CIMniOTTE, .Y. (I TIESIUY, JJXL.WY 20, 1828. [^^O. 167. V\ HI.ISUKI) \\ KKFI.Y By LEMUEL r,lX(iILVM, jJ/ Three Dollars a yenr^ paid in advance. No paper will bf cliscontiimed, unless at the Jiscrction of the editor, until all aiTearages art paiJ- Adverlisemcnts will he inserted at the usual rates. Persons sencliufj in ailvcrtistincnts, arc iciuested to note on the mar}>^in the number of insertions, or they M ill l)c coiitinuecl until forbid HOil cliar^ed according;ly. svwv\ Cowmvissiou nUslNKSS IN CIlAULESTOy. SUliSCUinKH n'spt'ririilly Informs liis ^ ' friends and t!ic jjuldic, tiiat Ite contintii.s ohe above line of business at-his old stand on Kihuondston'a \Vhurf, lie is jjrt purt cl to jiUi-nd lo tin: s;de of proiUirc coniniitlcd ti» Iiis C4irc, u})on which librnd advnncts will at all tintfs be made ; or to tliu execution of orchrs tor , Wm. .1. Wilson, I-Nq. nr in his abscMico, tin.- at;vnt of the S TF.AM HOA TS, J; scpli II. Townes, will rcceive and for-Atird. without de- lux, all Cottons consij^nid to me bj the \v;iy of ciicraw, ami w ill be pn pared to make al\aii- «es on such consit-nment';, if required. IIKXUV. XV. ’(>NNKI{. Charleston, Nov. 1, —;>uiti73. fTj* The Kd.itor of the Western CarnliniaM ^ ill insert this advertibouient for thru i;u i.ths, ■and forward hlb account to me in Ciiarlcston. Connnilted lo tlie Jail Or Mt.ekh nliurg'county, on th» f')tlidav('! Au;;:ust, l.S'Jr, a neg-ro man who s ys Ins n;unc is'tAIU. !' >N, and tlial lie beloni^s to a Tn;.n by ilie name of (’laiborn Cook, hwny; 'u ,ranvdle county. 'I’he boy is larf;r and ver\ bl:»rU. ati.l stammers very mucb in spc.iknif,-. I be t)\\ ner is n (pu sted lo come forw.inl, ])rove rrnpertv, nay charges an»l take bini awa\. 5rif ■ JOHN SIA>A.N, ^UvU' uV aviA’iuvA, IMccklfulHirjj; Coimty. L'ouri of Pkns ond Quarter Sessions^ veivhcr Tirtn. 1«27. I»()o])or 5i Met.inn vs. Henry Farr an.l Mrufra- ri t bis wife, Silas ranijjbtll and Matilda Ins wife, heirs at law oi Josi ph I'odd, .leceased. Juilgnient 38 !25, It ritd ou land. T V appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that tlie ai)ove named defendants arc iu)t in habitants of tins State: It is (HJDKKKI) by the court, that puMication be maib' m\ weeks in tbe Catawl)u Journal, that they appoa-at February St ssions next, then niul tl.ere to s!u w «tiuve w hy th land ot the said Josepli I oilil, li eased,’shonhl not be sold to sulis'y th;' a- hi V. iii.!{jURnt and cost. W I'tnesb, I-aac AU\;«n(ler, Clerk of our s:o.! Court, at Charlotte, tlie 4tli Monday ofNoM m- bcr, ISAAC Al.KXANDEU, c. m. c. 6t69—pr. adv. i2 73 ot* Letters' Tft F,MAlNIN(i in the I’c't-Oilicc at fdiai’ollc, t N. C. January 1, ]S28. A ...Thomas Alexanler, Wm. .T, Altv.nnJcr, Henry Allison, Dr. Joliti And)ici*, Al exander, Janies T, Ashury. 