pt'V t- f r f lit. f U(’rn-'. lU'c hy li:' > r\ li('els. ll ’i!« iiiU'i •'st'ti i; lo hr 'i t'u C.oiiiii'ittci' n inttrk ! I Hi^'tlu’ Q\»inr,y Kuilway, ihiii ‘Mill'll cir«‘ i drop i uvin«*^ l)v this road, trhicfi are }>nst'fi nn li oodt Ti lr(ini\' at » mm'h Itas v.vipennf , than it \ivxtui lidi'i (Oi>l ]'!■' thiin iri!h idi'th.* A ConinnUt'i \» .-.s 4i)ii)'iii»u li b\ "I Massachiist Its, *‘Tu asici'iain tlir rnosi nnans (M opetiirjr a clircrt ii.laiul rommunication bfU\i('M Boston aticl ihf Hudson rivcf ai Albany.” ll is cIum riu;^ to hviw liu'ir n'port, tl al “Tl.o rivt rs unf{ oilu r stioanis of waiiT to be pussi-d by Un* pnipnsed llailroad, art' iml M'cb as t«> pfioMi ai.y s.TiiMis (I'fiif iilty m/i he wnstntclcd. ) hlfh' exiijjf I he rci!». peril tho,'c tn co?tnno.i uaL."i Iii,w NuMly IS ilus bxib in rxpcns* and vvurkn-.anshi;), than the aciiifdiici^ UPCfssaiy to Canals in passini; rav.Ts, and evt-n emhaiikinrnts across rcvin s and Tiarrow valU ys niay be su|)»‘rsed* d hy nifihods of small cotTJpa^aU^c tx- Never were a people in circumstances more propitious iluti ours ior en^aj^inj^ iu such H \'oik, and at tin* satiif tiim more inipfrioiisly calling!; us iniu ac> tu n.' ll is nredless to spruk ol our abil ity K. laisel’utids or lo brai iho expense. When 37 cents ,i year upon each taxable poll 'V ill irist:inUy make the work com- rii t ec and advance v.iUi rapid strides iVoii) \eai loyeaf. to its accomplishment. is thtM'C an indi'u'.ual cf so despondin^^ an..nd as to tbit k this too mucli for hn ;o i,H\ r-^WilI it not rather be .h-rams ,F r. Si.r.uM thoie be onv | oi v.isc' knowTi H ,sion al a'l for cuiiii>i^I ihrou^Mi small i et.Ullcd lo r iiilis ar.d lcveUiMi>: up the cavitics next to ibv ni, it is ctM tdn tlial bul lit'le of sue h woik would have lobe done. V^rou^h the vvholf of that rounirv no rotiis are in .he uay. at least they are certainly y.r, I prm.ary a«'d .‘.noun rare. At the same lime, lindvr oi the niost dtirable (;ua'!ty, and upon the i hea- si itM-ms, :s evfi v wiiere present upon the spol. If il be the lot of Ncflh Caro lina to sunVr under a jjrivar.Dn ol op portunities, rro\id(Tce has j)ut t-be re lief into her own power upon such eas) « onditions as are enjoved nowhere rept in ihe^e,southern States, he reason ('r ?'iaiituclc to » X- Wcu’d it lhal ihev to l-t‘ pnii!* '-o.!} j il'i- ihan be 'TileiK Iroin 1 vents ot the tone of ihe pMblicl’uon. Imust observe, also, that thouRii ii is true ihui I baxf spoken of the power ol Con^'t'ss iis ridariftd sense, over commerce, as a obictl in lotminij the toiisliiulio lu the lan.nua^^e ol the slatemenl is inaccurate, ai hast as lieinp susceptible of a conslrudion en.IiraciPK indiTiniie powers over ihe enure resour ces of the country. 1 vuusi presume that the expressions which refer, by name, to the (Jovernor (if the State, were not meant to be as cribed to me; be;n^^ very sure that 1 so far forKOllen what •V c,r t:.i >(■ tr.r;', itieir lives, ii'anifest. d itsell i;('‘ less iu their persons. Duiitii; ’ ,„d iri.UH.- I'fi'ly ''“I ''''ll' bit eacl.^r as lo ch..l«H;e '' !.:„,,,1..vkI in th.- C'.lly f ill liie sj school t-ach.r», ri^sionallv to cliange schools, M.d without Ji ti ctioii, on llif !>““ ' ,rl,olu>»,! W llct .■.•=l-l ol ■ his, as hi- passes iluuii!;li I wtiisbuigli, will not tliinli of tlic luiiii^r could never ha^t ,l,oul,l IM still l.