VOL. JIL] Fl'IjLTSHKI) M KKKTY 15v l.KMUKJ. liIX(;iIAM, Al Three Do! • /.? a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages arc puid. Advertisem'-nts will l)e inserted at the usutd rRtes, Pt rsons sending- in advertisements, arc reqi'iestod to note on the margin the nnniiier o hisrrtlons, gr they will be continued until forbid and charg-cd accordingly. TS appointed A>; i>t ter Yafta U Mchityre .1 ( li irlntte, and . iii rtocivc ul! (jnlcfb dircf t- c(i t(. th( ni tiiP ’I ic-kets and bliarci in Lcttcries bL-lfi'. tin- puMic. .s. pt. L9, 1Kj7.—50 V ^\V)\ic Vi\\1 CY\u\W n\. K snosoriluT iiifDrii.s Ids fi'ietids and the J puM.i-, liiat !k- h:.'? piivfhi.si ({ ttiat well kiHiu:i .'stiMr.'ti.m-i.t, lately c»u ;u oci u])i- «.l h\ U”. (IiMi.’’rsoii, i*iil i*)-now r n n.irc tl U) «>it('.'I 'Mi Umm IIiis ;ind uIIh I's, \\ lio 'n;i}' pleasi’ »ri ctii! on li'iu : aii'l no ( xrrlioits w il' l;r sp,»i’’.‘(i i'. n;'.t r'.ill’ll' ’i,if'iiri i'If, and tlu r i_\ a- jr , i U'h v il! !>(. f,! iii.-iii 'I vith ev er'. \ ;rirty v.Iih Ii til ' (ou I'l'v his l''ur v'.i!', l!i-' i,H si i)t lip.'iis: iiii.l li'.s stabli > v ilh of pidv. inLr, :.r.n carcfu! ici'ui.ts v\il! Btr ill voii-Uiiil uUimli'iH t'. lin.HKirr I. ('Iiii' )Uo, April jn, KSJ'.;. 5^ ’.I Sii"' r,; ;'). r s i-ci.iit \. \. (' (;r,ty 11 (»i!^' I stable on th the UU\\\ i:rl. t .». in ; (turk inaiit.' .im! ' mI. i on 'i s ri'^lit liiiid ;r.sfc ri: ii'ii't, O' 0 |)‘- ; t'lU' otlu r fiors.' i- 1(1 (IV 1 1 ft! I r w Intl. r (Iki'i tl v . ; 'oil 1 i-' It 1 '-eii.n , 'A'!". !. stolen. I ' C(ir;.:i>o!t .s'/\ bi:t ‘K'!''y l.iiilt in (’o!K(,rd, ■ r't'i.i i ;!ic (.» Il l Ul - ' 1, Mil I '-r.il- n«. (I 1) V a I c'l', ra- i: i'“_\ ;.ri' !, ftlu' A v'. i.o CILWLOTTE, X. C. TVESmV, XOVI.MIIER 6, I8S7 •s'tw Watrtxes & JcwfeWeY^. [NO. 155. some Hrt-ast Pearl and Filigree, and l‘astc in si tts, Jic. Sti'. ; ail or any part of whicJi we will sell low fur cash. ('locks and Watrhf-s repaired at the shortest iy)tice, ajid warraiiled to pirlbrm. Cash >;iven or poid and silver. N. 1$. Me ex])i ct to receive in n short time some elei,'ant Militarx hiuI plated Goods, &c. Charlotte, May 14,' .30 V.Wi U-V.lWOlilXA. BOAT Tlioiiras Trotter Co. KKSPKCTI’L' f.I.Y infonr.s the pnidic that they h:;Vf received and oOer for sale a lew jfohl and silver ])atcnt le ver Watclies, (gintlenien and ladies) a few pood plain \\atclits, warranted; gentle men and ladies’ j.fo]d Chains, Seals and Keys ; some hantl- I’ins, Kinper hinps, Kar Rings, I HPHIS Boat is in complete order, and will ' -8- commence running to Georgetown and Charleston on the first of Octoi er, anl will car ry p oilnce at customary rates. The subscri bers will spare no exertion to expedite tlie transportation of produce and goods to and 1 from either of the al)Ove places. This boat has m;ule a trij) from Charleston, with a full freight, in less than five days. Ue have a pole boat now on the stocks, wliich wdl be launched about the first of No vember, c.ilculated to carry five hundred bales of cotton, and of so lipht a draft of watc r, as to l)e enabled to