i,s I t t Tc; I t .i \ t I ii.i'hi . .u III ! u! ly i!c- IK . I ■ 11 •• t H•!' Ip'' I 11 \is SII11 |l'C 1, bill. i';n;(. !plc U.i-v liavo a^sti(lu»! v itli i hu\ .• ovm tin' 111 I ll l)Ci unit's not ’l'.‘ M'lr1 ol the I ^l.iti . I >11'.i. •• I.' •-(m’u ii L'i'ati'itoiis : i,r«. or i> ; t rt p’ a-, ttu- oi' a kivor tluit h.'r ' i.u lj ; n aiiiplf il".,t is t x;'ctt.-('. I ’o !'(• (!i ti i' Iiy ;i,- j c- .• pri MM' - i l li'.lH IilS, \' in l'»C! ’iU‘ U l'llt •'iul! I t; i)>' acts i i' r»-"rii o'al li inn. It in tiu' tni'un tin)f, ‘ li"!,if Wiry to know, i!ut!. ijp.iii iVoiii in-. "■ )n'.i i i;'nc{'S!!’v!,'t lor.i ;i diritiii I .uirr « !’ I'.ic Li''iial Ill'll cU ol :I u.l • d;> 1o‘ ■) iias f, I. !i Iiv r r t uni'.ni inv liu- ?i;taUo'N or '’f rrsMUv'tl liir i. I'iti'ti SlaM". ;k1 iio"f oT i»ias,niMii!f is to be IV :!'.i tr.ls ti-.nliii;; sUili' ot snuiuai iii'.ri t!:f. With tl,i‘ nniriiimt' nr (.1 com- rM'icial ol' i.urop;', oni- inii!- 'lursc coiHin.; Ji i:;tli‘ \jrl.iti(.n. .••.I;', ,■ i!ic . - li!)!!, Iiv tlii“ C'on\I’niioTi « 1'J i;]i Jutit . I. -. , oi\'!! (,i->t 1 iininaMn!:^ utiiiis lijjon ni ilu* Lnittd uml ol'l la’Kc. in ( ilhci cunniry, viiif 11 u i'll liial ntii'-'fi has ini'.n'asfd i'.i i! i' i:ti'I fa''iA ui''po'ii Ion on t!u' j)ar •■ i has hern nianiii''led :o r.i .V tlr.i! : imd it! ac i^dini; i;> 'i,c I 101)0'-;',!. w I’ havr t xpn’sst d thf wi'. i !i.,i' f in).’Ill !)!• iXUndid to uilui 1 1.'(‘i-, w liii !i a n;(.'0(I niu'it'rsiand- ifi;; 111 :v-('fi! ihi' j>ai lit" \\ould lif !)( lU'ii- liul lo til'.'oi'oolh- The oiitrin i,i'! hi' I.' Iii:i ai I'i h;t ion Iji I'M'cti I Ilf L'- Sillies 1 raiifi', is cocval uitli liu liisl ’t'.iis of our Indfprndoiict. '1 ill' nii tni.>ry oi' it is ii.U'rwovt'd with i'liul ui oui' i.j'dtjoiis '•tlot' i:alio!ial c:-.istciicc. d a-, it i::;s (.tcms- ionallv hc'on sinct' that liiiu , it cmu !)V iis iif'ci' !;i- (-ii'iM)Ur", : iMi'J WO should hiiil V. it li cxid!.'.i i(jn iho i!u.iiu':,t V. i.it h sh( nid .■;ialu .tli' vi 11 C(dIt'c lion. *'(;tial!i iVii'iuiiv in spin!, on tlu' jiaii d I'l'ancr. A iicsh ui’oi'i i.as K'Ctnily l ^in madt', l»y lln' .'viij.isU'i'ol'llic Uniu-d Slalcs r('si(iini;-at I'ji'is. to chta'in a considci'atioi! ol tlx- jUi>i cluin)s ul' cilizt’tis ol’ ilic L’niit-tl btaU's lo thi' I (’iKii'jtiu!) ol' wi'onij's Ioml’' fttdi'f commiitcu, many oi'llu in IVi'.nkiy iicknow U'(i;;fd, anti all of tlit'm »'niit!i.'d. •ap.'n fv uiincijdr o! iuslicc, lu a cati- did «>;:iiniiu;i iui). 'I'lu' pmjjo.sal Ksi uiaiU' to I he I'l'rnch (i u \ i.'innu nl has been toritVrtho si.bjift, wliicli has 1'onr.i‘d uti o!)stacl«' to tlis runsidt I ailUii, to l!.- (1','U'i ininati()n oi'a Sc Vi'i 'ii';n, liit' coiit- l.UJi) IVirnd oi' boih, 'I’o iliis oil't r no clt ii'u;iie afiswtT has yi'i bi’fn rcccivt'd ; but iIh‘ giillanl and lionorable hpii’it uliicli has at a!! liiv.es !>n'n the pi i(!t" vUd l-'i'::nrt', uil! not uh in-Jattdy jtcnnit tilt* di nic.nds ol’i?ino l ilt sidTt'i «'i's to !,'i’ r:-.'jiic^ni'jlu'd in liit' nn'! ’ c.oii.sciuu:}- iivss o!'t'.if pov.crto ic,.'