VOL. IV.] CmmLOTTE, JV. C. TUESDJir, DECEMBER 25, 1827. [NO. 162. PUnLlSIIED WEKKLY Bt LKMUEL IHNGIIAM, .91 T/irve Dollars a year^ paid in adva?ice. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the ;iscretion of the editor, until all arrcanipes are p;iid. AdvcTlisemrnts will be inserted at the .usual rates. Persons sending in advtrtisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and charg-ed accordinglv. STBADl SOAT .VOUIW-C J\R01i\X A- Boat ia in complete onltr, and will A commence running to Georgetown and Charlcstoti on the first of Octol.er, and will car ry proluce at customary rates. 'Die Bubscri- betd will spare no exirtion to expedite the transportrition of produce and goods to imd front eillter of thi above ])laces. 'I'liis boat baa made a trip from Charleston, with u full freight, III less than five ihijs. U’e have a pole I)oat now on the stocks, whici* will be launched about tli'* f;rst of No- vfcmber, calculated to can-y five hundred hales of cotton, and of so lij^lit a draft of waU r, as to be enabled to go ut all st-asons. 'I bis boat, tn conjunction with the steam boat, will ensure ♦he certainty of up and down freii^lits, without del:v. 'J lie subscribers will receive cotton to freight niodt rate terms, a»id make no charge for storage, if bhippeil by their boats. Tht'y will Xfe'w \Vatc\\t8 & 3e'weA\eY’^\ Thomas Trotter ^5 Co. RESPECTFUI.I.Y informs the public that tlioy have received and offer for sale a few gold and silver jjatent le ver \Vatches, (genthmen and ladies) a few good plain Watchts, warranted; gcnth». men and ladies* gold Chains, Seals and Keys ; some hand some Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Hings, Pearl and Filigree, and I’aste in setts, &c. &c. ; all or any part of which we will sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to peHbrm. Cash given for gold and silver. N. H. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated tioods, SiC. Charlotte, May 14,' 1827.—30 A SUPPLY of Dr. Chambers’justly celebra ted rimedy for Intemperoncv’, has been recei- j ved, and is for sale at the Post-Oflice, at the New'-York prices. At the late residence of r,vitrick Dinkins, deceased, on Tuesday, tlie first day of Jan uary next, 1 will hire out, for the ttrm >f one i year, to the hi{>hest biddrr, al’ the I.ANDS and ' NKGKOKS belonging to the estate of said de-1 ceubcd. JOriN SPUIN'CS, Guardian, j ftovrmher 28, 1827.—4tr)'Jr j Five l^fward. | KAN A \y AV t oni the Kiiiiscribtt, on ' the iirtli of (ict(.la i‘ last, a t'oy l)V tlx naMK' cf hi.'oc bcviiid to me ! l>y ck l-. ’iiiiir)! (■'•iiuty CoMii. Ii- ' is about 19 ri.rs of ;igc, li.i'i 1;vom ii buT ui;d a iic Mst Uuj\. A !'p( r-, .... ■ ^ • . , - sens ..i-‘ ..ib i! ha»-bor;i t; or inistn.c; also receive and forward goods, on reasonable , foniis, having commo.lKHis stores and \\art-hv)ii-, vrb.i, shaii b( ii.li-i s^s, tor the runty of goods. . , , I lied to t!ie a. t.v ri.v. um ,• 1 > dr igi s ])ui(l.. Mr. II' iivy M . Conner, tiie agi’nt in rti.U ifS- i . v , p ton, will attend t(j tiie receiving anil forw.udiMg j all goods to this or any in'i rnKiiiate places on ‘ the Pee Dee ri\er, and wih receivje.and attend Ni)V(i»bcr CV, lb*7 - -.jH-I.' in all oidera respecting cotton that ni:iy be sent fo Ins care. The subscribers pledge tbeui- et lves to use all dllijrcnce and attention in tin ir powi r, for the interest of tlioSc who may make consignments to tliein. J. ,T. II. TOU NKS. Cheraw, S. C. Sept. 21, lSJ7.'-bt58 T\u)wvfts Ta’oIU't;; ^ fS appointed Agent for Yutead Mclriiyre for | m ar I u- kasege 1 oni, or give i.k Charlotte, and will receive all orderadirect- 1 jo I get bun, orstcnri him in any jail, sIimI be to them for Tictiets and shares jn Lotteries entitled 'IVri Dollars Howard. i AN AWAY irorr. tbe subscriber, ' t in .lune lust, a negro f« Mow, oS 1 \ t ars o* agi,!) feet 8 or \) ii eb.e.", iMfii. I :ii U conipU xion, and has a scar, it is I ill ved, on bis breast, lie is snp- po'U d to be liarLoroil somewber. l‘e- tween Clurlotte and jny n sidenee, l.iis 1,1.en fre(;ii iitly seen. V hoover will upprelu lid ^aid n ■^’to ruid retiirr. Imn to me, tormation cd to before the public. Sept, 29, 1827.