TL KSDAV, NOVF’,JJlu:U 6.182'. F'ltit Da;/. A’^-—kir iicsbiou of llic CJtricral AssLinbly (.f tljc Prcsbyit - riari Churi h, a resolution was passed, rr- commendiiijT and sptiiiig; apart tlie st- cond 'I'hiii'sday in Npvcmljcr. as a day ol TIiaiik‘j^iving, Ilsjiniliation and Prayer, 10 be observed in all their churclics. Virginia.—A nuetini^of the friends ol ilie Adniitiistraiion was held at iricli liiond, V a. on the 24th ult. The nu in be is were ijical and ovcrwhelniinfj. “'riic Ilall ol Delej^ates,” says the Hic!inior.(i Whi}'.” from the entrance to the extrr- init)—iht benches and tlic in’.ervals be tween then.—the uinduwf, the area in ihe c( ntie of the room, liie lobby and \M-re filled to MtCot ation. Ric ii- inond, liom her lonnrfaiion, has seen n(> jT'-'. inii:‘'O powerful in numljci-s, so ven- t'r;i!)!e f!(Mn the a^:e. respectability anil tali ii’s of those Mssetii!)led, knew it would i)e iai’^e ; but it very fat- exciecled our tno'ji s:ini;uine eX|jeclatio(is :—wt knew i; would be fe^ pn table ; but that term is deticieni in significance to ex- j)ress its clu.rac ter. ” A pte:ini!)!r and rcsolinions were a- dopti'd, and thr^e I)cUi';ates appointed to the Convention to b»‘ heitl iii Ku li- Kion.l (;n ilie second '1 uesdjy in Ja’iuai) iiext, with t' ‘o di'.sentiri.Lj vo e.s (,n!\. Win. II. Ivq. was appoinuo Ciiairm.m, and Wni. C>. I’viidleion, S'- cie'ary of the meeiini^. Accounls fu)in a!) j^arts of Viifvioi,, tflorcl thepieasin^ assurance, that vereral)le nientljer «jf the cor.fVdciurv is at !er»>'.h aroused — iIr- ho]M s ot'ihe Coin- 1‘ina'ion are witherintr at the jirosp.ect. A irreat cluin}-e has taken place in th ,• JiUiir in favor of the Adii)inislraiion ; atid “revolutions n#ver backwards.” rtK Tlir, CATAWHA joruNAi,. oryrj'.iL jjrKSoy & co. Till puMic- liiive for sonii 'iiiic had bi'fove t/'i’milu' tcijcits (if (Jt M. ,la« k'^uii iiml Mr. Fucli::ii in rt ’uii\c io tin-hlU j>T(' ovc rtiiivsiiiadi iofi,c (.ential \tr. ( lay. Whm Mr. Riiclia- riaii’s •-l.iteiiH Tit ;ipp’r.r^d, :um1 whs coiiipurcd With tlic i'Ci I r. i's, tlif iliscrrp:uic(- \v..s sd piil- J);>*’l(-:ind so f^r ;it, t!wit sonic of ihc parti;:un‘- uf tif w( re su’uclv wiiii rnutioii. Such WMstlu- first nnpui'-c (>!' a “ nin;'.rii islicd t:ih ”nT)on n'Mid.-. n.)f entirely (.^sriir t! In prijufiice. I’lit lo ! anotlu-r nniil :»rn\t s, luiii wilt it the “ t nitcd Stutts’ 'i e!i ;mil its ()n(l)iiU)r. tl ;it ( on-iMt i.i onuli ot tl.i “ ()li Doniiiiif.ii,” ilic IficiHiioixl I'.n(|Mircr.— 'i t eiii'ors of ]ri|u is tell'lu'ir rc ii- wli'i !i]| ilu- (ijifiC, runrr v.\ si'.ict ri'y. tlia Air. li\.r}i:iiiair,s stiilfiii; nt, in mrij c- Mntu.lpur- ficiihir, e m)b;ra1-s (.cm imI .)!. kmh-.’s ; tho fry” t(l lors. pyrrol like, r> pt it tin :ib ?Mr.!it\ ; aiul i,.rtliv\ ii!i iIk u;ih:'i)py filt m's ot llio (n iKTal iir- iii'iplrcd w itli tu sh (ourngc, «n" -lis; liiv : j.,^aiii iimlVr tlic i)an'M r of (icn. /hijj' (riff'/i. Snell i«, :,iul ever will ho, 1 lie eoiKhict Cii intrc prirt.zinifi—(if tliost- who look at nini an I not mea^unf. ;.ikI wlio rdi.lMniall; cry out, “•■nat i-, I)iu a if ilu,' I'plit v aiis !’’ with (heir «iil\ oi)j( c't is to I he .^itrcr^s of their II tj'..(lf. f?iit, tliai,^ a pi’cat jita- ,or ty ot ni_v coimtr>, riic., ;ir ii'fineed 1} pu- icr an 1 hifjiu.r niotivi > tlian a : ii aln ()^t i'lt>!atr(ius devotion t'> a nii i 'ilicir (ijij ct is not to i'crpiii 'if 'liutniaii; liiit to (li^c cr triili) ‘ToU. !l.c sucL an nriswifv .is he dc-Mrcvi. I or it 's alisiii-.i to Hiipposo that .!r. linchauaM uas then i^;ii.