VOL. CIURLOTTE, JV. C. TT]:ST).m MATfCIl 25. 1828. 175. I'lini.lSIIED WEKKLY Br LEMUEL lllMillAM, Jit Three Dollars a tjear, paid in advance. Xo paper will be discontinued, unless ut the discretion of the editor, until all arreurag-es are paid. Advertisements will be Inserted at the usual rates. I’ersons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on tlie margin the number of insertions, or they will he continued until forbid anti ciiarged accordingly. ai\i\ i'oiwwussVim nUSlKKSS IN CIlAlfl.KSlON. pj'rtHE SUIiSCRinER respectfully infonns his sJk friends and the public, that he continues olie above line of business at his old stand on Ivlmondston’s \Vharf, where he is prei>ared to iittond to the sale of produce committed to his r.iire, upon which liberal advances will at all tiiiie-i l>e made ; or to the execution of orders fcr GOODS. U m. J. Wilson, Esq. or in his absence, Ihe apcnt of the STEAM IIOAI S, J- st ph II. Townes, will receive and forvvard, widiout de lay, ail Cottons consigned to me by the w a) of Clicraw, and will be prcpareil to make advan- oes on such consignnients. if re(|uired. A HENUY. W. (ONNER. Charlfston, Nov. 1, 1827.—3mtir3. O;;;}’ The Editor of the Western Carolinlai' will insert tl is advertisement for three months, aihl torwanl his account to me in C-’harleston. XKW ( (KYFECTlOXdRY, Fin IT ^TORE, fllHE fiubscrtb.T infovnis the citizens of Char- J lotte and its \iciniU, th^t she Iihs rented the house I .te!y occiipii d iiy 'Jr. 'I hoinas A. Kt riiunt, a-- » t.rocery, and that she has just •pened an u-'Mirtnuut of ('andii'^, of eCcr\ desiription, . In.oiids, Kgs, I’riinoH, l^aisns, ■fcarl Harley, Hire, Siiiolied llerrli.gs, ()\stirs, Crarkcrs, Pickled I'ish, and I’hiladt Ipli a Hcer; with a supply ol (JoU'ce and Sug .t, RACHEL COMEN January 21, 1828—"mtzy DISSOH Tl()\. The copartner>liip hereti fore existinc^ l-e- tween i nOMAtii 'I'ROT I'I.R fc( (), v a'sdis- solved on the loth instant, l>y loutual consent, Persons indebted to us will please all and set tle their respt ctive aecuui ts, vitl.o'U delay, as we wish to close the coiictrn as soon as pos'jible. Charlotte, Jan. 22d, 1F2S—67. TUn VEH & III i\Tl\(iT()N, Watch •Makers and, Jnrvflvrs. OF the late finr of l im.MAs ThoT'i i.ii Co. ha^ e re- movi-d tlii ir Lstablishnient to .the buih.iiig ()i>])'site Mr.Jiio. 1 Sloid.’s nt w I ouse, about jO ■trds north of the C; tirt- ‘ House, when- tluyare pn- I pared to carry on the al'OM j liusiiiess, in idl its vnrious Iiranehes, v. itli niattic'-s aiid desp.itch. liny have a handsome assortn.ei.t of gi!s! uiul silver Levers, aiid good plain ^\ at^!lcs; Ci l>- tUmm’s an.l l.adie.'-’ "“''I Cliains, Seals and Kc\s; Pe .rl, rilagnc and I’a^te Ear Rmgs, IJn-HSt Fins mid Finger Rings, ol han'I'fonie patterns; Sdver 'I'able and I'l'a “^jjc-ons, and various other articles in thtir line, which they wdl sell low for Cash. No exertions will be spared, on their part, to give complete satisfac tion to tl’.ose wiiu may favor them with their patronagi. Charlotte, Jan. 29, 1828.