15....James C. Hraley, Milliam M. Hostuick, James Brown, Capt. ISlark, Jr.nies M. Flack, I'inkney P.oles, Jobu Itlack, Allen liaidwin, I'pton Myram, Ifobert Harnct, A. iirevard, AlLn &. r. dilwin, J. L. ISrooks, John I’arnct, Sf;n. C....r,enjam>n CohtnS, William Comstock, James furk, Sarnm I I); Cowcn. .lohn (’ostdu, Samuel Conner, Harriet I’. Caldwell, Cluu-Ies ul\in, William f.'arson, .laines 1). Craijf, A/a-'j rial) Col urn, Tliomas ,'ol!t n>, Jessc (dark, Jer- cniiali (’lontz, ’I'liomas (Jaldwcll. n ...Dr. 1). n. Uiinlap, Daniel IVivic, James l)a\i(lson, Col. J- ' n H. Davidson, U iliaiii l)uii- 0.10, James DinUins, Tiionias Dance, ,lohn Duf fey. Mrs. Obediei.Ci- Dinkins. K....(.:li;irh s Fdms o, Joliii S. F.mcrson, Stc- plu-n T. F.mcrson. ^^’l!lialn II. I’ol^’er ■}, Jo'-i.nb Flirui 2, Rob( rt Faii'i s, Isa ic I'l.inikin, U illi'.im l- linn. persons among;ourselves, that our slaves cannot he ifhanlaf^cously ernjiloyrcl in tnanufactories ; 1st. lircause, ns is al- lejfcd, they are dcficicnt in intrllectual (jualilications ; and I2d. Tl\iit they have no niora! pi'inriple. Now, that the northern manniacturei s should hold out these ideas, is not to he wundend at, when we consider that it is their interest fodo8(»; but that thc'^e nf)tions should l)C entfriained !)v a*iv vvf 11 itil'ornied per Legislature of North Carolina. MTi. Fisu/ars UEVoirr nx :wAMrr\i I'l u’.s \mi nu.iw ix* or wont, Miuie iti (he. fltnut: of Cfntniois of N' rlh-i'aroli- na, .on Tur.^din/, Jan. 1, lb23. [cum 1 rPEn.l The Select Committee, to v lumi was referred the IN.’Sobition, on tli.: siibjcct of Co'.toa ainl Woollen Mannruelorle^. and en c;; (n, in^;• ofj S(!t,s acquainted wilh our hlack popula- W-0..1 in Xorth-Carorun., have h.d the «ame ! ''I'"' stranjje indec(!. What branch , • I • 1 I ‘d inrcliarucs have we in our cnunti v, tti under consul- r.ition, .'\nd ... , i i- ' i- Iwhicliwedo i^ot tind m-i^roes oltrti dis- ■ _ j tini^uished for Ihoir skill and ingenuity r J\n!;r Pov'cr. j j„ y piare we sec them eii’iaUin}^ the Few Stites in the L'nion, uhouud iiiore i hos.t white inechanics. ^ in sites ol \v;'t-r power th?iU North (’ Hu; t)i,. evidence drawn from ana- liiia. I'he shoals r.tiij I’alis in her I'.i .rna-"'M'sni'.s is *1. c.'’ird ir.MiJlirient, .Mr. l)on;d»lson, s Il)ut he has bectt Cn. By what the same quantiim of labor will cost if performed by white liircring-s. f3,C40 5,492 $5,492 3‘J9 5^ 1,500 IV aiul serondary rivers, 'r tia-^ w r i'/iV:-p'ool’iu ('Mtr. Vij’aiicn; the •,'nu;ll livets .lud i Im lere men'vioTuid, say Ct....(,;ol. Uoliort Cfim le. Turner (.-.trr' S, j creeks all fji nisii jk ver-failit! ; supjdies for ‘^on'e time i:i the Ibonifi.s (;illi spie, Will’s (;i''>s, Mr. (.ullant, i of the (inest water po e'- in Afuericvi.