■SK5S VO . IV.] cjuniAnTK, .V. c. Triisvjv, xoriMv.ivU st, is^?. [ISO. 158. I'J IM.ISIIK!) W KKKI Y Bv Kl. lUNdllA^yi, At Three iJuI'/irs a j/rur^ paid in advancc. So i)apcr w in he discontiiuied, unless at tin- Wiscrction of llic ctlltor, until all arre.inig-cs ure paid. Advertiscmpnls will bo inscrU'd -it the usual rates. P('rsoi\s scMidinpc in ud\i. rtiscn;enf s arc rcfjui'stfd to note on tin marjjin tiu- nun her of insertions, or they will i)p continued until forbid :^i(l cliarg-i (I accordinijly. Vvcwtil^' i\iv A SITPI.Y ofDr. Chan,Ik rs’justly ci lel.ra- led n iTiedy for Intel..peronce, li .s h* en ree i- \ed, and is for sale at the I’o-.t-Uiiice, at the New-Vork prices. Sr'DAm "riininas 'I'rolfiM* To. r,Sl*r: rFUI.l.Y informs • the l)ui)li( th;,t i1k \ have received and oflir for sale a few gold and silver patent lo ver >Valc!ie, (.uenih men and ladies) a few g'ood plain Watelu s, wavraiited; ;;entle- . men ai\d ladies’ {,'‘old Chains, _ Seals anl Keys; soini han. - ISreuni I'ins, l'iii}>-cr Isin.^-s, Far lfinj;'s, l‘e; rl and I'lliifree, ano l’ast( iii sc ti>, S..I . ; all or any part of which we will si 11 low fui cash, . wite, !Sally .'lead and .lohn l.iilz, are net resi Clocks and W atclu s repaired it the ‘■hortc st j dti ls of tiiis State : It is tlureforc OWDKKKl*, notice, anti warranted to periorin. (’ash ^iv*n tliat ]>uhiicalion he niaiie for six weeks succes- for g-old ai'ul silver. • 's!\ely in tJie Cutawha .journal, that they and N. li. \\\‘ txpi ft to rt.reive in a shoj-t (i[i e ^ t a'h oi' tluni h{' and apjx.ar at the luM (durl soii'.e ele.u;:irit Militar :'.iid plated (iooils, J»e. , 'f iMjuit^, to he lu Id for the (.uunty of l/incoln, j ai liie (.;(;urt-lfouse in J.incohilon, on tin fourth feVuVe oV ^»*m•\\\-l'‘«\vuV\lvu, Liiioolrj (Oiinty. Court of Kqvih/, Octokr 'J'crw, 1S J7. Henry l.utz vs. 'I he lu irs of Jacob J.ut/, sen. deceased—I’ctition lor s;de of J.ots, i.N this case, it appr-aring to the court, that Daniel and .laeoli I .utz,soiis of (ieorife f.utz, et t asi il, and I’hilip Ikard and Susai iiah hi { H tr r na I J«n)jvcbfinr n t. Charlotte, May 14, l.S-".—30 lk')irjj\s Co?inne)il(iri; ait Urn JJibh’. For puhlishinif h\ su!;scM|-tK,n, hy Towar ik Hotran, Hoolst lleis, No. 26J, .S'.irket street, I'hiladelpiiia. AN l.XI'Cb'ITlON OF I I!K (;L1) ^ NKV Tr.>'!'A:>U:XT.! V» I I r iM eacli chapter issuniuicd i.p in it> i ■•iiiiti'nt!'; iliesin red *i Nt inst rted a' h.r_m', in i'st i >-l ; raol.s : i.eh .ii ui rajtii v. ,'ui- (. i 1(1 .!>. pr pe:' lie.'It> ; the '■t I si i \ i n, and. lar;. llii'irated., rv-.tions. with pi.ulii;d rtniark;, and ub 15Y V.ATiiiKw ItJe Mi}iih'rrnf lli> Cmt'jii!. >ru\vvu-', .\uv>\,\.vA. fl'^IIIS lioat is in complete or ! r. ai.d will X coniniencc running' to (lent ^- tuw n ..nd ’h.irlestoii on the lir-.t of Octo ev. n (' w.H car rv province at ciistoiiuiry rat. 'I lu- snl'scii- bers will spare no e\ rtion to exi c diie t!u ransi)ortati()ii of pr(/di! e and ' >ts to inl roni either of th«" alio\e jilacc i. 'i ' i-. ' o it ha- ni:.fl.' a trip froni CiiarK stoii, v ith a !\.!l Ir. i, hi. ill less than live d.i} s. We ha\e a boat n'lw on tlie stocks, vltich will be l.iuiu'hed .d'oiM Mo f r-Nt f N(,'- Acniber, t.dcnl.di'd to carr\ li'e l uiidvcd halt s of cotton, and of so lieht a lir .ft >t vatir. to !,c I nidjloil to 1,^0 at all si.