VOL. IV.] CH.iRLOTTE, JV*. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER H, 1827. [NO. 160. Pl'RLfSHKD WKEIU.Y Bv LEMUEL BINGHAM, jjl Three Doilara a ycar^ paid in advaim. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until ull arrearages are Advertisements will be inserted at the usual r.ntes. Tersons sending in advertisi*ments, are r-que!ted to note on the inarj^in the number of insertions, or they will be continued until Ibrbid ai.d char{fed accordingly. J L!L?JJ'J?J J!" JS!!gJ-* STIXAXfl BOAT Tliomas Trotter 8^ Co. UKSPKCTFTJLLY informs tlie public that they have received and oiler for sale a few g-old and silver patent le ver Watches, (g-entlenien and l.idies) a few good plain Watchcs, warranted; gentle men and ladies* gold Chains, some Hreast Pearl and all or any part of which we will sell low tor cash. Clocks and Watchcs repaired at the shortest notice, anl warranted to perform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. H. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated (Joods, &c. Cliarlotte, May 14, 1827.—30 BANK OF NEAVBERN, Ohahlottf. Bhancu, Nov. 23, 1827. TIIOSF^ indebted to the I^ank of Newbern at Charlotte, are hereby notified, that one tenth part of all notes oflered for renewal, will be required from and after the first day of Jan uary next. \VM. DAVIDSON, Caskicr. otGOp r^ins l?oat is in complete order, and will JL commence running to (ieorgetown and Charleston on the first of Octo'.er, and will car- ry produce at customary rates. 'I’he subscri bers will spare no exertion to expedite the tranaportalion of produce and goods to and from either of the a!.ove places. 'I'his boat has made a trip from Charleston, with a full Irtight, in loss than five days. We have a pole boat now on the stocks, which will be launched about the first of No vember, c!*lcul;ttrd to eiirry five hundred hales of cotton, and of so light a draft of water, as to be ennbleil to go at all seasons. This boat, in conjunction with the steam boat, will ensure the certainly of up and down freights, without deliiy. , 'J'he subscribers will receive cotton to freight on moderate terms, and make no charg« for storage, if shipped by their Koats. They will also receive and forward gocxls, on reasonable terms, having commodious stores and ware-hou- 4ea, for the security of goods. Mr. Ilenrv W. Conner, tlie agent in Ch.'irles- ton, will attend to the receiving and forwarding J l\.eiwei\y iiiv \ulem^iM*ance. - , , 1 A SIIPPI.Y of Dr. Chambers’justlv celebra ’ •'‘>>ne hand- rj-nn.iiy j-,„. intemperonce, has been recel- ist Pms, l inger Kings, Knr H-ngs, L-ed, and is for .^ale at the Post-Office, at the l-.hgre^L-, and Paste >n setts, kc. ; 1 ^^.^..york prices. lleni'y^s CoDwioitary on ihc Bihh. PROPOSAT.S For publishing by siibscri|)tion, hy Tnwar S; Hogan, IJookseilers, No. 255, Market itreet, Philadelphia, AN KXPOSITION OF THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT. Wii’iiig. At the late residence of Frederick Dinkin.s, leceased, on 1'uesday, the first day of Jan uary ncit, I will hire out, for the term of one y ar, to the highest bidder, all the LANDS and NF.GUOKS belonging to the estate of said d«- eeased. JOHN SIMilNGS, Guardian. JWircmbcr 28, 1827.—4t62r Ambrose S. Boswell’s Estate. THK subscribers having qualified as Admin istrators on the Kstate of Ambrose S. Uos- weil'deceased, retjuest all persons indebted to said estate, to call and settle their accounts ; and all those having claims ag.iinst said estate. Wherein each chapter is summed up in it.s 1 «them, duly authenticated, within contents ; the sacred text inserted at hirge, in i prescribed by law, or they will be de- distinct paragrniilis; each j>aragrai)h reduced paragrn])lis; eacli j>aragrai)h to its proper lieads ; the sense given, and large ly illustrated, with practical remarks and ob servations. Hy Matthkw IlrNHT, /«/t Mmittiei of the Gofptl. A tteti' F,Jit 't(yn : ediiti' 11; the Her. G((>r''r Bvr- der, and the Jirv. Jottpb j). M. With a Lift of the JJvihor, by the Ikv. Sujniitl Fainter. CLAKK WEDDINGTON, K. G. HOWAHJ), .Vor. 30, 1827.