MKMOl.'Y—BT . Winn 9W0UTI1. A pill—t' rej; iter; a kN — Tl'at w iitils tliro'ich s» cr«. *. v. arjj Ar( well a'-sijjJiril '-j Mtnio'/ JBy rllcgoric banls. Anil not ina;,tl; nl^lit bcgWea A |)t iicil to lu V Iiai 'l ; llKit, softfiilnj{ oivects, somet'imes cren OutMrips tilt hf^trt's ikiuund ; Tliat .'■nioolliis fui^rone tVist.'ess—'.lie lines 0'rare siilxUiC', JLon>j-Muiislic'l liappini ss n fmes. And clDthcs l;i brii^htcr lii:is : Yet, like a tool oi'fiinry works. Those f'pccU'fs to ililati', Tli:i^ st„rt!f cciisc’u uce :is she liirta ■VVitliin licrloiu ly seat. O, ( iir H\es which flee so fast, li, j ... .t\ AI v(j siirh '11;:,1 ..(A .11 111 .;;c of the pa&t Slu ulii If.'" peiu-il’s toiicli ! IJci'iK n.t i,: iIk ii niif^lit houily look U;k'Ii .1 ’'ji l'rii^ M ciu' i Asc sU;i.i lu li.*. nook Ci>iiti !ili.(l b rciu-, ' as calm fis .i!;cs that slcPji In Jru-t\ iii*)untii,h1 j;lisli liiiif,'' ; (.It mciiiit;.'in ii\t rs, wiilTc lluy crecp Almi;; .1 cli.iniifi sniootli .'itrl ilocp, 'I'o tlKlrowii lar-olViniun.iirs listeiriiig. Nii.Mii};' iu^;rtli( r pn tit and ilclight. NA I UKAL ms'lOUV. Description ot tlic Knifr ioiis, from “A tv» }('urs" rci,iilijiice in Niw South Walts. “Oiir largst aiiiiiuils aft* the lunt gnroos^ uH yf which air line eating, !ji iiiii; clvai of fat, exccpi aiimjt ihe tail, ITi'jr'i likf Nfiiisfiii. and mjl'i'ai; mosi cjc- li i.iiHsti-us olid jilr.iUs, thi favouiiu tii‘- . 'it'iiiir w bai ca’nd ,i btieo.ner, i in- pi . il i'' ‘.!f k'' li ( in I p ii luii. (" iili ;i f. w si.f'soi .'a!i Jj' ik.y Mt wed with ii V« ' > sinali (Jijaiili'V ii M uli I' loi a rM)pi» ot li'-tiis III i' xr‘.;'i. WriiaVfth* ■ forCisl fcanarnoo cn(iui, wjtii lof- -t. *\,f, iin' |if liwi-sls ; till' tl' a hKikish colour, with C* . i'• I'H'jt' f' '* >1 lu.l)llMij^ the hilhi ; ahfii''f rti/l.i'n^hnu, vtilh siiiuoih shot c,.)M ini I I . .lii. 'l'. (-luU!, (ifsrui- bi I if, I oiiiM.i i-.!t'i\ II, fn nmi-ss atid li'X li ; • I;.' lu 1 u! 11 f St a o' Il I, ) itiliat)iui.t, tl . I'vi’t sis ; .-lid all Ml linsf V.'.i f I !uiTi 11 t VM I oC two linti(]i*i J,, f i . I il U p\ :•! Ils " I Ml lull jiJIOWli. '1 rn'/fifn'c imI jjii(liii/riinl:ft I'l'ow tu j b'/‘ I ' utKi'. cacti, and iiiliul>ii il t, ‘ .1, d ill i.K' n liilU coul)' I y. 1 >m 70 / hu,tv:('ir>o 1 Vfi\ 'ii'jll, liviiij; aniiih>.. t . ; . U I • 1 ■ ■■.'..ntis ( 1’ !lif Uf.outr.clnN ; V t.ii rat. u\ uw>\A- picbjiiiv rr / h t. I- .i''> iJ' tl tit I kifti *>prbaee vhich s^e Is passing over. V Urn hard luTdcd, tl.‘‘ niotht^r will sto[i cidt tily, thrust, her fore-paw into her uch, drag out the young one and throw aw^y, that s\\t niay hop lighter alone. ‘•t y are always vt;rij hard pressed, how- rr, hi fo'e tlu y ihus sacrince the lifr i thfii a^pri'.);;, to save their own ; and IS oKsnt'ul to^.io the tender synipathet- jr looks till y s(»n^tctinics cast bark ut »1 e ir 1 riplrss V i eaiurcs they h'tve l»» en :t (l to'’rM r'.. \Vh:n thv youri;; kar.- (V) lijs iitToirsp.l a consMeraldc It will craw’,:t, jVrd ahrut, atul trc^-p Ml ai'u:•! to w.*rmitscl., or i:i (ri''.e t-f.v duni'cr .ippro iciies. Ths* u:in.^,-rocis li e d .■arly in the r.-.orniri" when the di-.v i on the ?,'ras.’., uliich is tli; bcM lime to hunt them. ” al f’rr !. or,'.—1 rccol- lect of hciiu', ni;ir.\ y» trs.I'jo, at ilir \v'.!,t end of Diiidc-rndinp, :tnd lii:;t i.i,]).nt (;'■ :s ■^(..•ni.i’i ilii'.M driivirin;,'- ul :i tciU ut inic-' 1.;’.). 