be- l’ • (li 0-, ’'-lu liis i-;it ic.r.u'' his !i!;x‘^'t't', i’Tid luM');i-.ily n’:;r(.lii M orth. wiili'Hii hoii’f, lionic, or any one crcdi tabli' soiiMH- of su'.'pni'r. H*' mUi-i'iS !o ij-.i 1 duinn ■•' rbrup purl m' >ho town, si.!)MMini; pfvi- ly nil cliaiitv, • oiiifliir.f's jiftint,' as H t- SU'‘>S''i 1 uI*■ *'t ii '.natkvr a' u biiiiufd and occ isio’.ittlly us liclpi'r i.t u.iivt'i y s.a- In lliis mir'CrahU* rov.dit ion, v. I’.n r.r>- kcdntss and tatiuf.o s'a-.rini; him tii' i Xucc. cxpuv.fcl U! .hctuur.u itisuit s o! } t r.osc V. litn.i l.c li..d m;j vfco^Miised liy ar> old iVl»-i>d. 1 o. ;,-:;vr him U'li 1" ni-t i’’'• IIo tx'it n :•■ d {'.’ I' ill i'l (M'crn’ .■1 ; V. ni^ i!i« o'\uy i'lvi' I'.'- r"i'-:; iiinion c-, ui;d in- ,Tc;ts.'d ibfin '->* : '>(■ lidj'.ui i>"i! AVin I's, val V'. tl> l.r> '.oi-ncr '■ i.tvd VM.ii app^ir. 10 (.»' ^Vcro Sf'i') ‘**2 Oiiicrs .rt^of smull vulu'-, the Slutc »»‘vpr aitrm,, ed to flrsjrf any i t vt inii'f roiijthern. i in' .•.ere- ordifftTcnt d -i-rces,iVoin a slighil -.u’.t dnwn u> :t br^u.k'wdi taste. Arciuii- •.ich of llsi.-si! Spnntjs were rt-scrvrd src lors ol'huid, wiiich was lirdil.- to r*J-i t- Aaste. yi.d tVo-.n v.W\rh t.he oplo w. IV daily cutlini,' down ihe tin> CT. As a suHiCi' tit nundxT of Spi Ix fii KXM Vcii l)v t!it* S»ute lo prcvi'!.' t u.oiioi-oly of tin- 151 atuifai turf oi sail. ;iiiTt* SI I'liH.d ui> ol)ji';Uot) to dispose o. '.lU'j-o in the v-ninc n'ii.niicr as otbc) iatllls \Vt 1 «• dl 'i'hr l/iIl V Mr. /u '-iV. ;'|MTcably to loavr, iluct d a l;iii ',1k-cutuliut.t'ion ( i l!i' 1,'nil.trid Nshirh wusicud uijcI Tiipw.v'ls, msy be pUcf'.l on U of Uie I'nilfd S'liico t nd r.-ritair. -nn- saccorditiij to their rani; in siiid st i .in . On motion of Mr. Mitchell,otlcnnbji- ama, it was „ That tbr Committee on Man- .fartiircs be directed to inquire uno the >;nedicncy of aHording a ihc nianulaLlun.s ol wo:>cl • recoiiv r.Mied ibc bill to dUcrre t-- iVoni bis \\ife, minditu; its passa-e, -r, [„ii refosrd to concur in, 7 i lo was rejected of course. ^cc '’^-Mr. Bvnum presented in wiiich MOM) cr fear iiia c.c.Ici.s cii ii'.ai, ing it, tlepei'ds all tbat vii.y io'.iow. Should the clesiructinn of bis fleet so a. larin him, as to produce itistaDl submis- sion, the CJreeks are f ree, and the contest; is over. On ihe contrary, should rege lake the placc of fear, and dictate acts ol’ violence and a tone of desperate def:ance. •;c(i of. ibeii ordered to be en- iiitro «ction to "ormotioi. of Mr. Wliius ofnoiUb, I was h'CMolrul, That tl.e Cointuittee on Coin- mhtc.- be iiihtructcd to infiuire into 1 . xpediiricy of incrcasin- ilic duty on :oi- ijMi orat't,'’s. shell be (. ij'i, ia c'-. t!>e r'7'.t Mfflit. he !'■'! Ij^ is' nii.; I ■> i'!; V V' :i) ^ Ml ( n\i' y. d '.^ i! u 's liM'uiui-- iH.iisf ill !)