;>/.V., ri, .i-ucl, whai {ihe Rei.oluiion rvl.uive (otlie cncourcv^c- iT uf i!u‘i Mtr.t ol'whio!' nrjcnl which iliis Suite couli! trive coiitiis ] r» int nihiT vrs>|)(j!;f last ^ wluii to;ethef. 1 }»avf rrpoattdly heard others v;i^ak o' ^Ir. Ji flVi sou’^i lictuon tliis sutv icct. 1 do not t (.ToTlc;.t ' j Iiavc hi'uic jMr. Ji fTLTson say af>y thint; iti leliiliot to (’icii. Jackson alUT the laic ;.inl it is not tor nJt* to sutmisi.* \>Sai H)i}:^ht iiave hreti his opinion ut tii.'i tin!). vcrc he alive. 1 mu')! say, i;i ccricUi- tioii, that 1 am ;^iifvc'.! to find thut tin priss has stoopc l so r.'.r iv low its pfn|)c iliijfiiity as to use sui 1; uti!n cijmit ;' m« ans, to instruct f*r rt)Tiviiu** the jinii- ?ic. Yours, uith vrrv I’’! I'Ut rf'j|)» r t, 'I Ilu; \V. C.iLMl.K. F.ihrvrd Cuhp, r: i. .SS- ' 1' -'11- -j *' 1 .c“i>latin‘0 of Noi l!i Ciirolinii. SESJTE. SATi’HDAr. Dtr. 2'.) —Mr. Jonrs from tlu' Miiilurv ( un)Uiitu*c, to w horn was r t‘rrfd u tfsiiiutlon on tlit* subject, re ported that it is int'X])i'dlent to makr any alteration in tin* Miliiia Laws, as to tin time, which Cupiaini*siuiil keep men un der arms. Mi. Kamsay presented a l)ill relative to the sah' of the estate of Itifants. Mr. lir.dnax a i)ill to ante'^d an act passed in 1 Kj5. lo cominiic in force the provisions of a'l act pjsx d in 131.M, dirertiii;^ ;i roud lo he laid out atid ojjv’ned jVoin l.eak'^- ville in IJot kioi^liaiii, hy llorUrord in Surry to licad tlie 1st linn*. The hill to improve the Xavlj^atioM of llu; Cape I'ear j)assed its llrst leadiii;'. Mr. Hnnharjt joi'sc i;ied the peliiion ofJohjj Davis cJ l.iiK oln for a p tiMon, arid Mr. Sliuford ilie petition of i honuis ?vlartin, to i>t‘ restored to ciedif, wliich Weie rcfi-rre*!. 'I'he rt‘si;^^;iKir:on of I'raneis Youi.p^, Col. 0)01. ol’litf 2nd I’fj'inuril of the niditiu of Iredell, was read'and acrepled. MONOAV, iJl.s/. — Mr. I’ukcl, IVoMi thf Juiuciai y Coniiiiittee, laafle a repui i in rtLiiiun'K ihc laws (:>nceritin;'; usury, slalitir lh;U it is in.-xp«.- llefit lo l' i;iski!e will' r I'.ird ;u(V aniendtiients to tiu rn. 'i x. h\^ Ju‘t 1. — Ml’. Slifiix-r, h'oiii the Coiti. OK Pr()i'. .•ind Cricvari ‘s, late an liour of llie sesjion. I am aware, ^ piir. th;:t my motivei may he inuji operly j tlu- rr...i;tors.l ''■fcssailed and that ni) intentions will he | 10. 'I'o iiiii'nid tlic act ot 1777, establi.shin^'' fotistrued into a v/ish lo p:*ra!\::c the 'Iretif^th of the Stale, tothe prejudice, ol one candidate l)ul to the interest of the other. On this suhjrct, Sir, 1 an) dis posed to he frank. Notuiihstandin^ niy jjrelereiice is o[)en and decided : yet neither of the competitors wiili ine is a favoi’ite candidate ; No, Su, my oljjeel is ill comjjliarice wilhtlio wishol t!ie 1 \.0])!e. t'l ve ‘f!nt with proper policy, to the estaljHsh- 'nent of Coiio’i and Wrllen rnanufacto- les and to the r^iowinj^ of wool, made '•I itueres’iin;; tepoi t, favourable to the ^t^l)lii!^Int■llt of such factories in this Sate, and to the r:*isin;; ofshecp. This ' t [iorl iliuli be j/ivtn lo our readers here- • llci. On intrcducltir; the hil! in the Senate, t«n Saturday last, for Ihe repeal of the ,.re!(”ii l.le^ioral law, Mr. M‘Kachin made the ioiloviin^ remarks : Mr. SpidkiTs I crave the indulj^cnce of the Senait, whilst I make a few remarks, « xplanatory of my object in introducing this important bill and especially at so ment. .Any wh.) sliall tnttr upon t’lc lutics oriii-, r/flirc hcfc/rc bond, sliall be bubjcf t lo u ju nally of one tlmiisaiul dollars.] 