pr.^c a, tl mj! jt 11, (.1 i-.i y dlher mvolv* ili^ il f } ViliilC U''K to C’.citf s oi liiiii in ihe niimls cl oll‘» I.'', or lo UM' till* coi fidence of llie per; !p. l.ft it hr sirrerc-!y with a view boll-, to iccfive r.iul iinppit infGrnis- liiiM. Am! wi'en in process of tirho all, or at K‘ast a lar^c rnajdritj' shall have sron thrir intcro-'ts, anil made up their opinions, tlien let liinj ra.’iy tlifsr ron- «unint; \vi»^hfs to the ]c":i^lative i)0(ly, trr.t the SliUc may, by its or^anizcii reprcsentati.un, resolve deliheralfly and v.ith perseverance rouni!el on convlc- lion , to prosecute their mature and en- 11 ehtened purpos(>. I’hrse are undtuihi- cdly till true methods of a free State, at once pinvving in .''ireni'lh and anj^rntMit- irc llic lit'j p'infsscriiie ])eoi)le. Tlie hrcadih rf our Si:ne fionmoi th to so!Jthin its western pui t is a hu’.idred ntilfs. Bv oxiendin;;: a Railroad throui;h ihc niiddh* ol it fio’ii eisl 10 «fst, the ilis-i*.r»ct' ai which any man can hr. i^f.f.y miles, (h- two da>s travil wiih a N)c:d(‘cl wII ^vv to divide tlwsdistiiT.ce f.l'iUmilcs (^neach sideoftiie I\:\ '• oad into tlu» f pai is, it l)*ToniPs t\idfnt thatonr third of the Slate would br within seventeen niiU’s ol tiits great hi.’-hwiiV runnirg ihiouf;h the rountr\ Jikf a|:.ublic slieit throiij;h a rommcrcial cit*.. Anotiier third wnnld he hrtwrtn se\en'MH an^ thirty four milt'S from it, anil the remamini^ third htiween thiiiy- i'our and fifiy. No sooner does .1 farnuf, a manulactiiter, ora metTl>ant, arri\e v.ilh his ])r()duee ur liis ;j;o()d!> at such a P.;.ilv ay, than the wholr rxu-nt of a, will, all thf* adp.ccnt crui.try, is thrown open to him for a maiket, hy the pavmtnt ot two cents and a ihii d 11 pon the c onveyance of a hundit d weight, u hui.dn (I U'lles, e\t'iy twi-nt\-loiir h(>nrs, until he is .it llie sea '-hore. Lrt us (jiisider that ii is as 'ni|ortant and di siiahle to all others as ;t is to oursi i\fs to re'^oi t to this H;-il- To:i(f, fo!'tIlf opporlunilu's oi trade. 1 lie atid villaj^e''. and meicatitiie hf)iises that h])iine up 011 each sidr of it, beM;ii!e iiie drposiloi u*s and plarrs ol assciid)la>;«* for evt ry specii s of mer cliaiKiii,*, which othirs wish to sell or we to pi.itliase. And at any of these piaies, it n*.y in ati hour f’e (U'termitied, wl',ne is t!if In si niai.kft u'(»np: the wh(Jeextt*nl of t'^;e liJie, tlirough ttie w liole of our ow" •Slate, and in foi«in;n eountiies, for such ar'irlcs as it may he our ohjei t lo vend. — Were the farmer at the distance ol thrte hundri'd niilfs Irnm the sea, the transport of a barrel ol flour lo ihe oast \vould cost him fourteen cents. W iih respect to tolls, th‘y are (jf little const - queiice, and can have hui slight riVect upon ’he e^pt ll^e of iransporiytion. So giratis tlie aSM'mhlaire of nu'rchanrlise of every sp«‘ties, passint; to ami fro upor «ufII a I'.i.L'hway, ihai a very sniall pay ment iip(in the hunc!red, an’>ainls to a ■vas’ •'Um. Tins can he re.sliztd hy re fit ctini^ q],on the of two cents a hiiiidnd. upon 500 tons tveiy hundietl miips. '1 III facility afi'i)i(h-d toUavtll- in^'^upon such a Hailwrt', where a staue coulfl 1 tit! t oiiiiiiualls niiif (jr tm miU s an liour, together w ith ihe l)U-in* ssrrrat- ed to mert hauls, planleis. aid other persons frc-m 01.e iiii» no'y to ilie otlu-i, Vould doubtlt'ss soon tn jie such a cur- reiil f passe’}^ers, that tin* lolls T;rct s- sarv for sustainuiy the 1 xpetiscs oi the Kailway, hfin;:5 levird (h"fly, and yti vilhoBl oppression upon would r»^‘ duce those upon mere liaiuiise and api icultni al produciion, to a rale s.:arc»^iy “fi f'i > iiv of our iiotice. Il u C.S