■-.7t T CH ASlZiOTTS: TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1828. LINCOLN county! """' o:;^ Those persons in l.inro n County, who tvlsh the continuation of peace in our happy country, and arc opposed to war, bloodshed, apfculiitioii and oppression of tlie poor ; and all tliosc wlio are friendly to tlie re-election of John Uri.xcT Aoamu, I’resident of the United States, are request d to attend a meeting- of the fiienls of the Administration, in Lincoln- ton, in the Male Acitdemy, on TUKSOaY KVKMNd of April Court, on business ofgreal Importance. Earthtjiiake.—A smart shock of an Earth quake was felt in this place on the nijjht of the 9iii inst. It wag also, \vc learn, felt in Lincoln «ounty. In our account of the proceedings of the Ad ministration meeting-, held in this place on the 2:d February, it was omitted to mention, tliat a deleg-ation from I/incoln and Cabarrus at tended, and participated in all the business of the mectintf. 'I iiose deleg-ated from Lincoln, were Andrew Moyl and .latnes Holland, Esqrs. ; but the latter g'entlcman wus unavoidably pre* rented froMi attendinj; those from Cabarrus, were Jolin Phifer, Joseph Young, Alphonso Alexander and McLane, Esqrs. all of whom were present. At the time of the meet ing-, we were absent from the county ; which must i)e an apoh«;ry for the imperfect account which we g-avc of its proceedings. D-jnnnents.—The editor of the Camden Jour nal, .speaking of Congressional Documents eays tbat ail he has received sii'ce (jhri.slmas is the Tai-ill'Ki port and a Catalogue of Spanish lloo'iv ; and this, he conicnds, is iu)t bis sli^tre of the jTO.OOO sp»-nt in public printing. U'e ha\t.more reason to compi tin than lie ?—not even so mucii as a ('ataloj:ur if Spanish Bonks has been transniitti d to us. The rc,>rescnlu- tive from this Distnct perhaps thinks, that an Atiniiniitration editor has no business with I'u- ciiriiciiis; us they too often t’urnihli farts, whieli give a very suspicious appi anmce to state- D'.ents and ussertinns of the opposition, and en able the people to come at the-truth. But be this as it may, we have not received a singb Document since the coinmencement of tht- present session ; though it is no more tlun right to acknowledge, that this neglect is not ye.’u-ral ; for documents and papers have t)cen S( nt to many who tiever read tl>em, aud to souu who cu7imt read them, if they would. The proceedings of the Jackson meeting m this place on l uesday of the County Coiirt, shall be published in our next. \\ e rcceiv(-l them, for the lirst time, by la^t Wednesday’s mail. A new work has l.itelv appeared in F.ngl ind, entitled “ The Cnile,! Slates as thnj are.” The Kational (Jazette gives copious extracts from the book, w hieh exhibit its real character It is, li! e the trash of K us. a tissue of miserable caricatur'- and gross falsehoods; but it will no doubt be swallowed !)y the London cocktieys With avidity. The writer characterizes our Congress, as “an assembly of i/-;/rcrs, sent by tlii-M- respective states, no# to promote the wel fare of the Union, hut tlnir own mean and sor- difl interests.” “ 'fhe Congress has precisely the appearance f>f an exchange, where every one manages his own business to the best of his understanding, wilhotit