CSTAIISCXTE: TUKSHAY, NOVKNiP.KK 20, 1827. Mr. Maikley’s address to ihc public, li-s bt.en received ; but its k*ngih pre vents its publication tl.is \\etk. It is a “ plait', unvarnished tale,” and must, wi thin!:, convince tiie great budy of the that the charge of bar.L,Min and cor- iiip'.ion ai^uinst Mr. Adunis and Mr. (]lav is not only false, but malicious. Ii is cK’dr, bolh fro?n the statement of Mr. Jiuctianan, (ion. Jackson’s own and only >yiincss, and from that of Mr. Markley, his zealous and active friend, that if there %vere aiiv attempt at “ liargaiti and cor- vuptif)!!,” in the last Presidential Elec tion, it oiii^inated with, aiul was confin- fd to, the Cleniral’o friends. Ily their own w iinc‘jscs they are condemned. an ftrgumeuts not approve. I'hc se are the pos'tio'is wc would take, and we do it respeclfully towards Mr. Cai.houn. We object to hi:n us ix states- man upon priticiple, arid it is upon such ^'■r«>und only lhat we expressed that ob jection. CUfj of Kitv-Vork.—In this cily Uiv Jackson 'I’icket for Assenihiy has suc ceeded. Rut all will not do—the of New-York, in iheclcction of l^esident, will vole for Mr. Adam?, with the ex ception, perhaps, of some five or six dis tricts. The friends of the (ien. know lhi‘i; but they make a show of strength in N. York, to cheer the droopin:.; spiiits of tlie doubting;, and confii’rii the wavering in other Slates. I)r. Vance wasmuch fstocme.l by liisj mx..,„.,-Vau wUl much ol.r.Ketl.c w.d- fl'Un-ls, and I-..OS1 :csci vrlly so ; and he acccase.l, Uj pnbli.hlinr has fallen, in the prime of Iiff, a sacrifice to false notions of honor. Wc hope this is not the prelude to more sacrifices du-« ring the ap]>roaching winter. I'hc Grand Lodt^e of Vermont lately voted a donation of one hundred dollars to the funds of ihe /\merican Coloni/.a- tion Society ; one of the subordinate Lodges in the same State, voted tw(Mity dollars, and several others ten dollars each to the same object. Wc publish the fnllowing',—not be cause it will “ set us r7£r/i/,”*foi‘ in the ( ase itferred In, we were not vrong,— but lhat the sentiments of the AdvocaK' may not be misrepresented. Wc did not huppose the .Advocate’s hostility tu Mr. Cal'.nun originated in l;is,“ desertion of Mr. Adams”—we were bftter informed on the state of pur’.ies in South-Carolitui, than to fall into such an i rror:—nor did we intetid to be understood a*' bringintj; a chaige against Mr. Culhoiin of dosert- iiig Mr. Jjdtuiis or any other ni'in. It v a« his abandutimeiit of p''inrip!cj\ wiUujta the possibility of convu.tion that tl.ey >vt‘re unsound.—for surely, the mere ci'-- cumstaiK e of Mr. Adams’ I’lecliori. and of his appointing Mr. Ctw Sr-idurj/oj State, could nut !av» amvuicsd Mr. Oai- houn that ihe pr'j J.jfc'i which i»e ha 1 so long and so ably uj>[)orted, wcic '.lani^e- rous and utisout:d,—it was a desertio;i" like this, we spoke of, atiil wiiicli we ilid then, aiul do now cotisidcr as a most so rlous charge against him, and as fatal to his political prospects. As to “ iluit system of impli'alkn and construciion," w hicli the Advucatc speaks of, it is one which has been anted oti ev er since the adoption of the Federrtl Con stitution, by WA-^HixaioN ami all the succeeding Presidents. It is a ‘iysfen\ wh.ch will render the country pro!;perous, Iiappv, and powerful : is a?tMuh d with no danger to the rights atii! r.uvcrcigntN cf the States, but on the oonlrary, is their best defence ; wiiii-' tlie docli'it'.es oi the Advocate, and of ll.e parlv wl-.ose sentiments it spc a!;s, would uK^ke ihe Union a rope of sand, uti l render i' hi- tle, if any beit*>i- t’',a:i tlu^ old Con federation. We see to what an alarm ing extent the»e doCrifies are already carried, in iJte Virgitiia resolutions and their echoes itt South-Carolina; arul il iht people arc wise, they will never surTi r them to be pul in practice. 