rruw liiiiiugiuu yuji lu the distance may be expressed in round Tiuml)crs240 miles, and if we allow five seconds to the mile, a well constructed «r.fl managed line of T( Ie"raph>! wouK! eenvt'v intellij;('nce to Iiallinioi'e in iit- lle more than 3 1-2 minutes ; o I’hil- adflphia in 0 atul 1-8 niii'!:a>; :uul tliroutih the line to Ncw-Voili, uj Jittle iDore than 20 minutes. If such inductions were made from ratiniial tlieory, they would even tfien merit attention ; l)ut founded as llu-y are on facts, ancl on the actual experience of one of the most enliciiitcuod of moilern nations, they oujj;hl to command promiit- ]_V, tlie deep attention of t!ie iVmerieau public. We are slunvn that the tele- fCraph literally g;ivcs to the human in tellect winj;'i of li^ht.” If ^\c su|)- • j)o.se tliedistance fi‘»-v!n \Vashin”;lon to l(,*ans to he lOD Jiiiles, and «p^ain csli.’f.alc for various diflicultics on .so lohg ri route, that it would rerjuire 30 {-cccikIs to each mile ; still inlercom- T(iunic;.(ion could he efi'-eted in eii^ht liouvi and twenty seconds, and st the ulmoit. delay, {espatches sent and repli ed to, on thfe saniC day. Wc may, indeed, pause and reflect on tlie peculiar march of in)j)rovemcnt. One of the first maj)s brought to Kui ojje, was one made by order of Aristagorab of Samos, eiigrnved on a plate of brass, and brought by him to Athens anri Sparta, 501 years before the Christian era ; and y(;t maps from metallic [>lates are an invention posterior to that of printing from metallic lyj)es. The tele- jjrapli in a rude form, v.'as uscd by the Gieek", five ceiiturics before our era, or 23 centuries past ; and all its (jrodigious and obvious cfTects, remain confined to mere local experiment in jilacc of being an inseparable appendage to every very much frequeiitf il road. May we hoj)e that the United States are destined to gi^e at once to mankind, the first elli- f.ient opportunity to develope this phy sical and moral Irrcc. 'i'he day may mwn in the enrrent ccntury, when intellig*-iice will lly along the Ajipiljchian cliain from peak to peak, with a celerity out.strijiing the \vuiis, and permit society at its ex- Irenies to converse dailj’. CiVnTKR I>r.TKRiT.—It will'tjp seen bv th* tended, that it was competent for Mr. Chiy, or for any other citizen’ lo refute these cahininifs in the public ionrnrtls in >vhi( h llu y Ikivi fii-en tlissemuuiud— cither by a'iajjroih/KT ihvn), or blu'w itii; ihui SKX1TE. •MONDAY, Nor. —On motion of Mr. Sjjcigljt of (Irien, ihe Judiciary Con>- niittee, were iiisiriicted to eiKjuire into the prf>j)riety of so anienditii^ (lie Judi- thcir pnnm^ators arc not rm7//.y , cjal Sysleui, as to y;ive to the Superior helitvni. So fur .ts we could jud.^e, the i^reater portion of the nuu)erous auditory deemed the tiefence to be complete. Tlu* Jury, (composed of ^;entlemen of botii Courts oritjinal exehisive jurisdirlion in all matters of conlrovi-rsy, \viiere tlie title on land is brought into fjuestion ; anfl to the County Courts original exclu- political parlies,; retired for about i'jvt I jurisdiction over all actions of assault uunules, and retuVned a verdict of “ Xol l»attery, subject however in the latter (iuilty.”—“ So .r.'irft fur liuckiughnui." The PetersbufInt(dligencer, in some remarks on Ihe i)rosper.t of Virginia he- cominp; a manufacturing State, and on iicr present condition, draws the I’ollow- ing, hnt douI)tIess accurate skctch, of iier piesenl condition : “However, ihe seasoti fi)r serif>us re flection has arrived. I'or years, Virgin ia and the other States of the South have I)ecn evidently on the decline,Iwhile New York and her Northern and I'usteiit sis ters have lloiiribhed in a measure beyond example : One reason is, tlmt ire have depiMuled alone on Agriculture, the pro ducts of Hhich, year after year, have I’allen in price ; while they have turned their atteution to Manufactures and Commctce, as auxiliary branches ne cessary to assist and sustain that which is the main pillar ot a nation’s strength. Is this so i Our decaying towns, and deser ted jjlantations present a melancholy and heart sickening