf. PJlOl^SAl.S .Vv»vvi u-t . ri’^MIS lloat i.s in complete ord r, anil will 1 eonmieiice riinnirif;- to lieorgetuwn and f 'liarUston on the first r:' (!cto er, hi.d will ear ly prndnee at customary rates. 'I'lie siibscri- Iters will s[)are no exertion to exjtedite the traiisiuiftulidii of produce and ji'oods to and from either of llie above places. 'I’his boat has made a tiip from Charleston, with a i'ull fTeij^;ht, in less tiian davs. We lla^e a )H)ie boat now on the stoekj, which W ill be I iiinehed a! out the first of .\o- V( nibi r, cal' u'atid to carry rtvi hundred bales f cotton, aii.l of fo li_i;ht a dra»'t of water, as to be enabh d to go ai all ‘•I ’lsnns. 'I'his b( at, in eonjunelion witii the steam boat, will ensure tlie ce,'taint\ of up and down freights, without For publishing' by subscription, by I' f> llogan, booksellers, Mu. Market btrect, [ dtlay. I’hiladelphia, 'I iie sidiscribers w ill receivr cotton 'ofreij^ht AN F,XI’OSn’l()\ OF 'rilF, on moderate terms, and make no charge for Tx t. 'VirW'’ M \ M i s'lipped by their boats. 'I'luy \^ill Ulill dL Pi » I 1 .lVAj J J . 1 also roci ivi and forward goods, on reasonable Wherein each chapter is summed in its having comnmdious it.iri.s ;md wure-hou- tli Mie best ot liipiors; and his stabb s w | rf>ntcnts ; the sacred text inserted at larg-e, in •^!elllv of iiroviMidei. un! carefui sew bt ill coiistaiit iilUiiitanci- ] to its proper heads ; the sense gi\ eii, and hirge- llOHViKl 1» Iv i I li I'..t f'jti'i) « itli iirurfii!il iw ii n i\fl i>l>. Chjrlotte, \lJril 20, KS'^'6. 'Hi' Ills V. ill ' paraj; ■ apbs ; eacii paragraph n duced ds; with |;ractieal leiuarkk and ub- ly illu^trated, .servationb. tbe suhsciii 'r's s;a!)lc in Coi.iord. ^ Cabamjs count), N ('. on tlie i>i};lit i>t Uic SUtli II..St. t'.m gray »m fi> I'.s, ('tie of them ha^- inn ;i dark mane and tail, 7 > ears old, and a sv-ar on liisriglit liind pasti in joint. i.ecasin'H d by a jTipc i the other liorst is 1J or 11 \e tvsol(l, i tlier w hiter tl an the otlu r; both in good ei.L r am! shod before, when sto'en. 'I'luy , i tlie coiiiiiitn .sizi’;, bi't heu%\ ! uiU ■ A n. n, who calls ins name William Wean, is !-usp'-e,e I to be the thief, j Dt-an was missing tin. '.aim time . Ihe h( pses wPre. Me is about 5 feet 7 or H iii- high, broac' acr ss tiie fon he fii't- t.tpe’’s tiv^ai’ds tile I’.iin, with a very large J«,()iith; rather stoop sbim'dercd, ui' eoMiilcnaiicc, and down Uii'k ; l)vas*^s n.uc’i ot hisin.iiliood and isiuiul of miinickin.; the Dutch broi,'m', and of gam’dmg, and savs he is a car- liter |jy trade. Had a blue cloth coatee w it!i a black velvet foliar, giav casiiut pantaloons, inti black hat with a low tapered crown and broad rim. Fifty doll.u-s reward vili be given fhr liis .ipprchcnsion and confinement in any Jill, or his ilc'.iverv to me in Concor.i, N. cdlier w ith both or either of the horses. Ill oimation sent me to the l’o>t-OHice in tliis Ulacc, will hi- thankfully received. ^ ' JKO. K. MAI I AN. Concord, N. C. July 2o, 1827.—40 15y Matthew IIkmit, late Miniiler of the (losjiel. ,J tuic I'ditiov : fdihd hu the Rev. fhci-gi fitir- t'tr, (met I he Ihv. Jvscpn H^n’his, J. M. M'ltk n Life of the JJuihor, Of/ ike Itec. KjamwJ Vuhi.