„ant w 1... Mr. .M;.rkly, an it,tin,ate tritnd Ironi the state, preferred and would vote for next to Mr. Crawibrd. Let ns for a nionu nt adn»it, for the sake of ar- irnmenf, that ,\Jr. liuclianiin t.ild Tien. .I.ickson that a “friend of Mr. Olav” had told hin. that some of tJir frii iids of Mr. .Adams had been hoi- diiiff (Hit I 1m idea, tli it il he w re fhctcd, he would prohahly otter Mr. Clay the ofTire of Se- cretary of .state. In this case (Jen. J. mi^lit '■eheve tliat tht- information was u ade to him '.y authority of a//7f;i/ of Mr. Clay ; but he still Ii;h1 no ground to inij)ute the desif,ni to Mr. Clay fiimnc/f, to itis friends ^'■c»jero//y, (,r to implicate Mr. Jdamn or his frit nth genirnl/^. And this constrnction is put upon the H'atltr by Mr. Mu- chanan iiims. It, who .says explicitly, that he “called upon «en. Jackson solt-ly as itis friend, upon my i %im respoiitihHihj, and not a.« the u^ait of Mr. VUiy trr auy other person.’' Mr. Huciian- an says, .soon after “the conimenceineiit of the session of 1824, 1 heard, mnun^ t>thcr rumon,, th( n ni circulation, that Gen. Jack.son iiad de- tei'inined, shcjuld he be electrd, to lontiniie Mr. Adams in the ( Hice of Secretary of State.” I'his rei ort, Mr. M. says, he did not believe; yet it must have been inltrabii/ well autluntica- ti'd, or Mr. li. would not )i:t\e takeii so niU( h |)aiii.s, at the I'isk ot olli nd his inimaoulate iriend, to have it coniradictcd. It is tli^refore pi(>bablc that sotnr iij Gl/i. Jhc/iftni't' frinids (>• rif'inated M/i repoit toprd. iic. rj/ict. It is at as probabh that sucb w..stlie (irif^nn of it, as that some of .Mr. Adams’s fri» nds held (.ut the ide . &c. to Mr. Clay's frit-nds. And if we ronsuh rth t. stimony, we shad decide that it IS much more coiiciusivi in the former than in tin lati( r ease. ■| he report . oncerning- T.i ncral .lackson’s cZe- lerwnutwu ;sait( stt (l io Ih in clrcuhUion, iiy ; parlu vilar friend of the (lOiK-rai, Nir. I>or'h:iiian wlide th. report to tin- prejudice of Mr. Ad ams’ friends,that tttq/ had njereb hcen Indiiihi,'' out the v;,jr, e idea, tii: t “if ^•r. Ad: n>s v en e- lected, he jnirhlpri.halily ofTtr Mr. t;iav tiu of- fire of yecreiar . ..f state,” is proven’onlv bv the de laration ol one, who, it seems, was i‘n every event opposed to Mr. Adams, and wished to aid (i, ntral .lackson, viz. Mr. Murkly. Af'ir all tiuit lias been said and \uatten on the subject, it does not app ar, e\eii by the tistiuionj intro, need by l.i ii, Jackson,’that I there w ;is r iiy ma-iioeuvrirg-or intrij,uinpf on tlu' [lart of Mr. A(Uin s or Mr. Clay, or of the jr-eiiil.'i rf iili, r. It docs appear, thoogii, roni Mr. lUiclianan’s .statenieiit, tliat hn held tre(pu nt eonvcrsations on the suliject ot the I lection iti\ Mr. Markly, whom ‘he calls a friend i f Mr. Clay fhU t! ey nidul. td to^dher in c 'njirliirf}: t/f tv ichim (ir.n. J. wuuid i>ilei t us ^urctuiyif State. 'I hat in one of con versations, Mr. .Markly adverted to the report ai)Out (ion. J'h. detiriiyinatinn, and said it was ‘•caltulated to injure the iieneral;” “that Mr. (flavor Mr. Clav's friends never w ould aj^nee to vote for (it n^ ral .1. if th y knew he had ;(rf- dttrnnivrd to prefer another to Mr. Clay for Ihe first oflice in his ^ift ; and tliat fomc of tiie friends of Mr. Adams bad already t)cen lioldinjf ^ont tlie idea,” 8cc. This conversation had a se rious eilict upon Mr. Huclianan. lie became aiarnud: .iiid, as lu tells us, “in a sliort time aftl•rw.ll^!