\i cl lend i'> a ;.ecund feudin'^. or rj:i‘ni:si:N'j\rnri:s. hid l^rfoi'e tlx Lt^ihlalurc ol North a bill, piest ribinf; Ihe tnunner „hocan lay his linger on the point where si:4Vfs. beudinir and fcM"}, ‘ ^ ‘ ihe consequences will stop ? It has becji ^ ' - intimated that the lives of the Minister', of the allied sovereigns arc in dant^er. I- is certainly diflicult to foresee to whatix ireml^ics the violence of a despotic bar barian may be cat ried, but unless he iuis discarded the p;ovcnnienl of reaso;i; ho will ])ause befote he takes such a stoj). Tl." atoncmeni demanded for that one ac. would not be considered perfect, while a Turkish turban remains in I'.uropr. There is an Austrian Minister in Con btaves. beudinii; af'.er i)e insprcied ditectiri?; Miiat construction t.i\en 10 ':ortin:;'.'nt executary bnn.a- h„„s, Mr. .1-u's of Warren, biil lo reoeal the 4ihst riion of an act passec. the civil list, and Mr. (laston a ‘ ° provide for the gradual diminution ot he Capital of the I’.nnKs of this State, by the ..urchasc and eAlinguiblimeni ot shares = i—wliich bills were read the lirst tinu'. WKNA'I T.. I ()„ motion of Mr. Simmons, the Judi- Jkc. 2J. —Mr. Sliober p’-’cr.-j y Committee were instruried to en- i (juii e as to tlie ex[)ediency of so tl or .'''-a!, ai i lUI'' iHillSf Ml .',t. (J ilf-. . r l I'.is b’l: O'* 1 f.'tM' with ‘J'i.i'O'i pi.ittid>, 01 hv a If'rf lie cachel, K aj-d a sliavftl iLul I. r.ii’ , L- ell (Itiinut (! bi'iiid aii'l \ ^’ad. lor six in.tnibs. in a d'.rl; ro(jU . i 1 1.,’:'! I'luiNi t'l ( him to his senses, j nu.i buvM nreveiucd so i^M.oininious a i e- TV*i'.NTi!:rn ('('.Niiiii'ss. .sK.v./v'/;. MONinv. iit-c. ~ h 1R37. The I onuiiuiucatei! a Irltc! frotii the St'cit'iury of tin* 'I'leasuiy. xransniittiTij.;. i»\ pu i sni'ju e of arf'-oluiion r.t'liu- SeiUiie ul (,i May, 1S2( (,r I'.f colli: I’. t t li'ered into v\ i f;ATi;ui).\Y, /-'rr. |f.,a, y rnlfd a Ijill to remli'r valid, certain «cl''j (mii c* - , , . uf the actini; Coroi.'er of Stokes, v. bich | ys to prevent debtors Irom House a ! was read ihe first time and subsequently , ^.^^,^veyin;^-11.eir proiierty, by mortgages iH.i i .lames Kiln*-.', con- | p.ssrd its second and third reading. ' , uf trust, to one or more oJ their . roree('i'i'rs of the llarris-j Mi. T.ove of Havwood, a bill to con- L i„ preference and to me exclus- ' ■ u huh was lelened to|,i„nei.. force, an ail parsed last session. 1 their other creditors; and T! r ciirni'iiUi.ic ti'.’.fiiu'; tV (i.invcn; •I'.c o;i Maiiul't.( ;.ires. ’! Ill' yjithli'f lai lollowi;.'.; c.otr'r'u.'ii'-ation frtJia tii' cretin y o’r'I.f Nuvy. wl.irli was lelVrred 111 lire ^oTii :i. 1; ’ I e on !\I aiiiiii’.clU n. s tWr.I led. staniMiopio : v/e Drestimebe would consi- the l.tfore I lie House the >>■- r' Ol (U i I *:! lo oe ;)i ;i 2.ih Ihr. ]'\.T. Sir: l:i’ a'ibwer to a lesolution of the IIoir.eoDlrpr. icnut.-.i !- oi ii.e id.Marr! liii eciiii;; ili vy to report the mi nts whicli hav be r>ecreiaiy Oi tlie Na- 1 I ( u'.t ( i' any cxperi • I Ireadv been or | i to revive arid continue in force an act passed in l-'i- 1. to alter and amend au^t^ for the rehefof purchasers ol CherokTe lands. Whltli were read li'e iirst time. Mr. Willian.s frum the ComuiiiK'e of Divorce and Alimony, n porK'd lo divorce i:ii-.'.i'boLb {'iil;jep;.cr of Montj-.o- mery and Mary Nixon of l'er(;uimon-. fronj their hu^balH!s, which were lejccl- — i hie, t'lie oh'jecl oi’which, lliat a re MovnAY. />'’■ 21-.—Mr. Davidson pre-^,,^^.j.j ijj. ,-,,.^1,. (0 sented a hiii to autiioru'c the Wardens ol moni^^s aiisin'' from such sales, to t-riually divided between the creditors, in prcpoition to their severed demands. On nuition of iMr. Newland. the .Tudi- ary conimillee were inslrucicd to en* (juire into the expediency of rcvisitij; the iVes (,f clerks, s'aerids ..nd olhe.