r I • f! ; • : ' 1j1 I > l\ ' t;. il ^ d;-. trr: I • I, ;i! I ^■.^^"' M);ii'>, .1.11 i’f i T !■' 1:11 t' rir lu-.i*; *■ :ii • i'iiii.st If ill ( lii.iud ( vi.t -^i.tc ;r*!.orns.i' OPiiK'', l>v rii'i.i :’.m' .1,.; T . ■ ■■■'. Is -Tiin. .V,-.!!. if " I.: luir. u:'• (1 I'Muilii'oir; ;iif ' ( ; i' w \ 1 I 1 .t i I V. Ili a! I 1!ni(—> .Mcl'ii! iitc.i '!■(• lii;,’;h iTiiiidi'd i^uiicJ!, y. r ri tii'uJin',^ Iroin ntii- '! O'". II is rendv to hjcnk, ‘»m -liOit s lo tlx- iit.li b>:.\r,i.»ahs and U'oi\ '-TC^Kf. ;o\i I I i,V.'-\0»K, OCT. ii.i r.-i. .>.c. i i. «, r.l ! l-.r S;;. nisli iliul I.*M' bow j n„--s;o\c iii’atift ttiJt >!k* \'as sinkunr, • •.illi U tiMi to liis n>fi» to |»''|IIII cn Lxjai il ill ir own m s-fl : iljc* w as iinmed' 'tid liiiiist li‘, lilt male and !iis piH.’i;oc to ail V'.i rcrlain m: .. . . .. e liavo ’1’*'^ j j|, i^etlinjr once more on I lilis rf tliP Th*- ii-ntnsrs lliniuntjliarr. Captaiti 1 .a^•!^, Hhirli ar-, • ■ ^ fhcv t hrn U» rin 1 r..'.c I I 1. ,. ;.. ~ r. /.n. I i ■ L ixi j * ‘‘ ' ’ • * * • price lii U he- [lUT c'lascs Ii.ts il and u urro iin'fciion?^ ol iuhuv Ii umhis gu^mrrlcd l)v a ‘‘lu-i-os.v nn nitd .storf)L''t :■ !!' :it I vs !umh ilicv li*a\i' i)rlu!ic!, ai;c^Ti'paii\ j I tlu ni. nr.i!i\ a dark »'\«' u iio'-j j j t‘ f r v. i;i I)t* red ^ 'f-Miihs to ins f.-uinly, and t iicy | toiu* willj 5car(’c'l\ ki''.*\v Ivini. Ilow should the) r { % lijt a'c on the car—niany a iair j 11 i^'iMi.ncl iicd and woatl)cr l)fnlen. | Inch • \ H h'nv*d 1'^ lon^ and black, and full ot' “ In tl.r in.i7y dance, nvrd i.M orroT,? Iron, L,rrrpool, o i, ,!„m r-inr. ino.f!i‘r.o ri.-arinem- M'^Mjlr,r nies oi Lnncnn papvi s ^ | how'iue and fdiini^ auay „.nd Liserin...! lu rln- f mt- i j, . foiv-lupma.t slay sail, Asuev.crrkd lorxp. ct fror., o. ^A. MvT.y arr;u>u.;d on th. ..d nit. J ,om to picc.-s, 1 he i'/liou inIS ihf f ntn t* C aiiinct as I ... , i ,r. hfi'u fl , . I'iMvinfr, ii IS siipposfd, it'tt on noain in* flirt, hcc;insc lor many days li(' lias not liat' t iinr to att(Mid to such triflis. Ills clot I ( S. v. liirli \vrr(*ti('*.v and clean wlion ?ic I. Il iMtiiK , an ffcill of nw'd, and after boiiiiT wosIhmI fvidciilly show that they r,irncatl\ iVfttod or.i uith rooprli nsn^f. p. i!>a; s lu* ha'« not thoii2,l't it wurlli vk \ ilf torhaop'' thor.t through tho wlioU- tiiM- of his abM lice. Ilis ronstitution t,„ . —ti(.\v nr.ich hns it Hifleu-fl ym! been broken down by this and all the oil.Cl tr:p> lu' has taken ol the srnu' kind iti l.is HlVtinu- ? 'ri>e wear ai.d tare ol' Jiis t(>am, l)is vau'.ir^'i * bis u;ear, are lio sn nll items in the aeeount of e:?:p('iisc -^ V : wbieh his profits are redneed. IIis falio( " which are worn out, tu spoiled, cost hill) niore than 37 oeiils, all lbint;s coiisidereil. Yt t thi> is thcnian, yo j ivill say, who v. ill forbid, on pain of his tlisj)leasure and the Ins;- ot t'is \Ttte, his I'Cj.:esentatiVC in th* Assembly to sa\ i'or l-.iin 'hat be wiil pay tbiity seven rents a year for five years, to jtnf an end iort v( r, for binisc'f, liis ciiiidren, and the whole C(‘Untry, to tlu' wrel'.’l.ed sy"tt III of markt'lin.L'. No, I shall r I b , this c.innot !iP. I^ot the rem('i y f. i,f' I \ i|> and (ii>a'lvai!tat: s b» t'nllv understood, lot itsoiTicacy becumpU tely flsi t! I I e''. ai d b t It appt ai to b(> at