Li. '-.ip.,I* -. '’wr VOL. IV.] CIIAULOTTE, X 0. riJESIKfir, MAKCll 18, 1828. [^). 174- !«f' prULISHKl) UKKKI Y Bv LE]NiLEL lilMiliAM, yjj Three Dollars a ycnr, paid in advance. %\i paper will be discontii)ueil, unless at the Jisc”t;tion of the editor, uiUil uli arrearages are p.ii'.l- Advertisements will be inserted at the usual I’ersons sending in udvi-rtisements, arc ■sted to note on the margin the number of t;ons, or they will !)C continued until forbid chariffd accordingly. 1 i\c\v>Ytt);v' ai\v\ MUSINKS'^ IN' CKAKl.KSrON. ^ f ^llK KIHKf? respectfully informs his iVicii .s-Mid tin iiublic, tliat he continues a!ic above litu- ol business at his old stand on K/iiivjiKlstor.N h.trf, whore he is prepared to j,tl( '111 to I'lO s:dc (it province coiTimittcd to his c: rv, upon wbicl) liberal ii(i\;ince» will at all tiines iu‘ m:ulf ; or tolhi' execution of orders tbr (iOOlilS. Wni. J. \Vils(»ii, Ksq. or in his absence, the a^rnit ofthr S I’KAM HOA TS, J. seph II. 'l\/'.vnes. will r ( Livt- iind Ibrward, without de- la\, all Cottons i;i.i sij;Mnl to me by the w:iy of Ciii'ravv, and will t>i.- pn piircd to iiiakt advan ces on such consu; niiii nts, if required. IlKN'b’Y. W. CONNKll, Charli'ston, Nov. 1, 18.27.—3n»tl73. (T'"’ 'I'll.- K.lit(,r of the Western Carolinian will :ns' rt tills a 'v>. inciit for thrt-i months, »ji i torv.ard h s account to me in Charleston. ~/.7v n ( OXFI'CTIiKX.wr, !-'in iT Stoiii:, »^c. . ui'scr'.I)c r informs the citizens of k ,tt. it-i\ioi!iity, th«t slu' b;is rcnlin t'u I l f .', o oupiKl by ' r. Tliomas A. YOUNG SIR ARCHIE, liy Old &ir %.irvhie, of Roanuke, nril.L stand the t nsuinjf season, at the store of Jiurtm £J Clayfon, at Ucaty’:, r(i»'Cdr ^■‘'’'d, within 18 miks of Lin- (>n, and 23 of Charlotte; and will lie Itt to Mures at the \er_\ moderate prici of 8 tlit season, $5 the single leap, and Jljtht insnr- ^ roWvVcs Ksi W\e. . “ iHE invesi’u;ation.” From the Spirit «/’7G. Mr. Kendall was then directed to withdraw ; when he yoluniarily stated 'hat one thin^ rested on his mind which aiice, the mone> for insurance will he claimed j he thoui^ht he ought to tell. That was, as soon as the mare is diseovertd to be with foal, or the property changed. SXB ARCHIE is a beautiful dark bay, 7 years old next sprinp, upwards of 16 hands hij^h, of groat power, ai - lion and vigor; and, in point of blood, is'infe- rior to no horse in the Southern State.s, as will be seen by the following- certificate from Judge (.’ani' ron and Mr. Bennehan, of Orange, which fully establishes his pedigee : “ We certify, that the bay Stud horse Voun^ Sir Jrcliie, sold in August last to Mr. Alfred M. Burton, of Linclon county, was mised by us; that he was gut by Old Sir Archie, his dam b> Kagle, his gran-dam by the imported horse Druid, his great, great dam, by Mark Anthony. He was six years old last spring. Junuary 22, 1828. DUNCAN CAMKHON, ? THOMAb D. BKNx\KHAN.”5 The season will commence on the 1st of March, and cjul on iht 1st (.f August; good that Mr. Clay had written him a letter before he was appointed Secretary, that he expected to have an ofiice to give him ; that after be was appointed Secretary he wrote him a letter oftei ing him a clerk ship in the office of State, that he thought Mr. Clay wanted by this step to get him to write for the administration, and to withdraw