\t)L. CILlELOrTE, wV. C\ TUESDAY, MAllCH 11, 1S28. [NO. 173. punMsm: 1) wkkkly, «v I.Ei\iVi:L lilAGIIAM, At Three DnUart n vcnr, paid in advanrc. No p.i|)er vviil l)c iliscontiiiuecl, unless jit the discretion of the editor, until all arre.iraijes are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending; in advertisements, are requested to note on tlie margin the nundjer of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and charged according>v. Tactovaj'e ai\(\ Commission RUSINKSS IX CHAHLKSTON. i^HK SUBSCIUHi:iJ respectfully informs his friends and tl'.e pubhc, that he continue s Ohe above line of business at his old stand on Ldniondston’s \\ hart, where he is prepared to attend to the s:ilc of produce' committed to his carc, upon which liberal advances will at ail times l»e made ; or to the execution of orders lor HOODS. >Vm. J. Wilson, Esq. or in his absence, the apnt of the STKAM BOA I S, J..seph H. lownes, will receive and forward, without de lay, all Cottons consi'funl to me by the way of Clu raw, and will be prepared to make advan ces on such consig'uments, if required. Itr.NUY. \V. ('ONXEIl. Churleslon, Nov. 1, 1827.—3nitirj. (Xj* The Kditor of the Western Caroliniar, wil! "nsert tliis a'lvertisentent for thret months, and forward his account to me in Chnrlcston. ^KwJoyb^ Fruit Store, it. mnK sul'scriher informs the eitizens of Cli!*v- j t'tte and its vicinity, thit she li;is rented till' liouse lately o ciipicd by Mr. 'I'lK.mas A N 'Vnji nt, as a (iroccry, and lli.it she has just opi ned an usisortmt nt of r’andiev, of f \en d('' r'ption, .Almonds, !■’I’runes, Kjiisnn, PcMfl !{;irley, Wicc, Smokrd ll.Tririrs, Oysters, Crarkers, pickled Kish, and I’b'lade'pli'.a Peer; with a supply of Cofi'ee and Snjr r, &r. 'K\chi:l cohen, January 21, 1828—omlTy colnton, and YOUNG SiU ARCHIE, By Old Sir */2rchJc, of J^oanoke, X^/’lI.I, stand tlie cnsuinp f T season, at the store of Hurfnn ij ('hnifim, at Ueaty’s , Ford, witliin 18 n\ilesof I/in. , - of (’harlotte ; and will be let to Mares at the very moderate price of f8 tht sea.xon, J.> the bini^lc h a)), and $15 the insur ance, the money forinsnraneo will be claimed as soon as the mare is discovered to be with foal, or the property chang-cd. sm. Arckxz: is a beautiful dark hay, 7 years old next sprinfc, upwards of 16 hands hijrh, ef great power, ac tion anil \ifTor; and, in point of blood, is infr- rior to no Iiorse in the .Southern States, as will i be seen by the followinff i ertilicHte from ,hid{>e I C'!im» ron and Mr. Hennehan, of Hrange, which i fully estubh^lu's his pedipee : j “ VVe certify, that the bay Stud liorso I'wwq-j Sir Jlrchif, sold in Augnst last to Mr. Alfreii Ah j Pnrt(in,of Linclon eonnty, was raised l;y ns ; j that he was f^ot by Ohl S:r Areliie, his dam b ' Kajcle, his gran-dam by the, ini])()rtcd l.orse j Druid, his great, great dam, b\ Mark Antliony.' He was six vears old last sjiring. ! January 22, DI'NCAN cam KIM'.> I THOMAS 1) r,KN.\ K.’IAN." S The .season will comncTin- c.n t!u 1st of| March, and «nd on tin- 1st ( I Anjro^t; g'ood past(»rap-e will lie iurnised :u t\ ^rain at I •.he mark«t piire, if nquind; c. Vt- wiil be ta ken If. prevent acci.lents m- e.sc: t » s, but no li- , al)ility I'or citlier. ' At nn-.i) M. lU K'i(iN. i F'bruary 10, 1 F'JS. —ot?r. ! THE lUJ! 1> nOhSE ! FOR TIIK CATAWHA JOCB.TAL. Biographical Sketch of the Rev. ncMnmkT HtTNTtn, late Pastor of Steel Croek and Goshen Congrf'g'ations. When thote who have rendered essential services to their country and t(> the church, are remove.I from the scene of tlieir labours, a grateful remembrance of