. I «pi ljlf(JI^.JJI[ll Llippi 4ji' 1 'A'Hi: '^' ^ri r.SMAV, oc’i or.!.i{ so, ik27. Q ', l l'o nifnihfi's iiftlic ('ii.tiiittei- «jf liisinu 'lion, i'or Mecklt'iiljurif fjoimt;, are rupist. e,| tf) n'i « ' f’l'urlottp, on the 'l‘ucsd«}- ot our iicxt Miperi*!- Court. ^ Tlu* T.u-.fl'CoiiiUiittrc of Canulcn, S. C. rccomnieiid to ilu* planters of Ker* fehjw l)i>.trii I. lo turn tlu ir attention to ihf idiMri}? »' Slirt-p «Tid Mules. I'his fcrun.mendatif)!) is wrrth rdore than iill the I ( ports, l esolunons and sp(‘frhfb, which have en'ariated from thr 'I’ai'iff pilft tintjs in Siiiith-Carniina; and we lu)pe will he acted on, not only in South-Car- ulinu, l)ut ill this state. Cnl/iovn.—'1 lit People's .Qdrocnte, j (|i'( Ju'khon paper, publi^htd in 'V((i 1.'liii-. S. C. I’olds tiic Collowitijr lun ies|)LC,:in}f Mr. Clallioun:— ‘• riie Nfw York Anieri;tn, state(-l, SOD f lin.f siiire, lliat i. V.'ti Ilinfi. had arrjnj^‘d will) Clov. Clinioji niatief^ ji) ri‘laiiMi to I lie Vice Presifli nry. upon the J;ickson tirket. 'I'he 'I’uilguai'h. vKivli we liav^* undrrktoorl (Voiii a sourri thill v\e te^jicl as sufricic'iit authority, is tiidtr llx '0/i//0/of Mr. C'iiU'ftun. denies- iiticl iioutly too, ll'.iit tlir fnenils of Jack son lia'e anv intention to dtop Mr, C^l liOii!), and fake up Mr. Clittton. We said 'lome time au»'« :'tnl a'r vpt {’iilh -a!. Ikfii'cl of tin- fact, ti ai the IVirt\ds ol'Jack- eoti. i'Mierallv, ate very inlitVcrent ti'fiie f)oli/ic(il fit!e of Mr. Callioutt—they left lull) iititouched in Maryland—atid say no- thitio; a!)out Iiini anv where. Wa do not rfpret it, for Mi. C'alhoun is Tiot t!',e p'jl- iiiciun lor us.” Mr. Cu!hoi:n may see in t’^is, and o llici' “ si^:ns of the limes,” the fate which ftwuits 'li'i'lT. *Iad lie adhereil to his f.iercis, and retnatned true to his princi ples. those IViciidn would never have a- bai:d())'.eti hjm ; hut ' v left fliem to join the ranks nf his enenties, an^l ti e usual re ward is preparing for him. The Advo cate asserts as a fact, what in; rty hefure have suspected, that tfte L\ S. Tvlri^raph is iittclcr the conlro! of Mr. Ca//:oii7t, If ll.is !)e n false ch.arire,—atid u hi-thi-r true cr I'aUe, it is a serious one,—Mr. Cal houn i'U{j;ht, in justice lo his chai acier, to deny ii : if it bo true, it adnihs of no iustificalion. Ni.\v-Yor.K.—Tlie subjoined nr'Jcii- v lil shov; •Hif tnii- eh:irart(r of ihe vuporinj;'S f M:ij. No;.h ant! llie N. Y. Kveninp Post, .-ilxnit the «Ti rv\ lielniiiig strength of the combination in ':>ew.Y.)rk. Frdni tlic N. V. Aimrican, Oct. Ij. (tn'iil Melting.— C)n h.itui(i..\ tnj;lii the men ol titis city, oppi-sel i> dicin- piosniplioT), and miUitny rule, uere iiivitfd lo met t at T.urnumx Ha!l, lo rx- Jtress their sentinjentH on tlu- Presidential Question. A few days previously tlie >'OMt!]> men friendlv ti» th»‘ eleclton uf u‘i-eral Jackson had met at tie same Jjlace, and musierrd between tv\o and ihree hundred. Oil Saturday evenin}>; the ^real room of fsn.inauy Hall—ciipahle, it is sjid, «if '^'111 iinini; 2*00 persous—was almost and, up m I'ompuiation. it is sup- - |)osi (| ii^at tighlccn hundred ptr.wnn vmm'c priisent. The Mf^!