troubling himself much about th. afl’iirs of his neighbors, until his own are tern inated.” And w e fuj’llier learn from this veracious traveller, that Kome of tlie tnembers of ('ongress, or assembly of brukers, “ are economical enough to send home, in a truly rrpvlUcan manner, their dirty linen and Worn out pantaloons fnmked by the mail ; the linen to be returned to W ashington by the same conveyance; the clothes to be altered by tbeir lionorable ladies into second-hand trow S( rs tbi- th«' olVspring of the parsimonious repre:,ei.ta- lives. ” He rep-.-escnt'; the American peo;,ie as innr- ■tiinatel} fond of money; so much so, that “ >or xlu- sum of i'.vf thous.iiul i>ounils, one mi,;!it pureliase the repn sentative scats of a irhuk htate We are, ^willial, exceeciiiij^!\ iiKpiisi- tive, which leadb iis to scrutinize tlii.- i'aniil\-al- fairs of ev( ry e.mi'idate for olliee ; and in ** some of the Stales, if'he lady oi a wfuld-lu- honorable does not happen to wasli her lius- Land’s and childn n’s linen, and make their clothes, he is assuredly undone ; he has no cl.in. to j)opnlarity, he i;i a j)roud man, a federalist, a tory, and heaven knows what besides.” The foregoing is a (itir specimen (jftln; irash, Served up to gratify the- appetite of the Hrilish public or standi-r on the pi ople of this c oun try and their institutions. 'I’he persevei ing ex- crliuus of r.np’i.sh writers and reviewers, te, liold u[; t'.iis tom.try to ridicule and contetii|)t. >t appears to us are exceedingly inipolitic and «in\Vi.se , for thth- sure tendency is to excite and perpetuate a feeling of bitter hostility in liis country agaii'v.t F,nglan!, which can even tuate ;:i no ben tit to tlie latter. W bether it b wise th'us to exasperate the-“ infant giant,” as ‘he auUiOr, towards iln; conclusi'.n (.t lub Look, ;^r»-pr.s ‘bi-3 CQ.'ji'.try, timt—?-jll dftcrniiur. Mcsm. and Monroe.—in ’)ut- ; Sr II :n>es uf James .Mudiso!! LikI J..U1C3 Monr-oe on the admun^.iration e- ‘‘■rtoral ticket, the con\ention had but lit- Ic hope or expcctuiion, that they would consent :o leave the calm cf reiii-oment, o mingle c',q;uin in the active sctnes o' politics. Their principal object was, to satisfy tt'.e American people by t'le step, 'liat in the present political contest, those 'er.erable staiesmen coiticidcd with the c onvention in opmion—and that however considerations aiTeciini^ their tran(jui!ity, and the relations in which each oCihe.r!! Iiad stood to (ii, Jackson, as well us to Mr .^dams, might deter them IVon. mirrjuifr ufjain in ’joliiics, yet that as citizens,"’tiiev prrelcied the election of the latter. Tiiis fact is unquestionable. 'I'lify have .-,re- ferred Mr. Adams to (leneral Jackson— tliey do prefer him—and tlieir prei'erence is no secret to those familiar with their sentiments. 'I'lie demonstration of this lact was all that the convention desired and havitijj demonstrated it—having sa tisfied the American people that those menu hose strvices and ex[)erictice arc- coeval with the Government, are oppos ed to the election of (ieneral Jaekson— the object of the convention is fulfilled. 