tended with siioh an expense onl} as lias been st;.ted, so tbat il shall not be OpiMr>^sive, and the |)'*opb' in tbeii T\i> in and fu-elity to tbemselves will re-> 'I toil, and perscver*' m its nfjpli- CBtion. CAKLlON. ^cjiL 2 1, lt2l. IM ANUl AC rUlJKS. TilP man ^ li" purchases Enj^Hsb cb^ihs pays, in .addition to tli*' maierials and lii l.'or »‘!Pplo)ed in fabrication, a propor tional i>arl oftl'.r lyihes, ])m.r-rates, taxf'«, cnd export duties ol Eii};lui.d, v i' i the profits of :b»'foicij^ti i.'cr« bant: all ol vl.ich i;o to the snpf)Oit ol a lorrijf* poveninu'tit. nnd arr lost to our own coun try. ih contributes to that (ieprnclrnce on fuKii^n industry, '^vhich. in the intfi rnp ion pI ronuvrce 1)V x^ar, or othe; prl.'lcai cause, will cemp* I him to pa\ prices murli hii;lur i)i;n tor liie lahrics oi ur own oc-.nnfactui ers, if the) uert abb- If? ('liter into fair compelilion wiii* foi»ijjnt rs. '1 lie s'abbsbtT.et't^vf maniifactoriei has 41 fj'-ni fi( lul irifiueJici-^ on the interests ot Im.d'ioidf I s 11' llieir vicinity : 1. ’1 he>abu;nf lands is increased, ano tl'e nrict s and rents enhanced ; as a >n- se(|iH ncj, tiacis barren or cov» red wilii %rater ure reclainied anti made produc- livf. 2. Tlir productions of the soil ate in Ciei.sMl by et iiblinj; ihr ai;i iciihurabsi to hrinj: l»i'i in'prined lands lu a hiyl t . State rf (idiivofi(Mi. 3. 'l'l;e dcTPand cicafed by (;j cnin^» .i ftpw maiiif't indeases the price of ptodiicicji s fd tlie c.irih — ami us n' l^h- l.u'i huf d pM'\( n?s il jurious conipeiilioi J'n n- n distance. 4. '1 lie cost of transporta'ion to and fii !■ ;• flis’an’ n>arket is saved. I)oiI, n e; : ; fl put cli:;‘-« s, and ilu’ labor ol nn !i i onrl iu;:o.:>Is l)* fore consummcd in ira\- ellii's; i'i iliroctt'd to j>roclociion. £ '1 I faCi!Mi(s ol c nmuinicaliot! f e. 'd . tt'.f jiPienrii! i til or con- S'.riirtion of roadr. ?.nd caraN. (■ Ailuhs iof» 5i(*avy ard hulky to ^ e tr -e .,.>1 tffl to a di'iant mari.ti, for M’liich p. I ri.,,iid liiis l.ciore i xist(!. becoro(' Is liUc n ‘■'(•ti ])!i’s niol 1(111 tlu r«‘, Or vil(l hird’s swilt winjjcd vvh'-x-c lii'lit footsteps still seem to f.dl a- lontidijh. 'i ti( y ‘‘broilj;hl ihK suinioci uiili iIm'U).” and with them it depiirt^. It avinj^ us of the No-i;tb loen;oy Ine trar.- (|iii!ity of autnnin !;y otiisi lvcs. i in wat!(]inty of antnnm did we saj r Ala^. m j '«i li.vncjuH enouj'li on [iny C'ai'-i.ii . i sandy Saratojja, and p.rassy I^ bi'inMi; j ! I.« re autumn comes forwai d bkr a !«•-i rii'i't and well beliaved malron : hnij her(‘, aniidsi the slril'c, the shock, lli* loi! ol inen,"’ she (unit s like a k rnia?;.iiil iniscbit-f maker. She has set Luitnrs l)\ llict ai s, Slale;s»,.cn ai b>.ni;t r iieuds. ■ iiul ili/A'ns at i. ai i.ii.t e. (^iiarrel.'i and Miiiscjiioes aho\jni—f)i!iotiN b vets ami l)iliuiis dispoyi'.ioiis aie nniveisid; il'e >niiinier smiled so varnily as she df- parled. Ihut autumn hbs not yet cooled our scorched btjoii s. N. y ^!orn. Ccur. Padihfa Jiirfr cu the finUvny.—'I'lu* L' i'jal ino'H’s aie s!iuat>d on a ir.oiiiitain, about nitie tniles Irom ti.e ri\(f, a; an IcvaUon ol near iooo bei al)ovt it.—A rail road lias been ex.eudt «(1 fi('ri' the n.(,ujitai'i: dovn '.vhich the coal is i(;nvrv(d in cars u hicb descenil hy their ovm w.-igiit. 