just now stated, that, according; to -.hp caiculutiofi already y;iven in this jiundier, with « very d;sad\antat;«'against tlj> Railw ay, iluM Xj)etise of carriat;e upon a bant I of fl 'Ui three hundred Tiiiies •wcuUl be lourieen cents. Cot Id icthei Stalls, wilh all their p* iTihi^^es of suil, and habits Oi’closer industry, cope any lon;;erwith the farmer of N. C'arolnu' V'lthin his own Sia'e If they can sell «s flour at six dollars a barrel, our out lli.ui brought from the remotest part- cf the county c(>ul(l then !)e sold at licau ion with profit, for five ami a half. Conic they aflord it at fi'c and a haH r W• couid fu! nisi) it at five, fn/ ojitniit^ the Jlcr'crc (jfnvffur Stum,hoa/s. a iKing lo In- t^oiu bv a ft w ilioUhJiid dullal's in a sin^jl ri. o.h' j.jj'ji: i.M.Ljsu l.xlracl of a fioinl’aiis: “Il is gt ru rally icporied, that \ idoco, the Tov\nsend tfihe Paris Police, had f;one to Viennu, on a mission to assassinate youn^ N i jxdeon, ard that he had hot n taken and han(;»’d ; hut he has iot from the {^allows he i>'ot from l!iec;alle\s; ’ Admiral f^.o-.vo v.':.s in ron.mai.d of iht* National S(juadion at the date ol llx ibove papers, ai.d roihinji; was said -l his initniion to resigi, as lately report- ed. Dr. rranisco I’ustos, nephew of Gov ernor of Cordova, who it was understooci was f>earer of an important mission con nected with the re-establishment of Ihe province of and is eiijovinr, since his dismissal, his j *>’>‘‘>idly relations vw the vtium finv d'i'nimte in compositiK' his re-} I'. . loinisi ei.ccs. lie bri^an bis career as a | associations of the provinces, ihi*f : but justice, playing at blinfi-man’s pd the loveyimen . c;,u.;lu ImI.I oriini., him| C'.i-ova hri- uwn, .ml h,,„ tlK. ,;ull. y. m I ul .flcc.ns a H.Micalf. 1!U ll,.r» i' I.ul Ihtj requ.rt as a ra,,.l ,o lun. favur, a.i.l, alle.'a lev; vi-als of |, ro-i ' „ I.atioi), lu'was iKni.ilu-l lo irlun. ,„ | tl.r.r loi;u>n'slate i IhaMs, lhal he pro^ him under her banners as dpf dc la foikz ! erijoyment ol its rights , , . II .1 . • K 1 n 1241 I. ;t1 ilv svrtle\ but it uoiild appear tital porprc means lia able amount c>f money atiiasscd acci;5iclct- A". Y American. Rntlle .W-fs.—Afew miles from this place, in Saratofj^a county, a yonnj? maii look his gun one day last week, and wen up iheside of Palmertown mountain, a- Ijove w hat is called the nreat ponds, near a place whicfi is famous for the circum stance of a large company s collecting there a few years since, and diygif.? money supposed lo have been conveyt-d Sc concealed thereby Spaniards before and during the revolutionary war. While sear ching for j^ame, he discovered near mcsurca as w ill efT».c! a r,‘ ] which was by the eccle>!as’u ai a certain D. D. of ihih pl.n e ili. er. ^os(o>i ' .cn M* P Mf, of For the last \veek or ten doys our C!'v has been enlivened b\ the prose,> considerable body of Mail Coniraciors from the West and the Souih, pally, for the purpose of put;ing i„ offers and ascertaining the result, wjj presume the number heic at prest-ni is not much less ihan two liundrtd. '11-^.. are a body of highly resnectable good citizens, subaianii yeon^en, ijj, dependent, intelli^'ent, and uselul mem. i: w oiiiu ajipear inai llie esprit (/ecoijjs^ and his sympathy for those v\ h* had ihe same failings as liimseif, induced him to sleep sometimes v^hen he ought to have been awake j and his mas ters found that ihe old prtiverb, ‘ set a thief lo catch a thief,’ was a remedy worse than the disease; and master \’idoco was dismissed, having in his • lonest calling amassed wherewithal to console him in his disgrace. Ho was S' nie jears ago on the eve of marrying a vuiingKnglish