11 was no part of that object, to force the success of their ticket by the influence of 1^1 cat names—they only Vi'ished to say to the doubtful and hesitaiinjr, Madison and Monroe, who assisted in hiyinf' the loundatioi) of the I{epu!)iic, ar.d so long and so v. isely, administei ed its oHii es, are 0()posed the election of Cirn. Jarkson —will you act \vi;h them, or unite with those who are seeking lo [dace a mere soldier ill ibe Presidency It was not the names of Madison and Monrot , iha' the convention wished to secure—but lo inculcate the assurance, that Madison .>nd .Monroe coincided with them in o])inion. The piesiiient oT the convention, fol lowing the prccedciit cslablislicd in lor- tner instances, has not utuil receniiy, of ficially apprised Mcssr.s. Madison and Monroe, of’their dcsignaiioii as electors. \V e shall [jiobably in a lew days, lay their answers before the public. Mcantiiiie, we are sati.-fied, that those gentlemen will decline their nomination, and for the reasons stated above—from no want of troi d will to the cause, but item regard ■ o iheir own personal ease and trancjuili- 'y. l or ourselves, we never have seen, and ne‘t r « xpei t to se(-, the justness ol that reasoning, wlnrii sinks the citiz' ii in the Pre>-idc'ii—and because a citi/. -ri las fille ! the fust honors, conchides, lluit ! tliC country would really f^ain Ly. We do not know ihat Mr. Haile will gain liis «*.')jecf, but if he in.ends to run against •Mr. Chilton, for the prize of j)0pulai ity, ‘ve should not be afraid to back him with f onsiderable odds. ih. e learn upon good anthority, that Mr. Crawford has recently addressed a letter to Mr. Clay, exetnpting him in the dullest manner from the s-jspicion of bar gaining with Mr. Adams—approving his vole ior the latter, and declaring that he would have given tlic saine vote in Mr. Clay’s circumstances. He likewise, we understand,disapproved of Mr. Clay’s taking ofiice under Mr. Adams, as furn ishing his enemies with pifttcnded evi dence of corruption. This disinterested and magnanimous course is no doubt as gratciul to Mr. Ciay, as it is honourable to Mr. Crawford—partaking of the na ture of charitj', and blessing ^oth him who gives and him who receives. Whig, It is hoped that the reforming, re trenching, patriotic Mr. llofi’man, of Congress, will not limit his anxiety to save “ the peoples’m^ney,” to a reJac- t’on ol the pay of the ofl’icers cf the navy. He must carry his principle through. 1 he Heads of the Dfpartnients should have salary only Tor the time they are nc^ tnuUijin //•«'/• Judges only while ac tually on tht Jknch ; and Members of Congress only when acluaily in their scats; —which will bring the eight lioUars to JiJhj cmtH a day ; especially at the roniniencetiicfiI ol the ses.,ion, when the House tneets all und adjourns at 12 o’ clock, trriitini'Jot hi/uiriesif, which is much the saute ds wsiung jtn- orders. If, indeed, !lie iiH-fjil)cr>« ! i’'.ei »-e(i |ia\ or.iv while ac- tually cn^yii:e/ in the public service, they would s'. drc( ly meet their boaiding from their e.irnifif>s. It is l alhi r an objection to Mr. H.i'iiiia’i’s pro|)osed refurm, that It puls e\ery fillicer (jf tlieXavy at the mercy or discretioii of the seen tary of navy, who may starve anv one otitol' The F.pkropal Cfiurch (u (he Sfate of New \ Ilk, (^bays tin report of its Missi onary Socie'y, read at the last annua* meeting,) consisted, twenty