'i i;e •-clociiy ot i!>e flestenl wotild be almost incredil.de, \^ert'itno» for a ie{.;ulwiing pnvr, su’)- jfct to til*- ri>ntjol (jf ihe cuiulnelor ot it «■( ars. 'na(t(lition Mieyc.'-i ryi fl i ar;li and nlilj'bh With which lliC coal is cove.-f(i. 'I'liey are so cnnsii noted iha;,uheii ;iuy l.ave d'.'Scen«l»'d near to the loot of tin n ouTi -in. whei e the ruil" ay cros«es u d«ep ra^ine a c atch on tl.e side o| tbr rad k: >( ks out a pin hi.d lets ihr hottom of ilie ear, \\ Iticli it btn^; on liin^es, drop and diichar^e tlu- cnnietils into the a Inss, AOor 60 ft. bt iow, A short time sinee, 3 I’adi'ies. fresii from their own “ SM ate Ireland,” visilnd ihc place, and uhib the wof'kinen where ru dinner, u« i-rmined on havin}^ a ri»le. 'l'h(\ •'(oidl’iK'y i nto o»ie of the dirt ears .11(1 l( t It loost fiH>m the lastening. N-i knowM'jj how to regulate the Nelocitj. away they >vrni Jehu like, ai the rate oi a lit.if a tnile a minute. 'I'lns was fon ; pnrt, till, on a sudden, ;lie boUom iirn| - p d and deposited tiuiu, without any material injury, amon^j the ruhbisr, Iji'low, from nliich ihey Inokec^ up. in uti«pe;ikable r«»nsiernation and dismay a' this ui'cxpecicd itnniiiaUoM of ilieu rule. I'irst I. >rd .d- t!,e Trea-^urv. Lord (lod- { Atnigos Mr. hov/ard, the pUot, a Spar.- • rich :Chanrcllorof tl.e I xehrqurr, Mr. pMitlcm;m. a passcTiKer, and one o llei ries ; Srt M larv of Slate for Vs'ar and In-r crew. Uiasteau ren.auied all ' 1.1 'I lf riKiiit c#'*. tlip sicit his C olonial Di pm tTiM iit, w ilh the h*ad of !'e 11 ouse of C'onitonns, M I', llnskisson; Sreifiarv of State for the Home Dfpart- incnt, j\iaKjuis (d‘ Lunsdowne Mastrr fiineral td' the Ordnance, Marquis (d A‘):;b'seu ; Lord Ciianrellor. Lord l.\nl- iitifst ; IbrMdrni ol the Council. i)ukf of Portland ; Lord Ib ’.vy Ss :d. Lari ol Cailislt ; Pinsident of liie J’oard ol ri'iMlc, tnd 'I’rea^urer of the Nav\. Mr. C !kii li'.s firanlj President oi Hie iioard of('oniiol, Mr. C. . W\nn ; *Secrela- I V at . L')id Pilnu'ision : C.liaeirfl- Inr *.f >!.(■ Uuci-v ol L !u as!-r. i.'-rd Ib-x • h'\ ; plaster of the Mm;. '1' t in'-) Siir- vi vi.r of Ll;e Woods a!i(‘ T'oiesis, M. b. I'uiii ne. 'i he inte'li|r;ence fron (iree'-e is r.itlu'i of a ^,raiifyin.i; naiuie. Pt-dsriiid Pai ha had j,M>ne to Acarn.oiia, v. line he lr..i(l eib cled nothita;;. 'l lie C»!i't ks hav- IIIplaced I hfU' w i m-s and t luldM n w il li- in the naiuial foi t > i-scs of th‘countr\, iollo\V( (i hi*i iMc>\enirii!s and inter( e[)t» cl his suppins, so a'’ t.'i pi\eni bimlioin ventuiin;; so juiv dis ..f;t r, fi oi'o Uun'ast. t ('J dfi i) dvviAir u ni^ht at sea, wit!) the injured side of \esscl to leeward, in orib-r to haul oil'. A tremendous sea ninnin-j and tlie an- eiiois of the Amit^os having diopued from iier hows, with the chain cahles lient, she was thus brouj>ht- to anclior. an li;:ois werejc^n on her decK. uir.il 1 o’c!r,c!;. A. M. 'then she disappeared, and il is siippos.'c! must have .-fintk, r.sili*- ( i. P. passrd the spot afier d.i\ iii'hl (liav- taken ain''t!itr pilo. Iiopi lb'* (..un- strllaiiciO ^>iib(*ut sccitij; uny il-ini» of her. Capt. (’hastran state*, that be beard e l’,»*ar’i enduiit; Liies rf the Si.anisti cr^'w. uir nioie than an hour, v.i’Jinut ,o.y ab'.llty to rMu!er liicro f\en i!ie smallest assisianci’, and that, \. hiUt ho lemained «»ii board the .