contrast to their wealth) cities and hundreds of thriving vdlat^es that have risen like exhulaiions—and where are our great pul)lic works to vie with thi-irs Our CanaU, Uoads, Bridg es—wIuMe ." liut what shall be our rem edy f Let us avail ourselves of the bouii- ties oi Jiature, and embrace the advan tages presented by circumstances—Lei us esial)lish Manufactures, at kasi loan extent suflicieni lor dome:itic consump tion— thus |)rovicling partially a home market for one of the great stuplesof our Agriculture, at tlie same tin.e lessening so far Mif outgoings of our ju ople. Let us, in fine, ii we are iiot dead to our own interests—if we are at all ambitious Oi rivallitig tlie great States of the North atid Last—Let us ]>rofit by their exan*- ple.” PhineasL. Tracy, Esq. the Administra- iMti anulidate for Congreas^ in ihe 29tli following article, says the Ikiltiinore Patriot,! District ol New ^ ork, in thiit this lujtorioui htiSN body li.ts failed in his ' |ol ^ll. Lvans. lesigntd. has j , .. r * ’ . ■ .1 been elected by a very large maionty l.b..) su,., a,Kl ,s .s ,n ,l..s cso a, . Oi;LiJn was Gc'Pcral Jackson in pvoiUicing his witufss, caildidulc. Mr. liuchaiian. Wc hope the address to the } Jurv by Mr. Doddridg-e will not be lost to the {)uhlic. From the Wheelinc Gnzdteof Saturday. Tin: LlliLL, The COMMONWEAl.TW, vs. RonEurL Curtis. The public have already been informed, that, at the August Court, an indictment was preferred against the editor, at the instance ef Mr. Carter Beverley, (author of “ the Fayetteville letter,” kc. See.) for charging Mr. B. with falsehood and mis representation in his letter to Duff Green of the 11th July. This cause occupied two days at the late [Nove.iiberj Court, and was decided on the lOth inst. Ths defendant ofiered, in jusfijicafton, proof of the truth of the puhjication coin|dained of as libellous. Jii !)ehalf of the Commomwealih, it v,as cr.ntrncled, that it was t.ot comjietent for the (h-l'endant to give such proof in justi- iication. The argument upon this j)oint was of considerable length and great interest. Mr. Doddridge, for (herh'fi ri- datit. niaintairied, that under the nrcuni- Hiancts of tht}, case, it was comjjeieiii for the deb ndant to prove the Uiiih of the puhhcaiion in justification. We are sor ry we caTinot lay his arguuienl l)efore our readers, fi;!’, ahboiigh ii did not convince the couii, wc are persuadi’d it would con- \ince tiic ijiiblic. il.at the legal grounds viiich he assU'iied, “will st;did the test ofhuman scru'iri'-. of talents and of time,” Tlie t ouri d» ci.'l- d, that ikvtnith could mi he Ht ored in jn>>lijiaitvm. A iiii.ss ul oral and flornmentary evi- tle;if e wjctuen laid before the jurv, com- in.Mtcin;;; witlj tia- Fayeiicville'letter and ending v nil ih.it c^f Mr. Mat kley, anti iiKiUding (ien. Jackson's letter to Mr. ileveriey, his afUliess to the public of the ii.ih July, Mr. Jhirhanati’s and Mr. llaion's statements. Mr. Beverley’s letter to Dnfi Green, of the llih July, and the testimony of I ;'i-1 gendeinen, shewing the lalsiiy ol most ufihe btatements con tained iii that letter. The very a’oie arj;iimcnts addressed lo tl'.e jury were nut clasefl until a late hour That of Air. Do(hiridge, lor the defend ant, was an inullernial treai of a verj liij'h ordei. The inieiisc interest with \viiich it was listened to, evitu ed the ad- sniiaiion jf those w!io heard it. 'I'he «.;rf.unds Uj on which ihecelence was f)lae- \sere siiiiilar to those mjintainetl vsiili to much «IV»-ct by Mr. j'.f sknie, in the case of the King ?’.v. Stoi kdule, tried be- i'ot'C Lnrd Kenyon, in i7h'>. M'. L>. look a historical revif'w of the ^•la'i^/.lat)* cuiuniiiies of which Mi-. ('i.iy A member of the Tennessee Legisla ture has introduced a resolution into that body recommending it to the people of the United Staies, to impeach Mr. Adams, and remove him from ofiice. This is really carrying the joke rather too far. We should perhaps not say so if we could believe him guilty of all the corruption that has been charged on him ; but this clamor about “ bargain, intrigue and corruj^iion,” is pretty generally under stood lo be mere political declamation, got up for effect.