— lilarks i.i his I'.riories lU-v. Isaac (,rier. Ah-vaivder Green j Much ol tl)i3 iic.N er js I'oiind in tliat raui>c' ..tiiv ili.ds lbe:nequ.ii e. » r.ii.i uim- H....Daniel Hvams, Dr. Jolm M. HarnoUlt, I r . . I • . . WhitmilllIoois;c. L.ihnJerM.M.Sani I'ess lo iearn. nt-1 vki!l to ex. u!c, hut, ‘\ndrew llipp.'l honias llai'ri.s,,!oim lieniKison, ■ *** ext(’!isi\eiV cultivat'.'fl ; aiu] iii;jli-•, ;i|| ( (; •• (‘•. •e ', arttudly pi elei’^ Uev. Isaac (irler, Ah xan.Ur Greer. for ‘^on'e time i:i the way of \voikinj> blarks ill his l^riories, and t!iat he not i)!iiy iiiids ibe:n to whites in apt- ihein. Mr. i) (aither states, that he hnS had sevcra! .Sii pcnnteriJai. t I’l oi’i the nurtl', 1‘iui all of .hese, wiili tiie cxcc!)- riDti oi' one, decideklly preier l>la( k help, ;«•, tl.vy ti r.n ll, to while. Wiih the bhsc'.is, tin Vs' is !'o mrnlii'^ oui for wa- T’.o lirn.‘ lo'ot in \ibititiiij muslers, oti.e;- jit 'die. (•vlubilioiis. Hut eii,- tl,." :’t('st ailvanta,';''s of idark la!» t i , llu't you an attach il per Maiv:.lly lo i!jc eslahlibhineiit by pur- :q>p, ^ sen. Mf>svs .1. I!. Ifays, Tl'.oneis ilonstoii, Tho-j »p. n» :,r and iii tlie inont'lair.s, tli mas Hutchinson, Col. Ilenr\ l'f,o\er. 1 is no limit lo tli.' r)Over. Il Ijeitiji; thus .1....William Janii-on, Isaac Jln.erson. [ al.unc'.ant, it jnusl f(.!c\rr remain • heap, K.. \\:Miam A. Kerr ^hovns lu nn.-V, T^n-| cTt li. Kerr, •luincs KirK, >• isiuinnli KibKui, I . • , i i Ceorjre p. ivecFee, Ho»>...ll K-.n..-, ipnviletre convement.iy Iwcafd atth. j L lames Latt;., Ul/.ab^tli Loi ke, John ' ""th pou er lo c.rry 'i, iK) spindles, tie, 'lb. resa l.en.Miond. j'is Wortii I.? C-r 1 'J')() (p li;,;-; ; (.rtf'ul M....Niiney Mi'llifs. Fdizahelb Mason, Jamcsl more : he!( il loi;v he had i'' lavoi„! ie si-j Morpbes, Ann K. Mcl .ire, M i'lian. Monieith, 1 p^.. ,^rr,oi;nl. j’v-:. i AleNuii er Moei , l>ir(, MeC-'iklr, (.u\ M>\-|- , ,, . 4- . . c, . .1 • ,,, , , ,, I, , •, in l')e eii-itern fi(i.tio:i 01 tiur >*t;ite, liiis i wen, Khzatieth ^h■Kee, Janii s ..Jills, J(dm Mr-> ... . . 1 Uua\, Fphraini Mitchell, John A Mel.ani. |he co:n> — . I.'.^li Mrliovvel!.’, Margan t McL. land. d-j hot) t!io‘;c extCiisiur lake-, cliaSe. I.aui J. .Morrison, l)..\id .McDaniel, 1’. Mo.t'.^-, kcet and others, are drait/.d, tlie c ::a!s 'i'he {'uilow itr.j c/.loiilations will show Sanuiel Montponu ry condtictlii" oil’tiie water will i'urni:,!! ad- j tlu- dini'rence iii cost helweL'ii while and inirable sites for jnills a:id n'-oriiiKu inrii.i^ j black labor. We siipp.ose, estal'.ishou Ills. Ui.dcr tl,e head d’.11-1 1. A f a toi \ is ei ecK ri in New b'ni' Iatvd, I .... 1« • vv Cl I 1 1 ;tiii ] , 1\ I i iuii Vi 1 V i-ji 11 ... . . ^ I . IMii.rr, Dr. W in. J. Pnlk J, (um.ivi-c \\\ ini'iUion an J i:;nt :ui-\ \o bo rai’rlcil on lOi- U :i by u lUle I’oik, Marshall 'I'. Folk, .M..ry Potts, buvid vantage our .‘.treams hav.; c\k .■ thu. c » i'I .,j-,,.,.„tives. the tiuriit. 'Then f.ii the scoro J v. A'e>thcr is cre('ed in Norih-('aro- •.ve have; al’ tint can !)e desired. lo !