go at ail seasons. This br)at, in conjunction witli the steam boat, will ensure Henry's Vurmnentary on the JJible. PlioPOS^LS Vi.r publishing i.v snbscrii,lion, hy Towar | '^p llogitn, n(;oKSellers, No. 255, Market utrccl, J lul;t'.ei])hia, s,,l,ueribers will rcceiv\» cotton *o freight AN" I'XI’OSITION or THE on n.oderate ti rnis, and niake no bar^e for ()r,l) & NKW 'I ESTA.MEXT.j Will rein eueh rbajiter issnmnu d ni) in its i terms, having coniioodious stort sand ware-hou- '•')!itci Is; the sacred text inserted at large, in ' ses, for tlie security ofgc^xls. liis’ net par;*; ra|dis ; each .arat-raph n iueed | Mr. 15ei ry V\ . Cfjr.ner, tl e agent in Charles- to its |)rf.p( r beads; the seiiPe in\en, and large-! ton, willatttMit! to the reecivirg ai.rt forwarding iy iini'ln.ted, with prattiLal itmarkgaiid o’u-* aP g'lods to th.s or uny iritermediatt places on si.iv,ti«)ns. j the I’ec Dec riv» r, and v^ill receive and atlimi I to all or-ii rs respecting cotton that may be sent !5y MnTUf-w IIknht, /;//c/►/irtift/ero/fAf Cw/je/. M'* care. The subscribers pb dge thin. selves to use all diligi nce and attention in tin ir .1 ttnr K(Ht!nv ; rdiltii /,/ the Jkv. C((ir};e P.tir- \ povvi r, for the ii.leri st of those who may iTiuke ,g,. rSOM THS R.4LE16H RSeitTEB. Nofvil. . A prctnise has been made to show that when "oods, wares or nicrphandist are actually airived upon the IJailroad at any point of it, from the nri^hhoring; part of the country, the expence and time of transportation to the soaeoasf t>r to any other point iij)on the IJailroail are of so little consequence as to he scarcely w’orthy of notice. It aniouiiis as has been said, to little short ol a coir plete annihilation of time anfi space, to ])Iacc these goods, wares, or uiercii andtsf», at any otl.erpointonthe Hailu a}’ Is lime, for instance, wanted in thos« parts of the country next to it?—'I’hi iwticle is only to he prepsird in Surr}, Slokc^, ]{ockinE;liam or elsewhere, at.d hroujjht to the llailroad by the nearckt route. 'l'h(?n with the aihlitional f.\ jjensc of tw^o cents upon the bushel i may he placed in Raloi^h. If the re:ifler will consent to accompa- lu the mi\ udirge dtr, ( ■>,d fhr. Ju v.JtjMph Ihi.’hin, J. Hit/, I ei/nsiiinm* r.ls to theni J.ije of the Auihor, by the Jin. Samuil PtJ/iitr. IKUIU: W ilia'll i>caii, i.- s;!!-;i( c‘e i Tu IiM*' tliiif. r,.‘ii V, .IS I,i: -an.c tiinv t^ie s w.re. in a'.Ku.t :> ii i t 7 r ■' in- fll.is'iigb, uer s ll • , Init bis 6^. , tipi '.nw.in's ll''- ci'"- \. ih ;i \ r l..rge II.I util; ra'licr '’nop r. vi, 'n,(>ieas,int iiaii' e, ; lid (’!'V t 'ok ; t st:, »;t h: i 111 ' iill;o.i ..I (! ;s '( : d i f . 'i'i.;Kili tl.e i thtcll br(,;:ii ■, 31 ; 'it'ij.ior b'l.;, ;uid s .u is a ( .’ir- p.-iit^v by tfaile. !'.avl 'i l-l\n- « it ev. itli » l)'..,rk vi\et cxl'ur, i;.'.y C;v i h t p'.nt.ilcor.s, «!i(l blaci. liat with a low ii,,',\d rr.iw n mk! bro id rim. F ftv doji r- r nuin will !m- ^'iven ft)r ms ,.pprebcii;.ie,n an l efi.tiin nu nt in any /wil, or bis lielive!) t( n.e in Coneur.l, C. to- Mic churactcr of ibis valuable and highly n«ttiil r.Noositicn of the Sacred V. ritings, is well kt.ov ii to the pious |^i m ridly (f all (le- iU'!iiinii‘iio..s : Mid it now ctriaiidy stands i.n :.o necci of a jmbllslier’s reconinieiid.ition. .1. & .1. II. TOWNKS. Cheraw, S. C. Sept. 24. 