—Tuscaloosa Sentinel. In the Pensacola Gazette, we find the following rather remarkable Erratum. In our last we reported a man as dead, who was only dead drunk ; we beg his pardon fur the omission of ihe laiter word, and at the same time congrat ulate him that old May,* of yellew fever memory, is not now our undertaker; if he was, his man would surely have been sewed up in a blanket and buried, befori: the fumes of his liquor had evaporated. The N. Y. Morning Courier says a new town is uhout to be formed on Mount Prospect, N. J. six miles from New York, “to I)e called Jackson, in honor of tin next Presideni 1” The Charter ought to provide lor changing the name in case id nrcident. Sonrie new “coalition bargain” ina) possibly again frustate the “will of the people.” A”. H. Seniuitl. Some twenty or twonty-five years since,, in a n'ighboring (own, dwtdt a m:in of some coiisi quei ec* in his neijrh- borhood, but nut noted for his erudition or knowledge. Being a subscriber to a newspaper, as all good citizens should be, he imbibed no sniall lcgroe of ihe party zeal that characterised tbe papers of those tinn's. About tbe time we are speaking (jf, bis favorlic paper adopteil a motto, reading in this manner: “ H' iiii/I ftar jiot."—Siiakm’j:,\nr. ^Vhe!l it eumt; to hand lie v.'as (|uiet]y sealed in nis, arm chair, and taking it up*, the first thing that struck his eve was the new niott«, which lie rcatl, and punc tuated thus—lie juil, and lear not Shakspcire.” '{’his almoiiition, as be look it to be, ushered forth in staring cajfitals, cotdd not lail to arouse all his polilieal zeal. “ Sliaksprare !” he ex- claimetl, al tlic-same timejumjfing out ol his ( hair and clenching both f'sts, “ ri! have ’em lo know that [ don't l( ;ir Shaks])eare, nor any. other Feder- ll'vrccs/cr case to an ai)peal to the Superior Court. Mr. Jones of Wilkes, presented the petition of Sarah Tilley, praying to liave ])ro])(‘rly secured to her—and Mr. Love, of Haywood, the petition of sundry citi zens, praying lo have a new county erec ted from lbs South Westeri. part of Hay wood. These pelitions were referred, tl’.e latter to a select commiliee consist ing of Messrs. Love, Shobcr, Spaight of Craven, Franklin and Scott. Mr. Love [)resenied a bill, to keep open the 'I'uckasege lUver, the 'I’ennessee River and their tributary streams in the County of Haywood. H ad the lirst timi and subs«-(|uently it passed ilssecojid and third readings and was ordered lo be engrossed. Ti'KSDA V, 27.—Mr, Gray presented a rtsolulion, instructing ihe Judiciary Commiliee to eiujuire into the expediency of extending the jurisdiction anrl laws ol the Slate, (jver the territory within its limits now occupied ljy the Cherokee Indians, which being read, w'as laid on the table, on motion of Mr. Wilson ol Ldgcombe. Mr. Burgin presented the petition cf sundry citixens (d' Burke, jjicyirig for an uppropi'iation of luoney, for the opening a road across the Yeihnv Mountaiti aiul Blue Kidge, and Mr. M’Dowell, tlie j)eti- lion of Benjamin Wearson of Buncombe piuyingjio l)e divorced, lieferrcd. V HOUSE 1)1' COMMONS. wo.M-'Av, Ai/r. 2f). — A Uesidntion was receixed Irutn ihe Senate, jiroposing to appoint a joint seieci committee to en- tjui;e into th* expediency of amending and consolidating the several acts of the (ieneral .Assembly, re:if)ecting the Treas ury Dej>artnient: and that the said com- lii'ttee be instructed to examine the B tuksof ihe Treasury, the monies in the treasury Office and the'■nms deposited in the ditVi*renl Banks, lo Ihe credit ofUie State ; and that Messrs. Pickett, Owen, Speight of Greene, Wilson of Fdgcombe and (iray form tlie ('onmiiitee on their ])art. Tbe proposition was agreed to and Messts. Fisher, S|)ruill, Alexander, Morehead and bite were lunncd as the Committee on the I'art cf the House. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, the Com mittee on Intern'ii Improvement was in structed to enqtdre into the most practi cable plan of opening a communication between the Albemarle Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. On motion of Mr. Jones of Rowon, the Judiciary Committee were insiruci- ed to enquire into the exjiediency of so amenc'ing the existing !aw on the sub ject of compensating Pi'osecuting Ofii- cers, as to secure the fees due, on ihe conviction ol Insolvents. TUESDAY, Aw. 27.—On motion of Mr. Perry, the Judiciary Committee were instructed to enquire into the expediencv ol so amending ihe laws in relaiion ti; A d m in ist ratoi'b, as lo enable them to rent out the lands ol iheir inier>iaies, from the death of ihe intestate, until a guardian is appointed lo Ihe heirs at law ; and furthermore, to enable Administrators and Juxecutors to receive all sums of mo ney in the hands oi cleiks aiul masters ill Equity, arising from tlu* sale of the lands of their testator or intestate, by a decree of the courts of I'.q-iity. On motion of Mr. Foy, the Judiciary Commiiee were instructed to c lujuire in to ihe expediency of providing hy law, for the arranging, revising and digesti’.g (he whole botiy of public and statute law t'l North Carolina, comint'ncing with the earli“st Lnglish Statute in foicein this State ; and lor the compiling under otu head, all laws in force on any one subject, with rclercncc to the year when such laws were passed. On motion of Mr. P>ynum, the Com- n.ittee of Finance, v.ere instructed to examine; into all isl)ursemenis of the public monies, wiiliiti ihe pr'ceding fia- cal year, Kir ihc purpose of asceriaining whether such disbursements have been made under pro[)er authority ; and w he- Utor there have been made any improv- ideni improper disbursements by reason olany misconstruction or defi cts in the 'aw which may require legislative in terposition. On motion of Mr. Allen of Montgoin- er\, a s h'ct Committee cfiusistifig of Messrs. Allen, Hardy, Washingtoti and (ilasgow, were ajipointed to eiujuire in to the cxpf'dienry and nt cessily of estali- lishiug a Medical Board in this Stale. On motion of Mr. liicvard, the Com mittee on military allairs wcie instructed lo encjuire into the expedu iic y of altering,' the militia laws, com[)ellifig oOicers com manding cornpiinies, to «x(rcisc their respective compatiies, from three iiours on each parade day, \u one hour. A communication was leceived from the Governor, li ansmittln- Pepoifs oi wer^ teiit lb the Senate; w’itS a prqposi- lion to print 3 copies for each member, which was agreed to. I he General He- [)ort of the Board of Internal Improve ment, will be communicated in a few days. On motion of Mr. Taylor, the Military Committee were instructed to enijuire in to the expediency of so amending ihe present laws as lo reduce the number of petty musters in each year to ; and that muster to precede the general mus ter, by a period not exececding three months. On motion of Mr. Fisher, the Commit tee on Internal Improvement were di-1 i„{e,,ded'to work their'enecis on the nuh reeled to enquire into the expediency of mind at a distance ; and they were nr causing a survey lo be made, with the ) f^rdingly copied by minor Kdiiors, with blazoned capiions—‘‘ Great Victory”—* En^irtr, lccr6l>*‘ned their fire of niis- representation. The latter told us tha» all the Jackson Senators were el cted and the Setiate wouM exhildt 2.1 ioi* Jackson and 4 for the -Atlniinistration A short time afterwards the Kv» jiin^» Post re-marshalletl that body, and awariC « d 20 to Jackson, and 12 lo the Afiniiii- istration. Then came the division ol ti,f. House of Hepresenialives. In the place, the Administration were allowed about 13 ; soon afterwards, the^minority was permitted to reach 17 ; and, finallv. the parlies were arranged as fil to 37. All these consecutive stuiements were view of ascertaining the best line ibr a liailroad, from some j)oint on the Yadkin Kiver a!)ove the Narrows, to the town of Fayeiteville. ^lr. Alexander presented the petition of James M. Mills of MeckL-td)urg and Mr. Little, the petition of \Vinibrd ILve- reii t>f Anson, praying for divorce. Mr. Clayton, the petition of sundry citizens ol Buncomb, praying for an alteration of one of the lines