-ssf N,-ailynT,e-l.:.iro'l'|l o»e.llom>sdl, ortl.f icspcct tlue to tl„-.list:,ncf from the s.a to tiu- i.iotn.- si,s, that 1 l;avc had recourse to these explaiialot \ nniaiks, withdrawn as 1 am Irom scenes uf political agiiaiion, by my a^f, ann pursuils inoi-e con;^etial with it. ll is the single instance ol a coinmunica- lion from me to the press, ovi any subiecl connected with the existin^" of parties. JAMKS MADISON. To the Editors of Ihe l.yiiclihiiri' ^ ir^^nnan, Jicmnrks by the I'ditnvs of the Virginiu:}. Till' iibnve Icttir, wiiiih w\ nceivid >ister- ,hiv niori.inr; from .Mr. Mudisoii, needs i,o eoni- ii.’nt. AVe irj-nt we so mtuuUousi) worded our piir;i;>rai)h as to leave rwmi lor ci- fi reiicrs which we d’d nut intend toc)ii\ r}. We tiid not intt iul, I'ur inst.i'’.cc, tluit.our irinU rs shoul.l iiiuk-rstaiui it to he Mr. Madison s o- pinioii that the (.i-iur..l liov.r.inieiit ix.sses.scs *'liiiu liiiitc pow-rft ovi r the chtiii-- resouro.s (if till’ edUMtry for wcditinul ovirr>(. lves bi- lit\(_- that .Mi\ M. i nt( rtiiim ll any UK nt. V ii’tendfd to roiiiint it )S fuch u mPt'Ce when as ll IS this. said, leolU, if this he all. why in iruih il is ijolhit;^. NV' have bten accusKjmed to su] i;(.selhal toi fl'-et sik h woi ks as these, ihc niost buic’vns(;nie laxatior. must IJI upon iht- btxiyof the pc-.-ple and upou all oT propel ty, ai d tliat this was tiol all. blit lhal llu S.ale n us: be involvi il (iei [)ly atid daiij^erously in dt 1)1, to beat upon' oursehfs and oui childien as y laiassl'i^: .ltd oppressive load. But il nia(V out .ind can be shown, thai sum as 37 cents each, will c»)m- and taii v on b\ distances of 40 or 35 tiiiles a)eur, a Kuilroad that will thtow' ooen tt) us a maikel lor our piO' duce from the mountains to the ocean and aoroad as well as al home throu}>h a sea;. rt of our ow n ; as to such a con tribution as ihis, il is uolhiu'^. The sale of a sitij;;K I'ushel of corn, or ai)ples, or a j;-jll,;n ofl.iandv, or two gallons of viti- cear, 01 a paii of stockinpfs which one ol nv’ family will take pride in knitiinu ir> a we( k hy the e\eni'»j» fi lor so important an euiei ))! ist will be ee.oujih to keep oil’ ail fear of dif- liri'iiy. Such a sum can be made out nearly three limes with a scythe in one harvest day. The carpenter can mawt* it in six hours, and the merchaiii by Sfclliiig less than two dollars worth ol gfod*. ^Ve live in peacelul times and under the hajipiest ol i^overnn.enls ujjon earth. Everyone can g;o and come up on his faim or his occupatioi’, vNha'eyer it be, and busy himself at his discreiior- about the best methods ofsnppotting his family and enlarg’n[? his propmy. !»' any maii is in dibt, whatever may b* said ol pariunlar cases, it is true ii eral.thai uilwh'iclt is necessary u> put an «ru' lu this, is :o fse v;th jjersevcraiK e »ex rtion and ccynomy as are in every oiif's I'ower. O ,fI St jies have en^'ar^ed inenteihri- ses ol ihis nature, luii iti no instance huv'' tin y (!oni' it with such facilities as are ill i.ur lavoui, at Icasiwi 'i r(-ptci l tb( hundred and foi ty miles from iJeaul’ort to RdleiRh. Many of them liuve rut C.)uals, and are now makinij llailroacb through ci-untvics where mils and Kicks, vheielhe frosis of violent and piotrai;u- winiers, w here scarcitv and