^r. tKtrru.ll tmpvoljdiirnt. FKOM TUB IIAI.KI01I REUI8TCII. koT VI. Having: explained some of the reasons for coniriieticinf;a Railroad tliroujj;h out State, it is now proposed to show nmn partioularly the advantages to result to l.lie people individually, whatever ma\ he tlieir .situation in {iifferent parts of the country. Were it to profit a feu only, and not a large proportioti of oui population, this wouM he so serious at' ohjei’tiou, that ue r»!ia;ht well he n el with the inquiry, “ What is this to me } Are all these pains to he taken, and this expenditure of I’unds iiinirred, and iifit i all, is a particular part of the country (Mily to he hem llted, while I am lo le- niain undar the pressiue of the same diHicuilies If lam to pay niy share into the Treasury for a public improve nx-nt, some of theadvanta^es oug;ht to ht enjoyed hy me in return. If it he not so, no matter h«w small a payment you ask, I shall feel myself oppressed lot bcs, for the security of goods. ihf* henefit of another. Let ustlien ex- Mr. llenr) W. Conner, t!.e agont in CharleB- amine the ohiect |)roposed with our eve ton, Will attend to the rei ei\iii'T and lorw;’,rdiii”- , i . ii- i, i' all gooiLs to tills or any inti.rmediati ))lac( son the Tee Dee river, and will rie ive and attvind to ail orders resjiectiiig cotton that may be sent to his care. 'I'he subscribers pledge them- .si Ives lo use all diligence and attention in tln ir powf r, for tlie inten st i f those who niay make colisigiinients to them. J. & .T. H. TOWNF.S. Cheraw, S. C. Sept. 24. 1827.—Bti8 SU\\‘ ^TovWi-V'ttvuViim, i Ivlct klciibtng Coimty. | S>‘ss/nti. 18'i7. I •Ilobert Ihiuiton &, Mar\ his w ilc, 1 i’l tition fur VM. ^i artiti n of Als'ciii Spr:it' F.liza'lh his w ife. J l.aiids. j ■{ T is ord '.red by ' oiirt, that piibli' ation be | 4 mule UK wet ks in the Catawba .louriial, for t'li III fMidunts to iqipear at our iRxt Court of I'll as and CJ'i irter Ses I'ni*, to be held for the ci'iiiiiN ot M ek'i nlmrg, on t'le 4th Monday ot !s>>vi ini'.i r next, nil a'^swer to t!ie petilioii; oiIk i'w isr jui'g iieiit will be taken pro conlcs- so ag■iii-.t the II. I. .M.I,X\Ni;KH, C. M. C. 6t.-)7.—pr. aitv. fJ. ' 'I'he character of this valuable and iiigldy u'^i l'u! F,\positi('n of tiie Sacred W ritings, is well known to the jiioiis geturallv of all de- nnminatii^ns: and it now ci rtaiidy stands in no ! net d of a puidi.sber’s recumnieiulution. (\>ni/lllur)!>.—'I'he wot k will be pubi >hcd in but bis large super rov al octavw volumes, of about one thou'^aiid pa^ e s each, ronijirisingai'out one- third more mattrr than is coiitained in Scott’s Coniineiitary, and di livered lo subscr:btrs in \oluines, at three dollars and fif'y cen*s per volume, \vi II violhii's per V bound; pa\b!e on the ri ci i^it of ume. A voluiiie will be pt..yli»htd months. An allowance will be nude of one rnpy for e\«'rv five subscribers; and to those who oi)- taiii but two su!)seribers, a re.ibonable allow- ance will be made. As the pricc of the book is put very If,«, the piiiilishers expect that remittances will be ))i’om tly made ui the receipt