(if North C'arolina. SENATE. \ «,ATt'HDAY, jDec. 8.—On motion of Mr. jM’Edchin Ji(sc!rrff. That the Military C)niinit- U'c 1)0 insliuctcd to incjuiic i’llo the ex- j)p(!ii'itcy of aim*nciiriK th‘ ?vliliila law. •liiat CMTV commanding; (.fTiror if a com ;)any, shall ha%e discrptionarv powt'r as to the tinii* of kcc‘|)inj» his mi ii uridor anns ; ali>o, as to the t'X]X'lirTiry of ex- lendinq; tlu* sanriP fxenijitioTi fiom Mili tary dutifs to all t'flirci'S, ri.'s is i;u\v givcii to Continental O.Ticcrs. MONDAY, 7)t'r. I!^'. — Mr. Sho!)pr, from ihr Commilif t o Proj)Osili(;ris and (irie- \ances, rcpcrtid ui!ia\o!TM)iy on lu- jn-ii- ,lions of John Muilwee uiul A!>nt r Ah x- ander of Mcckltiibui g, for ;.ensiuns. Concurred in. Mr. Parkrr submitted a rfsoluiion di- roctini^the Conin'itiee of i'inanrc, tnen quire int(» the pri-priety of \vHhhol(liIl^• any further appropriatioii, for the educa- tic-n ol Mi'is iilakely. Mr. Waid submitted a resolution, which v:'s adopted, makin;,- it the duty of the C'onipirollei-, to lake a list of all ilie propc ty -beloni^in}' lo the State in pus- seshion of thf (Jo\eirior, at tht expira- tioii ol each ollicial term and file ihft sanie in hii ufiice, to ttke a list also cf the lui* nitureofihe Capitol and file that. TvrsDAY,/?cf. 11. — Mr. Joncn from tlie CommiHi e on Mi!i!ury afl'airs, reported abili to add all that part ol the 2d Hej^i- TTieru of Burke Militia, south of the C'a* lawba, to the 1st Uegiinent. Read the first lime. Mr. Sheri-ard presented the petition of Jess* liordon oi'Wayne prayic,;' for a ili- vp’ce, and the counter petition of his vie, |)raying the Legislature not to in- trifire in the ties « 1 maiiinutny. Mr. WDowell, the petition of David ]{o):,'» rs of Buncombe, and Mr. l).ivi1soi» the pe- tinot) of Eliza Simons «/»«* Dowlinj;, of l^lr rklenbui lor divorce. Helerrod. The Senate resolved itself into a com mittee of the whole, .Mr. Oiren in thi chair, on the bill for the flivisioii of Hay wood County. After some time spent therein, the Comniitiee rose and report ed the bill, with an ainctKiment to strike out the firsl section. Mr Speight ol Greene moved for the indefinite postpone- Tiientofihe bill aud ametidment, which carried, 3" to 29. Mr. Fickett, from the Committee on the Treasury, made a detailed report, accompanied by a bill, concerning the Public Treasuier, which was read the firsi lime and made the order of the day for Thursday. TThe bill provides iti what sum, the Treasurer shall give bond —in what time, after his ai)pointment and in what manner.] WKDKESDAT,/?cc. 12. — Mr. Shober from the Cuiumntef of Pi opositions and Grie- TRT c*“», niade a report on the petition of Tl'omas H. Chris'nias of Warren, which tbe Seria-e refused to concur in. 'i'he Report concluded with a resolution, di- rectini; .the Sherifl’to liberate him from his prison, on condition that he give hond foi ^S(K) f»r his appearance ut the next Su, Court and lor keepin;LMhi peace. Mf. Spi’i^hl of (ii-eeru-. •ubmittei' ;» i-s( iu'ion, wliich v^as coiKUireu iti b\ the Sfi ijtt;, iba! Mu State afCipl of the surrtiiflei- made l)\ Ci. W llaVT^oofl, llxf* .utjr «)f '.lie Estate of his laiiirr, iht- late John ilaywootl and the other lieu s. of the pioj)erty beion.L;in;^^ to said faiht i, to save ih» Siaie lr( ni lots, under luiiila lions* theiein spetifi*^d. IIOT.sk or ( (tMMONS. s.