/•' -i i > ' inehiiijth S/J. J,(i/iiKr. ! "I 'iii'e, i»y lilaik opvTai i v is, each »i ll !.as Mt!u rto b.'en ur-jvd d ti.e i ‘^'J'i«lucted hy sl..bhsi.ii.etit oi'rnanul’.'ictoi ii;s iii Noi ll. ; fjuod nuinai^ers^ N....lln:. h .Neely J. (V...Ni.tli..n Oir 2, Alexander Odiorn. p.... !!ev. M alter S. Pharr, Idehard. I’eoples, I’hifer. Q...Cjrus Qii, ary. W loM jdi l.' (■!, lUiet. ,!os( plil^oss, U.diei or li’aehel l.’ui Inson, Alexaiuler liobi.son, Pc!!y Uobinson. S....Tlio.nas Spratt, Adam Spring's 2. F.d- Ward Sli;ii'|i. V*. ilii:iii S'harph _\, Wolu rt sloan, j (^'jvoliui;, aiid In ll.e r-' j’li in ■’►■lu?’; :s I:. . i>l;;;h 'i- u 1 in pr James Stc'. eiis, J(>bn I)., Jost pli Sniith, John Siinpsijn, .li.n.i-. SIcih'. T I. II. I lur, Jaliii II. 'I'liomr.s, Jame'. 11. Tor;e:i( e, U d' y ' r. :di r. M’ lau'.LS W ilbon, John C. M ilson. Thus. W ipcIk r. ;3tf)r w M. SMirii, P. M. 't.ut till' p, ici> ) eh! profit -, or Ci| to ^VvxVe lA* .VmUi-VwYoWuw, Metklcnbiirg County. Vo'jrt of r/oia lin t Quar/er Scbuions, Xo- venitjcr Term, 1S27. •oo])pr & Mctiinn r.«. Henry Farr and Marpu- rit his witt, Silas Campbell md Matdila bis wife, beirs .it law of Joseph Todd, leceased. Judjjuu nt 50, p. levied on land. IT appearing'' to the satisfaction of t!u- court, tli.t the al)Ove naiU'd deleiidaiils arc not iii- habitiiUs ol this State: It is iHiDVdtKI) hy T.lie court, that pu dic-dion be m.ule six wei k;. in the (Jatawba Journal, that they appear at Fe'inian Sessions lu \t, tlien aiul there to du'W raose wliy the land ot the said Jo>- p|i '1 0(hl, d'( rasi il. should not hr sold to satisty the u- b(ne judi^mnit and i-osls. W itness. Isaac Ah vaoder. Clerk of oiir said Court, at CliU! lotte, llu 4th Monday of Novem ber, K'J7. IS \ AC AI.i.X \.NDF,i;, e. m. c- C'tfiOpr. y.dv. 73 V»\^. ri'IHF. MiSsci ib^ r Iiavii.g di dm. (1 ilu- 'I'aTcrn .1 K « |!t r\ F.nsiiu -s, i nestlj ri |n'sts all persons indel'led to him to ra.l and make iui- tiied ate pa_\ni'Mit. I l.i> riicasur. ali-tduti-h lic'essarv, as be iii' de otiiii^ hini'Mli' to »ni>tb'r branch of iin-lni uh.rh iKiiinuls »!i( iisi ot ,dl hi', tunds , ai d nolc-s Uk- e.ill is ;oniidi' d vdh by 1 ln' iii 'idli f .Iauu.ry, h.' ( in have no other’allern.iti\e ihaii a eollictjoii hy .^uit. M*('iillo(h "Wi'd nccoMMiK lU.t0 a K ;.MiithnHn witli ()oai 1, l'\ tlu n.oiith n- \ rav. Mw would In Jr , i.\ lo arroiun.ndaf her I'oriiu r traM'llu p; rtis'omei', and p^ r!-ons who wisi; to i-c tviiri d f:-o tlie ooisi-and I'u.-tle of til. town, at thi f,;-t house a ove hlair, Jcdinson k ( o’>. stejri , •Main strret. M. M. M'CUId.OCII. f'oin'.lrn, J)rc. nAVlN(. pist ritoriu-d from the South, v.iiidur i e.ontrn.plate n ijn vinp. in a short tun.-, I retpieM those uuK hted to me, to eall at ii.v shop, v\ h( re I can at any time h' st i n, n\u[ make )iavment; ai d those lo whom 1 a|.'