circnmscribinj;^ the limits of the 1st and ?d Regiments. Mr. Allen, the petition of sundry inhabitants of Bun combe and the adjoining counties oii the subject of keeping open a road, anti Mr. O. B. Cox, the petition of John M. Dan iel of Jones, praying to be restored to credit forfeited in consepience of a con viction for petit larceny—which peli tions were read and referred. On motion ofMr. Webb, the Judiciary Committee were instructed to enquire into the..p'*opriety of so amending the laws on tiic subj» ct of Divorce and Al imony, as to give exclusive jurisdiction lo the Superior Courts, in such cases. Mr. Morehead, a bill to subject bail to costs. [Provides, that w henever a .vcfVe farias shall issue against any person as tlu- bail of any other person, and saifl bail shall not at, or before ihe term of the court to which said .v(7/T /ir. shall be re turned, executed, be discliargcil fi cjin his liability as hail, by the death or surrender ol his princif)al or otherwise, then the bail to be lialile fur all the costs.] Read and referred lo the Judiciary Committee. KOItKlGN KX rUAC I S. It is said tliai not less than 50,000 Rus sian troops would be assembled on the Turkish ftoniiers by the beginning of the current month. Mnr.vfuctures.—The London Traveller says—“It was slated last week that what liilie had been done for foreign trafle, WHS chiefly for Germany, Brazil, and Ni>th America ; but that the demand was subjiding. It appears, however, tliat there is still some demand for North America ; but not from houses to whicti it is thought quite safe to make con- sii;nmenis. It is fare for the market to be in such a state of stagnation, as to put an end to orders fi i^m our friend Jonathan. During the last j)anic, there were almost as many orders from the United Slates as in better times; l)ut it may be asserted, upon the authority of two of the most eminent manufact urers at Mancheiier, that not one in a liundred of those orders was executed, most of the ])ersons w ho received them being either unwilling, in the then stale of the commercial world to incur the risk, or unable to obtain ihe mo neyed assistance requisite for undertak ing such orflers. Latterly confidence be ing in a great measure restored, many orders which in a |)eriod of depression would-.have been rejected have been ex ecuted—some say al great risk. As to the merchants and manufacturers wlio have shipped to Brazil, many of them are so disgusted with tlie dishonesty and bad success which they have experi enced, that they talk of declining the foreign trade altogether.” London, 0>t 4—The Moniteur of 'I’nesdi.y stales, that the Egyptian fleet, to the nundjer of KW sail, entered Na- varion on the ;'d of September. It was accompanied by hctweeu 40 and .'iO ves sels. Ii this rej)ori jiroves corrcct, we iiiay sately predict the immedate com mencement of hostilities. AfVait s are coming to a crisis in Spain. 'I'be Rebels aj)j)ear too strong for the Kitig, in whose name they took up arms. In fact, all parties seeni to have no in telligible object in the warfare now de solating that wretched country. The slrui^'gle is not between Servile and Liber al, but Serviles are f)pposed lo Servilcs, and L liras, lo Aposiolicals. In sliort, all the sai (Is ol confusion sown in Spain by deleterios infiuence of the Fnglish Ex. .Ministers the T.ldon, Londtniderrv, and Bathurst j)olicy—are now in full germi nation, give strange intimation of ihe redundant harvests of evil which time is preparing for the sickles. Look ing pros- peciiv('ly, we aienot sorry for this since nothing but an entire revolution, and an (‘Xtinction (d monastic privileges, will vei fit Spain for ilie appreciation or the j)ossession of liberty. I^nr-york Kledion. — Wc have repeat- '•(Il_\ V'arned our readers against receiv- • nir for facts tlie statements made in the Opposition papers (d’the result of the liitc elecii'jiib in tlie State of Nc’V York. New-York for Jacksou”—“ The Elec tion Settled”—and the like ; and, by such means, timid friends of the Administra tion were alarmed. Happily, however, for the cause d' truih and