—3t61i* Mm'ra. Five Cents Reward. It.AN AM AY from the subscriber, on the 27th of O. tol'c’’Inst, a hoy hy the name of huac bound to me by Mecklenburg (Jouiity Court. Hi ^ is about 19 years of age, has brown The character of this valuable and highly / ;l«" neast look. All per- useful Exposition of the Saered W ritings, i, f«rbnl harhornig or tn^ .. . * . .. • . _.11. . r .ri .1. till.., under j)en:»lty of the law ; and whoever will return him to the subscriber, shall be enti- SENATOIl BRANCH’S SPEECH. The I'ollowing letter from Gen. liarrl* son, shows what intelligent members of the Senate ihoyght of Mr. Branch's speechj at the time it was delivered; what an in telligent public thought of it when pub lished, is also well known. Mr. Branch can now make the most of his voluntary attempt to injure Henry Clay, who may well be content to let the honorable Sen ator suspect what he j)Icasrs, while the confidence of Naihnnicl Macon in his in tegrity remains undiminished ! well known to the pious jientrally of nil de nominations: and it now certainh' stands in no need of a publisher’s recommendation. Conditionx.—The work will be published in six large super royal oetav» volumes, of about ;dl goods to this or any intermediate places on . thousand pages each, comprisingabout me- Ihe Pee Dee river, and will rccei\e and attend , mutter tiian is contained in Scott’s to all orders respecting cotton that maj be sent to his care. The subscribers pledge them selves to use all diligence and attention in their power, for the inten. at of those w ho may make «onsiR'nment8 to them. ^ ' J. Sc J. H. TOWNES. Cheraw’, S. C. Sept. 24, 1827.—8t58 Tlvonvfts ’VTiitteT Is appointed Agent for Yates Mrlntyrc for Charlotte, aiul will receive all orders direct ed to them for I'ickets and shares in Lotteries before the i)ublic. Sept. 29. 1827.-50 fetatft Xorllx-CftYoWim, Mecklenburg County. Jiugust Session, 1827. JJobert Houston & Mary his wife,^ Petition for xt. > partition of Alston Spratt & Elira’th his wife. 3 Lands. TT is ordered by court, that publication be tied to the above rewani, hut no ch..rges paid. JAMES P. ItOCiEUS. Xuvemher 27, 1827.—3t61i* Commentary, and delivered to subscribers in volumes, at three dollars and fifty cents per vohmie, well done up in strong boards ; or four dollars pei^volume, handsomely and stronf^l} bound; payable on the rcreipt of each vol ume. A volume will be published every three months. An allowance will be made of one copy for every five subscribers; and to those who^l)- tain but two subscribers, a rea.sonablc allow ance will be made. As the price of the book is put very low, the publishers expect that remittances will be prom; tly made on the receiiit of each volume. The publishers request those who have sub scription papers, to inform them any time prior to the first da\ of November next, of the num ber they have got or have u prospect oi ob taining. KECOMMKNDATIONS. From Dr. F. S. Fly, Pastor of the Third Frcs- byirriun Church, I'hiladflphin. r.entlernen,—Your proi)osed republican ion of made si?: weeks in tire Catawba Journal,for; Matthew Henry’s “ Exposition of the the defendants to appear at our next Court of 1 New Testament, with Practical He- Pieas ajul Quarter Sessions, to be held for the I obser vaiions,” deserves, encourage- ©ounty of Mecklenburg, on the 4th Monday of j f,.it.„as of evangelical religion Movember next, and answer to the petition ; | country. Could I not otherwise obtain Ten Dollars Reward. R an AWAY from the subscriber, in June last, a negro fellow, 38 years of age. 5 feet 8 or 9 ii.ches high, dark complexion, and lias a scar, it is believed, on his breast. He is sup- ])Osed to he harl.ored somew h».re be- tween Charlotte and my residence, as lie has been frequently seen. Whoever will apprehend s«id negro and return him to me, near I iickasege Ford, or give me information ro I get him, or secure him in any jail, shall be entitled to the above rewani. UOBEllT WILSON. Aot-. 