. l>ud, to call for M ulcnii nt. THOM. I. JOIlNS()N. Ja.i, 7, 1H2H.-G1. \\v‘\ued)j \\\\v‘nvv>»‘vuv\ev. A >t 1‘IM.Y oi’ l)r. •diainher'-'Justly elf'.ra te.^ i t :ru-d> for lut.Muper.incr, (la^ in i n r. '-' i- ve.l, and IS f(.r sale ul the k’ohl-( dlii:«', il “rhi N, vv-\ork pricesT- ^ JJttcds l‘yv sale at ttris Oflice, \Ai^\ ivl* V.vWvvs J\f }niiiu:.i!.c in i.'ir i'o.if Uj/.ci nt Liw.'o!u!i>.u jV ( . J^iuytn'ij 1 182S. A !'ri lieriek Aiu rnaihy, .lames Alti'.m. Re.hi-rt \l \an«''r, N'.i^> tli Aheiiialu; , NJoses Abi rnat II'. ,’,:ii.i s \bernathy . P, MMurlJirry, Hai 11.','rr, >!rs. Kesmh Hrevaril, Jonas Hrarlshaw, William Hiirke, Abram holli'-.i*rr. Absalom liro wr., *.- hrani Hennet, Thomas Htrrj. ,John M. l»r:;iili\, Joseph I'.row n. (’....Folly Cox, .Teptha Clark, Superior Court I’h’rk, John Campbell, 'fliomus Cline, .loel Co- w en, Daniel Chrestenbury, Henry Carpenter. 1).... Archibald DeUing’, 'I lionias Davis, Isaac Divis. F,....Mr. F.n"’land. F....rhoinas Fergnison Daniel Fing'cr, James Falls. (;....John (jleii, Jerry (ioodson, Peter C.ibhs, Robinson tiooden, Joseph (ireeii, John tira- iiam. II lohn Ihnle, John Howi 1, John llucc- trens, lienr\ Harmon, Alex.liub r Hill, Freder- iek llarvel’, Klizabeth Hover, I’eter Harmon, .IaiiM-> Kanks. 1 lonatlian hifjold, (leorgc Ikcrd, K \dani Ki^t r. 1 laeob Link, Da’.'d I.ut/., Hit liard I f\vis, John l.ohr, Isaac l.oraiice, Jolm Loiij;, Henry M....l).in!t l, Isaac Manny, Peter Mar tin, Mir'iai 1 Mllh r, I'rui'. rM k M(,oi-, M.irina- dnke Maple^-, ■’'onu.s Niira. h.iri • Mon?;,M)nv vy, \\ ilh..m Matueu-s Joij K. MvCu.l(;eii, .Varuii M.iori . N....F. Mebo!;i«. U ith I'm ni’i iheMi li’a'.es w'.ieie p(.-,)! i.ilu;li is is '-ri ,it ir ;b( ) i'.ii;,ji'-‘.?'d, o . 'i ;.*ake. ii l iiis e a ' 'a i 'f' f 'j' !"ii i .i! .M-.: , ,,:,i j ;■) ' j It IS e ri.iiidy hoi m> ui’V', . L.l i’all ill tlial ,'i.d li e ot'.er Jl the fud of 2fi year. Dn. To balance unpaid as above, Interest thereon, Clothin);’ .ind fet’ding' blacks, and w ages to Snpcrintend’t. Cn. Hy wages as above, ,fJl (If mil of ."/•// year. Dn. To babini’e Hsabovt, Int( rest for \2 inonths, Third item as abovt*, Cn. As above, ... (f.r rml of \th vpttr. Dn. To b.ihince as al.'ove, Ihterist thcViop, 'I'liird item us above, fht. llv u iT'Cias above. Over pays by Thus, a' the enil of the 4t.h year, thra enpital itivesud in s'au-s, w il h iriier»'sC re^Milarly ran ii d lorwurd, will he |»;iid ofl’, at’d rnorethati paid h.\ 15. )>e- ‘.ides tliis, ihf slaves liave l)e»'ti well led and riothetl, and .'500 dolhirs annu illy al- !(-wedas wares to u Snpei intendalit. Now cany on this siiiii ol f 15,^ witli from the end of 4th jiarto the enil the term of ten y ears, is ^^.299 40 ; Neal wanes'll! ith year, (after de- durtin.u'- .Udlars for loth- ing- Mild feeilinp;’, and .')(I0 dol lars tor Snp’ riiitend.ani,) will be 2,1-10 .