tions may be succcssfuily dirocU-d to ilic bfst iiiitrcMs of our coniiiion couuiry, is jIh-sincert-wish ol, (i entU nitn, yuurs, wiili liigli cons'ulcra- lion and respect, II. m inoN. f-h cculivc Dcpariment, S. C. 2\nt Aor. 1827. CHARLOTTi:: l UKSDAY, DKCKMin.li 1. 1827. .\(ic 'J'l'fd-'iirtr. — \Vf li-arn iVoni the Uegister if tlu- '-'rtli ull. Iliat on tlic diiy i)rcvious, Juhn S. JJni/V iftiif, oKlcst son ol‘ the liito Trc:isiircr, ..MIS ck'Ctcil by tlic I.i'g-'isliiturc, Tprasiirer o{ tin- State for the ciisuitiff year, by a majority oi’ !•;() votes ot'liis competitor, Junics Stuwell, of r.i} I.KCilSLATrilE. The sulijo'mcd julditional prorcedings of the (.iiu-ral Assembly, are extracted frointhe Ucij. .^tiv of I'liesduy last;— SKNATK. ■MIIKSD.VY, Xov. 22.—On ttiolion of Mr. ri(ki, tlie following references were made of the various stjbjects embraced in ihc Cioven.or’s Message, viz : So ruicli as relates to Internal Im- prorcments. to Messrs. Owen, Hrodiiax, Deberry, Williams of Martin and lie- ihiine. So mud) as relates to Marsh Lands, to ]\lessrs. Speij^ht of Cireeno, M‘lvachin, Ward, Jones, and Askew of Hertford. Sea nDUch as relates to Public Educa tion, to Messrs. Shober, Drake, Joiner, J’rankliii atid Whitfield. S.) much as relates lo the Judiciary, to Messrs. Pickett, liailcy, Hinton, Lock, and I’t'inhardt. So niuclt as i elates to procuring from the British (iovernnient, documents re- iating to our Colonial History, Messrs. Wiison of I'.dgeconib, Davidson, M’- Millan, Monigonury and Ramsay. So much as relates to the selling and 5urveyiiig of the Lands lately ac(|uircd from the Cherokee Indians, Stc. to Messrs. Spaight of Craven, Alexander, Love, Thompson and Williams, ofUcau- fort. On motion of Mr. Qwen, so much as relates to the alteration of the TariiV, contemplated by the “ Woollen’s liili” ^va^ referred to a joint select Conimittee, consisting on the part of the Senate, ol Messrs. c Owen, Pickett, Speight of (ireene, Spaight of Craven, and Brodnax. The House of Commons suljseipiently appointed on their part. Messrs. Settle, Lccles, risher, Blount and Wheeler. IIOUSK OF COMMONS. TITVIIKIUV, —The House procccd»fd to the appointment of tlieir Standing Conimit- tees, viz : Messrs. IVrry, iravdy, T’oy, Dick- rrsoii, W. \V. Jones, (liissoii, IJiisht e, M'ehb t:li nuiit, M’I.can, Hrevaul, Clayton, btcwur* J^UMini, M’Deaniiid and 'I'homas. 0/i .■li'ricuHure—Messrs. \\ . \N . Stednian, Hiivkc, N(l->on, Adams, Leonard, Foy, Smith, W liitaker, Hampton, Sinijison, Neal, Patterson, Green, Kini^, Underwood and Seaw ell. J/itiriial I/tipniirmni(s — Messrs. \\ iiei-ler, Do zier, UennerSj Hlomit, Hill, Kerr, Stockard, Lawson, 15iirnctt, Kislu r, Allen of Uuneombe, Love, liattli.-, Shin, M’N'uiranrl Lrrles. W/’ci* F.lntiuut:—.Mi-ssrs. l$ateman 'lilfet, Kiipatriek, lUinlen, Moore, M’Millan, Itoon, l)(niohu, .lones, WilliamK, Kaker, Con rad, \\ dkinson. Cooper, I’lojkin and Wads worth. Of I'rujxntHinm avd (iriirnttas—Messrs. Har Tiurd, iMurry, Hastinfjs. Sininions, Stephens, l,iwis, l.lus'^jow, Sutton, lloiij^h, Newland Cohl, Mann, i;arv, I.ittleand Hodges. (hi I'liiiuutt 'nin—Mt ^srs. hitr. Hall, Wliit field, Hlackli'dge, (iilU spie, tiilnion , I'aj lor, N. Sto .dm'Mi, Morehead, Alexander, (lonlon, Brittain, K. ». Jones, Uuffin, Marshall and Pur CL'll. Messrs. Pixil, llloiint, Moore, Scott, 'I’roT Mitjiiell, Spruill and Kccles form the Commit tee of Finance on the part oftliis Mcnise. Fri(tti}jy Xov. 2o.