years a?">, of about seventv-fivM congregations,thinly scattered over that part of the Slate »^hich was tlu-n settled. At the prescfit time we have in tf>is diocese one hundrerf and fifty-seven congri gat ions, most of which are.flourishing, and all rcspccta- ble lor the numbers and piety of tbci? members. £p. Watchnnn. VALUAHl.K 'roWN PROPER I’Y FORSJLE, I^F.IMi ilcsirous to r-move from this 'onntry, • I oPer for --dc my UOl.'sr. anil LOTS in the town of Cliarlotte, where 1 ut V'i'« s nt reside. On the premises is a good dw elling house, large aiij coiiveiiient Store IloV.^e, and all ctlier ouk bnildingj nccessitry (or the comfortable rrsi- Hcnee 1)1 .H i’nmily ; togc»h« r wi h a ell oF t/iuft water Tlie iot is in go d repair, r.miiv. : I . I I- . . j fi'iices having btcn made new within a laiTilly, at Slow, wolcb c:;tahl!sa, !)cyo:id (. w moi.ibr. pa.l. Tbe situation is one of tl.ft the possibility of doubt, t!ie real a'Jtlior d.* h-d.b- in the village, cl*h( r as rtg-rds of Juuiun. Tills eminent indiviiluat ! '"'‘’‘'h for iusines.i, or goud neiijlihijr-. was politically tonncclcd witli Mr. | , (JeorgcCJrenville, the grardlathcr ci'ihe L -ri ’^^''d udjo-nirg the |..ecat l)„kc cl- l;ucki..ivl.„t;,. I,,.... 1I'""'«. II lim- whom these autograi/a scendcd to the jMJsses .ci Five letters (says ihs London Globe'' ars deposited in the archives of the Grcr.v!i!c KtngiiarM, l.v'ta and wli.it i* cleared, under a'good fence, prooli have de- | rt»e Jiriot; v, ill be made to suit the liiiits. Ap- . ’i'he \t'lir ra'jle j '^'y the wu'jscrlbcr. Hucking(iain, has reji-.u sted- T)ic (!i; rcve- ry Jhouid not be published during hi-, life time. It is, however, coiiruiciiiiy asserted, that in all the rum: uver'i^-s re- (Uir.K.y KI-,M)!{1CK. riiai-lottc, March 12th, 1S2H -74tf. IH BI.U: SAU:. lating to I'hese cc.’cb: thor of tbeir. has I'i-. t bccji ua-. U*r9, t.ie at- bcui iia'.ned. till 1 h? U. S. 74 I'eluware, took i'.ie at Xorfolk on the «i!i inst. at.d was so mui h injured as to be lakea t» Gospor: fur re pairs. —^ The crop of fiiii' ar in Louislauu I.as this tliis: yearb:‘cn very abutuiaiil. It is es timated at yo.oct) hbls.—stnn^say more. I’iie molasses will of course bo SO.OOC’ hhd,s. .Dir.j), At her n-si.lence, at J'.hai'zcr .Inuuiny, on Friday, the '^Stb of licceini.er, Mrs. JANK AC- NF.W HAI’f.'IS, consort f>f the Kev. 7!,Vt'/ri;r Ifarrin. lnb(rl.Sih \i ar she sunk undi r t!.c ravages of l'idi-i(;nary •onsiimptioi), and left a bereaved hnsliand to nif)nrn I i r untimely l.m. Mrs. Harris carried with her the allecii.^nr'.>i’ ■tl^II.L hp sold, at the bite residence of Tim- w T mas tireer, st-n. deceased, on W edni-sla}, tbe ^fith inst. tiu fi Houing ))roperty, l'i w.t a Miantit\ '.fCi'rit, Fodder, is.-. larmin;,-tools ; Si.,. I', i( uM kinds; two new i(;«d Wagons,- ijlai ksniith tools, and a \ariety of other articlfs not utcesoarv’ lo menlion. JLsn r> or M NKfiROES, i:ir-Inding girls, bny aiul fellows. A crcdit oP 1 - .’iioiitbs will be gi\ .11, ])iircha.scrs giving bond V, itU approv I d seenr ‘ v . riioMAs i. (.m !:i{, \ AVDi.r.w ■ ,, S \' 11' 1-' I, X i KI)• t-J:eniiorT. JOll.N HAi; : r, J \ori(’,v. ll'ill hr sohf, OV rmilSlU)', the 20th inst. at. the late ihnllhi'' // vse nf \Vm. I.ccs, ilcc. A LL the ])erisb iI.1l- propt rty belonging to ^lilie l,'.tate ol s.ul K ci-ast d, consisting of Itor.s-H, Ho_,.s, Cows. Sheep, Corn aiul Fodder, Knc, and Oats ; a tpiantlty of baled rollon; ;i (’ottofi (;in; r. (]uanti'y 'of jiine and -,v .ihiiit I'iunk , one .