-l wus iii(lc-d, moi^l .lM'eriii^, as was ih»»'4ij)irit diul ull:l?li^Ml^ flytiiced and well is it rrtnarked in the Nat. Advocate ufthis tiiovnin^, that Hw j Msttu; K'^'neration will protect tlie risini';- I f1(*s!i'iics of thr Kepulilic.” Thi'i n.*-f't (!i'i idfs tht f;ite m|‘^tu‘ J:u'.!;soi) tii.k» l 111 Ihis Mtj —ii'/iich irill he hiatrn. ere tli(* fair of tli(' Ail w''inis‘.ration ‘"^eaifd,” as the Riclimond Eiu;uirer, I -f)'l other papers of likf stamp, pretrtui '* hclievf, how arf «e to account for tli* ■'jr.iintird 511 earn of slander v'hich pours * 5'^t'h fiotn those tpsi'i voirs of i:.I. iJitiv, ilrF.le tl)f charMCtff of Mr. Adams? ^''I'ore is th? necessit\ of this uncrasinf;^ ^Hitpouritisj of p,all on the rirsl and hesi in tfu* Tia'.ion • c ati account I'u! It only in thiswa;—eiih» ''tha' they Iium *>'> rori('i,it.,ifp in tlu'ir own predic.iuns, * ■"'hich, like mat;y other irirksof .klit()r I}! m; dfi *•! V I th* PaHr'diiir}!, ». i'licu oa; Qcnr; ./jro:.;' ■ pe-. 'I'lu I‘hil...(Uiplii, a scat »'iIous fuip* r, fuis jusi ;^Mveu f Mth to a tiew slander ; and the suspicious hantlinK ‘s hurdly usheied in- 'O Ihe world, when lo ! the N. Y. Lxen- Post and l^ii hmond Encjuiu-r, wiih 'xjre zeal than prudence, vouch for its I'-Ritimacy. 13uf the time has gone by, d u ever was, when they where coii‘-id erfd as.t>(.od autliority; and those^vho re- ollei t the foul caluntnies heaped npoTi JrfTeison, Madisci), and other disiin- i-uished [latriots, by the veleran libeller of the E. Post, will pause before thc\ Uive credit to any thinp from such a source, implicatinfr the character of Mr. Adams or any other public man. The substance of he ahovemetilioned slander, we give in the words of the National Jnurniil, as follows:— “The points of nhich tl'.e r:iltininv consists are liu'st—thut Mr. Mibstir w»s .|i])(»s'd to Mr. to tin- lui.t f’rcsuU luial e- )rti(Mi—thsi lln^i ('I'poi'itlon uus (diihiit il on his Fc(ler»l prcdil. 11ion^—tliat Mr. John liai lev 1.frame :i nudiiiior iut\\t-# ii liim ;inii Utr. Adiiins, and wrot'* to X’r. Webster tluit f*!r. Ad- ains wovild ii( t t-yi'liuU- Kfdi-riiills ^ iVom oftti'f — fbut Mr. W'l-li.sUr was salisi’cd •.\i1li ibc ph f'g-f, iMit (1( sii'fcl soiiic proof that i' r»\:ic irom Mr. Adams—that \.r. !iad«-y ('irccti il the !itji nti.,n of N!r. \>>|s1er io ci ruiiii intrrliiifa- tion> in thf Iftlrv by the bund of Mr. Ad.uiis l*inist If, and this Iminj; Ijiiird, was c i.sid- e.ri d satisJ'actcry—that Mr. W i in.1f r rt ud tin l«*ttcr to a t>(hral nuMiiIier of t^oiifrrw-s, (said to bf* l,»uis Mcl.aiif,) who dcilarid lie \k(;ub! not support an iiusivK'ual be tbus Ian p.rc-d witli party—that Mr. WcbsUT show edit to oilicrs, !5’c.” Such is the amount of ;i.e slar.der; and 111 repl) to it, the New York Ameiicati, of tite I2t!i instant, gives sl.e follow injj |jos- itive denial, on authority : “ \Vr are now enableti to state, upoti the highest uuthcrHj/, that this story, bv whomsofver told, or bv wlicnisoever ’ «iili suc!i crtvct:cmrii liOoilU!;*, ns ^.r,-. Adams has been At.d can that caus. In* a good one, can it be deserving t(i'» support of a fiee and