0. Allowiifj; ibe rijjdit of cliallcnf^c to the Stutp iu reHuiii cases. [Autiioriscs the prosc- cutinj;- ( fticcr in behalf of the Strilc to chal- lentje pcrc.iiptorily four in all crlniinal cases of a rripitnl natinv.] r. (;oiK « riiin^c the Public Trcnsury. fKnfor- cin^ in a more rigid manner \hn uroountubility of tlie 'I'rea.surer, and iiicorpcrutiiuv the se ve- ri»l acts of Assembly relative to llic 'IVeasury.l 8. Suiijcc;infj ball t> costs. [Whenever a scire {'acias bliall isaue a^ain.st bail, .and ouid bail shall not, :.t die tenii of the Coui't to which be is hound to appear, be discharjred from his lia bility by the death or surrender of his princi pal, th'.' b;iilbh:dl b‘? liable foruli costs.] 9. Siippleinenl:-ry to the several acts now in force for ihevcliif 'jCInsolvent debtor-i. [Pvo- viiles tluil wlicncver any debtor s'.iall ide u schcdub: \)i bii- ii’.’cct-., all debts due to such (b btor sliall e*(i in the- blu rin', v. bo is au'.bor- i'.cd t j SU'- ibr .'iiid culii't the same ; :ind the olltclcd to b'j distributed amoii''' rourls (jJ law, and ri;pi!utini; the profeeciingi: tlM'roin. I Any pc: -ijii sisri'cnderi d to tlie Sbe- riii'ai't. r llie icturii coiii t, oi' rrinunilttil to the nislody ol' the Sherill’ iifion a surrender in roiirt, sliall have lih-rty, bt fore iilial judgment, to - other b;«ll,] 11. Makia.'; it the duty of sheriHV, coroner.-i and ronstuble-!, t:» m vvc- all iioti- cs reiiuin d to be j;ivt, ii iii p;'Ocei.-diii.''S at lav. or tjuit\. IJ. liciUuuij^ Ui* nuin!)ei 4' inu-.ters I to tv. () a VI ar. [C.iptaliis to iiiusti;r iheir roni- to place the election iu llu' nio>t plain j in sir ni.tnibs. ( fltul simple \iew practicahL*, rei^aidless • d'what t tifcl it mav prodiiC(; in th.c result of the ek'ctiun. Tln‘ I’ei.ple i:i ilie ad- joinirijf countivH of Anson, Uiclwii'iiid. ami (^umbi 1 hiiifl, su far as I knov., and in the county of Robeson, v. hci e I liavt- a much more ex.tcr.;.ive acjUuinlance, have the i)ro\isioiis containeil in tlu' biii upon your table ( Ifisely :it heart.—'i’lie) leel dci’pl;' iuU-rebK'd, a huvi; be»-n, e\ei ■.ime the n-peal (d’ tlie act of l,:iJ, ol which tl'.is t)i!l is a Hue traii-.cri;)i. T. IS evident that at the a;>pro'.K:h of cac'i electoral election, sit.^eilie lepc:.! of llin act, the e:;cil»'mrnt lias het'ii !;ri ater, till nov.’ it is hij^her than at .Miy i'orr.ier periuti, and inis erci:ement is aa coiii- mon to the pariof one as lo the other of the compt jti^^ candidates. The I'eoplf in the County, which I have the honor 111 part to rejiresent have recjuested !rie to vole for siicli a hill as the one now j)Oried a lidl lo resu ir tuc redi*. 1 liym.. ! i^oiisidei ati.m, and they have in- Tvlaitiii .d'liuibertord county. i sti urted me to itilroduce such a one, pro- Mr. W i!1ki'"s (,f M.irnii, ’a hill to m‘-j ' person would do it, I riiir lo June 15. ( kmii! of .\sh»‘ cou tv, j'vaited wit!» patience until now, in J)r(,p.-I iv lu r-;;fttr :ic(iinr'(!, u i, j •"^1''s H would come from some nioi auspi- riMd the i; St iriie and t,iiose'i-.in,ily ibi jhands than mine, hut tliis nol he leccMul ul thu d ti.in . M'. S'lolx i, fiuin the rfjiiirnit'ee ol pi wpcjsilitiiihi and iM ii vam e*', M'jxjited restilution tu jdace John Davis of Lin coln, on tl'.e l’«-tisioii liit, which was read the first time. 'I'he hill to erect an Arsenal on the ('a- pital souare—the bill rdativo to the sah of the estate of Infants—ll'.ehill concern- iripp the Comniittce of I'inance in Mont gomery—the bill jit eiiCri!)in!^ t!ie time foi the sale of land and slaves in Ashe—the bill to incorporate Si. jotin’s l.od;;e in I.enoii—the bill to incorporat«‘ litifulc I-odj^e in Halifax—reatl i lie ihird time andordeied lo be en^iosseii. 