' \ht.-~ Ht/ ffi inan.t. , V,, rt ' i 'i, V, niinJ it not ! y.-. r I ‘ IS iN lot ; ill till' I re I . sliu'ioft ot'th) Iree, T!u‘ • r..tut r tinds no rest vitli tht*e. Th u -.t inkst the vine’s low U'nv« » 0,ir n.iisic roiiiul thy lim;!-eli(.ld f avts ; 'lii l;ini tlint soiji'J li'illi sc'.TU'^'s tons:— Tiu' i'.rHngor’s lu nr\ is v>itli his i>wii. Tlioii I'litjkst. thy cliildrc n’s lit'ig'hiiig' phiT, A 1' vi:ly ;»t full «.f ':i> ; Tiu M an tlu stranw'tii.mg-h’s opprcst— His niotlifv’b voii'f cornea t)’tr liis hrousT. Tbouii inkit It i .vti t w Ikmi frit'iul to frieii'l, Beneatli one roof In pr;i\tr ni iV bleinl ; TIic'ii (lotii till' ■jtr j^ruv. lUm— Par, I’ar arc those who j):;i)cd willi him. Thv licart til' lionu', thy vintarc land— Tiu- voiots of tl)v kinch'fiil and ; Oil, ^lul^t II.cm ;dl ! whVii blest tho'.i nrt, UchI jjciiil} with tlif struwyyr’i !ic;irt! ill MAN OUANDKI U. fV’f I'll ii hillow w .th w oikIcv ;ind awf, Svch!'.'; us it tl’vcatciis ttic shore ; T. 1 uiid lu^t %ve for.^a’l wliitlwe saw. And tliiiik of Vhut i'ih'ov no more. t..f [Hijjin of tlie jjicut, i'j the fume of th $(> tlie trc'isurc' of tjlorv utuI pride, Thoi.;;’.! tlicj niouiit on the (lood, like thu hl^^li sw t-’-hnp ’A avc, X.;' e til u loo r.ujst eljh with Ihf: tide. \ii\iiig- togetlK r profit :uid delight. oT hope, lie «nokf* but little. 'l‘o 'ht* rcsjx-c.’fiil and utieciiotiatc itnpj' n s »)f an old lanii!) servant, us hh» mooihefl clown tlie pillow, how he fVi niii.sclf, hi* ansvM r»-(l, “ I am very ill.”—- 'I'o Dr. Cr.uk, Ills eariu'st companion !'■ arms, lo'i^i '>» M u d, and liosont frirud, hi )i:ser\t‘d : “I aiti dyinjj, sir, but an» no' diVaifJ to die.’* To Mrs. Wasl)iiu;ton, h .aid : •• (io to my esr.ritor, and in th> ;fivau; ill a'-vor you will I’lHfl two ’/apeis— them to me.*’ 'I'lu-y sveit- lironnJii. Ill' continued : “Tiu-ic art my Wills— jjrrs«‘rv!* I'lis one, and burn the other. tnaonrr ^Wch shouW be Icat offensive soldier* »ho I?"' for u surprise upon a momtni s> i to the mother of his children, for whom 0 still retained much rej^ard, he intro* luced the subject in these words : “ You know,” said he, “ tbat 1 can love no wo- niati so fondly as 1 clout upon you ; with egret, have I of late seen you suhjetltd u toils, which must l)c oppressive to yon !tid from which I would gladly reliexe you, yet 1 know' no other way of doini; ihun by associatini? with you in the (household duties, one who shall relieve vou from the trouble of entertaininj; 1 the nurnernns guests, whom my {jrowinK Which was immed^iiteiy don«. ('alliuj' importance in th‘.‘ nation collects arouiid to Col. Li-ar, he tlirccted : I.et tny I ire ; I have therefore resolved upon ta.;- (•otpse be kej>l for ihe I'.sual period of j iii]: a'lothrr wde, but she shall ai way s be LJ'T liOVRH UF fr.l'imAG'IVX Fioiu Cu .tis’ Kecoliections and Private Alemoii’J of the Lite and Character of ash in;.; on. Twenty-eight years have passed avray, «ince an interesting ^^rouj) were assemb- jfd in tlie De:i h-rooin, and witnessed ihe 3ast h( uiuf VVashin;;ton. Mispuiiiig Uuth been the f.cyihe ofTinif, tluit, of all those w!.o watched over the JPutnarch’s cuuch, on the 13th and 14ih of December, but a siugle persona^^e |iui vives. On the mc.-'nir-^ tjf tl'e 13th, the Gen eral w\.s engaged in makinj' some iin- vt nu ti’s in front of Mount Vernon.— wAs W.JS usual w i:!> him, he carried his own c'>rn;iahs, noted his oh^crvationn and marked • m the *'“* came rainy with sleet, :ii,d the im;jrovcr iremained so lonj^ exr oced lu the ini.lcm- cncy ot the v»ealher, ay to be consideru thiee days. Here we v.ould bet Ifave to remind our rc.iders, that, in a former part c.f this woi h, \v(* have said that \V ashitifjton was old fushioDed in many of his ii.diili and manners, and m ^ ;me ol his ojiini.'