'I'he I'niun Public meetings are calling, in I'-astern part of the Slate, Tor tiie purpose of electing Delegates to meet in lialeigh on the 20ih December next, to foi in an Klectoral Ticket in favor of .Mr. Adams. A letter from a gentleman in Carteret county, to the editor, says—“Notices are circulating through luis cotinty, cal- lir.g on tliose opjiosed to the election of Jackson, and on those favorable to the re-election of Adams, to meet at the Court-House in Heaufort,tjii the irth in stant, to elect Delegates to mvcl Dele gates from otlier counties at Ualeigh, on the 20lh of December tuxl. You will see by lliis, that a purlion, :il le;;st, of North Carolina, are determined not to yield, without a snuggle, the vote «if Not ih- j Carolina to a matj whose cjuaiifications j are entirely military. The Quebcc Ciazette slates, that it has been deieruuned by the “lord high ad miral of I'^iiglarul, to HKtke the naval es tablishment in the Canadas more exten sive and elTective than it I.as hither to been.’' Tor this purpose a small ves- ihe ! "^el is to be pul in commission on each ol Ihe lakes, and another at Quebec. Vhs'hua.—'I'he cause of Republican freedom is arlvancing with a sure and firm step iti the Aticient Dominican. The Western Virginian, published in Kana wha county, of ihe 14lh inst. now before us, says—“It has long sit.ce been ascer tained lhat the brain of Virginia is in opposition to Jackson’s election; and fronj present indications of popular sen timent, we have a firm belief, that ifhi.-* opponents will act wiih the concert and vigilance whicli become ihem upon a (|uesilon all important to freemen,t!ie vf)ic of the Stale will be j^iveii agaitisi him.” Tlie above is abundantly ccniii med by accounts from all parib of the State. Ball. Fat. the following in your paper. Departed this life, on the 4lh Inst, Jamts Potts, Attorney, in the 52d ycur of his age, af ter a most paiiiMil and lingering illacss of sev- enil inontlis ; which dispensation he withstood with all the patience of u philosopher, and re sigiiation of a Christian. Kumnn nature is the same now that it was in the earlier ages, interspersed with good and evil. Notwithstanding he possessed faults coni- nion with the world of mankind ; yet his action.s. when duly weiglied, prepomlerate in the sc.Je of good, lie w as a man of some erudition, iiitd possessed many cf those excellent qualities whii h charaete ri^e the wise and the good—j)a- triolisni, love of liberty, stability of mind, a kind husband, afl'ection-Ate jiarent, and lenient master, lie has left a disconsolate widow, two orphaiii, a larjje circle of friends and acquain- taiico lo lanunl his loss. Mrs. Maiioaukt MouitmoN, consort of Mr. \V. J. Moriison, after sun'erirg the )):uigsofa most dislicsslnjj illr.ess for several weeks, on Tufs- d:i_\ morning, t!ie 6th iiislatil, with ]iious resig- n.ition, \ icldcvl up her soul into the liuiuis oi him who gave it, and has, we trust, )i..cended into the hosom of her father :md ln’r (lod, tlicri- t > r«.e« i\ethc reward of'ri well spent hto. Mr.