\n.i!;;?*, they eemt d so entirely (laralyzed by the dan- }r(-r oi“ their sitnalion, as to be svarccly ,i,ble of mid.iri;' an ^nort fnr the pre- j.nu vessel.” Cl."- aiici: 0. ike cccaslofcc^ U i* ron>lni)f in contact wi b a p'nji-i:ii,|„ j, *’* in liis first'tiui eren’onic usrh's;;ii,;.' cap SCI vaiion of their 'i\» rroni the (liurlic'C Gn?' ttp. It has, in fart, become mighty fash ionable to pul “ the scrrvis” on news- p ii>er publishers in this-.ity. A ntan, lot instatui, who fh-als aliuul th** conniry w hole car};oes d “ Iitpun potion,” deli. s- ittf; and ruinini^ i.-.ousands ev( ry ycdr. s'..rlsupand sa^s to the prit.ter, you shail noi have ;ny patronaj^e unless \ou '■top advertisinj^ for theatres ami loi- teries. The theatinialiager withdraw*^ liih tusiom il his nauseating pun’ is ?io; iiisi't tei.1 ci tiiy, atid the lottery \»-nde' b ■ ; he ( Hi ontri y to write you a lel.ter tio. utiless you pr ovci ibe such a man or sucit an one lu- will withdraw his, perhaps more valualile custotn. And the po- !)iii ian, with touch reason and justiie. pf'ihap.s. will not toI.“iate for a sirii^b-(la> that an editor iliould pre^utwe losp( ak^lil- lereiit froni iiis patron. 'I'o '.hr. inloh l aMr I t'Tisoship of the press, we ha\e no noiiori 'o'-ulimii. To l)e u'sailed, for tl.e jiarji'nsc fd'divei tinp; :> ;.ni| » r !' nni acouis? dic- iu'fd by duty and piO(iple, with b-ais citid motiv es so r aid. at'd iinworthv. iy too A v( r\ s'livniai oicurrene* happened the w«ekbelVire last. In the Parrdi o! S’. Ambrois*-. about nine niiics Ironi tl'is cit\. 'I'woboyfc, the onesevtn and tin other^yc \ ear> »»!:!, an*tised thrmsdves in an SMije-initi^ field, tryirr in rf-.ip. w hile ibe.ir pa. eiHs were at dimu r. A larj>;* eagle sofu- came sailini; over iheni—and with a swoop attempted to seize tlie eld fsi. bnt hi( kilv mis-;ed hiio. 'i he bird no at all tiismaved. sa' on th*' {ground ..i a short disii*iice. Ti't* bold little leilow an- Ibrahim I’acha, lIiroui;!i a similar r' a^-- t/l,. had be«'H ( bli(;rd fo rr’l.rn 'o MoOon and C'oroTi. IVom whriff he had oes- palcbfdtwo Kutopean olVicers if Z^in r to buy pro\i'ion', with si veral b’.ii;\p- linn ves*-f!s of war tr) I'Uiird .,th(;,/ori- V oy. 'i his was the flotilla wliich Lord C’r'i hrane a'lacked and (b lVau-d—L;n rx- phot which hflfi incieascd llie uriors r)f h.s tiati.f throughout ihe Li viifit. and .mpartcd pi.]).>rii.jnate courage and ur- i!or to the Ciieeks. Instead (.f ti,*' Russians havin'^ be n ’ d-f, „f|e(i huojn If ngainsi his i:*'rrr dcleal.ed nt Liivan, il ..p; ‘ars liia; ofl | i •, witb tiie sitkle he iiad vt-i v the I7ih(.f Jul\. t hey i-rliifv ((1 a con-' f, punmtfly its his band, and when ihe (jiii'-ii nver a body ol P’ei'.ians. composed !iiid rushed upon him lie ‘-triuh at it. (d !6,000 cavalry. Abbas rvliiT:a narrow- sickle entered under the left 'wing, '> '"^^aprd. ^ ,^,,d the blow having been gi'en strongK, 'I he son of Napoleon liad been indis- vmt through tl/e ribs," and passing pf sf'd. ai'fi w'lis still aittiided daily by litiougli the liver proved fatal. The liis i^iiyci( lai's. Kagle w as t.fterwardR so.Ul .o Mr. Clias- A b-i:e rfiom Smyrna states, that sin.