of each volume. i’he publislurs reinie''t those who Ikivc snb- scription papers, to inform them any tiiii'- piior to the first da> of November next, of the num ber they havt o* huvc a ’i:\,V)(.el ob taining-. directed on this tlillieully. It is one wfiich has ever presentel itself as in- suiriu)unlable in the iin|)i'ovemenl of our liivers an«l the con*itruction of Canals. Our Rivers are so numerous, that to piovidc hy taxation for Riakinp; them all navi£;able, must be left to some fu- _ ture perioil, when our population shall be more dense, their wealth increasfd, and their resources enlarpjed. To open any one ci’ our larger rivers and ilig the canals nccessary to make it navigable to took into his po.s- s;eaport, the whole strength of tlie State must be concentrated upon it, not for one year only, hut pcrhajis for three or four. In the mean time it is for one portion of the people only, that the ex- pc;ns(‘ falls upon the whole, and far the greater part must poktpone ituiafinitely C. to- Anv liemcily for lrJei»],cr(n}cc.. Thf, Subscriber, on the decease of the late Doi t. U m. Chamber se.ssion the personal estate of the deceased, and fouiid ])ie|jared a lirge cjuantitv of Doctor Chamber>’ remedy for Intemperunce. He hereby inform.s tlie public, that he has dis])osed of all the Meilieine so found, to Dr. ■las. It.',, auu Mr. Andrew M. i'anuiii^, uf lone up in strong board;; o’-four 1 tlii'. e.ty. bime, hand.>oiivK air.l stronglyl In making thij disposition, the subscriber haa f each vol.! been actuated by u due regtu'd to tlie interest , prospects of sharing cverv tbiee ol the neirs ot the Intestale, as well us from a . , , i' i • i i i wish to give the most extensive use to the vir- 'I benehts ol such unwieldy plaus. tues of tiie discovery, v, hate\er they may be— e all know that we shall H^'Vcr its a and he can fiirllicr add with coiilidence, that ' people consent to measures KO partial the genllemrn wl.o will hereHfter be the veu- ! i,i,rdensome. And if the COSt of a (1 rs ol the lemeilv far Internneraiici', as pre-1 ... ^ pared by the i-.ventor, have been intimately Single rivcr, even Were we to direct our coiinei led v.ilh Doctor (jliaiiibeis in his lile atleniflts !l|Jon it with united lurce, ba\i been Ins a^-Ilia in conipoiinding the utiuld bc more than the pcOple-WOuld ..lid ai' ai iinaintcd w itli its coiiiposi-I I -i i . i. .. ij\LV\Ms Mil II K ’ reconciK'd to endure, the expense /•aL /, Sj^c. j of improvemeiits uj)on numbers of them — ! at the same time, would in reality be ^ !lic M lielne is prepared eiiiy **y *|ie ' j,, j|,g j “ub‘>'ribers, who alone are in posses.iioii of tli'*. ‘ • i i . liieipi of the inventor, at the ofW of tax..tion, or else incurring a debt, to the l,.ie Dr (J. in the l.aseineiit biory of Jut- which it IS visionary to SUppOht that we gT.%’ Meuieal Collej.e, in Du;,ne street, east ■ s,ln,,,1^1 e v(‘r submit. of Uroadv.:.v, iiiid at the Medical slore ofl ,, . i ^ • til. flart. (.,rn. r of Rroadwav and Chamber' t ar dltlereilt trom SUCh a system IS IIKCOMM i:m)ations. Froi.1 J)'\ E. Kill, r of thr 11.hd bijtahin ('l.iirch, VhiLid' Gviitlemi'n,—Your proposed ;-ep'iblicat!on ot lime nie|i>;i l*i..i. tlie Uev. Matthew lleiir\ 's “ K\p.