their virtues is cer- tainly ciue, and is eminently connected with our love for the liberties of (uir lan«l and the pros perity of Zion. Ill the case before us, the va lor of the K*evoluti(inary Soldier, and the fiiith- fidness of the (jospcl Minister, demand our re gard. Mr. Htinttr was bom the 14th of Vay, ir.)5. His paternal grandfather was a na tive of (dasgi)w, iit Scotland. His [^ranilfather, in the lineage of his nunher, waii of Hrest, in I’ranee. His father was born in the vicinity of I.omlonderry, and lived there as a merchant until his death, which was at the age of 40 Mr. Hunter was then in the 4th year of Ills age, anil was nnrtnred by his mother, who remained on the )ir«.mise9 where she was left a willow, eleven years. Then, on the fid of M y. in sbij) Helena, she embarked with her ianiily at Londonderry, bound to Charles- Ion, b. C. and on the 27th of the ensuing Au-| unanimonsly ordained ;>rrivt d acc(-rding to destination. A !• >v i 1 ,t. lUsnlvfd, I hat vhosoevfr directly or days afte. her arrival in Charleston, a convi y- indiiertly abetted, or in any wav, form. at the Court-House on the 19th of May, 1775, in order to consult with each other on such measures as might be thought best to be pur sued. Accordingly on said day a much larger nundier than two from cach company were P'esent. There was some difficulty in choos ing the commissioners. To have selected all thought to be worthy, would have rendered the number too great, 'I he following persons were chosen, termed ihr (ickraiiun :—Abraham Alexander, sen. 'I homas Polk, Uobert Harris, sen. Adam Alexanitr, Richard Barry, John McKnitt Alexander, Neil Morrison, llezekiah Alexander, Hezekiah .1. Balch, Zachens Wilson, .lohn Phifer, James Harris, Wm. Kcnnon, John Ford, Henry Dowmis, F-zra Alexander, William (■rahat"., John Queary, Charles Alexander, Waitstill Avery, Fphraim Brevard, Benjamin Patton, Matthew McClure, Robert Irwin, John Flenniken, l)a>id Itecse. Abraham Ah xaiulcr was nominated and una nimously voted to the thair, John MeKtutt Alexander and Kphraim Brevard were cbosi ii secretaries, 'I be chair being occupied and the clerks seat d, the house was calkd to order and prticecded to business. Then, a lull, a free and di>i])assionate discussion obtained on the Various snl'jects for w hii h tin; delegation had convened ; and the following resolutions were anei- was found from thence to Mecklenbiirg eonntj, N. ('. where she bought land and re- n.uined during life. As ihe enji yment of civil and religious liber ty appears lo have been a prominent object vv ith NJrs. I'unttr in leaving the land of her na- tiviTv. it IS 1 ot str iige that the mind of her SOI. was awaki ned up at the fiist ilhgal en- cn aeiin.erts n^-.oe by the agents of (.reat Bri- lain, :i>idixe ti d n.ore and more by the re- piated agj^ress.Ohs which followed. manner, rnui.tenaiiced the unchartered af;d daiijierous invasiim of our riglits as claimcd by Great liritain, is an enemy to this country, to Amcrica, and to the iuh«.rcnt and inalienable rights of man. 2d. Jlcso/ri/, 'lliut v. e, the citizens of Meck lenburg county, do hereby dissolve the politi cal bands which have roiinccted us to the nio- tlur counMy, aiid hertdiy absolve ourselves from all alIi {;iaiKc to the Brlti.sh Cirwii, and abjure all jiolitieal connection, euntrarl or as- DISSOIATSON. TMF, copartnership biriti'f re existint^ be tween II lOM AS TRO I I K;J icCO. V as dis solved on the 1.5th instant, by muhi.d cnix nt. Persons indebted to us w ill please ( all and set tle their respective accounts, w ith.out del.iy, as we wish to close the