\Tvr.r>AV. iJrc. 8. — .Mi. Hkuni moved for tiie dpjxiintniei'l of a joiii' selccl Cum- Tiiittee, to inr,uire in'.o the ex[>ediency ol ascertaining w hai iuaf!iity ol '. n plus [)ro cluce is madr in each touiit) i/i 'lie Stan ; to what maiket it is( drrii il, and whai t' « cxpeTise ol t;ojr lo ni'jikei. 'i he Sen ate refused to concur in the proposition. MONDAV. 7kc — .Messrs. fiaston, and lliil t-f W ilinitij. ton v^ere added to lln JuoK 'at y (.otnmitte e. Ml. Mooie subiiiiued a resolution vhtch was ne{.’;'itived, dlicctini; t!ie(io\ «»rnor to havi- the Statue of ashin^^ion placed upfjn v. heels, tu be asily moveci in ruse of tire. Mr. Allen jirescTiir;! the pftitioii of vUii(Ir> citlz'.r.s if H»:iroii)ije aiid Lurke, liravin^lfjr thi- m h iiiuti r f u l)istrict in which Courts ol law shall bf held, 'i'hi^ petit.on was relenvd tf> a select cjni- initu e, vs ho su!j'ie(ju ntly re;jor'ed a bii'> to cai ry into t ifn t liie ol;jici of the ?jc- tition. which read thr first iiin‘. On motion of ?*11'. Neil, a comiini'ee was i'.ppo;:)ted to iiKjulK; it.to thf* pro priety (jI ascer'ainitif' l;v the nt xt I.e jis- Ltur’e, t!.e auiount jjaifl Ijv ea' h f(,'iiri!y, i'ror . January IH27 toJ.itiuaiy IB'^8, for pi. ( utiny iriS'Silvent on'enders a^;ainsl llie Slate. TV FsinT, /)rr. 11. — Mr. fiaston pre- s'Jited the n inorial of suridry c iti'/aMji, of itu lovN Ok of New I.( I D, \N ashii.;;ton, I’lv- inou'li, 1' li ni(>ii, 111 freesl;«jro. ’ jieit {“'71 d aud niiz.iln'th ^'ity, on the sii!jj(l • 1 iiii|)vn\ : (ht na\ij^at loii t,.f on aljoii' ( Ml arocke Ink:. 11. subin i' I ip t h i res- —rriijiMU. M-^^(jasloli made ..n mo|Ui tit duced pjv.nful arr,urrrnt? c.mi r.ic's to prove tlie necessity oi'the pio posed impro'enu'Tit. It was referred a select (;j)mmitite of thirteen members, and ordered to he printed. It shall ap p.ear in our ne\t. The bill to ( omp.el Quakers, Menon ists. Dunkards, See. to bear arms, was 'aken up, and, after some debate, in which Messrs, Mon head and W heeler oppos ed, and Mr. Smith of Chatham, advocat ed it, was iiidt tinitely |)ostponed on mo tion of Mr. Morehead. wFONF.snAY, Dec. ]2.—C)n tnoiion ol Mr. Fisher, the tommittee on l‘ul)lic buiMin^s vicre refjueated to enquire into the expediency of procuring; a constant supply of watei- for the use of the (.'ajji- tol. by the process of boi inj; or otherwise. (^n niotion of Mr. \V. W. Stedman, the Judiciary committee were instructed to incjuire into the expediency of passini; a law, to prevent the education of slaves. The bill for the more convenient ad ministration ,of justice in Burke end Bun- come counties ; and to reduce liie num ber of petty musters in the year lo one, .vrre laid on the labl?. Mr. Benners presented a resolution in structing the Judiciary Committee, to rnrjuire into the exjn-dienc} of compell ing Clerks of County Coui ts, within 20 days afier the la\iiig of any tax, to pub lish the rates in the Newspaper in iheir County,or if ther e be none, to post up cop ies in public pla- ts in the County. Vnj}uhhul Eiuli.Cis-Vkixrtf,' ccu\\ to Cun.soacoa, plundtied ihis ul- -- •' 1;,};,., aad killed the commandant, but having by this nieans discovered them- Rn(l, W'ilson ol I’a. (Jj^^lccouhls.'