tir r.v n i:r>irr. 5! ( snrV ’■} '•V'A- i\, rri*: ;iv.;iy, ■\s iiIm f. ov. ‘r ts >V‘p, !i. I V". trcsl f' ni *hf j‘n’'( rit '■Ji'uy ; Put ypt villi'n In r f.iilrd r\c 'J iitri VOS »\i)rr‘.sion, calir, ilionfjh Sf' ii.ufl) (if'hf'nv'n M llh c a’lli uns mix’d ; 1 })■ r ri^. s],f ' i Mui I’p b r ’ ’•>■ tb, Dentil sc'nM to V.tivc no irmniy.h t!i rr, I'or. nil ! sl>f tritirnnh’d -,v r ikntl’. V^lu• fell, ns f.11s the lonely dovr', M licn sc vo’-M from i>. hraut.o . m'.'r S rt Mi'nkinfr more f li’in ;/•'( li \ M;i(l he ]• ov. n cif solute, i'iian (iflirrc wn 1 \i. inns rro«s\’. All tur v\liirl) lil'c )>« !o-.\ i'iK* ski'l; s’ow di'7rci'.> uway. So r:il'!ily froii. 'n-r •i)rrr?vvs iioriif, ■ I'n as Vik. tlie iipci.ip,;; bl 'sli nfc’.': . S.).s il’lly sjirt;! i—\c ^cMce c.. s , W iiic'i is tlic twilijht, -^hicn li.c ii di m. wiy o(‘— lliioiiL’-h .. W 'jilfil 1 There Isan ol'.l i.r^vorl) vrrifioil in| tl>ono;’it lie ol)M'rvid tl;r oiiwrfjf llgl.l ; Jtiij>n(l‘npe pushes il.'l ;ukI oh suthlcnly liiriiin;»; a ooi.ucr, l!ic tl.e vvoild.*’ ninrnitig sl:ir shot.(* lull ill liis tar, ! Ifi.s I’coiin^s, he must he iiiui^iucil, lor ihey could not bi* described. “ 77/e *V/V/.”—I'be man from whom Cooper (hew thi; (’h.iractor ot Harvey liirch, in his popular novel, 'I he Spy, is yet livin", and was in New \ oi k, a tew days ncjo, attending the Circuit Court as a u itncss. lie went to the L»layette Ttieatre, to witness the re present ion of the national moJo-drama of the Spy, in which he is made to per form so interestinjj; a part. He is 77 years of au;c, and still hale and hearty. s!it. 'i'/iC d — it. Hpp'^a::- thnt the fn si purple ihat fcrmeJ tiicru- iivji sla'*^s alter the dCiUp^e, jiavc t iilv to their y;vir .StiO days. The K- ;rv!)tians Sf.on perceivr’d that tliis yenr \v;)s shorter Mian tt.e revidiiton of the ijii ; t!icv thercfoio prolnn^td it hy live ri'jvrr lays which they add*‘d to the end tW’tr e twelve nionths, witl'.out makinjj a j.'.jrt of either of t .ieni. In K«;} pt cach »jf itiese daj's r”ci'i\cd the i:anu* oi onr of th^^ir divjiiitic>, V.ul the i]i:ypti;:ns (itill saw that their year was yel too ) aliort, .nnil that it was necessaiy to aild r.ouNF. I’oonc thiii:;„'t'.i little ef titles and rotjils of rccotd. I'ences, hulls, and hxtirids, and ]ku tit ion line®, and .ill the h.iih.-irous teinis invented hy tlie Pjjirit :H ^fruf)i (fra/ 7'iifOiiy the paltry letts nnd hindrnnces ol’ civili/.ntion, were terms of unhappy omen in his ear. ]fe finds hi’niself circ:um\ented hy tho^e, A' ho ad t!iou2;ht with inure re'-pert d ‘i'fsc liiirc!:5 : :hu1 in his a;;e he llid fiom Indhi'ldLiS rni’i law.suiis in Kentiu'hy ' • th( :jai;\s (»f iho MisSw'M'i. Heie, ' ?n .1 i!\*er v. ’.'h a eonr.se of sonielhinij j ri ihousaiid Iea;:;u(‘s, all thro’ a u ),’.! rne'''>'. nn ainjile and plea.'rant rnnp:;e Vv i-.s (>j cn to his iiiiai^iiiation. W e s;iw hi»n o:i li.tiso Ivmks. AVilli thin trrey ha.r, a ii'j:’n turehcad, a keen ej e, a clic.erfiii e:ipre:'sio!), a singularly l-’old coiifoi :n:iti(;n oi'eoLiiileiiance and breast, :uul a -liarp and coir.mamlinp; voice, nnd with a crced for the future, enihrafinp; ma:iy articles beyond his red rival hr.r.ters, lie a]>pe.ired to us the same Dariel ]?oone, if we niay use the ex- prC'jion, jerk:d .»