—On motion of Mr. Jones of Warren, Jitsiih'ti/, 'I’hat so much of the (;ovcrn()r*s Messai^e as relates to draining or reelaimin},^ llarsli or Sw amp Lands, he referretl to the com mittee on Inttrnal Jniprovement. So nnieh as relates to I'ubilc Instnictioii, to the Conimitte OM F.ilneation ; and so n.»u;ii as relates to the Ai niiiiistri’tioM of Jiistire, to tiic C.omniittec the .luvi ciary, and that the) report bj l)ill or otlierw ifie. Ofi motion of .Mr. Fisher, Jiiy' l/rdl, 'I'bat so nnieh of said Mrs‘;;>pe, relutis to :i e(nnnmoic,ition from the Amei'icait Miiusti r lit Loiuion, he reA rnd to a joint select ;()niiiiitt(.e of three members tVom laeli lloi with iii.'tru''tlons lo incjnin- wliat nu astirrs this t f^i^l.ltnrt siintdd take, on>ist( nt witli consid- fpatioos (if just policv, tow anh tlie ptdii'calk.u of a HiNtorvof N:)rti.-C:irolina ; and that tlu-_\ re[)ort b_\ bill or otln ru is('. )ii nuitioiiof Mr. Ilrewiril, That the JnirKi,ir_\ Connoittee lie inslructui to in()iiin into the -.\pediency of ])roMjin;^‘ b\ lu\^, tor the final sfttleiin iit of the ai-eonn’s of Kxuiitni's and A(bnini>trators in such mannt r as to seeuie to er.-dil(rs a just and eipi.'il proportion ol lluir ditijts and demands, aceordinf,'' to their respective auioimts, (nu of tlie assi-tts in the han.U of sueh Kxccutora or Adinini.strator.s. On motion of Mr. Alexand. r, /hsolial, rliat the same Comniittee he in- stnictcil to in«pnre into tlu; expeilieiiey of .so anu-ndinj; the law, as to subject the assetfs in the iianils of ;in F.-Xecutor or Aihninistrator to aitaehtner.t. A meeting of the citizetis of Pascjuo- tank county, friendly to the present Ad ministration and to the re-cleciion of Mr. Adanis, was bfld in Llizabeth City on the lOthult, A preamble, clothed in temperate md dignified language, aiiO jcsoluiions mm cxpfessir.g tlic cotindcncc of the meeting in Mr. Adams’ administration, an4 their determination to use all laudable nteans to ensure his ri -tlection, were adopted. A comnilliecof rorrcsj)ondence was ap pointed ; and delegates were elected to attend a Convention of delegates from all the counties composing that electoral district, to assemble at Hertford on the second Monday in February next, for the purpose of selecting some proper per son to be placed on the electoral ticket for lliit district. Liycoiy curxTV. We are requsted to give notice, that a meeting of the friends of the Adminis. tration will be held at the Court-House in Lincolnlon, on Saturday, the 8th of De cember, lo elect Delegates to attend the Convention at Raleigh onthe20lh of this month. Cabarrus.—A meeting of the friends of the Administration in Cabarrus coun ty, was held at Concord yesterday. W’e expect to receive an account of its pro ceedings in season for our next. Meetings of the friends of the Admin istration have also been called in the coun- ies of Wayne, Camden, and Perquimons. The people are opening their eyes to he danger which threatens the coutjtry, in the triumph of the mere soldier over he profound Civilian ; the eAcitement produced by the clamor and misrepresen tations of the opposition, is dying away, and sober reflection taking its place ; and he result will be, we firmly believe, the triumph of correct principles, of order and good government, in the re-elcction of Mr. Adams by the people. North-Car- olina, too, we may indulge the hope, will aid in this good cause. From the Nc'vbcm Sentinel. Extract of a Letter from a denlleman in li'ashi/ifrtoii, A. C. tu his friend in this ptiue^ dated Noc. 22d, 1»27. ‘Dk.