~-A\\cn of Mass. Beider, ■iant. Tliis beinf> the day arpointed for the election of the Standing Committees -fthe Senate, the .Senate proceeded to iieir election, alter the mode establish- d last session ; balloting first for the v'hairman of the respective Conin>ittees, 1 majority being necessary to a choice ; nd then for the remaining four members, j plurality onlybeir.g re([uisite to a choice selves, they were, by the exertions of the inhabitants of Cumana, pursued and dis persed in such a manner as to preclude all possibility of another simlar attempt. There appeared to have been for some time previous, an understanding between the ill-disposed in the diilerent parts ol the province and the fears of the inhabi tants were so much excited, that Col. Diego de Vallenills was appointed Com- r'he following are the Committees chos- mander General to visit the different vil- lages in order to inspire conhdonce a- fittcd/or spa. As a tnoclel of naval ancliitect. ure she ha"^, in our judgment, no supe- rior, and does infinite credit to her able constructor. 1 he style in which she ij fitted up, is alike creditable to the guod taste which Wirected, and the skill whicK executed her interior arrangemeniB, foi* the accomodation of her officers and crow. The Delaware is destined for the Med- iterranean station, and is at present corn, manded by Capt. John Downes. She may be ezpected lo sail in about two monlhs. W.VSm.'*GTON, DFCt.MDLlll 1 1. W’e are comjiclled to omit, until to morrow, the proceedings in Congress of u stetday. Of the new Standing Com mittees, which will be found below, we iiave room now merely to remark, that an entire chance has beer- made in them, arid we are not now prepared to say tha' the change is for the better. The Com mittee on Mai ufactures is understood to be anti-tai if^'. In that case, Mr. Mallary, ihe able Cliairman of the Committee, will be embarrassed .vith difficulties whic h nothing but the most determined perseverance and untiring exertions will triable him to overcome. We are satis fied he will do hia duty—di»agreeal)le as that duty must be, when opposed by a ri'.ajority ol the Committee vviih whom he acis. On Fords^n Macon, (^Chair- man,) Sanloid, Tazewell, liell arid W hite. On Finnncc.—Smith, ol Maryland, (Chairman,) McLane, Smith of S. C. Piirris and Branch. (hi Comtnercc —Woodbury,(Chairman, Silsbee, Johiiston of La. McLane and W’illiams. On Dickerson, (Chair man,) Knight, Itidgely, Uuggles and Barnard. On Jc;ricullurc.—Branch, (Chairman,) liateman, Bouligny, Willey and Bar- nard. On Militanj Jlffnirs-—Harrison (Chair man,) John'^on, of Ken. Benton, ('handler and Hendricks. On (he il/i7/7iV/.—Chandler, (Chairman,) IhirristJii, Mutks, McKinley atid Tyler. On Naval-Hayne, (Chairman,) Robbins, Se)Utour, Tazewell and Wood bury. KitttiUficnrf. rroin Mr.s. Colvins.’ Messenger. The prospect of war between Russia and Turkev, link S3 the latter shall yet accept the ultimatum ofihe mediutiori^- tween Turkey and Greece, ere this have been realized ; in such a crisis an authentic account of the statistic condi tion of the principal European powers, will '.e read with intc rest. I therefore send you a summary extracted from tlie most recent statements of the European statistical vrriiers, in the concise form of paragraphs. Bela. Tlie suiTaro of tP»‘ritory in geograph ical squiire miles c>f the Kmi^norn of Fuinct is 200,000. Her popuLuioii 3 1 millioi.' 