ttilighlentd peojiu-, wliich is susiaitied by sucfi unhallowed meatis } It is not, it » armot be the causr of the peonlt; and the next tiexiion, we doubt not, will provf it. PK NNS YI A' AN IA LI .KC T J 0\S. In our paper of \ esieriiay, w e stafec? that in Monii'omery Coutity ttie Ad- ministra'vion Senator hal bi-en elei tetl. e have subsr(ju«*nt itiformati(;n which eiiitblfs ns to add, that tlirre out of the lour members of Assrmhly, elected in the county, are also fritiuis (4 the miniktration. The Carlisle Herald says: “In this County, thc-re w as roiapar atively no op position, relative to the Presidential (pu's- lion.” J he friends of the Adniini^tra- ’iop, howevei, took up oik* of the can- didateswlio had been thrown oiT il,e Jack'-.on ticket, because of dcmbts as to 'lis I’oursr, atsil elected him. 'r.iierc are huitwo lieprf'se niaiives in the -Assembly Irom that county. I'he X:itioiiul (iazette syys :~ As vet, the election returns -f oit> the witei ior (d‘t!\is state are not sucH .as.ena• bh ustojuU:.;e positively of any results. NV e infer, however, tiiat in LHncasler, l.t b.iiioii, Montgomery unU JUu'lis couii- les, tlie Admihisiruiioii paiiv li*;s dis- plaved (hore slrenglli, and obtaitir(i mort succe.ss, than its anla';oni>ts expected, or will now admit. In a few days we diall have certainly. T'.e Philadelphia CJazctte, the only oppovitior paper ier«-ived frotn that city, is svujncinvd'j silent as to the eb"-tioiis. wl;!i t;;f (iric; Cu.ifetnr\Ia Packet, on i iie^iiay nii^hi n^ar Smith’s IsUnd, di ' tioX j»o down, l)ut gut in I lie sarin* night .tnd i)roc»-edrd up ihe bay for Haltimore, witli loss ol fore lop tnast, main top gallant mast, jib-!)oom, and her head. It is since understood that she anchored ,^l Kew Point Coinfort. 'i’lie Guatemala Packet left Sewi'll’s Point on riiursdav. State Jlmili' (tf ,y)}ili-(Uiv()Hna^ SAI.ISI'.L'KV Hit wet, (» T. 2.5, IH.T I ^ ul)l". 1{KI>, l)y tb** !!>» rl of '>r»t »pavin'ut'it I • ic',.ilbe exacted upon all notes oil-ncl for renewal, fror» and'>Ufr the first of Juiinn'v lu-xt ; uiiii ihaitlic Cahbier ^;-ivf notic tiicreof to ‘ In- dv i i-h, ^ by ;ulvcrtisciTx-ut in the \VcsrtTi\ Ciiruitiuau also proceeded up the Ijav for liallimoi e. ; “nd Catav\ ba Journal. A copy fro.ii iIk- Mmutcs. The C'ourf of Sessions and Coit^mon Pleas ferinin.iteil its silting at Yc»rk (2ourl House on Saturday last. His Honor Judge Jan^*‘s presiding. One ease of considerable public , ifitceest was tried and determined. John j JLMUs >NKF,i), Casuikr. DU T. I. ,F(>n\SO\, '^h\C« positivc-!\’ b (.lined practicing', nu dicmc III (;h.o-'»n>- ai.y ino'v, rctpi Mh ikil tiu'si- » bo are iink-bU il to |ii»T» t> rah an 1 ■«,w. • I- . (• I -1 , tiu'ir Ti sinciivt* ac'toniiti ; and b- iibl ad- , degiee—and M K.lliney ^l Coy, hu (it tin- tinu inlt rv. ning bit wet, n the prtst-n* lirother, .Mid McCauley, for murd.,T in ! mvl Nnvrmbcr (,ourt nfxt, will tin I tUcir the second degree, upoji the body of I"'d accoiiuls entrusted to the inoiage- Pvicliaid keiulrick, a Constable, xvho un- y. foriunaielv lost his life . in an aiVrav witli the McCovs, vdiich originated upon , ~ I'-*'>nir’ In their . Cl !