-cl tlu’ir.. i.iv- Ti Luiy ■oi’Amity. Nj\if^r-fion, oit'.J ('(jnii'u i'cc, !i .s i coiiciudt.'d v. ith liif Kni,udoni oi'Sv.idon, witicli will be svibmiuf fi to ll'.c b(‘i;alt’ ‘or iht ir ad\!C- wil.b rt'ir:-.d to t atl.'i ation. Ala inoi e recent date, a iMinisi. r I'h-nip.otcn- iiary fioin tiu' ] lanseatic lli'j;u!dics,]Iu!n- Lui:;. Lub( rk,C; Jii'e.'iicn, lias been i-cceiv- ed,thari;cd uilh a special inissiuii I'ortlii* Tif.qo'iiation ol' a ’’I'lta'.y (!' Aniiiy and cop.imcrcc i-'Ctween that anrient and 'Oiio'.vni'd L('a:>,iii* and l!ie L’liitid .Stales. T'nis nef;-(itivi!iun hatj m. couliitirly been c.ornmt i.ced, at'd is iiijw in pro'^rv'ss, l!',c rt-'^^'iU /f wl.leh w.i!, if siicrt' sl’al, I;e ^ho s'luiniiied tu llic Senalc for tlu’ir ccniiderat i(.'n. Jiince the acces!-.ioti e-f llu' I'mpfior 'Cif hf)!as to the Inipcrial thiriiie oi’ al! the il‘J.-5,s!as. the IVicndly (iisjHr^iiiotis inwards the Uni't'd hlaU"-. so coriMan'Iv inI d ’uy iiis j)r’drces jj, Iiavcccn- til I I'd t.'fabatcd ; and lune !)frn ree«'nti\ if'ti*;-d by t!u' appoiiiUiK'nl ol'a Mlni >- tPr IMi'iiiI'oteiiii.Ty t > la-sidi^ ai pla, Fi ' tri ! Ilf iiiterrs! tal-.rii b\ ihis So\ i i i*i in bidiulf ol’ tlie MdVcrii;;: (.Ii'iek>, am' {'i'"ui t;u' SOI'it with which oiln'i's fd t)if ' at ]'ji I o;M'.-n I'O'A f r'' a: e co-opn ai- int;' w ill) !ii:n. 11,*' 1' icr.d-; (d i'l d.Mii aid V i'luimani; V hk-.v ’«u(' ■■>,i*t!u' hnpc,';!.;;i li:f V will in ifiiif !'• on' I!".'i nuc-,! Our" ] \ and S'! !,;d^ ill; V ill ( '';o\- i'll t • ■ ' 'it. \\ ''if !), Mcn • iU'y I, U;»' ' \\\'\ 1 J Im- ' aiM- 11 a-.d that ti'.'.;- I f li ! -'f] l!V f h(' -I^ 1 V hi‘ 'i t ’'■('M' c’Oli !M .• tc'lilv 1 '.'I 'I’r!,.'! -n'T I'r-." ' n- .•! y ru-,i dird ! in' I'.l'.to; \ rd’ IIL IIIAWI IjJI, ..... UHPIPPJ T!ieha!nn\eit. I’.c Trcv.r,ury, or. ;!• t* fii st or i Junnai V '' iniilif iis htincl-1 red anU fiftj-'i. lit thonsand six liui.drje.tl and eiglity ssi\do'i'i! s and eii;lit‘t‘n ci'iits. I’he I'eccipts iifjiri tluit day lo the SCili ai'e siieeri di'd by a sdic itudc, I'cpialU j September lat’, u'i nt'^ i'as tlie rt turns ol aidfi.t and toidia!. that, ijv the wisdom | tium yet r'"c-"ivrd c:\n ',!io\v, imovrU tf» and [jurily oi't In i" institutions, tbey ma\ it roiilf! ^a’.e 1 ♦'rn ruliirvcc?. hi' nriv ws'.iit.'. at. ! for'J.i;d 5;ood will, wnieh huM' ons! .nlly I'ollDwed tlu' Southern »i.'t II ns ol'Anict ica in all tb« vii is>ii iidc- f i I heir \wir ol Indeuendt'nre, u n ■ V,; f vi Iditi.' ' ij : for !ii' !i I '.n I'f.ui in';' ^oi; > t il,-'-. V-I : h ;';i «.r tbf I'l,',’. ■' i'ld'i'"' 'd !i si'ciiK' !o tiu'n.si'lM's tiic choicest blc's- iii*;^ (d ^ lu'i.d o! i« r, anfl the lics.t rt'w; rds ul' vi^l!ll■•|^i libcriw 1 )iscl:iimini» aliki' all rit;-!u ai'd :di inii'ntioii ol’ interb rinsr in tluni' '-otii'i't'tis which il is ihi- pr lo- i^Hlive f i ihi.'ir Ilu'.t'pendfnce lo I'e^tda.li’ as to tii'T, sl'.all seem lit, v. e hail wilh j'y (‘V('ry indication ol' their pi'ospt nty, of tiicir i;a;'T..i>j oi tin.ii' j»ci scvfrin;^ and inncx.fdc lu.n: lo llmsc princpiies oi' i’l'ei'dorn and ( I’t fjiMl nights, whi- h arc '.ixit'i ti iniilions i!;!'.t, inindred iind six ihonsand live hnnrl!'«d and ci;j:bty oiit 'iollarsand tliirly-lwu cents. 'I’lu' re- ci'ipts (/f Hie Dri's'.'iit cnarter, estimated ul I'nnr iiuilion l';ve hutidred and Idteen ihoiisand, uvidi d to t!>.e above. I't/im an ol’ incnty-onc' millions I’onr hnndnd thoiisand (iidlais cd' n ri'ipls. 