.neve has been had to the advantages •suiting' from educaiion and ihe pro- l.'io.ion of domeuic industry. Kicire and V ann» ihe Cherokee in- •prmtdiers, having been proscribed from Council, no difficuliy occurred ii' locuiing ihe ratificaiion of the Treaty. M hr Liulf Prince made a lonR talk, in liich he expressed il»e fullest r.onfidrnce ^ the benfvoleni initMuions of the Gov- ^ and in the imt ^?rity and kind L'lin^rs of the A^'el\t. lie expressed a eo.xl deai of rei,nTt, that his nation had L, n so lont; imposed upon by those mis- .lutf makers, Kil^e and Vann, and had li^tdied lo their cunriin^ and interestfd ta'ik. iiisiead of that of their real friends. The renc};«tdcs above naircd have l)c- ronie i^reaiiy cxa^p^•tated, and are en- dravorin}? up an excitement in jl^,. upper towns ai^ tinsi Liiih* P’ ince am! Kis adhert-nts. Should they sncceod, an i'litfnime war will ensue. ()j)othleyeho!a, M, iiovvay, and one or two other broUiMi cii'ufs had joifiod them, i)Ut it isthou^-hi tliiV 'vi!l iioi sucCicd in organl^Uil; a ve- • v l'ormidal)lc party. 'The ahovt* ndormuiion wc received from a (>tMitleman w ho atirndt'd the Coun cil and' w ho subs, quently passed throufjh this place ; it may be relied oa as sub- siantially correct. Fronj the Baltimore A’ncrican. IT S. Ship Delaware.—Titis splendid ship‘d’liie line, since hrr arrival in An- napolis Roads, has been v isned by a lar^^' riimber oflhe citizens ol Baltimore, allot uhom concur in their opinions a^ to thr neifoction of her ou fus, arrangements and accommodations, and m the uarmesi expression of grateful teeling lor the trrn.l-matdv atid veiy kind atteni.ons U,snlavMl l)V the oflkers attached to her. ^ he Secr«'tavy ofthe Navy, who passed ihrouL^h this city ai the commencement a the week, on a visit to the shi]), retch- c,1 Amiap'dison ’1 ucsday, and spent tht (' •v with Cloveinor Kent. On W ednes- dav morning, the Sec.etnr/, accompani- CU ARLOLTB: TUESDAY, FEHHUAUY 5, 1828. IIo7i. Mr. Dfsha.—A correspomlent of the New-York Spectator, speaking of the Jacksuu ilinntr at Washington City on the 8th, (some acc ount of which was given in our last,) says— “ riie very ^rntleman-Ukcy and rlassknl toasts of Mr. Desha and Mr. Eaton have, probably, been noticcd by you. There is not an honor able man in the world who wouhl ntit ratlu-r be the aithjrd than the author of either of them. \Jr. Desha’s toast, (I will not soil your by a recital of it,) is likely to produce some un- j>lo (sa.it conscq\iences. Mr, Hrent determined to tiike no notice of Mr. Deslia, btit having heard that bis colleague, Mr. Livingston, res- pon.U dto tlie toast, and thanked the gentle man for his favorable regards, he took occa sion, on the following evening, puhlicly to in- suit Mr. I/ivin^ston. Mr. Livingston lias since declared that he did not hear the toast, that some niifi near him said, “you arc toasted Mr. I,.*’ wIk'II he of course, rose to express his thunks. This explanation is, I have no doubt, religiously true. 1 would not, for the honor of lium in nature, believe that a man so venerable for his age, experience and learning as Mr. Li vingston, could lind it in his heart to respond to the sentiments of that toast; directed as they were against a pure and high mindetl man, with whom Mr. Livingston, lownto that very hour, stood on terms of familiar friend.