him from the new court party. That the reason that he thought it was a manoeuvre of the kind, was, that some time after he received the letter, and be fore he had ever spoke to mortal man a- bout it, Mr. Turner, of Madison, had accosted hinj in Frankfort, and told hin) that he understood, that they, the old court party, would soon get clear of him — Kendall ; as Kendall was about lo go to Washington City—the witness asked Turner who told him so, and he said '.ir(ic ry, and that she has just vtin'1)1 of C:iii(\ie“, of e\ity II 'luls, 1'gs. I’nint's, Kuisns, i-> , Smoked Ih rrings, 0\st(rs, 1 I l^h, and I’hi'adi Iphia Be tr; CuHtc ;ind ^ug: r, hv. irXCllKI. COllKN. Jai.uArv .'1, U>:a—.Smt79 K I'l V ’’t, H «]M- I ! fl( • I '■■ ■ !•- rl i . U-v, C.-v.k. Wit! u ^uj/ply T r I IHSSOLl'I'ION. U' cui'M-trit i-sb'.p birt tf'rc existing be- v> ■. ti I ‘ (•MA'^'I'KOT TK;.'S: CO uasdis- ■ (Ml th' 1.U1', by nmtuid const ni. s( M.-> nd( itu il to Us will pU>ast call ;.nd set- i|h iv I' sp- etive accoui.ts, willumt delay, as w.sli to (-li)se the t.onci rn as soon as, 2Cd, 1S':H-P7. I !‘0 »'M FR .s, m NTIM.TON, ^MahrvH aiid JiiveUcrs. OK the lati firn^ of! no mas I'lioTrm & Co. have re- )i c V( (1 tluir C.stiihlishment to tlie building i]'P silt Mr .Ino \ sloai 's ni w bouse, about 5U "Vl|]^ ards north*” of the C tirt- . Ilousi', u lie re they .nre pre- p.'ired lo i':irvy on theabo\e 'xisiness, in ull its various hi ■ ■ 1,1 H'Mivss aiul dispatch. 'I hi y I 'l I liands'.n e ••Ss-rf t)fj;(>l(! and silver l’t.-i,t i.iv. r», ai‘! j;-.)Otl i'lain \\ atcln s ; (u n- - ihd !.\i.iis’ ).; Id ('hams, Seals and K }S; I'l rl. I'l'aijret and T.iste Kar Wiiig'-, I’f. tsi I'liis .uid I'lngir Uiiigi, of handsome >il\ir '■ !)’■ aiul J ea Spoons, and ».o‘:o’iS .itlu r ar. !i s in th ir liiu , which ihcy will seP v\ tor C.1SH No e M rtions w ill be sp.irt (1, ■> tlu'ii I'.irt, to give eonipiete satisfai - tiou io hose V, 1.0 may fi\or thtni with their p.ilfona.uc. Cliarlotti.. .la:-.. C9, 1PC8.—C6. ot’' o' tb, vi U 11 of till' ru i-i'' the ji to a w r. t O >1.- Ph.'TTl,"^T'“' •S';"","'! '.eor Uoberlson, Esq. lolcl I,in. so; it at the market price, it required ; care will be ta- " . , , , • . », Vi ken 1(' jirevent accidei,Is (>r escapes, but noli- he said, Struck him that Mi. Cla) abilitv for either. ' ' AI TKKD M. BCin ON. February 12, 18C8. —5t77. THE inmi 1UU.1) HORSE JAISI s. H\VI.NC purch.'.sed this valnalde Ilorse trom Mr. Stockton, 1 will stand him ‘^'isuing season at my sta on Sug'.r (.'ieek,*the f(.ur ititetided to gel him away from his new court friends, and that he had written Kolicrtson to that effect, and he then wrote Mr. Clay, as he had done so, that he, Kei.'dal), considered himself at liberty to make it public, or that he was absolved IVoin secrec>. — Mr. Hardin here asked j tlie worthy Editor for a sight of the let- teis. He said he bad buiiit them, but that when he received the letter offering iKon ar mv sia- ■ , „ , , , • . . r t ■ cach 1„ Irt to ni.rcsaML''."