'I'he expenditnii s f 1’ tiie yea!' may pcr- ha])S an’onnl to tv t'nly-lwo millions ihrer iiundred tlnnisaml dollars, pi e';entin;;' a snudl excess over ilic rccripis. IJiil, ol' alone sniied to tiic ;;f!iiiis and icm]>!'r ol t!ll■'^e twenty-two millions, upwards ol six have !j('(':i applied to ilic dischai'^efj l!)C' principal ol I’ne public debt ; llu* observed inrlications ol'inte'.tme di\ i- ;i'!is I w hfde anioimt (d’ hich. appi'i)ai'hinf>^ kc- iri somt’ol’ the ]-{«'pid)!ics ol i!ie hotnii. i \ t'niy-l’our millions on the iir^t oi'Janwai y I Ik- Amrric.in na'ions. .T l has bi'cn tlu rd'oic w ilh some roncern tliai we liavc iVoi.i 11 ci ^ t' n• •' of li.ai li'i' '( ! :.e J‘i I,.' 1’ ■ d (i'u ' I nt'.i' ■ ' • " fd' i,i I at.d t'j V. ' and appearatirt ol less union vitii one anolln-r, lliaii wfbe'ieve tc» !)e tiie in- li'icst ol' all. AiDoiii;^ the rtsulis of M'.is state of lliiniys has been ibat the 'freaties coucludtil ai I’anarnu do not appear to lia\«' l)ern rulifu'd bv the con- ti'actin;^ parties, andthat the nu ctini'; ol liii ( ongrcss at '1 a(ul'a\a h.(s ijct'ti in- (h linitf'ly postp(jiK.'d. Jn at;ci.'j)lin;; l!>e invitations to be ri j'i'csi'nti’d at l!>is C’on- i^-'i'cs-;, wi'.ile a rj.aiiiii station v.as in'vtid- ♦ d. on i!ie pan ol'ihe L'niu'd State.-, fil' tli‘‘ most Iricntlly dr po-ilion ton ..rib. thi'Souihi'in lvr})ub!ics by whom ii li,;.l !)('( II pi'0])0si’d, it was liop.'d that ii would I'urnish an oj'pfii t'inily lor bi in;;- in-..^ all lh(* nulions ol‘li^is liemispi'.cif I'l I lie commoti ucknowlcdLpnent a.nd adoj>- lion ol’the principles, in the r";idauon cd’ liu'ir inlei national n lations. w iirli uuiild have sicuii'd a iastii:;, pt'r.ce a'ld harmonv between tln'iu, and lia\e pro- iiK-trd tli(' t ol' Tiuuna.l benev.ib uce ihrou'.'diont the jrUtbe. lint as obstacles appeal- lo luve arisen to the I'-assemb- !iii:' of llie (.'ons‘,1 fss, oiuMd' ilie two Min- isiers cjniinissiont'i! on the part ol’ llie- U. Sillies has i'e:urncd to the bosotn of his lountrv, while the Minister char'^ei! v.itii the ordinaiy mission to Mexico remains authori/t il lu allcnd al the cmi- !'erenc('s ol’ihe C'oiijrebS whencvei’ they I'lay be resumed. A hope was for a shoi-t ti;nc entertain ed, iliai a Treaty of l\aeo actually shin ed between the CJovernnients of 15iienos \\res aiid Brazil, would supei'sede all I'lirlher occasion lor those cidii'-ions be- iwfj'n !"'Hi i^erenI j)retensions and neutral 'i;;liis, which are so conuiionly the re- ^,u!t fif mariliii'.c war, and whicli liave unl'ortunately disluibetl the harmony of the relations between the Uniletl Slates and the Brazilian (iovci nmej;is. At tiieir last sesion, Corif^ress w ere iid'oinied that some ol' the naval ullicers ol' that Kmpiro luul advanced and practised upon prill ciplt s in relation to Idockades and lo neuiral navi^alioii. wiiicli we c(»uld 'lOt sattclion, anti which cur cotn- manders found il nccessary lo ri..''ist. It apjx’ars ih.al they have not bt cti ^■us- taiiu'd by the (jovcrnment of lirar.il it- sill'. Some of the vessels, captured under the assumed autlioriiy of tlu'ce erroneous jiriiiciples, ha\e been restor ed ; and we trust ilsat our jusi expecia- liou w ill lie realized, that ade(piaie in demnity will bi' made lo all ihe e.itizcns o*f the United States who have sulTerrd i>y the unwi’rranted captures which the iira.’.iiian tribunals llicniselves have pro nounced utilawl'ul. In the dijilomatic discu'islons nt Rio de .Janeiro, of these wroni;s, sustainefl by citizens of llie I nitcd Slates, anti of f)iiuis v.’bich si'i'iiii'd as if emanaiiii^- inuiK'diati ly from that llovcrninent ii- seif, tl'.e Chai !;e d’AlVuireb of the United Slates, under an imi'/ression that his re- prcsentatioMs in bahairofthe li.