^ns ; nor was he the loss to be admired on those accounts. The custom of keepin.:^ the dead for the scriptui;d period of three days, is derived iroin reniolo aiitif^uity, and uroue, iMt f;om fcjrof preiiiitu!.; in terment, as in more modern times, but from Hiotives of veneration townrd the deceased ; fo;- the b»;tt';r fiublin" the re latives and IViends to assemble from u (li^tatice. to perfornt the ftir.orid iltes j fur the pious uatchinj>/> of the corpse ,* and for the many sad, yt t endeiiriug c»;rf- inoniali with whicli we deli{:^hi to pay our last duties to the remains of those we have loved. I’he patient bore his acutc sulTerinf^s with manly fortitude, and perfect re!ii;;na- tion to tlie Dsvme will 5 while, as the iiii'ht advanced, it became evident tint he wa3 bi: kitr^', and he seemed I'ully a- wure that his “ hour was nitjh. ” He in quired the lime, and was aiiswereii, a few minutes to ivrelve. He spake no more—the hand of death was U|)on him, and he was conscious tha; his “ hour wa > come.” With surprisini^ self-possession he prepared to die. Cornposinj^ his forn* at lenf^th, and folding' his hands upon his f)Ohonj—without u si^li—v. itlioul a groan —the r'ather of his Country expired, gently as though an infant died. Xur I pjiij^i; or Strug,';1j tohl, when the riobh- Su keen and j . loyj^ its eioiseless flight ; whih*, so tr^iiKjiiil appeared the manly features in subject to your control, as she will rank in my atlection second to you.”-T-W iib the utmost anxiety, and the deepest con- tet II, did his companion listen to this un expected proposal. She expostulated in tiie kindest terms, entreated him with all the ar^umenl.s which undisguised love and '.he purest conju^^al affection could suK.-,'est. She replied lo all the objec- tiotis whioh his duplicity led him to raise. Desirous cf winnin:; her from her cp- positicn, t!ie Indiai) still concealed the secret of his union with another, while she redoubled all her care to convince him that she was eijual to the task im posed ujion her. W’hcn he aicain spoke on the subject, she pleaded all tlie endearments of past life ; she spoke of his former fondness for her, of his regard for her happiness, and that cf their mutual on'sipringj she bade him beware of the conseciuences ot the futal purpose of iiis. —I'iuding her bent upon withiiolditi;!^ her consent to his plans, he informed her that all opposi tion on her part was unnecessary, as he had already selected atiother partner; and tl'.at if she* could not see his new wife as a friend, she must receive her as a neces sary incumbrance, for he had resolvtd that she should be an inmate in his house. Distressed at this infotmation, she watched her opportunity, stole away from the cabin with her infants, and lied 10 u distance where her father was. \Vith him she remained until a party of Indians with whom he lived, went up the Mississippi, on a winter hunt. In the spring, as they were returning, with their canoes loaded with peltries, they the repost* of death, that some moments } encamped near the falls. In the morn- had p.i3sed ere those around could be- j ing as they left it sho lingered near the lieve i^at the I’atri:ueh was no more. It t*y be asked, and wliy was the min istry of religion wanting to shed its peaceful and benign lustre upon ihe lust hours of Washington ? Why was he, to whom the observances of sacred things were c.er primary duties, through life, without tiieir consolations in his last mo- n’.ents?