expensiven.'s of maierials, have pnsenled themselves in array lo shake them willi cpprt lien sif.t's, atid deler them fromlh. ir iiieii- itaied jiurpose. On such occiisions ih cries of sollciiude and alarm have been raised by the timid, and unreccnciled opposition has exhausit'd its resou!X‘s oi in^'enuity and sti » h, to divert the people frum their piirpo-,**. lUil tlu'V became inulligeni in ilieir views, and were themselves ptepared to answer every ca’-il- Convinced that iheir plans weie practicalih, and lhal they niust ineviiabl\ s.'« ure, fiisl deliverance Irom distr-'s>, and aflerwaids a rai>id growth in prosiiciiiy, they have held on ihe tirm and e\en tenor of iheir toiirhe, till the vuict of dissent h:.s at last ex;;ired ami'Ist the incoiilrj>ertib!e evidences ol a liotjr*sh:n;^^ Stale. In regard to ;ur. £(lves and the object before us, iiont j;. i.uloil to Newbtrn. a distance of "6 tains, 13 '•» that the most peifect mode ol trunsporia- liun known upon earth,-is aUainal»ie at the very least expense. Tlius it is ev- ideni, that thelarsre extent of level coun- trv between ihe hills and the ocean on which we have beeti accuslomcd lu brood as (iue of the most disliearteninK evils to which our country could be doomed,^ is at lenjrth, in the de\elopments ol Pro vidence, in one way at least convertible into a most si|^na! advan‘iap;e, ll is lor North Carolina to n-ize without a mo- nu-m’s delay upon the faciliiies thus put into her hands, lo opeti hersell a passaj.>;e into the marKet of The world, ihroui^b the h( allhiesi port, and in oiher respeHs onr of the best, on the southern coast. Admit lliat this portioti ol the Railway IVom Newbcrn lo lialeiji;h may be strucied for 2jU0 dollars per mile and i! this was ihe cost in Reims)Ivaniii aloni>' the side of a mountain, it could not U -reat-r thro’ a level almost uiib'roUer. ihrouuh the lower jiart Dr 16th j^ress. held in hi.a:her Young', nor was there one in Cotiirress whose eeiiilemauly AVe learn with regret, from the Wes tern pap-rs lately received, Dr. Williim S. Youn:;, ol Llixabtlh- town, Harden County, Kentucky. Youne was a representative in Ihe Congress, and was returned at the late elect'ions in Keniucky to the 20lh Con- No member in either Louse was estimation than Dr. the last conduct and^’lmiiable ouahties beUer cuiitled him to the favorable opinion oi his asso ciates and fellow niemi'ers. 11 is late e- lection by an iiicreasfd ni-.-.p'riiy, also shous that his conduct at W asiiiniiton met the approbation of lus constituents, and we do not hazard mt.rh in mt; that they '■ ill n‘*l soon be able to iill hi.i with a more f,alhful or luleiliucti' puldie servant, rromone well acijuainU'd vsilb Y'ouii}?, we are i;.formed he _ w as L- (,!’ the CUD o{ do- (o u wes'.crn pai;cr, il.t- Oiuat’s of the 17tli, “ihat Captain S. S. Dutf,’! of one of the canal boats, w ho left l>Lr'.;;,j yesterday, brnujjht information, w * oii was confirmed by two of his hands, v.j/o attended the examiMaiion, that a man bv' the name of Hill, of IJulValo, lias confosscj that he was one of five person-s who mur dered IMorj^ati—lhat they rowed otu i), skill' iiiio the Niaptira river, ai.d him overboard, 'i he siory of Morj^^ri’s body bciiiK I’ound, il is buppo.seci, drew from him this confession. We think report may be relied on. Hil) is liulTalo jail, and has promised to give the lumes of liis accotnplices.” TiiesQ thini^^sare to be received with all caution. S. Gazelle. of the S’all, tl'.en the whole of this i.tindred iniies cat he compleKd, by raising; a hundreii thousand dollars a\ear mthe manner alreadv suvl^^esied. 