1 tiid not Uii'-ii a V. 01' I, '.i tli; lii i.'‘'.‘ ir.M-.t i>t; somrUiin ; ril)o-;t i\vi) liiilc . !t v..‘. '.'.sc Dr. It!.ick (;f li.jvJV-rnti'iiK'. \\hti pi ;Ikij^, li:is id- doin !)-n sinp:r‘'cu !' : i!'.-.'.iMci spi akni''; and a cl'-u/ \')iri-. 'I'h ■ ionnd v.:i:i >ii I. :r-. I slion! 1 have cx]i'Ttcd, .n i iri-nivi>t;inri s a (jv .1 icr i.t il mdi.. ’Ill ^ \\ hicli w'.IS sli-;: ■ (i\ liMl n.i f'i u-l , raiiic in iIi'- dir' i lio.i i.ftlic souj il. ‘ ;iK'mir.u. t.lin'ic'. of sfin i).i‘i ' !ii:^ I'f.ii'd ;i' iii.’iny I!', i!i'-‘II I ; Inil I dill i,c‘. \: v.-i; '11 !i/Iit I "a; .iriiii;,'- » (‘i v:iril, :i', ] ii-di •.;iw tin 1 inclo.’ ;imsii- ih\-;ii> scrn ■' , i'.hc> . >. I s'li/idd 1".m' iloidit- c(l '.hI • tl .• !i? l.i >'11 :vt SI ;'!i a^rci . W hi'lii-.T t’.n. .. li.i i ini. al'yi.}', 'iic ru d. .'is inti t I’iiit, I., s p>'iU_\ | ihk.'s, u’.iii'h puivli :.nd cr.niinf ili. sound, jiiili 1 liy till v. ni'’. homo ^apiii;,''pli'u;^ii- nirii jsr.iv snrdy 1 ■■ luurJ culling tlu'.'r l.ov;.- ■, iv,(. r..' two miles; and, wi-r«' li^linivi s in tl'.f (.p( i' co'.n.tiy, tli' ir tdotpn r.c' would |iro- bu!;!\ extrnd still I'arlliei'. t nfMriunati ly n,(' t pcojilv, wlu n they call idr.inl, ;irr r.ot in;. Ili},f'- blf. In Scripturc, tluio in tij Ik- instancis ( f prrsoii'i beinfj heard i:ii'spe.diiii," troni UKuin- taiii top;s Lul perhaps tl.iy u-cd a i. /,'(/. r/iilvJ. zcI . ' '-/A ol ill*' silialh'M atiin'.il, .if'd lodj^f^ u\\ IK I S, k. I'U h' II ■ aT ' '''i; t,oo(' •• '1. (■ k.,1 r.. shoi; 1 I (• ' c''. t iM- II i > I lioirhlni iiil'- tjpi II ail ioiii s me laVoV! iU- atid sit'. 11.!; i: I) hit;:! lin-, 'I'S .il iiipp'fi, •'!' ’ij; like tli(’ o- ,s « t'li al speed atu ' pel I 11 I ii>' (■ iiasr. I I.I-- m.-ki II- use ol then , t \i I'l'i III Mzi’.is V. hell ■ III iiiid tin ii t.til, Iwin.n ' I'-i .ii vi, a. (.1 I'o iiibl.'lin^ . ()u!iiii;.' uj» Ol ( liiionally I'i.iiil w I'll ilu ir till - paw , !>old ri'ffi tipuii iheir ' ail, u hilt* I lif\ slow Iv TrFMSiim of the. Kast.—The easten l,eniispl;ei'( cotilinuts to h'Vi' a rdUi \cnerahle air witlioid men li'oni a Ih ihat the s>tar I f knowl((l),f fi t cr.i'd its hori/)ti : cl.iidr'n (leli.;I)t in i’ iVoni U» cont-.inui ilie « ,if lintr.iii;^ lalr- ,r tl'.o Thoij'.iiul and 0:10 5 i;;- iiK") 11? lliv.oi. d i.iuirliri'., ricli s!lav^ls, pui«‘ |;i\irls, I.t.ii biiliiai't di.i- 'vondb ; mci c.iaiiis \ lew it a soMi :e o' oinnier('ial v.rallh: (!■»' ’.lu' iiotatiist, and tl'.i' u.. Dlau.s, Its I’oi (■■-,!;, mu! its riiui;r,''.:, !o. unicoi'iiH, ^plU'■!lul i!, spli'iic'.id inu i;- )!' /.■olile, and aiid l)as.dtic lo: ,i'..uloiis : I'r i Jij'li'jli ^olilirf l(lo^^ tOi!s fii lir-> lo' 1 liL.i Vi St of 1 I'p'iitat 1011 ; \vhil'‘ pioi.i , sally I'nl'lll vvil!, !',;i tnafi ■Militarv 7,t-al, lu leflaim ti't tniliioi'.s ol 111 K.tsi Ijotii tin ir « ri'(;:'s, and (lir.' In in ill the path ol liic. / S/:rlihr6 nj rsy.'\:i. over the mo'.t liurilcn» (^ criminals. Lord Ellenhorouuh’s doctrine, that it is a mat ter of perfect indiilerence to society, w h' - ther the innoccnt or the mere example of.stjHVring bein^f all thai IS required, is the only argun.ent to bi offered in defence of this practice. I he judge perceives thdt hoise-stealinj^, or sheep-stealing is much in vopue in a par ticular district, and he hangs all the horye-stealers, or sheep-stealers, for a season. The felonious public th»*reupon, ob.