'I’he engrossed hill lo encourarje I lie destruction i>f woht-s in Ashe, waunde- ^inittly postponecl, norsE OF (vMMoys. e.v'i i'iiUA\, I)(r. '2'K—I'he nifyro'fed bill to ituorporale the North-C arolina Gold ^^lning Company, vvas read the iiisi tl me. Mr. ILiIl from t!ie Committee on In ternal Improveuirnto, ie|)irtfd a hill to re-esiablisli a 'riirnpikt- Koad in liiiike couti'y, whit h u js ic..d li\r ili bt tune. A m(“-sai(0 wai ren i\ul IV(jni the Sr- na'e, a^klll!; the rom iii 11 rice ol' the ilf'ii^e in ihe riil|o\vii,;r bil vi/, ; to a- iM 'ui an ai't pa"Si'd in 18.' rf'-pecliin,^ Ihi I 'sei\ut lens f ccr'aiii Indians in till lari'is Li’r.v a«’iniiie! bv iieal\', i'rom ihi' Clu'roki f 11 ,'K,i V ; a !)ill vu I'pleiTu-nt ar_\ to the ,;i.ts I to llu- piiui r id lh»' ('oin ts ol r.'-inu V in i asrs of parti- Ifoi. ; I I i.i t I’ll,Ml' I hr appi'iiiiiiienis ol ( !."i ks td’I In Si’itio' Cou'is, andCl’ks ;.i'M ,M.;sier^ n J iju.'v ; i oi.cerniri; tin ».'i(lion f| (!(ii.n:\ Vuivcyors in Uuike, }I "I I.” : h.I (, hu ?'( oiiilu’. W ake, A^.iu', ;.id!lii\\: ; ie-;,Milai(“ ihe payiirni »>! M r - '.IV «,| ihe I'uhitc I’riiiter, .mil d' I.;; ihc niaiini r in whi(di ptint- ifi' ■ ' . 'I be cUiiic fur ilie Dcjjarlinenis ; a '( i.liniun ill lj\or of the Ailinini'-tra to t l 'i hfjiiius Lliiot td' ^K'ckleti!)ai jj. '1 I I se l.’dls ;-jid rcsoltiiioiis were read the fiisi iniii', and subsi (|Ueiil ly tlie the se c *i;d wild third tiiue^, and ordered lo he eiti oiled. j.'.M'AKV l, IIJo.—On Montlay last, in itw house ol ( uniiiions, ,\li . .Ale.van- di r su’.'iiiitted a n solution, whii ii w a^ a^loplcd aj,p( Iii'tii,; a sele* t coninu'.tie toiii i.ire wl,..t iiu .iMjies the Lt^;i^da- tuif, ceil ad p'., il an\ lo ])rutect-lhe lo- ^ al l^lIdi^ ol tlir Sta'i', and cu/i''C(jia ii'.l\ I the itiU i'-^ s of the Siatc, und its ci'.i-j a;cuill‘>f iif d I St [ uCl 1 ^ I* 0|n't ;:'UJhS I tiie case, I havf not shrunk from the task, l)ut witli that firmness and independence u hicli li rust will ever be ihe character istic of an holiest man in the conscieii- tiods discharjje of his duly, placed the hill on your table, ll teniains now with the .Senate to dispose td' ihe same, and I I'ope it will tlo so ill accordance with lepuhlicaii [jrinciplef. and permit the 1^-ople to vote undi rstandin}.,'ly, undt:r a system by which they can '.elect a person in whom they have unbounded conlidence to vole for a C^hief Magistrate of the Un ion. Mr. Williams of Martin, moved for llu* itidciini’e jiostpoi.ement of the bill and called for the yeas and nays on his mo tion. Mr. 15ai!y of Pasfiuoiank, moved to lay the hill on the table, vhich was not a- f^reed lo. And the (lucstion l>einjj taken on the indefinite pos*lpoiienienr, ihosi. who voted in the anirrnative were, Mesirs. Axkew ol Ih-rtie, Askev. of IJertford, \h xtindi-r, I5iir).^in, ll.nUy, lUasly, ItioadiiaN, lluriuy, Ui ike, llobsoii, Daveii 'ort, Dcvane, llur'^^t, llarn.ll, hoili'iiian, Hinton, Hawkins, I ,(ty e t,l Il.i\ w noil, M‘|)ow ell, .Matthew.s, M‘l)aii- Mdnti^oineiy,. Nultall, Owen, Pickett, 1,'am- s.iy , I.’ulilick, id, Spai;,lit of Cravi n, Sal- \ ear, Sinilb, S.uidersoii, Si olt,hhober, feihi rrard, riHjnipxon, \ a nil oil k, >\ d^'Oii of 'anideii, W .d- to/i, ib.on of loiiili, W hitfield, W illiams of Marlin and VH ard.—-5.1. 'l liobi: wlio \'()ted in tlic neg’at 1 ve \\ ere, Me>':,i'.s. neilmiu', Deberry, iJavldson, l-'ullcr, I'r.uikhn, (iia\, .')i)ijicr, Locke, l.o»e ol Idcb- ii'oiul, M'Mil'lun, M'Neill, M‘Kaeliin, !>.,rker, Umibavdl, and Williams ofHeuutbrt.—lo. CAP’l'lONS Of Arts jiassed by the I.ei’^ls-Ialin of N\)rlh ^ ’arulina, at the Se!.s>ion of — 'JM. 1. .\n act coiuH rnlng'the Stale IViiik of N. Carolina. [AutIn.rises and directs t!ie Spe.d;- er ot the Si'O.itc ti) exercise all the d.iitu s uiid powci.