• .1 ■ ' . J I T' 11 itl" f nitdical or miscelaneous. IxlniiP'- a S:.,.- cl ,hmr ,a„yar(1 by K^n.lnck, .,11 .'i;,,';® utK.eran e\-cution iJoin a Mugistiali in liis biitids. ()m TliiMsday mornitH^ the prinripa' poKs S'! oa A iiWre. Joht) M'Cov, was put ii|)'>n his triul, atid 1 ^'4 h I.r, ,M of ns in d to the l;»le fir n h* lari; anl IV t" r ('.onpix l!. \o- the liuy consu>i)i'd hy the exaininaticm of ; ui.cd ni to p tlu ir ilci.is to mu.1 in tt - ■ r>- vvitnessos. On ]'richly ilu* exatninalion I b. il, ai be has ti- nstVrrod tbc wbi.le of his i’ti- W3S closul, and coiiusel were heard. ‘ 1*1 hi m i,. i.ic si r.m . , at .\l'(nit sunset the Juiy retired, and in two orlbiet' !iours returned with a vm- dict of No' CJuiily 'Pbe oihertii'fendaiils v\ r'l’f* '’n’t ."ie'l. i .Missi*,. Rogers, Willioms, VV’ither- s[)oo’i, n'ld I’jrr appeared for tbeprs- otii'f, atid the Soli' I'.or, Mr. I'earson, was assi>>U'i by Mr. Hill, on tlie part d‘ ilie pi osrculiijii. People'J jidro.:-.!!*:. It is es'imatf'd that beu to the amnunt of'] WF^TY 'I i-;ous.VNn Doi.t.ius, wer*- losi l)y 'h* J.j( ksr.n u>cn on the late CotJ- ineiDy giving the leturns from Moni- gi es .Kiha! I’leclion in Pr.lludelphia. gom» rj couni), whi(..h coidlrm out slate- Au/. Jounail. J.rsey Elections.— The Trenton j 1 ru»- All,erican gives a list of the re- .... . , , , . , ' a^ far as receiveil, of the members v.lic!-rl ,i„. Su.tf l.r^-ishluro. the s/'uidvu' ofjoundotion." adds—•* We have ascer.uitieii I'.iui there Here, then, is a positive denial, on the } n-ajority iii favo;’ of ihe Admin- 'niKhi-sl aull.orilv.” N„» !.,t tl„- u-u'.!,- i l-'-U, Hm.srs ,|„. L, ,, , ,, tiire. 1 : ere will be a mtipjnty, li we the Uu htriond hnqui-I ^,n,i p... g'. i-atlj miataken, ot 17 ai leasl ir. loving editors of t er and Evenirig Post, with their “ dis-• Joint .Met tiug tingutshed*’ associates, the “iwoniem-j 'I'he \Vasl>ing*on Whig, pi.blislicd b» rs of Con^riess,” con»e forward v. ii!i i s.-.ys— J’y the ofTicial r*;iu«»ns td' the election iti I h u I ,T n t their j roofs, and iiubstaniiate the chargr j , r 1 I • ' , hhis c.Mjnu, it will be seep ihev have preferred, or stand cunvicled 11 i'- • 1 ‘ I 1 i t iichard is elected to Coun' i a« foul and unprincipled calumniators. | «. I'.ivin.^, P. SeelUy ami There is no middle w;iv for them, 'i’hey | Fi-'ster aie elected to As'cni!)!;, pietei d to have the [wuofs ; and if they j Smith Hacon and Jaiii« s 1’ Tlie yandirir/i IJmui '^-lission.—NVt- h'arn tliat lunri'^’ibeiJ’ p’’i'.eiit s>essioti in t us ct*^ ,tlu iJoard idT'oreign Missitjn^ i.ave been eiii' igcdi' tnv esligai ing the charges of nviscondui t alleg(cl .igainsl thtf* Mis sionaries at Sandwich Islands. Several vvhav(' b( en exaniim'd, and their i!ep((siiio,,s taken in vv riling,among wfiom Capt. ].Mn;ii(U, l,»tr of the sliip I..ondon, who iiail scrioiis ddiict.’hies viih Lieut. Peic ival, ofi'.t U. S. sliip Dolphin, al !>e SiifHivvich 1-.l.mds, gave bus testiniony T: e resuj' '^ill !)‘ an ao^ple reluiatioji of U',e Cahimnit's that iiave been circidatrd i:g;jin‘ii t hcise .Misii Jiiarie'-, and a pt oud trdiule Ui iheif i’eii tb' v uri- r., qm st«‘d to m.ik' paynn nl iii,in*di- atflv. i'iIIkt to tiic «ubscrib( r or vtr. t{ol)(.rft Cams, b s ag.Mil. J \MKS CLAliK. CumilPii, iJrf. 