-odicers. .Mr. Alexander sut)niilled a resolution, which for the present waslaiilou the la- i. a co lli ihe nts of the K-te eim^M-anls lioin I'raiice, ia i.virvuai.ce of an act to set aparl and tlisnosi of ceriiun public l.uKls lor the eul*’.i\atioti (d'i!ie vine at.d oli\e, with a list (.f names i.f the emiKi’aUib lo vMiom lands were allotted, under the contract, snd id’tl.e all'itm' iiis ini'de to them res- peciive'v; t.)f.;;etber with majjs ol ibe land-, on wliii h llte alloinienis are d'- i,i.;iutc(|. Also, a repoit sliuwin.'c bov. i. r atilt li\ wh'iir tle i onsidi i aUi/HS ol ihe c'>Titrai;! have been luiliili'd. and tli' cases ill wIiKh iliiy nave not, v\ilh the causes thei i of ; w Inch w ab 11 ad, and oi - lien d I!) be primed J/r. presetted the Jii'lilii^n ol sevir*.! Cl izens of ) pr.iviiii; tliat (. Ohi;res5 mi ^hi i an y nil ) * I’n '’i ihe ;,i v’i-'ioiis of th 'I'. ' l‘-i' c()uiidei:ii!^ til!' Saii- d'lskv I oai' : V. h i( ii was leliireil lo the Con'iiiit’e' 1 11 lluads .,ii(!'v A bili V. a'' '* 'loneil 1 .•iii'.i ; he (,ii!ii111! 1- IC-eor tip Mil.'.I, :o pl.AUle lol Hie priil- jii,^ I i iV.'.U'.' > I i>,);i’'' "I I'l*' •■•lii'ia ^ til s ; ul;K'ii \vas leud, at;ii oidi red lo a jiCi'O'd 11 d'n;^. Mr. Juint (,iu Oi Ky. moved the prini- iiijr ,,r ihe List ol/.ained (Ml a iiioiio?i iiKide I w o \ ears sitice, in the Sen.i'e, ol ibe iiaines\d'the U, \ oiulioi'.ary OtVicirs and Soldii rs ir.lidtd to lands as lemu- liLiations I.jI- their s* i vices. 'I'he J\c.^iikul Slated tlial no such list was now III i.'ie Secietary s possesbioii. !\Jr. Jliirnsi 7i said a list had been t: ken ro’HMil). wniLh he reiaini d in Ins lu.nds .kias appii'd I*' by \ar;( iis .vu t.i'.i i 'i ;nni;ri,bs for the list, friim wln.lipai- tia! ilslswere taken, i-n v\ hie h a( i;oin.' i* V.’ds jiroju rth u the t^lule sliouhl l;e nou Jjl lOK d Mr cu(|uire iiuo I’le expediency anii prac- ‘‘ j licaliilily of providini; a remedy by law, I 1 .:nv;t ihf ijsniioiis nracticeti uhich , , .-he poor, (.f Micklenbiirfj; cuunly, to l e nov/ maUitiK m -■•y- y • j a trad of land and erect suila- htales, to asceiiuin the ([uaniy ol ..met ■ , |„,,i(ii.Trs for the romlortable accom- iean water ret'ed Hen.!,', ronipared v. I said county. Russian Ilet.ip,” the becrelary oi 'i a liill ioie;;u:a:e ihesalaiy i\ ivy luis the li(»Tior lo encmi.e a copy oi | r!inii.r, a:.d if> pi-escribe a leiler from ilu- C.ommi.-sioners ol manner in width iiriiit ir,;-' shall here- .'N'avy, or. Vhe subject. ‘ | b,. ({cue, fur tiu- D.'partments of respectliilly made lo a report Irom | i_c. Mr. Sboher, a bill sup- Deiiaitmeiil to ihe Senate. >’'| j,h.,„enlary to ihe arls rcbtive to thr SI,l.jeH, daied .Oih January, | power of Courts oi’ I', p.iiy, in cases of I he small |uaniiiy (d water t’ctted | Mr. ljurney, a bid coni.ein- ilnnp which has been heretofore prej ar- i ^he dockets id’ the Courts ol I'.fiwriy, ctl, has not alVorded very extensive op- ftjuniy of CoUlll^)•^^. ai.d Mr. p(,; tnnittes for mahin;.; experiments up- Wii'.ilield, a bill maic elleciiially to on It, l)Ut Mich as have t;i en made are j jjj(. crime of poisnnin;^. eiiiiiely satis! '.ctory ■ an*.' impoi taticns | niotion td Mr. Riddii'^, the Judi- (d' 11.