^ ralleil on (iemral Jackson.” .-\ft(r iiuikii.jj^ y preliminary apoloj;y to the Cieneral tortile delicate subject he was about to open, :;iu! riceivin).^ m e..coura}i'ini,'- coinpii- iiu-i t, Mr. H. mentions the re]>ort, and tint the OIK r. ^■aniin^'-this ftrnninatinn to a|)poir,t Mr. Ailams, i^c. was f ilcid.itid to injure him. “'I'hat no doiiiit tiure wci-i seviral able and ambitions men in the country, among' v iiom 1 thoug'ht Mr. Clay mij''lit be ineliided, ho were aspiring'to that oiMce ; and if it were l)eiieved III bad already determined to appoint his chiif fi'ni/'tt'tir, It mitH t ha^e , nmit viil.uijj.,/ ,f],it ii/iiin thiir (J.rrtii»is, and thnsf rf thtir fnn,(t.-\'’ uiilisshi bad so ill teriiiiiied, I th ogiit this reiKiit shiMild be proii.ptly coritradicted under his ow n authnrit \ Here, then, accorii.ii|,^ to Mr. Piichanan’s stattmentand (icn. Jackson’s constiiietion of Mr. iJ’s ( ondurt to him, is an actpiiesceiicc, on the part of Mr. I?, a friend cf (leii. J. in the ini- i'li'id e'ri'i.ipt ])!'oposal of Mr. (Jlav's friend! It a very ro*:pcc!aoie support. In the lalfrr. due tinjc our friend of the Ilera'd may hnd his dreainii disbipated by convincing realities, IlHUboro Recorder. 1 lie Troy, N. V. Sentinel* tioiicinfj the reccnt elections in Maryland, Delavvare, Sic. says—‘‘The tide is coniiiij^ in, and rolling northward jjloriously. It swells like the sea in the Bay of Funtly ; and we advise the animals down on the beach, who are watchinfj the movement jf the waters, to hasten to iht uplands^ where the (riends of the administration are as sembled in security and cheerfulness.” A friend, who rarely suflTers any thim.,' worthy of observation to pass unnoticed, (jbserves, that having occasion to pur- chace a piece ofcoarse muslin a few days since, he had tlie curiosity to iiave it careiully measured and weighed ; there were in il 32 yards, and it weig^hed 4 lbs. 1'he whole cost,3? yds. x 12^ 00 Cost of 4 raw cotton, at* 12^ 50 l3u( now it Is almost laapossi- ble to ascertain how the election did i;o. Kvery county is claimed by the friends’of the General; that they claim twice as much as they are entitled to is very evident: but ii is a work of time to make the corrections.—This we believe may be asserted without the fear of contradiction, that the gain for the Administration will be found to be many thousands. Penn. Gazeiie. $350 Jfonn/.—Mr. Uenjamin Reynolds, of Vasselborough, Maine, took up a hive of bees a few weeks since, the honey of which weighed in the comb,your hundred pounds. 1 wo new daily papers have been estab lished in Philadelphia—one is for Jack son, the other for Adams. Cheap Livinq.—The editor has recei? ed a letter from a ^entltman in a town in Ohio, in which he informs him that coin is worth only 12] cents per bushel ; rye 25 cents; flour g2 50 cents per barrel; butter 6j cents per pound ; bacon 2l cts; and poull.-y proportionally cheap. Balt. Pat. a \{\v ra»e ON Tuesday, the 4tli of iJerendxr iicxt, Will be sold, at the late dweihrg' I ous.^ ol J«hii (iilnicr, the following pr(perty, viz ; 17 valuable Ntgroes; Horses, Cat^ tie. Hogs, Sheep; Corn, Cotton, VV, Hye, Barley and Oatsj Hoiiseliold and Kitehea iurnittjre and farming utensils ; and a good Road VVaL^ou and a set of smith's tools. Sale to commenco at 11 o’clock, and coutinuo fron> day to day, until all is sold. Reasonable credit will be given, bv l)A\ .KlKXANDKR, Mmr. .November 1, 1827.