-e v. ho had stuffed ii and placed it in me kiiowh'dgi.' >l the treaty cor.cbnifd ' |,is museum, where it may now hf srer. iM-twecn the Allied pow*rs had hect.roe |, •,,, j|,(. lingiailcd or liiisvian Fagle. getieral, I .le g’er-test m r.Uiiion jirev aiied ' w in;;s tand e pw ai ds nf six b et. jpionf' the IniKs- Ihe ltnlir"i was t s-, In', Momach waso[.":,rd ut.d fntnid eptire- e( ially ( iret ted M,;;at!isi the iliissians. | jy iy. The litlle boy did not receive ho stemt o In bt- held in gKat bar and! a scratch. Had the eagu* sciztd httn, •n estation. — N. w?. havingbeen received ' his talons, which are ’ of unconimon Ilia; th.- Prtsi,:i,.s bad gaii,(i an inijior-J s, ,cngt h and ahou I an inr h and a balflon oiust have lacerated him dreadfidlN. 'I here is little doubt, witiiout the bird was much wrakei.rti bv hn!,y**r, lhat a ant viclorv owr then), tin whole city (d Sniytda y. as filled w iti' i,'V, people shak- g liands in tbe s!r••»-I^, and ((irigratu- i. iing ad) oilier ivii the I veTit. Tii( in- !^•Ihg«■nce, Imwcver, it will b«* r>bservrd. was without foil lid a! ion. I he naiure of (he news jVom Spain is uniavrn a')i^. 'I'roops arid b-\ies of all kiiids Irom the iieiirhboi ing ( ro'inces were j (Mil ing inlo Catalonia, w ht*! '' in- 'urrection was growing more and moie g*neral at i! auda( ious. It IS coiiHdettilv Slated, tlia' D(>n .*vT-g- uel proceed.s ,o L shon to as‘,nnn*ihe re gency ol Pormgai. witlu't^i ihe'onsfiit and authority .( his brother, Don Pedio. It is generally iudievcd thi> s pp is aboui to he tak»n with th(' asset i and conrur rence o (in at rji'italn He ,was to i in- baik at V'l nice m ;,n .An'-irum frigate. Shufkirp: t/iacfilrr.— I i'e Norfolk papers d th«“ 1 liii insi-'tii. coni.'in the following disire'-siiijr particulars cif the hi ig (lualu- lilow or two fl orn its beak would hn\e toinonthis eyes, and with tlie insiinci peculiar to biids of prey, brrs'urn in a monient the thin parts of thn skul! aiiout tlie eye, aiid almost instantiydrstroyccl his lif‘. Several eagles of lliis itpf ( if’s breed in the high Cajies about C’ap,e rournientc. below St. Joach.im. In the fall they feed (hieily upon sea fowl anrl ih.e catcasses -ffish. in the sumnie;’months ihev f/rr uctive to pou’aty, often raining ill’ a large turkey or a goose in tlitir (.law fi jo. t he barn door. The present is the fust wrll aijiht ntica- ted instance of tl'eir aiia Kiiig ihihlrcji in this country, which lias cuine to our l;nov, ledge. Ahi!'!!clrn:n, ^Cmn.) Oct. 2—Out rea ders will ie(»ti eel a sheej) s'orv, ]iti!i- mida Packet. Iiom H »«. ma. bejtig run I'shed in Mif ):'si |!aper, copied Irom th« saleable lor gr..:! p.ires ; as hay, li.v- 1'mg and humiliating. Stop, il 'Ihe heei-fn.l iireclsnn him icultiire, ff mat ufaclo M s, are g' ;«?est in then •;mm(dia'e vi'.i'ii y and (Iiminisli as the'. *. i* ' at!f e iT'( I ( ;;se s II om t h«* ccriI ■ ;d pnini j esla!dtSjlui'.- Li vmi j least.-!)ut nt> il reals, no srr( ws. \\f have ilie »>rdie.:irv senses of men; vvc eai and dtink daih. ar il are as'-aila!>Ie as (jihei's, w ith the v. iirls aid stoims of l“;.