®11'’'!' "''"- a.ltrinislralio,., and dmed price of three dollars tlie single Vi.sit, | the other :i Jiicks.nn man ; and asked their |-ail at the limiof serviee ; five dollars tiie sea-j opinion of it, and they both agreed with Did country. Who are they, sir, tliat have sent the sergeant with summons for per sons and papers, over the state i w ho is it that is penetrating the bed chamber^ the desk, and the book case for rubbish— who is it that are making «fforts to vio late all the ties of friendship—to force the production of litter*! ; to break all the laws, that guard confid-titial correspon dence ; to establish dirl}/ shunter j wlio is it that have called on wiiness^«-.s, to bt ing with them private letters.^ Not my friends, no sir, not ny friaids. W hut right then, has the gentleman to ask me to make his witness give evidence? 1 understand gentlemen perfectly ; here is a Jackson witness who refuses to ^jive tes timony, if he has any to give, and the gentleman form Mercer, instead oi mov ing to commit him, calls on nie to do so. Oh no, sir, it will not take j you want i» said, a Jackson witness was sent to jail, on the motion of a friend of the administra tion. The witness is your friend, sir ; I tell you, move yourself to commit him, and I will vote to send hini to jail forth with, there to remain until he swears all he knows. Mr. Vudky said, he really did not wish to send Mr. IJlair to jail, as his health was bad. Mr. Pope baid he Was opposed lo making witnesses disclose w liai they received in confidence j he was willing to relieve Mr. IJlair j atid there fore 1 make you the motion, said Mr. Pope, that Mr. Blair be excused from giving testimony. The question wus j)ut and Mr. Blair was excused. Mr. lilair withdrew, Mr. Harrison, another Jack son man, was presented, who refused to swear. Di\ei s speeches wrre then made by Messrs. Maupin, Dudley and Davia. Mr. Dudley said he would vote fin- commilting Mr. Harrison, although he voted to excuse Mr. Blair on account of his bad health ; the witness said he was in bud health, he had been sickly, a- r-I. ri.i.r. Viitli Id:.! •Hit si I ii to tl.esc frici.tls l.rfun. Or al- , , ' tl,ar ivliat he had Ken- ^jenileman’s ofiice, and although he ha I spoken of the conver sation, he did not wish to give evidence son, p:*yablc the 1.5th of 0( tober next ; aiidttn j l^inj as lo the object of Mr. Clay • to insure a niar with loal '1 he sc ason I .... . i .i r„: i. will commence the Kth of M;.rch am! c fii.-^t of August, (art w ill be taken to i,m em . , • : ( ciiVi nts or escants, buM will ni t be liable j ^ llwas belore, sa)s ; i. foreithir. ‘ Ida!!. Why, said Mr. Hardin, did you . .lANfs wa.s got hy (.en. Hamilton’s Old Twig, j nut just now state that you never spoke 1 Dudley moved to commit Mr. Har- A deseriptloi is d.. n.ed nsekss, a- it,ortlie letter to man or mortal, until you i |,is |Vu.„d ; l,J,qu;.;th.t:,n »U »,il,,,! t:iH a ? Hell'! hall not voted to eicusr the little gentletnan stammered that he . Blair, he would vote torcconsi- did. and he was sure these fiiends never commit him also. Mr. spoke of it. r.nt you said, said llardm,! wickllffe said that he thougl valuable ciilts, \\ ill ca 1 ai.d judge for tlu in- selvis. .1.\.\iKS DL' KINS. I’lbruary CS, 18'.-8.