—4t48, It follows then, that if the cotton had been sent to Europe to be manufactured, the coutitry would have only received fitly rents ol the lour dollars paid for the whole. This year, the amount of raw cotton used in this country will be about 200,000 bales, of 300 lbs. each—(>0,000,000 ll)s. 1 his exported, at 12a cents per l.’>. a- niounts to 87,500,000 ; but n.anufuctured ai home, even into the coarse article men tioned above, it amounts to §60,000,000. Aat. Journal. From the Charleston Courier. TIIKORY AM) FMIACTICE. S*cin^ a bale of Domestic Woollens, marked with the name «jf a planter, who wa'o amopg l he violent declairners againsi the y\ oollsn Bill and Tarifi’, I inquirerl if it Was |)o^sible he had been “ feedinuf the cupidity «d the North” too, by buying ifieir Woollens. 1 was informed ihat. takinfr counsel of his purse instead of his pnjuclices, he had supplied himself with Ameiicaii r.ianufactures, because they were n>uch ihe best and the cheapest, al- ihough it certainly was a bad comment upon the memorializers. By the time these tfemorials gel to their destination, their i;iithors will all be Mmericnns in lan guage, as it seems thej actually now are in their actions. For the sake of the I remarks that “ his speeches on IhisVub- loyalty they feel, and in order to get ofl'| j'H are among the most powerful and some staie goods, it is to be tioped tiiat i bnllijnt [iroductions of his mind, and the patriotic Societv, who propose never of them icere rend irith enthusiasm to buy any article from the mnnufictiuing^ ut the head of thv South American armies." States., will not give up so soon, 'I'ncv 1 he Richmond Kncjuirer, of the 9th, contains an article in favour of Manufac tures, signed a Virginian. Bank Bobbery.— Nathaniel Snelson, the J elier ol the OfTice of Discount and De- posite ol the Hank of Virginia in Peters- Inirg, has absconded with about Fortq thousand dollars, chiefly in notes of glOO earli. lie is about 50 years of age, about 5 leet 10 or 11 inches hitih, his hair very grey, his lace red and I'uil, witli cl"ar blue eyes. Persons in pursuit of him, passed throiigii this city a few davs ) Begister. The celebrated Race Horse Ariel, was sold at auctiott, in Richmond, on llie Ifitli uit. lor Si500, She was bought by Mr. Wynn. The celebrat'd horse Eclipse, was sold at New-York, on the 11th inst. lor Sh050, and his vanquit,hcd competi tor, JJenry, for g llOO. In the last North American Review, p. 446, speaking of Mr. Clay’s eflorts to procure the recognition of the Indepen dence cf South America, ihe Reviewer Ilov Sa\c. rilllE subscriberofTeri for I. aule a tract of land, ly- iiig close til (,uj)ps’ gold mine, containinjf .i ;out on- liuiidriil .icreson which ihere is 23 acrc> e:-ar- ed, of g'ood Iresh I.aml, well known to give good crops of Cotton, (’orn, ami remarkably good, for sni.ill grain. Its good Water and liealtliiiiess is not to be surpasRed in this sect.on of the country. It must also, from .ippear.iuce, huv. rirh mines on it, as there has been some gold found in different places. Any person wishing to purch.ise, would do well to t.o.e a view ot the place .iid jiiilge fur himself; 'vhen terms ot sale w ill be made know'ii by the sub scriber, residing on the premises. MICUL. O’FAllUELL. October 24, lB2r.—Jt57. Vf-rdict accordinjily . .So. |i ni', n it i ~ ii'c ess.iry iU:l\ '() refi r to the j;ii!VV.s'icil st..'i ii.e.its ol (■1 11. Jackson, and of tiir \ i \ rt vj 11 w ,t- ''S be him,self lia.*;introiliici'>' to sustain liim,— I’lic.iiariHn. 