\p Sir,—A great meeting; has this day been held at the Court House in this place, by the friends of the present Ad ministration of the General Government and those opposed to the election ofCien. Jackson to the Chief Magistracy—I say a ^rent meeting, for I have never known as many lo meet in this place before on a ny similar occasion, and n»any n>eetings of the kind ha\e been held here.” force seems lo have been resoMeil to for the purpose of expelling American citi- zer>8, and one of our l\'llow-citizens is said to have been arrested under a pro cess from a Canadian magistrate, and arttially conveyeil to prison, and subject ed to trial and a fine. This is to be re gretted, because it has a tendency to pro duce ill will, and a desire of retaliation, which oughl to be avoided on every ac count. We have given, in our last pa per, extracts fi'om the treaties of Paris and of (ihent to show what is the boun dary line as described therein. Com missioners were appointed to have the line surveyed and settled. 'I'here is no dispute as lo the real course of the boun dary; but Great Britain is desirous to correct the mistake she made in conce ding the territory which lies immediately betweenCanada and New Brunswick, and subjects all intercourse between them to a tedious and circuitous route, unless it can be carried on through the American territory. But the difference on the sub ject is for the discussion and decision of the guvernnuMits and not of individuals, who choose to decide for themselves as to the value of the territory, and as to the means of possessing ihemselves of it. I'he inhabitants of that part ol Canada lying contiguous to the claimed territory are very eager, and apparently very de termined, to seize anti possess it, laws and treaties, equity and moral obligation, to the contrary notwithstanding. But we hope the British (ioverjiment will deem it right to repress this disposition, and not to sanction acts which must of necessity provoke retaliation from the individuals who consider ihemselves in sulted and injured. As to our practice of curing fish on the Magdalen Islands, which has also excited the displeasure of some of our neighboi-s, we have also taken pains to lay before otir readers the article of the Convention of 1H18 by which it is secured tons fora consideration, on our part, which is there in expressed. It is a right conceded to us lorever; and if the superior industry and enterprise of our fishermen ha's been such as to excite the envy and ill will of their competitors, it is ungenerous in the latter to resort to complaints of outrages which have no foundation in truth, w ith a view to defeat that sticcess which they are unable to subdue by fair ri\alry. Like the disputes in Canada, how’ever, we are bound to believe that these also arc confined to persons w ho are ignorant of the stipulations of the Convention on the subject, and that the Jiritish Ciovernment will not be backward in repressing that spirit of opposition to American interests and proceedings whicli are in nowise con trary to the.sj)irit of existing treaties. Nationid Jounud. Sl’RCnC.Vf^ OrF.RA'i lON. W 11,1.lAMS’l OW N, (.MS ) NOV. H. Last Sunday, a young Lady of this town, the daughter of 1). W. Sloan, Lscp accidentally swallowed a pin, w hich lodg ed about half way down in its passage to the s'omach. In the confusion and alarm advanced about ICO feet Into the hill through a solid mass of rock. The work- nien proceed almost entirely by blasting The sensations produced by the explosion of the charges at night are such as most forcibly to remind us of “war’s dread a- larm,” the bombardment of our town by a reckless foe, and the indiscriminate massacre of its inhabitants. We sin cerely wish the enterprising proprietor success in his untlcrlaking. The hills and ntountains around us abound with coal, and there is little doubt that he will ultimately arrive at the desired object. [.iVtViey’s Journal. The Pittsburg papers give gratifying accounts of the rapid improvements and growing importance of that place. The Phccnix cotton manufactory consumes 45t) bales of cotton annually, and employs 21)0 hands, principally girls and bovs. 