—We answer, circutiistances did not permit. It was but fora little while that the disease assunied so threatening a Lly wetted before his returi) to the hou.e. l the encouragement About one o cloc*; he was s» izi li wuh , jq j,my ii^at summons lullness ind r.ausca, but having chanj'ed tutne m.iy reiuse, to give still far- iis cl.')thes, he sat down to his in duur vork—then bcitig no moinetii of his time forwi.icii he had not providrd an ap- prr.pr \i*e emplovmetjt. At m^lit on joining his fatnily circle, the (i' tieral cojnplaincd of slight indis po^iiioii, and ;^itcr a sii'gle cup of tea, reparid to I'ls Libt .iry, were he remain ed "-riling until betMten eleven and 12 o’cl'>ek. .Mrs. ^Vas!lln|;■ton retired atioiii the usu.d f.»mil> hour, but being alarmed *l not hearing the acc^istomed sound of the Liliraiy door, as It closed for the liigi'', and );avr iigtiid for rest in the well regulated mansion, she arose again, and contitiued sitting up, in much anxiety ntid tjU^pensc. At !engtl» tlu* well known step >vas heard on the stair, and upon the (leneral’s entering his chamber, the lady kindly rinded him for remaining up so iate, know iii^ liimself to be unwell; lo ■which Washingion made • his memnrable repiv : “ 1 came so soon as my business ivas accomplished. \ ou v/ell know, that, through (I lon^ lifi', it has bit!} my u/irrtriid ruk, nerrr to pui i>() till th>: morro)" tfic dit ties u'hich ihottld bt prrjunntil tn du'j.'' Having first coveivd up ihe tiro with care, the man of mighty hdiors at Iasi iought re[u>se ; l)Ut it came not as it long had I'-een wont to do, lo comfort atid :e- gtore, after the many and earnc-1 occupa tions of the well spetit day. The nigiit ivas fiast in feverish restlessness .iitd pain, “'lired natures swret restorer, b.dmy sleep.” «t's destined no tviore lo visit tiis couch ; \et the manly -ufi'erer uttered no coniplaint, would permit no one to be Jisiur[)ed in theii resi on his accuunt, and it was only at day break he would cons'^nt that tin ()\eiseei u',i^>,!',t be c.il- led in, and ble (l:n” leswrfed to. A vein was i.pM.id, b' . withoui jil'ording relief. Couriers w»-re (le^pa: lied lo summon J)r I aik, t lie Tiiiiii\ ai.d Drs. Dii k and i5iowi', .*s c'jii‘-uliii.g j-'i ysicutis, all of ■whom came with ‘'peit!. 'ihe pro;,i i remedies were admiiiistei t !, !;ut w 1 li- out prodiii.ing tin 11 heali!,;^ tV Ci, w luh the patietit \irldii.g to the .ii ;.ious louks cl all uruutnl bin., \\iiivid his usujI ob jection, to iTieil It ii.e'i, and lonk those vhii h u.MO pie'.f i iljed, witho’j! hesii.i- tiot. (w iinudk. 'I'lif iriedical i'entlciiM ii ip’ired not thiir '-kill, and all the lesuur- cis I'l then art wi i,* «xi,:.u:)itd m un- Vi aril’ll« ndr. \ ijTj 10 pi ei>» rie this iioble.’t k 1)1 na'ui e. N'>(bt appiija'ifed—the l.>st n!;,’-hr il "W jsoifij Win : uie v\ rui her l.»e(. a me sr ven - ]\ cud. V lilie lliegi'iup lie 1 ( d ti( ar I’1 ti/t'* /Uih of 'he siirfe.’ej, walchinj.;. ther length of days to him whose “time- honored life” was so dear lo mankind, pra\er was not wanting to the Throne of (iraee. Close lo the couc h of ihe sufferer, reslini; her head upon that anciejil book, with which she had liei n wont to hold pious communion, a poit:o?i every day,for more than half a century, was the venera ble consort, absorbeci in silent prayer, and from which shi only arose when the mor ning group prepared to bear her from the chambcr of the dead. Such were the last hours of \Vashitigtou. Death oj Jiniuita Sniid. and htr two Chil dren, ‘ V'/io jjcri.'iiitd in thv. aiiarni I ij the J'aHsoJ'St. ,'lntl(0iiy tm the Mi.snin.'ifiJj/i. From Major Loii,^''^ acco/io' (‘.rp»dHi(m. 'I’his beautd'ul spot in the Mississip-ii IS noi without a tale to hallow its scenery, and heighten the interest which, of itself, it is r.iiculated to produce. 