1{\ rcfeniiin 1;; these aitdcarc^- *i*l'y conij)aring them. It wiil be seen that Ihev vci \ n.Hti riallv var\. lint the (leiicral prtiind- to hilitvt', that Mr. Ihirhtinan xrtis a frieml if Mr. i itty .' and says, “the lb riettr of Mr. iincbanan forbids the i.K a, that he was acting on his uini rct-pnnsibili- /«.” Mr. Ituebanan assi rts positivi !\, that he U'i/.'‘ ticting on his $inn rfspunsihiti/y ; and it is a notorious tac*, as must be know i. to (Jen Jackson, that .Mr. lUicbanan »'/.! one of his most devoted fViciiils: and to prove that Mr. Ihichan- anis_?y/ his friend I ret’er to evidence, which is g(is, I I to the .lac ksoii j»arty—| al!ii(lc, as v. ill b' readily nnib rstood, lo the ciiluiiiiis of tlie a;.,l gi\e a { fi lejj;raj)ii, in which it is asserted, that “ Mr. f.r .hTli:il .'lildl ,s ii.aii. or t'l con It al Vlii( 1) penrs, tlijit the selicnic tn roah see. rcmuins the fust friend of General Jufksun.'' I’poll a review of ;ill the cirrniT'stanrcq and fa' ts liisclusc d, it does appear lo me tliat a great deal of unnen ss."ry clamorand excitement lias been ])r'(luecd rt gariin)f the result (,f I be i lec tion ; aiuMiirtlu r, tint ihe vi r\ paM\ w liich h:i> made the tlto^t ncisc. performed the most h‘S 1)( ( n ;;scrib( d ti .Mr. ('lay and Ins I ‘'uis|iicuoiis, ynd, in faet. tbc oidy ji.irt in t!ic h!''itds, actually ori;.;io:.ted wit!, (len. .laeksoii's j “ ilitn;;iie ” !t is an iindi niable f.ict. that .Mr. ^p tul.v, and that Mr. Hiichaiian ..lul .Mr. M.iik'y, ! N'arkly was a friend ( f Mr. Crawford and at- ^ H I'Ai. ebici adc.rf, \\ n both frii luK of the 1 t ii.led the ca;iciis : he ii iie loiind Mr r.d, ainl vc,ted for him in tiic llou.'^e ol Ki p'''^ lit.itiv i s. ^ _ t*e'i. .lai ksi n !?:'ys, .^!r. I’.ik hanan itdbvniod ^‘‘ii tiiat “he Mr ilm-lmnait, had hi eii iidor- \ t e f ieiu's of Mr. Clay, that t'lu frieiuis At’aiiiS hail n a^ie ovi r'lirt sto tl.ein, say - ''’y '‘ bl,s tr'.fiul:- v.'uld unite in ** ' 'he tlictum (it Tir. d. ii s, N’r. (d:iy sh’-iiM be SicM'itary ('f Mr. Hueh.uian y '''.it w hat I' told v.cii. .!. on l!is l.r.iil w as ' /. : tlia* in 1. ci'iA r->iiti( n with Ml. 'lai k y , I •, Mr, M, ba I ii.l'irim d hi in, *' t!., I (t |,c iriiml', of Mr. .Adaies had been ,1,^. 1,1^ ,5 , , I,,,;,., Icwireihc- ^ Mr. Chi'. J )•',!, t.'u I (tiered the sit- ■ ‘*'ii ol ^'e(■utal' i f ” ^.('\\• do tl i .se •i.iM 11 f! i.s (.ur.-i V j'cmi .so I ((!\ ' (icn. J. sa\'. I*, tiiiil i. II, i,c h:ui Ti ci !M-d the intiir- f.t)iiis I.. .';r. ( Mr. H- . ( i r-’ d I r. I I r that he pet the fir a!ion| -(ini Mr. .vi.irl!\,or iVoin a Iniiii' t >ir. ( l;,v . r m»'niber w lietlur h |>>'on, d |„s I,;,;, - , ly d. serihi d liiin >' irii nd ( J > p, I _ 11 > re, the:i, is a dis- «-f>-oicc in M .ten,-, iits r f N!r. H. and (.ei,. "id hk( Ui ( ;.i, Mi ni rtaiit uncei'taiiitv in tin •K'ltv l!:(',,t , t ^ j . ^‘dd tbp (ifiieral ihnt .Mr. i g-*'* I in, tlic InCon-.ia; i n, lh( ( eiu ral >»t it canu fri n> Li^ (m-n fnmd , I .r it s ' 'hat .\Jr. ^t;.T'l■ ly, altl.ou!'!! Ik w ,k t'auciis wlil(h iM.ii*in:'t(d .Mr. ( ra'.i- piiU-rrtd (len. .lai ksf'.M lo \i, aivl \(t« (i in the (loiise. Hot if Mr. P.m liMiaii ■' 111 thiLl a fiieiid of Ml. (:la> t;tve ' '''j*’*’Urat!i>n, his o!>j rt ii.iisl li:a i l'\eii vj.'