^eiviiig that, or sheep- stealai:j, IS attended with such disagreea ble* (onse(juerces, apply their pai ts to sot'.ie other pursuit; crime lakes another set : I'.iid when it has got sulVK ienl head in it3 new direction, the judges hang away for il as before. The main advan lage^ofthis is, that the roi'ues are kept in coti'.lunt practice in every province ol ; of;uery. The judges are their \'oelkers --Vhi-v I"Xi*icise them in roguery as Vo- elhrr e:;erci'.es his pupils in g\mnaslics lluy r-uficr none oft he muscles ot crime to dwindle in repose, or to suib-r by too (rjTistaiil and uniHievrd an e'iiertiop. Wl'.eru'^fr the thirvcs have indulged too nnich in one line ol business, they are rnninded of the munini nc tiuid ui.n>s, by a good batch o! hatigit Thus the inov- ir-\ p(;wrr, the v« ry perdulum of on I’-reat niuchitieiy 0!’ct ime, is the rogue s'.s ingiIIon the tjallovvs. lli'i vibrations iri\e hill a ni w jog to ftlrinious ingen’iity. i • ilif I'.aiU when* there are despots e- fji-al to i nr jud;>;e:s, men whose tails are d' antl'ionty t .intaniuiint '.o our wigs tliiiii^^i ai'c rnci e pluluscphii all) ordered. The puntsli tii'''i oITencfS. d.’i:‘:'ira,!y It i'J true, but in a manner wl.icli stiil ! i'rorrMiiei;ds itself to nui sec ret puii-'ilire''. When enterlaining a 'vnly «.-r liistit'gnislii’d i’tipJi.Hlimcn, Ali rMcha found -ionir li\.ihers in his pillau ; he VMV iiatnraily tunud pale with rage on lb- (ioa ioti, and verv -properly con- sid( I mg till'lati ude und I'Jligitude. tuin- , I'd toiind tu hi.-i atundaJtts, '.iiui ordert d I'u' cooUsio be loduid and iiisian'.ly bow- 111 Mil court-'; anl. The I'.nglibh 1 '.be in.ji. r'liricril ()nn.'iou.sriet?s disie'.--:’d To'- t'.'J maimtTS (-T other officers ofhoiisehoiild, and ofthat >oui^ ,.nd valiarac//7c.f his staff, his I may even presume to say h.s g‘'^ mor, captivated all hearts. 1 eo t (lend a halt, and sat down utulei; a tit with the prince of Neulchatel. f P visions were spread out before ’ all, from the page to the grand oftcit, trok here and there what they liktd. was a real fete for all of us. Napoleon, •browing from about him every thing that ihe least colour of intrigue, and by de ciding for himself on every occasion, had inspiied all the persons of his household «i.ha sentiment of affection, union, and leciprocal cordiality, which made al our relations of the most agreeuhle naltire The frugality of Napoleon was such, that his taste gave the preference to the most simple viands, and those the most plain ly seasoned, as eggs uu minou or hancota eu snladf. Either of these iwo dishes, and a little Parmesan cheese, composed almost his daily breakfast. At dinner he ate little, seldom of ragout?, and al ways of wholesome iood. 1 ha\e ofien heard him say, ihut “ however small the ouantily of nourishmetit that a man took at dinner, he was certain to lake too much.” Thus his head was always clear, and his mental application easy, even im mediately after rising from table; gifted by nature with a sound and healthy stom ach, his nights were as calm as those of an infant ; and, by nature, also, he had heenfavoied with a constitution so well adapU'd to his condition, that one hour of ^icep With him reciuited the exhausia- iioM of iwtnly-four of fatigue.