'I'o Wax- ekota, the old Indi.in whom we saw at Shakea?, «e are indebted for the narra- lion towhicti his mother was an eye wit ness. An Indian of the Decotu nation had uniud himsi IT early in life lo a you thful female, whose name was Ampala Supa, which signifies the dar!: dn\j ; wiilt her he lived ha[)pily for several years, ap[)arently enjoying every comfort w hich the sava^;e life could afl'nd, i’heir un ion had been blessed with two childrei', cn whom both parenis doated with that deiilh of feeling uhiih is unktiovvn to such as have other treasures besides ihoKC that spring from nature. 'I’he man had acipjired a reputation as a hun ter, wlii-h drew rouiul lum mari> fam ilies, who were happ> to place tnein- sel\es in.del" his jirotec'.ion and av^il lhemsel\es ofsui'li (Mit of his chace as he needed not for ihe maintenance of ttis famih. Desirous of strengthening tiu ij iiitercsi w ith hitn, some ot il'.em inviied h.iii to a coMierjon v. it.h their tamil), o!>ser\ing, at t!ie same liriie, that u man ■ f his lulent and importance rnjuireii more ban one \\i'n»unio w.iit upon 'he i.umiious gnesii* whoin hi.s reputation woijld iiuluie U) vibit his lodj.;e. TiU') asJiiiid him tl.ai he would soon i)e ac- ki'o'.vleijf^ed as a chief, and ttiat, 10 this f . Sta siei ond wife was intll^pt■nsuble. 1 ired wiili the am'mn.n of obtaining high tonouis, ht ! esolved to ii.c rease Ins nii- portaiiii b) till union will) the duUj^,hier ol an influrniiai man of his trdie. fjr h J aci 0/ dinn;ly taken a sei ond « ifi with out bavin, I vei- mentioiieii i!u- t-bjct u, his forni**i I f inpiiiiiDi ;inj^ csn-ous to spot, then launched her light canoe entered into it with her children, and paddled down the stream singing her death song ; too late did her friends per ceive it; their attempts to prevent her from proceeding were of no avail : she was heard ’o sing in u doleful voice, the past pleasures which she had enjoyed, while she was the undivided object of her husband’s afteclions; tiiiall) her voice was drcwned in the sound of the cataract; the current carricd down lier frail bark with an incojicci vublc rapidity ; it came to the edge of the precipice, was seen for a motiient enveloped with spray, but never after was the canoe or its passen gers seen. Yet it is siated liy the Indiaiis that often in the morning a voice has lieen heard to sing a doleful diiiy along the edge of the falls, and that it dw ells ever upon the inconstancy of her bus- li..nd. Kay, some assert that the spirit has been seen wandering near the sj)ot whh )ier children wrapptd to her bosom. Such are tlie talcs of tradition w hich the Indians treasure up, and which they 1 elate lo tlie voyager, forcing a tear from the eyes cf the most relentless. But a few days convinced us of the neei lessness of our precautions. 1 he kni( ness and affability we every whrre me with—the dwsire In serve and oblige u which every one evinced—the enteriain ments that were given to welcome us a- mongthem, soon convinced us justice of our prepossessions, anddisain ed us of the unjust jealousy we had pre viously entertained. I can now feel my self as secure in Arica as in Edinburg 1, and am conscious that every day I nieet with more genuine kindness than any fo reigner with no higher pretensions, would receive in Scotland. The republics of South America are now, and will for along time continue to be disturbed by commouons,fomented by general ignorance, or the ambition ol some particular influential individiiul.