\en,and '!i>ref('ie ti'ed supporiT hui tht nn st liohliv and fuel}, if ihis I world dnrs i;ot e* ntaiii me n enough w’no i il’inV and b'd s we do, to aP.t.r, us the V |-( F e tl.i \ a cii( les 1'^' '! ' '1 on ihe water, il is tin ir t I!, ■ I ! t n.'b ! I •> I ( 1 ho r,e ; air), if j! hv. Ihe: ( iirlrs. t^.piejrl , v,-, -hr hoh ' ' f ^ p-sing o. c e nt U. hut dcvi Vi.,f I'. ll \''' b>'!; to I'. ri i>_n hoids foi ’! nol l'is ihet iy. we bid i.t. tlie 'iiarife of itifeHig' til ol)ser\n‘, ti'n ilie r nb i :o:i of 11." eaiih t as a? • ■•((j If, , V br'-l »:li;le of I n.prc,\• ire' • \t ' • I- r 1' ' :,fi i; have bei t ni.'.i e:^ ‘ fitdly, ai 'I ii.’» pf'iiilently. o'u own o;»iii- ! n.iis. V. e ai r lull) [•rep:ued to shandon i .III' vocj.iicn to llie moie acoO'fotlatimi- : t;d sfl'vile. Kut .id Nr tensiv el, A * ' ’ ■ rnncli lo co tir I f|i • ' ^ s.'/H.- ■-!' ' i:- i " )fd pr OS! ( u:( (!. j n I' (■ \' :i f oil r t \ v^ on r( n j fii e ' h’ t r eVMt"« of r'on-.es- j ’ ‘ eii- ei ’ or. a \ i>,n i(, ^ ib i;i (■ ‘'ing \ K'aj,'ev. ne'-i- \, li' \ 'I ! Ill ( Usniin'. j V ' t( ' ' I : >■*•!' I *1 h* ‘a'l t V t; 'I >■ J nl s 1 ! few years sifMo (ie^- !;>>'' .M'd bai'ei.' • • . I on ■ ’In I s' ru j.les on a _i doptingthr .\.-icr;c;in \ys r m. J h, il-e F.'Iitor of Toe 1, 'hough. 1 Delaware ^nn, lie bald, “ Little 11 hi' g' ( I'ougli for a V. hrn .M-. >.( " VOl k 1^1 .'as . (on;; lor Di'lavvare lias w hole coiaii.en'w ” Now, forsooth, it hns ^•ore againit liis i,lo!. he sneenngly tails II a fcdi ral -Ul*- and sa)s, “we eau pul e w nolestaM. in uurbretrhe'- potket.” It was, your bull j^ored tr v i,\ Iwiiv'h .Iff:' 7’/ ' i ij 'I 11 If II • V ■ • r 11 ' 1 > I « —t O I '. \ I - i lo t)li';e. , T .11-1’. ol :is 1 e ■•‘•ofi o| f^H ("■ei! and t’n..' . on. »■ trp.i'- v'i' 1 curiLcrs, iiii ('!it('=rof a 'il rl.e'-’er j;r.per re Is II .’'.M g;'as wn/('.',r7.'.'/7/,ir liis bimii - d ( .tp:M n us r.'fi/iil n : uiy.” \ e- 'i‘ h ai lied ediior n usi ''i.j' pnso thul r-ii(ji’s biairt'l’L: vciv neai foul ol. in A heavy t ale * f v ind, hv S|»anish hi ig. w hich novn tnl.'t a/' hands on hom d; nwovuli/i^:; lo upu-nrd^s oj /fly j^uuis 1 “On her arrival (,fl‘ the (’.ipes, t!f (.'. P. Wtt.-, toiTipelled to vvailnearlv 24hot:i‘- lor u pilot. when‘.;»e iok otn- (a Mr. Ilowart') from the piho boMt Consii !!a lien, at i P. M. on i'uesf’av. at e hi( !• ime il W is li(i)wii‘(i^ a g.dr from S, S. Ahout''' p. ]Vb hilst'inder a heavv ’.kss ol'saik niV Smith’s Island, in -1 faihoni’--^ I Stonir'gion j'finlcc. A friend has given I. s the partu'iliii s ;fan oce'jrrenre thnt look p!a-«- in Haddam last wet U, v.'iich laia'dels the « x;r;.ot dil.rry pu ioi :n;;nce (if the w oolly qiiadrnpetls—in our epin- uin, i’ rtitl'ir exceeds it. 'i'l ere s^etro a tie this diffen jici—the act n! the -du i p w:"-.ina measure, v(,Iwntary ; while ibe : fl' ir w hi( h we are almijt to iic.f unf, vv^s " holly fill tu'tou''. A bor«e w asttimeo ■ii'» a steal! « lu.loMire contiguous to a (1 w elbng hnii'.e to aze. Intbis n'n lo '.va'^er, orcJcos were given input the i.i ig I v,ui'■ .hi re was 'ii;rvied a rirc tdsr ; a\a- nl. ..Tid no! w iil.sianditi;' the , :i v\ .,s | i j, ,ti, n sii a 11b'noii.inaie(i a wel‘. viilin' running very bieh, ^!;e staved; w !t n } a ■ i i>, ;.t d looveh cover* d wiihhoards. she had payt d olf and was a.iioul to avsay, the iiilo' tr.r k fbe I eln^ AiniO'i':, fonieily the had been Spanish brig High;',}er, cf Nev-’.;i leaf’s P„'.sm' iiv lit;’ (in ilai. alu 1 Itidf an huiji i;i ev le.us st,.v I. III! was t!if‘n s f t- under her lee. Tbr ps'-'t toinkingtha' he c ould pass her to V ind .