lady (d’foitunt*, uiider th* name of Mtmsieur Chat h s ; l)ut the head of the police becoming accjuaitiied with the matter, caubcd ih- family to be inform‘d of the real characur of the • uitor. IJe threatens to bring ‘all the world anil tiis wile into his memoirs, aiul i(i Id us into oiany state secrets.” Some lime since, us two genllemep were jjasssing through Congieliii in a gig,one of I be spiingsof the vehit ie broke I he vouiigei gentleman proceeded on loot iiit:) il,e low 1,, out the ( hit rl\ one look iht gig into a hh.cksini!l'’s shoj) for needful le- piiir. Fiom His very plain a| pearaire Ihe siiiiilt io«di him for a servant, and entered into v ery familiar discourse with him. At lengtii the gentleman said lo the swj»rth\ Vulcan, “If you were to put a thin plale of iron between the two pieces ol slei I, they would weld the bet ter.” “1 know that,” said the smith, “but 1 thoiiglit ifl did so you would tell your master, an^ say that tt was only a l)0>ched jol-—but if you will smile for me, 1 will do so, and the work will soon be done.” The gentleman wielded the hamtner, and by his adroitnebs gained great ai>plause from the smith, who lib erally promised him the share of a tank ard when the job was completed. The gig was soon put in statu //f/o. when lo! the y>‘Ung man approached, and in most respt ctfni terms addressing the assistant smith, at>ked liis Loidship if he was ready to proceed on his journey—the smith star«(l at this appellation, and his asionishment wus not diminslicd vvh.en t e undersU)od thal his helpmale was the L,i.i (1 liishoj) of Limerick, who has re- cenil) been translated to ai.other See. JMaccUsfield Herald. Dr. William IhniterwsvCi 10 t elate the fol lowing anecdote: iJuring the America) war, he was consiilied by the daughter of a l^et r, wIuj confessed iierself pregnant, and i'( f|uestid hisassiijiatice. Hi advised iuT *0 ritire for a linir to the house of some cotifiiW ntlai friend. She said that it was impossible, as her father would i.ot suflVi- her to be a!)sent from him a 1 When the Leg isiature is installed, and the Provincial I'.xecutivc is elected, then, they say, the province of Cordova will concur in the measures that ihe rest may adopt, for their social organization, and carrying on the war against the Lmperorof Brazil. C'irculars have been addressed by the Executive to the (iovernors of ihc pro vinces, desiring to know whai force each can contribute to incrfase the army of iiperalion, siationed on the Oriet?lal fron- tier. A letter from Monte Video stated, that il was reported there that Capl. Ramsey had succeeded in manning two Buenos Ayres frigates in Ireland, and that on iheir passai^e to ihe La Plat.* tiu y fell in wilh the Bnzilian 74, Pedro Friwciro. s’lorily after she had h fl IVatice ancl oap- • uied her. 'I'he lelt» r adds, that the In i'.ir' Don Miguel was ou board the Pedro Priinciro which he levelled his piece and shot il through the head; he had no sooner done this, than, on looking around, he discov ered that he was surrounded on every side by these venomous serpents. He then took a club :iiid commenced killing, and before they could make good their retreat, he liad forty of them lying dead before him. He look four of the largest and ri'turned home. On measuring their, ihey wire found to be over four and a hall feet in leng'h and nine inches in circum ference. Their ages could not be ascer tained, as many of their rallies fell ofl, ..nd were lost among the leaves, when ihey were killed; i)ul they were probablv •near ihirty years old. Two of them were of the yellow kind, and their fieads resembled verv much, in color, coppei that has been new Iv melied. FROM (.litltALI’AR. By an arrival at Bi.sum, Gibraltar pa pers to the 15th ult. ha'e been received. The Ciironicle of Uie I4th, states that the insurgents in Spain, to the number of a- l)cui 20UO, look possession of IVaus (in Catalonia) on the 29il' September, and im|)risoiied the |)rim ipal inhal)itants, until they paid certain ton'ribulions. 