**'’ “IMdiCuiion ;ip[,. ar tjiiilxn d, for !i''H|;iose agd with tjic hi;pe"Dt outam;:!i: th., 'itii.n fr rii tii lit tol(. ti • "' kti(i\\ n tb iiini to!.; ,u. Craw - il rd’s ebanec tio])eless, he, like all other-., had a si i Olid cbi'ici', and tird si cond w as (ieiier d Jarkwin, as was proven by thi- best eudence,— liis\ote in the llonsc of liepri k nt.'tlivi s. It wdl nut, I think, lie doubted, that \lr. Hiichar- an MV/.V and js the frit nd of (n n. J. N iw all IS pi()\tn toh'i\e occurred, ba\ing the seiiil)lance of “ bargain aim intrii;iie,” WuS act ed by those two j^'e:.t hinen ; i f this there ean ^e no doubt ; aiu! of tin eriiiiiii ■ uty i>r iimo- I eiiCe ot tlu ir frecueiit r.-atmhs on tlie «.ii> j« ('t o* till elei tion, and tlic i.ature of their (on iiiU'iic: timi iti, t.eiu ral .I'h i s(ii ,l b ave il lo till- j'iili;'ii!ent of the pi o|/)e to decide how far it was honest i.r the r \c i>,e. A I li-CAUOl.IMAN'. It is belifvi (I In I.(it a few lenipcrate ob- ser veis, ihal \’iigttMa will not dei ide in l’a\or f)f (ifiieKii .l.icksun in the cciii])*-’!- 'lon lor tl.f (. hielMugistrac■. (jfthi-U- IIion. .iVa/. (Jaz. The editor fd'tbe Wilmington Hrrald tu lliink it anu'iig the things nn- po‘hi')le that an adioiiiibtralif;!! tickei huuid he goi u!) in this ‘tav-, :'*ifl i" V. illin;; “to Ii;.7,.id jCf/A't that such a thing not t \ en (11 eaini'd of.” We do iKd ^^i^h the edi'.'^ir fif the Herald to i^^i 'o h (1 siip;-i-' lrss l>y tlie loss ol hi^ i rv/r'. I.iJt V e ( an assnre hiiii that the uo- I n itiisHaiioTi has tiiends Tiiough in ihi- i fTaie. not crlj^-to I’orm a but. to ought for iheir ohu sakes to burn their fingers a liule—it will prove a useful les son. lIOMKSl'UN, The perpetual motion of Mr. Habcock, ol Ware Village, as we Irani !iom the Springlield Republican, has stopped. Air. Adams and CJeneral J.k kson, each in their way, possess (jUaliHcations »f the very hij,Hiesi order ; hut they are the antipodes of each other. 'I'he one is a civilian, perhaps withoul hisecpud in ihe world ; the oiher a soldier of the rank, and no doubt as bra\e as ('xsar. Nothing could be more preposterous than the to convert il.r one into the other. W'ho, in his serses, would dream ol titking the conmiand ofan armv lr( (letieral J.ickson and gi\ing it to Mr. Adams? And infiniie!y ni(">re pre posterous W'ould it be to take the gov- ernnieid out of the hands (jf .Mr. Adams, and place it in thoM- of (Jeneral J;u kson. J'cnnsy/i'foiia Gazette. Libcrnl Bonntion. — Arthur I'appan, E,fp ol Niw York, has recently nude '() the AiT.erJcaii Hoard of Connnis sionei s foi Fon ign Mission>-,'' the ni'ini- liceiit donalK/ti of twenty-fivf* thousanri dollar.s, to be paid in fi\e yearly instal- nienis, und to be appropriated li> tlu- jdiilanthropic uses of that very ex»ensi\c and vuluable missionary institution. The Misjiionary Society of the Meth odist Episcopal Cliuich has an iiKoint of al)f.'Ui 5000 d(jlh»rs a year, and judi- ( iMusly employs its missionaries chielly aiiKii)}^ the dilVerent tribes of Indians. rennsyli'nuia Elections.—news Ironi I’eiios) 1\ania is very satisfactory, as as it goes, (Chester and IV laware Counties, it is sairj, h;»v^; re'.i'rned a'i Adiniriistraiiiin ni* lulvei s to the Assem bly. '1 he lota! gain tiius far, of tiic Ad- iiiitiistrutiou, in the City faiici County (d Piiiladelpliia. aiid tlie other C'ourities heard IVom, sinre 1351, is 9,7.7 vote-,. It is said that Luzerne and Suv(juehanna (yOunties have eiertid IVIi ssrs. Denison idid .Mrdlory lo the .As-einbly, both iriciids of tlic Adnjinisiratir:i. Journal. L'.cttiou.