^dl II s, and inUri hi to ( lid of term, 2,740 Neat \x aL'i s (if (ith year, with in- ten st, - - 2,r,;,3 Do. do. of 7th year, 2, VJ.V Do. do. of Klb \ear, Do. do. of 'Jth year, 47 Do. do. of lUlh'ycar, L’, 110 7,;l'2i 5.: .‘],6!0 d.oKi 6J 51 2'2(» b'.i 1,500 5,10'? at .",(■>40 1,762 41 ^.i,7r.? 4? 1.-7 -1 M 1..Vm) .1. 11 4 «>• .'.610 ■;i!!C s:a( ■■■.>. We i.avrtwn specu*;; ei'Ia!)ou i, wimv. lahoer i.rd L!;o\!r. As to wint'- Iub( ur, V. e iu'Za. d tioihiii;; in it IS clu\.j)er in Noi lh-C'uH.>jiii;; lhan i’ is ei'.iief in Ijif’/iand or ai. the iii^rib. 'i'i.e pi;te of -cr i'l iS re^pilal A b; 'he p; i( i' ef ,)i o\i-.ioii'-, ond t lu ont r-ous UiX( are la,iL*l 8t# 'I iiiis, at the end of tiic. term of tea ve.irs, (he rstuhlishn.etit carried on by \vhite operatives has cost Tor labor aloiic, -Id.dOO dollai'.s. Wl.ile the otiP carr'ed cii l;y blacks i l.e r;tci, j ’"a:i p-ii ll'i- I’l^rchase money wiili itiu-r- [• S7>» isalwa)s paid •• >». ^''1 cloil.ed the ham!,, ha» week; which, wlien pai I a Sujk ritnnidnnt, and made a sa ls/. 7V/(' r,7ir ii'il/i while hbcy. Arcorilmij lo a'( nie,.iS lo !:e relied nn. it re(pii!'.'S .>.5 h.inds, lai ',v' a’e.i sniall, to ';arry un looO spir.dles. At the n>ost I lo.'.evate r.ii'‘--, these h nds will cost | , |M r \ve( '■ 70 d >! I 11 • ; o;, 11 _ '.'.at the I ri.d of i! e ) c'.o . hd.o ; liuv.evrr, is^ tl’.at the at I he end of f ach lii(“ interest is c.irried iMpward to ihe et;il j on ilie basis ot white lahor of 15j-« of i!,e year, niukes nearh , or altot^etber,, 02 1 and HO cents. !') dolI;,rs niore ; l;iit we will throw j In a(hliUon 'o th«v, the biucks are still t'lis abiil". a’ld Mai'.' 'd • ’ini at j,fs0 i >»• band, and worth inf^re lli.'ii \> In f tirsC doliars. 1 loiii the lidij »-»' |)'.i\ii e. ihe ' pnrt lia.-ed. Ihi’.tf be on the safe side, wrsi :>,G10 (lolIar.s, to the end o. '’hr ternn j ! duct for deaths and casu-.itirs '2'> per of ten vears, will he r.c/t* years: ciiu. Ironi iirst rosi, leaves dfdNra. therefore, c ounl the inlercbt on that sum 1 hen, so lar as rrjjards wu^^es ot thfi axes imi-osed on the people. \N hen l.'iese T.r i.iee > c.ii s ; on the pa\rr- rit of v. u-1 operat n es, .1 ire cot:sidered, it is cb ar that a com-U-e second vear, cotuil intrrest ^ at the eno ot A' you employ white labor- “ ten years you pay abou i'l (H) 1 '2 00 I’.. ..W ill la II I'l ni,}. S;d ly I’etillo. j |{.. . .Jidll 1 l(iu!i-d. Mle.h.i lel Uii\ lie, James j Pnbinson. S 1 n lie! ^ . I.‘.'\ ■ .11 Shinn, N’ar;r;iri I ' S. • . ..loll' 1 ?•. iilov i. ,le' s;i|ii., V. So'i(, 1,1(111 J~t ron [ 1. 1 hoin:iSii. fi(1. ' F 1!'. I 1 11- , U' i , .M'.'aloiii 1 a\ it-r, .l.oi.cj 1 o\% n- send, , n.i\i i! '1 1,1 oi.i-bur;;-. 1 \ . ...A i. . , ■ .• 1 i \\ . ,.KIs r\ . ' b;. ^ 1 11 M arhcK, Jolm 1 M d 0|., ,loii; - ■ 'Oil, 1 bi't;.;;., \\ ,11. i„:^, \V d • ! h.i'o W dsn It. r. NV ,1'A O ul. \\ heeler. ) \ .. ,.,l).ivKi \'juiij:;. i). HI, 1MIA!;DF, I'. M, v’l ('7. K)\ U •V‘ . 