-11 of B'acksmith lonN ; oni» 'Olio (if H;itler:>’todls ; i\\’o ro.id wagons and Nat. Uaz. more than relatives. InhcroYn si If were her ofiice nierelv bv declininp- to t^ive him ' '’‘nu.ticcd. jP'K :»il ham, ss ; all the .r-“ r t; ■ dignity }ct o( a digni»\ ’•.Iiiin ne\t v ih-.iiniu’t d j t:on. \!so, at tie.- s;>me tiriu and p'act, will be attention. Attei lion and resi)e'.-t v,. .\- iIk- inoie j ^ nmnlx r ()f Kegroen ht lot'ning to said ^ »eadilv given her. Hut the slnu turj of li; r | ; mind, and the (pialilies of her hi arl were ino.e i houi K; o'elock. In a rc;,ort made by a committee of ihr I.egisla'ui0 of New Jersev, on tb.e vii1m oi’tiic Oyster IJeds in iJe!av,-.,re I{a\, Cumberliil'.d county, it is bl.n-d, i;,ai the j in value than her personal eharm.s. number of M.ssels e,m[)U."ed oti thos« bods, for 300 days in the \c.u-, mo?- ilian 50'.) .sjil, employio!:; a'iooi t»e IS for the future, e\emf,t from bis duties and responsibilities. It would r^- ! i'*-*’ ilier a])pear lo us. ihat bis interest in, I ,p ^ .lid waichfulnessovertheeommonvveaitii,! ' f'‘a-l)'ieliinp- -'.asoria- •>uyht to increase puri paas'i, with thi j * lonours conlened l)_\ the country, ar.d ; J he gratitude whub those honourt in-i i'lre. However, we do not mean to be j guilty of the presumption uf oi.-posin;.; ur opinion, to the decisum of Messr-,. [ .Madison aiul Monroe. Knowing ihat I tiiose gentlemen apjjroxe ilu cause whic.'i I jl I! (• VigO. rolls', cuTnatid intdieet was hcr.s-, .i;id cM iiect.l with if, a heart us c’.ccrfi;',* as innocent, tnisnspieious, us man eoni I Wish. \du',g as she was, lu r utidisgui;.- ing simplicity of heart nia.h-her appe .r yonnger still, and remind, d ns ..f tlie lays of chddliood, when all is friinkness, bones'.v and irutli. liut Helig on w:.«il„ r.- with ii.; fasliioning power, riy she “eliiist tlat bell, r p;ii t w hi!i could \ disconformitv to her we sii|)poi t, the }'i iitilK ation that that i Knowledge imparts, more than balances | our regiet a' il.t ir expected deleriiiina- ion to decline acting as ehctors. Since the abo\e was in t\p(, the ati- swcis of Messrs. Madison and Monroe liave been put into tjur batuls. — [From the National Gazette ] 'I’here is a Mr. Kendall, who gives tes timony in acrimonious printed Icltcis, and before ihe Kentucky Senate, agaitiM Mr. Clay, and who is saiil to have beer particularly fostered by that gentlemar, —to ba\e been nursed when sick, in Ins house. See. Such a fact calls lo mind tl'.e following Persian apologue ; “A tortoise and a scorjiion Iravi'lled 'he sumo road for a consulerahle distat.ce, in good fellowship. The latter, on ile gruund of thisi friendship, asked iht.-fwi- iiu-r to carry him over a d ej) sire.im. 