'I’he rebels had previunsly entered \ fiid- reil, w here they levied SjOOO noll.iis, and were masters of Hlants and other places on the coast. l‘’(»ur hundred troops lud arrived at Tarragona IVfiiu Valencia, and j tussee Legislature, tlit-re are 6 farmers Singnluri^its- — We are informed by Capt J(;rdan, that there is now living in Narraguagtis, four brothers who were born at one birth, and whose given names are—“ IV^ nderfuU ^'tra?n'ri, Hf- inarknhle, and True!” It is almost im possible for all actjuainiance to call them l)y tfieii name, they so much resemble each other. 'I'hey are 17 or 18 years of ;ge, and healthy, robust young men. I'Mere IS in ihis town a person whose name reads the same backward and for ward— we lake the liberty of giving il on no o her account but its singularity. It IS Esruin *Morse. Gloucester Telf'groph. In the Senatorial Branch of the Tin sul)secju» ntlv riutrched out. The Madrid (iazette of the 4th, which had previously kepi a stiicl silence (.n tliese matters, .gives a detailed account of the proceedings ol the rein Is since 1^25—and ci ncbuh s u iib a 1 oval oraer, diK Cling a coiisideral If body of troops ol the line to be seni to ('alalon'a, and .1"- nouncing that a general i-lhcer w di hi appoinied to su[)enntend she mili: .ry (Operations, wilh |)Owersfrom his .\iaji siy to pardon the rebels, txct’piuiy; the leaders. Cenfrnl Jmericn. — Letters hivp been received,in New Yoik vvl-.ich givt encou raging accounts of thai Republic. Tlie rebeliiun has beei. coiii])leiely put down, and the (!overnneiii have pos session of St. Salvador, w i.ich for some linie held out, some of ihe leaders have been shot, and others jiaidon- ed. Anujng the latter was Cn)o- sel fiaul, the commander in chief, who submitted to the grivernnteiu atul be sought for pardon, before the surrender single (lav. StMne of the servants were, | d his party. He was forgiven on con- it,.'iefoie' let into the secret, and ihe'dition that he should immedialcly leave DiiClot made his an ati'rement with the the country. 6 lawyers, anrl 2 merchants : 13 married men ; ■; widuwe's, jnd 3 bachelors: 10 from V'lrginia, 7 fumi Norii. Carolina, 2 Il iin I'lnnesstc, and one IVom bouih Cai olina. derstand, the principal part t)fii„ m werit; to fiay ihcir res|»ects to the Presidfni ■ and on ihe same evening they visut;(t ihe Postmaster (Jeneral, by invitation. The Post OfTice Department has jjiow’u to gteal impi.riatice within the last few years ; and it must continue to increase, with the growth of the country. Unilep ihe n. an age men t of the prestnt ahlr an-i vigilant head, its receipts and fiisbursc- mcnts have bi en svslematized wiih suclj a pi udent regard lo public economy, iha,. it has now beciMue a considerable sinircfi »>f revenue. We anticipate, at the com- III' ncement of the session of Congress in the rej)f»rt of the Postniasier, sucli a development of the means of the De part, menl, and of the extent of the faciluieft which it affords to internal comnuinica- lion, as will be at the same time tno^c gratifying and surprising. At//. Jutrrnal, From the Pittsburg- Statesman. Ohio.