- s'ns. 'I his ho in conjuhdioii with ti e sti an. im.it, w ill ensure the reVtiiin’y of up and ilovs n freii^lils, s.l^l.i'Ut delay. 'Fhe subscriliers w iil receive coMon > f’ ( n t.i on modi rate terns, and n.ike no cliarf' h-r :*tora;;e, if shii/p d by thi ii 'I hey Will also receive aiiil forw ard };oi ils, on reasonaidt. terms, ha\ iniiC iM’iin'iirluuis stores ant' u are-liou- ses, for the si. c.unty of j^iHids. Mr. Ilemy \\ . Coniicr, t'le :i}>-t.i't in Charles ton, wdl attei>'! u^ till receivii'g and torv. ardiiij>- nil jroods t«) tins or any interne. (ii:.te p'.i-i s iH the I'ee Dee river, anti vv ill rv cv ive an.' .atend contained in S( (.tt’ to ulK)ril.-rs resiiectnn-cotton th;.t n..i> j (■,,,., ;.nti llvert .1 t, snt.sc rih-is in to hs care. ihe M.:serdurs 1>“; voIuum s, thr-e I'.dl.tr, and Id’.v cents selves to use all ddim iu:e ai:! attent.on in tm ii pow ' r, for the inti r ( f those w lio nia\ n.;'.kf coniii; niucnl» to them. .1. ?c .r. 11. I'Q'.VNF.S. Cheraw. S. C. Sept. 21. 1S27.—."’t.io j IICII' I.liH (III : (I'lf I. I I, t!it h VI r, i,i‘i.' Ii’ir li'V ln.'ijili li)i'.:iiis i: i. it I'J I fit ^ I till riihntr. hi, lU Cr-ri^i Ihir- J. M: With Llv. S(iii:xni MoiuK.y afk r the tonrtli NJoih!;i_\ of March, 1 to pit ac, ar-wer or di mur to this bill, or judj;;- nie' t pro c(/iifesso will be taki n and heard ex pi'.i t as to tiu ni. (>to> Test. JAMF.S IIILI,, c. M. i:. V VA s I'm* ^/a\e. 4 |.X 'I ues(.;.\, ’l.e 4il; ei December ncxt, will \ be Si!-.i, tilt lati ('W ( 111 liji' lu Use i;! J ohn t..!n.ir, till folhwii'};- propei t_\, viz ;— 17 valiiii! !e Nc,irts: lioiMs, Cat- t!c> llogs. Siu cj); Corn. Cotton, Wilt: I, Kyt, ]inrl(\ tiiit! Oats; Hi list Ik Id iuid Kitclicn 1 iiriiitiiie iind iai'iiiiiig u'a iisils : and a j>;ood Road \\ as/o!i and a sctofsniitli’s t(»ols. Sale to comiTicnte at 11 ii’ch ck, and cci’tinne from i!ay to day, until ail i.>^ soltl. Keasmiaidt ^ credit w dl i)e g \ i n, i\ i D.\\ A!,F\.\M>r,l{, Jdntr. I Novi ni! r r 1, 1: _r.—lt5h. Tilt charact. r n, li.iv \;duablc ard h;},di'y ns ful !•',>.pohit ion (.t tin. Sacred nt ii.j.is I V . II known to ti.e ]iii us jniuralh i f all lit- 1 noiiiinatioi-s : an.l it now c rtaini) slaiuls in no i ' i^ee.l (,f a pubiishi r's rcconuneniialit)!!. j VuY ] ('uitdllioiir.— 'Ihe woik will he pni)1ij;hed in i ".ix su'jK-r roja! octavo \olunies, ot' abet t 1 one tho. sand pa'^ i s eai h, connjri'^iPi,''al'ont i i,e- tli’i-d more in.d vohne .hilla’-' S-, at thr- e I'nll.tr, and lii.} cents ptr | ' , w til done up in stronj; hoartls ; t>r teiir 1ot j^nod h-'sh per\(duni«-, haiu’.sor. elv and stnmi'l) [Koecitrop.s rpilF, .su!'scril). r ofi'. rs for f I sale a tract of l oal, ly- ini^ close tit ( apj)>’ eolt! iniiii, contair.ii'^ aOt^ut on. iiuiKlri il acres, on which tin re is i acreseh ..r- od fresh Liitiil, VM II known to .U'i'e otton, C(irn, and nn.arkaldyi ' ii ,f-' «»ii B'»in. h. k™..i «»''»»!' »»« >»»' ‘>'- •, V.',lame »111 |.. |H,l,l.sl,oUv.n thiT> 1,.-s„n»»«.1 M, >1,1. >,rtu.„ ; tI.U., o.io as cxponsiu' as a UtOM TMi; IIALKIon UCUISTKU. :^(orio. It is proposed in this number to prcs- otit to the leafier a succcssioii of testinio- nies on Uailroad.s atul Canals. 