1S-Y.-K158 IM*. i Ji('V7cdy for latimjtcrinice. . rS^P,K Subscriber, on 'he decease of the late J Doct. \N m. C;hamln rs, took into bis p s-; ny t!ie calculation now to be made, it will furnish a jijiecimcn cf such calcula- lioiis. — In all instances where thej-e i*> uncertaint} , tlie numbers will he toket I'* tn the disadvantge of the Railroad an of the dimiiiuiion of exj)cnse hy it. 1 v\ill he tlius seeti that late of (harge u| o;i tiie hundrc'l in which if terminates, is {!;rcaler than it wtujid be in reality and that the conclusion at which he arrives sljrnds upon safe p;round. Ii wore easy to make addie.^ses tot-ur priil» nrnur passions, to hpconie exiibcrant in TijfUtcs of rhctorick, and to present a C. A ny in tl is •til lioin or ( it'u r (f tbe bov: ihi '«ni>;'tio'i seiit ) the l‘o-t-(>fb jil ice, \. ill til thanklui^' le 'ei\ 1. .INO. K. .M\11AN\ Concord, N. C. July ^Vvi\4' ‘.A’ .Xc,vl\i-ria (>\\uu, I^lc( Lit riliP U' Siss-i.n^ l.'^ST. s \\ .ll-, , I’l't it len t’or [•; •rtit.il 11 oi Alston J-'l'fatt Jv r’:/u'tb his W.f.-. ) I :;.i('s. H'I' is ord'I'l'd by I (Mirt, t!vii puliii : t"ir, lie Ji in.id.. six v.ei i'.s ie tlic- ('ataw’ia Jou rnal, fur ii( f jVii! .1.''- ’ll .r our nc\t '.'irt ol Pli as anil Q,. r ; .las. ’o !'c (;» i 1 f i • iri*'. of \i" ( I, i ( ' M\‘ , ('.I’ii'.' ‘illi >loiila\ ot K' vtinixr ni At,.. .1 ..' M i.r *o li>.' p-tnion; otii. pw . jni g'l'C .t w '.i '•( * >Ken ,)!'o Cl iite.s- ^ -ijj Mint Uie.u. I. ■: W'M.IJ, M. C. —pr. ativ. i 2. i (\>nd:f!(i)is.~l ]ic worl svdl be published in n s.sion the personal estate of ibe dccea.ied, and I tiiobsand phantoms to play !elightlully si.'; J tr};c .super royal octavo vobin.es, ot about : tonrd jirepared a 1 rge quantity of I>octor ! h( foi'C OUr raijt iinati;inalion5. Were • one tho. san.i «e.-u-b, compris,ngabout one-1 tl.amb. rs> remedy for h.Utnperancc | however, to its fullest extonl. lie lurebv informs the public, that he !ias i , , • i i disposed of all the .Medicine so found, to Dr.' sooner would our muu.s be j.ermittcd .las. II. Hart, and Mr. Andrew M. Fanning, of j to cool and return to sohfr fe linj; than w’e should sn\, and correctly too, “All 11, n..ki„s: Jlus JisposUion, Ihe sul.scrilH-r l,.j I,,,', |,„vv mu. l, been aetuateii by a due regard to the interest , i > • • - of the lieirs of the Intestate, as well as from uj ^'cjieiKUMice is to be placed on it ." wish to give the mo.st e\tcnsive use to the vir-Somelhifij!; more than this is ncccss.try tees of the tlis-overy, whatever they may be— -convince me that there is any thin':! and he can tnrthcr add with confidence, that i i i . i i i -i i i ‘ n tlie (fintk-n.M «l,o v,l'. l.c ll,,’ | aiul lansiMo, an. piaolicall) dTsof the remedy for lntemi>erance, as prc- ti ue. Ml the Utility Ot a Railroad and il. parel hy tl;e Inventor, bare been intimately i thc eaSO of constructing it. This man connected with Doctor Cbam!,ers in his life . (,f.,.tainly spc-'aks to US with no ordinary imie—have l)eeti bis ayen'.s in co7i;pound;niMbc i i i ■ nadiciue, and are w.lnaii.ted with itsconi'posi-i {.ersuaMOn ; but he hail too Uo.'i. bVl.