—50 ■d to the abo\e reward. HOnEUT ^ViLdON. yov. 27, 1327.—fSiClr Slatf? >ToTU\A'ftviA\uu, Mccklenburg County. ^8vgust Session, 1S27. Robert Houston & Mary his wife,^ Petition for ' V!>. ^partition ofi Alston Spratt 81 Eliza’th his w fe.j Lands. | JT is ordered by court, that j)ubliration be I'il’tfcn Dollar.s I AN AWAYfion tic susrril>er, t (I about tlie I'otli .lunt- last, a negiH) j annam.ii {'ILIIILKS. Saidm.^lo| was purcliiisi'd at tiu .sale oi ibe pro- otherwise judgment will be taken pro confts- 9D against them. L ALEXANDER, C. M. C. 5162.—pr. adv. ^2. [.OAN, Sheriff. y I" Frci’erick Dinkins, ileceas-i /A ed, i« atuuit fui. feet seven or eiglit inchi s lii,;b, I'lack color, ami i.j eaks j made six weeks in the Catawba .loiirnal, for v :y bn)ken. Any person apprehending said j the defendants to appear at oi:r next Court of. negi f) aiul i.e. 'ivering him to the subscriber, or ^ l*leas and Quarter Sessions, to lie held for tbe confining bim in an\ j:iil in the State so tbat 1 ^ county of Mecklenburg, on the ‘ith Monday of get him, shall be entitled to tlie abovt- reward. November next, and answer to the petition ; 1 MOSKS NEELY, sen. ■ ' Nov. 27, 1827—4tr,2 Comiuitud to tlic Jail OF Mecklenbuig county, on the Gtbdayof August, 1827. a negro man who sa\s his Valuable Beal Estate for Sale. j name is TAKI.TON, and that be belongs to a *' j man by the name of Claiborn (’00k, living in " “ ^ wish to sell the trart of Lana I cout.ty. The boy is large and very whereon I now reside, di.stant ^ gt;nTr,u,trs very miich in speaking. 3 miles from the villajre ol Cbar- j | owner is r (juested to come forward, prove B > containing abt)Ut 900 acres property, pay charges and take him awav. efthe best quahty of Sugar Creek land. 'I'wo- 5^,^ ' JOHN SLC tliirds of the above tract is in woods; the grea ter proportion of the balance having been o- pened within a few years, will yield, in ordina ry seasons, from 8U0 to 1000 weight of cotton I»er acre. On the plantation is a pood dwel- ing-hou»e, and other necessary t)ut biildingB. The tract is well wate red and has cxtensi\ e meadows. Intending to ren ove to another •state, the above property is ortered h'W for e.ish 4)r credit; or would be exchanged for Tennessee lands, located within the Middle or Western 'Districts, The Land could be divided to snit purcbas- „ • W M. J. POLK. jifrcliknbvrf^ fotmly, Ori. 18, 1827.—5.)tt. State Jlavk of Xortli-Carolina, SAlJSnUKY UHANCU, dCT. 25, 1827. OlIDKKKD, by the Hoard of Uirectois, tbat a pavnient of one tenth of the principal be exacted upon all notes oflercd for renev. al.trom anl alter the fust of Jannan next ; and tbat the Cashitr give notice thereof to the debtors, by advert'isenunt in the WcslLTn Carolinian and l .itawha Journa!. A copy from tbe Minntci. J I’M US ij.N’EED, Casuibh. II nil. T. I. JOIINSDN, *. UNi ]^■’^i^'> ’-Y declmetl ]u-acticing _ - n.ediiinc m Charlotte any more, refjnestB all those wboh.e in'U'hted to* him to call and r-‘t!l- iltOii- r..'sl|ie.-ti\e accounts : and be wonld a‘ (, th it thVi'-e w lio f.til to avail thi nwelves of tiie tniiL intiiv'ning between the present (late und Novrmb*'!'Couit next, will find their iKvt'.'-i.(I'll acconnis eulfii^teil to the manage- ln( lit ol'an Attorni V. (ktoh^r 21, 1827.- N. P,.---Th(.'ic b'^Mn); in their pocsocsinn lu-ol.c, eitlier niedi!ttl »r inisceli;in«:nns, belong »A,;to llic subi;cribtr, wnl ] lease return them. St. f*(ls, fcr sale at this OiUce. of o\’U\-CiiYo\\i\a, Lincoln County. Covrt of Equity, (ktohcr Ttrm, 1827. Henry Lutz r.». The heir' ef .I.TCob Lutz, sen. deceased—Petition lor sale of l.oU:. IN this rase, it ajipearing to the court, that Daniel and .hn'ob 1 .nt/,sonsot icorge Liitz, deceased, and Philip Ikavd and Susann ib bin w ife, .sially Head and .lobi! Lut?, are not n si dents of litis State ; It is tber."