—In the midst of tl’.e most atixious circumstances, he had the poiver lo sleep at pleasure; ai.u his spirit resumed the most perfect trapcjiiiru”, as soon Jis the arrangements were ordei fd which the crisis demanded. JlnecdoUs of Ihr Interior of Xajiolfon's Pul- act'. service of Adams and Jackson ; exgrafio —an “Adams man” says. Had General Jackson New Orleans lost, 'I he Presidential path lie’d never crosscd' To which a Jackson man responds, If Henry Clay had died sit Ghent, M ould Adams have been Presi-cif«/ ? Most sublime couplets ! equal to the mag. nificent maxim of Monsieur Jean Lenoir Ihe celebraicd reformer—who declares,* that First, to make men think at all. Is, of all things, the priii-ci-;?rt7. Or, the rhyme of the Kentucky Songster. Come all ye bold Kentuckian*, I’d have you for to know, That for to fight the enemy, we’re going fo* to go. Bo3. Evening Bulklin. pcoph v\‘iic'i Miail; our coa!'..!rynuT, riutiie a treineiidf-H'' luss, and l,i f^i’.ed oil tlu' peccant eook^. Ihjw-btniiging a roo' in the East is liot a gteater punish- ti -rii I ban dischr.v'^ii’g one here ; hut lei bat pass. As Al. iu'.d despotic power, bv \vasf(uite iigiiti;' s'oj)j:i!i;y first of- I tVr.ceK ill pittLi'i:*, ^ur (iciiiots wo'ud Pope Suit's r.—This artful and aspir- iin; niai., lor some lime previous to his rlevatii.'i! to the ciiairid Hi. reier, affect ed rot on’y great mreknes and humility (f nni.ti, bu! likewise much weakness vii.d flcti’fpitude oi body. As ^oon as l-,c was ehced Pope, lu- threw off all ap- pi’a.aiiceof iiliiriUt>. walked with an erecl ultiiin:e and, thougti f>5 \ear» ol ati't‘» displa\.i(l alniust the vi|>,>jr ol \outh. —Caidinal I'ai tiese said 10 him, “your holint ss seems quite a difl» rent soi l of a man from whut you weie a few hout* u.^o.” “Yes" i.^piicd he, “1 v»as ihei ovi,: loo’i li; ».t i'-ai!'.'.'! .-;, and only l>i*;;in j jyo|^j,,rr fo,. ii,c keys of paradise, which uniii;.,- about ihej.i \/.'en it hud i'l’eoir.e j, jijj.v,.,! ;o stoop a liule j but now 1 iii^’oiiiaiy tosi'ive up a whole U atiit't j it is lime to look up- !)♦'('. 'i'lif“.( IV !.;.'ifl '•'.a‘'O tn 1 warh. as I an arrived at the summit of The Linerpool Advertiser o{ the 8th Jan- uary, in acknowledging the receipt of the President’s Message, at the opening of Congress, says— “ Mr. Adams is able lo make the grateful acknowledgment for his country, Ihat “as large and liberal a portion of enjoyment has been mingled in iu cup, as the indulgence of heaven has, perhaps, ever granted to the imperfect stale of man upon earth and we think every man well acquainted with the state of different nations will allow, that there is no country in the world more prosperous, or bearing more unequivocal marks of an honest, wise, and good government, than the United Slates of America. Now that which (beside its general prosperity) dis tinguishes the repLblic above a!l other countries is, the perfect openness and publicity in the proceedings of the gov ernment and of all public bodies, tho absolute accountability of such bodies to their constituents, the people, and the free and beneficial operation of public opinion on their acts. The President’s Message is crow ded with facts relative to every department of the national affjirs —foreign, commercial, diplomatic, civil, military, naval, linaacial, even do*vn to ihe projects of roads and canals. Xo negociation appears too delicate to be concealed ; no financial operation or jiub* lie bargain has the slightest veil thiowu over it. All isopen, bccause all is hon est ; and, what is more useful to observe, all is honest, because all is open. I'.i- perience is there proving every day, that public superintendence is the best safe guard for the virtue, and the strongest incentive to the diligcucc of public fuiiC' iionancS)’* 1 n., .it". straiijM-l;. i :p’.’