—SlhU. fieorgia, has forwarded to n\e, for th purpose of havit'g laid before this L gis- lature. a K( I ort adopted b> the two ♦ ran ches of the General Assm'hi)’ *f that State, on the subjects of tin- 1 ui'fl «rd ol Intel niil In pioenients. This dortinieni denoutices as fliigrant usuipaii'-n. the ex- ercisc of the power on the part ol the (ie:iera! (lovi rnn.ent, to encouiiig* Do mestic Manufactures, or to prort.ote T. Improvement, and in no equivocal terms of opposition and determined resistance, invites the concurrence of such of the State as may approve of these principles, and gives notice to those whicfi niay dis sent from them, “that Georgia, as one of the contracting parlies to the 1m (leral Constitution, and possessing c-(jual rights with the other contracting pany, wiH in sist u,i.on ihe construction of that Instru ment, contained in said Ilep«rt, and will sul)mit to no other.” How far declarations thus threatening the very existence of the Confederacv are railed for by any occasion, or in what l)et- ter manner they can he met, than with a sad and reproving silence, I respertfuily SI bmit to your dispassionate considera tion. That they are directly opp(»sed ta tiie sentiments of this Legislature, many recent votes and measures will distinctly and emphatie-lly testify.—That thef would be disapproved,on reference looup constituents, cannot be dou!)ied. Tho concurrence of Massachusetts in the po litical doctrines avowed in the Hcporft could tiot have been aii'.icipaled, and iho receipt of the documrnt may therefore the rather be regarded as notice to her a determinr.tion not to submit to that con- stiuctioii of the Cf i’.)liiution, which pro- baljly, vuU ht' fnainlained here, with a pur pose as fi--;n, if not in 1 tn.t^uage as ardent^ as shall cnlorce the R.-.solves of her sister" State. Li:VI LINCOLN. Council Chamber, Feb. '20, 182.1. ret ire. Frauds P/(!>lon Blair, clerk of the “ mw u E, ri^MAT in piirsi aiiee to a l.)e( d of Trust, anil 1 for Ibe purposes tlun-in mentinnod,- ve w ill expose to I nblic sah , ut ' In dw elling Ik vise of W illiam Means, si n. on .Mcau’ay, the *4lh .March nest, that large and ^a’.l;.d>!c TPACT or l.AM) on which till' said illi iUi Meuns now live:^, fontaii; 'Ih North- niore large and also a houses. , r. - , , , On the same day and at the same place, we fr(;m lus pocket, a long I’HOl LS I will sell another'I'H AC r ot I,.\M), n.iitaining I bein''sworn. No sooner is the ;!“•?tha».m.- i)».u •»!«■• ;>« hlctn ; floo!—liai aiKMies the Si nate upon ihe de plorable condition of the prosecutors, if they cannot get Mr. Blair’s testimony ; c.ills aloud upon ihe gentleman front Sl'l'REMli VQimT. The following arc selected from a of the Causes dc-idcd by die Supreme Court at thO late Term KQCM Y CAtJSKS. Susanna .Johns and others, r. Kupnnna Pick ett and others, from Uulhcrtonl. Order of re ference and Decree of sale of the Buiu’onii>o lands. .lames !ridgefl and others, r. .Janies KuthcP- ford and (.tlu rs from lUitherfjril. Hill disiinss- ed with costs. David \V. (Ireenkc, v. Sainiirl Davidson, j froni Burke. Decree of the Court beln'v af- , I firmi d. 1)1(10 explain rurther, was permitted lo | moved to excuse Mr. Blair j and the lieery llufTstetter, A-lministnitor, r. Ni( bolaa Serial., at tl.o it.stancc- and with the vot.'s «l.i»i>ai,t from I).cr«. lav.,, of . J HI III . ! the next r f kin. ol Ihe accusers, send Mr. iJlaU _ away , Margaret Houston, from I thought the gentle- ihat you never spoke of ibe letter before j played their parts pretty well; 1 the saiuia'.iun ('1 .Mr. Turner; yciinow say I jq vote for Blair’s comiviit- you had herote liion, shewn the letter lo j were enough of the Senators two persons, aiid taken iheir opinion as : ^ leading mem- to it-i i'ts, IvctKhi!!, not heinga-1j. (|,j. prosecution rose in his place. ,‘]ho, on lhi‘ san.e cr iweiitv lik Iv , ;ve w ill t.