>^hip. No ; such morals are not in the Livin^bton code.” We ."isk the attention of ourreaders to the coin- muniratioH of “ A Citizen,” in diis week’s pa per. Had siirh a r 'solution, as that introduced courts are gfoverned by certain rules ; the com- nlttee, on the contrary, would have no rule >ut their own discretion. That was their only li’nit. Hut the opposition having a majority in the House, the resolution was adopted, and already lare gentlemen been summoned from different parts of the Union, to appear before a commit tee of Congress and answer on oath, to wlia*- i ver inquiries, “ pertinent or impertinent,” the committee, or uny one of its members, may choose to put to them, toucliing their ])rivate business. If (ien, Jackson’s friends nmo as sume and cxerrise such arl)itrary and illegal powers; what limits w ill they set to themselves, should they succeed iu electing their favorite, w ho is known not to have been over scrupu lous in exercising doxibtfid powers, and in dis regarding j)ositive laws, when he deemed it ttxpedient or necessary ? 'i'hc question, how ever it may be answered, Is one of serious im port. Signs.—The following is an extract of a letter from an intelligent and experienced politician in the West of I’onnsylvania, to a Member of Congress. “I have sustained tlie several clocfions of Jt'J/'ersoii, Mu(ii.son and Alonror. My attcinion haii been drawn to the poliiical events of this Slate during the last tijirty years. During that period 1 have bt^^en disjpDoinied on one occasion otdy in th** ' result of th‘j vole of this State: and 1 n(nv give it as my d'diberate opinijn, al ter a carel’ul observance of ihe various “ signs of the times” that have been dis closed, that the vote of Pennsylvania will go for J. Q. Adams.” by the coinmilt.-e on Manufactures, l)een ofi'er- ed by the trie mis uf the Adn.inis,ration, and supported by them, every oppnsitioi» press in ci! b\ the Ciovei nor and o'.her gentleiufti, j the country woidd have sonndtd the alarm; reviewed the ’‘''-'^ti^ued at Folt! now,.they are as sil. ut as tlu grave. 'I his Severn ; and afu'r the review, '.he parl\ | .,i.j,.„^,,.g attempt to grasp a power, which ought — wliich had i)een now ini.icased by thi | i,^. (..onhded to any set of nie»,-much less csiMice of a nuniher *>f the Memi)ers ol P' For the purpose of promoting unity of action, in the support »f the Electoral Ticket, formed by the friends of the Ad- minis’ration in this State, we would sng gest the propriety of adopting the follow ing course 1. Let th.e friench to the cattse, in oach of tiie C^iutiiicsof our State, fwho have not alieady done so) hold m»-elings ciui (-om mi lice, I to those who compose the present majority in a|)poin. a corrt-spondilig Iht Legislature-eml)arked on board ^h'-^ « iih a Chairman. Let the Cor- ospnn- v.camboai Unued States, a.