iiiui rr at (1 C'T^'Miiif lm:\ What y« s :ei (tuy \» a-j (InuliMii'. lo ^:rv is doct i me.— i',Xiirv;.I« s oi prcctnUnts iliiis jtjslily ll - iMist (larin.q nirusuii s ; ar.d v\ hrre ilu-y df ihM *x;it My mu'. >!i.- fl fVci is supplt t'(' iiy iitiiilfK) i ‘‘’“'I ‘‘ fufitrc 11' u-r •'! Hi prefcf‘iiiaiivf?‘,lt « lii\^' ?io a||»'« hnisi'Mi. Milt i.ot ‘(luplc l'> lolk.w a pi ••ct'clt’iii th«v (lit! j.i>t tJ w'tcreas llr ij\vj* wl>ich pt!> «*c! us in our civii l i'.M'i* luii'-t mow iuim» (li.tit ly mil •»! lilt 1 u!istiitMi(Mi, lor u f niu.si tall or iloui- iih w II ! It. It ni j V !)'■ (II iM'tl, OiLtf precr;ienis v\ hic(> an in (iiiw ct » ]ip\ sitioM to pi iTu i |»l* v, wul 111.I -'Ltbpoii Tiuii' nal iiiuistiro, ntjra viola ion of positive jtt wr lii-d. in all agt's, powrr is cut 11 lativf wi;li ;—a.|{i llierf’ is a jjnucr di'U:* gated hy the r/rf rr/e ul’ ilif House ol Ji«-presfTitati\« s, ovei- ihi- lit>cTlies n| the citizens, unlimited and uncun'rolled, ex- cpp» l>y llio mere ditcrdion of the cfnn- nu'lre ; and as such, it esiablislit s a j^rc- cedent on suhjects of gcncraL fci^'is'alio.'u tvhith stands recotded loievef, as a pro per resul t in all and every case, whti ea coinnulsory process may be deemed nro- per by our Ieprescntatives :-^()r, wln n the House of lii pre«t ntatives iriJi to at tain a fai'onrife of/jerl, in diroct (jpnosition to the o|iiiiioit of the Senate and I’xet u- tive, they can report to Ihiaus iij)iutdcnl, and enter into u Resolve. Under the conupt and despotic cov- ernnient of Creut Hritain, unc»>ntrolleti hy tl'e definite rules and r* strictiiuis ofa V.'ri!ten Low^w iinon, the I^arli;iment never ha\e (Wai^u'ed. noi flurst not draij their nianu* jttnrei s before them, anti com pel tlieni on oath, to disclose every item as ;o ilu'ir si eip. pro(' ss »l dying, stam- pinj^ and fnislnnj,^ t)if iluir fal)iuk'> ; tl.e/i' priifii-., Jxs-;, &c. and eveiy oiliei j sTHii, ( ncfininj; t lie pn siiil ( ondi- ti !i" t>f ilieir (>ci w|iuii«in, uliic ii It.e tti- B( t'• I ( »,i a cniuniIt l t-man nii;_;l.i p I ,1 t'liti ti. .isk, Kveti itt tlieir Ion;' p>' .'.ii III dtiseiisoiis as to their corn t'le Watli.inicnl has only exaiViined tliii.rf wIm) voiuntuiily presented tliein- s» l\ Y* ' '/r. who lioast of our republicati- Isir, o*)!d oui e(pial Mj^lits anti etjual ltl>- et'\ as u SuCt’ed df'pDsiif, and pi j'sent our ' ivil insiuutions as a tnoilel to the V'fir’d, arc ol) i^»-ii to obey ilu‘ mamlaie ofii iiterc j loilied with ponei bv a nine n.,ulrc id' om' braiuli of one Lf^i'.Kuiiie, on a suloi i.i, um, iif jicne.- ;jl lej^isK; I ion, tiiui\ li Itom New-O.’ !eaiis or lin^'on i*» W.islniir'ion,and there, ! i,,f noii-conii'liunct., to appear Urn;« i |i'e solcrsim '• u! ;iii oath, di\iil:j;', | Kin(.-N C own, and shew the r.ins' I if r« (iuirei, all tl e • fi tr, ol cjnr mc.( hif* n iu^al. And it is a leiiiark.ilile fact, try and uccu;.alien tu Uiis seletl i.«uin- this the way our ri^ht^ and prlviictjp'' .irp j^iiarded and secured to us by our r presentatives ? Are these the limits .•! •hose rights and privilei^es, guaranteed 'o us by our State and Federal Const) .liiions? Or is this a prelibation ol vv hat we may expect, when misi nle, n>oi - .i!s, patriotism and in'etrrity, shall ha\- ripened to that maturity «)f corruwlion. when the n^'rhtsof the citizens will fonr tio barrit r lo personal ai^>;ran(lizement : Hilt I trust there is now a fund j1 go(j. -.Misc in the. nation, w hich rannoi hv (k- rtired: and a spirit of lepuMie.an pali' ()ii>)in, whiih will not be ojijirvsavd. On this subject, not wisiun^', in t!ie stnullest dei^ree, to jjrejudiee any person, ur to misrepre^-.’tit th{* na’.ure or opera tion of this resolve, but n U liavini' an , npportunity d i)erusiii(» th.e