!id dried to hi":h pre- servatiuu, that v,e had fii^ured us tlic waiidcrej- in \\uodi;, and the slnyi r of hears anil Indians. He could no lon- rer well des'^iy the wild tuikey on the trees, his eye sti’l kindled at tlie liunter’s talc, and He romarJicd ihat the po[)ulation on that part of the Missouri was becoming too dense, and the farni*' too near cach olhor for eomfortdjle range, and that he n.'ver wished t(» r^- si*le in a place where; he could not fill trees enougli iii his yard l»> keep up his i.aday i.ion; to cvcrv fuur yc»rs, in »inter ii.e. ])im as w.is his .-yo wi.i, order to make it corie'^po.iJ with ,|,c iS''-'t''""'‘•"I'-" movcnicntol-tho sun: but, r,un. rch- lo " irious scrn|)les, thov woi.'.d not caletl- ' a h.iiilms ex|« (litioii uvcr hlramon^he oti-.rr dav.s thir. siMh liorky Mountains. No man . ver oxemphiied more strop«;ly “ ti e ru ling passion strong i'i i'e ith.^’ [freslcrn Bevictr, added liay, in order that tli j commeiK e- ment of tlieir year should be ileiuiite. Thus, each da_v of the vear thus oiiiic- tlled hapjicjied in t!'.e com-e of a cycle of 1,160 days, it was not until the time of Aug”.'stus that they atlopled the Juli an year,-iiinl llity DiiuJeit co mmence in the month of August, twelve "od? pre sided over the twplve montiis. They divided the year ahi) into parts, ol 10 days each, aiid placed eaoli division under thepi()fe;;tion of interior divin- ;t:es. These y,en!i or spirits were cal led Perau' fmp'iuteuis cr watchcr^ over pTirTtcr.s ol time of days; tliey had iheir name ■, r.iid particular functions al lotted to them, and their aslroiogerj From Zion’s Herald AKFECTINO OCTtniRF.NCr. The following; alfectiii2; account was related to nii a few years since, while travcUin:^ in the western country, of two X;'.c:i5 w!io went into the celeljrated .Mcinin''>lh Cave, which is situated in Cirecm^'i county, Kentucky, and is a- hout ten miles in length, with the inten tion Oi exploring it. 'I'hese n^en, after having; provided themselves v.-ith a lantern, food and re- fro''hmcnts siiHicicnt for one or two ARSEXCK I Rim SCHOOr,. 'I'her(‘ is one thin;^ in connection with all schools of which jiarents are sensi- l)le, and in reference to which they are ofteri excessively unreasonahh;. W e refer to the practice of taking; oil llu;ir children occasionally from school, ei ther for purposes of business or pleas ure, thouj;!) most usually I’or the latter. 'I'his is liitio thought of at the time; anil “ la ! it is but hall a day, and SI114 is so smart she can catch up with her class to-morrow,'’ is fretjuently an e,\- cnsi, urj^i'd by a foml mother lor allow- insr her dr;iiu:hler some indulgence it WDuld he better she should dispense with ; while the beys are often taken oil'hy their lathers !o run errands, or f)Ptijiilted to pl:;y truant from a siini- i.W’ incotisideratencsb. 7'hc worst td it is, Ihf blame at !a>l coir.es on the inno- cont insi;".:ctor. ilis c'a;-:sc5 are de- r.uiued by an unequal j/iogrc'^s between I’.iOs'j scholars v\ho ((jnistantly attend and tliose whoare ocrasioually r.hsent— iessons pcrtlv ^ot .Tre forgotten, and 1 ne liround is !o go over again—an im patience of the rcf-lrainis of the scdiool, tc Xether with tiie morlifration of losing a post of honor, or not rf'achinj sowe oljeet in view, v. Inch another, who has steadily ])ursued it, has in the mean time aitaineil are inevitable consequenc es of a few da} s absence—and "then welh.spei.t ilk', that 5car,^ ahnvc the tnnsient vanities r»f this world. And vvhen thy dav^^are endedhei’e u[)on earth, thy happy spirit shall wall itselt to the regions of eternal bliss. A few days ai;o, a