'i'he tortoise ccmplieo'; but wiiut was hib surprise to find his companion encU avor ” g with all his miglii lo sling him ! \V hen he had placed him safe on tlu- o;i- . osite sliore, he turned lo him and said, you not tl.e most base and ungrale- fiil of rep;iles." lJul for me yuu mus .itlier ha\e given up your jouiiiey m iidve bet-ii drowned in that Mrt'am, ar.d v\ hat is rr.y levsard If it }i.id not b'-ei !or the ariiuir wliii h (lod has given iiii. 1 siiould have been s!utig to douih. • Blame m«- not,’ said the scot pioi\ in a sujiplicatoi y tone, ‘ it is not my fanli ; i IS that ol my lia’.ui-e : it is a constiiutioiu habit 1 have of slinging 1’ ” Mr. Chase^o\ N. ^ ork, yesierfl.jy pre- seriU d a peiil’on, signed by about 20^'- iVce.holdt-rs of Otsego county, X. Y'. wocd growers. pra\ivgl'or an increase of du ties cjn foiei);n wo'.*i and wo.jllitus, aio: such proleclion as was re( ommetui' O hy the ConveiiUon at Hffi isburgii. On iitotionof Mr. Chase, wlio said a IVv, vv o: fis on the huljji ct, ihe memori.dwjs it.ftricd aiidoidLTcd to be piin't-d. S\’al. Journal. .la‘s, pieces ,i piTiniiim ol l ifiy 1J(.liars, oi t-dal oftl’,:ti \i'lue, Imi- ihe lu-sl Du.-lliT’g ; U) (5^. ti-onsMtiiUul to' F ' kwcll, ] q. (-n or hd'ore the | mver be taken away. I P'ddie prof. ssifin Ims nevt r been pointed out. • I. V,»^i I i H'-'f conscientious.,css a!)out her reliL'-ious ('iitic-s . l.Dgla-.nl 'ilass Company,; (I :ts u.M'ks f.)|- .‘S-,a!niii'-^ pnnfip:dly \ isi le in the bosom of hi-r aiie.i’ Ml'., ill j.—’i vv-, liriishelj ' fi.mily, -»nd tliere they n-main, the most t. xhi’,;;;i'll at tlieir store in Bos- t-enu mhrances tb:it liii!i;i.'d comM I have. It deservi s to be n;.nu-(!, bowevi lh.it Sisowill i.e renti d, n vcrd iru ts ot' I ;;ood (juallfy. Sale lo cornmeiiee li lt rm-j iiiadc know n on the !u^ ol Sale. .lANK r.F.FS, WM. Jnnr Fobuni-y 'J(;th, 1 {JJ.S—of~4. Jldm'rs. (;h)i)ma\\s iKvriiL, > lt the Sti^n of thv Holden Ball. rnilE svibscriber has oi)uied a Hoarding .5 House and Housi- of Li'lerlainnu nl, at the ( ornci-of King and [troad-streets, opposite the Coin t-1100se. lie pn.hiise.s to allonl, both to the HoardeP and lr.i\cll' r, \vho will r;k\or hiie with p;itrot»- age, his und.V Idl'd . x-. nions to please, both iu eoiiilort :ind ( h.»iges. .HiSF.lM! (.OODMA.N. Ciimden, Feb. 1 r., 1 ] T'l. in addition to be r attention to t!i Wer.c-N. by atie.'-ni thinkir.i; He said ;:k.i lie In mi trad*; m ( \i 1 v Ui!;j; partii u!a!' bvarich of 1 i.. lid.le, d'.ily w itness t!ie coiiflicts produrcci ‘-‘"'dy de\r)tion, sh. I.in b ss t!i: n a . '.u ! e,i;ul.!le- Irade,” wilhou. ' ‘f :d'l' r her 'narria'^e, ;jri\ati lv icii.! 'l.t-on;di ar e-.iiarkol Mr. Cani:ing’-. ' the IN-bus ! nd V. w 'I e>i.,n en*. Ir.t'uM 1 t very man lot l-t. ^ tim's '.\1,icli hf tie |, Death caim- i.ol | I) eXv'ep; lus owii ; too soon for her, even ;l bloom l)U.-)jiH.ss, and there N(M'1( K. 1'. vs, 1 iiiiis M. N(. I having dc'-ea*!. s.,me tinw in the in iinl \ gn^t. Old til.- «nl)scr;ijer !i ivii,^; ad". i-nM'e:, ,f Ins .Ml.' , h. binby ir t,(ii s s;,.,„„. | 1)1 ! >;ers o( the (!..*.■. .M . t»> e Ip 5 share i.( tIII pi'opciv ■ \ ty oelon^ring to I Im , st..ti- of ti e afores.wd T. • . I, OIK- >'ti.(- Corn; he was !or a cio^e nopoK. Phii’aiL (Jaz. L'-tters from Svny.