\A:;t)S .Mil.i.hH, j much sense, anl v.’e shall do to take care I'lib. .j'diniuiii'ruiur, j^c. j |k)i\ we trust liim. L( t him give us », J- • ” 1 1 u -1 ! plain truth, so that we may re**! a.ssiircd CTj' f ne Mcd.cino is j'reparcd only by the • ’ • i i i sni)scril>i i-s, who alone are in possession ol tiie > that v\o are not mistaken, snil that we origiiiMl U eipe oi the inven'or. -it the .11110 oj! aic iiot purstiirig visious of fancy instead i'runi Di.K. s. hlv. Past'f oj • //,. Third Vrfs- i ’"f ba.semtni story of Hut-; To the substance tlicrc- Ariliinu.'lie, no? in figurrs ol Oratory. To eonveyanee oa a Railroad, are rr Ji I' . r - I necessi^v 1. Horses. VV;igijon5. [[■ rotn iht f (rri.cnl Guz>:tfe.\ ~ ... 1 I , niC'u. \\eliave the jileasure to ar.m iinre fli-at! i t • w i i •. i *i * t to. ban.ber,.’ Me.licine for inlin,,u.v.uKe | ‘ a''niltfcl that one horse has bei il administer, d to t, elve ])er.sons in ti is ''ilh a uot i ler v\ i 11 endurc (ive yvars in 11, ^^l•wnll^l.t, ; .scrvict , rT exyniple, from the end «>f 'hir-i more matter tl.an is contained in Scoti’s CiMinii iitary, aiivt debven-d to suliscribtrs in vdbin -s, at Ibrte d-dl.irs and iif'y cents per Ac.Iiin,', 'V(1I done up in strong boards; or four billa's J cr volnn.e, bandson.t Iy and stroii};ly boniu! ; ]).iyi(ble on the rici ijit cf each vol- nnic . A vuluine will be pnblihbed evt ry three nuM'ihs. ,\ii aiUnMU’ce will be made of one copy for evi'-yi.vc suliscriber'^; and to those who o')- t.iln i n. t'.VO subscribers, a reasonable allcw- anee v.ill he iiii'dc. j A*- tl.i ],rlce of t!ie book is pnt very low , the ' pulili.shers e xj.'ect that remittances v.ili be j prein tly niaie on lb*' receipt of each volunie. ' TIm- publi.^lu rs I'l qm -t tbost v^ bo ba\e :-;ib- scription [.a] ers. to !iite>rni ihi m any time pri^r to till iiist da' ot' Novemin 1- next, r f the ntini- I bi r they have got or luve a prospect of ob- ' taiiiiiig-. lU-.COMMr,M)AT10NS. K. .s. /•./)/, J'ii.s!' '■ of tf.i Third Vres- Guiit.ene-.n- >t.:r pr.p.sedi-cpnihcationof^,,,, ( Kev .M.iitbevv li.-ays “ Kxposition otlln , 3 Washington ilalJ, New- ,1 N\ w ’U st.ip.ent, uitli Practical ° tin 0 mark ilesv rves encourar;-e (ibsi r\ II .-’It fr(,in al> the friends (if evangelical ri ligion j ir, (;iiv com try. (li tiU' ! not otht-rwisc o tain ' u copy ui tii.s valuaide work, I w ould give } on, | !>o( toi ban.l in excIiM.K' fcr it, all tin ronii..ent riis o' «H - | ton. I'oddt (ii!l. Camp ” «V 'be 2Btii l)e, Ml. -r, on tl e " '*.'1 be ,Mil lielv s' .1 I -linn lai'ds .f I'rtM'.ci'.ek Dinkins. di c( tin- part now ofl re.!, 's a ve,-\ 1 r.rc I ii» (.i;id 111 I n.iist sa\, , as niiK ll prarti his f.Oh to Il.c end of his tenth year. \]y_^X ■ !/n Uif I'! (.rj(Tt tpinl.