\ aid, lui^ged I'.e (1. P. aid slw- takci; ah II • o 'o k I p a'^ .IV having tl:rn i: ore than ^ll’n n tit i noin foi teat purpose. inst«- d of It inp-s'>. she Ini' b-d up ; nd ''ti ut k tlie (h P. btem on,t!,*’ Liiboatd iieiim, which caieeiu’d her so I •• • . ^ . w .. ^ V , . . . , I V II i;-.M I n h'l I 'I'l.e moi!*rn Pou t phahis did nnt, pei h;ps 'i iu' I nossfss tmu-e ciu’iosity than w;>^ proper b.o a liorsf', hut iti p' ratiibulatiiir '.he rf-ici. he (;iiiie tiear I he w ell. ai'd beir;g desirous, It. aiu Tar;.et, about j it would sietr. of trying tbe stieug'di id IS tn her l.ea\ it;g 111 t'c bo;,ids. atiempter a passage mei. Hissjucific gravity was too g;rea'~-up went one end of the board, and down wtntthe horse, hr ad lippernms'. to the tai.ci: ah«(V. when tie Sj.anish l)iig 1 I'otiom oPthp-well, which w as 2.', feet, and was hath d, and de.ii.d 'o k t p a'Wiv. i (■oni',it,i*d •liunit 4 feot of waUr. Here was a rwcvty.}hC ! 'ri'.ein iid bnis v«cre '.died, ail! a!:er grf-ai t'xer tinnv, a?if| bv ■I-’ he’i (d’a pair of lakh-, !l,e horse w;,^ r.i'-ed out 1 i feei ii'wa ’ ds t ttip r.f' inui'h as to ti'iovv all hatids lo leeward. | tl"’ weil—-v lu n b' th [I'roni tUeNitchei! Slatesniam of St jn D’iri——.\ iiuii,|.,p persons of respectable s'.anditi^^, p^ J in number, arrived it\ tl,is city and vir' ' ctv on Sunday and .Monday last Alexandria, La. with the a\ore(] pose (as bad bei n under®iooi{ fey leiw.,.,^ irom ilience,; ot settlin.g some peis,j,,. j difiicullies. oflo’ g standing, hy combat. 'I'be vicinily ‘>1’'his r'Uy, oiiUi,! tnargin of the ^iississipl)i, ii ^ appf.^,/ wa« selet ted by them for the.ir li^nv giound. Humour w'as very hu« ' dav and 'i'uesday, and many e» rject,,|,^. aOoat as lo the .iimc, place, ir iiotirr. nnoiL’cr of ctimbalaTits. On »ciiif-s.; afinrr.oon, information reaehi d us boin asoiirco to be rebed on, that a dijti taken place between two of tlie liaii.*^. that two shots were exchanged, \vru(^,,r eirect, ard the afl’air between llusep.i! s( t’s amic ably ended. Jiiir, that u-, l;^^. parties who hatl fought were l?a>inp thg giound, lliey were assailed t.y sonu’ o- theis and after acrimony on Ixjth sides, most dosjn raie, savage and sar^^uii.jr^r contest conimcnced, which fevd ,(l iu the immediate death of major N,.rris Wright and (ien. Ciuiey; that ^ —B)wie and Mr. Alfred liUriclK,;,;^ both rect lved very daiigerous v c.'Utitls; (1^. former t.ol expected lo reooKor. J 1,^ bcdics of the stain and the ’m,ii!,;^| persofis were ininiediately cotu(\i (j across the i ivcr lo Conco.'"dia. 'i’lu s, ani the onlv partictilars which bate :t;.i Imj us of tins most horrid outragi, (t vilu, i,^ for i!ie prcstnt, v^e oilVr nocomnu nl. fc'lU cflcr «//. —It was cuMiotinct'd Iq Hits paper last Miiing, that Mr. M’.Mj. !m»ii, a Jaci^soti camlidaie for the l,ej,MS- la’ure r f .Maryland, and Mr. T\',on, an admini:;lration canciii^aic, bad repairKl to the held of Hladenshurgb, to let a L.- tle i f the blood which got hiutec (luiini; ine late I'cctionin Baliiinote. liiu he ciiHiculty becauie known to the •e'a'i’f'. nd Mr. Tyson w as arrested by the iif ice .jliicers b^^fore he had arrived at tiie i-f “honor.” Not to bedtpiived cl'u figlit in this way, however, a letter t'rnni fiabimore says, the parlies escapso.i"i> liie Virginia line, were th*y txchar^-d two shots, otu’of which struck the pi'ok atid glanced, and passed through the trowsaloons of the Jacksor m;n, him no bodily barm. . Whf n |)irparirj for ib.e third shot, t!ie peace olVti.ers ^r.'t in si;jht, and tbe parlies icjniprd ill'. 