—66. YOUNG SIR ARCHIE, 1^1/ Old Sir ^'irrhiCf of liounoke^ stand the ensuing ? ? season, at the store of liarinn & I'hi/lujt, at lUaty’s J'ord, within is mih sof I.in- toiiiion, and 23 of Charlotte; anil will he let to Mares at tiie very ntoderate price of fK tin season, $5 the single leap, and #16 the insur- arice, the money for insurance will be claimed as soon as the mare is discovered to be with foal, or the property changed. Sin iSiBCHZXS is a beautiful darJ,' hay, 7 years old next sprinjr, JiJCKSOS MEE TING. At a\ei \ iiuiiii i (ills ;issemi>lu^e of tlie (Veenten of AN ekU nburg count), cfinven- ed at the C uri-U(^use in Charlotte, on I'uesdjy, Hit 26tli »>f rVhruary, 1828, on i»ioti( n of Col. Johti Sloan, Josi.i’nW'n.- I which it is evident now pervades out country. Your comnfiiltce would call I your attention to the lirst mesRafff of Mr Adams, as cuniaininj? his views on the ta I itt'8c internal improvmrni. He reconicnds a tarifl'ofduties amouting ainiost to a pro hibition 'y thereby atleinptirig lo injjiose an addiiicjnal burden on the agriculturist, to support the manufacturer. He recom mends a syetem of internal improvement SON. Ivcj was ealU’d to the chair; and on n.iUK.n ..r Washii giun Moi rison. F.sij. carried into effect, upon a scale well Isaac M'Xfindvr, sen. und James M. Hutch- ^alciilated to drain ourtreastiry of its last iion, Ivqis. uere appoiiued serretarie.s. ! mission to Panama, Mr. IS a oeaniiiui fmr/i'fww, / vears oiii next snrlnL^ * .. v .v• upwards of 16 hands high', of great jiow er, a ! j ‘ meetintj was explained arro,-aied a new power to him- tion and vigor; and, in point of blood, is infV- *l>‘‘ rhaiimatf, in an able and ekifiueni sell, unknown to the constittilion ; and vi* riortono horse in the Southern States, as will! address, of considerable lerj^lh. After •'* iTiaxim of the father of hisccun be sec-n by thtjollowing rcrtifieaie f.om Judge xvhicb, on mot’ion"ol’ Dr.' Steph'n t/anu ron and Mr. lk*nne ban, ot Orantre. M hicli . vt »• fully establishes his ped.gee : ^ con.miitee, conii-osed.oi VV m J. Alexan- “ We cenify, that the bay Stud horse Yoiivi' Sir Jtrchie, sold in August last to Mr. Alfred IUirt(;n, of I.inclon county, was raised by us; that he was g(it by Old Sir Archie, his dam b\ Eagle, his gran-dam by the imported horse Druid, his great, gn at dam, by Mark Anthony. He was SIX yea’s old last s])ring. Junuary 22, 1828. Dl’NC AN CAVERON, } 11IOMAS 1). RENNEIiAN.” 5 The season will c(mimence ( ii tin- 1st of Man h, and end on thr 1st of August; gool pastorage will be furnised gratis, ar,d grain at der, i lumia- li. Sinarit,and Washington Morrison, E'(jrs. Gen. IVlichael M’Learj, Mitj. Maltliew liuin, C'ol. John Sloan, and Dr. Samuel H«nderson, was appointed to report an address and resolutions ex- piessive of the sentiments of the meetint: on tlie subject for which it was convened. The committee then withdrew ; and shortly afterwards returned, and submit ted tlie following rep(jrt : Atiimated by the same patriotic zeal ihe market price, if rtcjnirld ; care will lu ta-■' ‘'' '‘/’ion :o the principles of liberty, ken t« pre>tilt accidt J.lb or escapes, but no li- " bich, during the d.irk and portentous ability fur either. Ai.FREl) M I5VRT0N. -Febniaty 12, 181:8. —.It??. THE liKiJI lilU I) HORSE JAISUS. Jjl^AVINt; purchased this ^ensuing seasonal niv sta’ id , on Sugar Creek, the fo»ir first working (lays in each w et k, to be let to mares at.the re- duted price of three dollars tin. sin.gle visit, paid at the time of service ; live dollars the S( a- son, p'.ij able the 15th of October next ; and ten ol'. rs i() iiLSure a man with fdal TheSLasor. .i'l ( mmence ti.c U.tli of March and end the fit si of .Nugust. Care w ill be i iik eii to ];n v (i.t { ci(!i nts or escapi s, lull will in t b. liable for (itln r. J.iM.'swasgot by C'.cii. Hampton’s Old I’w 'g. A further description is cU « n ed us« b .