600 thousand. Her re>cnui-, reckoned in dollars, 196 millions 358 thousand. mong the jieople, by his character and exanijjle. A Cumana paper ol October 15, has a long account oi the aflair, and mentions among the suflerers the dis- linguished Col. Montes, who was sur prised by some of the factious, who en tertained towards him feelings of personal hostility £c muniered within twelve miles of Cumana. Eroui the same source vve learn, that the country remained after the suppres sion of the above mentioned rebellion, in a state of perfect tranquillity, and noth ing further is appreluMided, as Bolivar seems lo have a desire to unite all hearts in the cause of their country ; and his in- lluence is so great that there remains no doubt of his success. It appears that the conspiracy in favor of Ferdinand, which was sometime ago discovered and suppressed in Caraccas, was connected with the rebellion ol Cumana. Balt. Gaz. Lower Canada.—In the Montreal and Quebec pa[)ers we find the Proclamation >f Lord Dalhousic, proroguing; in the King’s name the Parliament of the Pro vince until the 3d January next. 'Ihis step has been taken owing to the House persisting in the choire of a Sin aker, whom the Governor refused to confirm. —The Montreal Courant, in speaking of the afl'air, says, although such an event was expected by most persons here, yei • he country has lo deplore the existence of a state of afiairs, from which there is no prospect of its being relieved short of the intprposition of the mother gov ernment. I'he right of the (iovernor to rejecl a Speaker chosen by the Assembly is denied and will be maintained. The brig of war King’s Fisher, sail ed for Quebec, on 29ih Nov. having on board the Hon. ('olonel Hameey, bro- Ncw Orleans^ Nov. 10.—We heard of a circumstance yesterday, which is of a nature to rouse the vigilance of the con* stituted authoriticsofourstaie. A black woman returned to her master in this city, after an absence of sixteen years. By her account, it appears that there ig a negro settlement about eight miles to the north of this city, between the Gen* tilly road and lake Pontcharlrain. The spot where these negroes have locatcU themselves, is situate in what is usually called the Tremulmg PruiritSu in thiscoun* try. Similar to the Oasis of ihe Great Deserts, a piece of Jirm soil has been found, lo wiiich the approach is cut ofF by swamps resembling quicksands in iheir nature, as they are sure to swallow up tho inexperienced hunter who ven tures within iiieir vortex. It appears that several blacks having discovered the means of passing those morasses, have sought for and fixed thvir homes on tliose small tracts of firm ground whieh are here and there discovered in iheircentre. Thecampfrom which the aforesaid negress came is said to cxreed fifty or sixty souls, who regularly plant corn, sweet potatoes, and othe." vegeta bles, and raise hogs and poultry. Some, no doubt, occasionally resort to fishing, but the object of their excursions gen erally, is to pillage by night in the en virons of this city. It is believed that the uncommon dry- ness cf the present year has made those retreats attainable, by a little persever ance and iogenuity ; and wc are lold theio is another camp about the head of the bayou Bienvenu. Policy imperiously calls for a thoroigh search, and the de struction of surh retreats, wherever found to exist. From Niks’ Weekly Reglblcr. The ^'•colonization project^" as it used to be The following gentlemen compose the Standing Committees of il.c House of Kepresentatives, appointed by Mr. Spea ker Stever.son, under the Standing Rules and Orders of the Houae : Of Elcclifjnn.— Messrs. Sloane, Ander son, Alston, Tucker of S. \ Claiborne, Phelps, Slower. Jf ays and Means.