-mp wid no-. Iii‘ nece.^sary, wl'en sid'- i cimmiltee were in-.tructid to 111 lent (jiianliti-.s to answer the I'.emai.ds 1 ^.iKiuire into the -xnediencv and (.fitie service thall i»e produced in tl'.e coiititry. Cordajre of American " ) aj^-onst the usurious pr 1C led I'eni;/ would ahvvs he pi elei red, j iJn. l>uyin^• and sellinf^ of‘)onds u hen found »f qiiul (jualiiy. li 1--. pei hiips. pi'dper lo 1h* o!)ser\ed. th .' theie is no esta'lishmenl conneitid wiiuthe Nuvy ill w iiii h hemp is nv.inii- L'-r.i, eii ; and th 11 !oi e it is in ', pare has- I (■(! in its raw siaie by i!ie I)' i«arliiient. It I wiP, hV)-.vevi 1, he the inierest aid policy I of the (iovernrnetil to make siicli estab- lislimettt wlienevcr it is believeil that e- connniy will be pron'.otc.l !iy it. Ke; i)eeirnl!v submiued : SAM’L. L. S0LTI!AI;D. On motion ol Mr. Daniel, it was /iV-su/f'f./, That tl.e Committee on Nlan- ufai'ures bo ins'.rut led to imiuire into thr t.XiX'dieiiey (d‘increasing' tlie dniies on the iinporialion ol hemp, dibUiled spirits, and molasses. M. ILitViilton suh;i:t!ted tlio foliowin;;-: Whereas a I..'.' was passeii by the dcr it bis duty to protect bis diploinatn. compeers ; arid if be did not, but stood an idle and uninterested spcclu'.or of the outrage, it is by no means impossible, that the allied sovc:Ti"ns mii;lit demand of Austria a sulVicietit reason, or an ade quate apology, for this indolent acqui escence in the violence. What would be the conscqucnces of n. war: It is jirobalde that the political trinity of sovercis^ns will act cordially lo- c;cther so far as to drive the Turks ovei* iVie i iontier line of Europe. Austri;i will scar-'-ely da-re to resist this cirort, jealou'; as she is of the growin" power of Kussia. She will scarceiy venture to unfurl her ear^le Hag by the side of the crescent slan- dard. The odds would be too unequal, the iscue too j)alpable. lJut as Russia. the Secrclary of War, lor the ■ scrvi'.;es (f the L. S'ates l.n- i--ineers to survev a roule for a Itnil lload, , , i iVcu, Xe« l,crn t.',r«.;.li KaK i;;!., I r=nco, anti l.iu:lancl, have no or yet ac- I,, rark ai. u,;.y l.c .la- U'd corchuuy losHhf r, ,t is very |,ro!,abfc convenience of the Depui tment. Mr. (iary from tlie ('(.nimittce I’l opositiiins and (irievances, made unfavorable report on ihe petition .... . ^ sundry cuiznsijf Wilkes, pi aying to have . lo sti.i Inrthor cot.hic.t.s, and coni.icts ol Ihe time of hoMing their Courts altered, i more extensive and important character Mr. .lones of Warren, from the .InJi- than thai in whico tl.ey originated. Sue. ,o. renoit iTcom- is tho iniercnco which almorl all bisto- ^Vc will not aticmjit sticli that this union might present no excep- ()!'| tion to the usual course Jand ternnnatioii ail' of th' ir temporal y alliances. When ihu (,r! Iiootv is won, the partition of it may lead ciary (^ommitte, made a repoit rccom mending the njeetion of tlic I'a'soiiition to’pi'ovidc niore irectually lor the jiay- ment (dj’ii!or’.s lees; also, tlie resoliitioti making lull 111 r, ])rovi>i.