— There is no protection for person or pro perly beyond what n^ight and mam strength affords. hen a person gets indebted to you, and does not choose to pay, there is but one resource—seize what you can belonging to him. Should a murder indeed take place, or any serious personal injury be done, re course may be had to the alcadc or ma- gihtrHte, a decent old mar, \\ ho has the power of life pr death vested in him, and who does not trouble himself with any judicial forms in the enquiry he itisti- luies ; if he thinks Hie criminal guilty, he orders him down lo the bench, and he is immediately shot. Sometimes he puts a person in the ,71;- nrad, prison, upon a simple complaint ; upon the grouncis, I su|>pose, that if he is not guilty now, he may soon be. One of the seamen of the Fotosi, who useo some mutinous language to one officers, waa sent on shore and put in jail, where he remained as lorga? that place was the residence of the Colombian sol diers who were here j but a despatch came from Arequipafor them one morn ing, and ihey sei ofl’, leaving Smith, the seaman, in possession of tlie keys ; he came out, of course, and walked about the streets for several days, wiih the keys in his hand, apparently considering himself accountable for them, as he repeatedly offered them to Spaniards whom he met, but they neither understood his language, nor were willing to take his charge ; and Smiih continued for a fortnight to make the prison his lodgings at night, till he ai last got a ship and went ofl, keys and all. having first locked the door. When Bolivar wants soldiers, he send • down and .surrounds the church during service ; and when the congregation dismissed, a most lamentabk* •■cene takes place : all the voung men whom the ofli cer fixes upon are picked out, and hu'- rieil away to Taena, to be examined and clotlicd, amid the most woful lamenta tions of wives, and mothers, and sisier-. This has taken place once since our arri val. W'e have lud several eartl.quaki s lately ; indeed, a week rarely passes with out one, but they never do much injury. If a house or two fall, the people are all generally in the o|)en air before it takes place, and their continual fears make them nmch more acute in discovering the first symptoms of a shock than a stranger can be. In the interior of the desert, shocks are felt, and hills dis placed, almost every day.” London paper. iuttuij lur Uio 1 iiiiroducc fiift br;U; iBio in ihc JiniCJi, LOWER PERU. The folhnvin.i; iiiteresliiig letter has Iiecn received from Anca, Lower Peru, Sept. 4!f!, IhCfi :—“The climate of this (dace is of the most beautiful kind.— I’roin its proximity to ttie equator, tluire is little or no diflerence in ihe length of the day or tiis^h' ihront;lioul the year, tht sun always ri-.es alioui six and sets with in half an hour of ihe same time ’n tl e ■ifternoon. In the evening a little before sunset, a little dew- begins to fall, and this continues till about sunrkse, but is nardly sufl'n ieni to {^ive a tinge of damp ness lo the hand. 'I'he climate in the (»;orning ijears a strong resemblance to the fine morniiijjs of June at hoirie. iiy e- levpn o’clock it gets pretty warm ; bu' rei^uhirly at this hour a fine fresh bietzt sets in I'rom the south, and comes ovi 1 the migh'y Pacific, tempered with tlie coolness of ils waters. 'I’his continues al ways until the heat of the day is jjast, and by four in the afternoon all is calni and lemperaie ; you may fancy aconiinu- al repetition of the finest days in the end of English June. In the midsuiomei months of December, January-and }’i b- rtiary, it tiiust of course, be a good deal ’*arr»ier; but tlu* peculiarities of liu face of the country —the everlasting snow whi':h covets tlu- C'oidilleras of the Andes—and the ])roximity of the great S'.uthern Ocean, will always secure low er Peru from the burning heats of ihi parallel latitude in Asia and .\frica. W i'h a clima'e liki* thi^, Britain wowl !