-d were re-: hv those who have ofun ding Commitice, appoui-ed by the Con- r i\evl on boiird 111.' D. hMsare with >ards I , , \ ii hv-inticioa ;;:‘uned, anat.onalsJnte,andevery de- ; shown the.r d. votu.Mo thebj jiioiistralitjn 'l' It, Ai>f>iit two o -1 ting danger - Vv.i t ic ouinai.* am i lo^ | ('i,^i,i-p.an t-!'i ucii .■ominlttfo coi re'po.jd rlork, (iuv. K'"»t an I the Memlu fs of the j harndcss acts of the government: j or ofiener, with the Cen- Jit'O'ivlatnre relnrnt d to /Vntiap'dis, i.nd .... the s’(:am>'»o:-t again ai.'prouctie',1 me De j t|,i^frce country, i1k s not alarm these anci MNcived I'U bv'ard ;,^.|,tine!s—they are now “ dumb dogs that ean- I hwecping iisurpati(»n, whiihhas "O ; j ,..j| ('Q.mni. tee «)i! >^’uCh r*iatt>’Vi late to ihe \ ie\i s dl’ ct;r parly atirl law are, reta-. v ol ilic and I'.e Miiii'> is nl not liai'k.’ we trust, will note The peon! CongM SS accon.pu..Ving_ hint, an ! also , n nuniber oi'the ofiiters ot ii»e sitip, ho | •* Lrlook..f a veT V limulsom,- .•iiln uii.nirt.l Tl.c rcM.luti,,,,, a, in-opi.scil by tlie commit. Piven by ai)ar y''f ^t-ntlemen ofliallimore. 1 u-e, was lrul> alarmmg ; it was calhng for a Mr.Southard and the Members of Con-1 power whuh Congress could not confer, with- press,' left ibis city yesterday njorning for ^iohuing the constitution, and trampling on tiie dearest rights and privileges of Ireemen. The government of this country doe.s not pos sess the power, and as long as we claim to be Washington. li IS stated in the Annapolis Carro- litonian, that the Rev. Dr. Baker per formed divine seruce on boaid the De law aie, on Sunday last, and having, in ihe course of his ‘ iscourse, ititimated the , , , i pecu“l^^ry eml.»ra..nu-.,. olMu. church ,« ...U. " »-> » which he was attached a stibstripiion was ami compeilmg t.um to drsdost in afterwards opened, ai'.d in half an hour, teven hundred dollars were sui*scribi d and paid to hint—a proceeding trnly charac teristic of the proverb, that the brave are always generous. re tl'.e was taken on the Presidential question which resulted, uS slated, 653 for Jaeksony 54 for .\dams, or near these numbers; not having your paper before mr, 1 do not prelend to he correct to exactness. If not inconsistent with your ruh s, I should like to know who furnished you with this statement. N(» such thing as there spoken of has taken place in Surry ; nor has there been a Beuiew since 1825, Xo election has tak*>n place at any of I'.u egimental or petty musters in Surry in 12 inonlhs. You would do well to con tradict the report. If all your “signs ol hetirues,” rest on the same foundation, (iod help yourcause—for the Peoide will not. This article is calculated to mislead the public as to the siaie ol parlies in thiscounty and district. 1 will not sa\ positively that Adams has a majority in the Coxnft/^hul this i will say, (and next Nuveml)ei' will attest the truth of vvhai 1 say) that this part of t!n* Ctjunty is hv an ovcru'htlmin!' inttjnriiy itt favor of ihe Administration, and I believe the county, if h'ft to themselves, will gi\c a clear majority ihe same way,” North lAiroUna.—.