27, 1827.—3t61p •therwise judgment will be taken pro confes- sp against them. I. ALEX.VNDEI?, C. M. C. 6t57.—pr. adv. ?2. Valuuble Real lUUUe for Sale. Iwlsh to se'! the tract of I.and whereon I now reside, distant 3 miles from the village of Char- lotte ; ctmtaining about 900 acres ilf^e l>e.st quality of Sugar Creek land. ’I'wo- thirds of the above tract is in wo(.ds ; the grea ter proportion of the balance having been o- nened within a few years, will yivld, in ordina ls seasons, from 800 to 1000 weight of cotton per acre. On the plantation is a goo.l dwtl- linc-house, and other necessary out buildings. The tract is well watered and has extensive meadows. Intending lo remove to anothtr state, the above property is offereu low for cash nr credit; orwould be exchanged for I ennessee lands, located within tl»e Middle or Western Districts. .... I The Land could be divided to suit purchas- WM. J. Pt>LK. Meckicnburg county, Oct. 1^, 1827.—33tt. a copy of this valuable w ork, I w ould give you, in exchange for it, all the Commentyrif's of Or ton, Doddridge, (Jill, Campbell, M’Knlght, Scott, and Clark : and while 1 would neither discard nor disparage tlu se, I must s;*y, tiiat Fifteen Dollar.s Reward. AN AWAY from the susrriber, 1. about the 25th June last, a lu gro man named CJMHLFS. Said negro was purchased at the sale of tlie pro perty of Frederick Dinkins, ileceas- ed, is about five feet seven or eight inches high, black color, and speaks very broken. Any person apprehenfing said negro and delivering him to the subscriber, or confining him in any jail in the State, so that I get him, shall be entitled to the above rew anL MOisES NEELY, stn. i\'or. 27, 1827—4t62 Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, do. 1WH.L SELL, at my former dwelling, anl at a credit of twelve months, all n^y stock of , - . . horses, cattle and hogs; and 200 bu‘»hels Corn, Henry lus as much good sense, as much pncti- j cash. Also, the plantation, at diflercnl cre- ’i* State Uunk of ,Vurih-Carolbin, SALlsnURY BUANCH, OCT. 25, IS-7. OUDFUED, by the Board >f Directors, tln.t a payment of one tenth of the princij a! be exacted uion all notes offered for U'ncwa. rom and alter the first of January na.ct: md ha the Cashier j;ive notice thereot to the debtors, by ndverlisement in the VVeV.eiM Caro.irtian fcnd (!ataw!ja Joui ti d A copy I’.oni >Ji:'utc3. JUMl’S SNK’::i\ CAsarKn. 9ir)2. I I resent DR. T. I Having positivei. medicine in CMiarlo.. ^ ’ *U1 those who are indcbte.. ' ■ . settle their respective acx-ounis , * ' ’ ulsoaad,th:a those wlio fail toavaii ^ (,f the time intervening .iate and November ( ourt next, will hml tlitii not. s and iuc.ounts entrusted to the msnage- nu nt of an .Attorney. (ktiihcr 24, 1.S27- —5 V* H.„Those having i'. thrir poKRCSsion huoks. eitl. r medical or inisrellancous, belong- li.i^to the subscnber, will please leturn tbcm. for a-t thss Uilic'c. cal pietv, and as thorough uc(piJiintance with the wind nfthe Spirit, as are manifested by any of his successors. The late Dr. Livingston w as the best preach er on the religious experience of a Christian, that 1 have ever heard ; and it is notorious, that he drew largely from the rich treasures which he found in Henry’s Bible. To any minister of the Gospel, or private Christian, w ho might regard my opinion, I w ould sav. If you have all other Commentaries, or can purchase but one, be sure to buy Alatthew Henry. EZRA STYLES ELY. Mv views of the Bt v. Matthew Hen’-y’s Ex position of the Old and New Testament, accord w ith those who have reccmmcnded it as a most valuable practical commentnry upon the Sacred Scriptures, and as furnishing some of the most impouant aids to a correct know ledge of them. L. S. IV I,S, .Hi:.