—We see in many of the Jurksou pa;)ers in this slate, art ides lieaded " Oaivo for Jackson j” the object of them is \t> encourage and reatiimatc the llagi'iiip- spirits of the (ieiieral’s friends at home' It is folly, and worse than delusior,, ii> liope for the vote ol Ohio I'b,- Jacksor. The state elects by genei al tii ket, uud tii* mass, the great body ol liic people arc ii\ fi.orofihe “domesiic svstem” and the administration. Tiiey cannot “ look ou blood andcainage wilh composure.”— There ate eight counties on 'vhai is call i the W'eitirn Reserve; and we have 10 hrsiiation in saying ihal nineietuhs (.f ihe people in these eight rouniics aij lor the administraiion. I'he eiiiu.'' of tlie Courier, printed in Poct;,gi- c.amiy, and who is an intelligent member of t'lo assembly of that stale, iti his j aper savs, ihdl “On the Western R-strv , it IS well kno*vn, that tio person unfi ier»l'/' to the present adminisiratioi;. C/ukI |)0ssil)ly be elected to either bur.cii cf the legislature. Where iheie is ine leaat probabtlily of success, tli? Jacksoniaii? will use their utmost exertions to elect; members friendly to the election of (ieii- eral Jackson to the Presidency, wilh a view (as. some of the Jackson pa|iCrs 'i'rt asurer of thi i'lHindlmi; Hospital for ihe receptii.n of ihe child, for which he was to |>ay loO/. The lady was desire ' .0 weigh well if she could bear the pain w iih'jut alai mii*g tl;»* family by her cries ; she said “yes,”atid she kept her word. A; the usual p-er-od, she was delivered, not of one child only, butu)f twins. Tlie Doctnr, bearing the two children, was (onducled by a Trench servant througii the kitchen and left to ascend the an a ste]is into the street. Luckily the lafly’s maid recollected that the door of the area iiiight pei hai'S h'' locked ; and sflie fol lowed the Doctor jnsi in time to previ nt his bfiiig detained at the gate. Hv- (it- ;'osiied the children at ihe routidling, and paid for each li)()/. 'i’ot lather ol the ciiihii eii vv as a Colonel in 'he atniv, v\ I'o wtni with his ri^iuii'iii to .Aii.erii a, and died I here. 'Fhe ni.)lliei icason,’we C( u'd ei.ier w nil faii' con^pet i i-fi> r\\ auU mained a person ol her own tion, ll.ioiigh our st'aport a> B* ai.lort.f in'o a traoe wi'h Knrope tin Meditti- rarean, St uth An;*.i iia and the Wisi Indies, as will as the Lni'.ed St itt •>. J.!oiu\ v*ulr| i'ow in amot g us fVom A mi ihe pi t.nipi uiid •.') :iair- ptiiiiioTi through the w hole exipnt ol our Stall, w i.uld i;ist( ibuie ihis ttrlurn- inv’ tide of wealtli m'o !i'mberless strean s c tid riils, u» (lUlckeiionr energies, and it fu"-' .ilaCi I ) and coiiiUif ni r n'to all out . i.-i... CARLTON. Til'* President of the United States, r.n his fi cent visit to B.iltimore, was ire.ited wiih the atlenlion due to his di' (.nguisiied station. Me wjs invited to a pin'lic dinner, and ihousaiids exchatigt d s.Jutations with him at his lodgings. 'i he»eare one or two incidents mention-j ed iti the IL.Itimore papers, which dt- serve notice, as they furnish a specinM-n ! assert) of having the (ieiieral nominaied of the President’s ready wit and of his I by a majority of the mxt legislature. liberal feelings. A young man fully ] Their exei lions to efl'ect tl'.is object, how- " half seas overt” on beinj^ introduced 1'ver, must be altogether fruitiest,,—for* and while sh.iking hands wiih hiiii, ob-1 well assured, that at least tvvo' served —“■ I hopt\ iir, Ihe cmslifHtion hiaij } thirds of both bianelit s of the uer.i Leg- 7)ert'r he btoketi.*' “ I respond the suit intent \ isiature of Ohio, will be in t'avor ol this v'ilhallrny heart” said the Pn stdeiH. I 1 e-eleciioii of .Mr. Adams. 