>e a I’aiadise ; hut «anting wau'r, Pen* IS a bleak and mehinrhoiy desert. u heard iiiuch before I sailed, and on the passage, about the revengi ful cliaracter nt the natives >f this connli y ; ami I con fess \v Immi I fit St came on shoi., I did no: altogethei h t 1 at ease amor-g them. I'or itie fii s: foriniy ht, 1 .dw ay s carrief' n y iMsto!, and before we wef.t to f)« ,i i' 'i,ui.ii st.i ne of Woi liki pn j.a.rat ii4i_i 1 v^iiubl) I'j'jkplacy; bo th^i wc wcit hl;g AX IKISHMAN IN CHINA. [From (Juiminghani’i* recent work on New South \\'alcs.] “The colony ofNiw South Wales,” says Mr. Cunningham, “had not been long settled, before it was discovered that China was but a tolerable walk from It—and many pedestrian attempts have been actually made to reach the domin ions of the ‘brother to the sun and the iiioon’s cousin.’ Numbers of these pe destrians, who were supposed to hav. suiceeded in the attemp',—never having been sincc heard of ! Many of the ex- |)loring parties, have set oul—but only one individual has been hitherto known to hixw positively reached Chinu through means of a loot |)ath, and this “ liap|n he,” was an adventurous ilihernian. Pad dy started ofl bddly on his holiday ex- lursion alone, wiih a bag of Iioiletl Ijeef slung over iiis shoulder, a bag of biscnii dangling at his belt, and a paper ol sugar stored up in the crovin of his iuii, to sweeten the tea he loealil lo pull i ff the bushes as he jogged along over the China borders : arid alter three weeks of toil some trudging over rugged hills, aIon»' more rui^getl valleys and through bushes vv hich Would have put a |)ig to a ii(i7iplufis "Padtiy was at lengih stanled from a pni- losophiea-1 reverie by ihe clieer'iig rrovv of aco( k in the distance ;—with shou s ' I ‘‘China forever 1” he hoblded on ward-, eager lo feast his longing eves with the beauties ol a Chinese landscape, .11(1 tuingry eiiougl* lo feast even on a 1 >vv C hinese hini8( If, Lent time tliou;;li It vv as. At length a patch of the long- sighed-for (oiiniry burst upiMi his view, ri nsisiing of a few cultivated enclo^-uies, a snui' garden and a tiim built cottage spouiiiig up its column i,f curling' sniok'’ iti the centri ofilif scene. 'I’oobseive. however, the very cottage and ever y sur^ rounding objpt 1 bear a close resemtdonci- t.i similar ones in the ci.unti y he had h T, i/av(; a new fillip to his joy, wl icb was '■crewed up 10 a still iugher key on p.-r- cciviiig a irentlcmaniu U»c ijarUcH Urcs- «:rd \r\ Emopcan costume ! but he wa^ ' ady to sk in over the five fooi fein e be« le hjiii like a swallow, on recognisiM^^ i.nder the broad rim of the beaver, the Tiendly face ol Colonel Johnstone, coni« o.anding the Nf w South \Vules orps^ •Vhom 1H' had left in the colony at his de. ,,ariure, but who had thus arriv.d hy some near cut in China before him. .ly, eager for the fust congratula ion, .raned out his neck overt h«‘ gurden fence, jnd squeaked as loud as his hoarse hoi- low voice would admit, “Arragh ! lon^ life to you colonel ! and what iias brougiit your honor to China all the way r” Ttm colonel, startled at this novel salutation, came to a speedy eclaircissemcnt with ti^. peripatetic, who, to his sorrow,now found, that in.stead of keeping straight on upon the right road to China, hr j.ad mado some unfortunate ‘ right about face' on the route, whereby he had bien brought back within a few milts of the place whence lie started.” Scotch OJficer and Player.