good order, the moment for the re-aciion has ar: ived. The election returns being complete, and the names of the new Assemnly published, an es timate has been made ot ilie compara- live strength of parties in the House of Representatives,either from personal ac- (]uaintance with the sentiments of the individual, or from information deser ving of credit. The result, as it has been presented to us in the National Advo- cate, is 55 for Adams, 40 for Jackson, and 27 of whose course nothing certain IS known. On looking over this Fist wc find that Broome county is put down as havin- reiurned a Jackson Representative. The following paragraph, however, from ilit vMljany Advertiser, corrccls ihib opi nion: Vr,I.L DONE, DliOO.MF, COUNTY. The following i« an extract of a h-tter from a gi-ntleinau in liiiig-hanipton, to his friend in Albany: “ Our present member of Assembly, Mr. P. |{()t)inson, liis bi-at the Jackson candidate, (.lo.-'h. Whitlicy, lately a liigh minded federalist', hyaniaiority of 754 votes. This little llroum has svvipt clenii. It will he observed tiiat both candidates are Bucktuth ; in the contes* tlie Morgan question did not afiVct cither, h’ the line h;td been drawn as close in relation to the l^residi iitial question, in every othi.r county of the State, very difKerent would have been the result. 'I’he ides of next No\ ember w ill find evcy man in his proper place, and at his post.” Making this correction, the numbers will stand—for Adams 59, Jackson 49» doubtful 27. Dividing the doubtful mem' berse(|ually between the two parlies, we shall find a majority for the Adminislra. lion. One important point in the electiou remains to l)e noticed. On all sides it is admitted, tiiat, generally, throughout the State, the elections did not turn ou the Presidential (juesiion. The tickets were—federal and republican—masoa* and antimason—regular and self-nomin-. ations—rail road and anti-rail road. Sec., —as local interests and considerations pointed. This being the case, the great majority of the Representatives are not pledged to any particular course as re gards national politics. They are not enclosed in the net of Messrs. Van Buren and Co. j but are left free lo act according to iheir own views of things, and the understood wishes of the people. We rely on their intelligence and virtue { and await the result without any appre hension. We see sufficient in the late e- leclions lo satisfy us that at the electoral election, the cause of the Administration will be sustained against the assaults of conspiracy and intrigue. National Journal. FMzahc.thtown, Perm. Nou. 17.—On Monday night last, Mr. Jacob Merow, of this borough, pul a period to his ex istence, by ihrow ing himself into a small (lam, made by some school boys in ihe Conae creek, in this borough. The spot w here the deed was committed, was about two feet deep—and he, to accomplisli his purpose, tied his hands and feet—and by that means, accomplished his sad and melancholy end ! He was, in his youn ger days, a most amiable and accomplish ed young man ; but disappointmeniH in lile, whicheveiy man is subject to, drove him to inlnnperontr! intemperance to sickness I—and those combined crazed his imagination—atid, alas I we find onr b ientl, in tlu* bloom of manhood, jireci' pilating himself to desii uctiun. Norfolk, Ja.Novemhrr^O.—The ciii7.cn% ol Noifolk county, o()posed to the elec tion of (irneral .Andrew Jackson, to the Presidency of the L’niled States, met at the Court House in Portsmouth, yester day. i he old Revuliiiionary patriot .lesse Nicholson, presided. (Jen. Robert B. I aylor arldressed the Chair at consid erable length, j)iefaiory to the lieselu" lions, which we have not yet received. Beacoi}. Si^na of the Times."—\ new paper, by Ro!)ei I Foster, has made its appear ance at Portsmoutli, N. H. on the side of the administration. It is conducted with al)iliiy, and wc hope it will not experience the fate of the .lackson “Signs of the limes,” lately commenced at Albany, N, . which died on the day of its birthv N- York .ddr.

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