gentleman and an Hibernian were ridini; tojjelher on the lop of the Newark and (iraham coach, when the former missint>; his handker chief, very rashly cliar^'cd his fellow traveller with having stolen it, but find- in.q: it aj^ain, he had the t^ood manners to bef? pardon for the affront, saying it was a riiistit/ce ; to wliich honest I’at replied with ^^reat readines—“Arrah my jewel, tlu’n ii was a nintuai//n'6t«Ar, you took j nu‘ for a l/iit'J, and I look you for gentle man Who will u'ear corset boards ::oiv P—.An Indiana paper states that a zealous cler- i^ytnan in the midst of his sermon broke out thus—“ My dear sisters, I have no doubt but that there are corset hoards enough in this con^rei^jation, il rolleci.ed togeiher, lo shingk a htn-roast!" 'I’he Enj^lish manan;c thin~s ditTevently from us. I'honias Jifferaon was a pat riot of the revolution—drafted our ?;reat barter of Iiidf]ien(lence—I’ultilled our b ghest offices—lived and di'“d an lionor lo our country. Hut he dieil in poverty, anil ir.i nv-ctually supplicated for a sum of money to relieve him from deh'.—a sutn not amountitii; to The Mar- ipiis of Hastinj^s j^oes out to tiie I'.ast Inilics—is Ijuvei nor (j«'neral some eij^ht or ten years, with a salary and appoini- rnetits of S'>i)0,Uty(j ])er annum. He re turns and dies in the ])ub!ic (nut the East India) servir.e, poor. 'I'he 1*. I. Com pany voted i.60,f)00 to his famiiv, and cCJ(),000 lo his son. In all a!)oui uOO. 'I'ruly these Leadeidudl-streel mer chants “ w ear their cue with a o.'J/a-rncc.” Aonh. ati: ibuted tj t'lcm the most e::tensivu{yi,’ iournev, entered the cave, and inlluence over di'/.ases and health. It Las ber>n s'lpj^osed i-y some', liuit the 11- cyjitian divided their yrr iUto ;>o jii-rts ; aOer the ili\ ii.ionj of their coiin- trv. which v/;',3 divided into ,1G ixomes, or government:, 't ne luoky and un lucky, or happy end unh.ipjiy days. oo.nmenccd their su!)terran;ious tour. As they walked on froin one apartment to another, viewing, in astonishment, the wonders of this stupendous cavei n, they often came to large and almost fa- tliomless jiits, wiiiidi, they passed with inu(h dlliiciilty, by crawling on their fomed a p9rtofthe legends of ilie an-j knees. 'J'hey proceeded in cieut Figyp'lr.ns. 'i hev ob.-erved them 1 v.-av, walking and crav.ding, for a- with the utn'.c;^! cxa::ino->.'\ and it i-->:|;out a day, and, in the meantime, they fr0!7'i them the SLipcistit.iOri f/i i'.ioky ar'd , I; pa,.;scJ a nnmber of* these jjits. unlucky (h'vs'irfJbe, v. hirh the , Tliey had passed one of them, when, cils hati great dliTicuity lo a.j'-i -di 'I l.cy by some faial aceident their lig'.it was are still indicated ialiie c.dc noers 01 ihe extinguished. One of liiem, in the ag- 9th century, and tlie i!ii‘luci:c': ot 'I'.em has descended to our o.vn [Iia''-,, as we frequent 1V among certain classes oi peojde.—Lon. Joitr. oJ\Jrts eiu^ Sci ences. T/ip Bcnrfits of Ppiwd rrariO'. —A n Irish ijeiitlen'aii lately p.iid his oddr ?es to a rich widow, v.-ho- cijrM’c.ived a horrible antipathy tovv’ards hiin, though in truth, there was noli:iin,; vr'ry dis- insymi: in hi.' )>orson'd appearai.cc.— His stiit was l ejerted, but he v.ould m.'t take “No’’ lui'an ans-.ver. 'i'o e.^^-npe his persecuticMis, the lady iitil to !vi- gla.idj hut l.er lovi r discovered'ler at Jiath, where he was ;i.'sid:i(>u as ev!T. At ('hcltenbam, and length snugl.t re fuge 51 liriiihton. SI.'* h«d bien, !.