^hiH and mU rests oi’his count; ymen we;e lovaliy disregarded and usi less, deemi'd il his UUI3, wiihoiit w ailiii;.; ior insii uclions, to U'iT.ii.iale I'i.-i i .n’icial i'unctiorjs, to de- maiui his |)as‘r)orts, and i i'lurn to t!'.e L'nlled Stales. i i-is moveiiU'nt, dictat- . d l)V an iioncst zeal for the honor and inierests ol'liis coi.ntiy ; nioii\es wliii. h opeiati'd exclusively upon the mind (>l I lit'fri'i'-ei' w ho r(‘Oiled If) i', has not been fii'.v.p[/i'('\eil by m(’. The lii a/.iiian I lON ei nmi'iit, however, com|)lained 01 ii as a iiiea'UH' for wliich noatuquaie in- ii'nii'itial cause had been i.’;'l\eii !>y them : and iip'fii an cxplieit assurance. lliitii(;;li I iieir C’!iai ';-e d’A!Vaii C ’. resifiinv; here, 'liat a su, . .'Sior to litc lale l’;puseiila- : i\f f)!’ t l.e U ii M ed St fiiimetii, ihe :■ ppf)int menl ol whom iIk'\' ' .liid. slit)ul(l be rei civil! an.l tii'aled u.ihlhe iispectdue to i:is e.i.aiacUr, .,d tll^l iiidemiiiiv s!i(uild be pi'oiiiplK Made foi' all iitiuiie^ inilicled on ctti/.ens "1 ii:e Unite.i .‘''U'tes or llieir I'rupeity, I .-'lU ai y lo ! he td' tiutio:is, a tempo- . ..rv f, will, on the first flay of next year, r.'.d sh»)rt of sixty seven jiii!liuns and a ha.ir. 'i’h('balunre in t’lc 'rr;a"ury, on the fti'sl (jf January nexl, it is expecled will (M'eed 1.ve ni'dlions four bunilied and ii!t V I!u)iisand dollars : a stini e..s.C' I'll- lu’’; th it of tiie first of .lanua.r . ISJj, t!ion;..'Ii i'alliir-sliort ci’tliuL c^.!;»!/Ueu on ihe iir.sl 01' Ja.nuai'}' la'.'. It V. L.s i’orcseen tliat t’x' revenue of i!ie present \ear would iiol equal that oi the last, w hirh had itseif ijeeii less than that ed' llic next prece(!in; year. Jiut llu- bop(' has i:eeit reali/ed which wasenier- tai'it’d, tliat tliese di iirienct s would in no u i-i‘ inU I’i i!pt t!io sliady oi>erulior) of the discl'.ar;r'(jf the |)'ab!ic debi by the am i:al ten indlion.. d'V(..led lo that object by the A cl of .kl March. 18! 7. 'i'he a.inoi.nL of tin ;i*. s tec'j i i d on mer chandise' imi'orted i’roi.i llu' cumnu'iice- uieiit ol’lluyar I'lilil I'.ie .’'.'ih of S.'.p. u iv.lier L.'.t, is i\\ 1 n’._\-one milii'Uis tu.) Iiundi'i d t;iul lw('ii!\-^ix thousand, and the prbable amount of tiiat u hicli wiil !)e secured dnrinO; ihe rcniaiiuli'r ot The year, is f.'e inillions hundred and sevcnly-four ilif/urai.d dollars ; for ming a .•'tun tolal fd’ iwenty se’vt'n mil- li(j'is. W’il’.i th;' allowances for draw- back.i, r.nd coutii'.;cnt delieiencies w hich may occur, tboui'h nol specifjeaily fore seen, we may .safe!) estimate the rcreints ()f Ihe ('nsuin.;' yi ar al twenty-two mil- lic'ii ihiee hnudred thonsanil dollars ; a revi'iine f**r liie next, equal to the expen- d It lire oft he presen l yv:tf. 'I’lu' deep solii.itiide felt by oiir citi zens of all classes 1 hroutylii/iit the Union for the tolal disrhai'^v' of the public dib!, w ill ap)!o;';i/.o IV'P the ea.mestness wilh which I t!eem it niv duly io ni;,e this topic uj)on the consideratiuii of (^)ii;;i'ess —ofrecumnH'mlii', lo them a.!.‘-ain the observance d' tiie siiu'tesi ('couomy in the apjdicaiion >>! :l;e pubiic iuml.s. 'I’he dejiressiun upon t!'.( 1 e . i of i he re\t li ne wliicii liad coi:-.vc>Kcd with ihe y«'ar 1 contiiiut'd w iiii inciear ed severi.y liui'in;;; the two iir 4 f.ir.i: ler-i of ilu' pre’i- cni }ear. 