«.. M’s. goiu ral ehuraeter is so w'ell known to a lui’j;c circle ».f friends aiid ac(p»aiiitancPs, as lo n ijuire no purliculur (k linealioii; her ma ny viituus are en»l)alni(.d in memory’s core. As a iicighl>or, she was social aiul kind ; as a friend, eimstant and sincere ; as a purenl, f^iul and in- didgent ; imd as a wift-, si»e was truly faithful lo Ikt llarri:l^•e vow. Her death will be to many ;iM irretriivaide bereavement; hut tlu-ir loss is 111 r j^-ain, for slif’sgone to receive a “crown ot gioiy” rese rved f(.r all the good. I.et us not, Int A SUIMM.Y of Dr. Chamh tetl rcitiody for Inteinperonce,’ ved, and is for sale at the P New-York prices. CHAJiLOTTW TTSmiaXl ACADZS] ^l^lir. young ladies and little nii3.«!es of i Institution will be examined on Thursday, 2'Jd instant. I*arents, patrons, and friends, ari recjoesled to attend. I'he exercises of the school will he resumed on the 1st of Jnuuary, 1828, ami continue until the last of .July, inehiding a term of stveii months. 'I'erins as htrelofore, in proportion to the time. I{. 1. DINKINS. ray of hope vani.Pes,^ ..r the high prize | MlHnJ-auUt' for which we cnjiti ud is obtained. II we | f,,j. (Jctteral Jaclis'jn, bu fail, Icl it not be suitl we submliti.d with- Caliioun. out a struggle. ou»i .leliovah, imt ratlur aspire to those charac ters of w hich it i.s empliatically sa'nl, “ all things shall work log'cther for their pood.” The Augtista - V,c.-l>r.MdL-ncy 'i"'].Ik-of a n.vsteri- 1. is cm,lH!c.,tK 1 "I'"' '-' ‘’■‘I' P'' ’■' ; I he journc.ls; but no ciliz'.n, \Mth ihe !)i lievt(l, that iherc is a rcdoemirig‘-piri’ j ,>xi-( ption of .Mr. Calhoun, is before the in NorCh-Carolina ; and if roused to uc-1 rouniry as a candidate fur thal ('iuce. lion, the triumph A' ll.e friends of good j Thai can(udates will come luMh. how- , . , .... ever, cannot be donblfd, and the ciMi'.t b;l order Sc sounu political principles n cei- | learn lian. Let us,llieii, l)e up aud doing. Let u., | surp,riz*e that the vote ofCieorgia is put every honorable mejtis in rerpiisiiion, i alrradv counted for t!ie present incum- nor case IVum our «Vrlic;.ls till every ! fur ihc purpose ol'assis.ing ills- , tunt ru’culalors. we copy a [>retty sirot>g Jdiirniil. We r.Wf'. aiuiwill kci [) on hand, as usvuil, an I evtciisivc assortment of Notice. ON Tucsd y, tlic 2»'th day of Novenhe*', I will proceed to sell tlic balance of the per sonal estate of tiu- late .lacob Julien, deceased, viz : — St vcn Of eight likely negroes, one of them a hlacksinith ; Corn and C’uttoii ; an excellent metal (Mock, and a t’jood Hoad Wagon. (Inf* fourth part ot ihc prici* of the negro#* wid rcquireil to he paid down. W. M. nos l\\ IfJK, .^dmr. Octol)(;r 29, IHUT.—3t67. ON Tu sd.i\, the 1th of December ncx», will hi s(/Id, .it the late dwt lling house of John (liinier, the following property, vi/. :— 17 valuable Ntgroes; Hordes, Cat tle, Hogs, Siieep; Corn, ('ot«on, Wheat, Uye, llarlcyanil Oats; ' ll(,nsehold asid Kitcheri' I'urnitiire and iartiting utensils; and a good Hoad Wagon.inda set of smithes tools. Sale to ccmiiu lice at 11 o’( lock, and coutinne from day to day, until ad is sold. Ueasotutblc credit wdl he given, !>v DAV AI,KXANDI:II, JJdmr, November 1, 1HJ7.—lt5t>. luY subscriber offers for M:!rble Tablets and "ronib Stone.'', which t'.’.ey vill rurnlsh with neatness and des- bui nol lor Mr. patch. i{()iu:i:i's yc sukktland. Chjraw, Nov. 9, 1>-Cr.