^!l i NE(il'()ES, consisting of men, women and cl iltiren. A ri.ASSK AE S( IIOOL, }"^OU (Kilb sexes, is r.ow t.-.ugbl b> the sub- ' 'crih r an! a h-nv.ile assist ut, at (-eidre lipg M .vi>e iji lu I'ell Connt\, ‘J.'j n ill s w I st ili'. irs, 2.. (lorti ( fC’liarb t't . yiid 18 si.tub r.,iis. 'lle Tilt piaC'- is n marVab'.N lit •ul 1 tir. il troni t!i' noi.'^e : iid busth otihe w r! ' Youtii IuT'- be pr> jiareil for eii- t'iii >;;a.\j of tin eluss. >, ot -olK*i’I , or till ma\ bt.- r.,ndM’-led tl-.roiii;h 1 he wlioii course of a Col'', ( dui'ut 1011. Fi'■•ales w .1! be taiiKh' the ddVen nt branch es »isi.iiil science, lu ei!le-wi rl., jiaii.t I'g mi •liidMie rtene.b 1 .anguiigi-. Tin. t ijict r.. a Hi r-. in tb s ,'>Lii’iiary v.ill lu not ti reisi- the inemi.rv,i ut o iiitbrm '1^ .•e’.r, in,prove the ui;d rst tndii.g and 1 piipds to a pruftical aequaiiitance , 11." P..rl'cul:.r itteiitioii w ill lie paid 1 K youth, ;i!u! tli.- who!. c('urse t ■■■I n, t'li tear (.» (.(id :.;ul withnfer- ci.‘ I ■ ilie virtue ot tin- .(>s|i. I. Tc pru--' f tuition are i J 5') u pialter, fur Pi .lit ig. 'vr;'.ii.g ai..; arilli e le ; •> 7■> lor I' ll- gbsli iiTiM mar ar.'l lieiigi'.ipiix ; t r ii.atlie- m.iti.-s, pa Iil:ii,. , ;i! ■ tiu;bi r t.ra el;is ot si i- cii-r ii:d 'in I..tin, (.reek and Fren h lan- gTu;-* s. it.i; nay be i)!)tained Ml the tan.- i.\ .1 the .siil'S- ribrr, a.iil in rep'ital le tamiliis il I'le lu-it'iili’ r'lii'i'., at M.t ii:i I'.erate price ot f i jJ a w'eek, p. > d.le (pi'Tterly. l.OKl.m II. CIl.M’MAiN. A!'uut Mnurr.t, I b. i, I8.,h. .>t7l. j I'nycUc A credit of tw elve moittlis will be given, the , k,wt ar. purcIiHser giving bond with approved sicurity. | yjju ^ ivous;^elhe .10I5N N. mu If, s upon to help him make Mr. Blair name is called to express that ; my de termination has been from the begin ning since you have brought Jackson vvit- nesses here to ( xhibit private conversa- tiotis, to send one after atiolher to j:iil, on your motion'', until you W( re gratified. I understand the gentleman from Wash ington, for himself and friends to de State oJWovth-i'dvoHiui. ^ I.ill CO hi rouDtij. 5 Court of I’leas inid (iuai !i r Se'-.sions, .laiHiary Sessions, 18J8. Andriw I riday, r,«. Joseph Martin. OriiTiual Jlttnhvuvt, on iiiiid, ati uTi- petied to force IS-i. Blair to give tlir (tut luhrdtt in the rml ul tc rj Juiiuk hut- \ inon\ for the gi ntleman. i hat Mr. (uctcicd- lilair was in the liands of his friends, and II ..ppi-aniig to tlx- sati,factinn of the court, ■ jj i)p would not swear for them, lie iiiight il.iit Ji)si pli -M.irtii til ili fi iidant, is not an j( ;i]one for him. .^Ir. Davis said, il inhabitant ot this state : H isthirefo’-' j u js the wav ihe niajority intend to |,w-.mrt, ^can,^M,.■n,a,W MX U ,„y |„. ‘ Iv III the ,a1awna Journal, 'li.>t In, . . , , . ,, , , ‘,pp...r at the Coun'v c. urt (f I’has and Qiiar- would i|Uilllie busines-. Uhut, say to tir Sib.siuns, ti) be h. Id lor sai. eour.t), at the 1 one witness, sir. you are doing n:j;lil, eit_ Court House in I.iiicolnti n, o:i the toiiitli V5on- ‘ t (juragt Mr. Blalr in his l ehisal lo s- \ ear.