1 he 1 reasury ol ihe State is tiever w ilhout supernumcrarv luiuls, beyond the immediate emer}\en- eies of the Government. Were llusr and others as thev incidentally occur, directed upon this j^reat ohjcct, who can doubt lhal at the expiration ol the time the desired result would actual'v give evinencefor itself, no loni^^ei qm ..ional)lc, of its inestitnable value. Mii^ht we noi coniidentl) trust, under the blessinp^ oi Heaven upon the viR'orous eff rts of people to improve the opportunities of| position. their industry ’ ' ‘ ' ^ ' ' jiic!i seiiti- ovir uiliiftioiiS to Mr. M;h soil’s opini('ns cxclus.vcly to the nov, cr of the National .iovereiiu-nt to lay (hi- t'.cs on imper1> wltli otlu-r oi jLCls liiaii vxiiue. Ill tills, wi- ari hupp to s:u, vvc arc suaiaincU hv t.ur ilhi. r.ou» I'.x-Pn suli-iit. ' \\ c- i.L( i;l'l ( rp;:.;!} t a'ly ie.dividual shoultl siipposi \vc Intt iuU'd lo iiuikc Mr. M.iti- isoii 1 ail in tuvoviva Ic to the “ pu‘r "le M nsihii.tii ‘'laiuivs,” or person- iM-i-t. rs, , ill,, r (it Mr. l.ili s or tno-c who_ ;,i!!i,-J ills rcloiiS, ‘t tlio i:!--' scshiuU ot I . Ml hope t\i; the ri posi- (>1 1(1 plate h Ml in al • j Sll>' 1 the \ Hgiina I ' too niiKa t;(!ru iti I thii- uiiMt. .•I'.'-sarily Dr. Honorable coi.dud.—About lo ago, a geMlenian enjragcil in Mercantile puihuils, ill the interior of this Stale ntel with revcrsis, p;avt up all his pi-o’. perty, comi-sotinded with his creditoij and "was fully and unconditionally dis! ciiur;^"ed by them. A few days sin’ce lie (;tl!rd upon them rc.speetively, ofwhfim lesidc ill this city, ' and paid evet y larlhlni; ef the orij^inal debts, v\in, ii'.terest to this lime, aniouniinjj to iifap 20,’goo dollars. \\ e are happy to add that his credilOis here, prcsentef! hini with a service of silver plate, as a tes timony of their hij^h le^urd Cur him personally, anrl as ilieir admiration (,f the r.ralted |)riiicip!cs by which he hud [i e e 1» g t V c r u e d. . ‘ill), . },.g^ to drink t!ei |. /’j' 'I’'' "”l’ [iTom tli. M:.-vl„,-,J l;lo.o„;ck..J ta^‘’i!il\!"'r!a'viirwa's defeated, but c‘..Id | not brook liis disappoiiUmetit, and oui, '’ •' * of reven'u w n!i tht aeti\f pohiu iaiis of ilie il;iy destroy his peace and hajijiiiiess, vvliico he loo successfully ai complisl'cd in ihi' S'ductioti (d the partner ot h:s Ijosot'ii. whose conduct hud Tiever belu'C I'' (.- ti cl ! (piest ioned, and in her abduciion, whii Mr. M. 1 Yoimi' w as at WashiiiRKin. w I’.o, on his (.'.li'.ion I j.ejurn liome, learnt lor ilu' tiist inut ' what had taken place durin^ his ahsenct . ~ ■ I ’ , • I » II V I I U U Vll INV II I ' I n V » V* # . . • - — V^'C• haci n just hcd in duii i;‘ so, t v ui \ tiiM.t, ; l.iniself surrounded by his lil- w Inch vvc hail IK aid ..s I (diiUi!;'Irom lull,. Ihit, , . ’ , i i . . v\ h( „n tl.econtrarv.wc l.uvc : Ivaysuiuh iV.ooutlut I tle cnildree., abai.oon.-u oy u i.u.l .