'J'lu- relumi:.!;- tide be^ran lo i’ifiv/ wi'h llu; liii id (.'iaiter, and, su far as we can iuiijre fioni expeiiene.e, may l.e i'i])ecteil to ronliniie throiH.j(i llie course of the ensuin;^ }Cc.r. In the mean time, an alleviation from tlic burden of the pulilie, Ul bl w ill, ill the three years, luwebeeii en'c'clei! to llie amijuiit of iieai ly sixteen millions, and the chargt' of an- nna! interest will !n\e been reduced up- waidsoi’one million. Ijiil amoni; ihe maxims of political economy wlii.'b the Sicwards of ihe jmldic moneys should never sidfer w illujut ur;^etil m cessily lo be transccndet!. i-^ tli..t of ki'epinij the expeiulitures of the u ar witliij) the lini- i s of its receipts. The ai)piopriuiions ol’ihe two last year‘s, im Itiditii'; tin' year ly ten millions ol’ ihe sinking*- fund, have each ((pialled llie jii c'tni'ied n-voniie of the eii'ii. 11,;.*’ year. \\ liiie we ftiressi'e ~w ilii cor.li.lenee that tlu' piddic ccdfers will i)e 1 ( plenished from llu* reci'ipts, as fast uS llu-^’ will I>p drained by the ey.pi n- ditui’e'-, ecpial in amoiial to tlio-.e (d’ the cun ent y.eai'. it sho'.jid not be n)ri;-oi;i n that they coidd ill -i.n'er llie exhausiiun of larger disbui bemei.ls. 'i’he coiulition (,f ilu' Army, and of all tiie branri.e;, (d’ ihi' juddic serviei'unde;' llie superintt t.di'iu e of the Secretai y oi War, will be ^.u 11 l.y Ihe report from that oliicer, and llu* ducumculs wilh w hich il is iccompanied. Dm in'; the o:irve f I l!ie last S’.imnie;, a detac hinent 0!'tbe Army has been usi,- lully ic MIC ces'-fi.dly c alied to preioi m 1 he'.i' , apjii opi iau* dlil!e:>. /i I 1 hcl.ionienl when tes near tual (o\- | ihi C'>!miiissif)nei s u;)p(;!iited for can \ iii;;' mil) execnliun rcrlain i'ro\isions of the I'l i'ai) Ml’Au'.;I!->i Uiih, I i-;.:.;, w ilb various li'dies I i'llii- ?\o!'!!, V. ( s;c! 11 IndiL.i..'-’. v.i'ie alionl to ..li ive at t!;e appointed p.a' e o( ni.’.i ovoi.i d murder oi s - iii,ii>si'.n as C i.ar.,e ir.Miaii I s li'.;' t ou.r.i \ has l'(\n i-.'-ned, 111- h il ..'li \' ill t ill i:ei\ 1 c> U'l e ihe 01 d inary , bjinaii'' i'l'.ei coui s(' betwi'cn ihe two ji ' r.'i' I,!', and th-' i’l i ndly rei.iiions '.\.'. ;i ;!i. ir II -pcwli'.e t'.aii(;iis. 'i'urnin;; fia.’n'. tlu; i.icmentous ?oncecns o'lr I’nr u, i'l it'i intrn ourse 'vi’h lor- m e e 11 \ ei al cili/. u'., and i.tlicr i;iti\ Ol'd bo ' liiiy, ( ol tiie \\ iiiiie-baeo inIji SociaV'!) in U,e '] K'aW. diea.tioi; . li! a nu nac ' LT'V-. ol Ul!'- liiii'd oy a jiar! one ol '. ;; f(dl‘v. I 1 1/V 111- tliUiaclei, a- I, p ..ip !. t ' • .. i ! ui' I hi I pi'C I moni; other tiibes (d llu,' same ii..',ioti. 1 1 eiidei I 'd i;t\ i".-.ai y an immediaii' display j (,il ihe dcii ii:,i\e and proiccI ire lort 0 «,l I the I. nioii iu til ,I (;nailcr. Ii w.is ai ■ I coi-ilin udy exhibiuU by tiu- iiiiiiM .iiaU .iiid concei'led ino'eoun'i 'f *.!u- (iov- ernoisol llie Si.iie ii lliuio:?i and id tin' •'( I'liloiy of Michi-’..;ii, i.nd con'peie-nt levies ol mii!l:a i.nder tl.cir 1.: Iii'l i i \ • i,:aicipu!'.’..ns'; wiili a e.orps ol seven hnndiei' men ol U- a.spect .siiil j niu d Swiies H'i'mijj.-., unf'ir the oomii'ai'd iC Oi iliv. I.ext. 1 v; C>eiu.itAl V.he, u' tl.e cai! i t • oi' 1 he d( ('pcr,l jn- ■,li:''ioii of our in- 1 I he I rvernes of t iie .;i{.in;c as ifariv as It til (loverr.or Ca'^s, irnnie«Viutc!y ropairtd to the si eii.e «»i datij^t'r, -iroin their station al S:. Loujs. 