-. U has K(H'mid th>»! j, . . fwm r,nn, a>‘d nsKr^td them /o fhm- '''I’ «'‘W get for 120 dollars. nretnis ■«;, I /.ate I'l I'l-u. On nd con -'it (i\V(. Ibn^'-bini'-i , a tra ' , 'iiid lately fi'i- , ^li- .!, a |i;ii n. ;iii,l .• 1 otlu r out hons! s conm.on ai- 1 iivjc.-j-saiy to a f.rn. of ts si/e. '1 be bind, lid i' I r to n''iii- oti t-iij^-ir (^re(“ c, is ,n goo! j «t;.‘c of re;.., r a:i(l ( nili\a'ion. I'bix bou-^-, y . Bi’U s fVo'ii fti, on tile m mi leadlnc road j ;ti' Mdilh to ii'.rtli, \i Clu^^eI vdll, (>l l\a-| ‘'‘i ®ion l-'oi'tl, on ilit Catawba, Chaiiof.e, SaUs!»ii • vcc. I1..S In en alv:Hi’a;’ .-i.iis.v '-C' npi d ,iS ; ®t '11 ■ * ir ri.,ii.nn nt ior ibt i ,t ib.rt} \ i -»rs •'lal tr )iii .(s dist.iip-'' iroin CbarlotK-. ai.d I'sl •"'iivc'ic u rill ( vc r_\ resi(( (t, w 1 .■ 1 .v,.) > i on-' *l!'iif to I,, 'die be t’ami 111'".t prolitabie •n tliib font.,. J^llotibi it not !)(' sold to the s.itisfnc ion of the pi'e»i lit owner, it wdi. on fh.'t da\, l.e «di red ^ leasi tor a ti-rni ot y> ars. At;\ prvH'in v'.'.^h.'i;.' t-i luv >t le isr , can lii- #' !'• 01 ( ol. A. V\ . i^r.’Midon, NV .idt--. 10’, or O'. .loli’i ^eo'.t, Sa!isl)u:-v. or .buii's Di'ikin-;, l e r til' [>rvniist 6, .Nil' kli nnui g, b_v Ict- >4:r otl.fj-vvist,-. Te*tni n.aiie ea^y to t'lC pureln.ser, and ill inihlisiied on tl.e da\ ot sale or b :ise, SA!\ll Dl.sKlNS. ITie lletrciit, Ihnvtn Ca. A’. 6ioj ; .Seott, ai d Clark : ai.t! w Ini’, i (liseur'i’. iior «bs] aragn- tl' m , I llenr\ b»s a-'niiicb L'o.ul si'iis', .«n 111..-I. V.■ . , . , , . ' 11 .-.a if ■ • icalMi. M, aiul as tlioiough a qn,.intance wi'li rtLiir ,.t,d jnnul.s- f, hailtl to l7idu,- Hei.re ^4 d(»ll:WS a year mUst be mad. ' f..L iii.rnl 'fl‘>c as are manifested b\ any ui.d to their jiVijjer ntutiom in ^ good for iht* perpetuity ofsuch cn animal. , ol I.;;, s ieets'ovs. \toiitti/. ; o.j |)j,pp)s (if corn a yvur ill 2 ' er o'n tlM-' rl b},inr!'rp''laii^'*o^^ a ( llri.hai:, I Hi walk, or ivn.sTnw !—The .'•dmost ini rcr!-' '» barrel, this Will cosl 4^ dollars. 1 tbat I Iiave evir iuard.; and it is i.iitorini;.s, that I ible n ss w liici, Dr. Cb .mlu rs’mr-dicin-bus , iu. dr. w la’,-i,('\ iren. the rich treasiirtii which j niet «iilnn th. c re ot ml. l.ns bro’t ' he found in 1 li nry’s I'li le. 1 T(. aii\ inini-tii id' tbe (uispel. or pri>.-{i*i ! ^ who n.;i;Iit re(.;-ard iny oijinion. I ui-uld in siuoi'. tli ristia lii: n_\ ti-.indiib nt im tations of tins vaina- -ll.iey. I o St (-111-1 tbe |:'iijl( »t;a iisl lin- dir (trons a(ctni.p.ir _\ in;' lb.- g#-n- If i)n ha\. all other ( or, iiu i.taru s, or 1 reint dx for int. mpeianee ai be siii-f to lm\ M.dtbew I ''‘‘"‘I v, rilii.^ (.t the siibscr jimehasc but one, bi siirf ,^ei. sl,i;-iit-(i n; the witiiout w bicli Hen rv. rZKA SlYl.i.S KLV ^"POS'l’Afir- ACCOl N I S. Tli{).se iiwlebtcd to liie Post-Ollic. . tor po on Utters, n wsp.,p(*r , or n a^a/.iiu-s, . r- ^ qiii sted to call an.l s( ttle the sam, witbo-.l ®f‘l y. 