*priute Jieclorvf A'.' Janus's Church,Lancaster. From the Hrv. il'. T. I>r/7v;h,>, ^'nstar if the Fint I'liful't Cl.urcn, i'hiltutlfihiu. Mespv';. Towar llo;^;ui: The piety and good sense of all Clui'-'cin i'omn;iinilies, have con- t:urred in :t'v .r.lir-i: to Hemy’s fomnu.nt;try. a 1tMtinj;ui-iii d pi u r s-.nunfv 'lie ‘.tandard wcnks of the s'-.nv- I;j'ov-.Itv-^^. ir, I van s iy, tliat i Jn\ '- t”. f;i e I'.i' t!"> '.jr'-.i hi'lns to a just iC',,'. e ” isli tlie sacrr i! \oI- i 1’^. ./.ih 1 oil ii.u 1 ;)Ve1er i^ » I.tilled 111 ] r,.. j , ; i'l, in adlicring to tin | I., S( v, ;lI,out the colorings ot | lor.'M’;;, 'A !iit;h’y coniineiid:d)!v ; and tlie 1 »;n •t'(i!i v. iii*:ii runs t lirough tlie w hole of i iiis W (.vk, r.'.tist rcndi-r it an acc ptaMe giiiiit- ' ti) ilie do ot'oiis of tiie pious in ever> dcnouii-j i'.ation. I \()U have inv earnest wishes for the success! of the projected publication of this work. With ChrlsliHii respect, W. T. nUAN'ILY. i;>/,^ March, 1827. lits; or it will be rented for one year, if not sold. Other articles also will be sold. Sale on the 13th December, to comnicnce at 10 o’elork. Hond and security will be rcjjuired; and tlue attendance will be given b\ me, 2t60 CYUU8 ALEXANDER. Committed to the Jail Or Mecklenburg county, on the Gth day of August, 1827, a negro man who says hia name is T^WtLTON, and that he belongs to a man by the name of Claiborn Cook, lining in (;ranville county. The boy is lafg-e and vcr}’ black, and stammers very much in speaking The ow ner is n tpu sted to come forw ard, prove property, pay charges iuid take hirnawitv. 57tf JOHN SLOAN, Sluriff. ae.u i i> '~‘ (JJ^Siibscriptioiis for the above valu able work received at tliis otricc. F»ntr;y' Tukcrs’ Wnrrauts, VftT at tlihi Office. ^ls\Ui XijvUv-Cui'tiWiia, Jiincoln Connt}’. Cuurl of Equity, (ktohcr Terr,\, 1,927. Henry I.iit7. jv. 'I he he'rs of Jacob I.ut», sen. dec cased—Petition for sale of Lot.s. !X this case, it appe;iring to the court, that Dani( I and Jacob Lntz.sonsof George Lutz, deceased, and I’hillp Ikard and Susannah his will , Sally Head and John Lntz, are not resi dents of this State : It is therefore OHDKRED, t’lat publication be made for six weeks succes sively in the Catawba Jc.urnal, that they and t ach of them be aiul aj.pear at the next Court of Eciiiitv, to be held fi.r the county of Lincoln, ;it t!ic (Jourt-House in Lincolnton, on the foiirth Mon h.y after the fourth Monday of March, 1828, to plead, answ er or demur to this bill, or jutlg- 1.11 nt pro contesso will be taken and heard ex piirte as to them. {Hti‘2r Te.st. JAMES HII.L, e. m. f. WwITwi'y’h ^IvicUwes. Jrs'r pnU.ISHED, and for sale at this of fice, “ Strictures on a hook, entitled, ‘An Apology for the Hook of Psalms, by Gilbert McMastei.’ To which are addcl, Reniark.s on a hook, fb> AlexaniKr (jordon] entitled ‘ The di sign and u-.t‘ of the I’ook of f‘salins.’” 15y IIknkv Ki ktnkh, A. .M. NN'ith an Ai)pe"di.\, i.y .Ions M. Wii.bo.N, pA.to; ol i{* i: '.er ; n ' I'hilaUcij^ihiav From the ChlUicothe Gazette. “ Brnd, Novcmher 4, IP27. “A day or two before the nomination of Mr. Clay to the cfiice of Secretary of Slate was acted on by tlie Sctiate, I was retiuested by that getitleman to move for a committee of inquiry into his conduct, in relation lo the then recent election of President, if any thing should occur in my opinion to make it necessary. Mr. Clay repeated the application on the day that the nomination was taken up by the Senate, with great earnestness, and o!