ll'KM>AV, NOVK-Ninr.i; 1>, 18127. JUtdora! Lniv.—The filitor ol’ tlu-Fay. ittfviile Obbtivor says !ie iindfritands “ it is in conifiiipliiUoii ti) make an :;l liie cijstiini; sebiiofi ol‘li'.r i v, 1C the inoch-of clioosin^ Kk\ rots (,r Pic'.icl'. nt unci Vict-Pr« sitlt iii, fron. ihc (uMMM.ii 'i'ii-kct lo tl.t‘ District Sys- tL'ii!.” t Tt-i', lie hopi‘, will in)t siKCw f'd V('i hi* iiun.iiB thtf pcos)le are lu'd lo till-Disii'ic: SysUri.i : lluUiiu (l,aiit;i‘ to [he (;i'T:crai 'I'ickiti sysli-ni “ V. as t:^iu'n’cly u!i;>fpu!ai’,'’—a fai.l ti.o vi‘llkn(A\!i '»i‘ ckiiii d ; itili I>t' lui[>t‘s ilu-bjsicni will roi tliant^nd—m oih.-r Avords, that llie wi-iht's ul'the /w/y/c will not ccnpls'u vill). Why? in llu> lu'.icr cusc, a jituiioriion of ilie \oii‘s of ihf Mall' “ iiu litwiii would lust, lor want d unanimiiy aiiicnj; iht* fku-.tors”—that is, CIcn. Jarks'jii would rut got o'l the voles, hut a ])urtl(Hi (if them would be ;;iv( n to Mr. Adams ! Tlii i iiiay b!'at;oi>d ai f^uniciit to address to ixpnrli/; but we doubt wl,i-;berit will l.i' deemed sound or weighty I>y tiie p!c. We know not what authoiity t!ie Ob server riiay have, for ibe iin;>oi tar\t dih- * closure he i;as made ; but wc ki.i ;,>[)ose he consideieil it buCxienl to justily l/iin in joutidit!;; ibe alarm, and puiiint; tiic//co- filiivh on their guaid, lest they vhould unw ittins'ly do an act v.'!ii h would be luosi I’Ti.tin iiijr lo \u‘.‘ pi'.ph\ and per- jVctly in accordance uii.T iheir wishes. And we wili join ti,e ()!)server in l»is laudable eHbri, and proelaim to the peo ple that a most iJiifjuitous projecl is .mi foot to riit.we tu tl.fin tlieir —in tnve them tlie suhslimcc insti-ad of t!n' s/iatlmr—to enable them to vne for nii ;. they Liiou: and approve, iustead oi me; whom they Lnoiv 7.0/, and ionsc(]uenth lannot jud^e of their wortliiness or un- worlhiness : — \vc tell the peo;.;!e, on the authority of the Observer, that tuch pcrnicious projoc* lias been cfjneeived, and that iheir i^oodfriends, who aie like wise Gen. Jackson’s friends, are called upon to defeat it, otherwise a lar.t;o ])or lion of the peojde will be permitted 'n vote for the man whom they prefer ! !■ not this a plot, a most vile i>lot I To be serious, if an cH'trt should be made at the next session of the Legisla ture to restore (he Di'ifricl S3 stem, that truly rr.p\th!ka;i mode of choosin" I'Jec- lors, those members w ho oppose it, will liold at a cheap rate t!ie w ishes of theii cons’itufnts. The Dibtrict System is ;i])proved of by the people—'I'hc General 'i'itk^it System is not; of this there can h'j no (ioul)i: there run Ije no uncertaintv, then, as to the wislies ortlu' peoj)Ie, to b» plead as an excuse fur voiinj; against the District System. We hope, therelore, the cfiort will be made. ynJ the lint drawri. The Obscpver says “it is possilih*, that In the event of the l!lectors beini? tlio'.en by Districts, at the next eleclion, of them might be in favor of Mr. Adams.” And it is, indeed, cwu so ! So, then, the unwilling admission is a: last made, that Mr. Adams has .uduc fi'iends in North Carolina, enon;;!i even to carry fhrcc Districts. \N’heii we sio- H(l, some time since, that the ‘’iiiends of the adojinistration in this stale include a large and lespectuble portion of the tiiizens,” the idea was scouted at by the ftlitot s of the stale papi r : bui we were tliaritublecnougb toatti ibuie theirsiepii- fism to w a!it of inful malion ; yet ii is now admitted, that in electing by Districts, *liey inight carry ///m (jf il.t m. It would J'ot be surprising, shoultl subsecjneni fuels compel a siilln'ore libeial ad:riission. 