‘•s, a- it is hoped that all V bo w ish to bri ed fit.c and pi iiud ( f iln Ke\(/h(t)(^r. distinf;uisbed their haidy and rhi\ ali ous nucestois; and anxiobs ioprest r\e, (jure iirui unimpair- ((.!, the republican insiiiulinns of theii countir; a })onjon o'" ht citizens of Ml cKlenbui g county ha'eihisd.iy assem bled to'M iliei for the pni|H)s«' of ileclar- ii r;- to ihe world the stjiid whu h the) viduable Hov^i- Iroin .'Ir. iit-^ipr,, to oc et.p) in the appi (-'achint^ pre- Stockton, I wdl stand bun . - • sidential coiitCi.t. '1 he fj ieiids ..f Clen. Jac Lson in this county, roiifu:. ill in liu-ir buperiority, have not hcreiol'ure ext i led iheniselv( s aclivciy in his cause ; beiice it has idly hot n reported, and by suii;e pfrha|>s be-, '.''.'i"'. Hexed, ilia' tlie vole ol MeckU iihuig will ^ try, in endeavotirini^: to eut^a;rc I's in en tangling alliances wjih the. tiovci ninent of South-Ann rica. Your committee believe that tlie pre sent Adniinistru'.ietl has sedulously en»- ployed the pal!(.'narre ui iliisj;uvernmcnt in susiaininr iisclf in pov,er. it is be lieved that the j;eci ’iar iiiteirsts of this section ('i the United States, have beet, sluimerully iiej'leclcd in re.({;ard to t!u* VV’est India tiade. The course of tin Administration v.’as such as to subject the state of Norih-Carolina to the loss of its piofitablc tiade to the liriiisb West India Islands, 'i he arrogant tone assum- efl by Mr. Adams, towards '.he (lovernor if (leor.gta, when he thteai«-ned, in a sivle of kingly iiuthoriiy, to niiircb a hostile force aeainst that state, io hiirbiy censur.ible : it betrays a h. uglily and un governable spirit, which for the gralifica- tionofiisoun arbitrary d( sires, is rec!;- Iess!\ dis|)Osefl to plunge us in a Moodv war wilh a peaceful si*.!!'!'state. TIh'si, a:^ belori 5,'aUd, ar;.' hut a few of the ob jections whicii e:ii-.t to the present Ad- niiiii >;."ati()fi : but «c object tu Mr-. .\d- anib !ktause v. e h'.wc no confi'leiiee i;i his noiiiic-iil I I iticiph s •. We lirvt set hitn in the Seiun d’ i!ie United Si-.U(.s. a fed- in priiiv;iple iiS he proKs^tc;, and and nominate a candidate for Elf-ctor friendly to the election of Andrew Jack son as President and John C. Calhoun aa V'ice President. Jlcsolved, '1 herefore, that Maj. Benja min Morrow, Charles Alexander, Col, Kvan Alexander, Joseph IM( Connuughey, ICsfj. and David Parks, Es(. compose a commitiee to meet the Cahairus and Lincoln delegates, at this place, on Wed nesday the 27th inst. f\'eso!vcd, That the delegates reprcsen- (it.g this electoral tlisinct, when they shall have iu>niinated a suiiable person as a canilidate for an eh ctor, that they for ward his nanie to the Ceniral Jucksoa Committee at llaleigh. licsolcrd, 'I'hat Major Jonathan Harris, Col. Wm. B. Port* r, the R( v. Isaae (ireer, W.H .