‘fore OHDl’HKl), that pnblicalioii be made lor ?i>t w eeks succe'^^- sivcly in tlic Catawba .loiinud, that they and e.ach of thi;ni be and ap]icnr at the in xt ^'onrl of Equity, to be held for the eonnty of IJncf ln, !tt t!ie Court-House in Lip' oliiton, on the fourth Mendflv .after the foui lli Mondfv 'S Mari h, 1 S'J.-’, to j)l?ad, answer or d jinur to t!!!3 Iwii. jiidj;'- ment pro confe.sso v ill be taken and t.tiul cx parte as to them. (3th2p 'I'cst. .TAMES 1I!1,I , c. m. r. P.E soi l), on 'l i.iirnday, the 27th ▼ T ln^’ant, at. the ht> residence ( f .luJiies Potts, r. .q. deceased, llor';e>, a quM.ti- tj of ('orn and Fo»lder, a Metal Cbjtk, :md tlie Library of the deceased, in whii li are Borne val uable I,AW liOUi^S ; With \ai.oiij other arti cles. —ALSO— at the F'lme time and ji'ace, will be hired eight or ten valuable NK(J liOES, an excellent Hlac k- smith, and other jinine hold bands. I'welve months credit and due attendance will be j,iv- en, bv , . ’ SAMT.’EL WILLIAMSON, E^tcui^r. Dec. o, 1H:7.—3t62, N. H. ALL persons indebted to'.'.le Estate of the above named deceased, are requested to copie forward and make jKiymcnt; and those ha\ing claiiT.s agiiinst said r.V.ate, to prc^nt thcra as the law djrcctsi —= S, AUMINISTRAI ION MEETING, Agreeably to notice, a Meeting- of the Citizens of the county ol' Cumberland and Town of Fayetteville, friendly to the e- U'ction of John Quincy AiJanis in prefer ence to Cietieral Andrew .lackson, was held at the Court-House in tbe Town of I’avetteville, on Friday the 7lh December, 1827. The Meetintj being called to order, on motion oi Josiah ]>ans, Esq. Dr. Benja min IJobinson was called to the Chair, and Kdward Lee Winslow, I'.sc], appoint ed Seeretaay. Tbe object of the Meetin5j being ex plained and enforced by an address from E, L. \Vinslow, Esq. it was resolved that a Connnittee be appointed to report a Preamble and Resolutions expressive of the feelings of the meeting : w hereupon John Smith, Josiah Evans, Esek Arnold, Esqrs. Major James H. Hooper and Major Jesse liirdsail vere appointed said Committee, who, after retiring a short time, r« j)orted as follows. Your Coniniitiee repectfully report, 1 bat the expressioti (>f »'>pionion on subjects cc'iinected with the well'are nf our country, is 1 c,i «ir)iy a right all are entitled t(>, but a tin y evei > n)u)i owes to himself and to his country The couisi. atiii coik'iu'I of e\eiy man in ies;.(yii.->i!)le si MiMions, is a subject in wl.uli all L,re inieri siec!, and all should fi ll tiiiit ir 'irest so doeph as to watch with a jei.b'us eye the use of power given I ariv ui;i!i jr set of n,i i>, iind irvey wit I' rigoi arid scrutiny t!ie course and coidiut. ofall in exulted stations, trusted w i !i i !i>;lith in our government ;>tri///ar/y d€( r to t'lfjiCojh’e. Ut'di I tjui Constitution it is a settled n a>.iiii, that a!! pow er eiranates from the [.tojde ; io iliem alone aie the ofTicers of ibeii own creation responsible. It beintr so. It bcconu's the dtiiy atid jjrivih ge ^f all to e>p!ess their c.pinioiis, and more p.-r'K ul-ii'y so wlu n party feeling is agi- • .':ng ’.he country, and unanimity of sei.ttMiefii !,ei'in to In* lost. '1 h» present siute of our country is j.eculiarly intere-titig. Tbe time is fast j.pioaebii'g, and indeed we tiiay say has irnved, when e\ery man should boldly declare his opiniotis, atul stand ready to defend them fearles'iiy and resolutely. | F.jction is abroad. Opposition based on 1 [.I inciples calculated to strike at the root j of nil that is fair and beautiful in the! s'ructure of our government, is every' v\ here showing i;self j and men of good j inietitions setin lo catch the spirit and; hurry on regardless of