— An anti-Jackson tn.'f ting ha3 likewise We •Mf' sorry to hear, s.-ys the United \ .on called in Pasqnounk county; and j Kuu-s Oamw. iho fuil..re of an j I ‘ , V- I tei'.sive utireuniih; house m New \orV.. i i.esii.iv. tiie le llarne will sprtao. L.-t l.ie tner.us | ^,,at a'..ul 40 ships will, 1 Red Mor been railed Ihe id'the Administration in the v.-estei u j) of the state call nie^xings and elect Del egates :—IvCl not a moment be lost :— tlie time is short, ar,d a great work is i; in- atcomplibhed. I’iie cause is a g>)otl one; atid active and united rxtM liot.s may fiibtire its success. In many cases, the niembers.ijf tlie Lrc;islalure might Ue ap pointed, and thus save the expense cf sending special Delegates. The meetings in V'irginia, to clecl Del egates lo the Anli-Juckson Convenlioii to meet at Uiclimondon tlie second Tues day in January, continue lo multiply. .More than fifty couiuies have already s'.ihs>T;hi r, in (Jharlotte, on l.‘)tli instant, a new' Morocco Pockct-Bool;, for an linen u:in lime, Ue .,ln„ k out ■'I'Uui, ph edj-cs f.stcne.l wltl, » slriuB, anleo„. the cwnimfTCUil ecpjipage ot the counti | tn’nipjr ^■55 ;,j cash, besides notes to a conside- atul several hundrifl pei suns be ilepiised r.ii)le .'iiudunt, and receipts and other papers of of their ae.cuslomed employ irM-ut. When ^ iu> ust'to any ont but the wner. Whoever will a man id Imnest etitei prise iails. ’ils a seii- ’he Pocket iJooli with the notes and pap- , .t .miiv ers, eith* r at Mr. ,to!ui lruin’s.store, or the Pnn- ^ ^ ' ‘‘ ' ■ ting (Hi'i'.e, shall be entitled to ihe thirtj-five doilari, and no questions asked. I liOMAS SKAIICV. Nuv. 1,'j, 1827.—3'j'J would not continue during’ otie nresideu-j called or held meetings, and it issuppos- lial tertu, were the governmen’ adminis tered iti accordance v.'iih lliose doclrtncs; utui we ai e free lo say, lhat in such .in event, wiibout the prospect of achat'g''. ihe Union wotihl not be worlli an effon tor its preservation, and each State could better lake care of its own interesis, ann would be compelled to do it. Bui we have already ^aid more than we ifitetul- «d; and wiihoul farther remark, we sub- joiu the article iVom the Advocate : — From th.e Peopl .'s Ai'voi ale. The lild ilor of I he “ (.ialaM l>a Journal” lias quoti cl our remarU^ in vel iiion to LMr. Callicun, as oriv;inalii)g in his flesertion of Mr. Advms—as iudicntive *>f a want of ounlKleiice in Mr. Calhoun • >n the pari id'.latksuii’s li ieuds—and as iho co»pn)on lot of all vaseill.iling lurn- r.oats. Now iiis prope r to set l!ie IMito!- ri^hl in ihis tnalter. We know very little, and care less, about th»* \ ire P:e- aideni's relation to Mr. A;)A^;'.— In that \ye feel no great intei i-st. We (jlijectcd to Mr. C'alhoun upon gr(>und mucii m 'le tlevate-i itidi't d, in our concej'Uons. We \ie\v him, if not as the I'aiber, at all v- vents as baving been the t fficieiit jiatroi' ■ of thal system o\‘ implicafian and caU'sfn;' ed lhat nearly every county in ibe Stale will be retircscnted. The f(»llo\\int^, says the lnt'.ih;^er!frr, is an extract fri. in Mr. Maiiisou’s firewi ll 'lessa);c !.> Cf/ti^rresi, I-ruary 18, 1H15. It w ill be read with inter-, st at this period :— “Thef'j is ill) object that can enter with ^-rert- ter fiMV’ iimi merit into tlic den'iLi-aiions of (•onj>res^, than a f onsider-.tlon of the means to pri'St-r'e ai'.l pro'iioto the iitunnfictnres which ii.i'c sprung into i \istein e, and attained an on- |»ar:»lli let iiiatur'ty, throMM;h(,iii tlic I', .statc.s dur'iij;^ tlic ]'.r‘i-i(/ 1 ol'tye Kiiropcan wiirs. 