'I'he proprietors of the above manufac tory contemjilate establishing another, which will consume 710 bales of cotton. At the glass factory of Page and Bake- well, glass is now cul by a steam pov\ ei equal to that of ten horses. White Lead to the amount of 150 kegs, at ene ma nufactory, is nianufactured every month. A nail factory of Mr. Pachard, employing six hands, iiiakes weekly about 5 tons of Juniata nails. The Juniata Iron works, the most extensive in the western country, constantly employs fifty-five hands, and daily rolls out three tons of bar iron, and manufactures twenty-six thousand weight of nails. The Foundry of Mr. Sewel produces about 55,15,000 worth of castings annually. This is but a partial enumera tion of the manufactories in full opera tion in this Sheflield of the new world. What an immense business then is done there j no one, unless he has witnessed it, can imagine the business bustle which every w here meets the traveller. Criminal Law.—The District Attorney of the city and county of Albany, New- VorW, having claimed the right to be present with the grand jury, and to con duct the examination of witnesses j and the Court of sessions being divided in opinion on the i'lbject, it was submitted by the court to the Judges of the Supreme Court at the present term, who have de cided : “That the District Attorney oughl not to attend the Grand Jury for the purpose of examining witnesses, nor for at?y other jiurpose, but to advi.se them upon any question which they may pul to him in relation to their duty.” On Saturday, theod instant, anew and beautiful Sloop of War, of 22 guns, was launched al the Navy Yard in Charles town, (Mass.) She is callcd the Fal- mouth, and is considered to be one of the most pel feet models of vessels of her class in our Navy. Churlottc Female Academy. TM K subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic, that the exercises of this Institution, under the direction of his lady, vith suitable assistance, will lie re»umel on tlie first day of‘ January, 1828, and continue until the first ot' August, including a term of seven month.s. He flutters himself that the long experience of .Mrs. Cottrell in the te.iehing and manage ment of young l.adie.s, and the general satisfac tion she has given, will continue to her a liberul share of public patronage. Price.^ of Tuition. LiTEii\TrnK, for the abovetncntioned term, fli Oh^amkxtal itiiANeiiKs, ]4, Misic, on the I'iuno Forte, One half payable in advance, the balance at the end of the session. One dollar deposite money w ill be required of each student, to defray the expense of lire wood for the use of the school and lo keep the windows, &c. in repair. A few joung ladies can be boanled in the A- cailemy, on reasonable t rins; and inerehui'table produce, M cirrent (uiccs, v^^ll be received iu pavment for boarding. 4t62 TIIOS. COrrUFLL. Tf.ivv t .vno.v. TUF, snl)srrii)er uill resume the extrciscfi of i.is t'titr.tn: M.tu-: jcjidemy, ontiu; lir>t Vioiulay in January next. 'I’he first session viM continue until the 1st of ,\ugust, at the rate of teo dollars for five months, as heretofore, l)ayable in advance. KFNJ. CO'l THKLI.. H.—Fifty cents from each student, in ad- ilition, for fire wood. 4t6J Wlviwg. 