0 sooner is one slander, projingated ^|/y the combination, exposeel. tlian ano y«lu‘r is sent forth on the wings of ih' / 'vind, to j)oison the public mind. '1 hi •'harge against Mr. Adiims,—fiistpui)- Jis'hed in the National I’aliadiuni and im- ’uediately vouched fur by Uie Michmond . l-iujuirer,—(^f tampering with the feder- j1 I'arfy, through the agency ol Mr. IJai- is no sooner nailed to the counter as a calumny, than anoihrr star'sii to ex- istcncc. Mr. RitcUir, of the I'lriju::c:’5 ....jasiHu, rcvlvc'j llio cirai mid sends it i'orth in anew dress ; but it wii' be I tun ned to him, as far as it implie- criininaliiy in the I’resident, a vile and malicious calninny. Here it is : “ e iu)v cciiK; fbrw niil, to stato that Mr. Wciisti r (ltd t-lch, hifure the citciion in the IloubC of Kepn sciit:i’ivc s, tliut he h:ul in his possession :i letter of his utvn in answer to one li'om//iJi Corres])oiulent, w hiiji liad ben n read it- or /;y Mr. .ia'i.ms, moililit d at Ills siii>gestiuM tfid Hnally i.pproved h} iiiin, relative to the liherui p()l.( y lie int^mlcd to jjursue tow ards the Fctlcraiists—that Mr. U Wtr proposed to sliew II nu nibc r of the II. • f If. the said C or rcspoMilf.iu r, if Mr. Adanis sliouKl notbe elected on the lirst ballot ; and that tlut member de clined seeing it.” the HjIIov, in^: uarr.cs, l^evjdes liunJicds of ihei s of high sta'uling, viz :— M'ASHiN'(; i (i\, .IK1H:I{S()N, MADISON, A J. KX A M) I: Ii 11A MII.TOX, MOMiOK. NF.W JKHSF.Y. 1 hr Legislature oi New Jersey com menced its annual session at Trenton fnh'orishlutio/iality ol'such protection, we '>n the ^^d inst. The President of the .And in support of the now doctrine of the hardly oarned, tlian the subscriptions to ^ Jestecn of those ^^llo knew Idm. Newspajiers, and it is disgraceful for any one who has the ability, to hesitate to discharge his account when fU mutuled. Rakish llegistcr. iiave, ]Vni. Ii. (!i/et, 'J'/ios. Coo/A/\ (jtur:'C Mclhijfte, Jnnus Jli.iiiilloH ! C:ouncil or Senate, the Speaker of the House of liepresentatives, and all the (-lerks a?id Doov keepers were chosen liom amongst tbe friends of the Ad ministration. In the Senate, the parties Let the one be compared w ith t!ie other, 1 ^ “Admitiigtration 10—foi , . .! Jackson 4; and rue CO,.tents or the letter, „l,r,he. i "‘’'S''' criminal or not, are of course unknown I — ind for the tru*h of this statement, Mr. Riiehie sajshe holds ihe voucher in hi?; own hand. And suppose he does— ihe ini!)Iic have yet to learn that it is not j as worthless as faleshonij and malice can make it. He idso held in his hand the viiuclier of “a distiiiguisiied membt r of Congress,” for the truth ol the Eaai I’uoin story ; and do»s he expect the pulj- lic w ill now jjlace atiy conlldence in his unknown vouchers ^ He has been con- vietecl of endeavoi-ing, by such means o; agents, 10 palm a gioss faisihi.od ci the community, in oider to injure iht President; and does he imagine he can now play the same game more success- tuilv } Let him jiroduce his authority— let him give up names~or he will be suspected, and on the best grounds, of iiaving set afioai another J:.' .