'rhi- '.(inrre ;f liaiioi I I’ttlrpendence ami wealth, 1 anviaiisiy reco'Miiicnd to the pr>nij)t and eor.- stunt guardi.utsliijj ot (,oi grc.>»s.” DU1.I-.— \ dui 1 was fough', rear (Jiei’nville S. C. on the ,';'h insiar.t, !>e- tween Samisel 1*. C'aisof, tin iubcr o! Citngress from Mor;; ivl >;i Di.^tru t, atu! Doct. 11. 11. V.ii.ce, Mr. opprmcnt at ilie late election. 'I'bcy fujgiit alien pace'-; and I':’. \’anco fell, mortally w minded, at tIu- hrsliiie. ree»'i\iiig the ball of ins antai'/.inist just al'ovc i!.t' riglu hip. It passed lijrouyh liio body and v.a.s cut from '.is skin on the o;)i)of;ite side. Dr. NF.w-TiiuK, NOV. C.—'1 Iic llon. Daniel Web ster arriveil in this city on Satnrdiiv las', to at- 1 n-1 to the ji'reat land case of .li,hn ,l.,co!) As- tor ;i!^ainst tiiis State. Mr. \\ ehvtc r, it .‘.ill he r«‘c()llected, was retained b} the Matt- us as'/i- clate couiiicl witii .\lr. Van Rnrcn and the .\t- tori'.ev tioiKTul. It isof apicte, hijwc vi r, with the h.ibitual meanness of the combination paji- ers. til,it Mr. Webster should hi' attacked as on a political iiiiss'cn. VMial can be more dc;))ic..- ble? [Nothing.] Arcy-STA, NOV. 8.— Tlie I ef^islatnre of (leor- gia niel on Monday l..st. Mr. Stokes vk .is elec ted Presitlcn* ot the Senate, without opposition. Mr. Hu ls()n was o.)posed for the Speaker’s (■‘r .'.r, by Mr. Hull, l)ul was snccesstul. On I'litsd i_\ (lov. Troup sent l>\> Messa^'e. To day is the rcf^ulur day for the inun^uration of the Liovcrnur. (iev. Cuur. Counterfeit not'..-* nurprrti.ig to bn of the Hank of Augusta, have h.lt ly made their ap- pfaranee i:\ circulation. They are of the de- 11011.ina’ion of j‘10 ; the old piate, with a vi^- lu tte of a waggon and team. The engravinjr is rtcirse and tlie filling’s up bad ; the n ones of ti.e Ca.-'hicr and Presuieiit a.e both engruveii. XM*u*o. SI' virtwe of a Deed of Trust, executed by It Kohcrl Abernathy, jiin. to me, I will sell, on the ‘J!?'.h iiisiant, at tiie house of said ,\ber- nathy, in Lincoln county, about three milcsfrom lte:itt e’s Pord, tipoii a credit of six months, six likely Nfj.'froi s, to wit :—one man, two women, and three children, of j;ood i hai’acter. HOiid aiiil approved securilv will he reciuiri.d. KouKur II. nunroN. Ncvcn'her 1;>, — Iw which we have always be ie\ti , rad ^ ► r, . i , , • . i ... , , ■ • • , I \ ciiice iirt d ust aluf b,s atitai'ioiiisl, and now believe, cliaiiges the un;.;inal lerios j ufour federalive cotnpaci;—w hich makes i‘'bnut t llect. ^le h,ub.seiiu(;uily ohsei v- ibe general i’-ivernment what il nesei led, inal be felt the bcdl before he fired, wasciesigiied lo be by the fram.-rs of the | receiving the wound, he ConstituUou, and the People w !;o adopt- ' , . . , . . , . , - - ’ . i)ionoui:rrd it mortal, and irfpiireil it he bad hit Mr. Carson ; w hen inroriiifd liiat be had fiot, lie replied, “1 .\.m i.i ad ot * ed ii--w hirh accomplishes indirectly what the old Federal parly struggled hard, but ^ lailed, lo accomplish, nirreclly — tending to make this a consoliilntrd and unlimited, ^ iusti'ad ol aand iur.itvd ^;overn- ” nient—vvhii h should impair and set at noui^ri,', tii(r bovireigniy o!'