—Randolph, McDuf- iVe, Sprague, Verplanck, Dwight, Brent, Ciilmer. Claims.—W’illiams, M’Coy, Whittle sey, Barber of Con. Clark of N. Y. Mc Intyre, Ramsay. Commerce. Cambreleng, Newton, 'Phompson of Geo. Gorham, Barney, Harvey, Sutherland. Puhlic Lauds. — Isacks. Vinton, Whip ple. Jennings, Haiie, Duncan, Davis of S. C. Post Office, aud Post Hoads.—lnt;ham, M’Kean, Yancey, Conner, Magee, HocJg- «-s, Russell. Ihstrkt of Columbia.—Alexander, In- ^t'l soii, Brjan, W eents, Kremer, Var- nuir., Alleii of V... Juaiciary.— \\ P. Barbour. Livingston, Huenanau, Reives, Wickiiffe, Kerr, S^on a. Ii evolutionary Claims. — W’olf, Hunt, C'rtighton, Dickinson, Tucker of N. J. 1- M-\. H«Tiley. Pithltc Edfii-ndilnms.—Johnson ofN. Y. J. S. Barboui, li.iile). Martindale, Buck, (luk, Ntltkulls. Ptivnte Land Claiim.— Bucknc-r, Moore ■J’ Alai). Am.strong, Karl, Sheppard, BaJ- s, of Missour i, Ster Igere. ^}(iniif(h'tnri.i. — .Mallar v, Stevenson ol Pa. Condu t, Moore of Ken. W'righl of N. \. SiAiibury, Mariiii. Indian Jjjairs.— .M’l.ean, M’Kee, Car son, Daiiic.1, Swann, Lumpkin, Smith of Indiuiia. Fortii^n .ij/'airs.—Everc'tt, Taylor of N. V. Aic.hei, Sergeant, Drayton, Ov*en, Polk. Mditnry Jlffairts. — Hamilton, V:ince, Sniiih of Va. Desha, Floyd of (ia. Hob- Me, Orr. Nnv.d Jlfjaiis. — Hofi'man, Bartlett, of N. li. ( row iHiishield, Carter oi’ S. C. M.lkr c,t Pa. Dorsey, Ripley. .iyrtrul>urt\—VaTi Ren^sidear, Roane, '.N ilson ol Md. Barlow, Hallock, Merwin, CII1 pe per. Ta ntorn^:.— Strong, ('larke of Ken. Saw yer, Wriglu of Oluo, Bunner, i-.ea, Coul ter. JMdilary Prrifiions. — Pjurgess, Mifrhell of 'Ten. Piotc s, of Mass. Law rence, Long, Leronipi, Forward Ej'penddures nf the State Department.— 13I.nr, Letcher, Tnzvnit. Frpenditurts of the I'rensury Departmf ut. — !lt.il, .^lilfhellol Prfiti. Ii iri in^fr. KjHifnd.tuns of the Jl ar Dtpartment.— Ha\iit .->, VVocjdcoek, ’J nrner. r.Tuiudiluns of the iMpur'ment.— Littl»-, 1 on, Ki I se. — .-j:.rpe7tlif’ins rf 'thc Post — Holmes, L* Oi* I. ()'P»rien. F rjje/.idii7rri‘y on PnhUr Jluilihn;';s.— in dollars, 196 millions 338 thousand. ^ 5'^ i ne "coiomzanon as it useu to DC The capital ot her publir debt (it.clud- fi il‘ough it may yet have any scnsi ing 10 millions for the indemnity of the despa c.ies ‘ ‘ i ble effect in reducinLr the number of our jpvtcb. in the of he uci-1 Spri^j/, 1. J. W f o(! of N. Yrt>wift, emigrants) 7'29 millions. i’he numbn of her ships of war—19 shi[)s of the liru —31 frigates, and lOcorvettes. The like territory arid dimensions, of xhe Empire of Jluai/i'i is 220 thf>U'and five hur-dred and seventynine square miles. I's population 2‘J millions TOu thousand. Its revenue 6-1 millions of dollars. The capital of its }>ublic debi 466 millions of dollars. The number t»l iis standing army 27G thousand. Its marine a few fri>;aies and gallir-s. The like territory and dimensions, o! the United k'tngdom of Grent Britain (m Europe ) 99 ih()Us:inil scjna-e -uiles. Hc-r populrition 21 millicns Ihr revPfiUe 252. G(JO. I be capital of I’.'i l ublic debts 4 billions 200 n i 'ujns ol del rs(includ .Uj.* her unfunded dc-')'.) 'i t » i.i. tiiier oFher standing arjii) 8o ilu,u.^. r f'.. 1 I num ber of her shi ps I f v* y i. 28 ' « i tli ckers, 85 two deckers. 172fnga’»s, 157 coi- ve ties, 2 » thousancl s un"‘n. '1 he like tt-tii:o' \ at-d din»(nsions of the Euipiri of livssiii (tn Eiirfij«e) 1 n)iliion 463 tlious;it'(' ^qiiaiT iiiiU s : in Asia 5 millicjtis 697 tiujusar)d Hcpiare niile'.. Hc'r po|)ulation (in Asiu) 4 millo tis. Her revtniie 62 ruiilKjris of doil.,rs. 