\ law was passe^! at the late Ses.sioti ol the Legislature ol North Carulinu, making cinlui'vuis of l)Otuls and notes !i;d)!e as sci'iiriiy, in ihe sa\r.P manni'r as il’ihey v. ere di’awers (d' notes, (;r acceptors of !)i!l.s ol I'xchange ; and does aw'ay the necessii\ ol a noiice to ihe endorser, in case of non-paymtni by the jji incipal. This law may be very acceptal)le to creditors residing cu? of that Stale, but we apprehend it cannot ])rove d’ muc h benefit to her own citizens. A principle sanctioned by the commercial law of all civilized countries, and sustained by custom in every mercantile communily, should, to say the least, be cauii^usly touched by any Legislature. The expe rience of centuries, in the most com mercial nation on earth, has lesiified to ihe )usti:e and necesbiiy of the pi-iticiple ; and ihcmosi profound judges of Kngland, have at all limes sustained ii. With so mufli in its favor, it becomes exiremely quesiiona!)le whether any innovation would prove abenclit. ('has. Courier. In this county, on the 29th u’t. Tno'i Gkkrb, Esq, in tiie 84th year of bisage, abigb. ly rcspedaMe and most >ahiat)le citi/i-n. On the 3*' h, of consumption, Xmxr.s If. Cc*hma\, Esq. lute editor of the l^eop'e’s Ad vocate, The di eeasod was highly isteen.eJ. by hiS friends and ac(|uaintances. Fie was, w't believe, a native of V ermont. VuAi‘v\v.krvft. ^HE Comtriss'niiers of (charlotte will 1-t oi’». to the lowest bidder, at pnbli auction, on tlie 16lh iTistint, at the Cou^t-Mouse door, the two principal* t'treets ol (Charlotte, to be out in such ordf r by tlic uiuierfak r as v\ii; i)»- made known on that day. Tbos^' w t . con*v:>,-,f, will be nui h inorf* fully at qualiitt-d with the plan and the conrlilion^, hy applying,' t« s>)rrie o >0 of’tlie (■>:i,mi>-sioners, H\ order of tin I’.oiird, Koirr. I. *s'(c/'y Charliitte, I’ehni.uy 'J, Ib.'w. -A,’trt). I'lMist f-:i!v*. I ... I 11 ^ if* \and,'r .1. orki , tc.r 'k ing crrtai'i d l>1s tiicrein nn'iitloiieil, I w ili s..>H :tt I’ohlic Vfudiii , on J’l’id.tv, Mu' J'Jth i':i\ wv l''e!)rti:.iy lu \l, oii th- premises, that v.dii.iMo Traet of [.and, kiiown by ti.e name » f iIk I.e. |>( r lM:ir', on 'he big and iitlle ('.ii iv. f>.;, aliont ihvef miles alio\e '.l:isoa i rrrry, jo-.nin;.'; the l.iiiils 1)1' |)r. M( Le.'iii and otlurs. I'b s tract eoiitaiiis, a'eordii ;;'to .i. i.ite survey, find is W( II un-iv n ts) ^e • ;u d ir ■ MMlity to r.:iy in tlie Uj)p> r p.u't of Soulli-i uro ii. i; :ila.;^c portion beinir li! ■•I r;.te low ground. I*. I'sons V ishiiig to pnrehasr, w ill (!(* w 111 If* lo.se no lime in e\a'tiiiii'ig i!, as .i s.ih v. ill po;.i- lively take place, ;it 1..’ o’elock ol tliit la_\. 'I'erins of sale will be, oin* thini e.i^b . one third at one vear’s i re'iil ; and the rcmainin:; Ihinl two \ ears’ f relil. TIIKdlMMLL'S FALi.S, Truda. .Ian. 22, 1SJ8.—4tri. S \ LK, Mm. J..1SE U jiLEXJlNf)Ki% ikurous. to remove from Mevklonhtir;'; I- offer for sale, on TUKSD \V. thr- T ▼ 19th day of February, all lu r sto' \ of Horses, Cow-’,, Hogs and Sbet p ; also. Corn, Fodder and llav, I'aroiing I'lensii;,; Ijoo e- hohl and Kitebeii I nrniture ; an ' xci llent* Uoud Waggon ; n (;-ood Cotton (/in and S' re\. t a lirst-rale .Spinning Macbinr ; twi» (lig-i, ‘iiij ^ many (;t!ier vahia'di' articles. Terms mado I mariiaf(“ no- known on the da\ ol sale. A.' F. ALEXANDER, for .lAXE II. ALFA'\.