(u- cv^T, hut ."I lew fla\s r^isdifig at the Strvne, v.'hen she cbs'.rse ’ In.-r (idiotis toriVientCir passing lici'\vin(hi‘.\. ili' I'od- th''’ti) her wiih ail th'-i'.irni’iai i y o!' an old acpiaitiiancf, ai,d pa'^'ed (.1. .'Je- toU"d upv.n a (h'^peiat'* the ony of desjiair, appeared to lose his rea- son-became hewildered-whirlecl rounti, exclaimiiii;, Lord have mercj on us, and fell ; and in falling, plunged headlong into the pit they harl j'list passed. Hi.'; companion listened, and heard him dis tinctly sli ike on the bottom and groan. He lalh d to him, but received no an- ' wer—he called again, but all wassilert asthetoinb. I 'hougbt, said he, hail I but fallen with him it would have been a l'appy circumstance, for to at'emj)t to llnil tlie inouih of the cave, and j>ass the many dangerous places they had met witli in entering, mU't, he coneeived, 1)0 impossible. He thought thcrefoif of dying only by starvation. He eon- eluded, hov. ever, to make an attenijit to i':( tout;he couidbutdie, he tbouglit, hy sliaring the fateof lils ro.mj)anion, and this \vci;ld the ^ooner put an end to his '■•.il’ering . He sat out, crawling on his liaiid.' ai'.d knei s, and jiroceeded safely in tills \' av for about a day, when he a-.;ain yielded to his feelings :unl burs* .1 Portrait.—“ It is very common for ihose Iieroes who shine in llie lirld, atul make a f^reat figure^in the time of action, to ituke but a very poor one iq)on other occasions, and in matters of a difl'erent nature. We are astonished, when we see iheni alone md without their armies, when the (piorler comes round, the pa-. jjj w|jat a ditVererire there is l)clween rent is sure to find lault with the leach-; a general ami Vk^nat man ; to see what lov' er, becausc the child is'ivot so far ad-j o/u/w/m;;they are capable vanced as some of his mates, who liave | of in private life : how tliey are injlucnad not lost a day during the term. Vffv-\h\/nnd governed hy irdtresthow baps this feeling, is sometimes carried ! disai,n-eeable aird odious they render so far that a child is taken awav from | tbemselves by their hauahtii drportment the school, on the ground of the sup- ibink tie^ posed ne-lector incapacitv of the i„. to presei ve their authonty, and which ' ^ , •, (V i4 I ' onlv serves to tnake them Lnted and dc- structor, when II,e only d.ll.culty »», /fo/ory. been tlie constant interruptions to the ^ j^rogress of the jiupil, occasi®ned by the indulgence of the jarents. rUOM A I.OMIIIX fapkti. Harem of t'lt Mo"ul.—As the clirnate o- bliges the ladies ol'ihe harem to wear on ly very lij^ht ilrsses, there are some man ufactured of silk of so fine a lextiire, tiiat the whole dress does not wei.L'ii more than | an ounce I 'I'hey repooe in these dresses, | iritoral. ny Tin: :.ny('i' wo‘,-a\. Il is n't the •'imi!''> t>( a pietty liice, nor tl'.e !i;;t of thy complexion, nor tlie the Miblime superstructure that has been reared upon this foundation, or than t!ie glorious g.'daxy of Cli' istian benevolence and charity. P'ounded on iheatlril utes of God, the ed lei of the Christiar sys- Jii^h seunding titles, of lords, earls I'rom Zion’s IKiald. ’niK T'l.TIMATK srcCESS AM) TRTUMril OF TIIE CIIUrSTIAN KKLKJTON. Inimui«bleas the throne of .lehovah Is the foundation of the Cl)ri«tia:i reli gion. And not more (degant anti glo- which ilicv chan^;e in the morning, cas;-1 the blue ])a\ihioned aicli which in;? aside the former, as id’110 further use. I encircles the