'Fhe ca|'it,(i of her p'jhlic dtbt, 268ioou sand. Thenumberof hc-r s’andiog ar- iv>y 740 ihoiisarid. I 'le number of hei '■hips of i^Hi, 50 ■'hips of tilt line, 20 fri gates, 1 coivelte, 38 ihouAand seamen. Portugal seems to have fallen again under gtronp; government, and indeed tu be incaj)able of enjoying any otlu’r. The administration ha\c a( It (1 already upc the following doctrine, |)rorlaimt cl inti-e ofiicial gazette of Lisbon on tl»e 25:l» ul: Nat. G(tz “Every one has an opportunity to con vince himself tha^ it is not by jis own ef forts that the pc.iicy of Portu.yal can snf fer changes ; that no l',nropean Power can now depart, in esse-iuial points, fioni the policy ado])ted by tlv other Powers, without disastrous coris* quenees. The conviction of this truth renders esperia'- ly nccessury at ihismf>nient the (irae.iiee jf th it fundaireiital maxim in wl irh public trun(|uillity is foiinded. nanu.h, that til*' subjects have to do nothing bu' to obey, unitin;-,' in sincere alfection, a voiding priv ate oil rices, allaying all tt" fury of parties, d' spising odious a|ii>« lla lions vihicli j)eri>ftuat*-and irillame thi'tii. and confithng m the wisdom aod pru dence of (iuvernment, whose* busi'i* ss it is to consider and direct whatever is most suitable to the People.” We have been pejlitely favored by is friend with the fe>llowing iiilormatio*- from Colombia which he received by th’ V, ay erf St. Thonuis. In Cutnana the'ii. ha'e been some disturbances of a serious character. A lactio+vheadeci by a n u latio named I cdro Cornudo, had ~pro- m s lo U.e x>rii..M | effect in reducing the number of our .nuMit. It is said t ia le perio o | colored population, has many and strong S.,I|,.R was (leu,e.l .n order h. upo., our feclinRS. The difiDcul- fnijjlii fury *' 'f'C .jcs and ilisasu-rs which attended the ; first establi.hme„t ol the colony, f»uch >s 1 he Gazfiic iioiilCs a rumour i occurrcd in our owi* country and happen* ha. currency here yncc the most pleasant and encouraging charac« ne ws delegation .tie to ) rocee d iin.ncdiatt 1) to England,j doubt remains on our minds llh a lurmal c.n.|,la,„ uKainst Lord DalheiUS". Vv e know not u hether there j - ^ I . .u- tion has been laid—and that a great amel- i,e an> ‘J i loration in the condition of ihe neighbor* " ! i..K parts of Africa will follow. To us, it will become important as a place of trade, and, indeed, it now has consid. erable commerce—but most interesting as an asylum for those of our colored population wlu) may be disposed to aim at the rank of men, by emigration to the land of their ancestors, and as afiordii’f; a facility for the emancipation of slaves by their masters, which, without if, could not exist. None of the Stales wil lingly receive liberated siaves—iheir co lor prevents their admission into society; they remain without hope of throwing off Iheir caste; but lo Liberia they can bo sent with every reasonable expectation that they may be happy, if willing to la bor, and careful in the management of Iheir affairs. is said to comprise Messrs. Viger, Cav- illier, aud Vallicres. riw.