•ni Canii)bell, Esq. J. bn P.ariu ft, sen. Dr. Ste- l>hcn Fox, Philemon Morris, Esq. Thomas Ry- (Ts. ( apt. Azariali J'obnrn, I’eter Rape, Col. David Karr, Win. J. Morrison, ('apt Wm. P. Springs, Jo-i |)h lilickwood, Esq. m. J. Wil son, Robert atsoii, C:,ipt. .Siiuiui I Meacham^ Charles Alexander, Jaint s P. Rodgers, Robt. R. Parks, Dr. Janu s I'orter, John Ingram, Esij. Cxpt. Uarhnj; lU lfc, Hugh McCain, 'J’ho ; N. Alt \;.nder, Thomas A. Noni.eni, U-ia I’j ;ircr, C(d, in. N. Parks, M.tjor Abrab;»ni C. l.abatl, Wm. Fbnnikin, jr IlMiry Mat„,\, jr. John W eeks, Esq. Akx. Nesbil, W \\\. Pjion, Jonas Riidisill, s( n. Isaae Frabier, comjiosi tho committee of eorrespondence and vigdancc for lh( eount\ of Mt ckli nburg. liisolrlti. That we ;.dopt the cent -al Jackson con.miMie of Mgdanci- and corri-opondi nco lid'ined at Rik igh, on tin-2 Hh Dec. 1827. limiilvit!, 'I bat the pnx-ei (rmgs o! tliMnieet- inn be signed by the »liainnan an l s( c vi l.uies^ and that' opies thereof Ix- m nt to the K(l.t.,rs cf the Raliigli Star, Nnrtb-f arolina .Iiinn al, WestcTii Curolin'ian, and (; l.twua Jonru.il, for* publication. JtvSl.lMI \\ ll.SON, ('lunrnian. ArKTf.tNaiii, Sen.,' Ja»:ks .M. lleT( insoN, Sicrtturic/i, r.Xlruct of a, liHi r, (loll'/ Uui'hrstcrf Atw l url', lui. 2J.Vi, lo2y. ~ “ Wc.'^'crn Neu-\ork is constantly j making thu inost inipo.-tanl dcii;onsira- lie\ed, ina' tiie vole ol Meek'i iibuig will i i c i • • i making tliu inost niipo.-tant clcii;oiislra- I . 1 , 1 • • I ■ I opposeci lo 'he ac(ju;s;iioii ol iajuisii.n;;, .• , \ i ■ • . . r b> givi n to the .Adminisii ation cund date. ' , . , , .i f tionr, in lavor ol the Adinini .iratloti. 1 ,, , land to her reception itiio the Ljiion an a , , . •. i i i j N* e c.aniiot lor a moment belit\e ihat an i ,■ . . i ,i «• bave seldom ujUiCvsed .so nii'cb zeal a.nd . , . • , , I tree slate. In ’Ih* spi inr of the, year . opij;i{,i. so eiitirelv at variance v.i hthe . ix , . ■ .■ enthusiasm as now pei vaue '.he country. ((>u!d have been circulated I'or any i ^'1 Ik I If, ! (>v A. D. Ib07. he pusKies c\er u mceliiig for th selves. JA>.ES DINKINS. I’ebniar\ 28. 1 P2P.--&thU. peivade '.he country. . A si'outai.eous sentiment of coiiil itiKc cori\ei;ea lor tbi nin i ose ol r»iusli alnit' . i . . « i • • . .i .. Uii.n iVieie Ijoliiical etli'tv. . , , . m t n- J und attachnieiii to an .\f!minis?ralioti'.hat , . / I 1- I . !!'e AcimitiisUuMiit ol M i. J HeratJii ; and i • ii i i i • . ,, ... ,, , . ill, ! (>v I \ VI. I be n.aciioiMi! ih( Irient s ot i . , • , , i is upnoldsniMhe honor and ad vanr.ii.g the valuable colts, w dl ca.I .■xi'd pidgi for them-1 . , , ,,, , . , I'l tbe wintM oMbe samt \ear, we iind ■ . , r i . . IA \ i.« iiiMvivt; (■'It . iu;uld hcive (■{ jn\ inio lie I, . , . , i interests ol ihe counii v, seems to atutnalft i4\-i s iiiMviNs. , . . , , ,1 l.i:n ;d.*alKloi:ti.; 1 luit pa» tv, deix/Uncini>'! ... ' 11 ror Ol l,ei.( \ ii ’■ibatMr. y\(loins i ould ' , .. every (I'lxin. Ijiis village evinces a . Ills \ie\vs iii.d iviii;( h.ies, ;inl advo«.a'thg , ■ • . ,t- . . • in anv . v( ni. .r.uiri vtiiiuioiuv ol vou-s , , i i i , cbar.-.cter lor inielligence and palnousin J • . , ’.lie (!m I'liou .(!