>ti to 'I'l UStees td’ll'e Univeisitv, such ry jusldii m 1 tintet;i ss in o'j r speculatiotts, as lo de signate tlie jirocise objects on w hich dif- to secure the M'.-rence.s may arise. One pu'.yor may be sums of 1 ^^aii^'Hed u ith success to a limit which money as n ay be r,cov, red by them,by ihe ! would l>e very inade(iuute to the widirs was vcbtim; escl'.eated properlv in them, j and objects ol another. Oreat .>nLaUi. whieh was concurred in. ''lay be unwilling to place Russia in a po^ Th:• >)i:i apiir-.priuting for im-jsi'^ion Irom uhicb, in care ol etncrgcncy.- \ViI,„if,[r. she might not, in her turn be dislodged : to 67,'^a uliile Russia may look to a sccure !uc!g- motion for its ind.linite nostnunemJiii! ment neater to the Asiatic pcs3essions oi* havini; beeti SiUrrsttnncf. notes and other negotiable |mper, so tlial ihe abuse commonly known under tlie ajipt llation of shaving, may he prevented or puiiisheil. 'I'he bi’il to repeal the -^th section of ar. act passed in lo pri’veiit the several species of hii»iting therein named. 1 he bdl to continue in force, an act of hr-t session, revivifM'an act passed in ITsJl. for the rellif ei’puiehasi-rs of thi! Clier- okee lands. '1 h»* bill W’arden.s ol the poor ol lo eri i.t i:qui'v for the county of CiduTidiUs at'.d ' ixcept by convoy. ihe rejiored^ar- the ll’esi.lution in favor cf Jesse | rangement for the restoration of the IJrit- pas..-d their serond and third reading and j ish and Trench ca])turcd vessels had not were ordered to be engrossed. j iukenelleci: Husiness at ’vio was verv Tiie Siieaker presented a l-Mter accom-1 dull.—There were al)out bids, oi p.uued by a ’memorial from James flour unsold. The market was lariody N'oi.rr.e, at'-ent oftlie An.erir..n Coloni/.a-| supjilied with prov itii'; the ('ape I'ear below ton, passed its second reading Gi r its indtlinite postpunemeiil j ■n made by Mr. I'oon. ^be foi mcr than siic has yet oecn a.)le to entrcnch hersell. Hence diniculiicsmav' I kom IJii.v/ti. — The Sliylock, at I’hil- adeinhia, bin gs advices Irom Rio Jan eiro to 20!h October. There is no pros pect uf a speedy termination of the war. antliorizing the 1 The Ibienus .\yrean privateers are cruiz- r.Iecklenbiirg, ! ing oil’ all the lirazilian ports. They a I’oor House, 'i lie bill ci^n-j have been very successful, and have com- tlie di.ckets .f 'I'.e Cuurl ofliiitiely annihilated tlie coasling trade. '‘I’P'"''''" ! lion SiicK'tv. Mr. Parker move d iheirj list U. V- m /1 r/l; ( e t;>- . M p.-S- - K\. said ’ha’ ast.vj hands I ! tlie hi crel..- iie [)1 I'si llt, w itluli a\V JoJui^ou, ol : I 'll li. I hi wiuh;, lor '. I'.i.. ...t ihiroiliiced the follow ing n That the C'l Dimitii ' on 1 i- 1e tl I I ' i liqu n e 111 o I lie i ' i f nud^il'g ‘ ni.ii -Ml ; pi ropn- 1 ,e '■•I s^poi I u!' li.e N V s. to :,e 11. ..d of D> p.'i till M I') in !,(■ i.iiiiilier 111 jiiil'iic V '■ ■'SI Is iin 1 ( 1 f.iii ■ a‘i s ■, ai 1 oil bii I he jjii I • 1 \ 1II■; I n 1' iier pi n’ i tlo'j t o onr ■ ill ll'.\i (|ii.ii ;er. ('ongrv'.s «.f tl'.e l ni:ed St «d on the llth it .Inly, 17'.'.i, i ii'iiU'd ••All act in aidiiicii to an acl tiie punislniienl ol v'ei iain i ritries ag.nii.t tlie United "Uite-.” ul.i' h'aid act is com monly known by the iiv.:ue ofN'/ | j i j-sda v. Ar. C/i.