tonct ra as soon as pos ible. cbar’otte, Jan. 22d, 1828-67. . ^ :| I TROTTKR & 11U\TIN(.TON, IVatrh Makers niul Jencllevs. OF the late firm of I nojivs Ti oT i V H k (;o. hove re moved their establishment to the building opp site .Mr Jno. 1 Sloan’s n>. \v house, about 50 sards north of the C urt- ' Uousi , where they are pre- I pared to c.irry on the above _ _ _ ^ Hiisiness, in all it.; various hvanvbes, with iw.atness and despatch. liny ha-e a Itandsome assftn eiit of gold and silver I’.i'i nt I.evers, and good plain W atcbe.s ; (it n- tl -:nen’>. and I.idii s’ gidd ( luins. Seals and Keys; Fe.irl, F.iajirec and P.iste Far Breast Pins ,iiul Fingi.r Bings, of hundsoine pat* rns; '»ilvir Td.de and'I (a Spcon.'-, and var'ous other articles in tluir iir.i. wiiici: they will sell ;■ ier C^sn. No /\iili>>ns v\iil l-i' sp.^red. I'll t:u I! pari, to c’lve r’()mp'(te >ati‘'t;n'- ti II to iho.si v.lii) m.iv l'i\or them wiih thiir p..lronage. ( liar'otte, J .n, V9, l''’.C8.—Tti. A rL.XS-il'.VL SCiiOOL, Ij'OU both SV.V .s, is novv 1. i.gl t b\ the snb- scribi r and a feniali- .'issist.ii,1, at (’enl"c Ji. I ting Hf.usr in li’t . I !1 coun'y, 2in ib swest oi s lislvury, 2.: north ufciiailotii, and IHtoulh O' S'atesVille I'be place is rt inarkably he;d. tin ..nd retir d-trfmi till noi.«e und btistle ot the w II I I. Voiitli may here be ])r- pari d t'e" cn- ti ; iiig any of tile elassi s ol c IV'i’e, orthi v n.av be cond n ted through tlie whole cour.i.. ei a collegK.tc I ducation. | Feiicdeswiii he tau^h' the dilTcrent braneb- os ot iisi.tui science, m i dle-v\ork, ])aint'n;r on j velvet, and the 1 rencb Language, Theolji et of the Teachers in this Si iniiiary w ill be not : mu’ely to exercise the memory, but ‘o inlorMi ^he judgment, i’l i-rove the understanding and ,b ad thi ii pujiils to a practical acipiaiiitanee ; •wnli S'leiii e. Particular attention w ill be jiaid .« tile iT.orals of youth, and the whole course Co diK.tod in tin fear of Ciod and withulcr- cin' t ) the. \inue of the (lospel. 'I'he ,pric s cf tuition are a qn irti r. for Pi'.'iding, wntit'gand arithn eiic ; 7 ) (or I n* glish Uraiivrn ir and (ieograp!iy ; f r matbr- maticF, piintiiiiiV tlie hij-lur ijr.n e'.ies of sci ence and the l.atin, (in ek and Frern h lan guages. P.oaniing may be obtaiiird in the fam ily o* the subscriber, and in rejuitable faniiliis in the neighborhood, at tlie imuU rale priti of SI jU a w«.L-k, pavabie tjiiarlerly. BOBKUr H. CHAPMAxV. Mount Moiirnc, I'eb. 4, 1823.—3t71. (»r North-(’nrolinn, MKCK IJ\ R r. CO I!NTY. Court of riran avd Qimrirr Sessions, Xuvcn.btr T,rm, Charles'I'emple r>-. Jolin A. (’h'.ifT'.n—Original Attacbnu nt, lev it d in the hands of A. J. W. rke. I I' is ordered by cnnrt, tliat r ntdie.ilion be made six week^in the Catawba Jeiirnal, for d t'eiidant to appear at our next It'riiury r Mirt of Pleas and Quart. ;- S> s-‘;rr , and plead or repb'vv; otherwise jn i. nr i.t v. 1 be enter Cl] up .gainst him. ISAAC A1,K\' \' T.r.J?, r '• ^ 6i7-l—rcr.-atly. If .VINi purchaseil this K valuable llor.se trum .Sir. Stockton, I will s'.aiil biin ' the ensuing seahoi'at n _\ sti. I , I , Sugi'r Creek, the four first working l:)\siii each ueok, to be Ut to niares at ti;i it- dui cd price of tlir*. e ilollars tin single \ Mt, paid at tin liire ofscrviie; five doll rsthe si a- son, p-iyabh tlie 15ib of October next ; andti n olh rs to insure a n.are with foal. The season will coriiii.t nee the loth cf .March am! end tin, first of August. Car*- will be taken to prevt in accidcnts or I scapes, but I will ni-t hi liable for eithi r. J ANfs w as got by (len. Hampton’s Old Twig. \ further desenptio i is deen.cd useless, as't is litped that all w bo wish to bn ei! fiiu ;.nd valuable colt", w ill call iU'd judge for tli*. m- selvfs. JAM'KS I)L\K!NS. Pebruary 28, 1 S'.’B.