*/ Room sto- t y. The vouchers of the Lncpjirer, for whose respectability or existence, we i.ave only the assertions of ilie editor, arc ;iot in gootl credit. Dj'. Cooper has addressed a letter to ihi editor oi the L. S. It legraph, rn which he attempts a defence of himieif j ..nd among other things, ^ays— “Ila\inj;- lived from the ye;ir irf-o, to the end ot Nil'. .Madison’s adniiiiislration, »vii!i the talent and authority lies. KM. MAUKI.KY. The I’hiladelphia Democratic Press, of (let. ."Otii, contains the following paragraph;— “Mr. >larkli'v’s At'dress to the I’ublic, we hope to pulili.sh to-morrow. If :iny thing wer»- wanting, after Mr. Jliiilianan's letter, for a tuil and pLrfeet aetpiittal of Mr, IJhiylVom the aeciis;itionb |)n ferred against him by t>t n..hick- son, it is to be found in tlie address of Mr. Mark- iey.” 'I'he 'I’cKgr.iph, ant] otiier kindred publica tions, to divert the pul>lic attention from Mr. Huchauiin’s letter, have been calling upon Mr. .Mai kh y to “conie t)ul”- inferriijp'', from his long sik-i.ee, that their call would % UuUeeiled :— they w ill now be n.ost w ol'tilly disaj>pointed. Ilill, who is now in jail for the mnr;.er of iM(>i')>;in, has math- a “confession;” hut it is st) et)!itrariiiory, as to be unworthy of credit. lUit I lie I'eas MS of his t ontluet are inexplicible. lie is sujjposed to be an inipt>sior. A. Y. Com. J('v. [In reg.ivd to the body found, recent accoints say, that the better opinion is that it is not ! Morgan’s. Many clrcnmstaiicts arc givin, w hirii render it altogf-tiier in.probable th:i it can be. At ail events, either Mill is an impostor, 01 the body is not Mtjri^an’s; for he declari s h» eat Morgan’s throat himself. The body fouiu had 110 nu.rlvs t>f violence on it.] WASl)rN(iTO>, KOW.MUF.R 1. in the House of He- jiresentatives—lor the Administration '2s—for Jackson 15. In jt»int meeting till re are, of (^u>sc, two to one in favor of the adminisiratitin. 'I’he Editor of the New lirunswick Fredonian says, that the majority (or Mr. Adams, in lb’23, will exceed Ten Thousand. Phenix Gaz, sitsjnr.—We smiled, some time ago, at the great discovery made in Lu- fope, that Sug^ar inight be maile from the sap of th*- maple, and stated that the piocess was familiar to^ the whole A- merit an population. Tliis it seems,has pnt a Southern Lditor into a furious passion. He mainiains that the South ern pf'pulation is entirely igiKwant of it, they never saw a “'Sugar Majile tree.” He might as well say that the same population is ignorant c)f the ex istence ol the Chinese Knij)ire, because they never saw a Chinese. iV. y. Enquirer. Original Aiimlclc.—X comical fellow lately travi ||in^^ in the stage througli Connecticut and Massachusetts, had foi his companions a very taciturn set of fel lowand to amuse himself he thrust his heatl out ol the stage at every man he met, and hallooed, hurra for Jackson ! A strange sound in Yankee Town. Pass ing a brick yard, he sent forth his ac customed vociferation at Hodge, who let fly, in return, the hanilful of clay hr was moulding, which completely masked Tic for many years a member of the I’rcshyterlan (diurch, and manifested a iiniform attachment tt) the duties and ordinances of relig'ion. flij removal from this life presents a very striking instance of the uncertainty of human prospect* •iiul