()(. iiM ihai the rei oin- , , ,v i . ,in tilts eouiM’., ’.i:( iin.t huj now armed , e . i >. i • 'vhich we are proud lo proclaim. Ul our , , , , ... . tiK’i.'i;.’. li-r: id I 111'i.i I si,i( lit rofii!)»-IUu ihc , ■ . i . * ■ \Uieti tbev sii!ii»i(i !je au ak( ned tiom the , , ■ c . , i , I sixteen hutidred elcctoTS, not one hun- , , ' . > , I ,• ,1 , s( tuiu ( I I’t L . I I (I Slates lo cc/. and i , ■ -r . i • i i ; (!t luswii i!i u :,i It ibi V h;,\I-so li^ndlv in-1 , , , -r i i ! dred, il even seventy hve, can be inducca I.I.IL,TC|, Tl.,- .,1 .\i,ckK'nU, it'"':'»• j vote ihc Ailminb.rr.uon. Oui-' ,p, , r a( ;i, .A»i. Ai..,ins vas educated and . « M.ll i»,l.l ,•.,!» n,I,.. i™ , , r,. 1,.. ““"'y »>" K.ajorily S - gainst the Jac;;son ticket lur .Vdector and Ciovernor. 1 her.e fact;-, are indisputable* The few, vei y few, .fa( hi cn men v;c Lave , . II , amone us,arc forced to adn;ii tlieii'truth, rouiitry ; hut on the contrary well adapt- ’ ^ (d to inculcate liie npinion that our gov- largi- ;tnd 11 >;ant lrick Ihrcilmi' Ih itct ; and i 11 e w r ngs of li' itish oppression, wd on j * * »r »l>„a brick J \ ,,-5, P "ununs aid Ml .c p ■..■...a-, houses. 1 , , / 1 y . 1 , L ptfJlilc should 1101“ be pdl- t>n the s.'inu' day and at the sami place, we ' *, i '/*.* ' ** * i I constituents. ’ will sell ai.other 1b* .\('I of LAN D, coiitaining iJeiu. ..( ris iiiig ..u( b 11 Your coiTiinittce believe that the eUc- aluiut om hii'idred acns, l\ini; .n ilu' m w collections, and snmu'a'eil by anexum-j Road leading from ( oiHivd t(i Sabsbni}. 1 pie so brijjhl and ^.'((jI k.'U-., ll.e hi;; F, f^l’^l'AT in i-nrsi anei to I'l c(’. o'" Trust, and J fcr 1*'c piirjiescs tlur» in in iiiion( ve will i Xjiose to I ut lie salt, at ibt dw i lliiij;- i.onsc f'f W illiani Means, si n. on Moii'biv, the 2-ilb March ne.Nt, that la' ire and vdiiablc TI^Al T of I AND on which the s;tid iHi n Nii an-^ now H\t«, rfnt:ii leg np\\;iu!s o*‘ M\n l:uii(!r i acii s. 'I'lieiH is no tract ol 1 .:.-iu! .ii the \\ esteni part of Norih-Carolina, ot tlu saiin tpiai.l t\ o! acres, ini.rc vahiablc. 'Ilufi is oi. tin pr ini.scs a c li 1 \ all ou s foi efalhers, sinaiuiig , I iii;n id.ijiKlonii.;; i luit » \ iews iii.d jvi ii; e c!fii gi I oU' (loi. I iM ihai the rei oin- tm’i.'i;.! li.r: s( luiu ( I I’t I . I '(I Slates lo flc/. To I'lCM objections, wi i a(';i, .\»i. Ad.,ms vas educated and j , , , ,• 1 • in f'.it igii (( ariii (which has* util dt (•(.:» o till ir p;Mii.!ir aiicestius : , , , /. , ■ ^ . . i , * . , , , hi t I. •«: ( b(;asi of his Inends) a tutelage llM'V y, M.n,. n.lu-, »Hl, .,.1 . xul-, ^ lailu, lliul , «ah uir (...-Ull ‘'I,"'': n,,ubl,can institutions ofour KivoiulKjn U’ceived its liis! impuisi ; ' ' that heie, in the village Charioiit, their The county of i'iie full ao st;ong fo'' the Adminifdralion Moiiroc. Iinlccd^ there v/ill tcaicely b'* the o’.iow of oppo^ i)ition in (iciiciice, rviu'ara, Cliutan'.iuCi ' i Cattaiogus, Krie, Orlea’rj, Monroe, Li* \ingston, or Ontario ; and there will bt triumpliant iru'.jozitics I'or u:; i:i f'jcuecaj ,j,,j,.hH-n (,f Aiulicw Jackson to the 1 Steuben, Wayne, and Tump'.:in:i. on tin same vl.),wcv.iU sellughtien (led ciiizelis of .Nl’t e kl nbu rg can „j.ver iinterebis of otir A«IaTn.i v;i!l rcceive al least twen. «.oui try : we have tr.e ludest coi...,.cnce r r . ri.