\DEI?. Charlotte, Fe'). 5, su( I'l.'ss ol oilr '1 n Lt 2. Lei 11 l,;e i!;e do’.y of eacli County ('omniittre, to raise by svdjsv ript icHi small sum. I'ur the j)nr;;ose 1 I'n 11 ay io;.; the exju-nsv's incident u» llu- pnldica'ion of such dueumeTiis art.I p:'.ir. pld^ is, as ma\ apjiear ra!. u’atod t.) eid’gluen th^; peo ple previui;-. '.o the election. fi. Lei county c;mo!illecs corres pond with eacIi otlu'i, lor the i.urjj'vit- o! iDalurtni; siu'h measures as will have the it will iH.t l,„ pcimitt,-,! to .x, idsc ! . nVrl ol'111 ii.;.;i«K to tin- polls, all tl.r qu.- ' Idied voters in tiieir respectiv** countle.s, it, of prying into llte piivute afhiirs ot iiu'ivid- and [japers, )se the sc- crcts of their trade ; yv 1 a committee ot Con gress, composed of amajovitv ot opi)o-'itionlsts, askedt') be clothed with this desjiotie ovver. a power which the Fnghsli Farliaiiu nt, uiuon- • CHKRAW, Jan. 18.—The meeting of the Iriends of the pres«*nt administration, which was held on Monday last, was one of the most numerous and respectable kind that has ever ass«‘mbled in tins dis trict. It was a congregation ot most cd the wealth, talents and inielligence ..f Cheraw and its neighbourhoiKl. I he exact number who attended was probablv eighty as seventy-five were actually count ed at a time wIhmi several had lelt.th room. Of this number three were Jack soiiians, and who, as might have been ex pected, ojiposed everv measure that was proposed for consideration, 1 he meet ing was conducted aiul its business man aged ill the most orderly and exmeplary manner. Neu}-0r/fu7is, Dec. ."I.—Jos. IJernard,a creole of New-Orleaiis, has been tdected to the legisUiure of this state,^ in the place of Mr. IJarrow, of West Ft liciaiia. by a majority of 2 t votes over W. Flow er, Estp a cn ole of that parish. I’hoy tried their sirtnglh on the I’resideniiai question, and .Mr. Bernard, the admin istration candidate, was successlul. Messrs Carey, Lea and Carey have re ceived a Map of the U. S. published in London in IK26, which exhibits a curious specimen of the accuracy of the F.nglish in iheii notions ol American Cieogiaphy. A list of the States is giveti in the sheet : the old thirteen are specilied—but thei we have the following :— Allied State—Vermont. Subject Stales—Maine, Indiana, Ken tucky, Frdulxli/iui., 'J'cnucssccf Terri n>ry. Province—I.onisiana. Spanish Dominion—I lorida. Indiana occupies part ol V'irginia ; and Fninklinia one hall ol ien- iiessee. I.oiiisiana is limited by the Moi kv Mountain--, and all west toe.cot iS incU:de^!-^^;•l;t:i the British posso^ F>'.ilonal Gazt’.i.'i, Western trolled as it i.s, durst not eviTCise, and die most who are fricnclly to the Adniinistraiion. Ixiniatcr. F-Mract of a litter from a mend)er of tlie Ken- tucUv l.i gislature, to his fri» iii! in Wasiiing- ton City, dated Frankfort, (Ken.) January W e gained a tri'.imph over th( ‘‘T’ney marry and are given in marriage,” In lool'.ing o\er our !;u(lg« is of news papers, some hundi'eds lires eome umU r our eye, evidencing that the fabled blind i)oy is not less busy wiour rei^ions ihaii he was in the okl av.'