-8t8U. iXOTirf:^ That in pursuance to a Deedo*’ Ifint, and for tl'c piirposcb then m nien iu'ed, we w ill exjjose to imlibc ‘'.uK , ::t t) e ii\\ etir.if; r us.- I'f William Me;in‘, sin. in .M'm.si.y, llie 24tli March m.'t, 1' at !a’-gt :tn' i; ble I’i.Acf or LAND on whici thi sa.d Wl'nm Means now lives, ' ontaiiiii'g iipv.ar>'‘^ ot' s; ven Iniiiiir. d acres. 'I hen is no tract el 1 : nl in the V este i n p:-t of Norlh-C.ir lin;., >1 i! e liUu qii.-;it ty oi ..cr-.-s, nioro ■valii l U . lu v 1^ nn the pr mi^cs a l:;i'ge and rle_i:a;.t uriek Ltrdun" Jh usc; .cid also a brick Kit; hen, and .il! nei Lssary i.'ut- hi list 3, On till s.iJi.e ilav and at the r.’.n. j-’aec, v-i wil! !i .uK.'l.er ■1IJ.’. I I ! L.\> I', e ' ini’ g a!)o it ( IK II ■■.i'”vil airr>, hing > n t. ' ni'vv lioa ! Ii.idiig!; n: t oneoril te‘'alisbuiy. o:i tin- H.i.m d.y, we wdl sell eightien or tw « 'itv ii'.i 'y KK(11.(;ES, ronsisting of nitii, Wiimcii iiiid fiiildrtn. \ crei'it of twelvemonths wiU be given, tl'.e purch.isir ,^'^iving bond with approved security. V- »1 LIAM MF.ANS, 7.,,,,..,. .lOllN N. I'lllFKB, 5 S/17/( ojWoyth-iV/roUnu.} Cf ui t of Fleas ai il Qnai ti r i^essions, .lan'.iary Sessii^ns, 18.8. Aiul’.ew 1 riday, r.-. Joseph Martin. . iflnr/i’’!t?it, hviu! hnn’. idnpnn u». ■"'c ’t.xf lit Ike I'Kil fftf-ti I'fJumcs Imt- a.,' I I ;.r;i g to til' sat'sf;,cti(>n of the court, B t'.iat ,!o-.i ( li ’.lartii. tli' de'eiidant, is not an iiihabit:ir.t Oi tl.is'-t,,u. ; n isthiri fo'-e ordered by riMirt, thit p’l licatmn be n ade si\ wi el;s surcessivi I) in the (’atawi'a Journal, thut Ic appi ar at tlie County Ci urt of Pleas :md Qn:tr- ti. r Se'..'.ions, t(i i)»- held for said c( iinty, at tin Coi.it House in I.incolnton, 0:1 the fourth Mon- d y after tlie fouMb in March next, n jilevy and ^ pkail to i>-sue, or ji.dginent by defaidt will be I iitereil up afiainsi liim. \\ itnrs.-., V ^t‘^l' (■, (/lerk i.f said Cf.iirl, at OfVice, the third .Mondaj in J lnnar^■, I (j. K. j VAIiDV M'liKL. I Marcii 4tl), 182o—6t7o —).r. adv. Mstsito (>r Daniel (lullant. rill IF su!)>erit.'er having ipial bed as r.xeeutor X ot'tlie hi'-t will and ti‘.lament of Daniel I,allant, late of Mecklenburg,deceas).d, desin-s all pers(>ns indel.ited to said ibci as> d, to i^.-kf payn.ent with as litlb delay us jiossibh ; ai.d alT pet-soius having claims ag.eii't ilie est;it(, v. ill |;resent tin ni h gidly miiIk i.i-rati d, tor sfttU iner.t, w itiiin t!ie time binili d by aet of Assembly, otlurwise this notice v.ill bt plead in bar i f their recov evv. W AS11LNC. I ON 'm OUi{1 )N, E.rr'lM'. Dissttlulinii of ritvinvYbhq). cnprirtncri-hi]j b rmuly uinUr 1 lie iirm 1 of DAVISON DLW I'.Si:, is ibis day dis- .solved, by nnr.uul eon-ei.t. TIUiNfAS D.\V!S(!N, .1 ON AT 11A .’s : F’-V J >■'1'- Xl.iV'.’l 4tb. 1 J'r 177f>, that the colonies began to take other ground, and contend that it was their interest to be forever separated from tireat Britain.’