—"We liaM* vaited d.iy after duv i:i the hope (d' lieing t'liahleii to la\ Ixfore our reuflers returns of the late election, v. liich nii;lit be relii-n upon. In this we Iiavr been f!i‘^:i|.;ndiilefl. No two stu't ments give a siii,ilar aciount ol ?.ny o!.e diMrici. '1 his is eviderne of one thint-. that the condition (d’parti«s is NC! y dita rent IVwinwhai it w us two \ eai s ^inee. I that time no spill ing of hairs, no ti( s. no di^pu^es as to 'he luvuli, or -w-hether a caiKridaie wu‘ 1-v «- .! /.I! TIIE MARKETS. C!l,\HLKSl ON, OCT. 22. eoTFON. i he d iflerent descriptions of Long Staple Cottons continue steady al the fjuoiuiioris ol the last two or three weeks. I he transactions in them are ne- ( essarially limited,the (juaniity coming in beiiig \ery small. 'I he purchases of Up- landi are mostly confined lo supplies for tin- Northern manufacturers who alone app( ar willing to p.,y the prices deman- d( d lor tlie new croj), which now com mands an average o‘‘ II cents. Thai v.hith is now coming to rnarketof ihe fddcrop, sells from y] U) loi cents, ac cording to quality. 1 iie recent accounts Irom l'.,urope will deter purchasers for those markets from operating at presen. rales. 1 he liniiis lor the I'.nglish mar ket are understood to be from 9 to 9.] cents. 0 Fi.oi H. 1 he market is fully' supplied with this ariiile, and sales effected with difln ui’ty —S-'>! a !>4 is the most that cati h« (.)bliiine(i lur ihe best On M.inday, the ISth inst. at the sent of his father in Warnn Ci.unlv, Mrs. Sahah Colk- man, [daiif;ht(r of the late Joshua Dinkins, of M( ( k.eiibnrji ('oiiiit; ,] the an.i.ii le and affec- tionate wife i,f .\uthiiiiiel ihren, .igcd seven- t(cn years ai d six iiioiilhs ; leaving; a bereaved unfortunate husi.and, a femalf' inf i.t only ten d.ysold, and a widowed inotlier. It was eigh teen months from b. r marriage to the day of her nt rtli. F( \v svoiiK'n of Ikt i*vf‘r united, in so rare a dcgne, the many exc.ellencies ol nafnre and acipiii-.-ments. w'lil, .. (b-posili.,n naluraliy sweit, it was her dehgbt and study to pb-.,s,e—with u temper b\ nature plaeid, ini’ible :oid .sn.ooli, as tin iii.nifH. d w..lers, education had done iMuh to render interesting, iiitclli- K-eiit and facinatnig. Nature bad m.idp her e.ii ritalde, Ix m vol. r,t and forbearing—educa- on taught her how to direct and bi stow those f;iialiti(, s. sIk* wasthc b( loved of all who knew litr-lhe adir.iiation of those who knew nu\ aiul the deli^dd of !ier kinsfolk : And at 'be same time hi r d. alb is lamgnted, on aeeount of hi r many g.-.d ipualities, it is a KHirtH- of miirh comli.rt to hi r triemis, that fhe lu V, r did ought in iiie, but what was in perfect ac. ordanee .,v;tl, th, ] recept.s of reason ^'inaii.ty. Hut the Lord ^uve and the l.'.id taken aw.iy. She has p.dd a debt w bu b the mil t piiin i.ial of the living ow. -a d'-.jt of iioii tiiil Midit, which the tardv (Jl tile hviiiL must Stale Hank of ^^orlh-Carolina.^ SAi.I.SUUKY BKANCII, OCT. 25, 1«j7. OIJDKItKI), by the Board of Directors, that a payment of one tenth of the principal be exacted upou h11 notes ofi'crcd for renewal,from and ifler the first of January next; andthalthe Cashier give notice thereof to the dcelor^ by 'idvertijieinent in the Western Carohm»H and Catawba Journal. A copy from the Mic.utes. JCMUS SNEED, C.ibuisi. 9f62. 1>R. T. I. ,JOIlXSO\, n.XYlNG positivi ly ilechned practicingn medicine in Charlotte any mo:e, recpr st« all thu».- who are indebted to him to call and settle their ri spective accounts ; and he w ould also aod, that those who fad to avail themselvp« ot the time interv. ning between the preseir3 date and November Court next, will find theip notes and accounts entrusted to the in'Hiaire. ment ofan Attorne}'. Ociutjer 24, 1827—54* N. n.