1 hey have returned to liaitiinore, U: whether the aflair will be ad|ustcd, ova. trip to another state decided upon, is i t known, \Vi regret to see the rei|;it,i,l“ d'.K'iling coinmenved so soon. It w'dl’ia soon tt.oiigh when—biit no matter : ivc will iKit finisli tb.e sctitetice just now . Com. Jk'o, noble art. —The Ne w-Yoi k Courier of •Mrinday last, says—Yestet day no-j", n girl about nine years old, fell ititr '.'lO ua’erfrom the ferry stairs at 'Vhitt' 'H- — Major Howard, (the revenue hoai'iinj ofi’icer,) w I'o was conversing- with same g fitleneii, saw the accident, and th’0’.> ing ofl' bis coat and bat, he itistanily )nfi g' cl IP, and rescued the drownirg o lii'!- We are not prone lo envy, but v»e do en vy tbe feelings of Major II. f I'fn li? stood on the wharf, holdin.ij;' in hi* be liiile being whose liie be ha(lsa»C‘!- Oufra^'ous.—Wc understand thtii o« 'I'I nisday night, 27th ult. the lioiof Stephen Rogers, Lvq. in dr»'en c. tnaj. near ihe I'dv^ecomb line, w as surrouiu!*k In a gung of desparudoes who kill'd oi’his hot ses, destroyed fourteen liirrels of cider, lC)ok otVa large still cap, Utc.— Ciuns were c.onb'.anily fired by the hani'. and tb(‘y rec.orted to erciy expedient t'> alarm the in matt s. 7'arhoro fnr Fru!- \NTi jA(.KS0N coNVKN'noN (ilMA. '1 h»- Pichniotul l'.!ic|uirer publi^l.c.i thf- proci'»’diiigs of a meeting*in I.ation''’^ loiiiit), at which rescilulions were at.op ' ed, np[)ointin;;; Delegal* s to pron)(j‘f 'e-eleition of J. C>. Ailsnis. W e pi' sume ibe editot s fell a v hok in.;»‘'.i ' when they rect ivdllhe ;rder to pTilai''- 'heaccc.unt. Meeiitigs Jiav‘ beeiMMik* f’orsipiilar I'urposcs in the coutitics '" I.oij;Ioi!t), Ji iTe; son, Hampshire, I Tai't C.itol.iie. S’.i.nbtd, King (leo-g'’, tnoiid, We.sUnorelaiid. I’endletDii, !ev. Au»;-nsta, Rockbridge,and lia’io>i^ Tl.t' c urrefit • cis in strongly, 'i'be p^’o?'''' • •I \’itgini:i will nvake a vigorous eHort bteak the despotism whu b h.”js so paralyzed tluir energies, and ret.irJ«'i their mu!' h to prospeii'y. ‘*'1 I'** of Vi. i'it.in (r.avs the l.vnt hbu!j* > ' i;ini:t*i) are ab.'iit to pul an er'i ieif,n of ihe Mi lroponlon arnu'.'(nL;H!''> have so h |ig dictated to t‘e Ij.ilaM'^''' the dilute.” y:f- cni'«hit''.g c V ( I y ibi fill .loli.l " itti'itif n I !ino'[>:t!i vv i'!, • '> c . ! t li'._(:. !' '• -iin.ii'. I-;.' In 1. i.O’ k ‘ >' f N j I -• ''s«e vi( in" h.er. Ill I ill' ' ; reni..me(! •iH»— Tin fr, pot'r In r''cr;,ing Iimki in r t.i MI I I rse ;(>;•, Hi he e-j;*h' nt t '"S'-ii;!. fiiiti b liinh hil'isell ei ntve A sp- I'fir to“n e o; .jfd the Ami-, ‘■n a I", crccj I ;i''III' ? s:i‘ I’he \\’beelii'g ('la/etir*, referritifj tbe Convenlioti at Kiclniotid, for purpose of nominating an elrctoral licktS'j in fa.or ol Mr. .\daiTis, saji—“ L-*’ I itizeiis c^f ihis Courity, wh.o arc tu unatiinious i'or the Administration, notiouht, hidd a nu cling, ^ini appf'-i;!* b gates.” 'i'iie C’onvcnth^i is if) I^ich'rt^t'.H. rn tht' T'h of

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