4 T the late resitlence of Frederick Dinkin.', /V deceased, on 'I’uesday, the first day of Jan uary next, 1 will hire out' for the terin of on« year, to the highest bidder, all the LANDS and NKdUOF.S belonging to the estate of said de ceased. JOHN SIMJINGS, Guardian. Auvcmhcr 28, 1827.—4t62i- The balloting for Comptroller takes place this day. The following gent men are in nomination for the olTice, \ iz. John L. Hendersoti, of Salisbury, (the present incumbent.) James Legrand, of that ensued, many expedients were adopt- .‘\nson, John II. Greene, of Warren, > ■ • ■ • • • • James Grant, of Halifax, 'Fhomas Black- well, of Rockingham, David Stone, of Ualeigh, James llouze, of Franklin, Samuel S. Downey, of Granville, Am brose K. Ramsey, of Chatham, R. W. (ioodman of Lenoir and Archibald M’- Nair of Richmond.—Register, Nov. 27. Pcnnlty.—Queen I'Jizubeth enacted for the regulation of her household, “that none toy with the maids on pain of four pence.” Wonder w hat was the penalty for toying w ith the Mistrevj P AniI)rosc S. Boswell’s Estate. TIIK subscribers having cjualified as .\dmin- istrators on the Kstate of Ambrose S. Kos- well, deceased, re(pie.st all persons indebted to said estate, to call and settle their accounts ; and all those having claims iigdnst said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, within the time |>rescribed by law, or they will be de barred recovirv. CLAUK WFDDINGTOxV, ) ,, , U. G. IIOU AiM), > Admrs. Nov. JO, 1827.—ot 614- Five events Hfvvartl. Ran a \V \ V ♦Vom tlic subscriber, on the 27th (/I Oeiobe" last, a b'lv by tho nane of Imac S.'nnaii^, bound ti. me by Mecklenburg County ('onrt. Ho is :d)out ly \ears of :.gi, has brown hair and a downcast look. All per- sons are forbid harboring or tnsting him, under penalty of the law ; and wliofvrr will return him to the subscriber, Khali »-■ cntiW tied to till’ aljove reviurd, !«ot no eh rges paid. JAVKS V. HOGFUS. Norrmhrr 27, 1827.—.'Ufili- Major Noah says : “ The Legislature of Ten nessee has instructed thtir .Mi inliers of ijongri ss to prefer articles of impearliment against tlic l’re!»ideiit.” No, no, .NLijor : the Tenncsse*- I.egislatnre have done no «ncb tl.ing. Fear and shante have had more powe r o\ t r that body than they -ver exercised over Major Noah. Tlie\ would have d«me It hatl they dared ; liut they could not screw uj) tlieir courage so hin'b as to meet the public Imligiiation which such a measure would have calKd t«irth. Autionul Juurnal. India.—Late advices from India in form UH, that a severe battle had been fought in Upper India between a num erous body of the Afghan tril)es and the troops ol'Rajab liunjit Sinh. 'i’he .Afghan army consistetl, it is said, of ‘Jc,OU!) in fantry and 10 thousand horse, vhilstiliat of the Runjit’s amounted to only between 15,000 and JO,coo mt'n. 'i’he armies mei on the banks of the Indus, near tcj the village of Sevdeo, when the attack was comnuMiied l»v the Afghans ; but the greater part ol their host being ill armed and lo-* oig.mi/.etl, made no impression on the Sinii', who put their eneniies to the rout. In the lliglit great nunihers were s.ihred by Ruiijii’s cavalry and a body that had takfii shelter in the village of Sevdeo was surrounded and entirely destroyed. The Al'ghans lost eigiit pie ces of artillery, atid alniut a hundred swivels, anil their camp was plundcretl by the victors. DOMES'l'lC. Considerable excitement has I)pen for some time past, visible on our North east frontier, in coiise(|uence of the dis- |)osiiion exhibited by- the inhabituiits of I’anada and Nova Scotia to interrupt and injure American citizens, settling on the territory wliieh intervenes between Cana da