“ the Slates. IT.’ lie died between the hours d' and 1 o'clock, in the afternoon of the next dav. I’lie foregoing [laiti» ulars we rM- ‘ *00 oui e '^'ii'pnM.J il! ; ruihcr IVom t!ic (IrcLMuillc r.jr^)ub!ic;'.i' Cicanhj Xoliotis—'I’he author of a work, enlitli d J7nft imn ('/icfstcffield, severely reprobates the FpitHiig peculiarities of t!u' Americans, and sa)s. “When in r. liouse aud a person has occasion to spit, il should bo irtlo one’s pocket handker- chiuf ; bul never upon the floor, or into tbetiie.” I auf;h ! of a'l dis;^'usting prai - 'ice''. t he s|)itti!ig in fjue’s pocket iianrl- kcre.liicf caps the climax. .‘\nd yet, this 's gravelv recommended by “ a member id’ilie I'biladelpiiia liar and wherelore; because, loisf.oth-, it is pr:irtis/d in }',n- Inland. his one cd ihe poiilr rtistoms of the motlier rountrv, and ibeiefurc, \ile as it i-., the datij^bter must iiuitat; it ; Wr bu\e a I'.:''!! I I'specI fui’ : I'.e old lady in the mtiin; but it must lie cnid'esserl.that in some tbiiH'B she is neither wise,^ nor nicer than she should be. We would not :id\is; spilting on the llnor, certainly ; but veii ihat is neat ness arid delicacy itsidl’, compared \^ i'h spilling in om-’s pMcket ti.uiflkei chief. Hut how there can be ;;in ihitig so very filthy and aliominable” in spitlinu inlo the lire, wesbonhl snppn‘-e “ would pu7/le ”e\en ‘‘a IM.iladi Iphia Lawyer” to explain. ()n the cuntrai y, it' seems, tiMis Yank'ee‘>. the \er\ [link >t [iroprie- 'V, in comparison w nli spittieg into one'.t [u I !»■•'—- I ..'.(V,;ei f til f. l'au,'',h ! . ? n'ri'ri'i. NOTicr,. flllir. subscriber w ishes to purchase two ne I. |;'ro hoys aiul a f^'irl, between tlic ages el 14 ana 20 years old, for which he will liav cash. 1 w .lAMKS it. KIS n.U. John M. Uo’oison's i'^state. \l.l. ])ers')iis ind' btvd to the estate of .lohn . .M. liobison, deceased, either hy note or hook a ccount, will make immediate settlemen as no loi’g'er indul;j[ence can be given. ’I’hosc th' I do not avail themselves of liiis opportiini tv, will ftnd their notes in the hands of an otii c. r. . 11. A. S\Ml*Li:, .Idiur. November 1.3, IHiJT.—3t59 Wilson requests bis friends, who h 've borrowed HOOKS of him, to retiirn them to lt;s oiVn e by thr « nd of the ensuing term of .Ml ck h.nl'urj; f;ouuty Court. Nov. 1.), IiSjZ. — 2tJH iiig close ti) Capps’ gohl mine, containing about one, hundred acres, on which there is 2;> acres clear ed, of good fresh l.and, well known to givts good crops of Cotton, Corn, and remarkably good, for small grain. Its good Water and beallhinessis not lo be surpassed in this scction of the country. It must also, from rppcaraucc. have rich mines on it, as there has been some gold round in dith rcnt places. Any person wishing to purcliase, would do well to take view of the pLcc and judge for himself; 'vheii terms of sale will be made known by tha sub scriber, rcsidinij on the premises, MICIIL. O’PAUTIKI.L. October 24, 1«27.—:Vr57. Slnie Bank of Xorlh-CaroUnn, SALISnUKY nUANCn, OCT. 2.'}, 1827. OllDKKKl), by the Hoard of Directors, that a payment of one tenth ol the principal he exacted upon all notes ofl'i red for renewal, from and after tne first of .lanuary next ; and thatthtt Ca.shier i^ive notice thereol to tin* debtors, by advertisement in tiie Western l.’aroliiiiuu and ’atawl»a Journal. A coi)y from the Minutes. JUMUS SNKF.D, Casimkb. 9tr,‘’. Coninsittcd to the Jail Or Mi ckh nlini j^ county, on tin- r>tbdaynf Auj'ust, 18.