'I'hey arc (it'Mvtd iVoni tho \ery hi'fliesl atjthorities in Etit^lajid ami the Unilt d Sates. l)v pcrusinj^ tliem attfntively wc may be- ((irnc more familiar witli the subject in i;s various usp(cts and tiiciiinsiuncfs, ui:(l uc shall dcrnca confidfiu't* froiii ihcrr. whicii cAnnotfail tube satibfacU'iii. ’ Mr. 'I'hoinas (iray has written “Ob- ser\ations oti a jvencral Iron Railway or LatuI St-an) Cotiveyanct.” 'lliis v(;ik has passed through five ttliticnis in a ve. j short time. Thecxiracts lo lie j^ivtn an from the last. 1. Kxtrnvt from (ir(tt/,]/nj^e ;1G. ‘‘'I'he fXp I i !ite ulread) had of oiir Canal cunveyani e, cannot lail to con\itU( evti y reader, after due observation, llud the liea\y expense am ndin^ the i:onsi rtu tion and lepair ol'('unal boat*., witli all (heir iiiultifarious tackle, men’s wages, l.orses atul their keep, must render lhi_ ir.jns|)ort much dearer thati by aUailwav, whic'ii so peculiarly combines both econo iny ul iMue and labor ; and the few hands leciuircd to su|)i.i intend a ,^ang of on a Uailway, con'pareu with lltose •»'nip!i)\( d in the ccjnvcyance of the same fi; ight by a Catiah ” 2. Exl. acl from (irfn/„ pni^c 104. “A Ruilvvay can, accoidinjj tocircuni- siantes, l>c made at from a half to a roll i th ol’ the expense of a C’^nai, aiid cotivey f;-oods morecheaply, whici) wouhi lender ibcin liici atix e, wlien otljer modes would lie ruinous.” 'I’he leader necils to bear in mind that tlu'se Ihirie-s an sail! in Kni^land f)f Iron Railways. In our Stale, win)ilen Rail ways c;'.ji |)nii)abiy be tnade, e&peciaJly over level pa* Is (d the country, at cine haif or (>ne fotu th of what tLey would ( ost ifniad' of iron. With us then, I TViOViVAS TyoWV'Y level S appointeil .\:Cv nt ter Yatis & Mi iuhjrc \'uv ain C'l ,rli ’tt, and will rc ceive ,11 ortle'-s direj t ed to tin Ml for ’rickc ts and .sbari s :n i.ottcrits bt fo’ e the jniidic, Sept. 11) T. -• .■)!) the sM!)Scriher\ staldt* in Concord, I{FC(>M>’.IM)A'I h'NS. F,om Jh. ]■:. S. of /lu C.dmrrus ct)uni\, X. C. on the ni}; ht of the yntii m^t. two j^-ray IK'USFS, one of thrni bav in}; a tlark mane aiul t.ill, 7 years o!tl. and a scar on his rin'ht liintl pastern joint, (;i C 'sio'iet! liy a rope ; tlie otlur h(>rse is K; or H \t arsoll, ra ther w Inter t han the t'ther; both in ^ootl onlt r and shod Oel’ore, w '.ien stolen. 'Flu y are ol'the coiinnon sizi, but hi ,vy '.'udt. A man, who calls his name M iihain l)t an, is snsj). cte I to lie the thief. D. an was ii'.'ssini.,' tlu same tiin.- the horses were. He is alu ut .i fi ot 7 or S u- clies hij^h, bro.id across ',!■«• fin-i he, luit i is face tape’’s towarils^l.e eliln, with a \ t ry l,ir;;e mouth; rather stoop shouii'ert tl, ui |)U is, nt countenance, and ih.wn look ; lioas's n 'lt h oi liis m inhotxl aiul is lootl of n.nviekin t’ie Dui> h broi^'ie, anti ot ^ain’din.LT, and s.'i\v la is a c .!