de’jr.tes in Congress,—slioiild there be any nnfaii ronstruciion ('r misrepresentations on the siibjert, I hope Mr. Hir.jMiain will con- (eive it his duly, as I beiievp if has ever been his inc!it;ation, as an Kdit(»r ol a public journal, to append tu this such a coi ri'Ctive, as will eiialde t'lc citizens at large honestly and candidly to foi tii an opinion for tlicmselvca, on liiis and evt ry oiIkt important measure of our i.atioiial all’airs. A cmzi.N. Jun. 2:, is:s. I'ronn the Nat. Intelligencer. In Mr. Jnhnson’s Speti h, (on the hill to abolish Imprisonment for Dt bt,) deliv- rred in the Senate on the 19th Deceml>er lust, allusion is n cf.e to tht fiei ct n ss and Cl u( l!v w ith which the altercations ofde • .’or and crrdiior vv«*ie comlncted atnon^ ihe anrient nations. The laws of Rome .dli»v;e(l the cr ditor t'l si ize not only the prop r V, but the persons ol his de!> ors, and of all the individuals of their respec tive families, and reiainor sell them as '.laves. Sue li» liuwcvcM’, vras not tne cas- with our gi nei((US ancestors ol the jJi isli Islands. A contiuvei'sv for d«'bt was there eonluttec| witi. tne mosi scru; uluus regard, noi onlv to the political rii;;'tt ol ihe j|ebtor>, l)Ut H) his feelings as a fiet - man. Thi Kin;^, as the fountain of jus tice, uas shpi'ostd to hr prt st nt in j>er- son, (;• by d' ptit;., in every luiiit of law. rill King is so g-jod as 10 inieifeit ai ihe 11 (juest of iht '.iedi'or, atnl 10 setnl :ht‘del)tor his ro\al iiiaiulaie to ilo him jiisiict- within aspeciiied mi!nl)er of days in defa’tit of Coiiipiiance, the same fui in (.f siiiiiiiions was npi*ated .» second ami ihirc! time, with a clause Miji)itiing him. v^ell os that wTicrc the v/oantl was In- ilicted ? “Most duels are brought to a fatal tcnni- nation by tKe misconduct of seconds, who in the confidence of self security, and in he headlong carecrof dcfnented quixot ism, close-the door against reconctliation; ,nd they oughi iherefore to be visited b\ • \emplary punishnjent, especially in ( I'.allenge's ending in duels, and when ho- (nicides have taken place out of our ju- .isdiction. What is now adjudged only a misdemeanor, or a breach of the peace, ought to be deemed a felony, and subjec o punishment in our state prison. AiiO by such energetic measures it is earnestlv !■) be hoped that this disgraceful evil and high-handed olTencemay be expelled from our country.'’ intitee. It matfrrs I'ot v ho are the n.ej’, to whiT) liiis IS r nuc'!i tiiod' ! 'H.i .1 it.-.;', in' usid ; ii, i! b.;nv.:ioneLl in j.L .l 0 u;,';iro!);i'.ion, furii!.'. a jtrerMlcnl unlniiiU’tl iti cxunt, uml ap plicable K* pvtiy subjec t. Assumiiig undeh gated power is tyiiinny. i'hc dif ference is but a nanm , wh«ilier it l>'* in thi' lortn of ail edict from the Spanish In quisition, the inaiuliiie of militar> de»- pntisni. or tlie 7iVW/e of the House ol liepitsenlativ* s ; and so long as our or- ga' ized legislaiivf liodu’saei in coiiformi- tv 10 ' III eonsii;!ii 1011 that created them, no such delegated power can txik ■\Vhi ii such a p'-ercga'i'e i» iisuiptd I * tha1,e\tn a' this d \, no oiir ■ an be Ic- liiy itnprisoui d lor deiii in 'h*- rcLiIni of Scoil -.ed. Aiihiiugl /.V ^’.9 / Cl., or w ilii ho'.v only pri.ct icabh' i)\ 01,c ■!' hose pimr-. ol impious (as the case may l>t ) fi aud'-, I ailed lictioiis of the law, fui w iH ii we ..resolrU iiidehicd to u.r )(id[i;e'-. When liic (U ht(jr iias diso'je) d ihe n;au'l«iit* id Ills M ajcst \, to til I j'lsi u e lo his I 1 evliior, or lo s.,ii\' sdlli lent l ai.s' f. r not doing so. he is i„\\ !ull\ nil! !'