-et lu- has studicii.slv avou\ d . erii.. i.y in l«is ri-t had exiled herself with ner s.. f ucer, lo a marks (d publu 'nien ; and it lu; speak of '.h« ii’ |;,cei.q:n land.carryin},' with lu i al the pr- t-vrors iU all, ^piaks of thtni v\iili thill i,ertv or estate she c'juld reaililv cum- a ' v. hich . cloiigs to his peculiarly beii.yiiunt d.s-; control. li L that the work will have Kiovvn lo a sull greater extent. ^ CARLTON. Oclokr 2'J, [Troni th Lynchburg-Virginian.] I.ettiT from K' -I’residcnt Maiiho?> to the F.di- tors of the A irj;ini;in, dated Montpelier, Oc tober 10th, l«w. Stus: I have just seen in another Gazette the fidIowini» para^'raph, noted as ex tract from the **Liiiychburg \ irt'inian; viz : Kxtruct of u Li tter from I’orto L’ubello, dated j The Non tV-r/v;,/.—The bones of the Sept. l‘J, 18'::7. ! non descript lately di^overed in a swamp “At extra Courier, has just arrived | near New Oileatis, were last week ex- from Bogota, via Vah-ncia, the accounts I hibited i', this place. 'I'lu* Mamm(>th, rec( iv.-d by w’hich wll, no dou!)t, foi in j the remains of which have heretulore a new era in the hap[)iness and ])rosperiiy j caused so much speculaiin amoni^ natu- tif Colombia, Bolivar entered the cajj-1 ralists, must have been a mere l>i[;n.y ilal alone, in Auj*ust, amidst ihe shouis | comiiared with ibismonsier, 'ihe larij;- of the mullitufie welcominij; his arrival, est ap|)ears to have been the upper jaw He and (len. Santander nict, and afierj bone—it is ••tweuly feet in len};th, three an hour’send)raced in mutual in breadth, and weighs upwards ol li friondsliij). Bolivar proclaimed a sti id j hundred pounds,” w ith a remaika!)le obscrvatice of the Laws of ihe Republic, i nrciection, in the form of a hoin, aboui (,r Montpelier l•^prcsse.l• his deep ngnt at' stitution, and ahohsned lolcur lu | , tlu- course r.ow pursuin!*- hy some of tlu rnost, ii.divian Cf.'de. 1 iiat at once places it.e Oil acre’ ho made also, this season, nut ii'’tidicd and J[jiy shell corn, or 7tut t)ii:,he!s—liiat i«s, 76 bushels per a- cre. I'rorn the ciictiir.sianc(‘ of a bet on part oi the };iound, and the jxibsihility, i^;is iu; saysj oi a sceptical leader, for the vv he!. ,lie lu;fc um h' ltiica’ed ihe sialeinent, by l.iTut e Juslice ilouslon, that !u' siirvf ytd, I ounded, and measured tho •■-irreci!y. And his ovei‘•eer, J(jlm '.'.'heder. has made oath before the sanifi .Inslice, that 'li.“ lands whiih were thus surveyed, bounded and measuied. yidtlcd the products aL)0\e statid ; he (Wheeler) havin;; carefully allendrd m peison, bnti)^ previotisly iiotiiied by Dr. Muhe ol the necessity of beiiifj particular, as he in- leiided lo havo him sworn on the sub ject. einini nt jiolit ci-u>s (.t Vintinia—Tliat he re- V iew s of the Llbera'or tev ( lui probated it, sappinji' the timiulations ol her reach of calumny. He proves ai^tiui power and inllut ne. in the cijntederacy,^ ^.j- •‘e, slie ' ,. . 1 • .1 , Colotnl)ia, to-day, as a newborn l,y a coiiix- of n;iukration and prudrnee ii,iu-!it have won (.vrr a m.ijoritv ol si.-»ter ^t.itcs j , - i to CM, raci.- her prlocipU .-'1 hat he defended j nation, (.od grant her pros(.. rity under the ri};htofihc Natioiud (iovernnicnt, under the ( (in->titutiun, to impi-se a turill oi'(hitii s on insp( rts, w ith n fi vmct-to other objects than vfiUK—he aveiTnl tliat such had been the course ])u) -.uel b\ every Aihninisti-ation in the eoniitvv, his own ;'.iul Sir. ,lt lli. i'^en s inchiiitd: th;.t lotah all the resi.urces of the eouii- trv into aetion, and to j:ive thi-ni such prot- c- tion i'.s eirrnnihtai'.ces U'ij.’ht sugtfrsi, was one oI iIk iirireij) 1 ri-asons tor tlu- ii'oiishpient ot tlu confi dllalioi. systi'iii, which was iound iii- for U’.at piir;'(;se, und llu- adopti.