•■ penter 1>\ traile. II,iil a i)ln ' l(.''i!i ei'atei uith a hi u k vid-.et e-.llar, p'r.ty e isim t pantahunis, a,, ,j [he Sf.ir,t Mini black hat w itli a low tapertil rro'vi aiul As the price oi the I ook is jMit verv low , tin publishers exptet thiit reiritl; iiCi S v. dl be yiri'iii tiv mav'.e iii thi- rectijit oi v.ati, vi l'iine. The piiblisliiis rt(;ne-.t t!ii>se who h.i\v "-o' - scrlptlon papers, to inl'oiin tin in any tin ' ’ to tiio first li.i, (M No'.eini'ev lu\t, i f tlit n lu r tin y lia\e g'ot or l;a\e a prospt 11 ot o.- tainiinj. is cl.t'liper thaii by the latter. H'old i(«ur.ti in ddl'ereut plact s. An\ ]> r.'-onL .. v.ishini^ to j;i;ich, ise, wo. Itl (It, well ’to take ul J-i'fntcljrom (,ra>/, pages 180, 181. vi. w ol tlu placf anti judge itir hni.sclf; " hen j *• i',xperience h;;'> ccdiArmed the advali tertns III sale will he inade ki ■ wii bv the sub- . I of tlie c( untry. ]♦ iniist also, from app. arance, i Canal, and yel convvvatice by tlic former ‘ An aiiow: i;ce w dl be made of one copy |Vr ! ‘■>’"' ' ' ■ i;vc sid'scribi vs; and to tlioi>e who o''- but 1 vv (I "i.l'sci ibt rs, a reasonable allow- will be nunle. ............. . , tai^es (d liiiilways, and the siinplicitv, at- scritn-r, rt snlinton t!u i-ren.ise>^. , , ^ , o’l ^T-HF! I jtt i'diii!.; them. i hey obviate many o!j- Otl(djtr'„' l, —' |j('c .ioii‘> to Canals, arising from tlie lo- — 1 caliites of the c.tjuntry. When tjreat Slnlc Jidnli passed o\» r, the SAi.isr.rUV 111: \N'( II, oc-p. 25, 1H.7. 4 KKDI-.UF.D, b\ the i!o;,rii o’ !iirilo!'s, that M * a payment (il'one t, i.ii, f t t'.e principal be l.ironi at 'be d exactcd upon all iioi". oii'vr- l ior i-. lu lu,lr:..>i I i.irr/i. iaii. •'**'“ '' l po,v.,rii)idd.t dlonof K'lve noticc tin re->t to ihe deft la v Ma.i'..w IlM.rN's - lApisi'u n oiHe l)v •uhcrti.seineut in tl ■ V itb Fraetu. I lie- !. A ct'py iroiti in Ni rules. JINH ;5 SNl'.Ml), ('■•iSiiiKK. (Jel.t’t 111. 1 \ th. Old and Nt w 'i > .,n t i t, m.irk^ and o!)st r\ai inns,” tU m r\ts eiifi or, ;.'e- inem iV.iin all tlu tVli iids oi t \ .o ^t !ii a' rt b^ ion in our I t-i:i,tr\. Cv'uld I ”ot oilierwi-t o lain a cop\-tii this valuabh we k, I v.tin.o l'im \i.i:, in eM’liant;\ ter it, .dl ib. C.-.ni , i 'i'. ru s ot >r- ttni, PodtJntl.;(iiil, Hinpoeli, .M.'Knn lit, Si'i.tt, ai il ( lal'iv : ai-d wiide I 'vtnilt! e iibei i.iseai'tl ni;i tii''i Mai,i llu^' , 1 most :-,i_v, lb '' ' 11enrv b is a- n ii t,'i>'ti -i■ .1 ,->t, a', inneh prat t calpn'v, a'll.r- 'l.eroujii at ipi,.mt,.nee w:Mi tl't ni..n.ft sit tl bv iii.\ 9UV. [1 on Canals is excessive, and the r>:nse(]oent sup|/ly of water expensive, .iinl pel baps otdy to be obtained by in- tcrlVrin!.!^ w itli the vested rights of null ow !iers. ” Railways of iron nuiv he constructed V. esiern C.'aroliniiui ; t of the expense of C'anals.” “C:.tials lake th.e t irbest land, umlaie (ircuitous by followin;,.,^ the valleys, and till' carria;e from them is ascending. Rail ways tnay pass along the tops and sides of I'.ills fiom w hi nee the can iage of coals and hcuvy goods will be cotivt)ed itito 6. Kxtrart. 'riiis is from a report of a C’ommiitec appointed by the Leg'slature of Massachusetts lo determine the most eligible means of opening a direct inland communication between Boston and the Hudson river at Albany. 'I'heir conclu sion is that the Railway is prereral)le. A part of their report is as follows. 