universe~not more grand j livM-y day they assun.e a dress of a dif-[ sublime isthe rainbow in the east, than ferent color. They are adorned, besides, V,’'I: an iinmcnse ipianiity of Jewels ; the . odur of their robe is !) )rdered with (wo hand? ot'dianioiids, enchused-in the cen- t!ufi'.vo rows of [leai'ls, crossinj^ upon (he stf;i,-Kich. Ti'eir ear-rings and brace lets arc (d* surprising beauty. Theii fi'u^ei V, aiiv'l also their tr>es, -vihithari hare, the tVct I)einj^ covereil with the satuhds o?dy, arc ornamented eijually with the leost beaut did rin^s. y\ll ihe \>ivesof tiio Moicnl and ail tiic prir.ces- sts (hi> dauKhfers) carry mi the ihu:nb • ftl;e lij^h; hand, in ihe '.’m in of a rin.^. a suiail l'..jkin*f-!iIass, bordered wi’h pearls. 'I’hty c..st their eyes incessan'- ly !ipe,n this mirror ; it i'^j ^iili them the •jcc’.ipal;oii of cvt ry tnoinent. Tiu irrnoii orna’rieni i.'i a i^olden gtrdl*', of tlie br*‘.eJtli td’ vv. o hngt rs, enrn hei' with Mui'.s v.r the .iann‘ met: I are siJSp,i'T)ilv‘d to i;, s!ru\\ed with oi.i- .mond ’V hose poin!‘. .iri- i'*rn. inated by knot > of W'i.,,' rs \^ i-v surpris ing i*s t!i:iL e:i.h id’ iliose h-tdies lias ti chaiijTe of si.\ or ei-Iit v is of ihese pearl:,. scs3 tiie lutigdom fo** Qvrr and ever.*' “And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom undi-r the whole heaven shall be given to the peo ple of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting king dom, all douiiiiions shall serve and obey him.-’ These predictions are pregnant with the most important events. They por-- tend the prostration of kings and the mii^hty ones of ihe earth from their el evated thrones,—the final overthrow and extirpation of anarchy,—of di-spo- tism, and all the governments of the world which arc in opposition to tho government of Jehovah. 'I'hen it may 1)0 asked, where are those brave heroes and mighty emperors, whose deeds and achievements have filled up the pages of history—who seated themselves upon thrones,—who ro^e,—who flourished, —who conquered ; who j)ointed the thunder of their artillery at imperial ci- jties Tiiil pojiuloiH countries, and they were laid waste before them ; who soun ded the knell of peace and gave the sig nal i.!'vengeance, and sjilendid empires and kingdoms trembled to the centre of their thrones. Whore now are those conquerors? 'rheir races were short, but splendid, like the brilliant star that twinkles on th; liorizon for a moment and disaj)j)cars. These predictions carry the eye of contemplation forwaid to that glorious era when tho gospel ihall have been preached and the banners of the cross unfurled, in all lands,—when nations will learn war no more—when there will be no more battles with confused noise and gnrnuMits rolled in blood— wlien every disjjosition hostile to the peace of society shall be liushed ins, lence. Then viidence shall no mor>^ be heal'd in the land, wasting nor de struction within our borders. 'I'hev point to that pei iod when Jesus Chris;, shall be king of nations as he is now king of saints, and shall reign i)y tiu) power of his gospel in tho hearts of al the dwellers upon earth. Then, “ To Him shall eiulle.ss pr.ayer he made. And ciidkss blcs.sings crown his head , His name like sweet perfume 8h;ill rise M ith cwry evening’ sacrifice. “ People anil realm.