—Mr. Bens* ley before he went ‘on tiie stage, was a captain in the army. One day he n.et a Scotch ofTiccr, who had been in thesamo regiment; the latter was happy lo meet an old niessmute, but his Scotch blood made him ashamed\o be seen with a pUy, er. He therefore hurried Mr. Bensley into an unfrecjuented cofTee-house, where he asked him very seriously, “How could you disgrace thecor{)s, by turning play., acter ?” Bensley replied, that he by no means considered it in that light; that, on the contrary, a respectable player, who behaved with propriety, was looked upon in ihe best manner, and kept the company of the best people.” “And what, maun,” said Sawney, “do you get by this business of yours f” “I now,” answered Bensley, “get about a tliou- band a year.” “A thousand a year I” exclaimed the astonished Scotchman, “Aac you any vacancies in your corps?" An anecdote has been related to us, which we consider too good to be lust, —While party spirit was at its height in this Stale, a gentleman rode up to ihc door of a tavern in a neighbouring town, and accosted the landlord thus : “ 1h this the tavern of Mr. L. the de mocrat r” Yes, Sir, said the cbseiiuious Boniface—“please alight and walk in,” Presently another guest arrived. *• Is this the house kept by Mr. L. the ' eiebrated federalist f” said ihe new I omer. • Yes, certainly,’ was the reply. •'JiiC, take care of the gentleman’s horso.” ‘‘ How is this,” said a bystander : teil- ral to one and democrat toanotmi r” “ Why,” said the publican, “in ti y outiger days I attended a dancing school, and then I learned to change su p vv I’.en the tune changi d. ” Middlesex Gazette. Singular .Laic Case.—From the Uiica Sentinel of ihe 22d ul'. we copy the fd- Hjwingaccount of a singular case w hich lias recently been brought under the con sideration of the Circuit Court, and we most heariily concur in iheetjulty of the decision which it pronounced : A novel and interesting case has lately been argued and decided in the equny court of ihe fifih circuit. About fifteen years since, a person residing in Madi- 'on county left his family and absi ondt'd under circumstances that induced a be lief of his having commuted suiciiie, by drowning himseffin a millpond near liir> residence. His hat, coat and pocket book containing money, were found in a lioat on the pond, with a letter addressid to his broilier, plainly indicating an in- tention to destroy himself. Diligent search was made in the pond for his l)ody, but no traces of it could be fousitK His friends however were convinced ihit lie was dead, and his wife and famdv' went into n'.ourning. Satisfaciorv ])riit/i was made before the surrogate' ol Ins death, and letters of administration wfie granted to his wife, and an order obiain* ed Iron' the surrogate court to sell iiiS real estate lor the payment of his debts. He remained absent for about fourheii years,never inl’ormuig his friends, dur ing that period of nine, of his exist« nee. A letter, written in lllionis, was then ad dressed by him to a frund residing iti tlie place from which he had absi oned- ed. In a short period after this, he yave the most satisfactory evidence of his be ing alive, by ruturning and commencin>j cjectiijeiit suits for the I'ecovery of the laiid which Iku! been sold under the de- creeofthe surrogiu-. A bill was fiictl against him in the equity court of the lilih circuit, by the persons against whom tlie ej«*ctmeni suits were instigated, pray ing that a perpetual injunction f.;ranied, restraining his [)rocep(iiii):s lie j' law. 'I'he court after a thorough and patient examination of the case atid liie laH, pjoiiounced an opinion, that a per* pe'Ual injuuction oujr^,i jq granted. B'liu. — It is thou^dit that within the last three motilhs.y/rf feel of water, it^ rain have fallen in the middle stai‘'’ Hroo' 46 lo 48 inrhts, have hithi r'o t)-eii (itisids-rf (1 the average annual l-illini^in rain and snow, in tins coa.HO' — Men spend their l.‘4>e« in ‘■ei nce of their passions, iii8ti,id-«4 »■"'* ployiug iiie passiuasla the