'I hc nume.tous Railways which have been for several years i?i suc( cssful optra- iion in the hilly end iriountaitious dis tricts of Wales, and in the nortii of l’.n;;!und, prove ilicir f.tnesb to an unevcrt anti undul liing tounii-y. 'J'iiev are not like Canals confined lo a stijjply "of water ai,d a set ics uf levci.s, but they adiTiit of variation like oilier roads. 'I’ruc, a lc\el road, v\ here the traiisportution 15 e(]ual both ways, is the l>esi. Rut unless tlu* deviali.iti gcni rally exceeds J7 feet and a half 10 a mil(>, it is practically ton:^ideivd a level way. 'I'bis t!e\iatiou is nearly c(pial to three and a hall locks on a niih td Canal.”* A lock cost# nearly icoo dollars to every foot f.f lift, 'I'he rivcM-s and otli(;r sirei.ins of water to be passed by tin* pr.iposetl Rail road, are not such as to aflbrtl any ser ious dilliculiy. Bridges ran be construct- er{, (hlVei ing little in their form, t ,\cep: ti e rails, fiom those incomnum use.” “ 1 here are already construt tetl iti (Jieat Hi itain, ru ar two tliousarul miles Railway, at.d inai'y new rotiies are i;oi'liini>ialed. I he expense of transportation oq the Railwa\s ol Kni^land has ban com puted l>s D-. Anderson, to be only one 'enth pari of tlu amount ii is up(»n the turnpike roads.” Here ii may be well lorustobe reminded that the * turnpike toads in i:rglund at- very diR'erent from what wc call turnpike roads in Nortbi Carolina. (Jo.xls are transported on ih© lurnpike road beiAveen London and I/iy. erpool, the wlude distance of 220 ndles lor 1 pence s'.orling a hundred, or about 7 cenls ot our money. “In SoulU Wales,” says the Kdinhurgh Eiiryclo- poedia, “a latge nninhabit. d disiricC of sieri.'e mouniains, may be said, all at oiiC( lo ha\t- becomc the se:\l ofpoj.ulou^ towns and \ ilLis'es, by the iniroductioa of llie Railway system.” 7. Mr. Middleton made Jiis Survey of Midtllescxin Knj^iand befure Railroads had aitaitud ihc iicknowlrdged superi ority whieb liu y now havt over Canals, llis observations on the utlliiy of the lat ter arc now nuich more ajipliaiblo to tho lormer. As his only object was, not a comparison of their incriis but to aho>r tlie advantages of such easy anri prompt means of conveyancc, his remarks are extracted as though lie had spoken ot* I ^ •• I I t’l'NM/l W- \)H. T. I. 'NiN'ti })OsIti\el\ tleelinttl practicinp^ nietliciiie in Cleirlo'tt anv n.ore, n tpn sts llu’ tieighi)t)rliood Wllhout the obstacles j (;i i.’r) sil ees^ors. liroatl rim. Fifty dollar-, re'v ..rd wiil In ^i\eii' ■] hit. p,-. I.ivi .j^iion w as tiic best preach I i.ji.o, ^ t \p iiei'Cc t.f a ii! i,-.t III,, I \ I r I . ai '.i ; aiul it l.s noforie’.ih, tl:al \ tii.n. the I ’lcli treasiavs w hieii ni y liil le. ■ I i^ter til 'lie (w.sptl, fir private V ii -'n' It ^.t’vl in\ npinit.n, I w t.nld ' I ! ,. I- ,ii otlit r t iiii nn iitarn ,n, i r , ,'n -jurv ba.^e l.uv oin , be surt- '.• ' n\ M.ittiu w 111 III v. I /K.V SI\l.Kr^ l.IA. ftir ills apprehension ainl conliiiement in 'ly | j (,u i'n J^iil, or his tleliv i:ry to me in Concord, \. C. to- | Ifether with both or eit'.tM-of the liors^ s. ,\ny inforniatH)n sent me to the INist-Otlife in thi.! place, will he thanklullv rt ci ivt i!. ,IN(1. F-. M\IIA\, Concoitl, N. C. July 2:1, ISJ7.