-.torai voteoofN. York.. A C I.ASSU AL SCIiOOj., I^DR 1>oth sexes, is now tangl.t by the sub- sorilu r and a female assists.t, .tl Centre Mel ting Ilrpuse in Iredell county, 25n.ili s wist of S;di^' nr\, 22 norlh ef t.’barlotlf, and 18 south of Statesville. The place is remarkably In al- th) and retir. d iVom the noise aiu! bustle ot the worli!. Youth may here be pr part d for en tering any of the classes of eolle^i', or they ma\ he condti’cted tbronfjfh the whole course of a collegiate education. Fi inalesw dl be taught the difTercnt bi-.mch- es of iisi fill science, iii edIe-vM«rk, j)ainting on vi lvet, anti the French I.anguagc. 'I heol jtct of the'I'eacherb in this Seminary will be not 7m reiy to exercise the memory, but lo inform the jinlginent, improve the under.'>tanding aiul to lead their pupils to a practical acquaintance "with Science. Particular attention will be paid o the morals of youth, and tho v.liole course eondncted in the fear of (iotl and with nlLr- cncr to the viruie of the (i{,spcl. Tiie prict s of tuition are 5*’2 50 a tpiarti r, for reading, writing an 1 aritlmetic; .5 7 6 foi I'.n- gbsb (iraniinar and tjicgiaphy ; f.j f r matlie- niaticK, i)ainting, the hi)4ht r branchi.s of sci- eiict; ’.nd tie.- I.atin, (ireek and F'reiit h lan guages. litiariling may be obtained in the t:.ni- i.\ o' the subscrilxT, and in rejnilable families ill ti'c neighborhood, at the motlerule ];rice ol ■Ul jO a wl ek, payable ipiarterly. ■' ROHER'i II. CHAPMAN, Mivnrt Mvvrnr, Fib. 4, 18'.8.—3t? 1. Stute ot* Noi'lh-Carolina, MV,( Km:n nVi{ (; co rntv. Court of J’i'eas aiuf (Jnurtir Sist-ions, Novtnihcr Trrm, 18J7. Ch.irles Temple r.^. John ChafVin-Original Attacbmi'Ut, le»ied in the hands c*l A. J. Wcrke. I r is onlered !)V court, that publication be made six weeks in the ('utawba Journal, for difi ndant to appear at our next Ft !»riiarv Court of Pleas ami quarter S ssions, and plead or replevy; otherw ise judgment ill be enter- i!?d lip against him. ISAAC ALEXANPtR, c. .y. e, i7.i_pcr, adv. /?. or twiiiiN likely NtOI OES, con^istinp: of men, W(men t'.iid cl.ildrtn. A cret'il of tv eU e months will be given, the purchaser pi\ing bond with al'|)io\ed security. \\ 11,1.1AM C. M A,NS, ? JOHN N. lilFFR, 5 (>f Ac rtli-('(I VO I in a,} ],incohi (imvhj. 5 (!ouit (i Pkas and (iuarli rSissions, January SesMoiis, 18J8. .Vinlrew Friday, J-.v. Jost ])li Mai-tm. Oriy.iniil .ittavhnintt, I'v'.u! cn Itnn!, Inm: an vn ibii'.k of y ieiding tiieir sup|)ort to a coa-! Ktion lion it Ti.es we are poitaiice and ((im.erii to every 111 il ls (.(.uiiii) ; It is eiiijjhatically ‘‘a btruefjleol jii iik ijde.” 'I hose puiein- stuuiion.'. purch.ised by the blood of our ior»l.*thi 1 s, ha'e been rndelv assuiled and by ihe arts c: stratagems of an ai i&to- ciaiic combination, neaiiy wresled from out f^rasp. li is lo leiustate, on its for- iiu r b..sis, the good old cause of ibe peo ple, Icundedon llie pnnciides of lepubli- wbicli his country loiild ci.ii'"." on him and we ste him reiiriiig fit.in tlirm with the entire eonbden. e of his con^^ti- ci.nton, for v. he ; iuenls, ..nd without a n.ni.on- cd dr.a;,-' poliiiria.. .u ..uu» probatum.oi- i*^htaiy n liection upon Uu-ir ii'.:lutnce .Mo ihc JacLson scule, will liij integrity. We ha\e si en him c(-ni- ,i,nf/ul oi/(rr,t h, /At nul ,J Jarnt.