'JO, 1 327.--.)t note's duf ttu‘ t'st;it»> of I'.icck'el Abrr« jL iia’bv', (.b-i vd, will all b- due tlr tirsi? day of Nov inbcr next. 'I'hose indibt(.d iro I'l tpiestfd to iiiukt* piivnnvit diumj^ .'"Kioe- nor « onrt vvft k. I sludi atti'ud ..t tbc stori* of Mr. lv’( ndnck, during the ti«ii»>, for the pur pose of iiaKiiig colb( tlons ; and tUoht- vn bo do not avail tlu nisi-lvcs ot this o])fH>r'.im tv, rtiav e.\|)cct tf) iihd t'.icir r«'sjx,ctive iiot. s in tliiK liaiid i of an ollici r tor collcrtiim. I ,..- situa- lion «f the c>tat(.- will n'lt ad;iut of ai.v iiiUu!- .10. h.Ml I II, jdm’r. O. tob«T 29, 1827.—1t.')0. Xv)Vu*e. ri'^llDSK indei)tcd lo ilu >, state of Z-.'iv.is \1- Jl t xaiulcr, aiv lu-reuy ivnundtd Miat tbfir luiti sai'f du( ;—tba‘ tbeir acc iiints are goinp out ot ibit(.: :—i.n.iK-diati? payments are 111 r*!- forc rc(;ucsied, hy A. »\. Ai.KX \.\!)K!{, /,». Valuable Htal Estate for Srile, •>-‘>11 i liihi*rss. : ». i:l:;iui N uh'tiiiel fail lo produce them, ; sentiment will give ihl [viiuious public finishing slrd;e j i>ins. Coroners. The whtde (d‘the Ad- 1 mintsti atioti ticket being ehcted. The New York r.v«‘iiin'> Post stvs th;'t to their character lor boner and veracity. | ,!,e Presidenti;d question did not' enter Let them do their b»st—we have no fears i into t!ie conn'st, — Iltd t!ie ( \M;,f)sii of the result. In all the relations of pri-ishould lune lleeu told vate life, as a husband, a father, and a citizen, Mr. ,\dv.ms’ c !;r ■ rict^'r shines wllu rvv 1st. it Tne qually iit blemished, and vvill come out | c!ea" and U!itarni>hed from the lit t y l: i Sr.) sonn as il \v;>s annonnred ... .. .3 u. i u bri-hl a:ul unsull.ed ; and his chat ucter j State Hju.e (Piiil.ideiphi^) that xMr. | Un'if d Slat. s. as a p'ublic mi.t., weGrmlv believe, is e-'Sei^'vanl waselccted, some hundreds of' hi^: friends marctied 111 procession to lus Ik.use and roused bin* bv ninf hearlv cheers. Mr. Scrgi^nni made 1 short ad- al which it'is r.uw enduring. , j d.fss, tiearlv in ihr follow ing terms : j ‘ fieiitleriien. I tliank >00; and I rf*- .I'ln Exiingviiher. — Since writiiig thelj'>i‘'‘ wiih y'»u : not on my own act onn!, above, we have received, by Saturdiv’s matter of pMf ci mdii;'.-.- cnce to tiie, persi.t adv, w !,> 1 ;;».t loy uuo'.e stood iirst on tlic pod cir la >I : bn' ! ir- C/'i’d! rrr; ' uH.'c tronl.—T[»e “Clo- I i'ii b Ncw.s” I'l on Nevv \ I'l k, ijioKJunced V. ii.!i s'i h j,oijip(jsiry, ainoun o after ail I’v :! e l..c!. tl.ul al tlie vv.ud meelings, I If I lion) pat ties coulti not agice. — lo ;igi>;e I iiL y separated uinl eacii chose c oiinult'' s for it-'f ir. (*iir fi lends of il..*' c[1 j>ubiIio!i ai(‘ .1 tit lie iipt to ftalloo f)i foi’e I hey g( I out of tlie «'vamp. Wit- iicss ,\iar\lami an^i wiiuc:,., Delaware, " iiHle Delaware,” wliicli .Mr. Noah says iiab a ii' uri big cnoit.'^i: I’o” lh»* whole U. .V. Caz. Ivvibb to sell til tra t of F.and wlurton I now rf»i(U-, uistaiiH » ii.iks from the viilanc ol r,.,.