-noi’ thi- I'tilir.d I'or.stitutioii—and that thi- resolu tion passet^ i)y the l:..■^t Li tr'shtture in relation to this ^uliji c’t was I'XU'iniely unwise und iin- pohiic. liVi-i-, tilt n, is a man evtrlavtingly i|iioti-ii 1)V the niartiMsuf the c;on?litutioii in tliis Stall-, who a-'sisli-d to irame this ii.stni- nu-nt, v. hn wa-' eiie of its earhi st und abh st eoti iiiporaiiiou'' i xjiouiKii i s, and w lio, in the t il re'ise ot his Kxecutive duties, at a later da\, was called on to ei.isstnu- its proviLiions, who sivs, that ill- is I rruiii oiisly tints (pioU-d—and ^ tliat Willliun 11. (.ilfs, that (hig in the ii;angLr, ih hu'T\ ing ids beloveil ^ irgiiiia to ruin and contiiniit.' e ag.iiu repent, that what we have here stated is of onr own kiiowleilgc, and 1 annot be contradicti d.’’ Withoul btiiig aware of the ground on w hich the sla emenl is alleged lo be with in the personal kiiovvledge ol the Lilltors, I think il proper to ob'crve that, as often happens in ihe report of convtrsa- ii(‘ns, there must have been some dein'ce of misapp!ehciision, or misrecoilectioii. Il is true thal I have not ajjproved the proceedings of the Oeneral Assembly ol the Stale, which would limit the-power of Congress over traile, to regulations her Ripubiiian Laws! The Spanish ('.eneral Cisnaus, (the AI)iT2lino atici I'lodoardo of this couMry) is no moi e. He was defeated, len days ago, in iht vicinity of this city, in the m> untains. His band of desperadoes (say ^OO) are all taken.—He was a deadly eueniy to Colombia.” It was believed at Constantinople, in August, that the Sublime Purte would nol comply with the demat:ds of Russia, Lnglatid, and France ; und had resolve^' to mak‘ 111) aiteraiion in his course, bul i'> leave the iii s' blow lobe struck i>y llu- European powers, before he took any other slops. It is highly probable, from the arcounts brought by ihe Peacock from Ui(\ tha’ peace has been concluded betwt-en Iji . zil and lluenos Ayres, and llu. Baiula Oii- er.tal reliiuiuished by the Lmperor Don Vvdro. liilormation of the same purport was received in this counlry nearly a fortnight ago. iwiUb by water through the Claiud, the | havniK- levemu way may be said to be already open.— Vrcm Nt'wbtrn to ihe Capital tn a direct ii;.e is lUOmihs. Of this, ihc distimce ol bO n.iies to where it meets ihe Neusr a st f • nd time, has a siulace so nearly plane, and an ascent so g. ntle, bein- e.-it/inly at no higher rate than lour (M r,vc feel lo a mile, liiat the. ground work n-iy be prepared by removing the (..rth ;.v'. or liirce IVel deep and tight tee' wide, (xcept where prov ision is to be n.... e lui lurning out, or lot crossing • .'il e " U' lton I f ti.e roiiiniittee .I]))diutid by lu- h.ililU.Cjrt. atna Ohio Uailroad t oiiipa- *'• — - ^ + »ee “ Procredin^s of >iuiidry ciu/cus or B»ithTi«r...’’ p. rF. alone lor their object ; lhal 1 havi, in occasional conversations, i.een hd to observe lhal a conirary doctrine had been enieriained and „i i(d on, from the comn.em enu-nl of the C( list ill! I ion of ihe I'nited