'I'ljrir prt *.i’nce dibpelled the alai^nis of our felloyv-i itizens on tlio.se hordors, and overawed the liostiic pnr- p')ses of ihe Indians. I he per[)eti ators oi the mnrdeis wi-ie > nri ndi.i i d to llu auliioriiy and oijt ralion of our laws, and every apjiearanoe of jiurjiosed hustiliiy from those Indian trilje.s has tuljsidcd. Althongli tliejjresent orr'^aniz.iiioii ol the Anuy, atid the adminisiralion ul its various hranchf’s of service, are upon the whole, satisfati.ry, they are yet sus ceptible of much iuipiovenunt in ])ar- ticluai s. some of which have !)een here tofore submitted to ibe consideration of (,‘onjfress, and others are now Hrst presen ted ill the I’epoiL of the Secretary ol War. 'I'hc expediency of providini^- for ad ditional niini!)cisof otVicers in tlu* two Coi'jis of Engiiu'ers will, in some degree, dep-eiid upon ihe numbers aful exlent id' the objects of national importance upon which ('ongress may iliink it proper that surveys should be malc, e.mlormably to the act of the ."0th of April, l.'’,:i.. Of lh(> surveys whicfi, fiefore ilu' last session of C'(.tigreb“. had I)een made uiuler the aulhoriiy of lliat ucl, reports were made: I. Of the lioaril of Internal Impro\i- ment, on the Clusajieake and Ohio Ca nal. J. On therontinnaiice of tl'.e National Uo'ud I'rom Cuinbeilaiul to llie tide wa ters svithin the I'istiii t or('o!umhia. 3. On the continuation of ilu'National Iload from (.'anion lo Zane;,\ille. ^1. On the location of the National Road from Zuiiesxilii- to (\jluinlnis. ;i. On the comiimation of llu* same Road lo ihe Seal of (iovernmeui in Mis- sou I i. 0. On tlie Tost Road frowi lialiinion lo I’hiladelphia. 7. Of a survey of Kennebec river, (in l>art.) s. On a National Road from Wabhing- lon to IJnll'ilo. t'. 0.1 the survey of Saugaiiick harbor and river. 10. On a Canal from La!;e runtchar- ;rain to the Missis iipju rivir. II. On sui\eys ai ]'d},''arU)\', n, New- bur\|U(i't, and Ilyannis harbr)r. 1,?. O" a survey of La I'Lisaiice Hay, in the 'i't*ri itory of Mu lligan. \nd reports are now prepared, and Will Ijc submilti'd lo Congress, Oil surveys of the Peninsula of I'lorida, to a .certain tb(* praciii ability of a cunal (toeoi’neci the Waters id'the .Ailaniie w iih I the Ijiilf of .Mexico, across that Petiinsu- j 1.4 ; aiu! also, of ibe country between tlu liays «.f Mobile and of Pensacola, with the view of connecting them togetiier b) j a canal ; On urveys of a route foi* a canal to I eoiiheci llie waiers of James and (irea' KeiilK.ua liveis; On the survey of the Swash in Pamlico Sound, and that nfCape fear below the to'.vn of \\ ilmington, in Norih Carolina; On the sui'M y of liie Muscle Shoals, in the Tennessee ri\i-r, and for a route fur a cf-nternplatcd coniniuiru at ion between the Iliwassee and Cousa livers, in the Slate (d‘ .-\ labanicj. Other reports of surveys, npon oI)jects pointed out by ihi* several lu (s of C^jn- gressofihe last it preceding st ssions, are in (he progri'ss of preparation, and most of liiem may he ronipleted before ihr ( lose of this .session. All the olUcers of both corps of I'jifpi.eeri,, with several o- ther persons duly tiualifiid, have been constantly employed upon if.ese services, from t!ie passage of the act of ."’Oili April, 1824, lo this lime. ^Vere no oilier ad- vaiila'^f’ to accriu* to llie couniry from llieir labors llum the fuiicl oi' lopfigra- phieal knov.lefb;c which they have c(d- tecled and conniuiniraied, llial