.ediiuvian rlimef:. What a world of, — pleasant ihou).':hts ihese noiicc s bring to i ^I'O ('ON ( ' N I), riiiod—‘jweel siiniiy days oi hope, atul'lT \Vl\c; resigiu'd tlw tx'lir,'- (,C l). pnty* evening rourislups, and love dit,iies and II sheriff, I refpust tlioM i. id a.id stolen kisses, and lie whole my receipts lor r.,llertion, to eall, su-m as is ti.;in .d-bright allt.ulanis on the yoong ,,.i. dieaming flays of !)ui bali'-enjoyi d alV c-j lion, wiiii ihe little »!iudes of jeai'.uiy ^ and di'-appoinlioi'iit which comeio mel-; I) ISSC )l .r'l’h )\, rilOS. A. NO!;\tKNT, .1, 1 J.\( l;son party, lasl S.iiurday, in the lower prominent Jackson men were n\1.i\ovot grant j where, ihe lleroiles claim to be ing it. It has been justly retnarkeo, tiiui “ the j j.(jnal to us in numbers. You nien are yet to be made, unless the nidknnium, ^ il has he n customary for many orstate uipKrfectiun, is nearly reached, to whom , years p isl, for the Legislature to refjuesi this power laay be safl ly confided.” The resolution, as nmauvd by Mr, Oakley, and adoptetl hy a mjjor.ty cf the lloe.sr of Ke- presentatives, IS luij: .laln lcd, aiitl may justly excite alarm. It aiit.!iori^es the ConiUiittee to send for pi rsons and examine then) on oath; but does not permit th ni to send for j,„jnrs. This, however, is a power whi« ii ongre-^s li.e, never before exercised ; :.;ul tlie netsi ijm nces which m y result from it, .is a if tin country do not uniteilly and .sv>l mn') protest against and condemn it, m ly v eil be ihcatleil. One of the op;)(»sition nieml)ers. .Mr. ()alhy, contended that this extraurilinary povver claim ed bv the majority, 1. e. by the laekson mem- b( rs, “ was t) he found in tiie annniun I'nr nj Parliunicntto this il was replied, Ij\ tin friends of the Administration, that the law ol I’arliitmcuf, and tlie law of Coness, are essen tiully ddVereiit. r!ie (me is under a written con^timiion, the other is not; but even in Kn gland, inilividiials examined on the corn laws, und other important questions, went voluntari ly, and no coercion was used. To f’ongress, how( ver, the power was or.ly given in two ca scv,---oi’im])eachment and contested elie'.ions ; an.l from the adoption of the constilntion until this time, during all ihe dWiei ent snhierts dis- cu';sed in Congress, hiring all t!ie forriK r ani in:ited and warm discussie,r.s >n ♦!.•• tari'i (jues- tiiMi, it had never been sougld tj cor.ia' this new, anil extraonlinary, and dai-;-erons power on ?.ny committee of the House, e\ce],t on sub jects connecteil with (he ditritarge ;i itsjudi- ci«il fiinctions ■, and no such coinmittee h id ever bef'.'re asked to iiave tliis power conferred. ,\nd if tiiij pewtr ere no'.v grardefl, it niust be exercised in tlie suiiie manner as in it.s I'wr fuln^r ijv .'.'Hf,Vess, by ctn.rcim, either Ijy si.”['(.--na or w.cv.x'.-.'.. In its h gal use, Iver sons refusiT!