endearments. Few men possessed more firmness of constitution or vig;orous health than he enjoyed. The disease which terminatcil his dkvs w as comparatively the whole sickness of his life, AVho can secure his vital breatli Against the bold demantU nf death, With skill to fly or power to save ? In this couiity, on the Ijth inst. Mr. James Totts, aged about 5U. At Memphis, Tennessee, on the 27th Sept, last Doct. (jcnri;r Fnnik/in (Jm/iam, son of Gen, Joseph l.rah-.m, of [.iticohi county, N. CHroli- na. Dr. i;raham, after graduating at our uni versity, anti receivin{>-the honours of the Mcdi- eal C ollege ia New-York, removed din ctly to the \\ cst ; :tnd by his attainments and energy, took hi,'hrankin his i)rofession. ]W u rcfcvcnrc to anoih.:.- part t.f our pap’er,coi''>'t*nance of the unft)riunale wag. It will be seen tliat int( lligiMict lias been re-! * his be.spattered face, when f'( i\ed friiin l.ontlon of the J'J.l ii'tiino, ami that 1^'- fellow travellers, w ho had not r. 11. ; Its rnost impt)rtant it\ m is that w liieh ri hites to I spoken forfifiy miles, obstrv^ rl well /,-/jwtheprnK:i,iUsoi, uhlchitwashas.M ,i.„ i...t ....4....,...!. -A- }• Mv. — I h.M; iiiil)ibed ti;)ihioiis, th lion oft ii'oece. Should llie last statement, of the ... , ! det( rniiiiatifin of the Aniba-sadors to finlt (Jon- ces, /A,., ,n.)..es «>f eonsmietion, anU //u,/- views i of Its me„M g, lU, U.ur e^posHH,n of il, i , „ seems to ns t!ut noth- ..now- of notlKiig so gotnl, and expect to sec ; , ofth. most n. lung hclt. r It eontented then., it cont. n- , ,„e S.iltan to precipitate .etl n.e .nd 1 believe it ,s fitted lo content any h’in^self ir.to the certain and disastrour. consc- reason.iblf aiul practical ni.iii.” A fetUTliom Mr. *Uadison, which ue publish in this week’s paper, aflords a . l iking commentary on the above. In I'ltliiion 10 that, we give the siil)jnined riicle from a subsequent number of the I tpieiiees whii h will ivsult fro” siieii a contest. V'or the good of inankiml, for the atlvunlage of! Among the premiums ofT\‘red by the I Agricultural Society of Salem, New t strux-dina- >rsev, is oneofg.i lo that laboring man, viu) can give satisfactt>ry evidence tliat h^ has been sirictiy htinest and faithful aid sober during three years vvhich he freedom, we hope that the confrit t will com- i livtd wiih any family or farmer ; and ' «f one dozen silver spoons or g5 tolhat w otnan, of the same character. ncncf and continue, eitlier until l'urke_\ shall assent to the unconditional srrrentier of her s()\ereignity over t^reece, or shall herself be eom])elletl to withtlraw her crescent standanl IVom w ithin the limits of Knrope ; tt> wavt-. 'irs;mi(//l, which puls the llnisiiing stroke ^'cr the benighted deserts of ^ ‘ o I Ai.ia. JSa!. Juunial. tu Lilt' vain boasting of Dr. Ct>opcr :— riioM THE i.y.NOHiii im vihoimax. MU. .MADISON. “ >Ve have received a sect)nd con/innnication from this gentteinati,from which we le;.n!, that, in disapproving of the “ prtn'eetiinj;^ of the (it neral Asseinl)ly of tiie State, which w ttiild I niit the pow er of Congri ss ov. r tr.ide 1t> rej;- oiations ha\ ing revenue :i't>ne for their object," he des’^'i ed to u;\e it as h',K n/jinion, tliat (Jon- :;ress H AS \ liMiH r to innmsv a tiri£'of du- Ut tt "■ lidvtii'^ for Us oiijui ihc proh dinn and cii- rourai'r/niitt if duiia^/ic munvfart