> of every tonj^uc Dwell on liis love with sweetest sen^;’; And infant v )i; m lo i 1 procLi in Tlicir early ble'^>intjs on his naniL-.” They indicate a time when all tiie false doctrines and false systems of reli gion slnll have passed away,—whenall imp osters and false teaehcis s'lall either l;avo become trophies i.fdivina ijrace or shall have passed offthe stage. Finally, these; predictions in their accomjilish- meiit, approximate to that day when the mighty seraj)h shall sound the kneli of time, and when all the votaiies of the Christain religion shall enter into the joy of their Lord, and shall shine as the sun in the. kingdom of tlieir Father—wlier. Ihe glory of the world shall all pass away —when imper ial cities which have stood for ages, splendid kingdoms and em- pires siiall have g«ne down the tide of time and vanished lor ever—when the tem can never be n o'ved.*» The storms of passio!i n)ay beat a_,>-ainst it—the thun- tiers of t}rr;Miical and desjiotic denun ciation may endeavor to(»verthrow it— and the powers of dai kness may exert their ii.fluence to >eslroy it ; but it will stand unmoved. The success of reveal ed religion in the ages whicii have gone hy has been jilorious. Unjjaralh led in the annals \of human afl’airs, is its pres- e.it -iiiccess. It is becoming the desire of nations—fhejoy of the whole earth. Till' wa'.; is gi jdnally prej)arinc; al ev en p'li’ii ol the compass tor the io(.‘- s!e si'i'Iininanuel. Kthiof)i:i isstre'.eii- ir.\- iicr hands ui.to C«od, and the isles are waiting for his law—(Jhristinni- ty has taken the wingoflight and hisbear- ifig its haiiMV and moral—its sahitarv :ind rei . niiii'r influence to eve ry clinio and ever*' hind ; (‘Ven whri e the savage tribes in tlieir ididatrv once bow ed their l;i.ees !o t!ic iisin*; .^un, rnd (dh red up lai'y .seiit Ik. r scrv.ai.t tu i rqucsl t! a* hejirito tears, 'i’his .'done, he said, reliev- vvould favo, ht r w liii inter', ie\\’. l{e;ed tiis agony. He set out aiir.in, but i'an"*" ; and on htinr: h it i.Lni, „lic i'f-'\\il!i little hwjie ofe\ er arriving at the l.earsed the vririou? ni-;-e uiions .-he i'.ad j r.^outli of t!in cave, and continued wind- iiifleieil from him, and rtatcd li,ai shf ing hi'^ way in i,iii!nigh« darkness about iiad sent for him, on that ocv asion, lo j a eay longer. As they entered the cave, TU!t an end to tlirmi foi' vt r. ” ,'Vo\v. 1 tliC\ d)serve;l that it hramdicd off in ^ir,-’sai(i she, takinr a V»dde Hhieh lay 1 v>M"io.;s liireetions, and he comduded h',' i.ipon the tiibie, and J-neelir.g while she had tah.en tlie wroiig oim , and was as i;r‘>ed it to her I'ps. w ith the utmost } I'ar, orfatlher iVom tho entianee than •iolennity: “By the virt;;e of i;jvj\-.lu‘n he sit oul. lie sat down, he ^'it'e, I will never .n.iiry yini.” 'i’his,said, with :he d(;tcr miiiation of wait- idie of coui.'-e d. emed cnnclusi'. e ; hut ; in;^ [iati( ntly the approach of death. (h- ntleman, with ama/iiig coolriess, j'The again occurred to him j,i jt heside her, and lai.ii g llio lamk | of fiiidinr t!ie way out; and onee more 1-f /'I' lu.nd, ki'iseu 11 :dso, at the he summoned his leinaining strength, J I, .. • -i;e e\ehon>+n2j, “ llv 'lie virtue and ci innnT.eed groning his way thro" oi i.iy oath. 4 ' in, I vvas never '-i tai.1 thedia’ary eavern — and on the morning niiid thi." tjioniir.t.” \\ it hi 1 ! of 1 he 1 11 ird t!a\ . w nen nature was ricar- heauty and svr’'n.(‘.rv o;')t;y jier^on, no»'itii» ir I iiivaii sacriiii’e'- to the gieat t»j)ir- yet tlu! costiv r:»ot ' :.••,(! ih-corati>,t, tiiai | it of storm and d.irkness. compo>e ti.v .t. Iel l^ranty — No ! 