* Anil the coniluci pursutci by the colo nists as a body. shov»s this to bf true j fop it is wtll known that they continued their exports to ibe mother country fur nearly a year after they ceased (o innpurt, and even after hostilities were commencetl. flad independence been at that time their settled object, it would have been mad ness to continue transferrin}? their resour ces to their enemies, instead of procuring^ and retaining the supplies necessary for defence. Dr. Ramsay further states :—“Tho* new weight was daily thrown into tho scah', in which the advantages of indc- petidetice were weighed, yel it did not pre|)ondorate till about that time in 1776, when itiielligente reached the colonists of the act of parliament passed in Decem ber, 177.5, I'or throwing them out of Brit ish protection, anti of hiring foreign troops to assist in eflTecting their con quest.” This act was well calculated tc» turn the fcale, and il did so. But near I'.cvm months belore it tas passed, thcs Mpckknhvrfi; Ikclaration was made. And this declaration was made too, before tho famous pamphlet, under the signaturo of“ C'omn>on Sense,” to which so muck iiillucnce has been attributed, was either written or jiublishcd. I'he unassuming and rcspectfuI con duct of the p«’oplc of Mecklenburg, proves that they wish to claim no exclu sive honor for what they did or sufi’ered toadvanccthc lihertiee ofour country- They f.ought, and in common with their feliow-cityzen^, have long since found a sufikient reward for their enterprise, ii\ the tonscioubtiess of doing iheir duty.— But so long as American Indepcndenco has a charm for the ears of freemeu, let it be rcmeiTibcred that in th«; streets of Churloi'.eit was firstitroclaimcd. Not long after this transaction, Mr.' Hunter joined with the inhabitauls of this and adjoining counties in teslifyinj;7 tliat they were willinj;, not oidy lo de clare independence, but to maintain if. by arms. The first, cxiicdiiiun In which he wafi enir.'!;;ed, was against tlie tories, assem bled .ii the vicinity of l'ayette\ilie. In- tellif'cnce of their hostilities was not long reteivtd in >leck)enbutg, until a re{jiment of volunteers, composed ofin- fantry and cavalrv, were on their march, commanded hy Col. Thomas Polk and sue of a lortiiitons eoniiuna! iui if cirnin stan-‘ tbe cbaracter of a “ 'ommittee-nian,” to i.s«!iie j ces; it w as I.'it the unanticipated discovery of I process, be: r ai.d determine all mutters of con- Loloiiel, rommandcd a :i iv u k .rjK'(i uikI danii}; statcsn.cn ; hut it irovi i>v, a( (mm(liitg" to said mloption rf law s, j ^ cavalry, ili which Mr, llun-* was tl.t li gitiinate result of ai'iiiteristmg I re-' and to’preserve luaee, union and harmony in i ^ private. liy the time theso I.:r..tie,n for deeds of gre..f.ies.s and iiii usnres s/id county ; and to use cv{ rv exertion to'tlOOps readied Faycf.ev ilie, the tones of j,.M;.-e It was t'le 1 -:iin,p-. i' law, jnstiee, spread tbe love of country and fire of friM-dom I had dispersed. Immediately after hi.«% !,l)er'y .:’ (i r-li}.-i i., ovt: lii^ei.rd, oiinte'-sion, tlin nirliout Anicrica, until a more uc'iieral and ii,..,. 1 l- i f,,,- l.e , ,.aU,^l,cd iu Z, I'''l“"'”.«">n'-cnccl h.s clas- I'l I t.iao .1 e le -I. i.g, anil br; V, ry, nd tried pn.vince. j sical education at Llio nur.sery in Rowan ii l! gr ; . . 1 tin Ik 101 s ol 7ti ; we n iist search Tbese resolves having been ronrnrred in, bye !' ‘'“I'')’* ^‘'On alter tins, the Chtrokee evi II lieji'ii t'e };) rt s.'iun.'of lin. Britibli go-‘ i;iws and rej>ii'ations for the government of a ! Indians commenced depredation.'^ on tho \ernriie;.t, iiral the iugii dient> oi Ameri( an siandmg ci/minittee of piildie safety wi re e-frontier settlements. (len. l{)itherford In-!, ).e^d. nee We nn.M go 1- tbe cbaracter nacted, and ack m.w ledg( d. '1 ben a s. bet ' speedily collected and had inmoven.ent il !-lP« .nted to report on tin e.i- ,espec.able l^igade, colkcled from Iho (i-unties of(iuilford, H jwan and Meck- letibuig. 