'J'hr tniarti r ndi-d the last o! S(-pt ni- and the dr.dt from the t.ciieral l*ost iilic.e WniS' i)e (,|| J, - j l;,,l A) it- Uinl to l.liis reqiu st, nin«?t expect, in future, t'l ^’"nply w itli til ■ iiis'rnc'ioi.s froni tbe (••■n«-:’al 'nt- Mni.; (,t‘ the Post no credit, aster. lyrt-OjJirr^ ( hurhffc, A. C. Udi.hir 1, lb27. exci pt ill Dec for s."ilc .It this (Miice lilA ’8 \Y ‘AV Y, Otfiec. Mvview'. of the Kev. Matthew Htnr^’.s F.x- > i'u„i . t'tio- Old atid .N w 'I . staiin nt, a cord :»li t'u-si w Im bav(-1 econinn nded it as a most 'ii.aMi I i-actic.tl f(;iMiM n’ar_» npi n tb hai n-d I i i;)*iires ’‘"d as tnrnisbic”' s(nne ( f tbe n.est ’.i-taiit aid.' to ac-.rr. ct knowled^re of tiii ni. L. 8. II'.S, , /i(i fi)i iij .s/. Chinch, Luncufltr. none arc genuine. Should l.e H'fjuiie a ton and a half ot I ay or a»iy oioer forage lor a }e«r at .>() cto.ts per hundrfd. it will, fie 15 -'k Ib-s more. 'I’he mainleijance of a lioiie a 3 e;u’ iheii will be, F'.r capital, T(.r (Orn, I'orll.iy, 15 iHip( 'I'Btal, jfrtr Ifllie owner receive 30 p'rrcenl. nrnf.t ti|'-n!i this s;,(cisof e.^pit.nl, th*^ profit) ioll.')»-s a this s;,( ci « of upi-M 87 (lollai-« will he 2n 'I'O i;ij|K)!{S. In ordtr th.at ibe -fht a(-y of Hr. Cbnmbcvs’ !{eti.(-dy li.r liiteiiiperai.e( n ay 1 ttii.roii^l l\ { tt stid. ^,liltors of IK u Sjiapi IS, thron^!u;iit ibe’ foiintrv, wtio w i|l iiisi rf .nr ad\ i rti^i ment ami ' ad(i tills art.ell- to it, anl i. i.d u- a 1 i jjv- of tiie pajK r ront.uiiMi;.: it, sli.iii n i i\i fVotn ns .;v , ,i( turn (-.:'mail, a (juaiilitx siit'n n nl t» eure one 1 cenis, otll wehliiiil Call it in a rfiiind j (iriin. ard, w bi b tii( ,\illl.. iKpnst.uto ad- I'iin.ber 27 dollars. 'Fill;: aiidcd to S7 I minisK r to smnt [i-itn. nt in tiu r m i}.,Ii!jorbood, ' . and nuhlisii tin result. wtiifli oii^lif to hf K c.ejvfd o\'ari,.H(; , - - - - , sens!, i.t all ('lin^li.in ein-reilio aw . r. ii.}' to li' nr\’s ( (Mi.mentarN, a 'i-ni K-ni.^lii d Ij'aii ..Ti'ongtlH st 11. lai d w ork s ... ^ I'l.r mvsclt. I (-an sa\, tl.ai /i'’ne osn.il ptf., p. stage j ius give«( r.ii anio»nl oi' J M dol' I'rorn thr luv, JI ■ V liist.intions and Pbilanthropi.: Socie-l‘'"= “ Vo., ?„p-i„ _ ' n.nun,ties, bavi ( (m-i N by iiiaMn- appbcaiM.11 (..niy antbentiea-j'M"”' ^be service ol e\ery i)oi-‘,c, .or >11? seno. 1-, yii.dl r. ( ene the Iiud- ko'piPuJ) 11)0 ppoperlV, and oIjtai»'miIt "i :io k..- r, t tilt- s-on' ' ' * ■'■ ‘ ‘"‘=" ‘ ’ ' ' '''‘‘K* P-'d, t! e n, di- . . . . . I ted) t(, thi ' il ini- at a 1 ns ti,e usu 1 have Ioh'mI it (-'u- of Hm' and practical aci]naiutanee w i H. ,kill as an mter[ Ik Ips to a jn'-t , ‘^be sei.t in a Ictt. r ' v mail. 'I o tbi se ! ^ ''’iH be admitted to fje“ libf !'al pl'i. fit tbe !,a( red'vf 1- "I''*:'!'* nn.ml'- to ()..), (m ^yy/.r,1 eiiOJgll, and SUCiiafc he \'.-()u'd IMit tjf ( t( r IS . ntitbd to ; tlie ind.vidnat 1-. onrollm, tbe m-.di.iue wib nllow*'! to ef.Iov lon" bv niiicn r»-speet ; Ins ,iit' gritv in .■( sense of Si ripturc, v.iti.mit tin p.,ri V leebi g, i> biJib e(.nm.- i.d ti> 1 In (.1 the ind.vidnat t'> onr ollii be adn.llliit»-red j;tatis. ,IAMK> H. IJAU I-, M. D. A. ,M. I .NMN(., r, 3t.>8 tv ChtiuliHt. in e\(iy denomi-| Cj-A S'.ipp'> of the ab.v»-.Mi (hclne has Ix-rit I forwarded o_\ J. Ii. Ilart, VJ. I), fi. ,\. m. i .