.\ ..e loy intai-,inj- j ri(;;i, pu;'!li';d ,! !y whi.';i couk-> ti'.e parn.’H. 1 fjcif.tK-n wiiether in a s,i)wd I on >111ulioiud ( ode t!iei’»' ou;.'ht to bf at;V i r. I'.r I' ll.!;-. \\*hat a solacing It woubi l-c !o a ;v-i' bud hud a bad ditiiier a’ a r:;'.'-.'l’s hi.use.on icav’.n;; the d.'.o'.to set tlu'iook tlani','liiig from the iamp-ii c'i' : oi- " t' .. tiolite ailetuion it would hi* to bi lid t-ii! a servant t( the dis appointed cpu'i.!(' pjst su pping, sad atid iinsiirri ited, into bin carriage, witli the; in«‘;jr,— I C/mt. — I'hi L i.ti'.M) '1 lines (p.iotes ihi' (mIIow ii g \ aUiuble enairi],h from the let- ii r of a leacher ii) Nev. Soulh Wairs, to is friends in I’ngland :— “ Yoo will be glad lo hear that I am doiii>^ well belt, as an >i: bet i;i all iHJinaii ;;lory, at.d can clin.b no higher ill t’il.s world.” bitp ai d ii'i.;>!t I , sl.ifiiiin'11 rrom paw lo paw I'i.*, a I I'l pioM'ai ting lii^ lepast on ajt!t'.,\ a:’])*' V\ hen cii.ihi d, tliey ho]/ ujK.n tl.'i-ir lu> d legs !i.'umluig oi.wai'il? •iil a MoazilJg I'uh . the tail wjiggiri^', i.:p a’jf ;.s .liiey b'up, and servinj; th' ir. i’ur ; !)a!';noc . '1 hi y w ill bound . a: i down declivities, th dihU!.' ' o! i';i. '/ yard-., and 11'. right 11 \e:'t'i/' I ; *> id ii)i\ brus.i-wi .>d. so iV.;'t 3!) f i L I; d ,s tt.iril \eiy liilh CuaiiCi* v\itlt Uieiii ; u , m a ( h a.’ jx'ti C(;uiilr\, s.ujm tiir ili M, MU . I l-.f dojis S' iZi- '.Ill 'll g : !.\ l‘V the bip, ;im1 tl .o\\ iht'iii o'.i i : III* II fusit'ti u'u)" tl" II tliioji, at' I fi'iis'i) tlii-iii. lii I f .1 .1 latk singU , lit!I di I'd ( igb' siz' of nil tliii I* nr fi iji its- .ibou? tlifoi ; .tiiil I w a* I hat ai 111 d!v cai ri'-d .iiic« . W .‘'.fii a (Io‘> j lai gi k.i!it.%»i(i(>, it w li' s 1 11 1 ■ and 11.1 uII' !;*t s. and (['•I', till !ii!i"- adi oi;i\ loiitid, - .rj t' .A,!' h'lii. ■' and | U'.tiini.f Imd' he l"i b ;>;,w' ; .i it \\ ill ;/ liiin like a l:*'ai, npjjin;,’- hii'.i m o'li (1 iMl'tIT Tl'.i- iauii of our judecs is, thai they V’ouid (U)i tiiioiib.' a coot, nil he or she ►io,d [)olson('ti ;i whoh* lutnily. il .iifu'i;. .d the i V'. I. • oppiiii!: . tl uis 11 an v'.'.u' Oil d t i,;i* I s.'11II d '11. ( K s,' 1(, . ‘ .1 up oil i I .1 \ ' d S'H, ten t.:vi if.': r> ' 0)1' fi! as ofl' W 1 I 11 an biiL' viih tlif long sii.irp claw ori its powci i'll bind le;:. 'I'lit \ an* i onsUinily tndn ii cui'iir and (d'lt I' kiiling d 'gs v, r.b th’^ ter'''ill \M aiio'i. w ir 11 w ill :i'.ir «.'jt tbi bo'a t at a si"gii‘ l.'i k ; and .1 h;i f;c kai' gaiooist.n ’Ills a .iouii! Vfi ) daivrious fvfirloi a liiuii to aj jitcaL'li, wi’.tn set ai Lc1 s . ‘•Till* k.ingaino hasonly one young at a linir, v.iiitb vou oi.iv M-e atU.c iicd bv t'lC iiionin 10 'le i.ipplc insidi' the nni tlw't’-p. mb l;oni tlu* [,i-.iii^ii it is th) ai/t ‘ I v III ■. ii.b-'.i’ji. liiid as bai'e arid U O'-i,.!])'!' as I ncv. h''Mi 111 j’as;-. un;il i a'I'll s lit; Si/, cl' ,1 p. I (ill •{ ur u itb fim’ gi’.iss ( t of I'.iH'l i fly tl) it ap fjLit alili iiO|i, .iloii ' '.il'icr tin* inoilnHV li i.i amus- ii.g—L'j s ' thi' VO..In; k.