-na dated \o\einhei IO..1, announce I''I. d. atli ci'th le\. Mr. (iridn y, .Missi(jnar\ to Palestine, whieli i g eg lie, n. She has r ;i. In d (as v. c Iojx 1 vr'fiin im/ nn- niinglcd with V oc, and escafurl ralfiiti cir. Oiir lo..;s, heart-n nding indn t!, is hei- ^,M:ll Durir.g iIk- slow -ippror.eb (,f l)e..l|., whom sht; ha 1 e\|.ecl'd for iiiOntbs to nioet, she ne\er Sink into d. sp .lr ; lliongli, -it liuits, hunian na- occfirred in Sp ci.j, in consecmence ofai*'”'*’ poor 1 lever, caubcd by (-Miemc » xeriions. It is said the (jU» 1;, (d’ tlu- Xoi t!i I:..s'eni Ijouriilui) o! ku- Unit'd Siau-s, is relened to the umpirrr.'r of the Kui- ;iei or of Russia, 1 iuit ati.\_:;en-: is to b(> al pointed lV-..!ii .'.iaine t-j n.anai^e Ibe c-U‘.e, and Ju(i;.;i‘ P;(ble is a ( ari.'iidate. ^/al ri iges Ki tran} /!innry—f I r»’ ,11 (1 o i 11 rj; s .uiicng tlie Aiidrev.ses !~Man led lati ly !a I'.Xeter, Otnnei ticu', .\ridiew liurtj- . I'll to Arma .\nd:i'ws ; .'\(i'jiiiram IJurn- ham to Sclly Andrews; N'hemiab S. Murnbam to Susati .AntlK ws; NatI.’i liurnhau) lo Heppv Andiius; Jobit A airfield lo Polly .Andrews; r.[)hrarn) P. Low u; Ilarmah Q. .Andrews; I'wiot h 'V l.iu- I-, I'.l.^a H. Andrews : ('id'jb Ai. rews to Sally lii-(jwn ; Seih Anrlrcws to iil> Daniels; Obed .-\ndrews to Ruth M-r.ler-; John L. ,\tidrews to Anna (i. liurnbam ; .Aiulrew .\ndrev\s lo Ann \iidr-ews—An imprtived Way of making merry .Indrefis. 7\ii?itid Ment. — \\ e bear froni dllTereM quarters, that a large (luaiiti'yof ine.;t, Mr. Haile laid a resolution on the t;i- ble ol ihe House ol Repn sentatives, y-s- i rday,oneof liie piominer.t prvisioiis ' I whuii is that no nitmbir shall speak .,I)ove one hour at a time. Tiris is .iiif of r.ie besl appliea’icrib of the Pro- eiusieari piiiieipie that we know of. It i. ilut bpi;cicb cF- rtitcnchnient-\\ hlcli f)utupt!iis winter, lias In-eome tainteci, from tli(-unusual warmth d‘liie 5.t,-asoi.. T!iis meat should not be throwti awa). is it ci.n !jc restored to its or iginal swe»-i- ri' sfi : first by packing it away in rect-nl I ly prepari fl charcoal, twf) or ihree days ; j ihrii v. ashing arid hangtng it in the sun a I lev/ hoijis, atul |Mving it a sliglr j s;.i-iiik!:ni," (d’ salt. Secondly by wash- tiiig’lie w hele surface, l>y means of a spoil!;.’, or piece oi clean rag, with ihe vroli:;neous ai.id. 'I'his acid can be • d)taiii (! from tlie druggists. As tiie lirsl mode is the clieapesl, and most con- v»-ni; ni to tiic iAi incis, it will i;cnerally be prifcrrcd. ~ re^ .lire .1, spoke a.s it spoke iti ( hi'ist, “ h 'Ii. r, f ,t be jji ssilde, let this cup pass fron. Inc.” Her ceuipc, aiie nv \ cr i.roj c from the (.ontemplation of her In-art .r;.l Hf“. i Sn h a beaft, and su ii a Ilf , .hs hers might hiivc Hoolhed mat;y a self-rigliteofis soul; but the sn' jc’fl (,f our nriire aMiorrcd hers. If, and fh il to 111* protecting rli'liti-fusiiess of Christ. At his f (t, fJie V as e jn!ii!.>-fd. In him, had slie coinf(irt. Day anil night, she* sought lii'm l._\ pr;,yer. His word she read, or asked il to lie read, day after d.iv, hf)ur afti-r hour. !n tills i.tlltude of soul, resigned and ser-eneto J.e l.i't, iti>t ill,' the Ki I.g of Terrors. The lo st rnc dlcal aid of the country was secun-il, hut all in Miln. She wi.slied to llv-, but I). \ ( rilii Wed any anxiety abcjiit life. Ile-r I hn-d.:,nd's anxieties she (/fleii would attempt to n ii( se, b\ sa\lng—“lie moi-e concerncd about my soul, than my p« risliing body.” \ In all her \;trious relations, i s[)(-eially as a V, lie, she w as ;dl tliat could be wishcil. Her husband has s;iid — “ 'l ake her all in all. I shall not look u[)on her like ai.