-, in the iuk tings of the StDekbolder., aiiil in the I’.nard of Dlrectovs of the Stale Kaiik, iu retohire e\crei^eil l-y the I’ublic Trea- suicr. ] 2. 'I’o alter the act of ISOl, fixing'the thiic fur Jiaxiii},'- piircbaiie iiiuney intu the ’rreasury on I iiti'H s ot land. [ 1'\teiuls ibe time fur pav- iii.^-Midi moncv until the 1st .hinuurv, ISJH.]* .i. I'resenliinj^^ npunwlii.t evideiiie the I’n!)- lir I reasui'i r sliull iecv i\f the purcli.ise ninncy for \acaiit and un..pprupr';,,t,-il land. ['I'li'e \wuil 111' t!i. enlr\ taki r’.-, cerlilic.ilt h supplied 1.'. \p]i;-upri..liii:;: i dollar.s for the pur- ])osf of iitijtrovin;'; the icuijy.itioii ot (Ja})e I’ear I'lviv bi iow ihum;;’loii. ]l. l’|•e^eri!liIlt^• the duty of the coininittee of i'iiiaiici. [i;-. 'juin-.-i diem, inmiedialely on entei in;; on tlu .r duty of the llnanre.-:, to count all tlu- M.o’u\ in ihi- 'I’i’i .iMiry, and report the A.roiiiit tl) i!ic f .c;v'.b!aluri. 1 l,j. To elsanj^e t’>i time of boldin;,' the Sn- ]>reine ('oiivl ot this Mate. [I i\'S the time ol liol 1' >ail Coiirl on the lir^t Moiulay in .June and iK'i'i lohi r,] Ui. Aiiu-iHliiif.-; the dill't reiit acts concernint;' do\\(.r. ['I'he jury nol re,';irielcd lo assit^ii dit .1 ei’ill e\cry St jjai'ale tru( t ; bill may assij;n ill OIK or more, ha\inL;' rej;Mid to the interest ot' tlu- heirs as \\ ( II as the widow .] 17. Tor the relief of person.', who h.ave made entries of l:md uith >.ntry takers or who have bail lands .survejed i'V survevors, who have not rcncv\ ed their 'uniiis agrcea'iy to law. [Kn- tries and surveys made in tlie oHices of entry takeiw and by surveyor.-;, who have not renewed their bonds ai^rt cably to law, rendered valitl.] ![]. Sup]detii(-nlal to the act of the present session, entitled “an act to alter an act, iMiti- lled “ .m act to ani> nd the-Ith si etii^i; tjf the act passed in IKU-l ” ( 1 lie provisions of said act to tontiiiuc in fuicc to the end of the Se.s- sion.] l‘J. Aniendin.u: the act t)fl821, pivinj'the assent of Noi-th-Caroliiia to, and enforcing'In this State, certain acts of lilt I.cg-islature of ’IVimt:ssee, rel.itin},'' to the Smoky .Mountain turnpike road. [Audioriie.T the stockholders of said road to tlischarj^e t'leir subscriptions by labor instead ofnioiuy ; anil the appropriation of the State nol to he paid until llie road is coinpleteil. ] 2U. To eoiitinue In force the act ot last se.s- sion, entilleil “ an act to revive and continue in force an act, parsed in the year 182*1, to al ter anti amend an art tor the relief of such pir- soiiH Hs '.lecanic pmcbascrs ttf the (dierokee laiul.';, sold nnth r tli.- authority of this State. [(’ontiiuK.-s ill lorce ;-;aid a t until the mecUn of the next (ienend \s.scnd)lj .J 21. Aiiieiuliiii; the 2d .section of the act of IKOl, .so far as ripavd.^ s.dva.rfe. [I’ruvides for the appointment of two comnil.,sioner.s, one to bcseLcti-il hy cach i)arty ; and in ease the-, ilisa;;ree, they are to select an umpire. Ifaii’v ]>art\ should be dis.satisned with the (teeisioil, an a])])Oal may be made to the Superior Court. I 2i Anieiidiugthe act of 1«20, ntitled act to amend an act, entilleil “an act laying’ dutifs on ^ali-h at am lion of mendiandize." 2,b Ceding' to 1 be I'nileil States a point of ni^r.-ili till the soiilh side of iVeusc river, for the ed. [Ten luintlrcd sfavss, Ticailin.a: cr shingles, to be considered a thousand, and not twelve hundred as heretofore.] 35. Concerning the lu.