Slates, i)v ihe several bratiches of evei y administra tion under il ; and that 1 legn ltnl tiie i ourse pursued by llie (ieneral Assem bly, as tt nding to impair the confidence .itid ccKliclily of other pans ol tin- Un ion, agreeing with N’lrgii'ia in her ex- j.osiiion id' the consiinition on other |)oints. In ex}>re3sing liiese ideas, Ikjw- tvei, mori’ ter-pici has cll lell lor the paUiOiic sensiuiiities o!' ihe L'f*islalive l)ody, a-wl for tluitalents and gc.odiii! n- Tions of the member:, pcrsoiiaiiy or uib- Jii'tiuirkiifjifi Coiruidi'fH'f.—The Cleave- land ile'-aUI gives the following singular ;,r(ount (if iwo bt(;thers, by the name ol Moifes and Aaron Wdcox, who lately du el al Tw insburgh, Oliio. ‘‘'I’hey, as w e are, were Twin Broihers, born in Conneciitui on ilie same day. and of course, (d' the same niolher ; they were married on ihe satne dav, their wives being sis:ers ; they hoped lo have e,\|)erienced religi(jn on the same dav. and attached ihcmselvrsto tiie same chui( h, und on ilie seme dav ; thev engae;ed in mercaiilih; busines-, to gether al Middletown, and failed t(u>( ih- er ; iVnin thence they 'emoved ahd set tled themselves logelher, in ihis Siati, at a place which from them derived t!ie name ol'Tvvinsbui gh ; they v.eie laken sick on the same day, continued sick ihe fame length of time ; they died tiie same d.iv, and were buried in the same grave, ai'd have left lo their bereaved eiiildreti ibe saint' rich inf.critanctj of an unsulliid moral atut chrisiaiii charactt^. T'.ie sit'gt’lar identiry which pcrvcded nine feel long-, and si ven or eight inclus in diameter, whivh must have been a weapon of deleiK e : tiu- other bones art inexact jjroporluwi. 'ihe vcrte!'!:x: or back-I'one is sixteen inches in diiiueler. •he I assage for the spiiie nine by -ix in ches ; and the ribs nine feet long.” 'I'o what species iliest* inuncjise remains bel' ng, we believe, is yit. and peihaps will ever be a di Mtlt l atum ; it is genei ally si/pposcci, ho.vtjv. r, thal it was'aqua ♦ic or least amphibious in us natiin Its l oce is, no doubt, h'ng since i xtinct. After S'eiitg thesf boi.i s we sca'celv can iiry r douOt the exislente of tht Ki\'kt n and olher moiisiers, whost his ory had generally been considered fubuk-us. L(.nra.s!cr f O.'iioJ Ga:. I 'I'he Dedham Rt };ister gives sn account (jf the death td an individual fium tin smoke of a lamp, whicii wasntit properly tiiiiimeil. Il IS a fact probably noi known to many persons w iio use laoips, that when iriiiimed proptrly, ihcy iitvu emit anv ju-i ct piibie smoke, atu! that when any sinohf is visible, il i:i a certaiti proof that tht' wick is too high, and tliat ihe alO'O-pheie ab()Ut it is becoimi'|> .lapidly fnh'l vvi'!' puiiiele.s of soot, ino.-.t injurious i;j the lut'g>, and lu the eyes (d every Oii 'aIio breathes it. I'he pro[jer rule for ac'jusl'ng ihe wu k, is to raise it to sucii a Ift'gih, tiH to produce the i:,reaie"l degret ol futme, without the least visible iirioUe. T. ..inicr. ^iorznn. — .A clei'fj b(ulv vvn«? discovered on llu* shores oi h^l-.e ()iitario, iu N(w Vurk, ori tlw 7lh iiis'anl—,-\ coiom r’s ■puv leturneda veidici, I'mI it tins I/,c hndt; oj (HI unk),ou u mrix ii'ho unite In iii.s iknih Oy brj/ucntioti hy dnjii'/nni'. Tiu hody was iluii bi’iied,but a few tlavs uftcrvvai ds tliC idea was suggested tliai il might be that cf Moii;an.