—lu he tlr. w lai.ui I be I'oni t! in I 1 T;, anv .1 : who are iiukbti vl to him to call and Mt;k t'leii rrspectlv e accounts ; and hi w« nUl i-t at,t., lhat those who fail t o a \ all t bilTisi 1\ e.s ot tlie time inti r\ V ninj; bttwetiitb.e ])”i si nt t'i'.'f anil No\ en her t .ourt next, will iind tlulr I.lilts aiul accounts entrusted to tlie uiMiagw- nii nt ot an ,\ttorin A'. Oi/e/.f/-24, 1H:7.—54-* N. H. — 'I'liKse h:*\inii,'‘ In their possi ssiou I books, eithi r lueilii a! or n iset llanet us, belong- Ii uf .'Viiv\\\-VuvvA\vu\, Mcckh iiiiir p; I'oiinty. . ///.'/ S'l'.v.v.'tin, 1S‘J7. Rol)trt Houston Jv. ,Mar\ IiIm wile,p I’l titlon for rv. J ;>.irtitli n ot Alston Spr'itt l',!'./a’th his w iii-. 3 J.ands. t'F is ordei'eit I \court, that ]nibli ation be iieide six uitksiiitln Cataw ha .ionrna!, for Ihe del'inilanls to apjiear at onr in xt ( eiiit i t r'l :o and i{ i.trti-r >iessn 11s, t > be lu Id for the fltnintv oi M' l kleni)or|r, i n tlie -1th Mimiia\ of Novt nilier next, anti ai >\\ er to the petititn; ; otlu r vie judgment will lie t.iki n proconlts- so ai^Miieit lliffiii, I, AI.FXANDKU, C, M. C. (it.s".—pr. adv. f2. Vahuihh' lU nl I'.sliife fnv Sulr E-.y,jc H wish t'l sell till tr.ut of l .nid . I vvloreoii I niiw rt'- tlt, di-.t int from the viHa^^t- m Cbar- ■ “ lotte , cont.oiiiiii:; aiuiut aen wftlu I'l^t tpiahly of Su;.;'ar Cvi 'k land. 'I'vUi- thirvi.1 of the alu.ve tract is in wonris; t!ic j,n li ter |)ri.'pe.tioU tie.’ bidaliee h;i\ill),f been O- penetl within a iV'.v years, will y ■. Id, in onlina- ry .seasons, t'n.ir. WJU to wein'lit .,f e,,il,.|i p'er acrt . On the plint timi e. .1 n'ood tlwt l Jlni,'--hnuse, ami otiier mc ss iry out budding',s. 'I lie iricti,-. well watc ieil niitl ha-. e,\ten-.i\e IJteadows. Inlt ntlini; to rrnu)ve to aiiotln r sl.ite, t!u'above pvoji rfy i« ofli ml low for t a b .,r evi ilit; .'r vv .lulvi be t vehaiiK'ed for 'Fenni '.s- e .loids, locatcil within the Middle or Western Districts. ■flie l.aiitl couhl be di\idt d >'> suit pnrehas- W .1. I’ni K. My view po.i ,on lit , of the Ii't V. Matt',( v I!enr\ \ i'x- tlu (>r.ai oNi'. I V't.Miii nt, at eonl with t lin^e win) h i \ f 11 i' •!' itu nt li tl it as a inn.'' \ aliial b i'r. etit :il enii n t ii';.r\ 1 ; i.n t),t Sai u .i Scr.vtui'v1 a:, tniio.^iiiiij', SI iiit ii il.t intisl luipoilal.l : 10 1., a Cl in el 1. i.te. I, d, 1 i.ltlu iii. INI, I'l'Hll) t! ! Ii' tint t .Nfi sM- seii'-e ol ■..■U.t, lii.i- ^ Ij ( ! I'I c/i, Lmtt c: ttr. 11., i nv\ Ii all ( l tr' Mukknki'-^: cowUy,-f-Jrt. US 1^07.-53tf, Ji . V' \ ii;l ( /il’i'i'/i, .I’litliidi li-hiil. r N 110^.11': I he pit ty and good I 1,-liali i eminni itii s, ha\ e t on- inrretlmaw I'.inj;' to lli ni_\’> ( i.inn.t nti.ry, a ilist 01^ II islietl plai e aiiiOnj; tin- st iiidaid Stolls'. Ill tbf >ainr l.ilid. I'tir III) li, I e:.n say, tl.al I h ivt ionnd i» one of tlu ( M hi Ipa ttiajo''' anti praetical acijnainlanct will, the ^.aiiiovid un.e. H .-- skill a-, an inti; pi ett r is i ntiin il to much if^in t t ; lii^ :iiiiKi''y •>' -tlbi linir to tin- M n.-iC of Serliiture, w i.lmnt tin eo]oiin,;.s ul partv li I I'll};, is liij.,b!_\ cell ini ndal ! ; ion' tin ti;\ ine tint tion w bii b 1 uns ibroowb tb' w in It nt bi^ woru, inn-t uian r il :>ii aet t jii.d lt |.;ioif to t he devotions lit ibe pioos in i \ t ry tleuomi- natiiiii. • \du i'ave 11.