\ to he paid by peddlinif on certain streams. [Persons jicntilmg on the south side of Albemarle Sound, and the w aters emptving therein, (Koanoke anti Cashie excepted,) to pay a tax of five dollars in each county in which they shall peddle.] Amending the act ot 1815, appointing' public registers, and threcting the method to be tibserVed in conveying land.s, pootls and chattels, and for preventing fraudulent deeds and niortgaires. d7. Concerninpr the appointment of a keep er of the State House, and for the preservation of the statue of Washington. J3. 'I'o amend the act of 1826, prescribing the mode of surveying anti selling the lands lately acquiretl from the Cherokee Indians. [Directs the 'I’reasurer to pay to the surveyor, chain bearers, ^c. emplovetl in surveying 8.1111 land.s, the sums due them, as certified by the commissioners appointed under the act ot 182G] iV.K In atldition to the acts relitive to weii^hts and measures. [Makes it the duty of the jus tices of the county courts, which have not pro- videtl sealed weights, measures, stamps and I)raiid.s, ilirected to be provitlcd hy the art t)t 1741, to provitle the same at the charge of their respective counties.] 40. Conecrning the entry of lands ntiw ro- vercd by the waters of any ot the lakes of tins Slate. [Prohibits entry takers from receiving entries of such liinds.] 41. Compelling the county trustee of each I untv to report the expenditures ot the coun- t nthr proscculioii and punishment of insol vent tdl'eiiders. 42. To regulate tlie payment of the salary of the I’ublic i’riiiter, Treasurer, and Clerk of the I riasury Department, and fo prescribe the niaiini r in which ])rinting shall hereafter be dune for the Departments of htutc, and for the preservation of the ])uldir, buildings. 4.). Supplemental to the act of this session entith'd “ an art to alter an act entitletl “ an act to ainentl the 1th section of au act passed in U14.” 44. IJespoctiiig certain reservations claimed by Indians in the lands lately actpiired by trea ty from the Cherokee Nation. [I’rovides for tiie appointment of a commissioner by the (io- vernor, to inquire into the titles of certain tracts of hind claimed by individuals of the Cherokee Nation, and contract for the purchase of such tracts as said Indians shall have a good title for.] 45. Directing what construclion shall be giv en to contingent executory limitations. purpose of ert cting thereon a light house. 24. Conliiiuing in force the I'lct of 3 82d, di recting a geological and nnneralogical survey to he made of the State, [(.ontinucs in force the said act for one year.] 25. .\nicnding the act of 1S2.", respecting the reservation of certain Indians in the lands lately actpiired by treaty from the Cherokee Indians. [W henever the Governor 'has reason to belit-ve tint the title set up by any Indian, v>r person claiming under any Indian, to a re- •servation under the treatii s of 1S16 and 1KI9, is not ;;'ot)d, it .shall be his duly to emplov coun sel to I'.efi .Td the title hy the Slate.] 2(j. Uelative to the sale of the •*stntcs of in fants. I On a|)phcati(ni of the guardian of an infant, setting forth that the estate of the in- fant w t)iild be materially benrtittid by a sale, the court ofetjuity to whom the applicavioii is made tiiay tlecree a sale, provided the facts set forth in the petition be fonndto be true.] 27. I’roviding more » fiectuallv for the re- presentation of the Stock of the'state hehl in the Stale Hank. [Authorises the liovernor, Secretary and Comptroller, toajjpoint a person to represent tho State at tlie annual mecling.^ of the Slockholuers of said.Mank.] 2iS. I o eret:t an Arsenal on the south west of the Capital Stpiare. 