.illv declared 10 be a 'd to hi-. ',‘i>u^ious Sovereign, and IS 1( I'alU imiji iioni '' ; not on urcouiit of aiiv civil debt, but hecaui.e of hii un- jri'atefni c.iniempt of ih'* iioval mandat'- —that IS to say, f'jrfccnstructive treason. Ili.s M ijestv is never in presence in our (.ouiis: either in person, or by deputy ; one ''OU'e. to the » xclU'-ion L-l the oiIm 1., | ,n ii^,. tieasons arc not namrd in and ihe executive, the constitution and the c'-tilederacy are al an ( nd, a' least as to repiibliciin principles aini con- stitn'lonal legisla'ion. This Hcf-olrn is more compulsory t)uMi a civil wri —it is as imperati’e as . e.rini'r^al nrnecss—it ricpiMTh ininu'diaft and u’‘coii'iiliinal ai fpiic^c.i nc*'.— *\s tin III .r nfartiii e of hov. in all its branches, jsort spcci;.l olijeci of thi.s cornmittei , let us reuli/.v' i.s operation amon'j our- selrf.i. S'ippo‘',p a ’.vrit of attendance, from I niti it'ee, *0 !>e 7)£;l/'s( I V ed on ( icn. i-'o-nt V, or (icn. (irahain, or Tapt. Ui» - \a'(l, or ai! 'd ihrni, to attend *t Wasn ini'.ion, to yns\M-r all and evrry iiuestion on oath, this cotmnittee may (h-em pi o- pM II thrni, •* conct rning” t/ieir prori ss in 'nr.king- ras'ings, imn, naiK, S’e 1. Uc.—tl f Mi.ichiiiery used ; then ' 'ive I'lin: logethet* with an « x- 1: of Mp ' hiitei'. In s and t>'ain, atid * m:’(*s; ' ' cnndi'.ion” of theii neat f”'. i-r. kr. i'■. V n il*-' ( I'i rr leave til 1’ I I 1 iIm fnnn'. t’liiiuucs und f >i- jri . ..fi r.p 'M thi’ir utier enin. or—,ifw ,Ui ./ i ' I! ;iii> be not the ctnnt (]ueftri. tl i'^ ir'-olveis void cf power, and is not on'v p'-rl'ect foilv. f.nt a direct insuli to tf-r r ii'f'!'., 'I’fi Jail t lu'v luusi go—u liut tl'.eri t ie,';fdve beir,';; a 1'!^'' ol Con- pre!'*'. it In rnme': ll e s(ipr(>inc Liw of the iand • “‘onr Jndi'es are 'Oound tliereb). • nnv thin’- in '.ur d.nsi;: nloti or oui “laws lo the roi.t!”;rv n(jtwilhstanding. op- h' tVe pr me third secl;on of the -2il article of the Consiiluiion. ]>y vvlial autho'ity then haVf (lel)loi s been impristMied in the Com mon Law Cou'-tsol this Country ? Due.iUnf'.—The followiiig para;»ruph in (iovernor Clinto .’s late Message lo iht New-York Le>jislaturc, is worthy of ai- lention : A prominent and heseltingevil of th-' linies is the practice of diieiltng, w hieh In ipientiy shipwrecks the peai‘ of fanii lies and destroys the lives of useful mem- l) I S of Society. In these cases, false no ions of honor are arraved against tin dictates of morality, the presci iptions of law, and the injunctions of religion. The f\tetmination of this moral hydra has l)( t n loiiiid inoee dilVi 'uli than th*' phvsi- C.1I hydra of aeti.Miity. 'I'lu sevt city oi' iln pciia! in'liriions has been rend«rcd iiii'vu'nry iiv !i. want of certainiy ; and ciiiv all ic I'jMy h.s prKStrated the most -ac'-ed con--idei a'i( ns. 'Fhe failMre ol pa'ot prcvt ntives ought not to deter from ihe ajiplu atujti of new expcdit tits. II pijl)li': Opinion is unable to anesl this ag gravated evil, the arm of ihe law ougii! .0 be s.retched forth full of terror and replete with punishment. The most el*- I'ectual prescription heretofore applied, was the i( (pjircnient of an oath from eve !y person entrriiig into ottice, that lu would not t)e co'ic»-rned in duelling : but, this having been aliolished by the new Thev. t!,er( f)rc, cMi.iioi issue u vu it ’ol !’'*"«'Other measures must be Iialjf'.s (oiMiis flfid release then); but lJUt''Ued. tl’.’‘-e Old revolutionary veterans truisi tl-.ri r- I.e.iM li] '•(■! ased hy al'ederal Judge, or liv a ilh'/.'-nmiiiiii iVoin the i'hiVhnan ol the ('nnnn'iUt t thus f.xing onr rulrcd' life and ! brr’von tlie leniporary diseretio?', an] dnf'tnaiie'r integi iiy. of a ma^onh/ in our ll^'ii'-e (;l 1*c 1 iresentaMves. ] f this be tlTe conserjiience of etiloir- iiig 'his resolve, the f.i‘diliijn ltrt;\ with iiii its inW|uities. never in\oKeii so w nh u sw ep -*1 our i)er«onal ri^lTls, ncr er.uld it li.ive !»'