('Kiii''n ol the I , with I'raclical He-!^, (t, ^ cioo:s from W aMbin^iun Hall, Nett-; the provision of a single Railroad for I the accommodation of all the people I within a retasonable time. Such a struc- tuie calls for not more than one fourth [r,oin the f’lniiont Cazet/e.] “V. ehave the pleasure to aim. uiicc that . J U* N marks and j)bserva/ions,” deserves encourage- j ment from all the friends of evangi bcal religion j in our countiv. ( imKl I not othcivvist o ( j,.,j.,* fj,,. m)M. r.mce , . , , r 1 acopyof this valuable work, I " j i,.,^ to t v el; e person.-, .n tiiis ' Ol the whole .sum necessary for the ill exchangi for it, a I the (.omii.t n .ti n s o r- ckju ln,'‘tuuct‘ it has had the [iroveiiUiit of anv one of Olir importan h.v... ..h .1,. ;«,ui„i. i:an.,„ ,.„e of the 28lh De fin rr, on the prtmises, • f >'ill piiobe!} sold, a bli 'mie e^t.ile *>i'• ,ji' Ins sm.ccs'Ors, til ia.uls lit' i-ei'.erii k Dinkins, I'rreast d. On | 'p|,,. ))r. I ,iving-^ton was t!ie preacli- tii^ part now ofl re^l, is a very l..rge ai.d con , t!\e religions i x]) riei.'e of a Christian, ymieiit iwi Hing-boii'r, a fra i e, and lati 1_\ fin- i j], jj | h;,ve eve.’ i.eard ; and it is noU>rif'Us, that j-lied , li,.ri!. ami all other s com'iionj |^. ,1^, ly fri/.n the neb treasures which nei; s^.iA to a farm of its si/i . 'I'lu land, i foinul in Henry’s I’.l >!'•. iuhnerto none on Sugar Creek, is in a good j -i',, jtn. niinister of the (ioKpil, or ]irivate stale Ilf rejiKir atiil culti\alini. i’bi'. Iionse, 9 j f;livistian, who might n i',.ird niy (ipinion. ) 'a oiiid I'iiio tiM.n Charlotte, on tin main leadir ; road ('■11 south to north, via Chesterville, ijii Na- 'T'’! I ord, on till Catawlia, Charlotte, Sal;..!»u- »■' Ui'. l as bi vn advaiitagi ousl_\ i.e iipied as a 'I n I for Fiitertaiiihient torthe la-lthirtv years; ■'I'i'i IVo.n ii'i liistanee from Chariotand its ’■''’nvuiieiu e in J'ery n sjicet, v^ill alv\a_\s eon- '■lau bv thc^e e> I 1 his ■'I' it lint be sold to the satisf.ietioii ot tlie V'fe'. u! owiii r, it will, on ila}, be oilered tu I' -.V for .1 *,..-rm of years. '■I \ per>^ jii vv ishing to buy or lease, can in- 'T:'•>. cf I ol, . W . I’li.indoii, Vadesbi ro’, or ^'1 • .liiiin S’ CjH, s^hs^)lt:'v. or .lames Dinkins, ^''1 Ol- r ti:i- pn niisi b, MfcUleiibut|;', b) Icl- ^ r ()v oili, I V, ise. Iirvi- mnili- easv to the )Miredvisc”, and will plMdisl’cii on the day of sale or h ::se. s \i;Mi DLNKINS. Tie JUh-eui, lun'-ini Vu. S. ou5 .iiM-ard nor dispara.. Hi.s. , 1 nms* say. 'i;.lly if we would avoid the result licnrv b..s asmueli goeitsrnse, asn.uci piai i-j.^ and frhid,-tuheultii, to i7idm- having our commerce terminate in th c.d '>,1 u, and as thoroiijili aeipe.Mntance with I - )id if tiie Sijfii'i!, as are nu'.mii. .)ted i)\ air, Ihc'lhest and most prohlable stand frij. tv u >fti//t^i:s, and to their i' atuiioria in ! neiirhhoriiigStates. W(? shall he re(|uir- led then to sliow it to be a real and un- IU.wu,K. ov iMiM.sTiC --The almost incred-' ^hat the plan recom- ible success w hub Dr, ( liambirs’n.edie.ine has I mended is for the personal interest of M i‘.h in tlie ci;i\-ot intemperanee, has bro’t | ench. 