29. Siipidementary to the arts relative tt. the power of Courts of I'.iiuit) ir ca.ses of partition. [When.M-ra court of e.piity slcdl order the sale ot n-al estate hi-Ionging to joint tenants In ct»percfi\;ir\, ihe court at tiieir^Hs::retion may direct Mirh sale to be made on the premises, or al any phire within the county.] ^>(i. I'or the relief of (!i-rks of courts anti >y dll w-.in ant a.id plat t,f .survey being iiletl clerks and m.islers in etinitv. [ Fxemots clerks luta the SeciTtar> ot State, lie is lo grant a | of llu C„ni.l\, Superior and Sopreme Courts, titiii. ali .on which ac I aa.surer is to rcieue | and clerks and niastirs in eipiity from the pe- , ■ , | - ; m eiHiitv irtim ttie iie iht puK ki.m nioney.] j prescrl!)cd bv the act of■l«2.'., entitled l-.Nt. luiiiig the time for re;.istering gnmts | “ an act to amend and extend the provisionsof ->iueyan.^s, powers of attorney, | au a t to pran.ote agriculture and family dti- riudi,n«f()f gUt. [Allows ivu) j ntt-siic inaiiufactiires within this State,” who ■] , i ‘“'’ount for, and pay into the Treasury bv pen dtyurihetdlu ialbonds i the 1st Mar. h next, all the mmiies they were of h« 15.*lik d' ihe r,ii((-d Sli;' «rte\ille. Ontli’saine da\, tm- i jjt.illlM aCt c rej. .!i;- afi.iid I.j; tie r-- l.-'Mir.fiIi ' 111 td lOIli'.liuti sf'ifiuls, lid llie bil' to n pc.J tl;f cu:! Il l ihe eiici-ui .i;;(- Diciit > t L-;. ' »t uL ui e .'.'l l iaiiiilv i;i. Ihi ''''(■ >'-r.iiulat 1 uu'b V. I le Wiut iiiriU !y p'.sipon- l ci 'I I'.t hj!] to (^lablis'i the founl.v (jfMa V (,’i 'la* •'* (] I S set oik' r -: lo Co f.:i 'I'lJt-.Hj,, Mi. I'ishc! Iroin ilu* si- ilCl «UU*5iiHlU‘, t(> >Wlum“icl'ci i cd and 111' si,( bill', ol '-.I yt i-rv fur'. .V iih-v i lii.- ch :k •,1 \ » • '. ’ vmv till M ver-.d courts , i r cord in j bound, hy the before recited act, to liav’e oaid jirovidmg for th,; ti. posite and , try- the 1st December la.st.] •;..d bond.^,. [The hood to be ; ''M. K.vtcndii-g the proNisions tif the act of O ihous:.n,l i!o!l:.r. l!„„.ls of i IK '2. srP-uMn- funher .;.i .. , .■ t I .1) - i tl'.is s..11 dll lo [ kei j.m_k'- I 'I" J-U o. 1.M1 ihous.n.l i!o!l:ii-.! Itiifi.ls of j tlie t!(1 ]. ^ iii die Siipi riur ( Ui.rts to hi-ih po- I s. ted 111 I he I til .sol tlu cll I ks t)l the Couiity I.uit-, and /i-f as to the chrksof the ( Olii ‘\ ( DlirS .i!n' ( lei ks ai:d lliiisU r-^ in etpil- S 11.! •.dill 11 ,;-i\U'i «(l i ll t lie Tl gis- j t( I s oli,. . ; :. I I ri ,|;l py 1 lie-If (if to be re- |C'i'''iiii I'.idi iKi , Jiiilgi-; ot' the Superior it • ourt' :ind Jiisiut -. (>1 tin- ( .uiiiU I oiirts to I..us. 111.- of 11,, cli'rl.rr.f {!,'rir roped- ''otirts Vo be .irkiiu\> i.. geii iK'ton them, uiiU 1.' y;v(, i4 ■,! bucli ii‘.li.nowlv;il^- g the pru\isionsof the act of .. b.iuher time to pcr^cct titles of laiulswiti.m this State. [Kxtends the proM- sionsot said act to the 1st .laiinary, 1.S29.] .»2. f.imitmg the appointment’ of Solicitor tieiKTal and Solicltor.s, to four vears. v)o. Making provlhion for w idows when'tliev dissent fruMi the wilLs of their husi)ands. [Al lows the widow of a testator, out of her l.us- puiVA'i i: Afrrs- Aulhorising Thonrjs Brown, of llay- woofl county, to erect two gates on the road leadiiiti^ from Franklin down the Tennes.sce river. Alterinp: the names of Lindsea Green Doty and Ltlward Tidwell, orjihans, of Hutlierfoiil county. Compelling the Sherilf of Ilurke to ^ive wriueii summons to the jurors of said county. Altering; the boundary line between ibe first and aecoml regiments of liunconibe. Securing to Jane Wilson fd' Buncombe, such proijeriy as she may liereafter ac quire. ' Ametiding ihe sale law in Rutherford coun Iy. Esiablishing a turnpike road in Bun combe ctiuniy. Kepealini^ the act of 1826 appointing;' commissioners to lay off and cause to be openetl a ])ubUcroad from Lincolnton to liutberfordlon. .