(iv. otli- i coiitainiii^' about ‘>L»0 acrea ar^:cier, and use- «f (rec k b.nd. Iwo t'otn ^ll'v ' dnrds ot i!i* abovi- trad is in woods; the gre.a- tcr proportion ot the baiaiice having tuM-n o- Ix.Mird vvitinn u f. w v t-ars, i* dl yield, in orilina- ry s( asons, ^-om HOU to 1000 wi iglit of eottoii per acre. On tbe pl;int lion is a ^nod •ivv; j. ling-house, and other iu‘C(.H.s;iry out boildirigs. Tlu irac.l 18 vvtll \vnt red and bus f ,ti nsivo meadows. Intending to reiiiovo to I'K.'b-!* ,stat(, the above propi rty is oilV red Ion for e.^s!i or credit; or would be exchaiigfd for rcniicssc* lands, localcd witliin tbc Muldle or Wester* Districts. 'I he l.und could be divided to .suit [)nn:li.is. •i-t- WM. J. I'(M.I\. Ake/clin/it(rg coituf^, Oct. IH, 18J7.—,5Jtf. mail, tlie following iellor from Mr. liai- |OIC', ley, will' h afiixrs ihe seal of infamy lo the authors of the a’.)ovfmeiuioned cal-} umny. b‘ cause I tliiiik I be cat.se of : I ^ . t lie ran-,e td gu'nl orflc; ai.d ' Coi.stiliuii/'i, has ti iiiii.piit d. ” Dtm J'rc?'!. I'he I'oi t-fiibsoji Corr^spondetit, the most powerful paj)er in ihe State «)f Mississippi, has come oui for the Admiu- istralioa, sirce the [ViblM.alion »d Mr. IJucliatian’s letter. Il is asMMiisbing to v.;tn«-s Ihe chiingcs to the same side ! w liic h arf taking pLi e in ever y part of I 1 be ( Ml I y. tul ceriiaj U K) TilF, VVV.LK'. I have n in ti.e ^'eu' Yori: Etcni:i^ A/t/ of ihe 9: Il inst. apaiaginp'i fX' i ai, ed from the Pliiladtlphixi Falhulium of iht C'lh, alleging in eKpr»ss trims, that in ilie winter d' IS-.W-3, pending the Presi- '!t ritiid election. 1 h;n! convers.iiions with .Mr. Webster and .Mr. Adi.ms. on the (•onsitleratn'n v, bit li the fVdeiMl pariv wouKl have in thr di^tiriiiutioii cd' thfj gover'iMient oT;ce'. if Mr. A. shoind !)e 1 made Prer-idi nt ; and that a Irtti'i- \v,»s \i 1 11 ten l»v me to Mr. \\ t bst'T ofi I lie > ul)- ' |cct of the result of ttie 1 on v ersat loii wnl> j ttif'lv out. tlie in cf)ni.ii).Iution noiis t.c nc i,y 'Mr. \dains, and on his authoriiv. 1vvi;ifh it .,v«.-s. yn.oant’ t'o Lverv par icle cd'th^se alb i.at'ions is a 1 ’«'-‘;hii,b r ,;oi,d rl.um- a- , ‘ , , I , , , r lai.d.i, .a ci.n.tanl v in- I'-ross la!;i icatioPi, iittrrlv destuuif id lot -'lario'.v (d‘ iruHi. I never hao' .1 iHlb*d j «'M versatioii vvi.beilhrr .Mr. A. or .Mr. 1 W. : 1101 dui thioup;h me, ha'inic 'he leiiKile rr-, puiM rs to tli' litb nil I • 1 . I O, .. 1 '1 ; I . ll\- M»e br'fT r.o’1 !i t Ir^Vi-, fi’T'J V.-w Yi-rk fr Ne’> »rl( :tii, w ( ( jo-ntliat a b' iv v ciiinoiiadinf.>", ot Irom tbar Ui {ive hun .rfd t,Min , bud, a short time prMoos lo ht r dt pjirinrr, been In :.rd off Mobile, If w;,s sn p'^sid th:;t tlic Mexican and Span’.sb s(p,iadroiis had int 1 at that pf;i(: Kiid eii!i:i!:t»d in eoinljat. .Vo furlhi r partieub rs had been r>.e!,ived. Tlif 1’an)> of flu; Stale of-sc r, !o''alf! at N i«bvilb‘, apjiear.s by a r; itori l .t. b, niac'*' lo the i' fislaturi , to pA'«( ss an av.rb.'.lt (.••iiiit.i! Iti'i^7o.4o3 lie>i,i!cs df pi.'sits ; and rs paju ; a - I Jlu.'..'f fiil'if to con’iti 7(.',y inifi’.— I au'Iioii'y w.ucli tbe husband has j s'momimk-s ( iaiiiH-d, under t!i.