^' to low iht' scene and Iiaslen th* rijjening harvest. Toen tlie irenilding jiromise, the eaiiiious conrealmenl, and Ju* carelul and gri'dua! diiscioMiri', ll.e scores ol in- vilalioiis, ihe stnul.ing table, loaded with lurkies, ducks, and pound cake, the lound-faced parson, and ilie half IjIusIi ing, lialf-Muiling hiifle : “ VMio thinks herself very well ofi'. To be woo’d and murriei! and a’.” jJr^us. HOYVL N'AVY OF .HF,\T UinT.MN. A correct stati jir nt or abstract of the N;.\ of Cireat llritain ; tiie num!>er nt I’a !;ets an l^evt nue ^■es^lt s employed by liovi rninent ;,1m> t!ii' imnili' r of 1.ig aiiil oiln r ottieer lajiiip'eMe to tiie 1st ol (Jctolier, 1MJ7. T!!F, cojjartnif.-.I'ip In rt-l -i-ir. iworn I !!'' \J \S 'I'UO l rr,;; ; ■\isting b(>- ;'as ilis- soivi d on till- i.'ith uistnnl, !>\ mnii: n e(i.i.-;i nt. 1*1 iMins indel'tt ■! t> ns u ill all vnd set- t|' t'n lr vrsp cti\Ms, WitliO'i' dela\, an v. f ^' J.'.h to I lose till I ('lie. rn as luon us pov,.' 1 ■■ ( Iiarlotte, .1 in. \’Jd, ('i,". W'lK/i ri-:!? v'v in N'riN(; rLV, Wdlch A!iiL‘ry.i uiul Jr.rclfn\>s^ e (i'^.vernoi' U» cause a salute lo be fired w. ihisdiy, (^Uh Jaiiuar\} in lioiiorol'ihe C’hiefi.iin. :\ lesiduliun to that t .led w^s (di’ered. and, afiee si.me (It hate, laid n I .e table, by a vole of £»,) lo (io i,.e:vii i 1 s el)seni,there lo rt 'jO'iC at Itoa/ ford fjcnr. The manwoi shi[)pei s weie • xi'ssivlv ( bai'i ined aii(| itioi liried, ” •• Ih'atiy’s resu’ii.i /IIS ^:n favor of do* iiMstii iiianni'ariures aiitl internal uo prov emen's ) >,aM no! I.'een lio’diy acU il >n. Mr. Iircvli'inrili;e has otVert rl addi- iional ones, leinpi iMt«'ly, yet linnly den\- rig Ihe infamous ( harge;> as to ihe lal,e fsidential e!e lion ; and expressive d' entire coiilidence la i le .\i.iui!iiislralion.” •* Brij'Utiiii^ "— The fjeorgia Jour- nds V'-: **aii‘ )"g ot i;i r !'un:s meni ioMffl !)y the letter vvi ters at W .isliinic'on C.ils, IS the runu)ur llial if Jackson '.oild in- P ''sideni, liisc dnni't '-ui be, De N\’itt Clinton, secretary ot stao-. L ii'gdon ( ill ves, st criiaiy ol the Ui-asury, Col. i.*r:i\toii, se.Telary it W ar. \\ lo Uill l>e pl tit I at llie head of the tiav y departinent is not slated. Rrxorder, Shiiis hndiliti.g and lit tiir ser^ It from 102 lo lJU gun.i, 5aii)s of 8o guns, ———H4 to 7-i (-.6 5H ; t.) 28 f) i.s 24 2 80 1 1 1 21 0 73 1 I'J 1 1 22 6 12 be c'^n ! From t’.ic Fayetteville Observer. The Mublication of the following Idler is due to its respected author, and to tin cause of truth. In cumplianct' with tli( n cpjesl to he inlormed whence we dei iv- cd the statement ronlradicud by ;ur corresjjondeiit, we inl'oriti hin> I’ at it was copied IVoni the Ihchiurmd /•,'///'/■/C/•, 1 )ec I.S, where it app«aixd as 'a Oj/ftniufiiru- liu/t. TO TiiK r.iij roil. JL'!Kij)!onri/!L, A'. (J. Jan. 1 •!-, 1828. Dkvii Siu: I’ernut nu: to call vour alten- lion lo an article he,idcd ‘‘Signs of the ’i'imes,” in your paper' of 2')lh or 27ili : swcr tiie sini.r.ons, weuMjull., v*heri' yiju Tematk, that at a Ijtt fo- coiiUnipt; but i!'. th-t c,;ic, I Kevicw'cf Uic Surry Rcjriments, a vote 1 (J 8 to G !5»>mhs Cu'ters Vi.ei.ls I i/.uettos *,(;io id ships Keei ivli)g do. I*i,v. I' rdo. 2 I’uliei- ilo. 1 !,i'iit to r.ast India i^iiKpany 1 :,t i.t to’the Marine ‘ i-ii ly 1 rio .ling ( '.apcis Sli. . r I'lulkr, (i'l.iraiit.in.' service •> IhM .