and New Brunswick and to inteiTeie wiih our right to take fish, atid to latui on the Mjgdalen Islands for the puijiost of curing them. As relates to oiii- set tlers on the territory, the possession ol whi'.u is (lisi)ii’rd bv i>,c ed by kind hearted and afllicted friends, such as swallowing hard substances, See. —and by medical advice, which was immediately procured, emetics were al so administered,—but all to no purpose, except to rcnder'the situation of the pa tient more distressing. About ten hours after the accident, Doct. F.mmonsofthis town was called in, and the remedy he ap plied, though simple, was to us novel and ingenious, and may be of use in similar cases, if made public. A common wire was used, about twelve inches and a half long, and doubled, with a piece of sjjonge attached to the end,—this in a dr y state was easily passed down the pas sage below the pin, where it absorbed moisture and became so much swollen, that in drawing it up it completely filled the esophagus, and brought uj) the pin, strongly attached to it. The ingetiuity and stiCcess of this op- eratujii reflect geat credit on Dr. K.—and though modest merit, if consulted, might have forbioden any comment on our l)ari, we feel that justice to him, and duty to the public, both recpiire it. .Jdrorate. Jur^so/iism in I'crrnont,—Mordecai M. N'oah,etlitor of the N. V, F.ntju'rrer, Judge of lsra> U 5>tc. &c., informs his readers, that in the eonnties of Barre, Burling ton, Montpelier, anil Benington, (V'ei-- mont) the Jackson men have carried the day.” We are ignorant of the location of the three first mentiom'd counties— Sure, we are, they are i!ot to be found on the map of \'ermotit. We all know where the county of Benington is, and sure wt nre that there is not a single Jackson man retuitted as a member of the legislature iVtmi that county.—So much i'or the veracity of the Jew. Ixulland ilcrdld. Pottfirillf, Mount Carhnn, Aor. 10. Minin.. — ^Ve are h(juily remitided, in t+ie. midst of our avocation, of the mining o|i(?rati(»ns which are going on iti our immediate neighborhood as well as elsewhere. 'Vithin three hundred yards of whert; we are now sitting, a ttin- ii(>l is being made into a hill, with the e\p('ctation r>f ultimateiy arriving at coal. The operatit>ns are carried or» Ijoth night av.d day, by changes of hatids. So far I he v>ot\: h;\s i); r!a‘y Ira ve Charles XIL when absent from his kingdom, being thwarted in some fa vourite measure by his Diet, swore that he would setul them one of his boots, which should compel their concurrence, (ien. Jackson, on the other hand, would swear to “ cane” them and “ cut off their ears.” Jimerienn Jldvocate. Jlrmarhnhk I'dct.—All the evidence pro duced by Buchanan, Isaacs, Eaton and other friends of Cieneral Jackson in re gard to the intrigue respecting the Presi dential F.lection, most amply prove that the 0??/// actors in the plj[)t, were the sworn friends and voters for Gen. Andrew Jack son. Ten Dolljiis Reward. U\N A\\ \Y fi'om the subscriber, in June last, u n gro fellow, oH years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 n.ches high, dark complexion, and has a scar, it id believed, on his brea.st. He is sup posed to be harliored somewhere be- tween Charlotte and my residence, as he has iieen frecpiently .seen. Whoever will apprehend nald negro and n-turn hint to me, near ’I'uckasege Ford, or give me information so I get him, or secure him in any jail, ^liall bo entitled to the above reward. UOUERT WILSON. Aoi'. 27, 1827.