-Mr. Pickett from the Iaiu'. Judii’jiv C iiinmiitee, to whom was re j reference to a select Commi tee. whn it iw.:s not ai^need to and on motion they I weie laivl oil tlie table. Uf. i, ri:io!rCil. That the sai.l k'.w v.::s a V lolaiio.i of liie Consiitu'.ion ol ihe l ull ed States, by abrulgin,’ the Ireedoni ol the f^evrr A n’e' t h e '.'•i ( I o 1 I'll . :i,.t V.i) • 1 !:iat th y tl, I n phiiiiii ret! li i ii M • tl 1 i I 1 i\.ue an. N ' A - 1 ;i e.l ii.; .V ;) sad uii.u ii;- bevi/tld ihe isle ol !« ‘•iihmit'eii on I' i id.iv in i'.daliDii In tin I. itic h.iids to the .Ma'es 1. , heing lakeii 11 p— ; .Mil. uoS( I V ed that I he I \ I I v ii,.ii, and iiiov ed , ,n shuUld Uc laid on the Ih.K'rlrLi sai. Ill 11 IV j)i • ip'^siI, tills w a s ■ ii itiipii mit '• on I'liMn 'i i.hsi I \ I I visn I l.i‘ I '''a sl::ii, 1)|- ;id. tlial t!ie pui j^Mven aw.i\ ; and th-it ' he ([■.ie'.llwi *^1’. I. — 1 n >• r e >•' >! to lie on tlie la’.di *; I,I- Kill III all 11, f I 11' 1 S' I i S lit S I resolu- y bv thi itUl' . t'.iat he did not ;i’ etr.(i tini.fd li'id -> V. ere lo l>e iroir •I'- I i-i' Ii jiv. ai !;.->. i.'i' itioii thun ui ueied 1 taken and di t. alii let 11', and vv li }',c a fitri'rr r'.in’rrn Dei'^oiis v\ I I'e Iii'l 1Cied, coin'icted, aiui stiiliied. 111 peiiiiiKny ju'tiallies. under ■ills I..W, that. Ihe Committee of Ways ,f(l .Mems he inrected to rei)ort a bill v;i,i'li shall mak«- full provisions l-n' re- •i);,('i' ;r 1,, (:.t s.nil pe:soi;s the amoinii t! 11 l.i.vlul ii.te.est. ol the tines wr.icli lie V r.iav have .iid to liie re--peetr.e Aiai'hae, id’ll.;- Dlsliiot Courts eiiipovv- e.'ed ti> lew an: lei.i tve the sar.r'. atiil in ( u'e ol'the deaih or ilie absence irom the Cl red S'.aies of an> oi'the said paltie-, , 111 II then’ h;.;'al repreM'ululivf".. or such ,,e; s iii or pel sons as may be duly autiior- i/.ed III n I eiV e the same. (>!. inoiion ol r P’. I’jurges, it w:.s I’.r tl'.f H -usi ()!’Ri-prc'-enta- tlVe- id'tli' I'l.ltid ^)iatl that the Colil- tiirue i'!i >’.;l;tL;ty Pensions be iPii.eted , to iii.iiire Ititf tin- e:.;iv'dtency of al- 1 teiiin; t'.'.e P.ivu!';t. in-ry lav., t'.iat all 1 such pers'ir.s, wlieiher oil tin' | !al estabri''hni‘ni or regular tio.).;.s noui ol the litie oi l!ie ;.i lUV. as served in the } ferred the Resolution inslrucling them lo enquire itito liTT' expediency of repeal ing so much of the acl (1 1741 as relates lo tl.e stealing or mismai kingof any cat tle, hv lu'L^roes, 5:e. lejiorled that it is inexp.edient to legislate on the subject. Concurred it). Mr, Pickett frcim the Committee on t!ie 'i’reasury Investi.gation, reported a hill to provivle more 11^>'> luallv lor the representation of the stoi k of the State, held in the Slate iJatik, which passed Us lirst, leading : anil .Mr. Ward presented a bill ronccrning the appointment of Clerks of the .Siip- eiior Catirls aud Cdei ks atul Masters in iliMiity. w hich pasted its lirst reading. Mr. Piekett from t!ie Judiciary Com- inillee, rejiorted a bill to provide for the main’enji'ee of baslard.s, when th.e re- puted lather shall have died, before f'e lhrtsi;rd child is sworti to inni, v.hich I had. Its fii st rtadiiig. 1 i:or.‘;r. or commons. >.^•1 rir.j.w , /Jcr, 22.—Tlie et.grossed win*; and niost oiiur rticlesof importation. 