'i’lia* it is SO to all perfectly alike, |,ah nianv fra.idnb lit imitations of this ^ahlu- i^^^.^^,,^, a.Imittfcd hardl> bleri-meii\. I o .secure the public against im-' ' •' .... •’ position, the din etioiis aecompau} ing the gi n- | reaS00;d)le to eXpeCt, .My viLWS of 1 ..t il.. : „,ay .■ ll„,r.,UKl,ly ; |,j, ,vhlch llts RiTat |,urpOM. 'I.ive ree-11. .1 tested, IaI.tors of in wsoaiier;-, tliroiu-lioul the I T ,, i /r , i i i- • i • whou,HinMrt-ura,lvertis n.ent andi^l'^'l^ tfrectcd, and hi.H e.ssential in- tlie Paired sav, {f on base all oth-r omnu ntarii or I an Ptiri iiase but oiu’, lie ' 'ire to 1 e\ M.'.tihew .^laiti’.ew i:eni\\’a Fx-j t, aeeord | \vith tliose w!i valnaide praC.n;.,! eommeiitar> upon Seri 'lures, and as fnrr.i^hing so.m;i- ol tin most | important aids to a eorrecl knouh d-e oi them. ^ L. S. jl.wuruift it/ ,St. .Ii.iiits’i^ ( hhi~:li, J-iitcu}>ttr. Frm fU r..v. I! . T "‘'I Messrs. lowar UlloKan: 'I I e piet.v and good .cnse of ail eomn:nmties, have con-j curred m awarding to Henrv’s Commentary, a , d,slingu.>hed place among the '"'[‘'r kind. For m)selt, 1 can ;.av, that but if all material uin. rcmed) fur inti inperance aiv sigmd in the ! difllcuitics shall be rt'inoved out of each hanil writing of the subscriuers, w iliiouL which vva\ to 8 ccitaiii and easy mai k( 1. it is not Ijelieveil that he will be dispos- none are gchuiiie TO FDIIOUM. In order that the eliicac) of Dr. Chatnbcr.- ed to swell trivial diflVretices of op portunity into ciuises of si:rioijs ohjeclifn eciiiiitry, 1 I ibis article to it, and semi iis a copy ofthi-, t' Test?- evi(!(*iitly and coiiiplctely secur- I'i IM is rAC!'- A( ( (>« w rs. T'l'^e iml rlited to the Fost-nilice, for i'.ost-1 on litiifs, i\. wspapers, or n.aga/.iii'', ar., 'lUi >.l (. to ( all and si tth the s.tin* , witliont '•■I y. 'Ilii |uart r ended tbe l.iM >t Septi tn- and the . r.d't from the (ji lu ral I'ost-ntlu e ''iiisi I r paid on siglit. 1 hose wlio t.iil to at- i(, this ii ipiest, must c>.jit cl, in lutiire, to '“"ii'jiiv a in th\- ins',ruction' froin t!i'; (leiieral '’"-l-nt^.ir , v.bu ii allow no credit, excepl al ' I »'■; ot tV «■ l’o„t asU r. ,)f the same kind. V '>r , , . , 1 iKoe found it one of the si helps to a |ust tad practical ae.piaintaiice with tlie baire.l sob an.e. His skill as an iiiteri.reter is i iit.tkd to ,„ueb respect ; Ins integnty adli. ring to the "ense of Scriptme. without the ■jirtv feebng, is bi.ublv eommendabb . a..d the llnine unction wl.ieb runs tlirongh ' iHsvvork. n.ust rend-r It ;m accept dd ; ,i .t tbo devotions oi'liif pKM.s in eve*y denon..- ""v.lll'bave mv carmst wishes f^or the liuctc., oflhe projeet^.l publlcalioii ol wolk. ■OjJiCf., « hl.llnUr, ,\. (iih)i,ir i, 11537. r. ^ s' 1.3/, •L 1. i)f'V-fls, ttir Siile (it thi Olhc (? 'pSiibscri[-tioiis .or ahk- work received al tl t!ic ?bove valu- >s (iflice. ralvCTS \V Jirraiit! paper eontaining it, shall leecivc from us ny return of mail, a ipiantit_\ suflieic nt to cure one druiii'ard, vnIiiiIi tln v .mII be ri'+^ue'-t d to ad- liiiiiister to soiiii' palieiit iii theii iiei^tiborbood, and publish tiie result I’ublie institutions and lM.ilintbro|ilc Soeie- tie-i, by making appliciition (diiiy authentiea- it d) to tiie Suiisci'iiji rs, sh.ill reeem tlu med- leiiie at a vei \ reduced |;i ice. Un enclosing’to us the u.iual price, J.3, postage paid, the medi- eine can be sent in a Ictti-r i!