•.tl!,; :p'Oj) its 111 u'l ' 'M ill'' .1. 'A beri tbf ii'uther Zil) o’ utid luLiOle too a: thfi icmler cnooi. .ind have an aO'pl'.- salary lo save mon*v. •0 that on mv retur?i to ni) fVierids, 1 liinkl CiiO make tin *.n liaj);,;.. I am lng;- 'y res'p' Cled lu ie, and ‘.u are all who b'- iiavi'wi ll w ' eii ' I)'.’;' I’.rr'ivc here. ’1 hr efiuiiii y is h' .lUldtil. aiid eve!! in Jaiiiiaiy :hi' weatlur is subr*, iboiigb weha\' oil I cold seas >h. 1 .ini inlin.ate with th •^r*( (iTid person iti tlir ida’id, which givi s me soiio' eoTificpiii ; e ;—1 hope von Iiavf for::otl>n th* niv-/>if!r/,(e fn .. br'iu'.r' nir hitl.i I, thnvi^lt jnif the Lon! fiat’i urilnim d il jn,- irisi //(ii/iuii's 'i'ln* which “the Lord oiduiiied lor wis. p'iipioe'*,” wa.s an rm liezzit II eir. 'Tlu* v. i: o piirpose;> scio. in the ;ndg!i'.eiii 01 the v.rittr, t.i ha'.t In en 1 he tiding hiiji i:, a cuml'Uiauh eatiiMi. \\ lier; good fortune atti tnh, ci 1- it.iel!’, ti«e iasur is set to liu* ac- fouiit oi’ w i .e |/jr|.o*.rs u I'e'i di:>a:- (er i-i 'he Cuii'ji n'wiite. ii i ;. r)Lc.‘d !.■) tl.-, ace',uni •■jf in.sci ulable w ill. No rogU'.- Cat: i.'ii'li I ' ami \vl\y the l.ord bho'al'! s'en bi;i. — that i'i pas! ivdoati compi-: h 'ii- •>ii I. ]5;ji D:\ine W isd'ani |)rescribt s I ,b I'avou! s. It is ( uru)ij'.i to imagine, v^ha: tb.e so- eieiv 1 liis s-.,ine thi! Vin;; setlleaienl ot ’ 1.11 ' es r.i j\ i>e 1 w i. thoii.Taiid \ ears lieiiea'. 1 i't anct '.u rs of a portinn of oui' pn i:d li' wi :i tl’.ii'vt s of one kind, tlie ( lii r'.ain of 1 iidc t.c es beiii-j td t ii iKjth- ■ ni; br’.'er liiati a w dl-i-^t-Idished robb, r. .'\n.i u\^y not lilt defendants of ari- oilur kind ot ji;U'i v » (jtiaily iii i.ii:- (^1 f.Mti at "'.M*' ('.isiuiil da\, and pri;iiil!v ifjce tleo stives to a So.imrv .iiid a !'ik !■, ntul dut ll unb looianlK fl(w (;ti ibtir c I'lK'tis drtds.^ A d. • Si I no ant of Soaines inav l.cive as iuik i, !.ii(.. in I-.', ailing t!)'* dri vls of tli,,t dis- 1 ii'i'u is.i: (1 leion tn tl.e Strv;nd. as a di- S( * n-.uiiiI ol a b>,: 'A‘i' cIm I' has in 1 t i ant ing bis aiice;,lurs’ l"vi,oi' black-uiail. Jv'l.':;;! I'.r'rL .'.ot:.-—l'i:e Londi.ti Mag . zii!'. . liei some s'rn iu:cs on a sc' t if I'Unislniient lately inOir'cd for a sii|.-|,i otlrnci, pK.-CM'ds as f'dlovvs:—E\eiv lawvii wiio gois a cirtir.t ki ows ;hci..,s as !-,sl,iui in lK.i.Ki>.|r ..'h: I i,.-noi'5. «ho n.i(;hri,ave" al,.,..,.,! ilinr .r.Milrn, .11.; a, in 11„. slu,,.., simplicity ol' Napok.. ■ " » ‘ -1’'- I ""'s i s and cl,.in,cu-r was pan,r„. •: O- u^L‘ '’vM ,. t" ‘•“"’If «'»»'-l‘al>loi. .hu,, d.v, «r in»m. to t \ au(* j.r/iU'f: !n’ cjuibblt*. ... P.iood is now the order of Ihcft.n, ar.d tlic nitlli of hi:inia_ kind Perstcntion-—Tlio English ambassador demar.ded of Louis XI\'. i the liberation of the Proli stants who had I !-et II f'f.tidi II nt d lo the galleys on aecount i of ibeiv religion. “Wliat vvould llit I Kini,'o' (il rai IJritain sa>, if I ask**d him ' I.) libfiate the prisoners in Newgate?” •'Sue,” replied the a:nf)assador, ‘‘ihe Kitig. my mastei', wonht i^iant vour ^Ll- p sty’s ri (piest, if you reclaimed U;ciii us ‘‘ .M V masters i;onii)ltnients, sir, uiul I , ,, ,11 I 1 I I 1 I uovr to rt iicn, he has {'i vired me to pul the cook s bead ! ^ it) t!o’boo». ” j rill ir heads should be taken jff withj ignorant, in(|ui.stivo ft How. stroll- ■he 'V. ini,-k!iife after the Hr si olVi cce, j about the streets of Hos'.oii, l amlihd otlniw’S' ! here ean be no .securiiv agaitit; j‘ •s»oni where iwo gentle- n.en were looking t)ver some afeounts. and seemed engaged in a violeni tli^jnite. —'I'tic man made his wav up to ih m. speeded over ib.eir shouliit i s, and noi seeing so clearly as he wisl'.ed, put !iis head bet wet n tlieiii. ()ne of the gt ntie- man spri;i:,:;i';; up, v\ itli one blow landed hill) u( 1 tiss tiie ilour. 