* law, to ii.fi i-l i.M|',uial t iiastiseiufi.l upon his ' AJle, wet iii)» to tiavf been piveii bv iIm? I! Indus. Til, ir code tuntauis the lo!!fiuing max in. “SiiMkr i.t>:, evtn V itb a blui.soiii, a wife gui.lsy of a hundred I’.iullb.” Jlincrirnn ('/rp, liiif'S.—'I'liis article is ■tiiin,' (oiisidf I a!)lv iiiiotise, and protn- i)t lore . )i.g to arrise to a peifrction Ml at will iiit.kt' 11 as Is b 1 (in a Ide us tb* !'ireijjii. U IS already much more dura- de. I I’liOM t'diovnii.- ;nv Inter evi r p;is> Irom t>r ■ , seinbii'.nce tc ll'.e alleged. l the ‘Jn'b. Il is ‘•tated, that “liie natiies of t w o | h" ii'ttll; I'v the ;rbof;nf-r l.ovc, ,i.ira, vv (“ ba\ f ( 'm'I'm a p” vale- ailvift s 'I 'I'hf nee ,-.t III ,,! l:'..rii Ilu tbi HI ri\ al lit 'o'“ nroii^lit r.idiv r; tb.: t.enllemetu mt tubers ofCong' ss, are hd | ^-der. I.av. • > I I _ ) uUcrcd 10 cheer ihe droup * i>pirUs of their followers, and mak( : vsbow of Sliength ;or, tliat they “do e- • and that continaallj,” from pure lovi* " ^ time's are indeed ominniis. follows slander as wave follows ; , utivl 1,0 Sooner is one ex[M)Mrfi. t pi'^ldic l>rains of it% autliois liirth tu anotiuii, vn that it isi a'il!'. to keep p.icc \7ith wiih us [thr Palladium i as a warrant foi Ihe abi.ve statrrnt nl.’’ It is not Mble thal this ass rli'i.i is true. Il cat,-! nui Ik- I hat a mrnd»er 'iouid be | foi'tul, so prcdli/ii’r a'td ‘iS to i;iv( I bis trime a vt.u'ber for sii'. b iioblusb- iin: t'ahciiot.’ds. I’lorn tin- duif of thel ! Jiuhiira-ion, Ihrr,' davs bf-ruif ilo- Penn-I Isv Iv itiia I Ifi'tiofi, aii'.l 1 be roiispicn j • IMS US!* (d‘ the i.tme id‘ Mf- S.'igcan’.| vv'uo was a c.uidi(':'t- at l!'.- ehw'U,j„^ th, I c I'ticlusion II-- V it.i.bir. ih (t ll’.e para-j I irroph is thr fvibrM'a'ion of some ii'i;-:in-| ' ri[de(l parti-'.^n. loi- tlif I : Mg a teniporn' v soccr ■■ t'omnicnl on -.uch i t ]',n .'■post 10 his of giv- pa' ty.— |in*n Cry- • V.- JOHN' I>AlLi:V. Jivrrfu'^fer. !!• I ^’-7. b ti r II atK II ot Tc e»'i' i> j.'_' Ion *)n f' lcnd- Iv t rniH. Mliur-. u» re in a st^t - o; tr.d)(|uiiif\, allli' i.|.'b [itiidiC (i;: iii.iii w mm h di\id>'d. (len. P.'K/, s\*s 'ills c\|)(lid ^t ''.rriK as {'roni \'ab-in-'a. hi !ii^ ia-t pr/.clm .i ,(,n In- i :dl d ii[)(,!' the r iv.eiis lo 11,al itaiii t|,r i -■ nf utr. I-. iio.n v^l-.i. b it ajip- rs bt bad decid ed to itdbuv tiic st.'ps (if r, jliVAr. C (ihSidei ib(!e fj'iah; lUrs of C'-oods have bt' n received in >ov\u since our last, bv t>o.i's aud wagons f tHo Wilmirij^ton. '[■'•fie is an evident iiiipiovrmeiii, also, in 'he iirotiuce mai kt l; so ihat, on th-- whtde, b'i«i!i"ss has assnnicd a more tiimaieil appi aranrp. tuyeitcvvilli. Ohsm er, 'I'b, jonrnal and letters of Duke I’cr- ' I d. id’ S ixe VV f imar, writtfn fluriiMr I,is 1 ■Ilf torn- III Amer ica, are shui liy lo be 'U'disliecl. I Shiy'fhr'.— \ p^ly jf, I'ldinna^ laTeiv rr;- I tivrretl ilia ‘.nit i!!s’ilijt*d against J MM' S .