-—1 hose liaving In their possessioA hooks, either medical or miscellaneous, belongi ingto the subscriber, will please return them. A';:; persons indebted to the late firm cP lames Clark and l*eti r Campl)ell, arc no tified not to pay their debts to .said Peter ('ai.ip. bell, as he has tiisferred the whole of lit,*) in terest in the s id him to the subscriber; 'jutt they are reque.sted to make payment immedi ately. either to tlia subscribi r or .Mr. Hobctt Cams, his agent. JAMES CLAHiv. Ci/tnden, Oct. 20, 1827.—ol56. The notes due the estate of Ezekiel Aber nathy, deceased, will all be due th. first (lay of November next. I hose indebted ar« I'eipiested to make p.aymerit duriii)^ iht .-snpe^- nor Court week. I shall attend al the store of Mr. Kendrick, during the time, for the puci of making colleit.ons; and tliosc 'o^i... do not avail themselves of this opportun,; s, may expe( t to find their respective notes i,. ihfs hands ofan oflicer for collection. The s tu:t, tioii of the e .late will not ad.nilofai\ ii.nuj JO. S.MISII, jidm'r. (J. tober 29, 1§27.—Stod. pay. J * ar re n Um Jit ptyrter. .\c-lic(‘. a y, tlie 'oth dav of Novenibe”, I ^ fw-,!l d to till* balance of the p.T- MMi.' estate of tin- lute Jacob Juheii, deceased, Mr.:— ’ St \rnor likely iic,ii;rocs, out* of tlicMi a !i!:l(•k^iIlii!, : (’orn jiiid Colton; ;.ji IXI client nittal ('lock, and a Lcuod Hoi'kI W ;ig{)ii. the One fourth jmr' of the prn. of V. lil^.H- n ^.iin (1 to 1)1 ,biu I, o-,bT- r' -”' negroes ri^llOSE indebted to the estate of Ztnas AT.- J. I xaiider, arc lare.iy remindi.d 'hat tluir notes u*’e due;—tha’their account s are goinp out of date immediate jiayn.ciits arc fore re(pies'cd, by ^ A. \V. AI.KXANDEK, Ex'r. yiiliiiilile Jirul Ktliilcftir Sate. Wish to sell the tra. t of I.ancf whereon I now reside, distaiA miles from the village ot Ciia»- otte ; containing about 90j acreis ot till .u'st ipiality of Suffar Creek land. TwrT.- tliirds of llie alvive tract is m woods; the ^'•ren- ti r proportion ot the Oaiance having l,ei ii o- nened within a Tw ye.irs, will yield, in or''iia- ry seasons, iroiii KOU to lUOJ wci‘--l»t of coitcn |j« r acre. On the plant .lion is a g(,>od dw. I- linj,'-hoiise, and other nicissary (;ut buildi ,gs. The tract IS well vatfred and ha-, e ^t. iis-v» meadows. Inleiidiiig to remove to :in(,Mid' sl.ite, the above juoperty is ofi'eren low to' cash nr credit; or world be i xcliaiiged for ■reiuiess'r! I ni(!«, located within tlie .Middle or \\ e.-^lern Districts. The Land could be dlvlde.-l to suit pun !i«- V- M. J. I’Ol K. Meddcnhuri; covrtty, Oct 18, 18J7.-jjtf. WilVVSt & \ii\i i(U* \\l.\'(i y di“s.T to rfijioTf to my farm, I offer t r s.ih my vabial)le Mouse anil Cot, in the town of Charlottf , where I i,,.w li\ e. It is the most pleasant situation in the vil- lape for a pri>ate family , and being in tin- moiit luisiness bci tionof the te.wn, is an i xcellent stand nu-a l.uwyir, Mfrch.iiit, or Mrehanic, a« tliere is :v goo.i st rehouse on the lot, wh'icll can be nude lo suit r’tker. i will ^'ive a b.,r>; in., fo.- i-.isli, or I will -ire a credit Ilf tbree years, with intert st fronTth# t.'iie I po^s^s^-,ion, wblch will he between 111 X.' utid ilie Cst dav of .l.inuary next I’r of -he pr;,pM'ty w II be nude known to anJ i.rr-on wisbin- to purchrvse, m app(icv.,iou to %V.5J, H..7.-6155 .\UuiUuu.»us vxm\ Lr. a.; ^t: ajj-, i! •UTM*].

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