5ic. ton pobed of infantry and three coips of cavalry. In one of these, yhon, Mr. In that cuntpa'c;n, il'»> Indians received severo (orieciion, and were completely hum- bbd, iheir l( adeis b( ing laken and theif fiiices staiured. Alter his return frnn> this cainp.iii;n, Mr. 1 luntt :* resumed h if studies in L Irarlotte, in the College ca'l- ((! (jneen’s Mnsitim, uiuler the care oC I’ev. Dr. McWhorter, vvlure he conti- nuid, without itiiermission, until iho It' 1(74, when political . fl-iirs v. c re rapidly :nei;ition, w itli t iiat nation, w bo bave w antonly ap; ro:>el ing the awful crisis ol saiij*uinary coi- | tian pled on our riebts anil liln rtiev, jmd inlni- lisien. III was an aiixmiis and an.muted specta-j nianlv slitd the blood ot .\nicrican paliiots at ter of d.rear n i.g CNcn s, It was on tbe J'Jib ' Lexington. ot .vpril. 1773, iliui bostiliti-s were con'men-1 i'd. Ji(n>'jxd, Tint ve dn In’rebv dcclare Cl d at L>Miigton. Mr. hun’cr describes the | nii-.s( h es a free a:id iniU jiendent peopli ; and, fi.cts of lb:s liftttle on tbe citizens of .Meek- | of right ouglit to be, a i-overtign and self gov- lei.liur}:, in tl.i lollow mg w i.rds “'i bat was | erning .Association, i nder tbe eontrol (if no a V. en d ol a d-.tpi nn g, g:ii gnnoiis nature, ' power otber tban lb;«1 efonr (lod and tbe (ien- ni t to .)( biIi (1 w 111,out i.n'])ntati(iii : Intclli- ' end fio\ ernn.i nt ot tbe (lonprt ss ; to tin- inain- gence of ti.e ;.Hair spiv >ldy sjiread iiijroad—yea, tfiianct- ofwbieb Jndenetideiiei, v.e sob iiinly fiew, us if (>n tbe wings of ib" wind, colkrting pled.gi to each otlier enr nmlnal ro ijperatlon, a .>torn,. I^d sooin : liail it reaclnd die inliabi- oin-bvts, our rorti;iie‘, and our niOhl satred tants ef .Nil ekli n uig, tli..n an anli nt, ju.triot- honor. le fire gloweil a'mi'st ii, t vi I\ bn us\ — it was , 4tb. ;,V.w,/j. o', 1 bat as wr row .if krnv, Icd-e not lo in eoi.fli'ed it burst into a fl.iine ;—it Ihe exisit nee and conliol of no law or legal of- blaziil tlitni gl, every corntr ot tbe countv. fieer, civ il or military, wit bin this country, we ( i.n,muiiici.tions fn n one to ai.i.tln rwi re do hct-eby ordain anil adopt as a rule of life, all, n aiie w tb gn at f;ici!a\. Con.iMltees were each and e\ery of our lormer laws bere- In !(i i I' \ ar.uns in i^’bbiii Inioi'v—i\ery man was in, nevertlieless, the crown of (ireat Britain , a j;i liti. i„n—Ueatli, lalln r tb.;'i sla\ety, w a.s never lan be coiisidtrcd as bolding rights,')ri- I the \e,u-.;, I oinpav. l:vely , i.f all,” j vileges, luinninilies or authority tberein. I i '.e liei t.iratiiin ot Ainencui) Independence .5th. liet^oivvd. That it is furlber decreed, I was an 1 ven;, view( il in ail it-; ri liitions and that all, each and every military oflicer In this I onseijiu lu ( s, ol more n.or-d i;r;.' mU nr and uni- county, is lierebv reinstated in bis fVirmer com- ver.-.al iii'i than e.m m uui d ami.l tbe re- niand and authority, he acting conforniably to j I erds ot :.i eieiit reiniw n or till arebiv es ot nio- these regulations; and that every member nei 1 };!e:.f. I ss. Tliis Hi ebir.ii lOii of I ijj litb w as , jjresent of this delegation sliall hereaftf r be a I !u.. .1 in n contingency i.i the unexpi rteu i.s- civil i flicer, viz ;—a Justice of the Peace, in sue of a lortiiitons tomlnna! iui if eirnin stan-' tbe cbaracter of a We nii.st go te the cbaracter .11 1' ] r.i eipbs ot thr junpk. W e bave sem no 1 eoirmiHei ‘.ee'i gove'.nn eiit loin.til, lier.iiis- we bave met suing d.i\ a hill anil il( iiniti statetnent .1 ^liev- w III’ ii'> such m iti 1 i;iK ter an iiuli fn iub nt na- i iii ei s, Ingeiber v\ itb a ni(>re corn i I and b rinal , tii.n. it was till pn' iic .'