> * 111.* \\ . I liuiU l)(iek tjiiipaiiy I I'ulice lK.jn;t 1 I L5 r ) '.V I'J 10 'J 16 21 Hal l>:»r scrv 1. (- Ilij'.pil.J siii|) 1 llidk in the llast l.i di« J 2 Lent to the S’ociely for .iestitnleSi amenl V letnalliiig iiLpots .] 'I l(jO[) shll)s 2 llospit il and .Store ship at J iin.ilea 1 S' liooiu-1's, Tt-nders, sni di ci.e': H Stiitioti Sl.i(/ps ol War hill ti np a-> p:ieket'* 20 Hired \'i Is in lln Faclcil servi' ' l‘.> Hiim'itui Siuiiun. H ii I il V e^-ic IS 1/ Uic'.iii" Vt^iSrlf. KiiKland o!' Srntl.ilnl X )i' I Old 7 /•Y(/g U of Ilf r OJfi- ni .V, Admirals \'i( I- Admirals (uS 10 ar Aii.ii.:..!-. Sopi r ti.nualed K Adni’ls. Siip.jrannuatcil uid rt tired I 'apluin.'^ 20 I’dsI ( ai)t.iins .'ii/lV ('iiiiim.iii'ii rs Hl.'l I .n il's, .siipfraniiiiul. u illi rank ( I (tiin- iiian.lf r 0.5 I .it .it-.. I’oor Kiiij;li's ol 11.11 ^o^ 1 .:ent Hants .Mask rs Sni gi ons I'ur-iera t riiii?!A* « ' 1 l.f I'Ihl' r,- (r 1. noi 11) brain lie-, ha\- a hai 'is-.'.-t.. I*!it('iit l.i-Ti T'., an.! good pi i tli.-nK n’-. ;in 1 l,:. ti'''' Keys; i’l .rl, l'r::..uii ' -'iiti i’.sl.- }■ .ir Un asi. I'lns and I'liijri i‘ ol han . patterns; Silv • IM'- ;m I I i ;i Sj)-on.-, .* varions (.ilH-r ar'i'O. s i:i tln-ir line*, wiii! will Bell l.» idr Cask. ,\o c •.(•.'lions w , ‘ i .spared, on tiielr p.o-t, to ;;lve comp’ete '•al.-i.. ti(n to t!io>e viiio ni .y i.ivijr tlu in Uitli t!.. patr'jiiag' . Charhjttc, .laii. /'J, ISiJH.—G»i. liMiid lor On TJ'ESl).!]', lie dmi of y, ILL I'e sold, tl the (;(.ni t-House ni Cli.ir- lotle, one ii'iMiIr. .1 and fifty n r>. •, more (jr h Si, lying (m tin- wati-rs of twi !\e inlle creek, joining l!ie larnls ol U()!icrt !l.>'..ir\ \ndr'w Diiiin, s ii. and William Mul, /.n. I- tl.e ]>ropi rly oi' Samuel Lov\ rie, lii e> .e > tl .u, I .■•o!l a-, dlrccti il by hi i will, Twc I . l- n.iifil!.> cri.dit will bo given, hv ■thF. F.XF.cr rn!;^. Ch iilotte, Jan. 21, 15i2M-2 68. Norir’K. ^ ri A V 111> fiom the • .it.'Jl 5 l-() (OB A l.ii-ge (J'iss Munuractoi y has been erei ;e(j m li.Ji linivt*>n, \ i.— I'iie m.d*- rials Ilf whi( h glass is eoriipo«td aii louiid in ahundaiici. in 'h.ii vii^iiuiy. 'I'he I’atik of ihe L tiiled Sta’es h dei !.*rt U .1 dividend of ihree per cent, oi !tu'(. ajti'.d SiOi- k lor the lafcl s..\ r.iv'iitlis, paya' ie onor uf’.cr t!\c 17ih iti^t. _ ’i.-'^.cr )er, fO.N'V, riae.lii-il ,iml i! ; i ,1. ,\i- so, il bay I'll ' V witii >. :r., aliM. eij-litVTn months old ; the till; is !ar-n-',r i,, : a^;. , and Hu- p(Miv m i;, snuil, A hh- il ;.rii will I).- K'-ivi II for da m d lit IXi r.' d, o', li.f. ’•n ' lion V. h'.re lilt y m.iv he t.iki n np. si KPiii.N’ I. I- S ilislmry. Jan, IHth, I . 1-- ronmiidi'i) Id tin \leek!eii.'iiri;- e .iiUy. or. 'i :i iitv.'1'o w (»n.,in, \.ho ■ k > 'iniii'l l;' '"ji , >1 rit a s!u IS voiing ant.i v."\ 1)1. no p:i:iieidar n!;r'k.-i ::v 1,1.1 !>e otliei \v i>c di sei'tbi.l. I'u Cl.in loi'uar.l, pro>c property, p;.;. take her uw ay • .M 111 N S. • t' \/i€r of McckL 'I'm •'(. r \ ' '•.^es . \N, Dci’ii.s, foi' at tills -

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