9 'w n 1. SIdl. at 1’..! he S !i', 0-1 tlie To’ svh>y i i 0 ■ i (.11 1,1 i.1 .liii.i.e.v 1 '■ nrt, ;it tbr I'orl j llnii: ..e III I ini i.hdon, d'l i .. ti.aihii.^ -iKucy ( i 7.) i ot 1: fi,rv ( I ,i.ii( r, (ieet a? ^ ll, ill !hi' State 1'. •I'.i^ of N ol' h-l ' .roiln.t;—ai.d i li'.o, it t le.' V me tiiiu- and piai I. ,ili t' • share-. hi'ionu'.,i(,' to es- ta.i-. Ill t!i J C.i’ aw ba Nav i ioii( 1 11. " ;li'.. 'I 1 1 "lOS, n.vsH. ‘ i). .M. nIl.M.V. Uc(. 2i', , iH.:'.-dtLr. plenty ill piopertii n. Mi-. Tl.f n.-.s Ma‘-sey, ■ a very intelll inai.iilacturer. !or !! } e.ns ein.;.. .1 111 the business, 1;;)% e-. i’.,e I'ld'uw as liie louesl (iric( s ever known 111 hii nci[j!i“ boi bood : lluit is, For boys ar.d jprl.;, u.'uli-r 12 } eurs, [;i r wet k. For do. do. lo. 1 Fordo. do. do. TS, In the n.irnel factories, ;.i .\ir.t s'hu v. the wa';es i'or *’eiTi:.!ej i.o ( per (ijv. and of 11.ales, 1 jti ;ms, '] in’ \v.T.i,^es o!’;;ir is of 1vt-ars old, at Lowi !!, a‘.ein;,e ni(;ie thaii 1J ; ccnis pU' week, and iheir Accord Ihe “ r:i'te eiiij |o\ ed ineti, .>h(i ’ i.e a v; r.i; per \ I ar, oi ni iH !y Sd p'' il t any one tompui e t Ik pru es 'viiii si- milar labor in tiie inienor of N'uii 1.-(...- lolnia, a!i! he will ut once rotrie to in conclusion tbat l.i.>tH' is eheaji'-r hi're (h at the norih. Indeed, h^l oters i.f tl sou h can always diiord to take s,naiin SN;.^;es; for they ttq> !ie less liui and! less cl(jlhin;.,M ban in Ne-,v ICt'td.ind. 'i'he ! spt( l(‘s »f Lhor lluil has been bi_;ii in tiie | suutli, is that of male adults ; w liih- ;hai j I I I'eniales and cliildren has been cvlm' ! jltnv. j Mr. D luald-on, who owns a cotifiii ! j fu' torv i\ I' ave!!’. lile. and another at 1 in' ! !h hldch hdiar. . V. e inav let black and white Ijhor n..r f''i vra, ',, ; ed 0'.;^ !•>■? ' ' i there are t.ii! v efia'ii.slit ic.'’*] of 'JC ui p."- joo (I.ii.i'.rs. ‘.Id i!u‘ r.-'lrdili'-hnirnf 1 !•! j • r . i iiV, .T.,^ . . ; .1 I tiv,-i!i ...• p’.i. > 1...d ; and '• e a'lo\v e!>oiis»;h of courLi', t’-.e d i... r'j:;.:e \r> d ! ’ V. lu ll \v‘ esliiTiale liands cf the p(>rtion. th-,’ i:, iar-J. il .da dc-si. 1 ipiion may he hadfor20u' '!’» this r.dd toi iiar;p:^.'‘r'; i dollaii each, on an aviTi.;;e. Instead tifjon ther;iw material for 1 !> ycr,r:;, c.i m'.- ihciiutnbi r of wl-.ites empi e('. add j bales, at j‘> pcr bale, ti at Loiri;; t', one In every ele\en, inakiri!^ 3 i. '* hese j ()uantity 10 cotton :;:i'):nl!y consumed J: s;!:''-'.inrvt I'ai'e ■. jsui lu tu tr>ak«- u'> such an estahli shmeri!, c'^trd to '^,1.'. ; Ii..ra.iy l.».s o!‘Iiiiie, on .'^I'coijr;'o! sick->5^7 50, is liiii-s. 1 Total (hHVrenr.e in lavor of ' sia'sis, ui eucli, 1m 3“.2C/). lablishniLiit, is S'" ','"^0:;. 'rii- next iin'piiry is '• w dl it cost ! . ^ pel annum to clothe aticl t\ed these .''