^ l.ut-1 i|,at present siru}^-le has been , LLCi(ti.a • ieommniced—tl'.at cause, to gain w hich ■ T appearing to the satisfacuon of the c(mrt, j ashiiii^ton liL-Zaided his life :n the field; that Jost pb Martin, tlu tli It ntlant, is ii(;t an , .111 i i i 11 .it It islbtrefoit onKn d;‘="d to estabbsh hu h, Jdlerson tolled lid l. bori'd in the i aljinet. inhabitant ot tliis s1;ile In court, tlial pu licatn n be 11 adt six wt i k succtssi\tl\ U) the C.ttawba .Itiirnal, that le| ;ipl>t :.r at the ('onni\ Ct.nrt 't' Pleas i.inl Qiiai- • Ur St ssioiis. It) l;i lit Id for i-aiti couniv, a' the' Ciiuit House 1.1 I ir.colnton, on tlu fta rib M( n- li.ij ;i(ti r the foul til in ^lareb lu \i, n |ili \ \ and jdiad to issue, or ji ti'^n int I y ilifai.ll will be v iilereil u,. against i.'.ni. Witness, \'. .M‘Hi e, C!t rk of said Ccnrt, at (liliie, the liiird .Momla\ in J..iiiiiir\. 1 i V '. h’I'V N.-lil F. } Marcii 4th, 1 S2S-6t7C- jir. ai x. 2. | ^iVios. (;hi Tl?, Hri.rv. i sr\ riv i rj^ll E sn-.yciilurs h. \ ii 'jnalified a^- In eii. | 1 torsol ;iie K.state of 'l hON'AS t.Iil FK.mi.- deceased, )'i ({'!i ;,t a!! ])ersons indLbit d I0 s.o.l esta'.e, to call an.l ni.ii.e !-eltl. ...i a' ; ai o ;,l having claims ae;.ii> si t!ie e.'^Uite, to jr.a ■■ i.t i’.ieiii Tor pa'.ment, v. iih:n tiie time pres.-; ..t.d . \ TIIOS. J. t.' FFR, AM)i;i W (.lU J.ii, Ken’ll- ^ \ .\tl I'.l, M.I.J., f iurii. JOKN IIAR'I I, J Febiuary 25.*, 181,8—4t-7 In a( cordance w ith a common usage ari(i 1 ustom in such cases, your commii- t(c will proceed to lay before the meei- 11^ a few of the leading and promineiit i...u^es uj;on V. hich '.heir (jpposiliori to lie prevent Adniiuisli aiion is founded ; ' an « I uniera'ion of tliewliolc wt>uld swell [ibis address greatly beyoi.'J its proper j I.mils. i Aiihough yt>ur comniiltfe admit that I Mr. A(L.nis was piomoted lo the pit-si- Icleili.d chair l:i .iccoi daiu e with \\,i-JonuH ol''.be coil'tilu'.ii.n, it is ob\io.j', tiiat he 1 (.i)lai,,ed tbr.l «.l'.re against t’.e v.'I^Ik'S ol' Silas Wood, arc cej ta’.n to '..Ijoose Admi • nistration iJectors. 'i'be ol Mr. hose salvt* v'istiu. po;;i;rians designed to tliiovv mandingthe armies cfotr couriiry whilst engaged in a war wii;i :u;hle^s er-.emies. In this situation, he iiseen to ilisjday i;i- leiits of the !’.i::t o.'der. uikI dr\uUoii lo !iis counlrv, v.hich induced iiiin to iisU probaid) save tl.c districts repiesinted by Messrs. \'an I'ensr.elaer, Du iiir.son, Maii^ill, amrjolinj. Wood. 1 n Messrs. Oakh y, lit Ideti, 11 jbbi», and Ilidltr ari’s disliicls, ihe pn babilities are at*- 'nst, ,, , and in Messrs. Marll, (Jariow, a'd eNcry thMigucar to nun as ai.t)ldier andji^,^,^.^ d.suicis, ibey are io favor t t ,ho .