—3t61p Fifteen Dollars Reward. ' UAN AWAY from the •UHcriber, abotit the ‘^5th June last, a negro man named C 11.1 HU-'S. Saitl negro was purchased al the sale of the pro- M.hsoxic ci:r.Kiin./i viox. THK 27th of December next, being the An- niv. rsary of Saint John thp Kvangellst, will be celebrated by the brethren of Mount .Moriah Lodge N«». 82, Statesville. ThiTe will be, on the occHsion, a jirocession, and brother N. W. Alexander w ill (it liv*r .in .Vddn ss. I’lrethien of neighboring Lodges iire invited to attend. In the evening a ttall will be gi\cn at .Mrs. .Ma ry Worke’s. Ity order, ill OS. KKUIt, Srrn tury. J\nr. 21, 1HJ27—2tr,() Joel Alexander’s Kstate. IIIK subseribi rs. having |ualitii d as Adminis trators of the Kstate of Joel-McrNander, (le- ci-ased, W'ill oll'er al I’ublic Sab , on Fridav, tin' 21st of Di centber instant, at the late dvfelling of the deceased, tlie following ])r»perty, to wit:—Horses, (,'attlr. Hogs, Sheep, Corn, (;ot ton. Fodder, Hay, lloust hold and i-vitehi n I'ur- niturc, and v.irious other articles. Also, w ill be hired, fbrllie term id One } ear, several Negroen. Tiriiis, xe,. made known on the dav of sale. JOHN CA.MI'HKF.L. ( . TIIOS. 11. ALKXANlJKlt, j Dec. 1, ISJr.—.)lol. T Ifoi’ses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, v.^c. I w il l. SKI.I,, .it niy former dw tiling, and at a credit of twi l\e inontlis, all my stock of iioises, cattle and hn^s; and 20U bushels (Jorn, for cash. .Ms'i, the piioitation, at dHlereiit cre- !its; Ol' it V ill be rented tor one year, if not sold. Otiu r artieh s aKo w ill be scjld. Sale on the 1 )th December, to eommencc at I'J o’cloek.— Mond and seniritj w ill be recjuired; aiul due attendance will be givi-n bv no, 2tbU CVKI S AI.FXANDKU. £^/"ronii(l, 1)V tlu- siib.si'rlber, on the main mail from Charlotte to S;ilislniry, a UlI LK (71'.\, which the o\^ iier can have bs proving jiro; iTt_N and pa}ing for iIum advt rtisr■ meiit. :toi 1110^’. L Hi:rcm‘;oN, perty of Krederrck Dinkins, »leceas- ed, i.j about five feet seven or eight inches hinh, black color, and spt ak« very broken. Any person apprehending said ne)fro and delivering him to the subscDber, or confining him in any jail in the State st) that t get hini, shall be entitleii to the above reward. MOSKS NF.ELV, uen. Nm'. 27, 1827—^lt62 JUNK OF NFWJiKHN, ClIAHI.OTTK ilHANril, Nov. 2.'), 1H27. T^HOSF. indebted to the Hank of Newbertf at (,’harlotte, are lierel)y notified, that one tenth part of all notes oflered for renewal, will be reipiired from and after the first day of Jan' ".tOOi* WM. UAVruSON, Cashier. Will |)C Sold, VT I’liblic Sale, on Saturday, the Hth d.iy rtV December next, at the Cotirt-Ilouse in (;hnrlotte, all the negroes belonging to the es tate of Duncan Campbell, deceased, consisliiiR- of one first rate iellow, one boy, one woman ami lour ehililren. Also will be rented, for onr yt ar, AMiiall tract of laml joining Win. Herry- iiill’s plantAt.on. Terms made known on thr day of sale. -tjy WM. SMITH, .tdm'r. 1^0CM), by the sub.scni)er, in Charlotte, Thursday, IJth iiist. a red .Morocco Pock et llook, containing se\eral notes and receipt*, hut no ca.'.h. Flie •wner can ha\ e it on appli cation lo me, ttiul paying for this advert!stmeiil» J. D. UO\D. KKMOVAL. Till’ subscriber has removed hi.> shop to the building recently occupid b\ Maj. Harris, as a store, where he can be found at all times,. e.\ce])t w htnj)rofi shionallv engaged. 1'. C. CALDM KLL. N(»v. 21, 1R29—2l5'.>. i\)V A St rri.Y of Dr. chamber^’justly eelei’r;'- ted reiiied\ for Inteinperonee, has been rci i i- \cd, and IS for sale at tbc I’osl-tMhce, at t!ic New-Vork prices. Dtedlij lor t^le al this Uiiiuc.—

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