urn.” , I’rom the loreguing, it will be pcr- ceivi'd, that Mr. Madison, who “ assisl- etj Wifraniingihd constnufion,” and who douijtless knows the nitujuni' ol that in strument, and the powers it confcrs on Congtess, at least as well as tlmse w ho have riccnily favorctl the country vviib iheir profound expositions,—gives it as A/.y o|)inion, that Congress “//«* a riixht to impose a tat if!'ofduiies fui llie cncoi/r- a^nncnt and jirnlvdion of domtsiic nutnvfac- inrcfi.” Dot s Dr. Cooper agree wiili him, I. he woi • 1 have it i)elicved } \'ery far from it. In whom, then, will the [)ub- lic confide ? In tiie virUious i>.nd jia- .liolic IMadison, whose whidt'. lilV sbt)ws his attachn-.ent to the coun'.i y and its ad mirable institutions—w ho bore a jironii- nent part in/r.'.'?..//;^f the constitution :— or ill Dr. (^oopfr. the author ol the Co- Ii;inbia restdiilions It would be an in- -nli to tilt' pepp’e It' flonb\ for a moment, the answer the) w ouhi give. On this importat.t loj)ic,—the consfUn- timic'.dff tif gov, rnmenial protection oi’ tloii.estic nianuluctures,—we may say, in the language of a distil.gui.shed advo cate tif the American jiolicy, that “Gen. Washington. Mr. JtfTerson, Mr. ^Lldi- son, Alixatuier llainilton, Mr. Lowndes, and two entire Congresses, of 1790 and 1796. arc at least as safe guides, as Dr. ( 'ovijcr, or Mr. M jh/Jir, or Mr. Ilatnil- ion. w I'.o dent)nr.re as nnconstiiui it)tial, acts and doctrines which can plead the sanction of such illustrious a'libority.” Ifi sliort, the ease slatids thus :—In sup- poi t of the cQristitntiou,ili'’j of j.iroteciiiig Anicrlcuti in?,nu!Vlures, we cun jirrny The New Y(>rk Albioji of the 27ih ul timo, gives the follow ing informaiion. Trcahj of (jlicnl —'I'he commissioners for settling ihe Ixjundary under the se venth article of the above treaty, have, after much labor aticl patient investiga tion, this day c’itised iheir labors and made their final reports to their respective gov ernments. It is gratifying to stale, that theafore saidcommi.^sioners Iiaveamicably determined by far the largest |iortion of the line ; two jjoints only have been re ferred to the governments, viz : one af fecting St. (ieorge’s Island, below the Saull tie Maria, in ihe vvalei eommuriica- litMi between lakes Huron and Superior, north west of that lake, and Luc La Pluie. 'I’he cotntnissit)ners. it will be recollecletl, are .\iMhony Barclay, l.sq. ami CJeneral Porter.” 'I'he Letter of ,Mr. Madison, which we I'.avethe pleasure to transfer to our c'duTPTis, is of deej) interest, wht'n we m ,ider itssubject and the source w hence II emanates. \Ve consider it as settling lorevtM' the absurdity of the Virginia I’t.'solnlions conceining revenue and nianufartures. Here is the I'athcr ol'ihe C!onstitulioii, rescuing it fro;n the uiihal lowtd hantis which have been laid upon it. unih'f the iidluenc.c (loo much so, a! least,) of mere party spirit. So cat efalh has Mr. M. K'l^tdedhis retirem' ut, that the sight oi'ins name to a public paper Has a refreshing anti •“ven soothing elVect. It cotTies upt)ti us as a strain (d‘ music lt;ng unheai tl, bringir.^ wiih it tlidightfiil 1 eminiscences. which w ill ever alleiid the names of M,\i>iso.