1 here ar« i:nd ute, to add Ihe that your^^ fi^titteen nu nibcrs id' the Senate wlio'e • The. vvi iter is'.inure t^'at I'.veiity iniles adiiV - t; n «.n r;i‘( ot ii l(, if(l V'. nn i Jm r it.ii! HI V liii ;i iiiai :n u ti iili lnv uif.!' only tv\o'uss ofyvi', cun with ludu^trv gu filly Xi, ■' ' fi IV' ( IlilV >. - T'ds i-prrti,. u; C'as if s; t It o,(>('(.; t, not 4nitl •(!. Jt is !iii rM'flU lit iiaiiie aud it is a pity t sl.(iulti bt II ;.ri 11!. rank. II add's Aleuts. niOM 1-1 KNOS AYHKS. hcDrlaw are .Ail\erti»er haS received I his i.'fticer is a Frenchman, and it is highly creditable to I lie Republic 'hat the pi ime movers of the revolt, anil most of the oiTicers, were foreigners. f'he !,"overnment have ricenllv Kiken tlie same sifp as t' adopted in Mrxico, havinj' foi bidden any Spaniard to enw r theii terrilory. When we take into view the haracter of 1 he population, we cannoi i)Ut hope lliint;> will now take e\ei\ w heie a prosperous lurn. Thet\- i.- huidiv any Spanish ii.fluence in CiMiirul’ Amtii- ca, and not a single slave. J)ully ,idce>'li.\ct NI.W VtiJJK I'OI.K’K orH( K. Ferocity. — A b w suue .1 pr-r'Oi- caioe to 1 his ()!ri(;e w 11 h bis !iamtslj:ii 1. and laceiated in a shirking m>' ni . and gave the lollowing act ount ol ('m afldtr.— Ht was in the house of an oh. woTj/ian well known as an abanooneci .' (It praved character, and on sou'e lu ■ !;iven to her, or imagined by h. r to ,.c\ been giveri, she let loose upon bmi laige and lerrK ious dog who si ,;'rii nd woui'di d him v- 1 , ^'•l i oiisly in j)laies. Lncklty he escaped, and c;ime up to iiu-ke a ( ( in- platnl. An ofhcer vv^s despuicbed ti Wl.en I ', I coiialilution nay never he broken.' Tokrntion.—The incidrnt related in •he following communicalion from the Baltimore Patriot, is crediiai)le to both 'iu'individuals concerned, and convey*! a pist rebuke 10 ihosi zealots who cannot lot give a ddlerence of opinion, huwevei hoiii si or cotiscieniious. 3/V. Lditor: With a very large num- I'fr of ( ii'i-t-ns, 1 p;,ia ni) ? spri ts to Hu Pn idt 'ii cvi-nit’g. ai M-. Buinum’s. lie us with a lordial' wortnv ’/II’ ( l.i.'! .'.1 agi-'trale of a fi ee R' j)nblic Among liiosi- 'Mtrodiicid, there w,is one wIiLse *.di’-ess was as sin-^ular Mr. .\(illIlls s rep,Iv Wiis lotppv .ivd iippronr'- 11' — "Mr. P,e.sident, Ihr.v^Ji I liiJJ'cr from in fpinion. I am : nt tl) Juifi - on tu irond hc>::tti,” I he i •' !-■ '• il ' !' ..'iv s;. Ue o!' ibr j 'o/ii; in leiibed—"^irjubhi huj/in/ (ti,d free , iro cttn dtji'cr 1,1 iipuni'/t vifhinn I >///”■ ’ I hi>, Circiiiosiam e, iiio’ Mi pi o ‘i I tl . *iu'. Dj-a\ is to sijpennted the \'ir- I (ifi.n I'acloi). aid w biti; wuiK ai . lo III t x b.Mvt 1^ t II ytcv' d. i/tie > Ilf!I,is i .J? ory w 'i (iiir !i I'-ii iiid^iconifn.t in To Wt;ep~ But nos A \ res p:i pi is ol the od and 4, An- I) v the hands L;usi,litiii which liie following items ol iiitelligi tiee aie gleaned. By a dfcree id' CongiesB,fhe President of the Republic is authorised to iiegotiate j an i"st the a h^an ot 5.(i(./C,(.'OU dollars for the use of! tbe house, the iovi rnineiit. I people at the door, litiil le.jt rid that l o (•(•net j1 Alveav had arrived at the city ! o her persons had been badh bitten 1»\ «d‘ Buenos Avrib on the oOth of July.! the Id rious animal. One of tlicse indi- He left tlir armv on the 11th, and met vduais was hurl ilan.^crousiy in tlu thigh: tbe other was Coliins, the polii 1 Ijo j. I . list If, IS a !( ssoii t imitaiioii of evei y one. wcil worlhv A [)Iiiiri i it’deriik C(,utity Dutchman, vl'io w'.is .iitending so'ne ctjnciMTiS in viif’apidi' last wet k, bein.g a‘-ked bow hi- adiiiin.