\l. Ak>. ind'T, tor slander, in her w i; h a wa' 4./> t , r(„ — J '■ s'ati'i ' 'V ! I :i b! M, n 111 a 'tuii: itiidc-, ; • lid sloiics 1 b !i. ‘bii iur. ti'v c.iaslKy. , Indian-.u Aj;vu*\\UuvuV. fflllF- fullt)wiiig pr* niiums will hf rmip';tcj £ ftjr at the ensuing annual mei ting of t!if> l.iue.oin Atfricultiiral Socii tv, to be h bl jite Lonct.hilon, tbc second 1 tiesday lU Nt)veni:icr' in xt, viz : I. I'tirth be.st'J hnrse )>.ioiigli, 00 'J. I’(>nbe best Kin^•^. horse plough, ,} 00 3. For tlu- be»t horse or niiiie, not !■ ss th .11 three njr more- ibioi live years oht, t'u )», Z ()t 4. I'or the liesi piece ot’ |dnin douiestio clo’b, mixed of cotton uud wool, not let>.s liiaa j :»l tl», o .J. I'tir the best piece of t.vHled, .iilxed a*» above, same cjiiiility, J 00 6. For tl'i- lient rnverb t of cotton and w o^ (*nd for tb'- b st cotton, each, 3 G& 7. Ihe best piece ol tloineslic l laiii t less than j yds. j yQ H I tie best piece of niunkof.iig, not ies« than 5 yd.s. j y'j 9. 'l iie be I piece of t'appiting, ir t b^ than 10 yds. nor one w itb-, 5 gr> 10. liie ^ri alt st tpi iiility of (Jotion Pai'-etl ')ii om acre ot upland, 2 OO II. 'I'he j^U utt sl iukiitity of Com oiis .tnt? kind of land, 5 l.b 'I he i^rc'.t^'.st cpiantity of \\ ht.ai ..n same kind ol land, 5 gf) Id. I'lic St (punlity of l!ye, same |-.!n.l t,fluid, ;; 1;. 'I he greatest quatit'.ty of I5a,rley, ■ *- kiiiil of land, ' .-j (jff 15. ’! be best .Strave (luttcr, ., I'i. rbi In si eoiisiroete J (ullon Harrow, 2 )0 1 / . I be best constrot;ti d ^Mo^!^ !i for opt., in^ ti r furrows or flrrov.^ lor inanii! , o (;i> i«. I'he greatest Cpiaiitity a,id lust tpiabtv' 111 I l iv, rail* il on oi.i- t.fupi.im!, :> i/j r.) ■|'beb«-st \\ betaione, to Vvlut Ki.e.I's^ or II r;n III seyVlii H, (f() ^0. ’riir I,( Si htones to VI li'. t e irjn ntt is or ' ui i-ii-rs’tools, J \ AHI)I:Y Mei'.i:i;, l (hi. 15, 1H:7.—Jt54. tSc Va.V nX^'INt; ii dcsir? to remove to Pi\ (iri", I (o,, r 1 r - .i,' a T, , ,r; ,.y ^ 1,1 . • t t*'.s|i I* ’ ti( ( 'diit) 11 ver il ; m.,i.v \v('i kilb'd vv itii cluir a:i'. thrm. ovei rni j ' ^‘"d l.iit, i„ tlie ;^Wt4i^to..n of (:’i,o.,t .. vuine t .v • ■ j bv. . Il if,.; nvi^t pb as.ii.t V. I nation in the v iU , la.T'-; for a pr.v.it,. tamdv . , lid b. lngn,. Mi. n ost } l’usirf*ss sc. tion of 1.1c j., .j., , x,-i P,t„i. • M.inl tor a l.aM)t r, Viereiiai,t, or MrrbaiHc. ,.s I- a j,M.od Ik,I,,I- tn tlie lut, « Ith, Th.' No'f..:k n. V s /.'/e is//, I -/ 'What inciiv ;cisA*'.7.'’.s t vcf i c;' ccaied ' whu it vvas sir.t. d lu w; r etn^- j.', (;on’:!ct Mjt, l;li:i), fii this o,ui\(io 'I iiurs iny « vci-.iiig bv thr Urv \;r !{ binsnn, V! r. M \iisii m.i. ’I1‘oi.K, i.f !'( nnr ^sre, to N'l.s I. m a * 1 . V\ 1 Ltio:., d.e.i^b- t( r t 1’ .'tl«r [mi W i1«(;i,, 1, (|. In i .iiirohi f ..lit 1V, on I mi sib''-, ?!i,' 1 fitii iu.'-t. '..'d I f Ortober ; | J Hy tb.f Kev. .In!.n \d.i' ■. I,’ tiv I'h..* I r.rth;^ '..-y • - v.c !(, r.vn:-!- .-it •> m. of l.m’ , br- t;.a le to suit e>tii*.r. ] 1 ’•. '1 K've a tin,;;- m, tor i-ash. or I w l| I . t-j-edi: of -Lr. I \,-o-s, U tl, intrv.st fi-onrtbt- ■’•I.I I e.ivi- MO-,, bMon, uli.d, \\iii i,j. 1j, j nt.w and il,e 1st dav of J ainiarv ne M. j-'i tar piu(u:ty Ui:| he inaoe k uovm,- tt. ■ n ' pers;;,|. lu pureWas, , on .pi.Poai.ott tc - ,1... I Ji ll'' I •VV\v\v\ri\v(w\;^ VkWvV V'n,U'.\i^ t - Jouj-ntfU