( n .T" di stricti'.e to 'he pri' '- lijjcb and properly c'f~tt.c ciiizctis. Ji “ As most duels take placc out of the State, might it not have a pievmting ef- !i cl, lo diiect all magistrates lo maki strict enquiry into the charges, and in I heir discreiion to imprison the offenders, until notice can be given to the l>.ecu- ive (jf il'.e Stale in v.liich the crime was rrxiiiitiitifd, vn that he mii’ht make the f oiisiiu.'ti inal reciuieition for their being driiveied uj) lo punishnien'? AP'i if a ho- niiruleof tIiis charac'cr he perpr'.raied, • ay It not i)c aflNtsable to ronsiilcr it eo m ihii Su;!c'V. l.trc iITe person dtesj~u5 (wo month!! were corisumed in declama' lion on this subject, vvithout any other benefit to the people, than wbat they might glean from a liundred and fifty col umns of ten thousand times repeated as sertions, assaults and arguments. We do hope to be rescued from such ano* ther visitation. We supplicate in the name of the people, in mercy to their pur.se, and in charity to their patience, that we may be suffered to go throtigh the public business smoothly, \ with out interruption. When ihat is dv patch ed, if time shall be left for a flourish of a few weeks, let it be so directed ; and we will not be very nice about the subjects on which the pseudo orators and patriots of the day may choose to enlighten us, and to achitve reputation for themselves. if). \wKN i ii:th c uxouKSi^ WAsniNC.iON’, Jan. U5.—In the Senate, yesterday, the bill for increasing the pay of Z/ieulenants of the Navy, who have s'-rved for ten y(“ars and upwards, as ;>uch, was reafl a second lime, consider ed and discussed, when it was post|)on ed toiliisday. The Senate resumed the consideralion of the bill for abolishing imprisonment for di.d;t; and after con siderable tiiKcussion and the rejection o some amend«nenls offered by Messrs. NotiLi; and M\ton’, il was ordered to be engrossed fur a third rcadinu;—Ayes 21, Noes 17. In the House ori’epresentatives, after the adoption of several resolutions, the House resolved itself into Committee of the whole, an«l tool; ii]) tlie bill relative 10 disbiii’sint' oiricers, the bill making appropriation for the payment of certain revolutionary and other pensioiu-rs, and 'lie !)ill making an appropriation for the supj)orHjf Govertinieni for the year 1828; all (if which bills were ordered to be eii- groosed, and read a third lime to-day. j.wv.vHY 19—In the Senate, yesterday, 'he IJi.l to a!)olish Imprisonment for Dcbi '.V IS finally jussed—Ayes 25, Noe>- 10—and sent lo 'he father ll»use for con- ciii rei'ce. 'I'l'e IJdl from the House of lieptfseiiiaiives, ni-king appropriations for the support of Cjovernment for tlv ( urr^’ii-p ear. and the l)ill makingappro- iiiiatioiis f>r the payment ol Revolution- aiv and other pensionei s, were taken up and commit nd. In I lie House of Uepresentatives, the lloii ie resumed ihe rlisr ussion of ihe Bill I'.ii the relief of Xiaiiginy I)’,\utenve. I’lip nioiKjii 10 recommit the bill being ’V itlioravvn, Mr. (niilev renewed his'nio- ;Hi to ameiul hy ins.'i titig t lie annjuntof I •* claim tor injury done to a slave. The tindnient w^is tiu-n di-cu-.sed by Mr. -I!’. Air. Suih*”iunJ, Mr. \\ ood, Mr. l;vi irti, Mr. Allen, of Mass;ichusetts, nd .