'ri,e fellow **ot up immediate'ai.d rubbini; himself, saifl, / luH f'Ct as tvsH a Hit!'' Jurlhu- S/iai/(''i: — I w;i present, some years iifro. t 1I.V Ir a! of .1 noioroiir oljL.ib-nian.'driv- i-q iJii .111 .'StjU' 111 tiic parisli of St. l);.v:d, who, by I'lf )Vv...'u iieiiniiitv inliuence be .iCtpnr- ( ' 'V, ,' tliv- iriiidi of hi-i delude'! vit lims, :.nd tin lunre p'llt r.t n.cans be lu'.d at eciinii iid to .leeoii plihli bl> emls, dnne great in)ll- ry aiii';.i.‘; .be slaves on tin pr()|n.riv befor' t H as ui >re\ ered. One of the \i itnesises, iie- '.'tfioirj !ij*' lo the .'•aiiii' e.ii;ile was ai-k'jd— “ 111. •. nil knov. the pn.-onei' to Iran obedi-, ni.iu “ r.e^,!.;!,,,\t.i:iU lKi-, iriK.” nieapaeiiy lo;- answeritir^ “ What do \i)ii iht'an by a Hbadow-ealein r|in sltons, wa.s asked, by one of iht! Pio- 11 iiii ba eotii;!, (a lit*, b Cull n proiluei d,) iiini j b’- ‘H ow would you sweat a patient ior Ur* rlieumatisn. ?” He lepiiod, I f,' \ A can'’.i'.;a’e for medie.rJ !i j.;on;-r', li-iv- I mi.'llir (Mvn liinistlf almi.;-l iido a f'.vcr ihe set for I ateli (!t in sh .dow.” “ slec.low I'o \ou UK an “ U Ir n hiia set obi uii ior muu- i:iar_\, ''s;,nn* b»nl\,) him euteli deni sb-idou and d.-ni I dead and'(111 '.nrely tliej u . 1 •_* snoii (Lad, w!ien lu , nt.iultilto ba\. e:e j;l.t liitir shadows, !'y w l.;aevv.r n-.eaies It efli t d. .11 a rr.'tii/ ',s >Slij y»r v. JA/v rf rionnpartr ,•'/ thr Canyj —Tlie life I 1 N.:poleon in the army was siinplt an) without poinp. All nersoiis whatever theiriuiik, had the pri\ile{>e ot appi oat I'- ii'g him, and addressii g him on iht-ir in- u II sts : be listt :it‘d, (jue.stionet!, atid de- bind lu)i) hen to be (xur: oK.ll. L'lv^liini;. — ;\ua} v. itb all tl'e systrtns of Pliysiot^nomy and Crani'.dog\--if)ou want >o liiul eut a nian’s eharactei observt his iavi'h. 'rhei e never w a.s a i>ad man that et.uld laugh heartily and cht'erfully. Laughs are jf \arit)us spet les ; from tl.e Mipprt’ssed tiller of the btjartling-schoo! Miss, to the vociferous hoarse rtiar t;f ihe fanner. 'I'liis latter is tlu' kino ol iiugii lo disp‘1 (lull rare, and lo pri/- spul:il a;;mnsl ih.' pniiio,,, k„»i| frll„„sl,ip. Thru-is lu, laill. I.'-1 xpl..;m.l .MS lhat in sui I. | l„ k.. plari-il iu a man ivho wmil joiji in ; '."I'..- „|„,n l„- n,L-s u. withoul admiration, see ihe p.rivalt* std d ' I, wl I n hi'i rei’iment ]iussc0 in review 1.1 i.He the emperor, tjiiit the ranks, ap- jii'oai h w ith a i;ra\e anti measured pace, .ru) j^o t|uiie uj) to him, jiresenting arms, Napoleon M.v.o iably received the peiiiitjn. ..nd Had il ibrmigh, and j^^ranted all just 0! niMi'ds. 