\ and Lo.vndks. iVw/. luUi. It s constantly urged by those oppos- efl toMr. Adams, that he came into oflict by intrigue; but if the develop ment are considered, which have been madesince the Carter iJeveily letter, it can b. said with much stronger evi dence. that he came into oflice in apik of intrig e. Georgia Couritr. Somiof our laughter-loving readers inquirc|“ Where are your anecdotes?— You ustl lo give us a column.” That w as i n t se?V///; mnmcr^ w h en vv e h a d not h i n l-- else to ill. 'J'hi.i IS now no littm fur lai/g/iincc: tlays are»hort-no room-lookat the atlve'r- tisenient^—they are more jirofitable than j(,kes—-t lough it would be a good yA.v, if we geDay for all of them—a sad jt,ke, il we do lot. //y, I'oreignrs may well complain of tbe dilTtculty )f our language, when they attempt t |)ronounce similail\, woids that are spit alike. I'or exami‘)!e—win could possbly know, that p/ough, nHhouglu ioir'/i, l/tojtghl, Uc. were a:! it> be so dierendy prononncetl ? we an very unreasnabh’ suppose it possible, Lfyok af;ai»i and '//'• wp, and no one I cni say thu Ihe Lngli^h is a very eas\ language. Bai.timor^ OfnoHKR 27. —Wt learn, that in pas!-ng Irom New Castle ti> I'renchiown, isi night, one of the stages upset, by w hih accident a number oftht |>assengers wee injuitd, atnong whom. Hishop Kemj of this city, is a sevnc ullerer ; but . is not apj)rehended that his wnuntls arelungcKjiis. A genth-mati had his ctjllar oiie broke, and a latly se- 4IM, ”^her iib‘ It is unilerstoutl tha. the conduct of some who call Ihemstdves ' ' "ast'utik. and in endeavoring l.oTit)rablc men, is sliamefni, in riM'^atd it)! !^»^^ano. let tage, t!ro\e oil ihe road tlebts of th.s deseriptiun. /le have i known instances, not of ry rare oc-1 >as has since died fro-n f urretice either, w here a man after re gularly receiving a pa[ier for years, pleadid that he only iniended lo lakt> it for one year and would not-pay ft)r a lon ger |jeriod4_and we have known others lo ! risim .Vixaiukr, age about 39 \ears h-.tving a j)lead the statnle td limitalion in bar of a | helpless anti distivssd fm.ily. As an u|»rlj-'ht just claim, 'riier-e b. no money uiore , u,2d_amiabl-_c^/. n, , ijuyciUiiTrcenfidPrt;-- olfl fellow. 60 years of age, living neir Mtiiil: cal, lately went to (^ue!)ec to ge a dispensation to mnrnj kin niecc.^ a pritty KH'I of IS. lint unfortunately, jus as he was in high hopes of attaining hisobject, he fell from a plank, (on pav sinj from a steam boat to the shore) and was firowned.—W'hat mischief Cu pid loes ! (HAKJ.iiTTK rrsc/itr,- ACii.r;7,T'ifY. riim; M.u.ifr » i,.„i li.n,. » ,,i thu i Institution will be examined m'I’hursdav instant. Parents, patrons, yndfrier.ds, :a'e requested to attend, ■i he exercises of the srbool will be re.,uined on the 1st .,f ,h,nuar\, 18:s, and cont.nue ,nitil tlie last of July, including a term of seveu mt)ntbs. 1 enns as !ii rctofore, in prt>i)oriion to H. I. DINKINS, Notice. 0\ Tuesd y, the 2Uth tlay of iXovcmbtr, I will proceed to sell the balance of the per- sonal estate of the late Jacob Juhen, deceaL-d, vir ;— ' Seven or cigiit likely negroes, one ol them a blacksmith ; Corn and Cotton ; an ext ellcnt metal Cloek, and a good Jioad VWigon. One fourth part of the pv.ce of the ncgrocfl will be rcquirctlto he paid ilown. U. M. HOSTWICK, Mmr October 29, 1827.-JTir. 