.I The soil and climate ol No;t,i-r,oi 11:.‘ cost will in: I'JdO dollars proxiii it\ in the r.aniP lo:!! . •, ... to sums should also bo I sea-ljoi: .1 ■"ladtlH. the washes of a Superiole.idanl—| U 'V ;>0v) dollars per )ear. '1 hcse hein}.!; j‘=^‘"d ll 1* ‘ i!it exiM'O'-es olddacl; laboi-, we wish now 1 cuioattr i.opends a. much on Ii to co.npat e il with the cost of the while ”1'.’ ' CoimnitUil to t!'C‘ Jail I F SK'ekh I Lioi';', eoiii.'y, on tin -'-Ml \9 l).-r. mb r, '.'UT, a nad:.ilo r.u.ii nan - .| II V. Ii is iyshe belongs to im li .■> ( ivl’lei', law r, I'O'j;' in Ca. ihe kilow ih niiiid r.i h;-. 1 |;-Iil t y aboMl tiNe ii.iic iii' h._-> hi,.;b. .ii'd appears to be -r f » i :>rs ( T ii.1'. 'I he o\\ m. r i.-. i i 'p:t '-tfd hiru T prove projjert} , pay cnai;^' him away. — jr.iiN SI OAN, Sheriff of • '■rjy I uuniii' Dll i’.dls of 'i'ar n\er, a ^jer.tiiman who l.a-. Visi’e:! ’il'- norlhein establlslunents, and those ol i’lr^Iar.d, atiri w li(J is well ac- , _ , ■juai;it‘ 'i witli ine suhjer.t, ;;ivesil to the I i''''“.-•se i .e I (jriip.:;’ as his d« ei.'Ied opiriion, liiat 1 iae/.o'V Ld.H)’’ is cheaper liere than ei’ 111 ()Id 01 >.e*v i-.nj;!aod. ^ Hlack I.a!)~r. — Hut, if this he the and take j w!ii'»' i.;Lor, it is .still more SO, wiien kibrir is employed, W e aie uware that the opu^iion is en- Icr’.pitied the mrtfi. and even by some l,.iijor C t ,).) hands. '11,( ■ ) white-, we liave seen, will cost 'VPJ divd..I J per year, or, in other words, ilu'ir \».>!.'-es Hi.iy be pul down as wo:ih 10 ddi,-r .. .'•^(y■.v, iilucks and 1 w lilte Superi.’i■ O'l, I’.Mt. .,^ii I'enainiy do as much work as ' ' V. I,!.:-'-.. \V e theifdore put their l.d.oi ilo n al ihf sarr.e pii.e.jl :;,o iJ dollars. , ^ I' r* .!'!' thus a5e ei .aioed the C‘i'1 ol j *■‘‘'/’I"- * bUi( I; l.d)or and its »alne in i‘s, w( lie tei 10 d’ ! ■ V ( . p;ioiis (d' the Stute, w e iiavo a e!: :r' I'.f; and atnu.-i'hi well sudeil to tl;c t'l o\o!t of all ihesi.iall ;.;rairi;i a',1 the \ el.\ • I)ies lU-'Ces .;.ry i'^r the t oiiilurl (M iif ' fn- deed, ihejc 1-> T,o part ot’ •’le hell' tht^y do n.t ' . u-. V(dl. i •••, ' It h'lt ni.ii l^(■ ■ s for ;.r-,:c!'•, (if * P,is ; 'v'.p. ' .O!', ai. '. ibi y \''id !-o,/n h.- |'i, * I lieiein tl;;'- ' (i i,„;-,. p ,;r. | • ! c 1' Int. arid 1, iru'M, of :*o'> .// l!,c .J To c.i[>it:.l \I -.lei. slivi', - - - To'.nU-n ' I ' il riMifi i inontli •, 4j2 Cioltmij( and I' eilni}^ shivesi 1st ] \. ,,r. .... 1,000 _ M ajjes to a \\ ” I '’ n^ luut, !>Ul ‘Mo 3 i.inert:-, abjnd.iiit Can ‘ ; -'.tc 0,.,' ,, ■ s.:: ! »•'' ^ '.lai . I ' if In I Vi .,; J I,, sf, r . !a ' III ii;i.; .- 01 i:,.; es pen 1 oil li pjd O S Ml' I : .1,, 111 I ■'he..p, K 01 l.ii-lai iti t!’,t :i\. hih II,id 'I lie lii-^or (d'llieN w-1 n,q!and ciim.Tlc is a draw-hack 011 the priditiO! oi ar."',;fac- liirmLr 1st. It r-quiccs luorv r.i'd r.u ra lo kt.ep the est^biiitiiueuls coutfcr