‘\uihoribin{» and directinr^ the Sherin’ of Rowan to- collect the taxes imposed by the co'nmisbioners of Salisl)ury. To keep open the 'I’uckaseega and Tennessee rivers, and their tributary streams, in }Ia\ wontl county. Authorising the county court of Row an to appoint a ct)mmiitee of finance. Concei-ninij the election of county sur veyors in the counties of Buike, Ruther ford, Buuconibc, Wilkes, Ashe and Ilay- w ood. Iiicorporatin}; the North Carolina Gold Minin>^ (.Company. r.stablishing and regulatinj; a turn- j)ike road in 11 ay wood countv. I’rescribinj^the lime at which the rnuji- ty trusiees of Rdndolph shall be elected aiifl make tJieir settlement. Pi-escribini; the time for the sale oflanu and slaves in .-Vshe countv. Ivepealin;^ the act of 1820, directing tbc couniy courlb lo pay fees to certain ofli- c.ers therein named and in certain cases, so far as respects the couniy ofltandolph. Prescribing the manner in which lands shall be hereafter advertised for sale for taxes in the counties of .\nson and Surry. Concerning the wardtMis of the poor for the counties of Washington, Ran dolph, Davidson, Camden, Lincoln and W ake. 1 o add a!l that part t»f the 2d I'ct^iment of Burke lying south of the Catawba ri ver to the 1st regiment. Authorising Isaac '1'. Avery to es tablish a turnpike road in llnrkc county. Amending the act of 1810 entiiled “ an act passed m the year 1809, eniit- letl ‘ an act to amend the st.'veral acts here- tolore passeil relative to the removal of obstructions to the par.sap;e offi.sh up the several rivers within this State.” as re lates tothe Peedee and Yadkin rivers. Jijnca. — Mr. Pvi'usstau, ihe Pu-i,dj Consul-pcncral at Tripoli, hasdesp^ch, ed to the Geographical Society of a great number of itineraries, accon,. paniedwith drawings, and someparticu'. Jar details with respect tothe wanderiti-^ tribes in the kingdom of Tripoli and i^ the interior of Africa, which will servt^ as a supplement to his “ Genealogic;,i Table of the Arab Tribes.” He has also' pronrtised to send an exact description d the city of Aleppo. M. Kousseau has been so fortunate as to procure the firsi; volume of the Ihn-Baltouriy and hopes *!oon to have a copy of the second voIuuh.. This work is the more valuable, as it j, known in Kurope only from Ira^^^ments He lias also obtained Ibn-KhaUloun^ whicK treats of the Asiatic nations iti {general, and especially of the Arab Tribes. l'|. nally, M. Rousseau is in possession ofu very interesting History of Tripoli, wdiich he intends to translate, and dedi- cate to the Geographical Society. Tornhvctoo,—It appears that there ex ists adetailed history of this city, writ ten by Sidi-Ahhmed-Iiaba, a native ot Darawan, a small town in the country of Kcntes, which history, however, docv not go farther baek, than the 510th ycat of the Hejira, the 1116th of Christ. The Arabic author attributes the foundaiion of this city to a female of the horde of 'I’ouaricks, called Buktou, who establish ed herself in a cabin on the banks of th(* Nile of the negroes, which was shaded by a bushy tree. She had some sheep; and she delighted in prefroming the du- ties of hospitality to travellers of her na tion. Her habitation soon became a sa cred asylum ;—a place of repose and cn. joyment for th e neighboring tribes, who were callcc! 'i'in-Buktou ; that is, belong ing to Buktou. At length, variou.s tribes came and established themselves there forming a vast entrenched camp, which was afterwards converted into a great and populous city. Professor Brocchi, so well known hy his numeous works on geology anti coii- chology, and who was employed for five years in travelling through Africa, at the charge of the Pacha of Egypt as direct- or of a company of Euroj)ean miners, di ed, just as he was on the point of return ing to Eurtipe with the result of his vari ous researches. Canadian Jlffairs.