^f EvnorE. English afcounts to the 3d ult. have bee/i received by the Manchester at New York. Nothing reitain had been heard from fireece or'I'urkey. Spam continui-s in a state of great ;ieita'tion. and the loyal rebels are fight- o.g and snmetinu's be>ating the royal iroops sent te> quell them. The last despatches from Vienna re- Dusvnt that the negociations for the re turn of Don Miguel to Lisbon were pro- ceedini^ satisfiTiejrily. I'he Infant is to visii London in his way to Portugal. l ilt* last of the Steam Bi-ats con- sttec'ed in London for the (ireek**, was ji cieU n'ally bu’nl in the river Thames, ,.n ' liie previous one', the Enterpnre, is ^^if! in th» Times to have fojtidered at s( j, A most singular fatality seems to iiaM- ,r leMi.'ied the efforts in frireign coun- trii ■- in i.id of the unhappy Cireeks. Tl'i- (}az-'te of TtJi-sday, 3d Oct. cnn- taiiit ri an en di r e.! his Majet'v iri Council, perriiiHiiig NPssfl'.uf the U States tcj enter p.oris (,f the Bahama Islands, in ballast, for the- purpose of exporting theiif •//•?;/the pruducc of those Islands. NorfiilJ;, —'1 ne S. Ship llornf't, ('.ipt. Chixton, having on board S ;‘0- OOO in specie, sailc'd fi oin 'I'ainpico imb nil. for New York, via Havaiiiia—wan since* spoke n olf Cape .\ntotiio. 'I lie“ U. S. xlup IViirrins Capi Kear- ne y, sjiled from Sni\rna25th Sept. hav ing a iiuiiiber of American vessels undt'r e c)i; vet\, and parted with them off Malta 'I'ne U. S. xl.tp Lexington, caj)i. Booth, bad also sailed from Smyrna, in pursuit •fa jiiraliral ve-ssel that had committed ■le predation'' on ihe brig Cherub of Bos ton. Tin: ni:L.nrjii{E7\. 'Phis spli I.did ship, 'ji iie>ved to lie the large-st aflant. in our NuVy, and if equall ed, ec rt. inly not e-\ce-Iled in point of beautv, by any ship of her class, was vfsiiTilay tc'wed down lo Hampton Roa'ls, frcm) her anchorage near Fort Nelson, l>y the Sieam boats Virginia capt !’• ri^'UNof. and Js’orlolk, capt. Young. 'i he Delaware* was launched from the Na\y Y,ird at (ifiSport, in Oclober, 1R20, and has nol until the present limcj been .Appealing from Justice.—The Ontario Rejjository inlorms us, that of 21 cau ses which came before the Court, at it:' late session in that county, 17 were case^ (A'appeals urn Justices’ courts. Thi^ reminds us of a certain noted Justice oi Peace, who had his courts all over the county, and wlio boasted that he macle more business for the Superior Courts than all other causes put together.— I his famous magistrate, besides doing justicc on so largf a scale, aiways gave ju^>^' ment in favor of the plaintilT. On beiru; asked the reason for this wonderful uui- formity in bis decisions, be replie'lj “ The plair.tiif .5'r//^eiri-lv would n.»t havt.' brought his action, if so //« :iii^)p)Si>l '■ had 11(4 been a just one.”—We shall si'*’ now whe iher the pf?ople in N. York will do tlieiTisi Ives justicc by electing tluir own Justicfs^ agreealdy to the new law. Ikrkalure Jimrican. In alcitp trial at New York, where a jury was imjiannellod, the Court sentenc ed the counsel fi>r the defendant to p^T the Jury.—'Phis is similar to a i ase rc-* corded in Knirke‘r!)ock**r, which was de cided liy the Justice in the followiri.s manner ;—be* first incighed [he account ot the plaintifl’, and the bookscontaining the lavr on his side, and tlien those ol tli^ d' feudant ; and finding them of ecju-o weight, sentenced the Constable served the writ to puy the.cost. Am. Jldi'ocale. W^M. 13. Gii.r.s has been re-cIcctee. Governor of Virginia. ^'I'here wai tr’ oppoiiiiion, Inu 57 ^cftttcring vutCT- —

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