>- tained my promise that I would comply with his request. From the position which I occupied in Senate Chamber, be ing somewhat in the rear of that of Mr. liranch, I did not distinctly hear the greater part of his speccb in opposiiion to ihe appointment. Fearing that I might have misunderstood him, and not wishing to rely entirely on my ownjudf^- ment, in a matter i'> which another was so materially concerned, I applied to Mr. Lloyil, of Mass. who sat near to and directly in front of Mr. Ijranch, to know whetlier, in his opinion, any thing had been suid by Mr. li. which would render it proper to move for an inquiry. Mr. Lloyd answered, that nothing bad fallen from Mr. B. which would make a motion oftluitjkind necessary; and the same opin ion was expressed to me by at least one other Senator. I therefore gave up the dea of moving for an in\estigation.— The speech of Mr. Branch, which was published by himself some time ago, is, I have no doubt, as correct a statement as he coxild make of what he delivered to the Senate. But I must confess that, even at this time, I can see nothing in it which would have induced me to have adopted a dilferent course. It appears 10 me, that I should neither have consult ed the public interest, nor the honor of Mr. Clay, in calling for an inquiry, when the accuser—if accuser he can be called declared that he had no proof to offer, but whai each member of the Senate, and every one else, possessed. “ On the day that the nomination was acted on by the Senate, or on the suc ceeding one, I informed Mr. Clay that nothing had passed in the Senate which made it necessary lo move for the in vestigation which he had solicited. The assertion of the fact by Mr. Branch, is suflicient evidence to me, tf.at several of the Senators who voted with him against Mr. Clay’s appointment, were governed by the sastie motives and feelings towards that gentleman which actuated him. Such was not the case, however, in re lation to his colleague. For soon after the vote had been taken, Mr. Macon ap proached me, anti observed, that he had not been inOuenced in ojiposing Mr. C.May’s appointment, by any diminution of his ronjidrnct in his intfprity, but solely on tbejjround of the latitude of construc tion which he had given to the Constitu tion. Believing that it was the intention of Mr. Maron, that I should communi cate tfiis oI)servation ‘to Mr. Clay, and kr»o\v!ng the pleasure that it would give to the luiter to find that he still possessed the esteem of iiis old friend and associate, I did not fail to mention this also to Mr. Clay. “ W. II. HARRISON.” mills} something over a hundred are here employed, about one fifth females, and one fifth boys. The machine sho^ is of the same dimensions as the mills* and gives employment to about 180 mechanics.” “ The company to whom the machine shop belongs, have a large tract of land, and an immense water power, and are prepared to furnish machinery of all descriptions at short notice, and erect th© necessary buildings. They have lateiy contracted lo erect two mills, 155 by 44, near the same, and furnish the machinery capable of making three millions of yard% of cloth, yard wide, of No. 14 yarn, pei* annum, to build 30 three story brick tenements, agent’s house, and out build ings, lo furnish 8 acres of land, and am ple water power, and to put the same iti operation, for about 300,000 dollars. Besides those steadily employed in the mills, about 150 mechanics, such a?t masons, carpenters, &c. find constant work. The amount of capital actually invested is g2.400,000, viz. Merrimack Manfacturlug Company, $1,200,000 Proprietors of I.and and Canals, 600,OOW Hamilton Manufacturing Company, 6l0,00t> With respect to the appreciation o£ land, I will iDcniion a fact: I purcha.^ed, in 1822, nine-tenths undivided, of a farm of 110 acres, for Rl, 100. The owner of the other onetenili had agreed to convey it for g200 ; but dying suddenly insolvent, it was sold by order of the court, and I gave for seven and a half tenths of hi» one tenth, upwards of gJ,000. All his debts b'^ing satisfied, the remainder was sold a year afterwards for the benefit of minor children, for nearly g5,000. Lund favorably situated, is worth 15 cents ^ foot, and vhere are a few spots that would command 50. In 1822, tlie whole popu*- ation of that part of Chelmsford whicli now constitutes Lowell, did not, exclusiv« of Mr. Hurd’s mill,exceed 100 jit isno>ir probably 5,000. The solitary store- keeper of 1822, is now surrounded by nu merous rivals, and there are few luxuries, and no necessaries, that sharp competi tion among the dealers does not enable the consumer lo purchase as cheap ia Lowell as he can in Boston.’