aloiu' would have been a proiit to the Union more than adeijuate to ail the eXj)endi- lUK'suhicii liavi’ been devoted lo the object : but the appropriations ior ihe j lepair and conlinualion of the Cuiiiber- iatid Road, f.;r ibe const! uriifin cd’ \an- I ons other roatl'., lor 'lie iciiioval of ob- ! sli jclioiis from tl'.e IJi’t’ers and llarbfii s, lor llic erection of Ligbt-IIouses, Rea- cons, Piei's, and Ijiioys, and for ihe com- plt'iion oi'Canal-s uiulei lalu n by individ ual associ i:iotis, but i,ceding the asMs- t.iiice of miai.s aud resources more com- piehcnsivc ihaii individual «'nler|)i'i',e can conimand. nuiy be considered raliier as trea-.iir-as laid iij) I'roin llie conlribu- lions ol tiie. pic'-inl a,;e, for the oenelii oi pos'.'i iiv, liian as urieini.ed apj)lii.a- l.. us oi'the accni revenues of ibe na- li.'in. '1 J siicli ub’i cts of j-i'rnianem im- pi'ov!. n>' \i‘ It; *!,(> c(/ndiiion oi the coun- (.1 addi'.ion to ihe wealth as well as i.« ii.-: (':>ni!-j;'. cfthe I’eople by ’.vlu^se i;y a,id it'soir.ce■, they have bt-i n I .Tecled. f. 1,1,1 tliiee to I'our millions^of the :,ii:.'.al itii.oine of I he iial ioli iiave, by ia'.'. s f'lUirled at lliv iuf)St vef;cnt sessions (d C-’on'i i11, bl CM applied, without in- u;h)ii t!;e nei.essilic-'. ;f ihe , ill.I'' adfjin ;- a di/lIar tf) the b '•’ol 1 il'* Cf)i >!i!'I'lit}’; 'vvitluiut ; c en 11ll' ‘ It. 'dy Mif! i ” Milar oi'thf di b*>- con’)-.)i.'led in loi- w l.i h. v. i; i.ia ib.’ !j,.inii.' Ih: e»' c I ecu (' iieir,i bed by I 'if' ('••rly si: lnjlliolis ofd.i l- 'ih ii'dai (,)t ' r;,;';ci!,r ; 'i l ea^ar; IaV"S or I Sio pt ;,di lii;.dial nu r da V' veaii-. il. nioen; ol lai ~. ■Si. A. ^7/;. ''tOM'M, Ills cl' ! I .'r Vice fnol; tlic Ch:;Ir. of Senators ha\ ii!g bei n lulled. Mr. Lovvrle, the Sccietaiy. ii app.^i,,.,' lhal every Meniber was m jTh in’, (*xce|)t Mr. \V ^slrr (d' Ma.-. .^chia .cvr ’ and Mr.. Thoiaas ( f Il!iii':i-. ’ The o:-.lii (.f v.as tlu n ;ulinii,‘i„ tered to fcuch Members as, having I)..,.,, elected siiu t* ihe la;.l ression, ia^vv i ij.;! il'.eir seats for blx years iVom lliepreb^, lime. On motion of Mr. Macon, ihc P.cc: ■ tary was ortlered lo wait upon the Ihji,, of Representatives, atid ini’orni ihemij, a quorum oi'tlie Sf;nal(' was pJ ejeni, ,1 ready to procei il lo biisiness. JJ^. , turned, and reporied that liie House Ip.t not yei elected iheir Speaker. i\lr. Johnson, of Iventncky, then ro», to give notice that, on Wednesday nc'. he should ask leave to introduce a bi ' “to abolish lmi>rison;ntnt for Debt.' Mr. J. accompanied tliis nollce with ^ few remarks, staling his desire that tld subject might receiv** tlic early aiteMiifji^ of the Setiale, so lhal its fate mn |>; without farliier delay, be made kiiijw' 10 tlu* nation, lie considered il his (!aiv to press ihe sul'jecl at llic preseiil sesbion’ and should have donv.* i,o at i!ic lab’* hui he luid forborne in considc'ialiuil of its being llie short session ofC:ofigi'csv and a crowd of other busint;ss deinaiidiir'' ihe attention of the Senate. Mr. Cobb off( red ihe usual rcsoluiion resi)ecting the furnishing of news[)ai;ci^ for ihe useofthc Scnalors j which \»ai agreed lo, with one disseniing voice. A message was recv-ived from the J louse of Rci)i'esentativos by their ( k ik announcing that a quorum of that lluusc had assembled : lhal Andrew SleveiiMjn of Va. had b. en elecled tb.eir Speakoi'l all.! that ihey were ready lo pi'ocecd lu business. Soon aftc'.', a seconfl message in- I'ormeil the Senate th.il the House ti^J passed ajoint reso!uii'..n, iliat a Comnii'- let' be ajipoinied by eaeh llou.se, tov.