_\ mail. To those who an- unable to pa\, on jirrsoiiiil ti/ii,lictilii,ii of'he individual to ourofhce, the medicine will be admiiiiilcred gratis. JAMFS H. IIAU I’, M. D. A. M. FaNMM., 2tj-i i^tic‘\swri> to H\ Chtnilers. rf snpph of ill' above Medicine ha,s been forvi.irded by’,). II. liar’, M. D. Ti A. M. Fan ning, v\ irranted to be genuine, to t be siibscriber, liMi.g 9 miles north of Charlotte , ot w bom it can be had at the New-^ork jiriei s. \ fi w ^ parcels ot the same are dt posited with \\ lllialn I F. Cowan, meiThant, Sljitesville. It is bop-.-il that tho'^e v^boure di‘'.iios»-d ti. ' tesl tbi i liigid'. I I lebi'uti d ini illeinc. w ill a\ ail j ^heln^elvl s of this oppor1unii\ of proi iiring it I genuine ; as tin ri an- spurious .imtatioiis i f o impos* d on the communitv, whieli an nellii( 1 sul nor t fficacious ' M’KM J 'l . j vt.' ^ 1V7 ed. 'I'he follo\\ing list ofi)l.iees and (lisfaiices is lo put it into the jiower of every inhahttaul of our intrrior couii!.r> to determine for himself arul his iieigli- bors bow nearly they are interested in such a Railroad as is proposed, by sfiow- ing him the distance of it ironi his own in a direct line. I'he list i.s alphabetical, rendering it easy lo find tlie name of tlie Court, and sevi:jal other phtces in the county in w hich he lives. F: .mi the distances of these in miles, as given in th(‘ numbers, hecanfoirn a judgment ot his own. 'I'he letters N and S will shew that the place he liiids is norlh or south 01 the Railroad. .\lb niance Church, C.iijlford, N. 'shville, tiuncnnibe, S. Heaufort, Ml nnebsn and Camei'on, N. Ib-thanv, Slekes, ,\. ISetbnny Church, Iredell, N, Hiid’s Iron V\ ork s, I.inccln, S. tt'/on’s Foul, V tdkin, S. ;r. \;iri!’.. Iron Works, l.inct'I'i, > .rson's, Col. !’.iirl;e. S. J1 ’atawba Springs, S. Cei tri Church, Imlell, S Charlotie, Mecklei.biirg, S. r’luttham '■outii liiH ot S. Conroixi Iron >\ i.rks, Burke, S. > oncord, ( 11 ai rus, S. Cross Roads, KajKlolph, Danbury, .N Dixon, lien. I.ineolii, S. ■ lint IIill, • utiicrford, S. I oriie}’k Iron Works, Lincoln, S. I ulh nwerder, i.incoli , S. (iirn anton, Stokes, N. (iood. Cross WoM.ts, llutherlbrd, S. (irabam’s Iron on-a. b. (ill eii C. li. N f,. t.reeiisborough, N. (tre«nvil!e, I'ltt, N. F,. C ove, Duplin, S, W . t.uilford, North line of M. Sou’ h line of N. Haywood C. II. S. t eiidei’son, Montgonierj, S. 1 lillsboiongli, N. Hopew. II ( hureh, Meckb nliurg, 9. Ishiud Ford, overCatawbi, .lones’ l-erry, Fdw Haw Kiver, K'li.suin, Lenoir, S. W'. I exing'on, I incoiiiton, S. ! oiiisbiirg, N. •u Doweii, (n n. Burke. Moi tgon erv ’. H. S. io( re C. H. s. ''orgaiitoi., .S. Narrows of Yadkin, S. ' :i h ( . II. N. F. Newbcrn, .New Card.i n Mii'ting House, Guilford, N. (>ld Nation l’'ord, n. Or.tiige, NorMi liiii ot N. !.