\dmirMsiration I'Jec j)atriot, to save bis cjumH v. J/uringtlu last j-,ie^ ulential c..nvttsK. v.c!)bf)’.d him w itiiin be real!» i/f ihe biglu »' ollirc in the ijifi of a great iiution—no lav. oi the repuivlii’- was to be’.iolatid, no feidin,.: (d liie heart to be out: art d, no |ik judicis (J niankind lu be shocl.td, al the recep- lion ol'it : !)ut lie subdued 1 he tcmptuiion, as lie .M;'..;'!jed t'le loCs ol' his ( (>;jnti y, at.d rejected tlu* ( n't r with disd.iin. In ..uci. a man. as President (d’the Undid Siat*: , the people n.ay sal’ely t;onf.iie t'.ie fngi (it st inies '/{ I his country. \ ( ut comiiii tee, thelxf-jre, beg leave to u'tommend tbc lo!lowi:>g i esoiutiun ■> : of Fdvint vhltif). ri'IIlE cc.partr.t rship iormt tiv under the firm' upluldilig its p«jv.ei 1 of DAVISON 1)FA\ F.SF, is this ila\ lUs- so!\ed, bv ii.i.tual eonsent. 'IIIOMAS DAVISON JON AT PAN Jbrgt) ‘1th, 1825^ )^5'- /iV.'-o/f 'I’iiu*. \\e t.i'fisiiii I tln.t coui't n^j.iiity f)l' ibe ijeuj)!-- the Uniled j 0!'jndicy |iui s'le.l Ijy i;u'[>rcui.t Adn.iu tes : this, it ma^ be a)h*|;;ed, can be rio 1 istr: tiur, as 11.ii'... al to I'.u' l.esi inic/es'.i !on ; your coniinitt*e ai e cov.strain- oftlus country ; and th.ai wc will uae ad fair and !,onou 1 able means to ptevent ll.e re h ' !ion (d Jolin Quincy Adaii.i. 74VjY''fV(/, 'I’iiat lepobiiig fiuire confi- dti.ee in tl.e iirmi.ess, it j;ub!itan lu.nca- ly, and iiilelli;»e!ue of .\i.di»vv Jjickson. Wf V. ill use evt'i y honeal einb avourlo aul in pronio'.in!; hi' eiectioiitothe pi esideiii \. li'titolfcd, 'i bat v\e beai iily ap],iou' ( •’ ihe re^.oluiiidiS (ntejcd iiito by lie Ja k s.on nu line's in ( abui I us und'I.ineoln. ed 10 I iiinl. dil't u ntly : a i're* idem of I be United Stales should pi.isess th.e coidi- ctTue >1' tiie people ; ordess tbi'j !)C the case, the jiati otia|;C and policy f.I'the Ad- irdni'ti eition niust and will be governetl ..ni] ( ontrolled, lu.'t ' y the solid intercM'. (/I tbi' country, but v.i’.Ii a Mir>Je view (A‘ \ (>ur i;onimiiw e Ijtleive that I he policj oi ihe ple^;lnt.^l’4- ministt alion has been su. •• as to iusii'.y the common, nay, alui(;i?t i!niM‘i\al e\-1 and w ill cfjtdially (o-xperate wilh iht n, ptci-iion cf disVru‘1 ai.U diiJsaiiil’uclior; i in ’I’cTp^ ii.tu.int of d.le^uttsj to meet success of th- .•.dmirMsiration I'Jeciors. 'Ilu onlv diKintls, therefore, decidedly i'll Jackson, are tht city of Nt'W Yoik, .iiid I bose I epi esei tt d by Messrs. John C. Clai k, I)i (11 L fV .11 d W rd. “ 'J7iU:i kidiiiu'i :hc cti.it »/ New Vmk ” 1 am not nuking an idle es’;m.ite»)f the ".irtng-th. 1 neither deceive mv^.elf’, nor wish U) dc. i\e others. M v judguu nt ia enlirely sair tnd, uiu) i'>v r ifidenfc k» i|| not bt" (li .a; j.'-inlei'. Mi .'ltj>ints kt mo rcptat it, \rii! nrfiic hre/iti/foyi. if :iot lu'vn(fj-ni.i\ of t/'ic i-Uiclonil rotes of S York. *1 hoM- w h(> now btja* t ti| t b' J' • i;ili oi' (leTi. J.ick-ofi in tiiisSiau, w • 11 e- j 14.d 1 y t f/i 1;1 etiI 1 htlt its \ 11'c « 1 u d lie jg.vei) lo .Mi. (''awroid in I- wa« I Ii.y Idi 10lu to tliHi r v. i• !i 11 1 n- 11ci,, as II (i(> IKiW. A lelltl V\ 'ill'll 1 'ben VVitiK'j I „nd u liu h vv>. ■. puM; .h f (! mv/.urs- ; . r, jassuiinu >'* ' 'c>tnr\ live Ad ms l.lecUiis v^iiUid b* ( lost n, v\ ,.s ( (••? del'. tl, .»nd I hi w ' 1! be 11 j>rcsfii ted. to be ail absuiilil). 'I'ne bali(-; bciXe bovtrv r, I ben V iiuiicait tl III V (ipin luns, as!'.,e\ viU III the coming cotdli. 1. ’—Ac/. Jomrtnl, An Kpiscoj)a'ian S..m ieiv Itas beeQ bii loed a’ I .1 bhasset, (I’lm it'a.t I . bi >u nitMon w ;h tl i PioicblilUl l^^^ucopj^ Church of Ui« U.