\ eariu st wi 'he'' fi r the si;e(cs> ol'the projeelti' p’ll r.eaiion .it \li'.s werk. \\ itii ( lir;,.t!..n n ;-pi et, W . I'. liliAN'I LY. 1.3/// Mu-ch, 1SJ7. ^ j'^Siibsci iptt'ins for l!ic aiiovo val'i- ablf work ice{i\(,l :it tl.i'- i itico. of hills, atul tl.eir elevation admits (d liraiicbes fr^jin ihem at little t xpi ii.'.e, wlierev**r mines or a jiopulous villagi' make i'. desirnb'e,” ■1. Extmrt from (iray^ pngr 186. “liy the locomotive I’jigtiie .^O tons c'f gooci,, nuiv be conveyed by a ten horsi I p fwei’ efi;:iiu , on a l(‘vel mad at Uu* ral> _ to liie snost libfi', w 11 ph ase rttiirii ibt ni. ' o( () miles all iiotir, Llld Ii;,^hU'r \v‘'i/lii'i — — ■ j at a prt.poi Iioiiate increu;-,e d’ .in.id, . 'Cariiiw^es for ibe conveyaiu e of p.i-.sei!- rg^l F. sul.-eribt r ii.li rn b . tr . 1 tls and the I'* ''''* ‘ l'^''' B pnidie, li l t I I I l.s I 111. 1 I'M (1 that w( 11 hour. l'(/r ( atials il is iiecessai v to h;i,.\ e ki tiw n I staldisbr e;it, lati'\ ( w m tl and ot ei pi-; a tieat! level, bul i;ot so for K.illl oad.. et! by Dr. 1.1 m!i 1 ,(.n, and i , now I'lv paia t, to ' \ j, j’iH w (,i k i;-oods o\cr ati « 1 v i v a- et,tti'aintrasell.,r,,M,d otlu-vw, x.ho niiu ph ..m- ,,,,, to I a! I tin I !in ; aim no e \ i VI ion,-. V d I 1 e a:*' ti . •, , , , , to rintler tbiu. e, intur-able, and their siav a-, ;>S''nl or descent is rapid, and (Mcealde. I!l~ tab 1- w .11 be OirniOietl w'.th'i v - j ^*'»■' cnunteri Cted by CUMlllgsoi U'v x.o'iety wbieli tbee,niii\ 1 ilwi'tls; b>s b.-.r | eiiibankinciils, recourse must be liad to With till bt St oflitMio-s; and his Mahits w i* li j pc.-nununt engities and inclined planes, plenty fit pi-iv i ntli r, an.l -ait lul si r\ ;.nls w dl ; j|, n’coul -.e is bad to locks for CiiUals, Hut here i.s'ain, the l?aiiioad system has a p;n'at advaniago. '1 lie inclined phme causes no de^y, while locking vrcates a tM'eai (K'..l. ” I '. i tract fi om Gray pui'e, 202. “'riiedistar.ee from iiirmingliam to the Mer.s( y, ojjposiie to Liverpool, by ihe piojei icfl ]{ailrod. will be miles; ihe (iisiance Ijv the Canal is 112 mtle.i ; and I beiie\e i.esides ibis ilirte is a pas- say,e id I ■: oi- JO miles dtjwn tlie r.ver .Mersey.—'j lie avcra^^e time ol'conveyin;^ ! ;.^Mitls iiv till- i-’ai.'rond from l‘ii minghaiii 1 ;i. i/f. erpool u i!! be ti n liours am! a iniii ; - jli.ai !)' i!)e Catial is lour ile\s aiul a hu!i, I .itul (.■,( asiiHiully a longer tif^ie is nijuir- , ,.j ' I d. 'The di.siaiice Iroiii Ijirmitiglia.n An i \N'oh c: h.itiiplon by tiic Railroad uill be 1 lie 01 (liiis'vaiil alleiiO'ii,ec. b'Oiii irr 1. DINKINS. Cii IM.TTK. April 2>, ISJJ •bO \CK A(corN'rs.” I 'I liiisi indi iitid to the I’ojit-Oiiii i-, iitr I aiv on It tit IS, n. a spapt r.s, (,r iiia;;a/irit k, are I I. ipn istei! tij call and stttle the syine, wilbent j ill l..\ I lie (pi.irti r ( nilt'd the 1; (,t St ptt m- I bi r, and the ilr.ilt fnni. the (.eneral I’e^t-diliie 1 most hi ]/,iid on si^'lit. 'I Ikjsc who lad to at- lentl to this reiin-^l, must expi-ci, in tiiiun , to ! ! ron pl\ witli tI.e in:.