* AMERICAN MANl'FACTURES. 1 he villutre of l.owell, (Mass.) is remarkable for the number of Manufacturing establish ments erected within a few years, and the quantity of goods manufacti/red. The fol lowing extracts from a statement lately m;ide to Mr. Cary by one of the proprietois, cannot be uninteresting: “There are now in full operation at Lowell, six cotton mills, four stories high, 155 feet by 44, containing 25,000 spindles, and about 150 looms, in w!uch were made, the last year, 5,032,408 yards of cloth, wtighingU045,r:8G pounds, from 1,176,?/82 lbs. of raw cotton. Tliree other mills are covered in ; the first will be smarted in .lanuary, and the other two in July and .lanuarv following. Th»re are now emnloyed 1^:00 persons in the mills, nine tenths of whom .'>re females. Adjoining- the mills if tlic Mcrrimac M:ui'ifacluring Company, are their bhach and print works, covering more (rrourd, I’t ernal i{\ r to twc { From the Delaware Watchman* « The operations ofintellect are not so strikingly perceptible as those of physical force. Moral effects are gent rally com prehensive, powerful and efficient, al though ihey are quiet in their course and gradual in their step towards perfection. They are not noticed by the physical organs of vision, and are not accompanied in their course by the glitter of pageantry or the flattering ffaze and shoutings ol* wonder-struck multitudes, but pass alor/g the “even tenor of their way” with con stant, persevering, stately stepping, im provement on every side, as lasting me mentos of their estimable character. Times have been when deeds of lesser worth and greater have outshone lor a short time the lasting lustre of intel lectual achievements, which have beet* brightened by the hand of time and hal lowed by after ages. As wc turn over the pages of the histories of past times, we estimate the charactets of statesmen higher than those of warriors.—It is not he who was engaged in bloody contests, or who spread terror and dismay, by his ferocious or fearless disposition, througli surrounding nations, that calls forth our highest approbation ; but he whose truth and talents cheiished peace and amity with neighboring states; who cultivated internal quietness, domestic industry, arts, sciences, education, morality and religion ; w'hose policy was peaceful, yet intellectually energetic; he it is whonit we love, reverence, and cite as a bright exemplar for the present day. In the days of our Revolution a vas*: majority of our citizens thought thatal! our success flowed from the brandishing* of the sword and the lightnings of the cannon. Time has convinced them of such error. The soul, the sustaining: power of our country, was concentrated in our early Congresses and Assembliesr where intelligent and mif^hty minds cai:«> vassed with intellectual vigor, the inter" ests and resources of the country, and projected those plans and cherishr.! principles which consummated our In dependence. Our army and commar> ders did much, but our statesmen dia more. Our Revolutionary Gencralfr were mot e extolled than our Statesmen-, because their deeds were more visible to the naked eye. But did they deserve mucli.^ Who roused this country fro'.jt her slavish slumbers? Our Statesmc:^’* Who penned our Declaration oflnd;.- peiidence ? A Statesman. Who wc3 the enegy of the land—who siipportci*. the country in her difliculties and inspj": ed our citizens and soldiers with pntrv otism, by their eloquence Our Stat^.i men. Ikit their deeds did not strike th’; senses, and it has been left for tia;':'c crown them 'vitU their