1 Fhit leaving th(‘ past and i)resetit sue- i\or that i*ni'iia;.I ir.g giance ’.vhu li thou dnrtest v. ith such hl^lT.'^ o;’. ihciu in thou ecN^ ol theChris’ian reiigion, with ad- iiiiiation, |)leasnre, and astonishment iTiav we look thix.iugb the hjiglit vi''t.i deignest w 01 thy of thy afiection. Ii is thy pleasing (Upuitnient—thy (bast*' conversation, th.y s iisit)ilily, and tiie matf* sneerss and triumph, which are so [.'Urity of tiiy ihougltis—ih.yalhihle and "lowin;i;ly poi tra' od in ani'ientpropheey. open disjiosition—s} n.pallnsir j; with Atriony ihe in>;v predi'tions to this those in adver-ity—con.toi ling ll.n af- point we will I"t’ the following quota- flicled—relieving the distress d—and, ti)Ms si’riic. “And behold one like above all, that humility d iajul, il af un- the So.i of man eame with the chmds of feigned ar.d perfect reganl •-f tii* pie- heaven, affi came to the Anci(>nt of eepts of Chri.-tianity. 'riicsf virtues days. And ll>eie w,«s ;;iv(!n to him do- constitute thy Larrihv’. s. Adorned minion, and ^riory, and a kingdom, that with but these of nai.n'-c SMnply, they all people, iiatioi;--: and lan-^uages, shouhl will shine like the it !u!;;( i:t snn, and rer\c him ; his is an everlasting domin- display to man that the io\eliness of thy i.>n, u hi(dt shall not pasv awav, ami his person is not to he found in 1 ;v; 1 iii^fd j kingdom f!«at whiidi shall not l)r‘oes!rov- heroes, kings, and potefitates will be known no more—when there will be no distinction but such as grace has made in the hearts &: lives of men. Then on the one hand, the scoffers at religion and the votaries of all false systems of religion shall be doomed down to the shades ol an eternal night, there to drink the cup of tremlding ; and on tlie other hand, the f'hristnin will gaze with cofliposure on the awful catastrophe of a burning world ; survive the “ wreck of matti'r and the crush of worlds,” and j)ossess a kingdom which cannot be moved — a kingdom which, after the billows ot eternity, wave after wave shall beat agciinst it and pass hy, will remain uti- impairi'd. For the accomplishment oT t!u‘ predi.-'tion ahuve fiuoted, and ele vation (d'Chiistians to ('ternal felicity, we rely upon the (iod of the armies ot Israel, evi:ii tl.o great I AM ! who hath deeii.refl, “ A> the rain eometh down :tiid ti)0 snow iVom heaven, and leturn- elh pot ihilh'T, hut watereth the eaith. and maki.th it. bring forth and bud, that, it may gi\c seed Jo the sovs er and hi end to the cater, shall nn' woiil he that eth out of my moiilii . it shail not re- of future \ ears and contemplate its ulti- t'lrn unto hk; void ; hut it shall accom plish that which I please and it shall l)rosper in the tiling whereto I seritil. Ill sii(yrt, we.rely uponthe Almighty ar.'.i of .lehovah, at- whose w'ord the j^rouu watc'rs of the Ked sea and of Jordan ii* vided and s*i)od erect, so tiiat I'rael went throniih dry shod, yea, at whnje mandate systemsof w orldscaine tecmi' g forth from chaos into being, the blue curtains of h.eaven were stictohed ou?. aud suns were lighted up. C. li. or or!iamenlsoftiie ivuiy, imt in tiu^re-} ( d “ Ihit the saints of tin* .Most W'juks al'.orward> M.ey 'vtnv m-in^ j iy exhauitedp and i-il lini-e hi.d llcd, lu-1 ile'ction ef Ihe Jo cu.d ‘-eienity ed'i High shall take the kie.gdom, and pos- (J(jd has not promisi'd longlife to h> ministers, hut he 1ms proniited c:c'' ?' of glory to the failhfti!'