- ih y alter the fourth in Mari h next, ri pli \y anil if this is wliut gentlenien tneaii. plead issue, or ji.iign ent I y default will Le I ^^.j] j,., we went :o this expense and tr'iubie ! 1 call upon ; ilic gi nlU inan I'toiii I’avetle, to give ihi' j, to get this tes-tiniony. irgen'h- ' iiji ti don’t !'i\e us liu- testimony, I sliall li'.itik they are not iinceie in iheir pro- tVhsioii I') have this natter fuliv inveMi- vou see the gentleman will not |,py witness ; or I should not have vottd We uTt' just like we were hnnUn^ Sv'ift s ^ with him to excuse Blair. But since you ha\e brouglit Up llus witness, 1 can but nmiP. We have loutul the hole, we have ff.und liie crucibles and tool'--, !jut we can’t gel the silvi r, jusl because this gen- lieiiiati will not swear. — .Mr. J (irren ob served that he had opp jst 1 ll;e pi-oceed- ing. and of course he c(.»nld not be ex- Sarah Spencer, v. Ja;ncs Cremlce’s .AdmV. from Burke. Ueferrcd to iLs Clerk and MastCi? of Burke. COMMON I.AW CAUSU3. Mary Chonis’s Kxecutor, v. John Wright#, appt. from Suny. New l.-ial or.Iereil. ,Famt H (.recnlcc, appt. e. AN ilham Tafe’tl heirs, from Buihc. ,J’.id;jment of the (Jourt he* gi-ant to the pet:- .Mr. Maupin rises: Mr. Chair- i,e would n.l altemp? to coerce low ri:ver;;cd, arc! that t'u g.-at- u seethe predicament we are in ;j convi rsatiotis and letters from v .1 .,.,.1 ;i .M-rnr ' . . . . . .1 •'‘^n 0.1 (K.rl... l.I »J C . .at-, . iiti ;-i li up against him. W iti.e-^s, V. M'Ibe, (derk tf H:tid (’( iirt, a Othce, till third Monday in J'nuarv. lb. S V'KIjV .Mdil.K. Marcii 4lh, 18'JS—6t7t3- pr. adv. f J. KstJitu ol‘ njiiiicl (Ijillani. St;.:*' (>?’ (M'th-rmoliiKi, >ti ci.MN iniKi Cdurf i f /‘.ic. . ( I itTir.— (tngiiiKl till liahds ol A. 7’ ^ . C’la’-li s I ' II.nit (. .11 \lficbli- ;«t. lev it il J. ■«' r^'. f I' IS f.r. * re ' b\ «-■ V iir.i«le' SIX u i> s il. t. .d.n» ■ .1- ol »Me (Ol N'l'V. uni, Xiivci her •A th.-t pu' liri'tiou be » ■ 1 V, ba Jourui l, *i r (,ur ipM 1'^ ru.ii} r hi'ol and p I ■ i jni. t w ill lie 11 mHI' sul.scnl er basiii-(piaV.fied as 1 xe u'or U’-a" —M r. S peake r, said .Mr Wicklilh , J. oftlie last will n . t( ?t .nici.t ot Danii I ' sit.te thi-. atL'.ir bas bin St ujiun ll.e Seti- understaiid if, as a challenge to t!ie St’.i- aie ; I cannot believe that you either ex- pe( t evidence, or that Harrison ^.Iia!) go to jail. 'I’he SenaH-have day aTter day, had the subject hefore them, and it is loo preposterous that we shall he lantal;.;’.-fl with a sham display of evidence. It will nf)t do, the people a'ld th*‘ vvor! I v. ;I1 see tbrougK''th!S iiflair: I am not surpririt-J at thisy/;i^.^c. '1 he benale refused lo send Harrison to j,dl. Mr. Davis then njoved tf» reconsider the vote, excusin:; .Mr. lilair. 'i'he senate refused to reconsider. Mi. i'ope moved an adjournment, which was (overruled. Mr. I)avi:i w outid up by billing X/in Mason, Jr. wl;o toid viome -.minait rial convei sations he had with Mr. Trimble. .Mr. I’ope announced fhut they had closed iheir testimony. .Mr. Hardin declared, that he meant lo call ii(- witness whatever; so that p.iter a:l the bra\adoinir td'yyA/iOJt and after the ihr* a s of 6’trj. jtHfn und ibose connecled with I.ini, it. politics, the people ha'-t to poyfvr his folly, in sending loi pt rsons and jpupi-i';. III the’unholy cau^p of t-Undei (. .ilaiit, late of Mi-ckleii! in^;-,ileci as( (1, (lesred j., j iii tie si r uti^e, If.allbe i;enlle-i Jl'persons indi t. J 'o saio ib e-a.s, d t. n, ,..