—-Mrs. .Morgan was accordingly sent f>!-, anu went to the jdact-, o-,',h sevejal otiu , persons, the bvdy wa'-dugnp- ;,nd Mrs. Morgan, ancf st veral person:, vvi'h i i'r. 'Xprt ssed a belu-f that it was liu' rt- niains ol \V iiiiam Mwr^^ii, ; Miey |uflatd by ll.e hair and l!;^ Um lu. The* I'loiheb, upon liie deccv.sed, -^v e-• imm i|u.-se known lo have been W(,mi !;y M*!i>’an, and the wriiihgs aiiil relig' u- p.mipldeis, in ihe poiket, did not at cord w-iih his foruiiM ijiisiiuss, opinions a'(1 habits. The evi- (lei.ces, then fore, it; f.ivour of this b-ing ^i_o_rgun s (iead_bo(i V, are, in our oiunlon, v.cak. Uui a is smietlT in a pos.script WESTcuKSTi.n, (Pa.) Oct. li,;. Ci/yiotts.— Mr. John C. Rauch lately took from a tree, in the vicinity of this borough, two Srpiirrels, r.ppurently but a few days old—placed them under the '■are td'a Cat, in company with one of her olV-'pring, and they tcceived their noiir* ishment from her for the last four weeks. She still continues lo nourish and pro- lecl them with maternal futulness I They .irt' now in a llu iving cunrliiion, and are b( ginning to exhibit thal agility i’cr wbicii their speclts is cpiebralcd. II auy tytie is disposed to be incredulous, he, by calling iipon Mr. Haucii, have ucular dcmoiiolration of the fact. I’FA'NSYrAANIA. Vmontov'iu (>•'!• 17—Tlie meeting of‘.hi2 Dt'fiiocratic IVieiuls of tlie AdmiMsira- u.)», which look piace on Saiuid.iy hist at ihc C'l url Huuse, was peiha|)S the largest and most lespectal'le that ever w as Called together on any siiniiar oc casion in this county. It was ritich larger than could reasonably have heeu ,.nticipaitd, for the day w as very utihi- vorable. 'i'h.err were a camj) nieetiiif^t jt'C ihreo sarramcnis in difierent jih'ce^ in Llu* cotmiy, which must have contribiit* e(l lo lessen llie uum!)ers of this luceting- In addilitm to thi.s, many peisons were detained froiTi the nu'eting m oi'ucr to attend the fntK’ral of our much lainrtittd Hid veiieralde Iric-nd, the Hon. (Ir.rin, iiiit what was most f.liecria^'l> ii.i c:iu'iC of the coiiir.i'y, they weie u'J 11 iishrcom politicirn-^. 'I'hey wri'c t^^ iln gro'.\lh of a day—elevated or uis- t’ri^u;:jht (I by accidt lit. They wctc ’■evorend fa.her.sof liie Demt-ciaLy 'Jitl'- county. 'J'here wt're present nearly all viving favorites of llu* i>eople, who u- times gone by enjttyed the ctiididence at d i: lendi.iip of the people of this ctiui'-)' tiiost' vvhoiii ihey di ligiited to hotioi .Several uf the former representatives ii^ both llu: national and State legislaiuri'*^ It can be not ommoii cause which uis forced these reveled and respectable citi zens from iheir reiiremenls, and ihrowii ilier.i into the vortex o! 'I'hey have not mistaken tho necessiU‘-' of ihe limes. 'I bis is not an when those who feel an interest m ' , welfare of tl;e cfiuntrv should be ferent. It is time, when the t«f our country is opt' attaiked without, uud insidiously at honie,loi falheiaof ihc country to stj) ^ Patiu Jkwoci^J- Onr composer st instead v\' K.'tcHcti, ; for certaiily .Vdiuiiiistratioti ha^■e lately r.rxciili’d ill thal State'. Di'u»"-^'‘ n.Iaware it was i t. t!ie enemies ul been sau.. no' f liOl^ has a “ heart lai tVt: a w b' ccntinct’it. Gca.- f'c”

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