^1,. !-H st w i-'bes f( r the success ninfV- " ai-raiitt (i o^ Im i n.ne, 10 (!k- ribcr, ul.licatioii ot tbia w I rk. } bvii .u U noi' s no tb el C!p.n-l-.ti,., ot v. b--:n il c..n I c lia«l at the .N. w-y'.i-k prio s. (oloMn>;i ot Idt- J all'! the uiMnei.nci,..!! w bii b nins tbroiifji tb.' wb(de his v..,r: . n.u-t 11 :i.l !• it an i' (. pta'.b- gn '(I 1 be devotiuiis .;1 toe ] M.ll lOll, You I..Tve m;. i ol ibe pi'\if ’i d W itii Ci'ii'inin n si'i ct. t.'//( Mi.rrh, . '.lie v* t>ik I(c' ,.|\ (Ml at t!.i' ol'li'T *r#T mlef iX >his OSlw. l.e nieiiKiiie wjii ;],,uvv*!; kj ef.joy lo.'ig oy cjjen romprii- tion, but \\e shall v!Jpjio,9e it. 'I’be sum ol I l-l dollars a year, is .0 dollars and a lialf a tiionlh, 01 less than J,7 -ents a ^ day, alldWM.g fil .j d.iyj. to the venr, by j tiio * .'tciiiMoii ul Sundays, 'rbi's rcceijil ju.*' .'>7 c^ as a (lay k. tp«; up caj.ital, ,atiQ yields a pioillol 30 per e nt. upon 'jt. parr-.'!-, ottbesin'e are (i. |.(,siti (l v^.tb \\iibain| o If. ( fv^an, t.ierebant, ^tatl-^^ dlt*. ’ next s!;|)p^)^f« fivcwag* j ll is !, poTlliat 111, *.; vv!.oarc diiposed to I be piocijreii, all to [jc coi.tiecl- nhoVP valu-'bijibl' b.! rated mi dll me, ^^ ,|! av.iil I fed togrllior Iipb.i t[i(‘ llailload 'in’ to • tIu niM-lvi , ol this opp.-rtuMtv . f pro. urn ^ it j S .1, I;v t l,ls hr r.,.. ,,i hj,.!.’,! ‘ I.'1,,.. t.emi.ne-; as t*,. r- a-.- spM:,.„,s ,n.il.,t.ui.s .,1 ll L • . * , (i UU \ d Uf Mupose.t 0,1 ti.e '.nmn.u,.;-v, uh.ii, ar.- ,u-,tberr‘ ">:i!'i ♦(!. n ii( li.T ve I.. roMi pu t etJ. The sat. n. r • f;o,^,;;s ' M’K^TI P. •’! f' ‘d'tl.cs.- ir^ t, w.-igiions accord- Ilug toStrrrKlai'.d, is-l'lO^UOilnn^nd therefore the five will cest 700. Tha wheels are of cast iron, and nxlctrees wrought, and w e shall suppose them to last 30 years by laying the axietrces anew sometimes. If the proprietor of the waggons he alloweil xi! lioilarsa year for 30 year.«, it \Yi)l mom than make good ills capital. We shall fui ther allotr him an interest of ^ perccnt. upon il.ij capital of 7U0 doHar.s. Six per cent, is rommon interest, but we shall ali.iw eight ; and we all ^»now lh.it tlu- pi,.!its upcn such durable :ind evrtain matcri- idb, ought to be difiVrei r from that upon horn s and otiierpn I’arieu.s and consuma- l'!e proi'erly. 'I'his irtou-st of 8 per ’ent. upon 700 dollars is 5H dollar^ per annum. I h( doll.'Ts c^ipital and 56 dolUrs interest will be .«0 d.jila's a year for the five t\aggons, iivbieh at 3] 3 day» to a y.-aris h s.^..ll■an 2fj cents a day, but we slmll call it 20. 3. \\ e shall next suppose a man, ora }outh of eleutien or i\\rntv years, to drive and taKe care (;f the *boisr. K- nough of such p(,*rsoiis may be had at twelve dollars a m mtli, or 14-1 dollnrsa year, be fujtling himself, 'J'his will be le.ss than 4S ccnts a day, but we shall say 50. In a regular lino of carriages for the transjiorfatioii of goods, a horse passes ten miles with a load toward the sea ia one }).irt of a tlay, and alter resting^ n turns with another load back to the filacefrom which he first .