^7, a iie},nf) man wIk) s.i\s h n.iine is’I'Alll.TtiN, and that he belongs to m ill by the name lif Claiborn Ci.oK, li\ln!,' in (iraiiville coiiiiiy. The b'>> is lar^je and ^ hlaek, and stammers \eiyiniich in spe.ik'iij^ 'I he owner is la fpie-terl to come lorward, pru\e ]jropf rl\ , pay charges and taki- iiiinawav. ‘ .!(»H.\ .^I.OAN, Sfi^rlf. ‘.VI •VuvW\A'v\YuVii\a, Iiinrr)iti Count'’. Court rf I'lfj'iil'j, 'i't'Vnu 1-.17. Ilenn r.tit/ ’1 In- Ik irs of .lacoh |,ui/, sen. dtceas'.il— I'etitie., (or -ale of l.ots. this ease, il ajijM .iriiig lo the ct)'iit, that 1 ):iiii' 1 .Mul ,lac ih 1 ,';t, Mons ol (.eor^f Lutz, I'l 1 t :iM il, and J’bilij) Ikard and Nu->aiinah l.i-. w iti , .s,(ils Head and .lohn I nt?, ;ir.- nol ’’esi lb Ills of tills .‘-tate . It is tlieiel'ore nuI)I.KKD, liiat piiijjic iiion III- made for six w ceks siK-ee«- ''Hi'ly in tlu' Cata\s l);i Journal, that the) .o.d I■ leh t.l llu in tie and iip|)e;ir at the nc\i t'ouri ol K(j'iity, to he b'-M (or the eonnty (>(' l.inroln, at the t-n'i,e III I,iiK:olnton, ■!) the fonril Mond i V atier ’ l.; t oin t 11 Monda v ot March, 1 ^ JM, to pic: all' V. , ;■ i,i di. tliui' t(/ I liis iiill. (;1' J 'ulj^ c.K lit p\\) co:'Ti s-,() will !j.j t;iken and beard cx parie *:i them. ' r ! •' .iA,Mr>- . c v.«. r, OR. T. I. .lOIIXSOX, nWlNt. positively declined practicing medicine in Charlotte any inore, r rpiests all llu'se VI ho are indebted to him t.» call and settle their resjx ctive accounts ; and he would also and, that those who fail toa\ ail themselves of the lime iuterv. ning between the ;)res(-nt date and Novendn r Court next, will (ind their notes and in.cnunt> eiitnisteil lo the uiinagw- inent of an Attornc v- Odotjcr 21. N. H.—Those having in their popse=s;ou books, i.ilhtr medical or misccll.im ons, lu hing ing lo the subscriber, wdl please retiirn tbeu.-. )UST,PCHMS!IK1), and for sale at *his oi' tice, •* Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘ Ar» .Apolof^'y for the Hook of Psalms, by (iih>e:r McMabter.’ To which are added, nenuirl.s on a book, [by Alex imhr t.f-rdon] entitled ‘ Ihf^ design and use of the IJook ot Psalms.’ ” l*^ Hkmit UrFKNKH, A. .M. \\ith an Appendix, by .loHx .M. Wilson, j-astor of ILocky Uiver and iMiiladelphia. V VC Y. V V\ i\ iiwviv w\. rWlIIK Kubscril er informs his (rieiids and the 1 public, that he has purchased thalvivil known estu!/lihliiii« nt, lately owneo and otcuj)'- ed hy Dr. Henderson, jiiul’is now ])repari (1 to eiitei-tain tr'vcllers aiiil others, who may jilea-. • to call on him; and no exertions wdl 1 e ^jian d to render ihein condortablr, and tlieir stay .t* |;ree dih‘. His talde will he furiii'.lie 1 Vi itli ev ei'\ variety wliicli tiic vouniry ;.lloriis; bis bar uilli till- iiest ot liCjtKn's ; Mid his »tal)b s vviili pl(;;-.'v of ]U'(.\ender, and. carclul si rxar.ts wdl Sc in cou.luiil ;'.ltel,i’.a'U’.e. Itnni.UT 1. I'dNKLNS. f':i u.iri TK, April J.t, 16J3 "li'J \( c oi nts. '1 hof.e iiiih bti'd lo llie Post-I)Ilii. i , fi>r post- age on hIters, ni ws|iapers, or liia,-;.twines, ar,; ' requested to call and settle the satne, will.cur ilei.iv. The Ijuarter eiidi d the last fit Scptmi- hcr, and tbi- draft from ihe lleneral PostOtliee must he paiit on sii^lit. I hose who f^l tfj at tend to this reipiot, must exjieot, in finure, to oim|,l\ with l!ie in^tructilMls I’lom the (I'enerai Post-Olhce, \UiicIi allow no cvcdil, L.Xic[l»t nie risk of the l’o.->tniaT,U r. J'i s! i ft ;V. (\ } 1, 1«.'7. S uuA V»v>u\\s •'or sale, at the tnhceof thi* (rurnal. Pocd'.'; fjr at this Ufljcc, \