\lr. Ilaile. liut no fjue:;tion was la 4%en w hen the ih>iise adjourned. jANUAny 22. — Im me the Senate, ycster- dy, the bill for regulating the process of Ihe United Stales’Courts in those States which have fjeen a.'li'iwtled into^he Union since the year 17«y. was discussed and laid on the taLile, wuh a view to further examination. The bill fur increaiiing ihe pay of Lieutenanis of the Navy was discussed and amended as to apply lo .;M the Lu utenanis, and ordered to a tuird readine;. In the House of Representatives, a irreat niiniher of pi'tiiions and resolu tions Hire received from the Depart ments, ati(! a message from the I’lesident, the coiiit tits of vvhicii vvill be found in our repoil (jf pi oceed 1 iigs. A bill waste- ported by ,\lr. M’DuIVm', from the Com mittee ol \\ avs and Means, making ap- propt iutions for sundry fortifications; the details of which will he fontid undei onr (!ong:ebsioiiaf head. Mr. Smyth moved lhal the House resolve itsell into CoiiimiUte of the whole on ihe stale of the Uni»n. in order i» take u]) his amend ment to the Constitution, but the House t-i'fuscd hy a vote 89 to 8'). I’he Htjuse ,i|s:o po,tpoiud until to-day the furlher (liscussjtiii of the bill lot* ihe relief ol .Vial ign\ D’Auterivc, liavitig ordered the whole jf me »•'. nh nce on this claim lo he priniefl. 'I w’o private bills were pas sed throui^h Cumniittee of the whole, a>>d ordered lo be engrossed and read a liutd .line to-day. The I’rraty of Coumu-rce and Naviga tion, between the Uiiited States and Swe den. com luded at Stockholm, on the 4ih of Julv last, has hem ratified by the Se nate ; alid the Rutilicatiotis were ex changed Ml this City on the ISth instant, by the Secretary of Slate on the part of the Utiiied States, and by IJaron de Stackelhcrg. Charge d’Aflairs of his Ma jesty the King (d‘Sweden and Norway, on the pan of his government. iVu/. Journal. i'litflUfiftun l^OM EUROPE. The packet ship Columbia, arrived at Nevv-York, which left Cowes on the 6th of December, brings London dates lo the 5th inclusive. It appears from various accounts from Constantinople, in the French and Ger man papers, that the intelligence of the 'I'urkish fleet was received al Constantin ople on the first of November. The ci ty was instantly thrown into great agita tion, and the Turks were furiously cxas- jjerated. No violtMue, hovvevef, was centre of the square. If was then so considerable, ’hat it might e„si»y hav- been extinguished with a few buckets of water, if there had been a few person^ only, to form a line to the river. The utmost expedition was uied to sound ihe alarm, but the bell was rung so much ir» the style of ordinary occasions and near the stated hour of ringing, that ma ny persons, supposing it to be ihe usual summons to work, arose sluggishly fron^ their beds. The inhabitants of the en dangered square and those who had moveables within its limits, fearful from the progress of ihe fire and its situaiion^ in the midst of combusiible matter, ihau its ravages would extend to the streets, turned their attention to their individual concerns and hastened to convey ihei.- furniture and goods, to a place cf safety. The Washington Engine had been ta ken to pieces, the day preceding the fire, and Engine No. 1, was out of order for the first time since the formation of iho company. The hooks and the imple ments of the fire companies, had beeu sent within the last 21 hours lo a woik- man for the pnrpose of being repaired 9 and the whole strugi];’e for a mastery o- ver the flames, devolved upon the Frank lin Engine, which was.kept in action for some titnf, bnl was, singly, found inadc- qnate to co; e vvitli Ihe increasing mag-, nitude of ilie rvil. yVt this juncture all hojie ofsaviiir^ f.ny part of the square, was a!>ati(!oned ; and the plan was adopted, of pi'oiec’in;;' the most eS[)0Sed points of to the pn'son, of thf .„i„are» and prcvcitint; il,., residents, and at the last dales, which . J ‘ ^ bringdown the intelligence so late as the 10th of November, the Ambassadors of the allies still remained there. fireteom crossing ihe streets. It is impossible itnmedialely after sucli an event to state losses with accuracy. 