•enliini nt i.f an en- draft (;l tbe di ehtration of Inib pi.mb nee. Tbe ll;;;bleniil and viitini'is ino, le, wIik Ii ealleil I proeeedii gs b:iving been tbii-) an-;in^i d anti - . - t.irtb tbe valor and ' rniiii^s ( 1 iliose w bo pvib-■ sotiiew 1 at in n adim s.i lor promulgation, tbe ' ci/ninuMld'ed b) C'aiit. H(,l)t. Ma\ , liely and ::utbi.ntativi 'y ib lied tin- ojjposi rs ot ,b legation then aiijoiirned until tbe nt M iluy at I Hutuer W„s SeC(ytid I ,ie 11 leriant." freed; in and tbe i i.t n.n s of rigbleonsni ss. 1 IJn’eloffc. j_ _ _ ; i. * 1 _ • " ■liiey knew tin t-Mini .tr plai ed on tbe best} The L'Ollt ofMay, ati: o’eloc k, the ib b g:i- ])rivileges (;f tlie country, or they would tn.t M:nn as eboM r. liail'ronvi iied. 'I be seb et I'nii- ^iiave suu.nioiu'd its ciliz'i..v to lUteini tluni. j uiitt'ee v*iie also prt sen?, and r poili d iigr e. I Acting as tbe r' |;reseiitain i ^ (.li sucb a /'(oy/A, j ;d.ji\ to instructions, vi/ : a slati in i t (jf };ii( v- 1 ai'ces : lid loi mal* dralt ot the declaralion of In- ( peiidi nee, wrilt-.n l y Dr. Lpiin.iin Itre- I vard, (baii n,; n of said cr nniiitti e, mk] u ;,,] |,y j bim to t!ie ill legation, 'i !n ri so v s, !■> e laws and legulatn ns, wire read ly Jiybn ,Mi Kuitt .\le\andir, Ksi|. It was linn :inii(,.ui,red trmn tbe ineinlnrs ef tlu A iiit rieaii (;oui;ress ni '76, I w ere jintilii d in tbeir im-.isnres oi ba/aid .mil mai;n.iniinity. Tin y w ■ re injieiled to 1 in igy and imannnity I y tbe voice i,f an injured, sut- j leni g and cnb};bteiieil nation. In .I'^ccrtaining, tin n, tin; I'omparalivc claims . . , of dillertnt il ttions of tbe tinted States to th. “ i'"’J 'U ail a;:--, edTl.ere was j sui render (if CharKslon and ll.c carnaj^r* honor ( f originating tbose measures w bieli Ur- •* di '-iuiing voice. I inally, tite w b(de | (,f Kijjurd’.s reeiment in the W’a*b.-ivvti- minated in onr fri.-edom, it is reii‘on bb. to ni- (piire wbo first united in the public ]jroebtnn- tion ot ill'.erniined resis and to tbe i neioi.eb- niefits ol I’ritisb jniw t r ^ \V bo first ilissoh 11 , , . , , I.f Kulord’s regiment in the Waxhaw.s. I ,“"i r lMl. !li(:n,.M- „r ll„-»c fvrnt, bnr.K ri'ceiv, il\ at tbf onii-lionse door, 1)\ ( nl. [iioniasl , , ,oik to ab.i-K- , re^pertal.b- and ing 1 were SUS- ^ assen.biy of eiii/eiis, who wm- ] ns, !,t anil I ’•’* ’Ti'Hors being commended tbVpolmcal Vies-viim’lVpn'v j K'‘'e s.nrtn n to (be l iisinevs ot ibe day. by the President to the care of their pa- tln; goM rnnieiit of r.iii.land’’ Mho iir.sl de-| A copy ot :dl tbese pna rediiig -w as then and the i llecti ve UTfJcd to the mar- ebu t d to ll.'c- u orld tbeir lie lit lo be free aim * dr:\'n i if and uivi n 111 ebarn-e to C^ipt, .lames I Ual lie Id, in defence of their country, iiidepi mieiit, ainl soleinnls pledj;id tbeir lives j.'ek, itlienif «'liarlo'.te') tlii t be slioiiid 1 rc and butiines ainl honor to maintain tbiir b- | bcrty f 'Ibe a’isv, irm-ty be (;lvi n wilbont lusita- tion :—7’/.( fi!iz4/is If J/nliiHtljuri; ciihJti111 Surth-i 'iirvhiiu. As eatiy as llie .-Olb ol .Nlav , 177.), tins coi.nty unit dly and pn!>lit ly iiiaili as lull a. il as fiailess a i u .'i.yiihttii nf hidijun lit,in- :is could be n'uite b\ disjiassionate am. U|’rii»bt men. (n:-ckii n! nithen inchuitl tne present eonnty ofCabarrii-.) N( i*y fr.iirt^in nu.nthi htW'Vv tbe di ' lir.-'- lionm de Ly (longress, tbiscoiinty is.'iued then jM-of I niat'on, contbinii g many ef tbe ver_\ -I. n'iin- i.ts expressf d i.y Mr. .lefiirson iiilli.i :nin.irable ;>n , nction. Tlie iMib ii' e ot lii '- laet is of »be most indi.