-, r ititjti men runie to beat at '■!' ( iti I bai count J replied, /. (chscl.oi) men lied so con- la lliai “'I j \ oiindcdlv. ” “ Well, but why didVit you Adams j iOftt lie too r” woman. Wi.eiihe rcaii.edj “ Vy we lid lie a little too, but the he found a lan:e collei lion ol Zuchschon men bed such lamnation lies.” Kick. Com. ler'i's of service have not ye? exiiiiii, tu'elve of whom, and {iroh.ibly thirteen administration men. Of 1 he dis- liicisfrom which iht Senators are to bu . hosrn at the approaching election—net less than twelve will gi'e majotitie.^ n» favor of Ihe adminislr it ton. 01 the re- presentativrs tt» the in.-X’ congress fioiTl this slate—eltcen air in favor ol the ad- minis raiion uod opposed 10 il. iSo much for Ohio ! One of the natural aiul perhaps ineviu* bk liVectswflbe fret dom which t xists in democratic govt rnmetits, is, ih ' iical charactcrs, whilst peilo'MU M parts on the puldic stage, are obj par'y prejudices and asiiersions, o ' it* u. less rancorous according I" tbe ii>>re less agit .lied si ate of pat lies \\ eeti lao same pt-rsons are t ul ol oflite, at d ainger cotitemi)! ued a.s candi.lave^' ui'V future election, their merits .0 appi ec iated. I’iiis irulh has hi hibiK d in the United Siait s in m. lii'ir IS id * X* in^ staiic and pre-eiiiIti' i'tly in iliei . '' onr I'j esic'ents. Washington. 11 was never an objtcl (d aiiV serious "P position. His rcvoliilionat y st rv n es ; iiim a height of popularity whicn p I on his w;iy ihither (irn. Lavalleja, aj)- poin'ed Cominatidt r in Cbiei'. Till I'ruv isK/Tiiil Leg 151 atm e of Uuenos Avres was installed on the 3d August. '^I'he Clergy hbve made a voluntary (on’ii ibutiott to assist in carrying 011 the w at vvit h Bt azil. 'I'here rfp|n ars to he hut little doubt j iltdend bimsell w iih e-itei lained *>l the re-ui.ion of the dissl- bitten ver y seriously t.fVicer, w lio, hajiperiing to pass bj, and seeing tbe crowd, t'ntered the house, ai>d advised the woman to secure the dog. But she, sharintr the ferocity of her biiiie comj)anion, let loose llie animal upon Collins, who although he efideavoiid lo his uuibrflla, v»as boll) in the ankle are getting to be finite the .'(0. The N. Voi k (iazeile says,\bai the *.bilu(.iiori ol Miss (Jilnior, an heiress of B.dtimore, by I\ S. B.,rnum, has pro- ('nced nearlv ;,s much bustle as the a!>- dnction of .Miss Turner bv L. C. Wake- ii'dd, in England. Wakif.eld and Miss I urner were separated by rn act of Parliament. AithouKh Mr.' Barnum is I'n'soTi of as(,'oi;d a landlord asr^(.,.sohi dint provinces, in the coirrmoii cause 1 old il’eiej. s oil the nati ii,, and a| ‘ • I. Tf[' I .uai wat v. ;11 be v,^^ed .rj-uMiSl I She is irrrl old aTid I be thigh, 'i he dog w us fitially shut, and the w oman i ommiiietl lo brid', vvi 11, otV inft I, has 1)C» n ni nv gill, tl'.e iliaa l:r,i.ul-jr': nude i yi Ara to :h'.' p'.dice, and by VAri(»as purse proud father of Ui. vounglriffy dfusnot ihink the sonofii tapsier,.•oc-ri^. lor b'-s d iur|m-r, .md lo obv ,ir u ut h( deems ,i lii».';ii,ee, it 13 said \v:iUT.dc:vvcr to ijursue'sMch VO : d him above competition. Our succeedii'J Presidents have been elected by onei)*^!''.^ anil opposi'd by another and they all lived, with the (XC'plion of tlie ent incumbeu', to survive the caluninH’' of their opponents. Of him, only say, that wfien he retires, bis • also will be generally acknow ledge . his errors (I’or he is not exempt hunian frailty) will be viewed vvit i i' pariiality aud candour. Rd. lic^utcr^ The editor of the W^orcester Sp/ stat”. thal rider is so pienty in cinity, that it is delivered abuiid miiy - the distillery at 6u cents per barrel. Mr. W’illiams, in his Almanack, p'lb' lished at Ulica, N. Y. prognosticait*^ * uncommon-signs and wondeis in heavens,’ on the very day Appeared. Persons were induced m ; - up very Uto at ni^t on »c thff arcfi :c^unt