—The Montreal Cou- rant of the 19th instant, slates, that on the previous afternoon a meeting of per sons opposed to the administration of Lord Ualbousie took place in the new building of J. IVI. Quesnel, esq. in the rear of Montreal Bank, at which an im mense nuiTiher of persons attentled. Mi\ Vi^et, M. P. spoke for a lengh of tim-'. ill i'rench, on the difiiculties which eri':t bet ween tht^ assembly and the ext'cutivc, —Mr. Cuviller then addressed the a'- semhly in ErgKsh ; each of the speakers commented in severe terms on the con- tluci of Lord Dalhousie. Several resolu tions of impeachment against the gov ernor were then read (in French and Rti- glish alternately,) which are to receivc signatures and be embodied in a petition to his majesty’s government of Kngland for the removal of the present governo;’ in chief. Ilavam.—Laborde’s Spuadron, con sisting of one ship of the line, four frig- mes, and sevei-al small vessels, was about to .sail from Havana^ They have on board 3,500 troops, an"d about lOO army ofllcers mt>re than are required ; as w> ll as £800,000 in specie. Their destinaiioa is unknown, as the utmost secrecy is ob served. Itissuppo d,that they n edi- tate an attack on Carthagena. Aatc/tiloches, JS'oo. 26—\ rencountre, of a most serious and distressing nature has occuricd this morning in St. Drniiis- street, between Mr Jared Cab'e, of tiiis place, and Dr. B. Delevan, of the United States’ .\rmy, wiuch'resulted in the tit-a'li of the la'ter. Mr. Cable, after receiviny^ a few blows from his antagonist with Ci heavy stick, by which his h fi arm was Iraciured, and his head considerably hurt, shot him through the body. Dr. Delevan, after ret;civing the wound, pur sued his r^*ireatii)g antagonist a few steps, then btaggert'd and fell—being conveyed to Messrs. Harrison and Hopkins’ store, he died in a few minutes after. Vnplciimnt Ajftiir.—A circumstance has latelyliappfiietl oil theChatalioochy which not timely reconciled, may increase the lends alrt ailyexisting between the whites and Indians, on our IVoniiers. An In dian being seen under suspicious cir cumstances, on the plantation of one of our citizens, was ordert'd to stop, by a white lad and negro, who were together, and had each hand’s estat.', tme year’s provis,(111.,, in the s itne Coun_try atljacciit, that the turnips aianncr as if her bii.sbaiid had.lie.l intestate.] ' scantling in'tbi'-field have ^ scvl ” rrescnbine: tiic manner in which sta%e,s, and arc HOW .vi hcaUir^^ and .Ui^les «hall .icr.aitcv be i;i.'.c--t. _ WaUrn C':rv!ruav. ... ’ lo.ided gun. Instead of Repealing the act of lb2i>;, ajipoinlinn-1Indian attempted to run, coniinissiotit*rs lo hiiil/'I ;i they both utiforiutiately Hrtd, and wounded him in two places, from which he shorily after expiretl. His friends, the Iinliaiiq^ who !'.?.ve no idea of the tar dy operations of our ct>urts; among' whn:,i conviction, sentence and execu- tioi) tullow ill rapid succession, and ofien in the siinie hour that the offence is com- niiitcd, deuiatul satisfaction for the out rage, threatening to wreak their ven geance il the olVendei-3 are not given up, on the first person they get in theirpow* Cl- I; 15 sai'4 'he oftVnlers have fled. l^ildcun TfJq;rnj)/c, conimissirmers lo build a new court house in Surry county. * Incorporaing the North Carolina In- ststur :o:i lor the insti ui lion of deaf anti dumb. Asa conseciuence of the ncusual warm weather lor“the season, we have observed in the htiiongh of Salisbury, as well as in ’he