^,; 011 Ihe Prcsidenl of ihe United StalC', and inl'orm liim lhat they vvere realy ii receive any coinniunicutioii he inr V have to make. The resolution was concurred in, at’ Messrs. Macon, and Smith of Md. wo: ' iippoinied a Comniiitec on llic |u.;i I. liic Senate. nOVsn OF UEPIiESKyi'JTfFL'^ The House Was called lo order by St, Clair Clarke, Cieriioflhe House, pi- , ciseiy at 12 o’cloi k : and ihe Roll of 1!.. House being called over by Siate.s, ivw Iiundred and seven men'.!)ei's, out cd't-'j hundred aiul tliirteen, answered to tlita names. 'I'he House then procei.ded ;o ballot for a Sjieaker. .Mr. Sprague and Mr. Haynes bn:,; nanu d 'fi'ilers, re[)oried the following us ihe result of the balloiing : rf,r .■\iiilrevv \ensiiii, of Va. - - !(*!. I fir .John W. Taylor, (if Yf>rk, - - ‘./4. lor I*. I’. Muri'oiir, ofVirginia, - - ;. Sciitteriiig votes, Ancifew Sievenson, of \’irginia, hiv ing received a majority of the whole number of votes, was dei.Iurcd to be du ly elected. The Ovtli to support the (!onsfitutiod id the I’liited Slater was llien adniiniv ‘tei'ed by Mr. Newton, the I’ailu r of ilis House, to tlie Speaker, and by him suc cessively to all the Members from the sev eral Stales. On motion of Mr. Sawyer, of N. C. it was >nwni;hous!i/, 'I’liat Matiheif St. Clair Clarke, C lerk to the late HoihC of Pvcprcseniuiivcs, be appoitiled ClerkI'J this House. On mol ion of Mr. W'aiil, of N. Y. il was. Jicsolred, iinniiuoHsI:/, 'I'liut .Tolm Ov wall! Dunn be appoinled SergeantatArm'i to this House—that Reiijamin IJurch ! ; appoinled Principi»l Uookeeper, and verion Carr AssisUni DooKOC[)cr, lutlic sanu'. , [These gentlemen filled the satru' 1 i: res for tlie last and several piecedi ^., Congresses, "j rrnii'i the Natiuii.il Iiitt 17,»i^( r. A —We oiler the bdlijvv ini> !i 1 llu* spec i;d edilicaiion (jf our fiii ’ids, i'.dilors of Ihe 'P.iujuirer.’ who i.ppeai'iJ keej) a sIku'p lof)k out for cunsohi'-.m y « 1 cumstances in thcso •* corrupt v.!.d ■’ gi nerate” limes. I’AtrHi t (if il leMei’frfini n nt > f r.a.';''■ ('fiuiilv, in'Virj^'iiiia, t') iht. t',.1 ' c." uf'! . ' elicstf r |{( puhlii .m. I li;i/!ud nothin);’ 111 tl.i:\ t-- I'Dinilii -. Ilf l.iiiiduui), i aiiijiii 1. : 1 , ( id; > r . fonilii lit d, t licic is a iii.i iiii i‘V u! ;.l Ii llu; Adiiiinisli ilidM, inui li'c ir.in. n' ij di'• j;:iiiiiii!4'. II' till' .\driiiii'.li'i'i •.hi'ufi r''' ■ ' n niiss ill their diil . , bniu a f onvirtiM'i 1 I t'l Mipi nor sli'eii',;1|i, 'tp, Ai'.v'i- v id .. I'l'Ciive till' ( iii liii'id \()ic of \ i.!ii,I : - ' C( I'tuiii tliiit (;(iirr;ii ,hn Kst/n '.vdl l\ci.ivc tlii ik cli.ral vole of'renni s-,. Ehoinf nnl 'Jn/riz.—T!;i; I’rcr.idi'ti' ■ Toast has giv( n rise to the ‘•a^pi.ij '• much of mvihological and pa.;;a:i h aii! ing, and amf)ng oiiu-r difuiiiions dI i'' nicaniiig, we iiucl the followiiig in i'''^ I)( l\ ideri' ( N. J. ) ,\ jiollci : (I'lJ 7b/'//:.--,\ mi!im 1 d'ff v>i- ’ M-; !»> };i\ 1 hi in sniiii ■ mfi 'rniat i)ii ;i •. fti t lu' ai iiii;'of lv\ o \\ iiri].-. ■'I'w o of fiur/ii/;'/’’>. ' sc'jjiided hsi vvicl;, wll limit k.i'> in^ tie'» ilur ii.s —’i'tu y si'e iinJ v. • ri'i'", Ilirci' .sidiscniiei'., t iii.i ^ 1 .■> liie Viiiicc—-tjirv arc'I ( r-i:’.” ■ •