'Ihe amount of property destroyed, is non less than S 100,000 ; of that insured abouti iS6l).G0..'. ^ Mrs Urquhart and Tvichard Hradlcj^ Esq. are the principal sufferers, among the uninsured.—There arc a few, no doubt, who fiave fost their all ; and whose condition may call for the exer cise of beneficence. Merchants and o- ihers, at points of the square, distant: from the centre, were successfu in con veying their goods beyond the reach ot* the flames, but all of tliem have probably suflered losses from plunder, not with standing the vigilance of the military sta tioned for general protection. Recorder. A solemn U'arnmg to Parents.—It is sel dom we have to record a circumstance, which calls so loudly on parents, to bring their children up in a becoming manner^ as the following. A few days past, twi> small boys, aged 10 and eleven years, (sons of Mrs. Rogers, a widow lady t'e- sidenl of Hertford county) commenced a. grme at cards, when a dispute arose, about a walnut, which it appears was the wager. It seems that the eldest con tradicted the other, and he was told iT he repeated it, he would shoot him in stantly ; not su[)posing, perhaps, that ho was in earnest, the eldest boy contradict- vd him the second time, when the young est, unhesitatingly, stepped in the house, which was not far distan', brought oui a gun, and put his diabolical threat into execution, by sliooung i\is brother thro* t!i» Invtd, when he fell and expired in a fevv minutes. \W are told that the boy has !)een safely lodged in jail.—It is noC unlriquent lhal such consequences ensue, in what some are pleased lo term inno cent amusemcnis. Kdenton Gtteifle. Centrevil'r,, (Md ) Jan. 12. Traf^icnL'lJJair. — We record the follow* itig melanclndy traiisaction, which hap pened on Friday week, about 7 mih's from Centreville, in the hope that it will prove u salutary admonition lo the unthinking and youihful part of the community. Some fi ieiids had been invited to a wedding, and the n.orningfollowing two of them g(it possession of a gun and pair of horse pistols which were in the house ; these pistols it seems, had been loaned a - bout two years ago, by the owner, who belonged to the Centreville tioop. The circumstance had enllrly slipped hifi memory, and the young men w’ilhoui be ing ap|,irised of the fact, commenced snapping them at each other; being but: a short distance ofi', one of the j)istols discharged its contents into the upper p.irt of the head ofone of the young men I lie immediately lell to the floor, and sur- vive(l but a few hours. 'I'he nami; of ihc dt'ceascd was Benja min Wallers, he liad aitendpd the wed ding as gnjomsman. It is sail ihe young man who killed fiiin is ibc subject of ex.- cessive grief. Matov, Jan. M. Creek .'IJ'airc.—A full Council of the C’reek nation of Indians assembled a': their ('ouiicil (iround, on Monday the 31't lilt, and coniinnetl for several days On the rece;i)t of the News from Na- vavino, it is said in an article from Con stantinople, the Sultan was in such a pas sion, not even his confidential advisers, dared for some to a])proach him. At length the Reis Effendi was admitted, and on Ihe 3d the Uiogimiatis were sent for, vvhoniade iheir appearance in great consternation. The Sultan reproached ihem with treachery, and declared ihai he exceedingly regretted having for a moment believed their insinuations or the promises of the allied Ambassadors. The Divan had been assembled to de- liberaie on the proper measures to be ta ken—they had asked farther time, and it was expected that theirfinal decision would be announced on the 11th. Throughout the city of Constantinople it seems 0 have been generally believed at the last dates, that the decision would not he of a pacific nature, and that