-] utable kind. An ; testid C(i]-,y of tin | roei t dings ol ilia* men rab!' day v ;;s dr:-wn up by th« CUrk, Jim M Km'IT til n. ^1 t! os. v\l (i wit-b it. In aiidition to tb.s, tl.c tesiinnn \ f e.any as rt jiutalde nn n as 1 ..n .) ronni., win M(ie pr sent and witnessed dl tl ; roei.ed,nj.;', can be i.rodur»-d. And we b;r.' maot tins di};r(. ssii-ii from tbe main sidijei t . •. sliis sktteli, lo bring in tin- testiiiionv of M Hunter, who was a witne.ss to all tlie proci 11 ingsand wl o made y record, (now in iTTir p ■ sission) fn ni wbicb 'be l.dlowing e\traet given “Dtders were is.sin d b\ ( ol. 'I bo Pi ik to tov sevt*+(d 111! Ilia c inpanies, tb.it I\^■ ri( n, sc;kelcd from each company, sb'.ulJ mttl n! 1. t., Crn. n,' lb. n .1.1. !:. ' H :ib ( t n I«e-n I (■|.i!j.;ri . T 'li-.. Iii'db. iiiMiil' '.i d .'.pprobation I tlie f e, tiii- 1 o( t!i. I il 1/1 ns, but ii( > ii". ! I'l n e I K e I liiii^is oi'iicially !■( n ti. t'. 'I lit.> I \ilaet I'nlly ’ •;■[' '■ 'ie it n n in.id*' in tbe .) 'i i 'y Dr. M. . Ab \; i,de;-. i. ■ : eial n cord ot tbe j»rut eeiiin,^ • It J rin ( *. Vf’vrbarlv tbe le A nif iican ri volution, ,nnd 'bows tb •. il '.v;is lonniiiilin tin j rincipb s oi ti ne bbeity ; tlmt ' i;ii-. n voliuioii was niA Ion ed on tbe [ eepie 1 y ■'esigning and juiibitions leadi ix, but tii.'it every ; or jmi'aiil and liiiriiigi.n I'lirc ol it was loieeii i I' i 'lliistook place in ‘.he summer of 1730, j which time (len. tiates was on his way ; norfe.j !,:,t' '•> ibe Sculh. To stienghten his forces, ;'ieii -etin ;(ien. I’li tin i ford issued orders for tho '.V k!■ nonrg ; ,.j-j] hnttallions in the western coun- ■o . V ibei! , ^,j- 11,,, stjte to asseniljle at .Salisbu- •). Iti a '-hoi I tijTtc a IJrigade was im •r.otion. I er the first thiee wet ks, Mr. ticted as (’ommlssary, ;-nd af- I*. ;.s Lieutenant it) tlu' company 'i l:(,in::'^ i;vn;s. Havjr i-scour- I'orv M i’.ii t:utit, on tbe N'. 1'.. side \ali..n !i\er, Ce;'.. Ilulherford (len. (iates at (.lu.-avv. From I. (■ (ien. (Jates marched dircctly .lie p'l’, •• V' a, U;.;i f' . /I tin: (-111 e; • (,f II '1 I.t 1- .ei wai id’ C;i; ' ed llie of the ioi’ied Vhat n'f oi i n ss by the voice of Ibe pupie. 'I lii:, | towai .Is vJaiudcn, passing through a san- r !,x tMiKii, F.s'p aiK. deposited w .tl u as ci rtaii.'y I rue w itb 11n; roii-in poi tation :• j dy and barren country, in wliich his . Davik, wlneb.au be .seen n ' nn nt in 1774. w itli the y'-snmption i I arms, [,()Cps hUllVl ed u.uch for provisions On ^ ' ■ irri, an(ltbedecbu;ati(,n of Indipt iidenceiii^p 12lh of August, he reached ’ ('Ier- l(/0. If, tin n, tliti: ri'ic J.ir Irnih.vi w:s, . , , ,■ i -v • nictil, L. laiies Iroiii l-amden. On tho •ippronch of liates, (lornwalii.s hastened iVi-Mi C'hurlcstfin to C'aniden anti a-ri’.eii rhere on the 1 lih ol August. ()»> (^c ' 'ght oi'the l ->th,he maiched from C.-\m> 'en, intendiiif; an engagtnnent. Oi. ihf5 itne night, (len. (Jates advanced 'q- ..ards C'amden. The advance of bi tu’ gilt, as time bas telly sbown, nndonl ttdly l.ose V. I o ilr't jno l.iiintd il, and I'erinally ( ni- ■ dn d till n.si l\ es as free hikI ie.iu pt inli ill ti- /riis, nngbt to t laiiii aiui justly ilesrrve tb'- now n ii ini;lni:l in tin-, ineil'.oi ab,. me. Lat ts prove tlnit t!n‘ citixen.i of .N'.iel, idnirgb c(.tini\ preceded all otlie;-.. m ilie a- ii.ption ( f ground eompb tely indi perdent. 1+4V K;itnsa\, in bis iiisiorv (>t tbe I . ht-..ti >press-!' si\v > -• *• I*.• iiv't till ii'uiu t'nic i'k'iirniics met. i.'i the niglii ftjicl

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