^,,,', 0111 Mercer should so ol'en | not lnr..s...!r,inM.a.1 -f .Wrh.m j „„ svdl present tb. n. K i',-jbv aiitli-i »t it II 11.' m, i> bin t hi tine;,. ollii vw ,se this iiolii r . t' their ri ei \i ry. \N ASIlINCi 1 O.N MdUlilSO.V, Lji'tur. d, i, 1-i nai cLiiiii bas he on iiu-.' 1 don i ' j , n ; and this signal (I'jl’eat of the ! ly i ll i.t loti)^ to the j>ar'y who are supporting | will silence forever in Kt n- .ti( ■ V.. n b e I 5k V.I appeal , .'ir; ,ii-uls-. j i a-n I Ib.NAC AI.LXANDKW, c. .m. c :iQt. ikdv. 'i 1 r. e. - r'liir-l.ii. ,,i \) ^\ :s(»N cv I. Ivec, In n.i.’i al roi - ' I M'M ' ^ n .1' N V i liA,. Murcii’4lh, (dead 11,1 n^rs, of n.y ciui;tr>. No sir,no su I |iu\i- oot 1)1 Ml snnfl'ing s .tid rgale*--. a!»ou' loirup'ion, butg.iiii' atifl sah (1. Ills my pi Ule and ideasuie, t(^ (Il fi ti(i iny eouiiii y at (I my friends a- 1i:rirn riy ui.dertlu hrm p-,,m >>l V1 le sljiidt r. Let ihe getii liM: ati \v I s K, sthi.sday uiks, ibe noisy apes of MtDuflie anu ]ti.ssotiiti( il of rurliK Vsliip. V’MiN 1JL\\ t5L>. ,.i d t hose w il!i whom he acts, eipn:ij V, 1 I) it is ti.ui all- supponitig_ the s|-.n j dc!( 1 s ol llieir .1 oufv rvfiii n. \\ ! o is 1 j liiAiiiylo pruYc Uie di-^nace ol'UKirj 'I'he following .Message to ihe Legisla ture of Mas>jachusells, was rcc. iv. d from i:it (1 lliat State op 20lh uit (iin'lnncn of I he Senate and of Ihe House uj Jiepreunlatives ; liia~Lx':cl!e!iCJ’ ^uu’niui- tors)ih~ol the Heirs oF I’hiii'-as Alex-’iider, from M. c’.denburg. .ludg- n-.etit i-evtTA'd an ‘ id^'Tir :it f(r om third ut' 'he I'ln !, (jijou llic den'cf the feme covert tni'. !i .* hiisban.l v.idi co;..L. AiuIitw lloyli-, appL a tl'.(» htirs of Mas from'o’..: .Tudj^nient of the Courf; ‘scd, an.l .l-.idgment of panition. Naiban Tlnairick, v- rrancei Wogg, appt- froni Uuihci-fcrd Judgment-f t!ie Court be low rcvcvseil, at.d a new trial granfL*d. Liniue! f.lonrc, p. pii Muoi-e, from Kuth- eribrd. Jud;;m'.-:!t 0' thj .Sup'-rier Court af' Hrmc'. ! f‘v*i3 Fi rrell’s ai'-jn.r. -. Ja:ne.’: (jreenlce, adin;’. appt. i;-om lU-.iio. .Jiuljment of the* Courlhelo’,' affirmed. Alpln r. Moore, r.^ McXairy, frott» Guilford. J'.;djf:n''-.'’.t oi'theCouvt be!ov; atTirnied. A. I'rt-.v’a adnu'. 71. .t.’.tnc »-.Mjv,an, appt. frorri Mi.ckl-.Tburg, thii.1 tlic appeal ba dismissed. Alrxandrr N«sbit a Co. uppts. i». i;ichmond Pear.'-.on’s ?''xr. from Uowan. .!i;(I;;ineiit of tho Supfnici' 'Joiirt aflirir.ed upon tiu- writ of rror. Thor:.T; Fester, appt. y. Je!.:i Puttc"', from ^i.fncornbc. l-idgTr.?‘nt of t';c Court it. th!.®! ; .i:s(-be rctTniidcd to I'.i': Ojvit be!'.'".’ all iilaltrsicnt. STATE C.XUSF.S. Sfn^e, V. Joseph Wi‘;r, from CabarruJ. JuciJjIf iTi"?!t ’.or the b'.a'.e. S'ate, 0. (Jouk and Young;cr, from •iudgmeiit affirmed. — , I'lIOS GREEIl, 3enr’3. ESIWTP}. ri^llK subscnben h'ivi:i|j qualiried as Kxecur 1 lorNofthe Hatate of I'HUM AS (.Kl'KU, gtn*. deeeused, ieiiUeat all pcr^"•r.s iadel-ltil to said estate, to call and make sctth-n’.eiit ; and all having against the estate, lo presen* them tor payment, within the time pi’cscnbtei^' V law. THOS. J, GWEER, ANDltKW (dlEEH, \ L'xecr- S.VMUEI. M'EL, r JOHN IIAIM’T, J February 2y» 1828—

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