\foi’d, (ii’anvilie, \- I’ei kins’ Iron Works, S'okcs, N. I’( rsoM «II. N I’ittsborough, Chatham, 6. I'orter, Col. Wulheri. r>i, S. Qiiai.i r Meeting H. Cane Creek, Orange, N. Ualeigh, Ifan.iolph C. II. S. Hi dfii Id Ford, Chatham, S. Hed House, Cas" eli, N. Koci tord, .Siirrx, . Koekinkghain \ . H. N. Kockiiighaiii, Uicimioiid, S. Uiitbcrfdrdton, S. Salem, N. .s lisbnry, S. .Sampson C. M. S. W’. Sn.itldield, W. South ( arolina line, Kiithcrford Co. S. Statesvilii, Iredell, S. Smiioano (la]), S. I arborotigh, \. K. 'Freiiton, s. W . Fnckaseg-e Ford, Mecklenburg. S. Virtfiiiia hue, Ashe t^o. Wadesborong'i, An.son S. V\ .isbin^ton, He.iu urt N. K- V\ iiy nesboroogli, s. W. VV ilkesborougii, N, VV ilii,4iiisl)orougli, (.raiiville, N. VV I iliaiiiston, Mariin, N. K. An exautjjle W'ill best illustratr Use of this s.-tienie, ai:i I’endet i! fectly e.isy to I’veiy one. A prison is >upposefl tolivt at (’-oiiCorl in ( I'iauus, Ol in the vicinity of that place. Lock ing into the list he finds tiiat he w ■!! he siluatetl 2f{ miles south from tlio R ail road. lie knows then that a> '-n -n as that work shall be completed, let it ho said at the end of four or live years, he has at an} time only to l(>;id his w ii/uon in the evening, t(» make an t'ai iv siarit the next nKuning, and with a li^' e gence he will ne at the RmIm».m ii, f f. evening of tliat da)'. Li'esoi' g^ons run daily, receiving am' - goods on the Railway, regulateu in tunes ,»r{i distances liv law, arid tnen fon tesDuii- sihle for fad lire, ilvaliinir* ■ et' ' r' commodati(M icche.ipnessnf convc) a nee. Ttie least rale at w. ici' i-v » i ,s with ten tons to j horsi , die tin?,c-s changiiii' everv ten or iv\i Iv. : iib".. ,i i,i at f«iur milc!» an hour ..i:’;! ’ auM day. 'I’his is to have the 'g(w,nl c. rrieej pre-. cisi ly f') miles in tweni\ t e.irs. W'e shall be safe in sayii.^: it ndl he iO(> mii« s in that time. Now it'mie i.oise and one i/'an or bo}’ (.irr\ !e!i tmis 100 miles in twciity fuui hoiiis edn- stantly, it is ea.'y to cah iiiiije, .'iro.: hq reduce it to a certa;nt,\ , iliat (I e • , -o uf C(M.veyance from clj is miles, is i.ot m-ii'.v thafi ’v\( i |y five cei Is aru' a iiait'. It to s[)read out ttds faleulati' t he reader to his eii' ii e s.ii f cori’ectness ol its j,i ii.^iples, tnith of its f( stili. Out spv ’ .• admit of it ie the pi m .it • ir he is our |.';r[»ose to givi- it in i nex» lie\ ing it to be the w i.^ii of ( . er\ rt;,i that it may bcjiossiblet i (,.ir.\in ,e a re.'^ultin w lurh, if it !jc uiMl 'iiiab! • Is ii.ipossible not lo see that he is niost de j)l_\ interewled. If a man live tilty i.iiiroai', and this is the 30 f> 21 22 oU 52 6 50 28 20 ■30 6 (I 6 0 25 30 0 26 30 7 22 0 18 52 lV2 38 •27 42 S '26 5 0 6 3 10 31 40 11 34 21 10 37 9 ■hi 12 3,3 12 ;.8 48 50 - ;> 9 21 4'2 45 tho ier- d ■|\V t !iC »' 0 ■it f er f it miles from the !i,ij|roa(' utmost distanct; at^whieh anyone c.iii be in tiie !jad; part of the Stale, except perhfips in Haywood, it will t;ike him two days to arrive at it, and v.'o shall say two to return. I here is some difleif'ncf' lietweon this arui !h ing Inmi home a w; ek, a tortniglu, tl'iee week*'or .a monil', upon x linual expefise, av\’a\ f i.te 1 I hffr^ci after n« HT'liv. trug^uijj and ^uuii^iu^