^-aln.” '1 c t his renii ii.brai.citin.ugh s:id, will be salutary, if they should be to Intu, alJ that her pr'-senc- could ha\c been, a prompter to help him on in the same p:;tb, wiu re l.er last I'ool- stejis are viMblc. In I’anty’ft (ye, uiu'h b.'ipj.i- nexs ai d ( omfor t were stoit.d u]j .n the f.ituii.', lor Ik r food busljand and Ik r relaf i\es. .S.' Has 1(1 t.L tin-^ouree of it all. Hut as .\i,r 1^*1. (■0 1, to w hosi- V.11I We bow , had ordained t, that this I'.lcn of (;ur delight s)io'i!.l le let:, a ,d. hand in haiid, with l.riel'on tlTt- one side, and (hinsol .tio:i on the otiiei, '• wltli wan.leiiii; ste[)» atid slow, \v-• lake our solitary w r..” Murijhiu'l Gazc'.lr, rouxi), 0\ Tuesday of the C.'ourt, a Siivkti U \tci', whub ilie owner can have, by. ij)pi\ ing .. )IVue, proving property, ai.-i payirm' lot Trlv I rt.sen.eiit. .N!«rc!i b, !t:«.-73. I tins of] I th>-a.l N- ;t7i. J»>sr C. M-AI 1:, i..\s'r N(rriCK, ^J^O all th se indebted to the \ I K \ ,( Nl I It, est ;t- of Wv, eceased. Tht y ar'' hi riby r'(piired to make pHvnient on orb fV.n the JOth oisf. as the debts of the estate will not jjerrnif^a lo'igcr in>!'dgence. A AI.KV\NHFW. / I’. AI.' X aMiKK, S March 'Itli, 18J.S—Jl74. NOrUK. IMF noted JACK, formerlv the propei-ty of Mr-. Hundly', o-^ ■5.-I; S ii'citna, vnll stand rd mv p],\nta- tv.o mil. .s no.-ih of ('ha.- o(t.' >mder i!„- tna.K.;;.'-,uent of Ja-ncs Mnrphe^, sen ' .''n.l will |,r. let to mares r»- tive .la!'..r.tl,e t-vason ; tm doli.w. to ii^-nr^ • .-mil twod.dlars the single \is.t. 'fl-- Keaso • haji ’.ow coi'.meu' L'd, and v/dl cn.l tiie last o.' •luly. Fi.i.-i is to.Tsn!. rcd ns s-ne .is arr. other, iu. all ?l.e ir.,- e-;, v.it'i m--.v le-.v cxce’ • tior.ri, put to hi,.I !, ei vvi'fh foal. ‘ Man h i.jth, Irijo,—l-^f. SUilii (tj •yoi th’iUiVdUiia^ ^ Lincoln (\mnhf 5 o* I’leas and Ciuartcr St‘ssi">n«-. January Scs-sions-, ISJ^. Mary W’ells, the ri.i'-utor-, I.eir s a;.d c!e\.. sees of liurrell Wells, i!. ci and. Ptiliiun for doUTr if lavd and di.'^i. J ut.vc shen if j.'-ri-i.i'iil i.'.tuic. iTappi aring t.. ih" eou.-t, tli-.t Ad un HovU- • me of the Fxeeutors to thu will (.f D r-.v l U\!U, deceased, Ahxatuler I’.itteraon au«.' uite, ai.d Aiiuc rsi.n W ells ird v, ifV, \-. I. iu irs aud Ic^'atee-(1’ Hurre! VV.dls,dc-ceasv-d, :;r£; I.ol inha'iiiaol.., i,i' tiilh Sf.ue ; |t i, therc-fore or- 'leiL^ i bs court, ih;l notice be |Ju(Misu'd threo w .-eks 111 the C.it iv. a Journal, requiring the :^.e 1 .\ii.,ni lloyh, Aiex.'tid. r I’itters. n' attj Wile, mu! Ai:.|ersiji. W.-!'s iind v. ii , to .appear t ti'e ( uiity Coin t of I’I.- is (Quarter si,.|.^, to Ik; Ik I for sa;d i .nintv , .it t|u- Court- liouse in I iiH olntoi', on tl.r foiu-h Mom'av af' r the Ith lu Man-', ixt, Ii i n .ind there to answ er oi demur to the sanl pt titlon, . tlu rw ise it will'm- tak. n jv-o eonf. s=o, an.l adjnd-. d ao. ordiv'ly. Witness, \ lU. . ( K rk . 1' said eurt, at I.iiu-olitlo;,, the tlurd v;,u.da> ,lari- o.irv, ISJS. \ \|;i)v Match -Ub. 1S-\S - .h74- pr, ,.dv. I 50 i’Miishilil. M a liiiils, i’tfr ac/c, at tlf Journal 0/ict,

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