^et out. 13y this mran^ ten horses put in successively and travelling ejch ten miles forward, und ten miks back, convey one fcet of Xoods lUO miles in one direction in 21- hours, and a returning load the same di.s- tance back on the same day. Iftoce the tr-i horses carry loads thro’ the >pace ol'i:00 miles, in Hit hours. It is ontt* -nil otjjy 1)1 jj'f. cxjjt'nse of this work lone by t!iet(-n horse'^, which l,i!ls upon I load on its way to market. 'Fu mis It is equivalent to orjnjii!ci- /ivi^oi'the hors» s as travel hog forward ii. one di rection iiO niil.'s each, so as to complete the distance of 100 n>iles p* r dav, ami this sliows us the cost of conv \'aiice to the owner of the goorls. ('ollecti.'it*: to gether thesf difierent itrn.>, and we snaJi have ih‘ followiiu': estimate of e\{)( nsfc tor carrying ten tons a hundred n;iles 2 t liours. 4 llorsfi at 87 rents cach, f] Cf (ontinuing tJiro’ the lioii- dinihr.ce, y 3 M.-n orb(;ysttt 50 cents p.-rday, 2 53 For 10 tons 100 mile* a (Ly, 4 61 e can now determine the ci.'st of ii'i transportal ion by dividing liie lour dollars and sixty-one cents among ihft ten tons, and the result wiil be bss ilian /ro cttiilsund a Utirdupon a hundred tUnm^h Ihe cliihnuc .oj a hvndrtd miles in a d(iy, I'liis exposition may have been tedi ous, but it is of uifinitely greater value, than n liundred argun.ents, and twice IS many p(.;riods ol glciwing iiJiagerye that enter not into the recessrs (/f ifj. subject, nor disclose in essoni;;,i inerils It u hoped that tho’ it has been ncceg- sary to through r tl,.tail of nununcal statenient, it is still so obvious in itg nature, and all ii,s successi^ e particuLrj lo every farmer and evcr\ experienced man, tb?t he has had no diiricnlty in fol .v\ ing if. Should this have been the ca^e, nr .^hould it n,,t, tlie reader i^ rr- p)i‘sU'd to peruse it a second time, willi a c’cse and attentive p^e, o, roi 1 rr'iy have crept in, ofsufiiciert ('(.|i.se- iU?nceto im;,'?.:r ordcst.oy its vaiidity. It is a vuhjtct f,r invcstii;atiof. of evi.ry arili n,..^'ici:tn ard acoi-uotant, i'vety jdanrer piidessMw.-d n-au. Should it \r >:aii.;3,.torv an.J coininc.n.^ U) any one w}...s.. nolghhonr unfoit-.^ (lately cannot jook ioto it l.»r w.'cjt of the ediuatii.n v.nici. hiinrelt hcs enjoy. a m (gi.duJp to innuce . •>[.;,.iruiaity to rt ai It :n his hcani'.g, nnd v t it bdVoe hiiP uiih Midi conninjalion and evidk-:;r*e, a» iiis own views u JI furnibh'? Js i!,ore a member cf our or Hovlc of Covtinous who will nut feel hin.selt' solici!'.-d by the ties t;,r,t bird h.r.i r. i’.uAMi.y. f.ir the i.( r ed, is it not of his coiisliuienls, to en'er cal.Tilv with ll'icm in.,1 the di.scu.s.-ion of s^hiccf. not as a p^rtizr;! ai ^unic-r.tation r w 'h iii^ nci-i o^ bi’L as a siiiccrvr anu j;«- po^s;un:ile imer of ins cnunlrv, ihsi truths usnch vital iurpo.-i.uiee to t very man and cvf..y ia„.ity ma;, b-.perccved 111 Ihrjr jnsint.oss, a?,d f(dt wiib ali i.' ...'r * Lecf upt.n tl.cii- iniert ^ j, , rtton,«,.«,'..yjo y in sociuty, «r to ai)>^«;iaiuat«, tc s.

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