consequences. j A caini and dispassiotiafe investigation, | ciiitducied without prejuflice, into the | aets of men trusted with the all'airs ofj (lovernment, always believing them hon-' est until proved guilty, is at all times 1 rorrect, and 'o be desired. Opposition | atid parly spirit in a free government is! not to be deprecated. It is useful when ) coi,ducted with candor. An opposition and party spirit exists now in our country, characterized by all the devices the art of nien can invent, and by erroneous views, having,the ; emo- \al of the present Administration lor its object, and the elevation of a man wiili- out any claims, but those originating from a character supjjorted by military achievetvcnfs. Thin is wrong. The pcoj)Ie should o- jien their eye:> to these things. I'.very friend of his country should take sides, and let principle, originating from itn- partal investigation and reflection,govern. W'c are culled upon to act. Your C('mrnittee conceive, that to remain lon ger inactive, would be a criminal dere- j liction of duty, not only to themselves ' but to pusterity. j It is not the intention of rour Commit- , tee to enter into the comparative merits i nr demerits of the opnosing candidate.s for the Chief Magistrar.y of the nation. Theie arc but two for this higli atu! responsible oflice presented for your choice : .lohn Quincy Adams and (len. .Andrew Jacksuti. 'I'iieir tespective qual- ificntions ha\e been so often and abl) dis- c ussed, tliat your C ommittee deem it on ly necessary here to remark, that in the character of Mr. Adams they recognize the long tried and arcoinplished States man, the pidfouiid Scholar, arui exem- [)la:y man. \\’hile, in the character of his opponent, they behold ftw if oi‘tiiu'.e qualilica'ioiis essential to a civil btuiion so hii;h and so re.sponsible. Your Comiuinee would again call your attention totlie fact, that Gen, Jackson’s claims (qualiru ations they are not) to tbe oflire to which he aspirs, and to which his partizans, with a zeal worthy a better cause, are striving to elevate him, are solely ol a military character, found ed on the victory at New C)i leans. Your ComTniuee behold with alarm the doctrine advaiiced, if not diiectly ad vance yet act( (1 upon by our oppo nents, that one great military arhieve- meiil iiTThis uur country, ptoft3*>iHg to be the model and to give the precedent to all institutions purely republican, should become the passport to the highest civil oflice in the gift of the people. With these impressions, your Com mittee submit the following resolutions: • Resolved^ That this meeting will use all fair and honorable means to ensure the election of John Quincy Adams asjPresi- dent of these United States, in prefer ence to Gen. Jackson, believing; that he, and those associated with him, have had for their end our country’s honour, pros perity, and glory. Resohedt That we believe the elevation of General Jackson to the Presidency fraught with consequences the mostdaii- g» rous to the happiness, peace, and fu ture continuance of the government; that he is before the people, supported alone by military fame and renown in arms. Resolved, That wo repel with disdain the foul charges of bargain and corrup tion, preferred with persevering bold ness and effrontery, against the Hon. Henry Clay, unsupported as they are by atiy proofs which should impair the fair i'ati.e ol'thal distinguished Statesman. Resolved, 'I'liat a Committee of Cor respondence and Vigilance, ronsistingof 25, be ajjpotnted by the Chair, olWiiom the Chairman shall be one, whose duly it shall be to appoint a Delegate 01 Dele gate's to atleud the meeting at Raleigh on 20th inst., ifn cessaiy—to communicate with the difTeient sections of the Stale, and to adopt all such measures to effect the object of this* meeting as they may deem expedient, with power to fill any vacancies that may occur in their