*ructions fi'om the (.t nera! ' , I’osi-i Iiliee, w bit h r.llow no ciedit, e aCi pt at ] the risk ol the Post 1 aster. j J‘u>t-il/:ci, ( hi.rh.Ur, A. ;> (khdnr \S27. S ; \U\Wiwv\' ^IvVcAvwi'S. I K rs r |M i!i iji,ii r.D, •f bee, “ Strit tun s 1. /»(;olt^;;\ ftir the I!' liiit ■Mile a' till bold.-, I ntith. Entry 'I'; ;i laMs :n ruiils, Tor s.'.k-, at thi;? Oilicc. k of F-ulms, by l.dbt rt Me M.i'ti I.’ 'I 1) V. Il n il .O i- ; ild d, Wein 1 k > on ,i 1)1 )k, [l)v AlfX 10 l I (.oi-.lon; t n'lti. tl ‘ I be ■i. Mj/'o loitl Use 0; the I'l'.i tv ol 1 ‘■nil,s.’” l!\ iJi.Mi> Ki fi-M ii, A. M. Ith an ,\pli‘ l»\ .l(iii,N M. 11 s", p,t ;o" ot I.'"''Is V 1* 't 1 tnti I'Liitd.-lphiu, ilevtn mile s arisl a ii.di, and tiu- tune oc- ' copied in eon\ej ing goi’d*. i 'ou I’lroi^ii:- ! ham to that jdace. w lil be id ;.ut one hour j atul .1 hair, u lii'e the distanee bv the (.'tiii.il j IS ‘■J ) H'lil . -I’,!; ’1;" ' ' o!'.vc} -a.ci. 7 ! bo'.ii s." Railroiids. Alter certain loading ones were exe cuted, every man of considerable landed properly would find it to be his interest to maico a small one througli his tsr;,!,? for bringing manure and carrMiii.' auu)- the produce. The extension .,'f tium may becomc the most powerful meai s uf promoting general cultivation, 'I’iuy v^ ould tend to equaMzi- the pmf td'every article in lile, mote than alloll-' i th.ng'4 put togeiher. Ti.ey would ..ijlMd the cheapest, the safest, and the . as,, si cf-n- veyatu.e of every article. 'I'tie beiulits would be universal. 'I’lie reino'. r vmus ol this, and evt ry other t outitry, uoultl bt jWaced mr>i'( oti lerms of e(p.'ality witli thoseih.it ate near, and every iMh.er part ouglit reap at!vai,tui!;es wl.icli may he loteseen, but v\l,i b are niucii too grea: lor call ula’.ion. W t lie t u > nu t bods of raisi'i;'; the ir-opcy for n , k'ng tin n>, i!,.i title wliicii sccms to tl. st rve \>u- juvi'e"- efi')e is, tne moile ^ r.icl) (ui'np.ko I'tKiils are usD.tllv provided ! j.", jd oi' enMusling a lo toe’ n;m.i ;, l, nr ,,f if,-. terested coinpatiie-,. '1 he i.iMr r riu'thoil IS ex e|,;ion;iblt-, lr rn ds i.naiit j*; a e.ei • pelual chalge Oii ai! _i;o ui,s sei!t by liu.!; I otiveyance. willi.uil reg-.irdiii;; ibt; m>- iii y ( \;>en(!ed, or tlu* inti-reht it in. *- ii'iiin.alely ])iodure, which is a ve;v in.- pi uiicnt bargain for Ihe public.” H. Another cxtract v/ill be tn.ide fron* the .American !• dinbuv.j'.i i’tic)olojn'd::! on Inland Niwig.-itioti. 'I hi.. alio was applied to Canals, but it ir. now moi-o eminently true of 1 lailroafiu in their pres, ent perfeciion, and on account of liiCi!* inferior cos!. “A country i.s never made poorer by making ii.tcruai iniprovems-nl.^, cvcfi if the people are taxed,” especially in vi I’v '■mad sums, “loir.ake them. If money b.i U'-.ken frotn the people, it is agsiin paiil out rirno.'.g them, atul kept in circulation.—!f ilic esiimate of tl’.c Illustrious l-‘u!ton as .0 tlu- e,;psnsi,‘ at whi.'h goods c.m bii transported on C,’ai:ul .-,” aiu! ihereforcou M.ulways. “ be coricxt, th.e eo.-'t id' trans- ( orij.ii; a barrel of Hour to tin' ( ity of N'ew-\'oik, allowing ten barrois lo a ton, w ill be as follows ; .1/7,V- From the diiio to I.ak-.* F.rle, 2oo :,i) Dow n l.ake F.rie, 2(>J 2‘l

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