'i'he brig Ruth. Jt ffersoii, of \'hilodel- phia, fiom liahia for SanU/S, v. as cap- tuK'd bv a lJuenos .\yreari piivaicer, uriii ‘■ent into Patagonia, (vom. li;ddle bad sailed for Huenos Ayres to obtain her Ieleave. 'i he ship Robert Fullon was purchased !)V the lii aziltan (Jov(>rninent for 150,- 000 mi Urea**. We are iid’ormed, that, he fore sne left New \ ork, her steaui ap- jiaratus bad been taken out. T'i;)m the ?N;itii)i!:d Jonnud. After so mans month^: of fruitless ncgo- liation, the protraction of which irducer! many to helievi- ihal ihe inlerferreuce ol the Christian d .iwers was more oslenta- tioiis tliuii sii cere, a hlow has been struck bv which the 'I’urkish Navy has been arinihilatfd, and tl'.e fu st, of a series of events has taken place which had di ensue. I'rance, jealous of both, may ihrow obstacles in the way of the wishr^j of the one and the other, as slie may vie\.' their po s ble I>earing on 1 cr own inter j-sts. Hence collisions may arise. And fi'iallv, the jealous neuirality ol y\usiria, should that be her course, may provoke the Allied Powers to. give a more el- (kient t xpression of their hostility t-) such a course than mere iemonstrancc, according to the ordinary lornis ol diplo matic courtesy. Whetlicr ail or any of these specula lions shall appear reasonable, yet it car.' not be denied that Kurope is placed by this haille in a situation wliicli renders it future trai'fpiilty, for some time ver, doubtful. \\ hat course events may take, luiman prescience n.ay not be able to prescii!>e. 'J'he result seems to us to dc pend entirely on captic's and ccntitv !;enci»-s, whi( h make the s.^iindest ca! culations speculative. ADMRl.M, CODrdXflTON’, Thisofiicer was captain of the Oiior in the memorable battle of Trafil-;a' An I-’nglish paper says, “ had lu* waiiid anotlier day before he destroyed tl'.e I’u' - kisii deet, it would have been the ant'.* versarv (d’the glorious victory in w!ii !> he h.ul a share on tiie '.Mst Octoln’r, IM'", when tlie country was dep;-i''ed of its ki- mented naval heio I.ord Nelson and t!u' maritime force of I’rance and av nihihled by tl.i? liiilish lleet under I'- command.” Cninit Jleiden tb.e P,u>sMt' .\dmirid in tl.ela vant, is a Tiative ot Ib'I lanii, but has I inn in the service of R’t'* as iheie! lie (HJ\l iii.'UUl t>i‘ Mi;V P.evohrioi.ary t 111 I''! Iiieli' . i servile, (, 111 !' war 01.e or v.Mii'e one Ol- uMire terms of li,e tl I 10 f niii'-' ini,:.tii-> >. eei al'.er sui h (M.’.i .ti.ii lit .1.1.1 in (!urit:;i- mav n eJ, aid id' orii.' 11 e i 1') catl .( il.i .Mis-,i si; I ti!)!.c :e u p .sen III. ' • M/. /f'r/m-*').sM j n . I' • (■ 11 e'»' I •> i d I . e d V- J t-ej_ mi.r'i . xp!. i-. --ess-ary. ’i'li'* ''"‘i d in i’ 11. (I th . th s:..: 'it o; ,1- ri ' ■ I Ved ; 1 to be I X- .d a 'lei.'jiid li i ill h-iv • ■ ■.■I- I'ef.M pie-eir .1 r o|' .rill t'l .10,1s V. UK.\ ie placed on ano reci lank, in ' he pi ti ll I tlie I . Si ate :oi iliiii.’' lo thei ilil UMI- ; 1-! - i-!u':s. re vv-s : 1 ’ Oi lii;; tJi^ lot esali’. tha' said ed lo II (juii e iico I : leg ! !-e laws ■ ,is sei \ (las ! i| I - ;ii t ■ d; IP. the »■ i.n, III i t t he I X' au*ho"iiv a' I e be d 11'l cl ■dii III, \ ij "t aloM Siii.'l. a alores-.iivi, o 111 I .l|'l. V 1' V . T!’ J..X'' ilu.t we;- Idl!. lo inniMid an act passitl in ISM, iMv iiuMiic assent of N'orlh-Carolitia to, I and Lidoi ciiig in this Stale, certain Acts j of the 'l'eii:R-s«-ee Legislature, to repeal I the act coh'-erniii;’-the t!ounty Courts of I livde, and to u; |,i,inl Commissioners to run an 1 cs’abiisii theboiindaiy lit'.e be- twee.i l)la!cn Cc.luii.bus, were read th.’ iirst tinu*. ?vir. T i\lor prescntCil a l)ill to incnrpo- , rale tl.e ii; si Pi eshytei’K.n Cd'.urch in Ox- ' t'li’d and Mr. Sliarj)!' a bill iiiakinLr it ihe utv III Major Ceiiera!', lo it-vievv the I 1st Pie;xiiccnt of l^ii;.'e(omb Militia, ] '... it it were leadTlte f.: -'t time. I 'i he I e dgtiai ion d’ Pu nj nnin Sharpe, 1 Col^'o’.i. of ihc 1st Rej,;inu nt of F.dge- I oiidi .Miliiia v\ a , read and aici^led. .Ml. New I;,ml irom the C'oniuiiitee on i Divuie:. nt.'i .Mirnvny, to’/.'hom v/a‘. re verted the current of specuiation i.oo a|siaag!eal number of year:-;. Prevn '- new cl'.arinel. 'i'he ha'dxir id' Navin’ino, 1 to the death ol'lh?' e.Tipcior .Xltxatrb"' wiiere this imp'jrtant action w as longht, | he was iti iiis;^race, bavin;* is situated on the ^Vestern Shore of I'leaccused of leiiaing himself to tin. Morea. Sir. William Oell vails tl'.e bar-' ding of contraljand g-iods on die bor‘*01100!' the lincst in the world.,” It | riulaiul. He is ati of.if I'r ol’ is I'ormed !'• a deep in lentiire in the j me:‘.l atid oi cx-:c!Ie:\f pri-. ..t coust, shut 111 by a long Idiand, the afi-' — cient Sphaclerin. famous i'ljr the signal; . I .lurLu^hii uinn bi (kdeai whicii tiie Sp:;:tans sustained 1 of the \v I'st being l i'.civ i’, Ua!ei;.,h. . thcie from the Athenians, in tlie Pi le- i tonished tiie Nonii-Car(>iini:Ui > ti-it a 1 ponnesian War. 'i'he siege of Navat ino,! lie i>y proclaiming his o'lo'.r j' so gallant yet ?o dis i'-trous in its bi‘'to!). in the sijrinir of 1825, is freah in the memory of on r reach't’s. iticin and pijwr; As to ihe consequences of tliis Ijattlc ! :vr. •• half horse, ba!!‘idiigat'o’. w; touch of the btiaj.'pii.'g- • (luite common whore 1 con,i. speculations are almost as various as the can ri;!e upon a sOeak oi’ I; ^ ; pens Irom which they How. The first my weight in wildcats. , ;if; i' : lleci w hit h the information has prod.uced man chooses lor a twrv v i upon the Porle, must determine the enti- may thro’.v lira ]i;in:hcr ; !iu/ er rhararter of tbe conseipjetires which clo'^e for com” ’ -> ^ ^ald I ;t sm { th -t ; V •, \' ny gvu:: J" '• I ■ ,11(1 will rH-stili. It may be remembered i!iat the Mississippi, a rumour was in circulation, some time | ed io Jacksoti. since, (d a determination expressed by j that sovereign lo suspend his linal deci-j 'I'Ih; \Vi!trii;i Sion, until hr should see to what extvMit I at an extt 11 :i^e the allied powers were prepTred lo carry Uool. place i.: tl tlieir threatened purpose of blockaditii: j tlie v.eie'.c'.' Ins lleet. lie has now made the discove-1 ryiin-- ry v.’hich is lo detei-iniiu- his cdu rse : and j evi-n rnu • .ixt!'. rf . Tl\- 'Snrfo. •1 the smgl.j :dteriinilvc . ev(-n one • I - ».• ,1! Re -ord. ei l l eal p’ ti-a'. ‘.own 1.0 1 tu o;r'-f ”.;r- 1 ihe «unis v- liich 11.e

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