body. Resolved, That we approve of and re ciprocate the sentiments expressed at the Meetings held in diflerent sections of the State, opposing the election of Cien. An drew Jackson. Resolved^ That the Editors of Papers thtoughout the State be requested to publish the proceedings of this Meeting, under the direction of the Committee of Correspondence and Vigilance, and such other of ti.eir proceedings as they may deem advisable. Which being read, on tnolion of David Andertjon, Esq. were unanimously adopt ed. In pursuance of the 4th Resolution, the following were appointed to compose the Committee of Correspondence and Vigi lance, viz : Dr. Benjamin Robinson, John Smith, Esq. David Anderson, Esq. Josiah Evans, K;.q. Charles McAllister, Esq. Henry Elliot, Esq. Dr. H. M. Turner, John Mi Allisier. E .q. Henry A. Donaldson, Esq. John McLeran, Esq, Daniel Mr- Lean, Esq. David Smith, Est^, (H,^y Mount,) Angus 'I'aylor, Esq, Esek Ar nold, Esq. Capiain James Miller, Capi. Alexander Buie, Major Jesse Bird^iall, Edward Lee Winslow, Esq. Dr. Goodo- roni Davis, Jeremiah Lippitt, Esq. Tbos. J. Curtis, Esq. Major Samuel T. Haw ley, Col. Peter Mr Kellar, Maj, James H. Hooper, and Neil Beard, Esq. On motion, the Meeting adjourned. Bknj. Kobinsck, Chtnrmnn. Edward Lei^ Win.sj.ovv, Secretary. The following extract of a letter is from the i)eu of a native Son of the Old Dominion, now a citizen of Indiana. We commend it to the reader’s notice, : •‘There was a time that I was bigoted as tlie blindlest, I wouil have goiM* with \'irp/iiua xi:>qnc ml nms, Init time arid ex- perieti'^e hav*- saiisr;ed me her p(jlicy will fK>t do for this country. She is altoge ther wroii;; a^oiit ihr TarilV as a great national tueasuro. Who can lof‘k at th operatior. of the system and dr>ul)t for a moment,^ Will not Mr. Madisoti’u let ter remove all constitutional sciuple:i, even with the most sceptical aniongyou.'' If your State will not now ijeiieve, neither would the he prrsuadcd, though one a- rose from tin* dead. On the sul)ject ol Internal Improvements, I am in lavor ol the (ieneral (iovernrrieiii’s taking slock in works of national imjioi tance in air! ol the States, and with their con.sei.K in stead of a direct and independent i ::er- cise of primary powers on the part of that (iuvernmenl. With respect to the pie- sent contest, 7u7 despfrandi/iii should be rur watch word. 'I'fie v/or!i ingoing on g!j- riously in the West, Frot.i infoiniation from evci y quarter in this Stale, derived from tbe most intelligent sources, the cause of thii Administration is triumj)h- ant hen. .T think there is not the least ground to doubt b'lt this State will go f'ji Mr, Adams. 'I be f(dlowers of tlie ficneral are daily filing ofl from bis ?taii- dard. We exp( ct the same of Illinois. Ohio is ce.-tain, and Lcnlucky will go with u’. if she voles a general ticket. The late cntjg: e-Jonal election does not ^'lear- ly indicate her v.i!!. The o!J party as- periiie.s uun^jltd their leaven with the conte' t. '.'he new cou. t party complain ed of Clay on account of_Trimhle_and jtovjc {.Ivv^t'cO • •• l\'.c FcCcr.u ciary. They ascribe these appointments to him. and that he has treated thenji with contempt. But though they com plain, they still admire and are proud of him. He is a noble spirit, a truly chival rous Virginian.” Richmond Whig^ OPINION OF FOUIt PRESIDENTS. *• Strikf, but hear.’* John Quincy Adams, from his first ea» trance into political life, commanded the respect, and excited the attention of all parties, by the ablest of abilities which were only found in the apleit statesmen.’ —Not a few, at an earlit;r day,- saw the germs of talents which would in time e- levate him to the highest office in his country’s gift. Hear Washington, Jef ferson, Madison and Monroe, speak of his qualifications. What higher author ities could we ask Washington, speaking of Mr. Adam» in his early days, when a Minister to a foreign Court, declared it as his opinion that he would become,one of our mostt^a/- nnhlc public characters, JeiTerson spake of him as an able, honest, and learned man, one who would make a safe Chief Magistrate for the Union. Madbou had a high opinion of his diplomatio kill, and in this line believed he had nt> superior,—Monroe praised iiim as an a- ble assistant in his administration, and said whatever success it had obtained from the peoj)le, was greatly to be attri'* buted to Mr. Adams’s counsels. Not only did these men, sainted in tho hearis of their country, apeak in thii manner jf Mr. Adan.s, but he enjoyed the confidence, and was employed in a distinguished public capacity by each* Now call Jackson forth, and where will you find four men like these who will Im partially give testimony of his possessing qualifications that would adorn the Pres idential chair Search through the four and twenty States, and such teslitnony can nowiiere be discovered. Hear General JacKson speak, in 1817* of the qualifications of Mr, Adams, to Mr. Monroe, when he was appointed by the latter Secretary of State. “ You have niade (sa* s the General,) the BEST’ CHOICE THAT COULD BE MADE. In the hour of difficulty he will be found an able helpmate, and 1 am convinced hi» appointment will give c:eneral bati^fac- lion,” Who, reading the above testi monies, can doubt Mr. Adanis’s qualifi cations to ably fill thi‘ Presid(‘niial chair ? Certainly no one unl)linded wuh the spirit of party. Oluo State Journal. The Cock has always been the embleni of ('ourage and he deserves the disiiuc- • ion. Among other interesting incid«*nt» of his history which every reader will rt- eollect, the following occurred in our. city : When the Steam-boat Henry Shult2> was blown up at %jur wharf, a year oc two ago, among other things that vva» sent ‘*sky high” was a Cock Iron™ the deck —He readied the earth again not niuch hurl, and ifisti^ntly clapping his wings, gave a loud defiance to the un known enemy, that had 80 uticeremnni* ously sent him “ aloft.” Mu"usia Courier- — ^ From the (I'bilad.) U. S. Ga/cttc of Dec. 1. It is known that, shortly before the election in 1.^2'’, many active friends of Manufactures in tlii-j City, resolved to support the nomination of the West, and vote fur .Mr. ('lay. In order that they might jiioceed uj.'on dear ground, Dr. (iodman addressed a letter tj Mr. Clay —the answer ol that distinguished jren- ih-rnati willsliow the reason of the Doc tor's letter. .IshlunJ, 9lh 182.>._ “ 1 need not conli.idict to yon, a repoi't ot * coalition between ,vlr. Ciawford ani! me. T have come to no under-,taiulmgs, catered no arr;mf;-oment.s, niade no promi.so«, fitang'ied iii\scil w ith no eiig:igcm nts of any sort, u ith :un e'liulidato, nor w ith t lir> fi iciuL of any i’:in- (\idat>- —and, so hc'i;> in'* (■Jod, 1 wiii not. 1 neitln’". ran, nor wl.I,inllncnccor co;- i.ol th' ol i.’’- t:ie;!cl«, ■ r ,,. id t.i *h > o'lu - ' ■ndida*i3. 1 bil'eve '.icai ol be'ii;'' lnr!n''nce'l by me, n- ! 'un .-.'I’O I -ili 1 ‘ ni>t eoi'.sider d.eni \v( rthy e !'' ir y I'riem'». ral'.lii'illy your fr 'lui, H Cl Juuv 1), Gi'i’vvy, M. I> One of the verdthic'* i'.:'! '* . ive Ln;i;lish Jilii|);.er', of goods ii. ' thi"> co"ntiy, ''a r>-:'r;tlerinti n ;io pa't^ diitifs lo c‘.jr (.lo;!’: nnic;it to '.he .luioon*. of a year on cidli-.n!’?,;, has n > moved his establi.ihmf’nt lo'r.is touniry . and is v.ow crcctifig, in the St.'J.e ol Nc'.v Vo; 1:, a colicn 1.. tui V of l .s,'‘.'^> fipiin!?' and .1''power lootns. He is hl. ' -vi; -, so well pleased with the tr.ar,iii!;i;-y tii;: '- lii this country, that he intends to pr.' j cure it in the United htatc-' 1 I nut i'r- ’ port any of \u^Se^t:-krsry 'It is a matter rfj'eiicitatit'n k find ?. loast that is not Utah, like thefollowu^, given at the lMynioi>'b (. attle .sliow' “ The Jinicricnu Too wise to takr, tl’j^rc’ll, and-iofk Ir'.'aTtir'M *’^3