'I hii jiobU* privilege, w hicii he bail a' I or;ied to bravery and', Kave to each soltlier the feeling of his du- ||e^, while it served as a check upon su jtluiitig V, h.rh the_cji^i,nuii was silent ; evi r I on hoi stback in t!,i* midst of his genei - his Lrave ;iidcs dc-camp, of the the riccnnipanying sound, is not to be reli ed un il is merely an expiession of in ternal selfish exultalioii ; and besides, it has not ihe efTecl upon the system, of u good, honest, convulsive laugh. llepui'mcnU—Should any one doulit ilie iact. ihat tin* people t.f the United Stales are the most learned, eniighicned and classical people nndt r heaven, let him peruse the effusions that are daily em anating from our polilcal presses. A- liollo and his handmaids, that were wont in olden timeio caper aboui-t n the M.m- mit of the Phociaji mount, ireadinir on From the Marylandei^. Wo recommend the following eloquer,* remarks, delivered in the British Hou»c of Peers, by that truly great man, LuiJ Mansfield, at a period of great cxcitt' ment and embarra'-srnent, to ihe consider- aiion of many conspicuous aclors on our own jiolilical arena. 'l‘o some of ourrea* tiers they are doubtless familiar—to o- thcrs they may be new. ‘•Ifthe noble Lord means,by populaP ity, ilie applaULe bestowed l)y afer, a- ges on good and virtuous actions, I ha'C b/ng been struggling in that race ; to whal purj)t)se, all trying time can alone deteriniiie ; but if he means that mush room populaiity w hich is raised vvitliout merii, and lost without a crime, lit* is much mistaken. I defy the noble Intd to point out a kingle action in my lil'-'t where the j)opuIarity of the times cmp bad ihc smallest influence on my deur- mination?. I thank (jod 1 have a more pfr- manent and steady rule for my conduct —the dictates of my own breast. Thcso who havt! foregone tl at j)leasing advisl.^ and given up tbeir minds to the slavervof every ])opulai impulse, I sincerely pit — 1 pity them .still more, if vanity Iv-'ls them to misiake the shouts of a mob b/t the trumpet of Fame. l'2xperience migli' inform them, that many who have Ix'i'ii saluted with the huzzas of a crowd one day, have rereivecl their execrations il'C next : and many, who by the pojiularity ul iheir times, iiave been held up as spot less patriots, havt,*. nevertheless, app*’-‘i' etl on the historian’s page, when truth Ka? triumphed over delusion, the assassins of liberty. Whv, ihen, can the noWe lord tl ink I am iimbitious of j»reseiu pop iilarity, that echo cf folly and shadow III the House of lte],rcsentalives at Va^binR- ton, .Mr. Hu,!.; jnepused the followin*' rcsfilu- lion ; Jiftnh'Ci?, Tl'.at, hrreafttr, no inembcr this Hou'^e '.hall be jurni'itted tn speak !’ K'"' than one ln.'ari,n any one question ; andtliat ipiestions upon resolutions t scept siirb as In'*-' l)ceii rcleried lo a Committee of the House, .shall be put without debale.” At a rt Cent puhlie meeting in I.ondop, ef'^' i.'ii'atlites ot that oit_\, un tir itor having tiresonu’, one* of the audience cried oub tioui,ly,—“ Jt t rant hear no innrr nf your ticif SC/Kfy'S(irf:. ’ A Mr. (joheii, too, havlriK' bi'i.',>‘- od M,!* assen.bly, it was moved and carrird, t''^'' Mr. I’oi'.en sliould not again address the nui'' mg ; w tiert'upoii the Chairman said to him, "'!'i :^reut ioiinality r.nd emphasis- “ .I//". ^ ;i('U dr( ‘in tilt .^ptak (ti)y ninri' thh I be t mpcior Naptdeon, havieg beard tha* I ■* 'Ilie, the a:>trMior.ier, was garnilous in tin' flowers, breai^'ing fragrance, and ron- h"'”''** ordi udi that In-slnadd nn» j>‘ versing W'lh gutls, li:ne_iLow b'come K’"” iiddrtss tliat I oil.''' f.cullions__and fccavo::^Hr-f i:j

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