'I'he Lditor of the ^^’alrenton Reporter stales, in bis last paper ibal he hassti ick- en from his subsci ijilion list, some dozen or iiftecn jiersons, w i:o lrf)m their remiss ness, seem to be insnisi!)le, that “piine- lu.ilitv is the soul of busin^-ss.” llcallv the injury receivd. In this count ElEU, n le Cth inst. Mr. Jnhtt Gar- Uw I » 'he 4th of December i ext, w ill y r be sold, at the late dw elhi g littusi ol John (iilmer, the following propert), vi/ : 17 valuable Ntgroes; Horse.s. Cati' tie, I logs. Sheep; Corn, Cotton, iieat, llye. llarley and Oat^ llt.iiseh')!.'! 1 iiriiitiire and farming utensils ; and ^ good Hoad Wagon and a set of.smith^s tools. Sale tt) commcnce at 11 o’clock, and coutinifb from d;,y to tlay, „nti| all is sold. Iteasonablb credit will he given, by I) V\ ALKXANDKR, JIdmr. November 1, lH2r.~4t48, fuv Sa\e. f II11K stihscriher offers for Ti il • •' ■ JiaJI '".M- close to Capps' ^,-ohl OhaAM nune, containing iljout one^^^fc^- hundred acres, on which there is 23 aces clears ed, «f gootl fre.sh l.anti, well kno^M, to tr|vt> good crops of Cotton, Corn, and n m arkabli' gt>od, for sm:dl grain. Its good Water and healthiness is not to he surpassed unhi>i ncetiou of tht ctmntry. It must also, from ..ppearance, have rich mme.s on it, ws ther-‘ has been somt* gold foiintl III diflii-ent places. Any pcrsoa wiHh-ng to purch ise, would (h. w 11 'to take » VIIof the place anti judne for h'ni.self; when tt rms t)f sale will be made known by the sulr- scriber, n siding on tin- pren.iseH, , , ^ MICIIL, OTAUHKLL. October 24, 1«27.—;h.5r. Slate Jtauk of .^'m'lli-('iiri>lina, SAi.isniJUY nUANCII, OCT. 2.-), 182r. ^ kl?DI-.KKD, by the Mt)ar 1 of Dirccttirs, that s ^ I payment of one tentii ..fthe [.nnci|!-l ho exacted upon all notes tid'ered for renewal,from and dler the first t)f January iieM ; an l ifi.o the Casiiii r f;ive noticc thereof to tin d.^iti,r*v by udveiti:..-muit in the Western Cartdiniau and Catawba JouriKtl. A copy from tli- Minuter. JL’MUS SNKKD, Cashier. IJ IHl. T. I. .lOHXSOX, ^ IN’(. pofiitive^ly tltcliiied pr.reticing* medicine in Ch .rlntte any more, ri;«pi, at8 all liiose who are indeht.-d to bim to call and s ttle their r. si)ective accounts ; atitl he would also a .il, th.at tbo.so who f.iil to avail thi.msehrrt of tne time intervMiing betwe en the prt !,-nt da*e and .November (,ourt next, wiH find tlieir nnnagc- noles and .iccounts cnf usted to tile inei'.t of an Attf)rnev. (ktoUr 2-1, 18.,^7.-^54'* N. H.—'fhose having in their poF^pssion books, either metlif;al or Ini^cellancf)us, belon"-- ingto the subbcrihcr, w ill plcus^- return tin nC VI-T, persons indehtetl to the late firm of .lames Clark and I'l t r Campbell, arc no tified ni t to i>ay tiu irdeh'sto said Peter Can'p- bcll, as he has w.in.slerred the w hole of his in- ten st in the s.u(i firm to the subscribiM ; . ut they are ifqiiesteil to iivike payment iinm»-iii- i'tvl}'. er.her to the subseriSer or Mr. l»o!)crt Cams, li s ;,;rtnt. JAMKS CLAKK. Cu/ndcn, Oct. 20, 1827.—-3156. V\ulYuev’’s t^\v\c\wres. S rs r I’l ^tJ^Hl:D, and for sale at this of •9 fice, “ Strictures on a hook, entitled, ‘Ai» -pt>lotry for tiie IJook-of I’halms, by (iilbcrt cMaster.’ 'I'o whii h are a.ldetl. m-irLu McMaster.’ To wliii Ii are a.ldetl, Heniarks o-j I book, ^hy Alcxuiuler t.ordon] entitled ‘'1 hr Usign anil use of the Uook of I'suln.s.’” Uy UK.Mur IterivKH !>y John M, \l Pl»i!adelnhi>, , , ... *V‘ " Appendi^^ •)y JoHx M, \v iLb«x. paitor uf l.*o :ky lUver »nd

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