a general ar mament would be otdered. This infer ence, however, seems to be drawn from the exasperation which prevails among all ratiks of the Turkish nation, rather than from any reflection on what may be the f)est policy of their government. Whal this policy is, there can b(* lit'le doubt—and 'o our minrls, ihe most pro bable inference seems to be, that the Porte will do as almost every other gov ernment has clone before it—that is, sub mit with the besi grace it can, to what it cannot help. The Austrian Ambassador is said to he in i ons'ant negotiation vvith the Porte. The Reis Eflendi answered the Ambas sadors of Prussia and Hollatid, who of- IV rcd to i-xpress I heir condolence on the late evenis, that the Porte AOild take a step siii'able to its dn'nity. i'he conduct of the Porte to the Am- bassaiiors has been liillierto enurely ci-n- formal>le 10 the law of nations, ^ir.d seems !o be a pledre that llw Po'-'o, even in the worst case, ijoes n*i de.'jign any thing violent tov\ ai ds t hem. An.irticl?* dated I'lorrtice, Nov. L"!*', states that it h id been atintjnTI^-fl to tiie Christian residrnts at Sm'. t na, lhal they mit-ht pursue Iheir vocivtiotis wub per fect senility. l’h:‘ I’l t'Dch .Admiral Rigney, was said ;o !k- ( ii Snivriia on the 6th Nov, on board ihe Trident. Tiie late accounts of the entire sup pression d' the rebellion in Spain, seem :o ha\t‘ b en erroneous. Dallaster was ex- I'cuied at 'I'arragona on the I3lh of No- vemlx-r, and the standards of ihe insur gents tak' ti with him were burnt by the hangman. The insnrrcclion however is m>l put (low .—nevv bands of rebels are formeil, w hichs pread desolation ihrojgh the counlry. Letters from Portugal represent every thing to be perfectly quiet in that king dom. The riots in Paris, says the nazelte dc France, have been ratlnr ofa serious description, some 20 peisons lost their lives. The Quotidienne represents the pro gress ol the election, so far as ascertain ed, to he. Opposition 2tJS, ministerial 1 16. 1 he fortress of E: ivan, in P«‘rsia, sur rendered to Ihe Russians on'the 19th of Oct.)ber, after a seige of 12 days. Th.- ,\. this Council, the Treaty made by Col. Governor, wuh scver-J dtstmguished M’Kennvwi'h the Chiefs for the pur Lahns, and 3000 troops, vvcre made pri I'hase d' their remainint; strip of land in the boundaries of (ieorgia, was laid be fore them by the .\gent. anti receiver! tlieir lull assent, 'i he (ioverriment i . to pay th'm i^yi7,191 — being ^'>'^*'0 morr; I than menliont d by Cal. M’fCenny in hi'' The House of Representatives refused yestei'day to resolve list If into a Commit- tee ol the whole on the Sla'e of the Un ion, wliirh was moved by .Mr. Alexander Smyth, lor the purpose «if taking up bis resolution to amend the Cotislitution. We perceive that most of the Opposition Men>bers who were present voted for the nif>tionr and had it prevailed, all the pu!)Iic business In fore the JIousi* would |)robablv have been Ining up for the n«^i five or six veeks. We had woful expe- 1 I'y of a poullry house, near' mills' : and in tbrpu!chase of'spi^- * ' j N*ben ii^Trly 1 ( azAU3. s bake shop, bit.uHlcd ncitr the trr.iL'i'.och aticl cardrj. So it woultf^cer.j FTIUl wiLMiNOTON, Jan. 23. Our town has been once more visited by the calamity of fire. The whole of letlt-r to 1! e Secretary of W ar. 'ofth)-; sum, tlie liidiins luve af;reed to apprc- priate S-V)')0 lor the s^upport of the Ken tucky school : yvloOo t.> be divided be tvveeii_ihe ’I'tukanliafrhee and iJroke’' lhal \?ell built square, lying between Macket and Dock Strieis and between Front Street and the river, is destroyed. About hall after 4 o’clock on Sa'.urilav morning, fiie was discovered issuing .Arrow schiiols : S2'J0,0C iitereeting hurv’